Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Are you coming to Scarborough Fair
Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme....

USS Sage (AM-111) - Wikipedia
Wikipedia said:
Rosemary Bank is a seamount approximately 120 kilometres west of Scotland, located in the Rockall Trough, in the northeast Atlantic. It was discovered in 1930 by the survey vessel HMS Rosemary, from which it takes its name.
HMS Thyme (K210) - Wikipedia
There is no Parsley that I can find...
For anyone who's interested, here's a quotes list for Yonaga as I see her in The Seventh Shipgirl. With major thanks to Baran3 for his suggestions:

Tennō Heika Gunkan YONAGA
Converted Yamato-class aircraft carrier

Fifth of the Yamato-class, first commissioned into the service of Tennō during a terrible time for all humanity, I am Yonaga. As the Hagakure always demands of all samurai, know my mind is tranquilized to earthly desires and I will always face the enemy with a clear soul, ready to embrace death if the Fates declare it is my time.

Fifth of the Yamato-class, first commissioned into the service of Tennō during a terrible time for all humanity, I am Yonaga. Even more than my sisters, I was built in secret at Maizuru to give balance and harmony to the Combined Fleet. My size forced me to be affiliated with monsters who would poison the world if they got the chance, bringing shame unto Shōwa Tennō. Cruel Fate trapped me in ice for decades. Now I am free to finally serve Tennō for all humanity. I know my mind, my heart and my soul. This is the path forged for me by the blood of my crew. Know that I will never swerve from my path.

Unfortunately, Maizuru was unable to expand, due to the terrain around the shipyard, so they could only produce destroyers. However the IJN Engineering institute is there.
Unfortunately, Maizuru was unable to expand, due to the terrain around the shipyard, so they could only produce destroyers. However the IJN Engineering institute is there.

Thanks for telling me that. I'll have to see maps of the place.
(said to a shipgirl who shall not be named) "Did nobody ever tell you that your bikini is made of undyed ohshiticanseehercarpet?"
Any male with a modicum of hormones and a working braincell will keep his mouth shut and enjoy the show.

Any female that feels inadequate comparing her looks will keep her mouth shut and secretly enjoy the upcoming humiliation when someone else points it to her. The hotter said shipgirl is, the more females (shipgirl or not) will make feel inadequate.

So the answer at the point the question is asked is obviously "no, nobody did". And depending on the shipgirl's character, she will spontaneously combust, or give zero fucks on the subject.

ARBITRACOM's non-spoiler review of Kantai Collection The Movie:

Having just returned from watching it at the cinema, this much I can say:

In short, it has good pacing, builds upon, and massively improves upon the Anime, a low bar indeed, but I would still rank it among my favorite movies. It seems that not having to stretch a plotless Flash game to thirteen episodes allowed the creators to put more detail and care to the story. In my book, a solid 8/10.

It solves the anime series' thematic and tonal problems by having a consistent theme of action and mystery throughout its runtime. Battle scenes are excellent and are definite highlights of the movie; more tactically sound and consistent instead of the pileup we see at the anime's final battle, in fact the number of combatants steadily decrease as the battle builds up. Animation quality is good, no jarring 3D-2D transitions.

In the final scenes where The Great Plot Revelations happen, several striking and evocative imageries are used which I like very much. It adds nicely to the ontological mystery present throughout the series and the movie itself.

If you have already read my post about this on my fic thread, you already know what imageries I am referring to. That post was made before watching this movie, before there was even a possibility of watching it in my country. Watching it myself confirms what was already written in that post.

Other things:

- Yes, Mutsuki still cries a lot. However she also proves herself quite strong, saying daijoubu even more often than Haruna herself throughout the series, who got almost no important lines.

- Taihou, Atago, Takao, Nachi, Ashigara, Myoukou, and Haguro did not appear. Shimakaze is present but no talking roles. Will have to rewatch to confirm the crowd scenes.

- The opening battle is Savo Island 2.0 with the added caveat that Mikawa's fleet do destroy the Abyssal transports present in addition to thrashing the cruisers. We get nice fanservice shots of both the usual kind and in the technological detail kind. Choukai's experienced watchfairies are especially cute. Each individual member of Mikawa's fleet got their moment to shine. Aoba's rigging seem to use an alternate, shoulder-mounted kind. Tenryuu deflects shells with her sword but did not use it offensively. Flares seem to distract Abyssal destroyers; one devotes a number of shots to shoot them down.

- Sendai refers to Jintsuu as Hana no Nisuisen, Flower of the Second Torpedo Squadron. It is also the title of their character song:

Sendai herself also got a badass line:

"Night battle huh? No better time to die!"

Cat fighters make their appearance, using their guns in a direct-fire role against shipgirls. Type 3 shells maintain their 100% effectiveness rate.

- Ooyodo takes to the field, although it's only a brief scene and she did not participate in any fights.

- In the Abyssal side, Ne-class heavy cruisers are terrifying, beautifully lethal combatants. CV Hime and BB Hime appears; the latter being the source of consternation late in the movie.
CL Tsu-class also appears, performing a torpedo strike.

In all, I find it an enjoyable and recommendable experience, and will try to watch it at least once more.

ARBITRACOM's non-spoiler review of Kantai Collection The Movie:

Having just returned from watching it at the cinema, this much I can say:

In short, it has good pacing, builds upon, and massively improves upon the Anime, a low bar indeed, but I would still rank it among my favorite movies. It seems that not having to stretch a plotless Flash game to thirteen episodes allowed the creators to put more detail and care to the story. In my book, a solid 8/10.

