Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Intrepid's head design actually looks like the proportions are fine, if you ignore the giant radar set behind her head.
That, combined with the life jacket around her neck making her look like she has no neck, gives an optical illusion of sorts that makes her head seem smaller then it is.
If you shade out her equipment her proportions look more normal.

I like Shibafu's art usually. He makes really detailed clothes and equipment, while also not going too heavy into the sexual fanservice, which isn't really my thing but I'm sure some like it.

Her line art also makes her head pop, like its 3D almost. Shibafu is good at going depth of field in art usually, imo.

I do feel some vocal dissonance as well. Her voice is not as a pictured it, so I feel it doesn't fit her body. Though ymmv.

Her pelvis armor is also like the Japanese carrier's armor on lots of IJN CV in this game.

It's an interesting blend with some of the IJN CV visual design trends in her design, which I find interesting.

Her gun also isn't for the flight deck, its for the anti air guns it looks like.

She's got a gun with a longer effective range then Saratoga.
Sara's got a shorter ranged, faster firing SMG. (Though a really heavy SMG firing full sized rifle rounds instead of pistol ones)
Intrepid has a longer ranged Springfield weapons system, though with anti air guns where a sniper scope would be.

The Kriegsmarine and Royal Navy both considered ships to be female (well, outside of Bismarck's Captain but he was considered an oddball about that). Pretty sure that it would be the same way for the IJN as well, hence them not being girls would be weird.

Fair enough, but I feel the devs could put male ship design in if they wanted to. Or other personifications. There could be various justifications or rationalizations people could find if they look hard enough, and its a fictional setting and game after all.

They don't need to do this of course, and some audiences might not care or might not want male designs, but its still possible. Though unlikely to happen.

Personally I wouldn't mind, but I don't need it to happen to enjoy the franchise.
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Fair enough, but I feel the devs could put male ship design in if they wanted to. Or other personifications. There could be various justifications or rationalizations people could find if they look hard enough, and its a fictional setting and game after all.

They don't need to do this of course, and some audiences might not care or might not want male designs, but its still possible. Though unlikely to happen.
There's been talk about this before and as mentioned, very few people can think of Navies where the ships were male. Even the Russian ships can be female depending on the name as they're pretty gender neutral in how they refer to their ships. Honestly, "Shipboys" in my experience have shown up for the most part as self-inserts or to pair them with shipgirls without the "Ickyness" of girl/girl relationships (KCQ from memory is one of the second). In fact, before Allied shipgirls began showing up, it was not rare to have them be shipboys.

If you want male representations then go to Touken Ranbu.
I like Intrepid. I think it's good that she doesn't have the full flight deck attached to her gun. I was worried for a bit that they might have all the American carriers with such unweildy weapons. I also like how her gun has guns attached to it.

I was really surprised too, but the Japanese wiki pages claims the Essex class Ticonderoga can carry 152 aircraft, which I'm assuming is a potential source the kancolle devs use for information.

エセックス級航空母艦 - Wikipedia

I am really curious where they got that number from.

There's been talk about this before and as mentioned, very few people can think of Navies where the ships were male. Even the Russian ships can be female depending on the name as they're pretty gender neutral in how they refer to their ships. Honestly, "Shipboys" in my experience have shown up for the most part as self-inserts or to pair them with shipgirls without the "Ickyness" of girl/girl relationships (KCQ from memory is one of the second). In fact, before Allied shipgirls began showing up, it was not rare to have them be shipboys.

If you want male representations then go to Touken Ranbu.

I've heard of that, its the sword boy series I hear. Swords have been referred to by male and female terms historically, or agender.

I wonder if there's any stand out in the Essex class. In pop culture there's none, but then again ships aren't covered in much pop media. They're all rather decorated, and Intrepid did stay at the frontline despite multiple kamikaze hits for a period, as carriers were a priority target for the Japanese. But within the group I'm unsure if there's a standout, at least for WW2 as they were all credited for various victories as a group.

Intrepid and others I think might be better known to some for their role with NASA.

