Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

So how do you install that into a person? Through their clothing? I don't know if all of it can just be stuffed into their rigging either.
Well, modifying the turret with the needed systems, or swapping out with a more modern turret is probably accomplishable via normal rigging. But power systems may require something similar to a refit, which canon is vague about.

I, personally, am having remodels require sacrificing some relevant parts into the shipgirl. So if the remodel requires a new powerplant, you need to have all the powerplant parts involved. Hull and structural parts don't require all the parts, just some of it. (So if a ship has 1,500 tons of armor and you're upgrading all of it, you only need 100-200 tons. (Also I'm not sure what kind of ship that armor amount would be reasonable for))
New weapons, sensors, and computer equipment can be added in the remodel if the equipment already exists for shipgirls, and will be considered part of the "natural" design of the remodel, as opposed to later refitting with different equipment.
I feel the need to point out that there is a good chance you could have US destroyers, actually probably most ships with 21 inch torp tubes, fire the all mighty Tomahawk and maybe the Harpoon.

With almost no modifications to the ship itself.

For the Tomahawk has two ways to be launch.

1) Out of VLS tube. Which the US had been using for the last almost 20 years as its main way.

2) Out of a 21 inch torpedo tube with a length greater then 25 feet from a canister. The Brits still use this way and the USN still have it on the books but they don't use it cuase why should they, everything they want to launch T-hawks from has VLS. The Brits on the other hand don't so still us it. Its mainly a sub launch thing but only because only subs have 21 inch tubes in Nato navies.

ITs the second way I seeing how you give shipgirls long range missiles. Cause the USN Mark 14/15 torpedos are about 20 feet 8 inch long, the same length as a canister launch Tomahawk. The width of US torp tubes haven't change since 1917. And lighter to boot.

Also can be preloaded with GPS coordinates from base so the only thing that shipgirls have to do is take them into the general area and launch them before doing something else.

This of course also works with US subs. Even the Abyssals will learn to fear the Tomahawk.

The shipgirls just need to load the Canisters into the torpedo tubes. That's it, no major refit or add on, just a new ammo type...

Also will not surprise me if the US still has some nuclear T-hawks still around. So the neither conformed or denied is still in effect with USN shipgirls.

Also all the Iowa's will be officially jealous of the destroyers and submarines cause of that...
IIRC, the Tomahawk is too small though, and GPS coords won't do anything against moving targets. Slightly more important is the high-speed hot exhaust coming out of what used to handle a much slower launch.

In any case, this starts getting into setting-dependent mechanics. In my world, for one, this won't work for [REDACTED REASONS]. In Kant-o-Celle, they get slapped with leveling effect on top of a conspicuous lack of datalinks to the missile in flight, as well as the hot exhaust. And the list goes on.

The real question is why? You can do this, but why? Why not let a Burke handle it? Why not just replace torpedo tubes with Harpoon canisters?

From a Doylist perspective, a story needs conflict, and giving Harpoons to everyone will dramatically change the nature of the conflict. Consider this carefully, for the answer may be unsatisfactory. The good authors have, and decided against.


There was stings. A very short, but sharp stings, on half on her body, followed by cool relief of water bath.

Near her, a man, carefully watching her and several gauges, digital and analog. There also two... golems, for a lack of better word, fussying open her bodies and rigging and controlling Little Helpers that assist her fairies in getting in her... new equipment.

"Pret, Mademoiselle?"


"Tres bien. Commence l'Activation de Avion-Option."




Her rigging activated.

Jean Bart was once, slated, post-war, for conversion to aircraft carrier, among other things. Alas, that was not meant to be.

She was, however, used as test bed for many, many weapon system that later helps keep other ships in her country upgraded their arsenal. Many modern French naval forces owed their weapon sytem to her.

It was strangely fitting that she summoned, in time of need, by people who Royal British Navy had been ignored, even if it's not by design or malice, and spatters of her caretaker's country, thought to be dead but still willing to fight even in their diminished capacity.

And also, summoned by people who crazy and willing enough to make replacement rigging to supplement their shipgirl forces, limited as they are.

"Comment c'est?"

"...C'est bon."

Mr. Douglas?"

"Looking fine from here, mounsieur!"


[No problems detected. All within working parameters.]

"Excellent. Now, Madame Bart?"

Jean Bart, looking on the composite bow, that exchange most of her battleship turrets, damaged and on repair. She felt it. It was unfamiliar.

But it wasn't felt bad.

Taking deep breath, she pulling the string...

And launch.


This was meant as part of @Harry Leferts 's Harry and The Shipgirl-verse.
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IIRC, the Tomahawk is too small though, and GPS coords won't do anything against moving targets. Slightly more important is the high-speed hot exhaust coming out of what used to handle a much slower launch.

The canister is literally shot out of the torpedo tube using compress air into the water where it then launch to do its thing. So the Exhaust is a nonissue.

