Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Akashi isn't tall, she just closer to camera.
I thought so too, but two things:
1) Look at their feet. Both Akashi and the TTK are behind the safety sign, with Akashi no more than a foot or two in front of TTK.
2) Given it's a cutout, it is very limited in the perspective games it can play. Even if we account for foreshortening, Akashi would still be taller than the TTK.
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How many ships has Paul Allen's personal research group found?

Musashi, Indianapolis, Lexington. Which others? A lot in Surigao Strait.
IIRC, he located all the wrecks for the Nishimura fleet minus Mogami, and I think some of the Shima fleet lost at Surigao.

The survivors of the engagement were lost somewhere else, except Shigure, which ran away.
How many ships has Paul Allen's personal research group found?

Musashi, Indianapolis, Lexington. Which others? A lot in Surigao Strait.

Wreck of sunken US WWII warship discovered - CNNPolitics

He recently found USS Juneau, somewhat famous among some circles for the Sullivans in WW2.

Shame its not a Japanese ship, the devs might have done a mini event of LSC increase if it was a popular ship already in the game.

With Allen's finds, every Japanese Battleship has now been found. With the Juneau, only Chicago and Helena remain to be found among the 10 US cruisers lost in the war. Wonder when Allen will go after the Japanese carriers.

Edit: I forgot about Kongo! Must find the Dess boat!
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Website of the event: 「艦これ」佐世保鎮守府巡り

Information has popped up regarding the recent KanColle Sasebo Stamp Rally event, of which art was posted upthread.

As it turns out, it was not an official event; it was organized by a group of dedicated fans which was eventually supported by C2, the doujin circle behind the game. The group planned the event for two and a half years before the plan bore fruit this year. They faced many doubts and setbacks but from the tone of the story the event was a success.

Honestly it's very much worth a read:

Wild shipping trash returns! :p

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Comfort (Kongou x Warspite x Iowa)

Warspite was rapidly becoming cross with herself. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, and the butterflies doing their little dance in the pit of her stomach. Really, she was acting like an overgrown schoolgirl; and she would like to think that she had grown to be just a little more mature.

"Feeling nervous, granny?"

Warspite cleared her throat before she even attempted a response. Then she turned, and looked up at the other blonde.

"Perhaps a little," she answered, and unconsciously tightened her grip on the package in her hands.

Iowa chuckled.

"Yeah," she said, with a grin. "It'd be a little awkward if Bongou threw these back in our face."

Warspite smiled in return, but it was a tight, thin line on her face. As ever, Iowa had a talent for cutting straight to the heart of the matter.

"I trust Kongou would at least be polite about it," she replied.

Iowa waggled her eyebrows.

"Hopefully she'll be a bit more than polite," she said.

Warspite rolled her eyes, but her smile did become a bit more natural.

However, there was no time to respond to the remark, because they had finally arrived at the mess hall, and there was Kongou, just as Miss Haruna had said. The brunette was just sitting there with a bowl of soup on the table in front of her, seemingly untouched. She was glaring at her food like it had offended her, and was grumbling under her breath.

She felt her stomach tighten at the sight. Kongou may not be open to their advances right now; perhaps it would be best to withdraw, and try again later? Of course, Iowa swiftly removed that option from the table.

"Bongou!" she called, jovially.

The brunette quickly turned her head in their direction, and stared at them with a glum, defeated expression. She sighed at the two of them as they approached, before turning back to her soup, stabbing at it violently with her chopsticks.

"What do you want?" she grumbled.

Oh dear, Warspite thought. The feeling in her stomach only got worse as the two of them approached, and she felt a little pang in her chest from seeing Kongou looking so miserable. So she swallowed her nerves, and lowered herself into a seat opposite the Japanese ship-girl. Iowa sat down in the seat next to her, an uncharacteristically solemn look on her face.

"Kongou?" Warspite began. "Whatever is the matter?"

"None of your business," she answered.

"Hey, c'mon," Iowa said. "You'll feel better if you get it off your chest."

Unfortunately, the only response Kongou gave was to sink her chopsticks into her food, and morosely stir it around the bowl. She stayed like that for a couple of minutes, stirring the soup but never actually making a move to eat it. Then she gave a little sigh, a miserable little noise, that once again tugged on Warspite's heartstrings.

The two western shipgirls exchanged a glance; Warspite had an idea of what had gotten Kongou so down, and judging by the look in her eyes, Iowa had the same idea. The problem was in how to broach the topic, if she was right it would be a delicate subject, and she didn't want to upset Kongou more than she already was.

Another couple of minutes passed as the mulled over her choice of words in her head, but it was no use, none of them seemed quite right.

"C'mon, Bongou! Y'know what today is right?"

Of course, she should have remembered that Iowa always favoured forcing the issue.