SCB-27 and SCB-125 refits might be used as inspirations for a kai ni. I've seen some fanart of carriers swinging around flight decks like swords, and an angled flight deck would look a little like Gut's Dragon Slayer or Cloud's Buster Sword.

Tashkent is interesting. She's a 4 slot destroyer. This is probably because she's rather big for a destroyer, and bigger then many of the older light cruisers in the game.
Arguably she's a cruiser despite being called a destroyer.
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Here an idea for a crossover have someone that can handle themselves in a fight meaning it possible that they can destroy the abyssal if their able too. But make them work as support for the shipgirls themselves like being their cook ,mechanic or training instructor. Even though they solo kill abyssal by the dozens it doesn't mean much if can't walk on water or even move fast enough to make a difference. So basically beings like Shiro Emiya, Master Chief, or anyone of that caliber. Only restriction is no Naruto, Bleach or any character that can walk on water or fly.
I was really surprised too, but the Japanese wiki pages claims the Essex class Ticonderoga can carry 152 aircraft, which I'm assuming is a potential source the kancolle devs use for information.

エセックス級航空母艦 - Wikipedia

I am really curious where they got that number from.
Well, there's a citation link that leads to this PDF, which backs up many of the numbers. So... I'm sending it out for verification, but yeah, apparently that happened and I have no fucking clue how.

I wonder if there's any stand out in the Essex class. In pop culture there's none, but then again ships aren't covered in much pop media. They're all rather decorated, and Intrepid did stay at the frontline despite multiple kamikaze hits for a period, as carriers were a priority target for the Japanese. But within the group I'm unsure if there's a standout, at least for WW2 as they were all credited for various victories as a group.
Standout Essexes include Hornet, Yorktown, Intrepid, Lexington (all museums; Hornet, Intrepid, and Lexington have additional notoriety), Oriskany (longest-lived in active service), Bunker Hill, and Franklin (famous kamikaze damage).

Hornet famously took no battle damage during the whole war, and may hold the record for most aircraft shot down of any ship ever. Also, was the one that retrieved Apollo 11 specifically.

Intrepid has her numerous kamikaze hits, much like Bunker Hill and Franklin.

Lexington has her post-war career as a training ship; she was, in fact, the longest-lived Essex in commission.
Me personally, Intrepid looks great. She looks mature and kind and that's enough to endear her to me. Shibafu seems intent on maintaining their carrier design cues such as the apron and the shoulder-mounted flight deck, and it's interesting to see the design cues associated with the traditional carriers translated to the semi-modern design of Intrepid's.

Tashkent looks great too, and interesting as far as destroyers go for lack of handheld guns. Her rigging looks very practical and has that curved plate present on most of Yadokari's DDs.
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Me personally, Intrepid looks great. She looks mature and kind and that's enough to endear her to me. Shibafu seems intent on maintaining their carrier design cues such as the apron and the shoulder-mounted flight deck, and it's interesting to see the design cues associated with the traditional carriers translated to the semi-modern design of Intrepid's.
see that's the part I don't like. It feels like Intrepid was stuffed into one of the IJN carriers outfits rather than given her own
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Intrepid's design is pretty neutral on my end. Shib's art aside, she seems kind of...plain looking to put it lightly? I guess its just Shib's artstyle compared to the other foreign boats (though the M1 is a nice touch).

Also I don't know if anyone here is aware of this but the Kancolle Staff account got suspended on twitter for unknown reasons, at the current moment. I guess that means Azur Lane is now the only boat gorl game around

Unrelated to the new boat girls but related to the mild talk about shipboys, I actually had a weird fanfic plot bunny like that before. It was really my own little meme piece that I never really put out online but it was Allied Ships as males. I actually liked Prince of Wales in that, he was the character that had all of my favorite prince tropes in him lmao. I probably won't publish it online ever until someone dares me to do it, tbh. I do agree that while shipboys maybe could work, it just seem like they're used for self-interests or "anti yuri lol" which is disappointing tbh.
Okay, got an idea for a story I'm working on, and I would like to seek advice and recommendations since I have never written a KC fan piece before, and it's been years since I wrote anything.