Like I said the thing is slightly shorter then the Mark 14, 15, and 18 torpedoes. Tomahawk canister is about 20 ft 6 in long which is the same size as the Mark 14 while the Mark 15 is 24 foot long. And 21 inches around, again same as the torps.

Also the Tomahawk did have an Antiship version that had a radar seeker and a little over a 1000 pounds of hi explosives. Drop in the 1990s since the Navy figure that it's seeker was to small to actually find anything. Wouldn't stop them from remaking them if they figure to be somewhat useful. The missiles were remade into the standard version cheaply. Can easily see destroyers using it with carrier spotting.

Besides these will probably be mainly use against installation types.

Cause why get into gun range or aircraft range, when you can sent High Explosive Fuck You over a 1000 miles away?
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The canister is literally shot out of the torpedo tube using compress air into the water where it then launch to do its thing. So the Exhaust is a nonissue.

Like I said the thing is slightly shorter then the Mark 14, 15, and 18 torpedoes. Tomahawk canister is about 20 ft 6 in long which is the same size as the Mark 14 while the Mark 15 is 24 foot long. And 21 inches around, again same as the torps.

Also the Tomahawk did have an Antiship version that had a radar seeker and a little over a 1000 pounds of hi explosives. Drop in the 1990s since the Navy figure that it's seeker was to small to actually find anything. Wouldn't stop them from remaking them if they figure to be somewhat useful. The missiles were remade into the standard version cheaply. Can easily see destroyers using it with carrier spotting.

Besides these will probably be mainly use against installation types.

Cause why get into gun range or aircraft range, when you can sent High Explosive Fuck You over a 1000 miles away?
Oh, you're talking about the canister.

Anyways, if you're using them as a literal missile boat, you might as well use Burkes.

From a doylist perspective, I decided against this idea since it'd be useless if it didn't work and overpowered if it worked.
Oh, you're talking about the canister.

Anyways, if you're using them as a literal missile boat, you might as well use Burkes.

From a doylist perspective, I decided against this idea since it'd be useless if it didn't work and overpowered if it worked.
How it be over power?

They wouldn't be able to retarget the missiles, and for destroyers they have to drop their main antiship weapon.

In return they get one hell of a stand off weapon for shore/installation fights.

It be a speciality weapon used when needed and not more.

For convoys? Useless don't carry it and waste the resources.

Patrols? Can retarget at sea so forget it.

For bullying Hoppo, distracting Seaport, or ruining some installation's day? Load them up. It doesn't even have to be for an major attack, hit and run are a thing in the military and a favorite tactic. Or the always gratifying, look right while you hit left.
So are there any Kancolle works that bring up the subject of say, specialist equipment, weapon attachments, or additional weaponry given to kanmusu? It's something I started thinking about after seeing this fanart of Shiranui that Didloaded did a while back.

Had me wondering if perhaps there are ever certain modern modifications made to a shipgirl's rigging or even clothing that can give them an edge in combat.
I've actually done this with Maruyu as a matter of fact to make use of how she could still be used due to being able to "Store" items in her hull and pull them out. One of the examples was how they came up with a Hellfire Missile launcher that she could pull out and use like a normal person could use a LAW to hunt Abyssal AMCs. Another example was her sneaking onto Minami Iwo Jima to check on something and use a Barrett XM109 to kill an Abyssal Destroyer by hitting it's torpedo launcher.
Had me wondering if perhaps there are ever certain modern modifications made to a shipgirl's rigging or even clothing that can give them an edge in combat.
One of the ideas I came up with for Don't Feed Her is them equipping the entire First Fleet with whipple armor in about twenty minutes using what looks a lot like ski jackets. Or them winterizing them by handing out actual ski jackets, just with holes cut for their riggings.

As for equipment, shouldn't modifications to to the rigging require, you know, modifications to their ship-self? I'm not sure how you could modify a rigging to be more effective otherwise.
While i'm chronologically in my 30s, my last physical assessment noted i have the body of a 50 year old man.
To be honest, it's almost as confusing as Japanese numbering, where "one hundred thousand" gets written (and spoken) "ten ten-thousand".

"sixty-ten"? "four twenties"? FUCK THIS NOISE.

At least Spanish and Catalans have a more rational numbering system that it does include 70, 80 and 90. And yes, we do use "DECIMAL-POINT IS COMMA", as defined in COBOL. Damn you, Grace Hopper! I hope you're enjoying your hard-earned bit of paradise, and send OOP programmers to Hell, i.e. Assembly Programming. Let them write a 100k line Assembler program and then have to debug it BY HAND!
Regarding the whole remodel thing: shipgirl remodels in Kancolle canonically can involve some pretty hefty structural modifications already. See: Fuso with 10 16" guns. Honestly, just handwave it and if you want some cool visual indicator, put it in.
See: Fuso with 10 16" guns.
Been there, done that, and cuddle with her every night.

In case you have problems converting, 41cm, or 410mm, is bigger than 16 inches, which is more or less 406mm.

So her set is composed of the Iowa class three-gun turrets, and the 410mm triple turrets. She looks so cute and badass with them...