It solves the anime series' thematic and tonal problems by having a consistent theme of action and mystery throughout its runtime. Battle scenes are excellent and are definite highlights of the movie; more tactically sound and consistent instead of the pileup we see at the anime's final battle, in fact the number of combatants steadily decrease as the battle builds up. Animation quality is good, no jarring 3D-2D transitions.

In the final scenes where The Great Plot Revelations happen, several striking and evocative imageries are used which I like very much. It adds nicely to the ontological mystery present throughout the series and the movie itself.

If you have already read my post about this on my fic thread, you already know what imageries I am referring to. That post was made before watching this movie, before there was even a possibility of watching it in my country. Watching it myself confirms what was already written in that post.

Other things:

- Yes, Mutsuki still cries a lot. However she also proves herself quite strong, saying daijoubu even more often than Haruna herself throughout the series, who got almost no important lines.

- Taihou, Atago, Takao, Nachi, Ashigara, Myoukou, and Haguro did not appear. Shimakaze is present but no talking roles. Will have to rewatch to confirm the crowd scenes.

- The opening battle is Savo Island 2.0 with the added caveat that Mikawa's fleet do destroy the Abyssal transports present in addition to thrashing the cruisers. We get nice fanservice shots of both the usual kind and in the technological detail kind. Choukai's experienced watchfairies are especially cute. Each individual member of Mikawa's fleet got their moment to shine. Aoba's rigging seem to use an alternate, shoulder-mounted kind. Tenryuu deflects shells with her sword but did not use it offensively. Flares seem to distract Abyssal destroyers; one devotes a number of shots to shoot them down.

- Sendai refers to Jintsuu as Hana no Nisuisen, Flower of the Second Torpedo Squadron. It is also the title of their character song:

Sendai herself also got a badass line:

"Night battle huh? No better time to die!"

Cat fighters make their appearance, using their guns in a direct-fire role against shipgirls. Type 3 shells maintain their 100% effectiveness rate.

- Ooyodo takes to the field, although it's only a brief scene and she did not participate in any fights.

- In the Abyssal side, Ne-class heavy cruisers are terrifying, beautifully lethal combatants. CV Hime and BB Hime appears; the latter being the source of consternation late in the movie.
CL Tsu-class also appears, performing a torpedo strike.

In all, I find it an enjoyable and recommendable experience, and will try to watch it at least once more.

Seconding this review.

Also, Nachi does show up, even if only during the aerial view at the start of the movie.
Also, Yamato got excellent durability feats in this movie, tanking multiple hits from torpedoes and BB Hime's Beast's attacks. In the scene where she was bandaged, the way she wore the bandages looks suspiciously like Musashi.

Here's hoping she will appear in S2, and that the creators learned from this movie.
So, uh, is it available for those who aren't blessed with anime being featured in cinema.
This is an idea that was borne out of a response to a post that dug up some old memories of codename kids next door.

See there are some knd vessels that utilize scrapped or olded ships in order to form their new different and unique ships.

So tbe idea is this and it was not meant to be serious at all. When the ships of the KND are summoned almost no one can control them or get them to follow orders. Or at least the battleships and llder looking carriers. The less said about cruisers the better the only exceptions are akashi and yuubari and that is more over their shared love of SCIENCE than actual agreement over orders. So everyone is at their wits end intrying to find a way to reign these ships in, when in comes Akatsuki who walks up politely asks for help and everyones jaw collectively drops as they eagerly agree to help akatsuki and her sisters in some random task.

So now the base has to filter all their sortie orders for these ships through the destroyers ryuujo amd the submarines. Cue misinterpretation shennanigans in their deployment orders.
Dropping in to make a rec, but this fic seems to have good potential. Iowa and Saratoga get in an argument about the play "Hamilton", one thing leads to another, and they start roping in shipgirls to put on the play themselves...
SP4: Yes, I know that today (fifth of July) is Bikini Day, but a fifty-five-thick line of otaku around the shipgirl bases is still trop too much.
I wonder: Did the pilot make it out of there?

They have used this footage to I believe simulate the crash of an F-14 in the film version of 'Hunt For Red October' (1990) and the crash of the fictional Captain Garth in the movie 'Midway' (1976) Both of these fictitious crashes occur aboard the USS Enterprise: CVN-65 for Red October and CV-6 for Midway. Both of the fake crashes involve an aircraft with a 2 man crew. Killed in Midway and presumably in Red October.

The REAL crash was that of test pilot and Navy Ace George Duncan aboard (ironically) USS Midway in June 1951. Duncan not only survived but returned to flight status within months.
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They have used this footage to I believe simulate the crash of an F-14 in the film version of 'Hunt For Red October' (1990) and the crash of the fictional Captain Garth in the movie 'Midway' (1976) Both of these fictitious crashes occur aboard the USS Enterprise: CVN-65 for Red October and CV-6 for Midway. Both of the fake crashes involve an aircraft with a 2 man crew. Killed in Midway and presumably in Red October.

The REAL crash was that of test pilot and Navy Ace George Duncan aboard (ironically) USS Midway in June 1951. Duncan not only survived but returned to flight status within months.

Wow! Given how much the forward hull of that jet bounced around the place, it's a wonder he didn't get his neck broken.