Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

It mostly just design choice, really. And that Roberta (from Black Lagoon) is practically magical in combat.

EDIT: Where everyone else still had to pay some service on RL physics.

Which never really matters, either with Kantai Collection or Urusei Yatsura.

Still, considering that Roma and Roberta do distantly look alike...!
Okay, I'm a bit confused now... I thought that Harry (from HP) was paired with Roma along with Tirpitz... or at least that was what I remembered...
Conflicting. One source says that the guns from Poltava went to Russky Island, as part of the Voroshilov battery. Another says the guns went to Sevastopol. Help?
Actually, it's apparently both. Two main turrets (and guns) went to Vladivostok, and the other two (designated as MB-3-12F) were used to restore and modernize the Battery No. 30 in Sevastopol after WW2, replacing the destroyed original MB-2-12 turrets.
Okay, I'm a bit confused now... I thought that Harry (from HP) was paired with Roma along with Tirpitz... or at least that was what I remembered...

Yes, different stories. The storyline with Harry being the "admiral" to Tirpitz and Imperio (not Roma) is Samurai Shipgirls and Super-ninjas. The whole A Girl's Name is a different storyline.
And the next entry into A Girl's Name. This touches on a subject that, AFAIK, I don't think anyone's ever looked at when it comes to American shipgirls; the JMPer viewed something like it in BB, though.


A Girl's Name: Recruiting Admirals
by Fred Herriot

Based on Kantai Collection, developed by Kadokawa Games; The Seventh Carrier, created by Peter Albano; The West Wing, created by Aaron Sorkin; and Urusei Yatsura, created by Takahashi Rumiko

Including characters and situations from Belated Battleships, created by the JMPer; Greatest Generation, created by sasahara17; Urusei Yatsura: The Senior Year, created by Mike Smith and Fred Herriot; and The End of the Circus, created by Fred Herriot


United States Fleet Activities Sasebo, one Saturday morning in early May...

"Welcome aboard, Miss Inu. We're glad to have you here."

Blushing, the rather plain-looking woman — who still appeared quite attractive in the eyes of the shipgirls now standing in Rear Admiral John Richardson's office — grasped the officer's hand. Like her former classmate nearby, she was dressed in a white gakuran similar to the summer dress uniform of the Imperial Japanese Navy of old; this had been universally adopted by all civilian "admirals" born in Japan who had been asked to serve as special assistants to the kanmusu of the world. "I'm glad to be here, Richardson-shōshō," Inu Chigaiko said as she gave the admiral a firm handshake. "Please treat me kindly," she then added in the traditional way, which earned her approving nods from all the Japanese kanmusu present at this meeting.

People applauded as Moroboshi Ataru gave his once-former classmate a reassuring wink. "Were there any problems when it came to seeing Inu-san transferred here to attend school at North Sasebo High, Ataru-kun?" Mutsu then asked him.

"Mendō raised a stink about it once he finally clued into the fact that 'Yon-san' and her family were moving out of Tomobiki, Chiyoko-san," Ataru noted as Chigaiko laughed. "It took him a while to try to find out who she was; even after that curse was lifted when I transferred out, everyone couldn't be chuffed to remember her name. Even the girls on the basketball team."

"No doubt, given the universal attraction those stupid women have for the merchant's brat and how much he loved to play with their hearts in return, they were able to persuade him to concentrate on our new admiral and force her from her proper duties as mandated by the Heavenly Sovereign," Yonaga declared. "Fortunately, Teitoku anticipated such and ordered me back to that pit of treason to make the merchant's brat understand his wealth means nothing these days. He should emerge from sick bay in a month. The despair his 'fans' in Tomobiki felt at such a fate was poetic." As the shipgirls laughed, the Seventh Carrier of Operation Z known among Abyssals as the "Angry One" added, "Atop what Teitoku arranged concerning his sister..."

"The crazy one on Yiziba, Yonaga-san?" Chigaiko asked.

"No, the film replica from last September," Ataru noted. "I told you about what Onē-san discovered after she was able to take the chance and analyze what was really going on in Tomobiki ever since Redet came to be my 'wife'."

The other former student from Tomobiki Senior High School considered that before she nodded. "Oh, right! Somehow, all the ambient magic in town kept the 'souls' of those film replicas the Oni's camera created back in September intact. Once you got hold of some Avalonian bioroid bodies, you allowed them to 'live' again. Redet Danu went up to the asteroid belt to get rid of the Urusian spies that were based there, then have them replaced by Avalonians as well."

"Hai," he affirmed. "Permission to brief my friend in my office, sir?"

"Go ahead, son," Richardson bade.

