Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

And then there are the steps in between where human forces works. You just have to hit a mansized target with guns made for hitting 100m+ vessels...
This seems the most sensible IMO
You could still use traditional ships to fight the Abyssals, but being big unwieldy targets facing tiny waterskaters with just as much explosive power is so impractical there's not much of a point to it. Of course, I've read some fanfics where the Abyssals still show up as traditional ships and have the humanoid form captaining it, which while interesting starts to push it more toward AoBS territory for me.

Musashi passed something to Kiyoshimo.
She's moving up in the world!
For the fic I am working on I always headcannoned that conventional warships basically don't often get direct kills on abyssals but can frequently disrupt and suppress them often by attacking them outside of their range. They rely on kanmusu to get specific targeting data (along with drones, both airborn and submerged if the comditions allow it), keeping abyssals at bay, and distracting or keeping them locked in place before they can bring the hurt.
The game makes prototype tech and What If possibilities, so I wonder if it will eventually get to prototype and blueprint only ships.

Jervis is interesting. She is historically 'lucky' though she's also a destroyer and usually cruised in big formations of other destroyers, so wasn't a priority target. Still good planning leading to good circumstances can be seen as luck, and she performed well through multiple battles, including anti submarine warfare, anti aircraft duties, anti land battery, ground support, and anti naval force duties.
In kancolle her stats are extremely good in almost all categories, and she's very cost effective as well.

Gambier Bay's personality is interesting. She's not a cool or cold 'badass' like some fanfics I've seen portray all of Taffy 3 as.
I like it since its the extreme opposite of Iowa.

Iowa is loud, boisterous, at times annoying to many, and a few lines indicate quite a bit of arrogance and can be interpreted as such. She also tries to be kind but some lines seem to show she's a bit socially inept but doesn't realize it.

Gambier Bay meanwhile speaks more softly, but can still be shrill at times. She is also less confident in herself and others, and more cowardly, easily panic and insecure. Extremely pessimistic and reluctant to do anything as well. Lots of people say she is a personality that lots of sadist players might like to 'bully' or try to be nice to. Some rather extreme fanart of her in uncomfortable positions has already appeared as well, which I am not as thrilled by but some people certainly like it.
She doesn't appear to have any major dislike, hate, or disgust as her main trait. And definitely isn't kind to others as her main trait or uncaring about her past.

Her main trait is being extremely unsure of herself and scared, and with a personality that doesn't seem to get along with any ships in game. It isn't a common trait in this game. I can't recall if any or many other ships have this trait. I think its refreshing.

Her stats also appear extremely bad as of now, while still being fairly high cost like most American ships, so she's mostly a joke ship thus far with current information.
Since she's one of the more modern escort carriers, I imagine that other ships like Bogue class will also be a bit of a joke character to do self imposed challenges with, if they're put in at all (there's still lots of famous ships and Japanese ships they could go through, but they have done some obscure choices). Escort carriers are only really famous in the Atlantic, and also seen as doing a less impressive tasks by many (though actions like ASW are still vital).

Even if they've got some secret bonus against subs, land bases, or other things, they would need heavily custom maps to do anything relevant.

But since the game does rely on basic RNG dice rolls, they can still potentially do well.

Her wiki page is rather short, but some other books and interview claims I've seen go into more detail of her history, though I imagine most of that is harder to find for the devs of this game. She is a relatively obscure ship, and they can probably find more info on obscure JP ship details in JP books, claims, and accounts.
Most of the detail info on Gambier Bay is not only in English, but also on hard to find documents, and hard to verify as well.
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It be interesting to see an Admiral summoning instead of a standard shipgirl summoning because of certain reasons.
  • Too much Magical Sparkly Shipgirl Bullshit with no one able to handle.
  • It sometimes best to fight fire with even more fire.
  • Only something more crazy can handle crazy shipgirl shenanigans.
  • Plus it be interesting who will be summon to handle them and how they do so.
  • Finally it prime potential crossover material if handle right.
Conceived and refined in just one day; it's terrifying how overwhelming boredom serves to supercharge my work speed for the strangest things. All credits given to @Lord K's Ship's Log snippets, acesofAces_AA's Leave Her Johnny and @theJMPer's Belated Battleships stories, as well as Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Addendum: Not likely to be continued barring unforeseen circumstances.