Kongou did not make any indication that she had heard, instead she just kept silently stirring her soup. Then Warspite heard it, a sound that almost broke her heart in two, a tiny little sniffle; and it was quickly followed by another, slightly louder one.

Almost immediately the two western shipgirls were out of there seats, and kneeling at Kongou's side. Warspite took her left hand and began stroking it gently, and she saw Iowa grasp Kongou's right hand in both of her own. From this close she could see the tears leaking out the corners of her eyes.

"Come on, now," Warspite whispered. "Surely it can't be all that bad?"

"Yeah," Iowa said. "It's not the end of the world right?"

For a moment it did not seem lie Kongou had even heard them, her shoulders continued to shake with her sobbing, and the tears continued to run down her cheeks.

"I – I went to see the admiral this morning," she said eventually, her voice thick.

Warspite quickly exchanged another glance with Iowa, and saw the same concerned look she was sure she must be wearing herself.

"And what happened?" she asked.

"There was a man her office, and they were on her sofa..." Kongou trailed off, her voice devolving back into sobs.

Warspite was quietly grateful, as much as she sympathised, she did not need the details.

"I'll just go and put the kettle on," she said.

As she waited the minute or so for the kettle to come to a boil, a flurry of thoughts flew through her head. She supposed that hers plans with Iowa were shot, giving Kongou their gifts now seemed a little inappropriate; although, would it not help her mood, knowing someone appreciated her? Then again, given the probably reason she had gone to the admiral's office today, it would seem a little insensitive.

She was also trying not to think unflattering thoughts of the admiral, because she supposed that she wasn't shouldn't cast stones.

When she returned, she found Kongou just as she had left her, with Iowa still kneeling next to her. She set the serving tray down on the table, and placed Kongou's cup down in front of her.

For the first time she saw Kongou lift her gaze, and stare at the freshly made drink. Then the brunette's body completely stiffened, rather like a deer caught in headlights, to use the old phrase. Warspite felt like a stone had sunk into the pit of her stomach, wondering if she had inadvertently done something wrong.

"What's that?" Kongou asked.

"...Tea?" Warspite offered.

Kongou shook her head slowly, and raised her hand.

"No," she said. "That."

She followed the path of Kongou's finger, and felt the stone in her stomach turn to ice, as she realised that she was not looking at the tea. She was in fact looking past the tea, at the two bright, red packaged laying in the middle of the table; where she and Iowa must have set them down in their rush to comfort the crying girl.

Well … bugger...

"Those are, um..." she began.

"Me and Warspite made them for you Bongou!" Iowa interrupted, brightly.

Warspite looked at the other blonde, but the American seemed to pay it no mind.

Kongou said nothing for a moment, then made a beckoning motion with her hand.

Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. With that thought in mind, Warspite slowly reached and lifted her chocolates off of the table; and Iowa did the same. Then together, the two of them handed their gifts over.

Warspite's nerves were the worst she had ever felt, even going into battle for the first time had not made her feel this nervous. If she had been capable of thinking a little more clearly, she would have cursed herself for acting like a schoolgirl. She wondered whether Iowa was feeling as nervous as she was?

Raising her gaze, she found that the American was wearing her usual confident grin. However, perhaps it was her imagination, but as the seconds ticked by with no response, she figured she could see a flicker off doubt behind her eyes.

"You made these for me?" Kongou whispered, her voice very quite.

Warspite nodded, as she tried to speak through a mouth that was suddenly very dry.

"Yes," she managed.

Kongou hugged the boxes to her chest, as though they were two oddly-shaped teddy bears.

"Thank you," she mumbled, before the tears began to flow again.
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So here's an interesting question. One thing done during the Battle of the Atlantic was to take an oil tanker / grain hauler, slap a flight deck on it and call it a 'Merchant Aircraft Carrier', as an interim measure before the proper Escort Carriers came into service. Of particular note is that these were still (technically) civilian vessels, and still carried cargo, as there wasn't enough manpower to go around to crew them to naval standard without short-staffing said proper escort carriers that were meant to replace them. They were civilian crewed, owned and maintained barring the minimum naval personnel to crew/maintain the planes, and were not on any naval list despite being de facto warships.

They only ever had Fairey Swordfish planes (though there was one trial with a Martlet/Wildcat), and not even a whole lot of them (upper bound is 4), and no MAC plane never actually sunk a U-boat, though not for lack of trying (they were more deterrents - and actually considered very welcome ones at that amongst the convoys).

Still though, what do you suppose their personalities would be like if one came back?
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Hmm...maybe a 'Polyester soldier'? Or cosplayer?

I was thinking more militia or volunteers; all the MACs were converted back to proper civilian haulers/tankers post-war and they never stopped being haulers/tankers even when they had aircraft (since the supply situation was too tenuous to be worth compromising on in exchange for more planes on what was a temporary stop-gap measure in the first place).