Both former Tomobiki natives bowed, then they walked out of the room, Yonaga moving to follow them protectively; Kirishima was currently on a mission escorting a convoy from Shànghǎi to Hiroshima alongside her sisters. Reaching the corner office, they moved to relax themselves by the desk. "All the replicas made it through being 'disembodied' without their souls dispersing," Ataru then added. "Danu-chan and Saiko-chan — that's Shinobu's replica — went up to Ceres to take charge of the 'observers' that the Urusian Imperials put there to watch over us. Idiots like Rei's uncle Yethis think that they still can spy on us, but we got a sympathetic ear among the Oni who is willing to not be too snoopy when it comes to what goes on that satellite. The Stormtroopers' replicas and Mendō's replica Tachiko-chan will start attending Tomobiki High soon enough; Mendō's mother is tickled pink at the idea of having another daughter and the guys' mothers are just relieved of the fact that their sons' 'Lum-itis' will be cured one way or another. As for the replica of myself — she goes by 'Moroboshi Hiromi' now — she's with Obā-chan on Rishiri-tō learning how to be the next Matriarch of the clan."

"Rishiri-tō?!" Chigaiko asked. "I thought the Abyssals forced all the people on the island to evacuate to Hokkaidō when they started to really be pains in everyone's asses five years ago! Is your grandma's house still intact?"

"It had to get rebuilt, but people are on the island. With Onē-san's help, all the outer islands are being re-inhabited again."

"The dark sea yōma will be swept clean from the oceans, Teitoku," Yonaga sagely declared as she picked up her laptop computer to scan what was there. Chigaiko was quick to sense the frown on the tall carrier's face; no doubt, she didn't really care for the social and technological advances that had swept through Japan in the wake of the Greater East Asia War. Given her crew's total isolation from society for so many decades thanks to being trapped in northeast Siberia thanks to fallen glaciers, the carrier's Meiji era-like attitudes were easy to explain even if she was making efforts to adapt to modern realities.

Chigaiko shuddered as she gazed upon the reincarnation of the warship that her friend's great-granduncle Moroboshi Kyōsuke had served on as a junior navigation officer. Ataru watched this with a smirk. Unlike most of the other girls who had attended Tomobiki High School at the time Redet Lum was there, Inu Chigaiko hadn't fallen into the typical mindset that had been adopted by her peers when it came to the "cancer of Tomobiki" and all the weird things that happened there. Yes, such had been exacerbated because of the strange curse unleashed by accident thanks to the "Red Cloak" during a certain Hallowe'en party the previous fall, but Chigaiko had always been a far more sensible girl than even someone like Miyake Shinobu.

Atop that, there was an incident when they had been in kindergarten...

"So what exactly does it mean to be an 'admiral'?" she asked. "I mean, we're both in high school and I doubt we'll ever go to the Tōdai or Eta-jima. How can we be 'admirals' when we're not commissioned officers in the Self-Defence Forces...?"

Yonaga made a face. "Must you call the Heavenly Sovereign's forces THAT...?!"

"Yoiko!" Ataru gently teased as he gave the carrier a concerned look.

Yonaga tensed as a blush crossed her face, then she allowed the iron-hard discipline that ruled her crew for decades to settle on her. "We're special morale officers," he then explained as he gazed once more on Chigaiko. "We don't do anything to interfere with military operations; that's the responsibility of the people who were trained to do those jobs. But even if they are the reincarnations of warships from World War Two, they're also human girls, so we have to help them better adjust to being human beings. They're magically-created bioroids, no different than an Avalonian deep down. They have human feelings and desires. They go through puberty, believe it or not!" As she gaped in shock on hearing that, he smirked. "Even more so, Chiyoko-san's now pregnant with Richardson-shōshō's children; she'll be due in a few months."

Chigaiko blinked before her eyes went wide. She had been briefed on the "human names" Ataru created for the kanmusu; she also knew he preferred to address them as such even if the shipgirls only used those names in private among each other or with those humans they loved the most, just as Mutsu obviously did with John Richardson. "Mutsu-san?" she wondered.

"Indeed, Chigaiko-san," Yonaga stated. "Beings born of American pioneer passion and our own Yamato damashii. Once they're properly trained and prepared — if the yōma are still out there — they will be able to sweep the seas clean."

Chigaiko took that in, then she sighed. "Similar to the whole 'dawn of power' thing this other adopted sister of yours went through in her first life, you mean? Advancing human evolution in a way that would help us protect ourselves?"

"Hopefully not to go as crazy as it did when Tariko's first-self lived," Ataru noted before he gazed fondly on Yonaga.

Chigaiko blinked as the carrier suddenly blushed from all the attention, then she started to fidget as he walked over to sit down beside her. Taking the laptop and putting it aside, he then grasped her hands, which made her blush deepen as she seemed to shy away from him. "Yoiko-chan," he then gently teased, which made this living shipgirl samurai visibly quake before she slowly turned to face him. "Do you think Chigaiko-chan's ready to get her first assignment?"

Hearing that, the carrier blinked before the iron-hard discipline settled back upon her and firmed her hull. "Hai. I just hope that our new admiral wouldn't mind dealing with someone who appears to be of African descent..."

