Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

does anyone know if the navy have any specific phrase for issuing a group salute, or is it the standard "Atten-tion"?
does anyone know if the navy have any specific phrase for issuing a group salute, or is it the standard "Atten-tion"?
I think it's simply "Salute!", "Attention!", or using the whistle.

The "officer on deck" call obviously only applies when a superior officer comes into a deck or room.

As I'm not a US Citizen, my only contact with US military discipline comes from reading books and watching movies.

IIRC, in "The final countdown", at the end of the movie, when Nimitz gets back to Pearl, the crew saluted the Arizona Memorial with the command "Honors!" and the use of the signal whistle (is it called "buggle"?). If that wasn't a movie "artistic license", then it points to the Navy having several ways of making a whole or part of a crew to stand to attention besides the "officer on deck" one.
IIRC, in "The final countdown", at the end of the movie, when Nimitz gets back to Pearl, the crew saluted the Arizona Memorial with the command "Honors!" and the use of the signal whistle (is it called "buggle"?). If that wasn't a movie "artistic license", then it points to the Navy having several ways of making a whole or part of a crew to stand to attention besides the "officer on deck" one.
I believe they're called 'bosun's pipes'. And IIRC, rendering passing honours — lining the rails in dress whites and saluting — can be done as a courtesy on the open seas between vessels of any two allied nations, but it is always done by every USN vessel which passes the Arizona memorial on its way in or out of Pearl Harbour. (Which is just plain every single one of them, since the channels into PH run directly past the memorial.)
Well, the point was that there are other ways to call a ship's crew to attention than tthe "officer on deck" call.

The was the question I was trying to answer, but I think that only a sailor or someone familiarized with USN protocols can actually answer it correctly.

Also, I found this on youtube. Word of warning: it's not for the faint of heart or USS Alabama fans.
For anyone who's interested, here's a quotes list for Yonaga as I see her in The Seventh Shipgirl. With major thanks to Baran3 for his suggestions:

Tennō Heika Gunkan YONAGA
Converted Yamato-class aircraft carrier

Fifth of the Yamato-class, first commissioned into the service of Tennō during a terrible time for all humanity, I am Yonaga. As the Hagakure always demands of all samurai, know my mind is tranquilized to earthly desires and I will always face the enemy with a clear soul, ready to embrace death if the Fates declare it is my time.

Fifth of the Yamato-class, first commissioned into the service of Tennō during a terrible time for all humanity, I am Yonaga. Even more than my sisters, I was built in secret at Maizuru to give balance and harmony to the Combined Fleet. My size forced me to be affiliated with monsters who would poison the world if they got the chance, bringing shame unto Shōwa Tennō. Cruel Fate trapped me in ice for decades. Now I am free to finally serve Tennō for all humanity. I know my mind, my heart and my soul. This is the path forged for me by the blood of my crew. Know that I will never swerve from my path.

Teitoku, how may I serve the will of Tennō today?

I am Tennō's personal sword of Heaven. His will is sacrosanct.

I am always aware of my oath to Tennō and perform the duty of a samurai.

Teitoku, your condition does not serve Tennō's desire. Allow me to ensure you do not fall in disfavour before Him.

For decades, I was prevented to serve Tennō and engage in battle. No more!

I am a samurai. The Hagakure never truly spoke of things concerning matters of family save for the classic virtues of loyalty of children to parents and wife to husband. To engage in this...is this Tennō's will? Will I fail my duties in the future? Love...! I was born of the dreams of men who abstained from all earthly desires for decades in Sano-wan! Will I betray their sacred memory? I was forged by the blood of their sacrifice to fight for humanity! Oh, Admiral Fujita, help me, please! Will my karma be enhanced this way...?

Tennō will be pleased by this news.

Fifth of the Yamato-class, first commissioned, carrier Yonaga, deploying!

Such modern things! Admiral Fujita believed the best weapons are a samurai's eye, heart and mind. Still, if this serves Tennō's will, I shall welcome this refit.

Born of Yamato, made so much more. Terror is my body and Anger is my blood. This will show the enemy that Tennō's will prevails over all.

I withstood the icy cold of Oblivion, waiting decades for the chance to climb Mount Niitaka. I could fight without this...but with this, Tennō's desires will prevail.

Be quick about this! Leave nothing behind! Even if my supply needs are greater than my sisters, Tennō's wishes override all! We must drive all to see the enemy defeated.