Hell, look at it from a certain angle; their role was to deter submarines and definitely weren't 'proper' military vessels; you could almost see them being police or security guards or some-such. Given how tiny their complements were, you even have their flight decks be on top of those little goddamn whistles on lanyards.

I can easily see them not exactly regretting not achieving that much, being relieved nothing went too wrong and being glad their conversions were temporary (given they were civ. ships officially there was a very real risk of their crews being treated as unlawful combatants and getting executed if a MAC was sunk). They'd have interesting play-offs against all the converted liners and other 'was going to be x but got converted into a CVL instead', I'd imagine.
I was thinking more militia or volunteers; all the MACs were converted back to proper civilian haulers/tankers post-war and they never stopped being haulers/tankers even when they had aircraft (since the supply situation was too tenuous to be worth compromising on in exchange for more planes on what was a temporary stop-gap measure in the first place).

Hell, look at it from a certain angle; their role was to deter submarines and definitely weren't 'proper' military vessels; you could almost see them being police or security guards or some-such. Given how tiny their complements were, you even have their flight decks be on top of those little goddamn whistles on lanyards.

I can easily see them not exactly regretting not achieving that much, being relieved nothing went too wrong and being glad their conversions were temporary (given they were civ. ships officially there was a very real risk of their crews being treated as unlawful combatants and getting executed if a MAC was sunk). They'd have interesting play-offs against all the converted liners and other 'was going to be x but got converted into a CVL instead', I'd imagine.

They be civilian contractors who know how to shot.

I seen enough of those in the army. Some of them were better shots then me...

Which will make for an amusing sight. All these high level high strung purpose built CV getting their asses hand to them by this hastily convert buit carrier...

They be civilian contractors who know how to shot.

I seen enough of those in the army. Some of them were better shots then me...

Which will make for an amusing sight. All these high level high strung purpose built CV getting their asses hand to them by this hastily convert buit carrier...

...I stress, their complements were four biplanes at most (typically it was three; literally the last group of "obsolete" Swordfish to be active in the war were the MAC squadron) and were considered floating postage stamps. They're not gonna be outperforming even a CVL any time soon unless all the MACs ganged up on one of them.

Submarines, meanwhile...

Somewhere between 'lol you were terrified of us?' and 'hey, at least we didn't sink any of you either'. They'd probably get along with subs best (out of the entire merchant marine) because they had a chance to fight back, but they'd keep a wary eye on them all the same.

At least they're not as crazy as the CAM ships, whose 'landing procedure' was literally 'ditch it in the ocean'.
...I stress, their complements were four biplanes at most (typically it was three; literally the last group of "obsolete" Swordfish to be active in the war were the MAC squadron) and were considered floating postage stamps. They're not gonna be outperforming even a CVL any time soon unless all the MACs ganged up on one of them.
That what will make it so funny!

Through grits, stuborness issues, long hours of traing, and some evening of field a MAC beats several purpose built CVs in a contest.

Leading to this happening.
Interped: "Did that just fucking happen?"
Ark Royal: "Where Bismarck? I need her to sink me cause I cannot return home like this..."
Kaga: "The Pride of the 1st carrier division will never recover.
Zuikaku [Who beat Kaga so does not give a fuck]: *Laughs in crane*
I was thinking more militia or volunteers; all the MACs were converted back to proper civilian haulers/tankers post-war and they never stopped being haulers/tankers even when they had aircraft (since the supply situation was too tenuous to be worth compromising on in exchange for more planes on what was a temporary stop-gap measure in the first place).

Hell, look at it from a certain angle; their role was to deter submarines and definitely weren't 'proper' military vessels; you could almost see them being police or security guards or some-such. Given how tiny their complements were, you even have their flight decks be on top of those little goddamn whistles on lanyards.

I can easily see them not exactly regretting not achieving that much, being relieved nothing went too wrong and being glad their conversions were temporary (given they were civ. ships officially there was a very real risk of their crews being treated as unlawful combatants and getting executed if a MAC was sunk). They'd have interesting play-offs against all the converted liners and other 'was going to be x but got converted into a CVL instead', I'd imagine.
Sounds like mall cops to me. :V
except that mallcops can't actually legally do anything other than ask people to leave and call the actual cops. or carry anything more dangerous than commercially available pepperspray.

no, I'd expect MACs to be civvies with conceal-carry derringers or something of that sort. or have obnoxiously XBAWX HOOJ three-shot hand-cannons with ostentatious 'Tacticool' decorations on, to play the whole 'deterrent' angle.
or Coach guns. big, nasty looking, and as someone else wrote, remarkably good at intimidating even people who ought to know better regarding how effective they are as weapons (not very.)
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Some days my imagination scares me.....but I believe one can make a Kancolle/Strike Witches/Infinite Stratos work.