Chigaiko blinked in confusion...


In the base cafeteria, an hour later...

"Poi! She's beautiful!"

"Yeah! I hope Yonaga-sempai will teach her everything!"

"Is she being assigned to that new admiral?! The one Ataru knows?"

"Don't know!"

Shuddering as the gaggle of destroyers seated nearby whispered away at each other, the tall and slender shipgirl with skin the shade of dark milk chocolate, matching eyes and straight black hair that flowed down to a simple ponytail to mid-back could only blush before she turned back to nibble on the small meal that had been prepared for her. Seated across from her at this time was the third of the Yamato-class warships...even if she technically was the fourth by commissioning date given what happened to Yonaga when she had been administratively made part of the infamous Unit 731 to hide her from Western spies in 1940. "It's alright, Jefferson-san," Shinano stated. "They're just surprised to see someone like you."

The other shipgirl blinked before she sighed. "Still, it is very embarrassing," the fourth of the Midway-class of super-carriers stated with a voice possessing the cadences of antebellum Virginia. Planned as CVB-44, she would have been constructed at Newport News close to Norfolk on the Atlantic coast of the Commonwealth, though the end of World War Two and the lack of construction space forced the order to be cancelled in 1945, without a name being applied to her. When her spirit had been given human form at RTC Great Lakes, she had been christened USS Thomas Jefferson by President Josiah Bartlet in honour of the third president and the second born of the Old Dominion to serve as chief executive; much to the surprise of many, no aircraft carrier had ever been named after the Sage of Monticello throughout American history, so it seemed befitting.

She was at Sasebo to take operational training under the Seventh Carrier of Operation Z...and get her human name, of course.


Both Shinano and Jefferson perked, then they turned...

...before they instantly shot up to their feet, bracing themselves to attention on seeing the girl in the white gakuran now standing nearby. "Teitoku!" Shinano called out as she bowed formally to the newest "admiral" of the base.

"Ma'am," Jefferson said as she saluted the newcomer.

Seeing that, Inu Chigaiko nodded as she tried not to pass out at the sight of someone like Thomas Jefferson. Almost as tall as Yonaga — any of the Midway-class ranged between any of the "normal" Yamato-class girls and their once-lost sister height-wise as a human being — the fourth of the Midway-class was a slender girl, though still well-formed in the right places; one wouldn't think of her as "flat" as some other carriers. She had a youthful face, almost as childish in a way as Shinano herself appeared to onlookers. Like American carriers built around the time of the Greater East Asia War, she was dressed in a racy version of the American Navy's khaki summer work dress uniform of the period, with hot pants in lieu of proper slacks to cover those wonderful legs of hers and the shirt not tucked into the pants. An ensign's golden rank bars were placed on her shirt collars. As she was an armoured carrier, she had garish thigh-high stockings layered with armoured plates, coloured blue over red with white stars over it, that bloused into calf-high armoured boots similar to what either of the Shōkaku-class carriers had; her hull number was over the outer flanks of the calves. A garrison cap with her rank was on the table nearby.

To Chigaiko, she was one of the most beautiful women she had ever met...

...and given certain circumstances when it came to the women who had gone to Tomobiki High School when Lum was there...

"When you're done your meal, report to me in my office, Jefferson-san," Chigaiko then ordered. "You as well, Shinano-san. You're both assigned to me by Richardson-shōshō, so I want to spend the evening with you both."

"HAI!"/"AYE-AYE, MA'AM!" both carriers chanted out.

As Chigaiko made a motion to let them return to their meals, the destroyers gaped before they began to chatter away...


An hour later...

"United States Ship Thomas Jefferson, CVB-44, reporting as ordered, Admiral!"

"Tennō Heika Gunkan Shinano, Kōkūbokan Yonjū-gō, reporting as ordered, Teitoku!"

Chigaiko sighed as she gazed up at the two nervous-looking carriers standing before her new desk; she had been assigned the office next to Ataru's as her work space. As she tried not to openly fidget at the thought of actually being given any sort of real power and influence over such incredible beings like this, the former basketball team star forward took a deep breath. "Shimizu-san. Sarah-san. Sit down," she then firmly stated, trying to keep her voice even.

Both shipgirls took their seats, the surprise on both their faces quite clear. "'Sarah'? Is that the name Admiral Moroboshi gave me, Admiral?" Jefferson then asked in a timid voice, which made Chigaiko gape at her.

Holy shit! She's just as nervous about this as I am! Chigaiko mentally exclaimed before she took a deep breath. "Hai, Ataru-kun came up with the name after he got news of your reporting to duty at Great Lakes," she said as she got up and walked around the table to sit on it before the two shipgirls. "I heard there was quite the stink in certain circles when you showed up as an African-American. I know that some other shipgirls from your nation wound up the same way."