Crack warnings apply.


"Bwaaah?!" An emergency swerve had something big and black zipping past my face with metres to spare as a shadow abruptly bulldozed out of the clouds and right into my path. For a second, both myself and the twisted-looking flying whale monster stared at each other with equally dumbfounded looks, too stunned to react as we passed each other by and vanished into the clouds.

The moment passed, an enraged roar immediately coming from the creature's general direction accompanied by the stuttering buzz of propeller rotors as the thing wheeled about as fast as it could. Already I could hear the pop-zip of machine guns firing, blindfired streams of lead cleaving lines int the cloud cover shrouding us from view.

"Oh, scheiße!" All four of my Daimler-Benz engines roared as I juked up and away from the hail of stinging projectiles passing dangerously close to my unarmoured rigging, trying to push myself deeper into the safety of the all-encompassing cloudbank. Just my luck the first signs of life I'd run into had to be hostile! Ripping off the pair of miniature planes hooked onto my belt with gloved fingers, I wound up for a throw and hurled the little aircraft into the mists. "Arado, I choose you!"

Ja, ja!》 A pair of tinny voices chattered over the radio as the roars of the fighters' engines joined the din somewhere in the distance. 《Ja, ja ja jajaja!

"What?! What do you mean you can't see anything?!" I all but shrieked as the fighter pilots duly informed me that, yes, they had bugger-all vision in these cloudbanks. "Bloody hell, I-augh!" The harsh words I had in mind were lost as a brace of bullets stitched along my side, the evil whale monster homing in on my position at last. The beast's guns chattered and I screamed in pain as tiny daggers raked across my torso, tearing holes in the reflective fabric of my stewardess's uniform and puncturing the soft skin beneath. Blood trickled from the many shallow wounds I now spotted, my ears filling with the hissing of escaping hydrogen...

Oh, screw this.

Lettong out a pained battlecry I gunned the throttle and charged, plowing into the surprised beast with all the grace of an angry freight train. Unarmed though I was I still outmassed the little miststück by nearly twice over, and as our hulls collided with an almost comical "boink" it let out a yelp of panic as my vicious bodycheck sent it tumbling over in an uncontrollable spin. "I'm not done with you yet, arschloch!" I snarled and seized the creature by the tail, grasping fistfuls of its leathery hide as I locked my legs around the beast's midsection and began to pound its face in with my bare fists. "Shoot! *bam* At! *biff* Me! *pow* Will! *smack* You!"

None too pleased with my ministrations, the thing roared in pain and tore itself from my grip, propellers churning to gain distance as it wheeled around several dozen meters away, murder burning in its ghost-fire eyes. My eyes widened as it suddenly lunged forward, closing the distance with unexpected speed with its jaws locked wide, and I grunted in agony as its slab-shaped teeth dug into my shoulder. "Ach, get off! Get off!" My free hand slapped weakly at its sides as the beast gnashed its teeth and began to gnaw, my mind racing with ever-increasing pain as I rummaged in my "interior" for sonething, anything that could help-


The monster roared as the pewter dessert fork sank into its eyepit, backing away with its horrible jaws stained with blood and bits of shimmering cotton. As it made to lunge once more, a metallic tinkle rang out along with its agonised howls as I clobbered the bloody creature's face in with a handheld dinner bell taken fron my galley cupboards. Tumbling bum over teakettle for the second time today the creature appeared to bear an aggrieved look on its alien features, a sizeable bruise already forming on its battered nose.

"Hah!" I grinned, fierce joy swelling in my gas cells(?) as I held out the innocuous ringer in challenge, the heavy brass ornament tinkling menacingly. "There's more where that came from, you overgrown fish!"


With a roar and a yell the two of us collided with another resounding "boink", girl/wolf/ship(?) and whale/shark/balloon(?) tearing into each other in a tumbling melee of tooth and bell. Gunfire from one of the turrets dotting the whalebeast's underbelly falling silent as I drove a pointy heel into the offending organ, putrid breath washing over my face as fist-sized incisors snapped shut centimetres from my nose, a bulbous nose smashing into my stomach and driving the air from my lungs; the two of us were wailing on the other in a drawn-out slugfest with the fury of vengeful and the utterly insane.