A samurai always must be prepared to attack at Tennō's command. Much that this reminds me of Sano-wan, I will endure. Besides, my vengeance on those who force me to endure this will be as profound as what the Forty-seven unleashed on that fool Kira.

Ah! I may be wounded in body, but my mind, my heart, my soul and my karma are as unyielding as Mount Fuji itself, forged as it was by the blood of my crew. Once my body is whole, I will deliver the vengeance of the Forty-seven Rōnin on Tennō's foes.

A new samurai joins her daimyō to serve Tennō. She must be taught all the virtues as the great masters themselves taught us all in the Hagakure. I will aid this one.

Once, we were enemies. Today, we are allies. Another born of the great American frontier spirit to serve the great Union comes. Let us welcome this brave one to the fleet.

Once, we were enemies. Today, we are allies. A noble knight of the Queen has answered the call to duty once more. We serve once and still serve those born with the Mandate of Heaven as willed by the Kami.

Once, we were enemies. Today, we are allies. One who once served the Queen with the spirit of the warriors of Ypres, Vimy and Passchendale has answered the call to duty. We shall be as the Canadian Corps were in that war, the shock troops of humanity.

Once, we were enemies. Today, we are allies. Once who once served the Queen with the spirit of the brave warriors of Gallipoli has answered the call to duty once more. We shall be as steadfast as eternal Uluṟu before our foes.

Once, we were enemies. Today, we are allies. Another musketeer of the great French Republic has answered the aged maxim, "All for one and one for all". It is good.

Ah, a former ally has answered the call of her young yet old homeland. I will worry for their karma, though. To learn of the horrid crimes unleashed thanks to that honourless would-be painter from Austria...!

Ah, a former ally born of the great kami of ancient Rome has answered the call to arms. Beautiful ships all around, denied the chance to show their true prowess in the late war. The Kami will watch them, I am sure.

My admiral fought you at Tsu-shima, but your troops' bravery in the late war always impressed my crew, even when that Georgian was bleeding your country from the inside. For our beloved Motherlands, together!

It is done. Tennō's will has been enforced on our foes.

In the name of Tennō, let his wishes be obeyed! Yonaga, launching.

Ah, to be truly at peace. Go forth, my brave warriors! Climb Mount Niitaka!

Tora! Tora! Tora! Destroy Tennō's enemies or never return!

Ah, like ninja they are! Don't they know the spirit of the Forty-seven drives me even at this time of day?! Fools!

Save your empty words for my scrap metal. A true samurai never cares for platitudes!

I am born of Yamato, as armoured as all my dear sisters! You are but mosquitoes facing a boulder! That was a waste!

You call that an attack?! My whole life has been remade into the Sea of Eternity! You waste your power before me!

Deny me my fliers, my weapons and my armour, I will rip you apart with my hands and teeth if need be! By the will of the Kami, you will not send me to Yasukuni!

Ah, the peace of Eternity. Even if I fall, Tennō's will is served. Hiroshi-ojiisama, your friends would be proud. Yoshi-san, a good haiku for this day, please? Brent-san, will Saint Peter welcome me to Heaven...?
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No siscon that I can detect. She's clearly not a Kantai Collection kanumusu.

No, she's not. She's based on a fictional Yamato-class battleship-turned-carrier from a series of action adventure novels from the 1980s and early 1990s that I collected and helped inspire some of my early writing. The Seventh Carrier and its sequel stories are available through the Kindle service at Amazon.com. The plot sometimes had enough holes you can sail Yonaga herself through and the editors were clearly asleep at the wheel when it came to names and keeping the story history straight, but they were still somewhat decent yarns.
Mental note: try to make the sarcasm clearer next time.

Thanks for the info.
I suspect Kiyone was not referring to that final countdown, but to the movie. You know, the one where USS Nimitz goes back in time to Dec, 6th, 1941.
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Not all KanColle kanmusu are siscons. Although, Yonaga rambles too much to fit in, especially with those construction lines.
No, you're right. There are kanmusu with no sisters. Also, usually the non-siscon sisters are absolutely clueless. Case in point:

"Oh, how nice that my imouto is doing something for me... But she doesn't need to... I'm proud of her all the same."

Also, I agree that Yonaga is a little verbose, even for a Yamato-class.