"Hai, Teitoku, it happened," Shinano noted. "It got Jersey-sempai and Enterprise-sensei really mad when they found out about that sort of thing. All the girls who look Japanese like Iwo Jima-san and San Francisco-san weren't treated that way!"

"I can understand it," Jefferson admitted as a sad look crossed her face. "Relations between the races weren't very nice back in those days, even aboard Navy ships. Normal humans looking like me were segregated from the other crew and couldn't serve in combat positions on Navy ships, so they never go as many chances to fight like their friends in the Army and Army Air Force did." She then gazed on her new admiral. "I heard that Admiral Moroboshi has the habit of basing names of ships who are named after people with their family names, ma'am. I assume I'm 'Sarah Jefferson' now."

"'Jane Sarah Jefferson' is the full name," Chigaiko stated. "Ataru-kun doesn't care for that sort of racist nonsense whatsoever even if he's now slightly turned off dealing with aliens thanks to Redet. Given what sort of nosy bitch his 'wife' was over the last year or so, I can't blame the man." She took a deep breath. "I know about the whole controversy surrounding Jefferson-daitōryō's relationship with one of his slaves; that's the reason Ataru picked 'Sarah' as your middle name since it's pretty obvious that your namesake fathered her children even if some disagree with that conclusion. Given what humanity's gone through because of the Abyssals and the aliens, it's time to let the old hates go and move forward."

Jefferson considered that, then she smiled. "I like it."

"I think it's cute!" Shinano noted.

"Okay, then," Chigaiko breathed out. "Now, I know that Ataru-kun is happy to be quite intimate and passionate with..."

Both carriers' cheeks instantly flared as bright as nuclear bombs.

"Um...forget what I just said," the former basketball team forward muttered...

so I was bored and decided to screw around with the insert name get shipfu generator thing, this was after reading ghosts of razgriz playing AC6 and Zero and going through the grind of playing the Osean federation on a modded game of Civ5 seriously playing as them is incredibly boring till you get computers and finally have access to your own unique jet fighters . but that is not the point I am making here.

see all of these concepts had made me think and think hard. we all know of shipgirls from strangereal coming over to this world and fighting abyssals. well what about the other way around. what if our shipgirls got sent over to strangereal and had to meet up and work with various characters in order to well keep functioning or to just rather live well and not like a homeless crazy person.

this could lead to various interesting interactions. in fact here are just a few of the ones that I ended up having generated.

Colonel Voychek (Ace combat 6) and Ooyodo
here I see it happening as a case of civil war gave her a means of accessing a life that she knows a good deal about.

see Ooyodo could have arrived in Estovokia during the civil war. ending up on the side of the generals she ends up as the technical assistant to various ground teams before her impressive track record gets her assigned to Strigon team. As she grew closer with the entirety of Strigon team she did object to the attack on Gracemeria though only to two people Lt Toscha Mijasik and Colonel Voychek. but she can't do anything after all even one shipgirl can only last so long against what amounts to the entirety of the Estovokian military, or even just a part of it. When Voychek gets relegated to ground duty she joins him even revealing her shipgirl nature to the kids following one of the AC6 missions to keep them entertained with a few float planes.

its a professional relationship but i feel as though people who in a sense loose their respective territory (sea and sky) and gain the land in return would be able to be friends and bond over such a thing, maybe Ooyodo even helps bring some sense to Voychek before the chandelier mission.

Thunderhead(Ace Combat 5) and Tatusta

no offense but Thunder blockhead really needs someone that can terrify sense into him. seriously that moment in AC 5 when you see Thunderhead in red is one of the most gut wrenching things to experience. I'm not sure how it plays out maybe Tatsuta manages to intimidate her way through a base get registered in an AWACS course or something meets thunderhead and they get assigned to the same plane and well i got nothing, except that mission when he just accepts that wardog are traitors Tatsuta drags him away for a moment turns off comms and yells at him for a few minutes and "convinces" him to help wardog escape. other than that i have no idea.

Marcus "Shamrock" Lampert (AC6) and Yura

This is one that I thought long and hard over. when I was playing Ace combat 6 I honestly liked shamrock, sure the angel comments were a little much, but he had relatable motivations and he was just an honest guy. which is why when i heard about his family and Quiche I was expecting a small cutscene where he met up with his family and had some of that to celebrate the end of the war........so when gracemeria patrol happened and you hear just how dead he sounds and even the fact that you take off first and not him that signaled that something went wrong. I kind of wanted him to get a happy ending. so Yura looks reasonably teenagerish so she lands in an orphanage and manages to fake amnesia other than her name Yura. though she also gets another name added on Monica. eventually moving out she gets a Job as a waitress? (if anyone has a better job just say so) and meets Marcus eventually marrying him and becomes Yura Monica Lampert and yes this is to ensure that while Marcus is fighting to liberate Emmeria both Yura and her daughter survive to have THAT DAMN QUICHE WE WERE PROMISED. Maybe even have a scene with Ooyodo and Voychek since I will make them survive.