At last, I lurched away as a series of hatches opened up along the whalebeast's underbelly and began disgorging streams of little black bomblets, the creature roaring in triumph as it watched me frantically scrabble away from the rain of falling TNT. And yelped as a thrown dining chair shattered across its face, driving splinters into its hide and knocking a couple teeth loose from its frothing maw.

Right, this was getting nowhere. Both parties were staggering drunkenly through the air now, circling the other like punch-drunk boxers in the ring as we caught our breaths. Each snarl and gnashing of teeth was met with a menacing tinkle in a strange standoff, neither of us having the stomach for being beat up even more for the moment; I hesitantly rolled my wounded shoulder and winced at the sensation of grinding bone. Definitely out of commission.

"Ja!" I blinked, glancing aside at the tiny crewman perched on my healthy shoulder as it jabbed at my cheek with its stubby arms. "Ja! Ja jajaja ja-ja!"

I blanched. "Wait what."

"Jaja! Ja ja jaja!"

"What- That's- are you insane?!"

"JA!" The little one crossed its arms, an excited grin across its cheeks.

"You know what? Fine!" The floating monstrosity before me reeled back in surprise as I tackled it again, wrapping my arms around its midsection like an oversized koala. The beast quickly recovered from the impact this time around however, a throaty growl reverberating through its gas-filled body as tiny gun barrels jabbed into my stomach in preparation for a withering point-blank burst.

"JAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Dozens of tinny voices screamed in my ears as my crew boiled out from within my rigging, miniature attendants and deckhands crawling over my shoulders like demented ants and throwing themselves onto the struggling whalebeast-

Pushing past one of my comrades as he drove an enemy crewman's pointy helmet into its hapless owner's eye, I smashed a bottle of premium Obstbrand schnapps over the dome of the captain of the enemy airship. Decking the fellow with a haymaker to the face for good measure, I beckoned over one of my colleagues and together we began to lift the captain's struggling form. A great heave and the captain went crashing through the airship's windows, a muted "Neeeeeeeeeein-" as the flailing man tumbled into the empty void-

"Well... that was fast." I gingerly released the limp whalebeast, hooting crewmen clambering back up the sleeves of my uniform as I drifted away from the lobotomised hellbeast. Beaten to a pulp and its decks scoured of life the monstrous airship made for a sorry sight, the once-nigtmareish flame in its eyes now an vacant ember as it drooled mindlessly.

It was pitiful to look at, in a way.

Staring at the dented remains of the ruined bell in my hands, I shrugged it bludgeoned the beast over the head one last time, sending its bloody hulk careening away into the clouds-

I let out an undignified squawk as a pair of planes shot out from the mists, my missing pilots homing in on the tinkle of the bell and catching the whalebeast in a crossfire. Incendiary rounds punched into the creature's hide and ignited the gases within, quickly setting the creature alight from bow to stern and sending it plunging from the skies in a ball of fire. The planes waggled their wings as they zoomed past the falling corpse of their quarry, victory cheers filling the radiowaves.

My eyes narrowed. Why was one of them trailing smoke? The crew'd already silenced its guns, how-

The sound of my uninjured palm hitting my face could be heard for miles around. The idiots had shot each other. "You feckless dummkopfs had one job...!"








"Ha-hah! Direct hit, target destroyed!" I crowed as the torpedo boat vanished in a massive spray of seawater, zombie-baby-thing viscera and bits of Blüthner grand piano. "ACME sends their regards!"



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Would it be too much to imagine Gambier Bay and Chokai being mutually afraid of each other since Gambier Bay remembers seeing Chokai at Samar and Chokai finds that Gambier reminds her too much of White Plains? After an embarrassing incident in the hall with the two girls bumping into each other and pulling away into mutual balls of terror, they begin to bond.
On a related note, how did you all find Choukai in the movie? I loved this unexpected turn into a badass and bold fleet leader.
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Okay, got an idea for a story I'm working on, and I would like to seek advice and recommendations since I have never written a KC fan piece before, and it's been years since I wrote anything.

The basic premise is this. A young man is hired/sent to do some technical work at the Summoning Chamber in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. He might be military personnel, or a contractor hired and handling the work on a contract basis. In either case, while there, something happens which causes him to fall into the pool.