It's the year 20XX and while humanity wasn't prepared for the arrival of the Abyssals witches across the world repulsed the second assault back, the problem was that witches flying about in the most advance striker units are still human who can and will tire eventually and by taking out their carriers the Abyssals once again pushed humanity back, at least until a shrine maiden begged for help with all the magic she could use and summoned....the first shipgirls, driving back the Abyssals attack and saving millions of lives Humanity gained new stalwart defenders, other countries around the globe quickly had their covens develop their own summoning methods to bring forth shipgirls of their own and things would progress from there.

Humanity/Shipgirls continued in a stalemate against the Abyssals until a never seen before sized carrier fleet sent an sun blotting armada of abyssal aircraft towards Tokyo, things looked bleak even with Japan sending as many of its shipgirl fleets it could spare when suddenly the Abyssals flyers were all but wiped out by a lone individual....the White Knight, the first Infinite Stratos, between the White Knight and Japan's fleet the Abyssal's forces were routed alongside the reveal that the White Knight was a human piloted suit Humanity's morale once again soared.

It has been many years since that monumentous day and for Orimura Ichika recent graduate of IS Academy things sadly haven't really improved, while he managed to not have to make a choice between the various girls vying for his heart and prevent a war between the various countries of their birth none of said girls have really stopped their pursuit, worse Phantom Task were still out there planning who knows what, and worse still for the young airman he's just been assigned to one of the most (in)famous naval bases of all the Japanese Maritime Defense Force, Yokosuka, with him is his long time childhood friend(and one of the girls seeking his heart) Shinonono Houki. After being held back from his debriefing with Admiral Misaki Daisuke and given a tumbler of scotch Ichika was told that he wasn't out of the woods yet due to many of the shipgirls of Destroyer, Light and Heavy Cruiser grades especially those who had been reborn as humans long before awakening would see him as quite the prize, the salute aimed at him was one mixed with pity and understanding, the scotch settled in his stomach with the dread he once again felt.
Sounds like mall cops to me. :V


The MAC's now sound to me to be more like Filipino security guards.

All security guards here in the Philippines are armed with guns.

Usually revolvers and pump action shotguns, the higher end security agencies field actual assault rifles and carbines for their personnel. Like the security guards for the armored cars I see around here.
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look at it from a certain angle; their role was to deter submarines and definitely weren't 'proper' military vessels;

The underlined is important. Not too long ago, I read an article about a different way to think about anti-sub warfare. In short, if you can convince the other side to not use their subs against your ships, it still counts as successfully countering their sub forces, without firing a single shot!

As for MAC shipgirls, they might be more useful as transport shipgirls (with their cargo capacity) than combat shipgirls in any limited role.
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So here's an interesting question. One thing done during the Battle of the Atlantic was to take an oil tanker / grain hauler, slap a flight deck on it and call it a 'Merchant Aircraft Carrier', as an interim measure before the proper Escort Carriers came into service. Of particular note is that these were still (technically) civilian vessels, and still carried cargo, as there wasn't enough manpower to go around to crew them to naval standard without short-staffing said proper escort carriers that were meant to replace them. They were civilian crewed, owned and maintained barring the minimum naval personnel to crew/maintain the planes, and were not on any naval list despite being de facto warships.

They only ever had Fairey Swordfish planes (though there was one trial with a Martlet/Wildcat), and not even a whole lot of them (upper bound is 4), and no MAC plane never actually sunk a U-boat, though not for lack of trying (they were more deterrents - and actually considered very welcome ones at that amongst the convoys).

Still though, what do you suppose their personalities would be like if one came back?
I'd think they'd be protective of their charges, generally content to run convoys and they'd know when to skedaddle and wait for bigger guns to turn up.

A good example would be the stereotypical village copper, a friendly buddy to everyone. Also, at least some might be aircraft enthusiasts and try to field planes other than Swordfish. They're not exactly threatening, but they can be quite stern when telling people off.

Out at sea, they're basically always sortied with convoys, their planes being the primary scouts.

Their mortal enemy is the North Atlantic Raider Princess and her fleet of raiders. These abyssals will never stand and fight bigger boats, they'll run at the first sign of trouble heading their way. Q-Ships, MACs, Armed Merchants, Auxiliary Cruisers and similar ships, those can actually lure the raiders in and fight them.

But it is only secondary, their main goal is to see convoys come home safely.
I just rewatched This and it reminded me of this fic I read-ages ago when I was first getting into Kantai, mind you- which boiled down to 'DesDiv6 adopt Hoppo and do cutes, Tenryuu is Not Sure How To Feel About This, because on the one hand, Abyssal Princess, on the other, Hoppo a cute, Everyone Else Is Confused (except for Kongo, who is too busy laughing)'

anyone know what I'm talking about? It was basically a blatent excuse for Destroyer Cuteness and Hoppo Cuteness at the same time, but I remember it making me laugh and D'aww in equal measure.