PJ Beckett (AC0) and tenryuu (and to a lesser extent des div 6)

Honestly this just screams adorable. two great badasses or one and a half trying to outdo each other. and really PJ would make a good dad to des div 6 I didn't really think too hard on this one maybe later ill think of something.

Chopper (AC5) and Kaga
^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ just laugh if you want that is what I did when I saw this one

Dietrich "Boss" Kellerman (AC0 silber team leader) and Hosho
Much in the same Vein as Ooyodo and Voychek. These two were both teachers, Hosho being the motherly one and Kellerman being the firm hand. its sort of the married to each other through the job. both taught pilots and eventually they just became so well known together that no one not even the Belkan High command could separate them. in fact their professional relationship would be the biggest wedge between them. they already have something good with each other why try to ruin it with an actual personal relationship. of course this changes following his retirement and subsequently hers as well. now without the professional relationship both retire to a town somewhere and well spend the rest of their days living together in peace. honestly these two just kinda click.

I'm unsure of if I should include AC4 Characters given that Erusea is going to become a central opponent in AC7 so perhaps I should wait After all We never got a body for Yellow 13 so I will wait and see for that.

still these ideas have been stuck in here and I will see if I can't make something of it.
Here's a different introduction to a shipgirl version of Yonaga from The Seventh Carrier; think of it as a re-doing of Shipgirl Samurai and Super-ninjas while also working in the themes from A Girl's Name. I've just re-read the first four books of the series and I realized that I made my version of Yonaga a little too soft. While I'm trying NOT to go over-the-top as Mr. Albano did in his books, I realized that a shipgirl version of the Seventh Carrier of Operation Z would be a little more hard-nosed that I originally depicted her.

This is also inspired by a little KanColle/7CV story I saw on DeviantArt, The Iron Admiral, which follows the "resurrected leader" theme in bringing Admiral Fujita Hiroshi into the KanColle universe to command shipgirls. You can find it here: The Iron Admiral Fanfiction by WWII44 on DeviantArt

Anyhow, I call this "The Seventh Shipgirl". It's a provisional title. Let's see how far this plot bunny goes...


Somewhere in the Arctic, a year ago...

"Again, we failed, Admiral. We blunted the attack, but the nature of our opponents prevents us from destroying them."

Hearing that declaration from the commander of the Sixth Naval Air Flotilla, Captain Aoshima Susumu, the elderly gentleman currently seated at the head of the table inside the meeting room near Flag Plot could only shake his head in growing despair. "Have the Kami cursed the whole world with these filthy creatures?!" Admiral Fujita Hiroshi growled as he thumped a tiny fist onto the desk while the others gathered around him. "With what we've been monitoring over all air frequencies since we got out of Sano-wan, the only beings capable of dealing with these yōma are the kantai musume!"

The 1904 graduate of the Eta-jima Naval Academy could only shake his head in disbelief and private horror at such a vicious jest by all the gods on humankind that had been inflicted on Earth in the last decade. Even if Fujita found it almost impossible to believe that humanity had been driven down so much by the so-called "Abyssals" that they resorted to such odd magic to bring back the living kami of Yonaga's fleet mates and contemporaries from the time of the Greater East Asia War, making them effectively human women - a result that thoroughly sickened the native of Nagoya since he believed a woman's place was in the home, not on the field of battle facing murderous enemies - he and the over two thousand brave naval warriors who had manned the fifth of the Yamato-class warships and the second to be converted to an aircraft carrier had seen stranger things in the last seven decades since they were imprisoned in a small cove at the eastern end of Siberia by massive glaciers thanks to an earthquake, several months before Yonaga would have joined the others of the Kidō Butai in Operation Z.

Before anyone could say more, a whistle echoed. "Bridge to Admiral," a voice spoke out in American-accented Japanese.

Fujita reached over to open two-way on the small telephone unit on the table. "Fujita here. What is it, Brent-san?"

"Sir, lookouts just spotted one of the Ryūseizen - the two-stack one with the sixteen guns in the four-gun turrets - hovering close to Wrangel Island," Brent Ross answered. "She was spotted by Lieutenant Takii's patrol flight about forty kilometres south-southwest of Zvëzdnyj, moving towards the island. That was an hour ago. She faded into the fog shortly afterwards." As the others nodded on hearing that, the retired naval intelligence officer and son of a distinguished veteran of the Second World War whose actions shortly after Yonaga had finally been allowed to free herself from Sano-wan had forever endeared the Ross family to the crew then added, "Right now, she seems to be at station-keeping, with all radars focused on the island."

"They sense the enemy there, Admiral," ship's captain Ogawa Gorō then advised.