The basic premise is this. A young man is hired/sent to do some technical work at the Summoning Chamber in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. He might be military personnel, or a contractor hired and handling the work on a contract basis. In either case, while there, something happens which causes him to fall into the pool.

The panic and high emotions of the general situation somehow cause the summoning magic to activate, but because there is already a being with a soul (our poor sod) in the pool, the force in charge of answering the summoning ritual can't bring up a fully formed shipgirl. So, it...improvises. A ship which was never finished or launched is chosen, and the two merge in the ritual.

Our hero gains a new physical form, and the ship gains the soul and consciousness she never had in life.

Now the Navy, and our hero, have to figure out how to handle this.

Cue our hero having really bad issues as well "I am a male uh, no female shipgi--human" bonus points for magical girl swap going from M -> F or unless your wanting magical girl (male) because you broke the rules so problems will occur

Also Intrepid as the Sniper when?
In either case, while there, something happens which causes him to fall into the pool.

The panic and high emotions of the general situation somehow cause the summoning magic to activate, but because there is already a being with a soul (our poor sod) in the pool, the force in charge of answering the summoning ritual can't bring up a fully formed shipgirl. So, it...improvises. A ship which was never finished or launched is chosen, and the two merge in the ritual.

Our hero gains a new physical form, and the ship gains the soul and consciousness she never had in life.

This sounds like a superhero origin.

"Mechanic Navyman was just an ordinary mechanic, until he fell into a summoning pool and underwent a scientific accident! Now he fights the Abyssals as...SHIPGIRLMAN!"

Shipgirlman, Shipgirlman
Does whatever a shipgirl can
Can he skate, on the sea
Probably can, he's a shipgirl, man
Lookoooooout here comes Shipgirlman

That isn't an M1, it's a M1903. She's even holding the 03's five round stripper clips. Now why she has an M1903.... Yeah I got no clue.
The Aught 3 was by and large phased out by the time the Essex class rolled around.

Though I do like the further confirmation that US carriers use guns instead of bows. Bit of fanon confirmed by canon, which is pretty damn rare for this continuity.

That isn't an M1, it's a M1903. She's even holding the 03's five round stripper clips. Now why she has an M1903.... Yeah I got no clue.
The Aught 3 was by and large phased out by the time the Essex class rolled around.

Though I do like the further confirmation that US carriers use guns instead of bows. Bit of fanon confirmed by canon, which is pretty damn rare for this continuity.
especially considering one of the things the Essex's were known for was their ludicrous launch, recovery, and turnaround times. Honestly figured she would have a M1 Garand at least if not a Tommy gun like Sara.
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On the topic of Abyssals, I think that all Abyssal carriers are designed with the intention to have at least some contingency for entering into a gunfight. All their aircraft-carrying mainlines and Princesses feature prominent turrets or equivalent structures. We can see this from Nu, Wo, all the way to the CV Princesses and Demons and including the newest Zuikaku-Alter.
That isn't an M1, it's a M1903. She's even holding the 03's five round stripper clips. Now why she has an M1903.... Yeah I got no clue.
The Aught 3 was by and large phased out by the time the Essex class rolled around.
Maybe she got it at a Surplus sale?

Although it would be weird if the Essex-class wind up with older weapons than the Yorktowns. Imagine Yorktown (Y) and Yorktown (E) walking by, then a bystander (who isn't familiar with their human forms) tries to guess which one is which from their weapons.