The panic and high emotions of the general situation somehow cause the summoning magic to activate, but because there is already a being with a soul (our poor sod) in the pool, the force in charge of answering the summoning ritual can't bring up a fully formed shipgirl. So, it...improvises. A ship which was never finished or launched is chosen, and the two merge in the ritual.

Our hero gains a new physical form, and the ship gains the soul and consciousness she never had in life.

Now the Navy, and our hero, have to figure out how to handle this.
I smell a vounteer program. "Would you like to become a Montana?" (Or some other paper design/unfinished hull, such as the two remaining Essex sisters or a Ducky)
We have a new Abyssal!
Abyssal Crane Hime:

We also have the new shipgirls!


A destroyer whose name I forget

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have our first foreign shibafu! Intrepid is a potatoface, you heard it here first!
Holy ship Russian bias in kancolle ?!

Anywhere joke asside

Do you guys know any good WoW and kancolle fic ?
Does anyone have any opinions with the names at times?
I saw a German person say that 'Prinz Eugen' as a name attached to a female character felt strange, at least to them individually, but I'd imagine many Germans might feel the same.
As well as a Japanese said the same for Musashi.
And some English speakers said the same for 'Jervis'. HMS Jervis.
Jervis is a last name, but is associated with males for some people. Same with Musashi. That name is heavily associated with males for some.

Intrepid is cool. I wonder if any of her lines reference her role in the US Space Program, Apollo Programs, peace missions, or Vietnam.
Her gun design is also interesting, though I find her head looks a little small to me. The proportions look a little off, but that's just my subjective opinion.

Also they apparently made her stats ridiculous in almost all levels.

They gave her over 100 planes. Her Japanese wikipedia page lists potentially 150+ planes for the Essex class, which they could carry technically. But couldn't coordinate very well with that many planes, even with modern radar radio and flight control computers, so they didn't really do that. Post war with the jets, she carried much less planes since post war jets are very big. I can imagine her Kai Ni if they give her one could have a ridiculous amount like 170 to 200 planes, especially since this game often does 'theoretical' or 'what if' redesigns with ridiculous plane count well above what they could even technically safely carry as a ferry (with planes disassembled and stored or stacked). On the other hand that would wreck game balance, so probably not since it would be awful for the game.
Saratoga as a ship could carry lots of planes as well, but usually carried less since her flight control center was smaller and more out of date, and she lacked a built in CIC command and control to aid in coordination of effective air groups. With that many planes throwing planes in the air isn't very practical.

Essex class ships also had side elevators and were relatively cheap to make I've heard. But 'cheap' depends on lots of factor, including post production maintenance. Still the side elevators I've heard were usually a benefit, and enabled the Essex ships to launch and land strikes nearly twice as fast as all other carriers, as well as aid in damage control since it could quickly eject burning supplies like ammo.

Interesting, Abyssal Crane Princess.

It's pretty distinctly Zuikaku's look and artist, but she's got really big guns. Unless she's really small in comparison to guns for most shipgirls, then those are battleship guns.

I wonder if its supposed to represent Zuikaku and Musashi since they got a lot of focus this event with special art. Though as a position they are a stand in for the US Fast Carrier Task Force as well.
Gambier Bay previously was a stand in for the Battle off Samar ships and events, with the location that map in the game took place in.

Intrepid and Gambier did participate in this battle historically, though the Russians and European fleets didn't. However there aren't really many naval events in the Pacific involving the Russians especially, so they'll have to do 'What If' Operations or just stick them in other events.
Does anyone have any opinions with the names at times?
I saw a German person say that 'Prinz Eugen' as a name attached to a female character felt strange, at least to them individually, but I'd imagine many Germans might feel the same.
As well as a Japanese said the same for Musashi.
And some English speakers said the same for 'Jervis'. HMS Jervis.
Jervis is a last name, but is associated with males for some people. Same with Musashi. That name is heavily associated with males for some.
The Kriegsmarine and Royal Navy both considered ships to be female (well, outside of Bismarck's Captain but he was considered an oddball about that). Pretty sure that it would be the same way for the IJN as well, hence them not being girls would be weird.
Oh, I remember doing one with @Icywinter a long time back. Kinda forget where it is, though.
Which one? Botes and Boatgirls (I forgot the actual spelling), or the one with a Dr. Strangelove reference in the title (something about How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Polygamy)? For that matter, how do I even remember threads I haven't read in a year or two?