"Most likely," Fujita said. While many of Yonaga's crew had long speculated about the true origins of the mysterious super-battleships designed on Western patterns that had patrolled the oceans like grim undertakers during both world wars and fought to destroy great kaijū similar to the fictional Gojira which threatened the warring ships of both sides, only the admiral knew the truth of their origins...but had been sworn to silence by powers beyond imagination years ago when Yamamoto Isoroku let him in on that particular secret. "Tell me, Brent-san, what did Yoshiro-san say about this one's current state?"

"Warship at this...!"

Silence fell for a moment as Ross' voice faded, which made the people in the room tense. "What's happening, Brent-san?!" Lieutenant Commander Matsuhara Yoshi, one of the many doho from America who had come back to Japan before the war to fight for the Heavenly Sovereign and Ross' best friend among Yonaga's crew, then demanded.

"Yoshiro-san just reported that she shifted to shipgirl format, Yoshi-san," Ross replied, a touch of astonishment in his voice at the idea of an actual warship doing something like that. "Looks like she's sailing in."

"Put the scout frequency on!" Fujita demanded.


Crackles echoed, then a new voice called, "Iceman, this is Tora One! Can you hear me, Iceman?! Brent-san, are you there?!"

"We can hear you fine, Yoshiro-san! The admiral's listening in!" Ross called back.

"My thanks, my friend! Admiral, the Ryūseizen that we spotted an hour ago has shifted herself to kanmusu form to approach what's left of Zvëzdnyj. It appears there is a young child on the dock there! An abyssal child...!"

People perked on hearing the experienced torpedo bomber pilot's report. "Similar to the one called 'Hoppō' that Hōshō-sensei now fosters at the Yokosuka Naval District, Lieutenant?!" combat officer Lieutenant Commander Kawamoto Masao asked.

"The very same, Commander! I...wait!"

Another pause as people listening in tensed. "Admiral! The Ryūseizen has raised a national flag!" Torii Yoshiro declared, his voice cracking with excitement. "It's the new Canadian White Ensign! She's Canadian, Admiral! I...!"

Yet another stretch of silence. "What is it, Yoshiro-san?!" Ogawa demanded.

"She's moving to retrieve the child now. But she's put up another ensign! A black Canadian ensign defaced with a golden badge. Crossed rods in saltire in a wreath of maple leaves, the Queen's Crown at the top! I don't recognize it...!"

Fujita smiled. "The silence is broken..."

"Sir?" chief scribe Lieutenant Hironaka Kenji then asked.

The old admiral smiled. To the others in the room, it seemed as if a huge weight had just been taken off his shoulders. "I can now explain about our Canadian friends right now that they've done that, Kenji-san. A Fidelius charm as our Western friends would call it kept my silence until now." As the eyes of all in the room fixed on him, he took a deep breath. "As you'll all know, my ancestors possessed the gift of magic though I myself was not blessed by the Kami to use that power when I was born. I've long briefed you all on our hidden magical brethren and the great battles that rocked Europe and Asia during the Greater East Asia War as led by our own Marshal Yomigawa Tsukiko and her ally Gellert Grindelwald to forever wreck the tyranny of the so-called 'international confederation of wizards' on all mankind." As the others nodded, he added, "The Ryūseizen were constructed by one of the greatest naval warriors I've ever had the privilege to meet, one Fleet Admiral Tōgō held with great respect." As the others in the room gasped on hearing that, he nodded to Yonaga's northeast. "That vessel now rescuing that child kami is Her Majesty's Canadian Ship Odyssey, second of the Argo-class battleships. The name-ship was the one who rescued a third of H.M.S. Hood's crew and half of battleship Bismarck's crew during the Rheinübung operation back in late May of 1941, some months before our entrapment in Sano-wan. By international treaty, Odyssey and her sisters are neutral during times of conflict in the normal world, but stand ready to protect us all from the great kaijū that always seemed to emerge because of such mass bloodshed on the high seas. The first commander of the First Canadian Battleship Squadron and the designer of these vessels, Admiral William Harlan, has always vowed that those who were left to the 'mercy'..." - here, one could coat all the decks of Yonaga with the scorn in Fujita's voice on saying that - "...of those kaijū would be saved by his crews if chance so welcomed it. And, no doubt, they are saving seamen from their yōma cousins we fight now!"

People exchanged looks, then Matsuhara screamed out, "BANZAI HARLAN!"

The others all leapt to their feet. "BANZAI HARLAN!"

«Actually, I'm not called 'Odyssey'.»

Gasps filled the room as that soft voice echoed in people's heads. "Who...?!" Ogawa demanded as eyes darted around.