Bystander: Well, I guess she's the Yorktown, and you're the Essesx Yorktown based on your weapons. (Points at the M1903 and the M1 carrying girls in order)
Yorktown (E): Ha, I'm the Essex. I don't need a newer weapon to make up for my older equipment like granny here.
Yorktown (Y): Granny! I'm nobody's granny! I can outshoot you anyday!
Yorktown (E): Yes, any day now. I'm not getting any older you know. You should be in a museum, granny!
Yorktown (Y): You're the museum piece! I'm still young and beautiful.
Yorktown (E): In your dreams, granny.
Pt.2 of "there was a period where I was into shipboys", I actually found that meme piece. I'm still hesitant on releasing it, maybe after a few tweaks and edits (and also after I finish All or Nothing or at least at a part deep enough where I can do multiple fics at once) but I think I have one of the parts where I actually put effort into it (minus my obvious lack of knowledge of British slang). It's pretty jagged as this is both kinda outdated and I wasn't taking it super seriously so I wasn't trying to make a plot, just some guilty pleasures I guess.

"So Prince of Wales was summoned today?" Hood questioned the small destroyer in front of her. A new ship summoning was something that was commonplace for a ship girl base so she didn't understand why it suddenly prompted Electra to interrupt her tea time with Elizabeth.

"Yes but...but Prince is different than us!" Electra squeaked out. "There must have been something wrong with the summoning. Prince should be like us but Prince, Prince is completely different!"

Electra only trembled more when Queen Elizabeth flickered her wrist and her crop made a sharp cracking sound, held up against her neck. "You better tell us now, young child. You have a lot of nerve for interrupting the beloved tea session between the pride of our proud Navy and the royal queen herself."

Before Electra could blurt out what she was trying to say, a loud commotion of muffled shouting and thumping were heard.

"You may not interrupt Hood during her tea time! Whether you're Prince of Wales or not, you will follow the rules of this base! We have worked towards making this base a base of international affairs and you will help us keep it that way!"

The golden door to the tea room opened up with a loud bang as Prince rolled his eyes at the fuming Nelson. "They might as well strap you on a ship itself with that siren you call a bloody mouth. And really, international affairs? So what we're suddenly buddy-buddy with the Germans? That's a load of ripe bull."

He then moved his attention to the two women sitting at the small table and grinned. He casually strolled over to them before ultimately bowing in front of them. "Good afternoon, my ladies. I go by a lot of names but you may call me Prince of Wales, battleship of the Royal Navy and protector of the Pride of the Royal Navy. Hood. Do you happen to know where she is?"

The two seated ship girls blinked once. Then they looked at each other. Then they looked at Prince of Wales again. Somehow, it wasn't a girl but a guy. It seemed obvious given his name. After all, he is a Prince. A Prince of Wales, that is.

"So." He rose up and grinned. "Which one of your ladies is the Hood? I can't just come back without having some personal time with her. Trust me, I won't get too rough with her."


In perhaps the fastest mood change in history, Queen Elizabeth had lashed out against him and smacked him across the face with her whip and sent him into the wall with such force, the vibrations had caused ripples in her tea. With a huff, she had sat back down in her seat, casually bending the crop in her hands.

"I'm awfully tired of these interruptions." She said. "We'll deal with this later. Now take this bum out of my domain so I may go back to my tea time, as planned."
The Aught 3 was by and large phased out by the time the Essex class rolled around.

Actually the Marines stationed aboard ships often carried 1903s or 1917s through the end of the war because the M1s went straight to the infantry. Iowa's marine compliment carried Springfields through her entire first commissioning. Entire units of marines went the entire war without holding the Garand.

I doubt something that deep is why she's using one, but I wouldn't be surprised if Intrepid's marines carried the Springfield too.
I personally don't like the idea of shipboys for a few simple reasons. Well I don't mind it much in small doses like in humor or for minor plot devices.
  1. Looking at regular shipgirl clothing wouldn't their clothing be similar in some shape and form meaning that we have a bunch of buff men and pretty boys in scantly clad clothing.
  2. Seeing the behavior of ships in general would also mean a bunch of males having too much of a bonding time which is tipping on the yaoi line more often.
  3. It will be a completely different series that will cater to a different group of fandom.
I have a question is it fannon or canon that it possible for a shipgirl to use her rigging to full effectiveness on dry land? Would they sink in to the ground or break the the flooring cause of the weight? Are they limited by fast they can go on dry land?