An amused titter responded. «Yonaga was willing to allow me to speak to you this way while I'm busy with Vrángelja now,» that lovely woman's voice came back as a wave of pure peace flooded the room. To Fujita's sharp ears, the voice had a curious mixture of accents, part eastern Québec and part eastern Texas of all places! «I would have been named 'Odyssey' save for the sacrifice of a very brave man when my sister's crew saved Bismarck's from one of the sea leviathans that wanted to turn those poor souls into a mid-morning snack!» As the officers in the room visibly winced on hearing that, that voice added, «I am the second of the Argo-class battleships, flagship of the Pacific Division of the First Canadian Battleship Squadron, Royal Canadian Navy Magical Service: Her Majesty's Canadian Ship Chennalton, hull number BB-49. Admiral Fujita, I can personally assert that Admiral Harlan will be quite happy that you're still alive all these years.»

"Chennalton-san, you are too kind to me!" Fujita said as the others in the room exchanged looks. "Tell me, are those kaijū you were constructed to fight loose on the oceans?! Is there a relation to these Abyssals we've been fighting?"

«Not that we've discovered, but there's still too much unknown about them; this is the reason I'm trying to get Vrángelja off the island now and to safety,» the living incarnation of Canada's longest battleship - a vessel whose existence had been hidden under layers of ancient secrecy that not even the best investigators in the normal world could penetrate - responded. «I hope your wonderful scout pilots in those Type 97s above me are keeping an eye out for potential Abyssals!»

"None will harm you or your charge, Chennalton-sama!" Takii Yoshiro then called out from the cockpit of his Nakajima B5N2.

"BANZAI!" many of the officers in the meeting room and the bridge - including Brent Ross, much to the private approval of Fujita and Matsuhara - screamed out in approval of the pilot's vow to protect the transformed battleship below.

«Then I request permission to lay alongside to allow you people the chance to meet young Vrángelja,» Chennalton announced, making people gaped. «She wants to meet the 'nice men' who give the 'Angry One' the power to fight on even in the face of the challenges our abyssal 'friends' love to give humanity as a whole, magical and normal alike.»

Blushes instantly crossed the faces of many of the men in the room. "Please lay alongside us when you can, Chennalton-san," Fujita then bade. "We've long wondered what's driven these beings to do what they've done. If young Vrángelja is willing to aide us as much as young Hoppō-chan and others like her have done, we'll be able to finally sweep these monsters clear of the seas and restore the peace your Queen and our Heavenly Sovereign desire across the world."

"BANZAI!" the officers in the room howled their support...


On the Arctic shore of Siberia, close to the Bering Strait, today...

"They were stuck here for HOW long, Onê-san?!"

"At least sixty years," the twenty-something woman with the dark shaggy hair and the almost black eyes mused as she used her ki senses to reach out and scan what still remained of a certain aircraft carrier's long entrapment in this well protected cove close to the now-deserted village of Ènurmino, about a hundred kilometres northwest of the eastern tip of Siberia, Cape Dezhnëva. "An earthquake entrapped them sometime in September of 1941. A second one around late November of 1984 enforced the trap. But the mesonium deposits in the bay kept the ship intact and the crew young so that when the Abyssals came to destroy them, they were able to break free and beat them back." Here, Moroboshi Negako could only smirk as she straightened herself, automatically doing an isometric kata to allow the blood flows in her legs to restore to normalcy.

"And this ship is this 'angry one' the Abyssals are scared of, right?" Moroboshi Ataru then asked as he followed his adopted sister - and for ten years, his mental "house guest" in the subconscious elements of his brain - towards the inner end of the half-kilometre cove surrounded on all sides by hundred-metre escarpments topped with nearly fifty metres of ice. "The missing sisters of the Yamato-class? Yasuko-san's, Mutsuko-san's, Shimizu-chan's and Izumi-chan's sister?"

"The same."

"You sure it's the same ship Ō'oji-chan served on?"

"Positive. My interview of Miura Daisuke proved that."

Ataru tried not to smirk. Colonel Miura Daisuke was one of the last surviving members of the infamous Unit 731, the biological warfare research centre of the Imperial Army before and during the Second World War. Having nearly killed himself thanks to helping the Americans understand what he did when he had been allowed to escape the Tōkyō war crimes trials, Miura had been imprisoned in a sanitarium until he passed away over a decade ago. Before he did, Negako - who was then resident in the subconscious mind of Ataru's material second cousin two times removed, Hana Hirosuke - was able to extract all the information concerning the fifth of the Yamato-class warships, Tennō Heika Gunkan Yonaga, the Seventh Carrier of Operation Z. The ship where Ataru's paternal granduncle Lieutenant Moroboshi Kyōsuke had served as junior navigation officer on until Yonaga disappeared in the summer of 1941, some months before the start of the Greater East Asia War.

No doubt, Negako's "interview" of the bastard had hastened his final demise.

Shaking his head as he tried not to allow the darker side of his very soul to surge up from the blackest pits of his own hear and take control over him as it had done several times over the last year in his personal timeline, the Terran "tag race" champion who had "saved" Earth from invasion by the Urusians a year before could only sigh as he took a look around Sano-wan. Named after Miura's co-worker Colonel Sano Akira, the small cove had been a perfect place to place the modified Yamato-class warship that had been expertly rebuilt into the perfect floating airfield for a whole naval air flotilla of over a hundred and fifty strike planes. Extended to a total length of 1050 feet and a flight deck width of 150 feet at the widest point, Yonaga tipped the scales at well over 85,000 tonnes displacement with a full war load, most of that being consumed in layers of armour protection that even outstripped that of her own battleship cousins Yamato, Musashi and the never-completed Izumi (once only known as Warship No. 111), to say anything that of Yonaga's own quasi-sister aircraft carrier Shinano.

"So what is Yoiko-san now, Onē-san? Ship or shipgirl?" Ataru wondered.

Negako tried not to smile on hearing that girl's name applied to Yonaga. Thanks ironically to the attitudes towards women that she had deliberately fostered inside her last host over a decade, Ataru had written an anonymous letter to the Yomiuri Shinbun three years ago decrying how much the commanders of the world's shipgirl forces were treating the beautiful arahitogami who were now the defenders of humanity against the monsters of the abyss. Treating them as nothing more than mere weapons against such a foe while totally forgetting the fact that they were now effectively human women with all the abilities that human women had been blessed with at first. Along with that - and keeping such totally hidden from Ataru's now-despised parents Muchi and Kinshō - the last host of "Imperial Special Agent #49" had devised human names for all the kanmusu of the world, then secretly sent those names out to the beautiful angels of the seas to have available for them to use when they finally retired from service and moved on to live their rest of their hopefully long lives as they hadn't done as warships.

For the five Yamato-class ships built by Japan, Ataru had chosen these names:

Tennō Heika Gunkan Yamato was Itō Yasuko.

Tennō Heika Gunkan Musashi was Itō Mutsuko.

Tennō Heika Gunkan Shinano was Itō Shimizu.

Tennō Heika Gunkan Izumi - who was never named before the order for Warship No. 111 was cancelled - was Itō Izumi.

And the just-revealed Tennō Heika Gunkan Yonaga was Itō Yoiko.

After returning back from a year's sojourn in deep space - after he had been fired back in time by a three millennia-old spirit dragon from the planet Noukiios after he had been saved from being forced to marry his "wife" at the Onishuto Cathedral on Uru in the wake of meeting his other "fiancée" - Ataru had learned that all the shipgirls of the world, while having not learned who their "hidden fan" was, always used the human names in private or with those people they trusted the most, such as Rear Admiral Gotō Kiichi and Rear Admiral John Richardson, the joint commanders of all shipgirl forces in Japan.

Given the wonderful news some months ago of what battleship Mutsu - to Ataru, Yamamoto Chiyoko; soon to be Lieutenant Commander Chiyoko Richardson of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Forces - it was only right and proper.


Ataru's head snapped around. "What is it?"

Negako was now gazing northeast towards the Chukótskoe Sea and the tip of the Lisburne Peninsula of Alaska well over 250 kilometres away. "Yoiko is currently heading towards the Bering Strait. It appears there's a new Abyssal shore installation establishing itself on Little Diomede Island, no doubt to find some way of choking off transport through the Northern Sea Route and the Northwest Passage to avoid the necessity of orbiting Eurasia and North America."

"Is she alone?" Ataru demanded. Much that he still found it quite hard to focus fully on the many military issues that governed the lives of the shipgirls, the fact that his great-uncle's ship was now about to engage the enemy...!

"No. Patricia Chennalton is with her now." Her eyebrow then twitched. "It appears that Patricia helped Yoiko become a proper kantai musume. Her crew are all alive and well, but now magically transformed into faeries."

That made him cringe. "You mean like...?"

"Hai. Like the former crews of the First Canadian Battleship Squadron allowed themselves to become five years ago."

Hearing that made Ataru's heart nearly break as something deep inside him surged up from his heart, that reflected by the fact that his left eye was now glowing. "They won't fight alone, Onē-san," he declared in a voice that boomed with a deep metallic echo, as if he was speaking through a steel tunnel. "Excuse me."

With that, he raced off to the nearby hovercycle they had used to travel here from Japan. Watching her last host/adopted brother go, Negako could only shake her head. "You need to learn to better master that side of you, Ataru..."


In the Bering Sea, two hundred kilometres south of Little Diomede Island...

"Aircraft just spotted the installation princess!"

"Got it!" New Jersey said with a cold smile as she urged her engineers to push her turbines to the limits and let her go all flank out to close in and destroy the enemy. "Any sign of surface or sub-surface forces, Anna?"

"Negative, Kathy-san," Akagi replied from the battleship's starboard beam after hearing a report from a flight of Nakajima B6N Tenzan bombers now soaring over the eastern side of the straight to get a closer look at the closest piece of American territory to Russian territory. As they were alone and the people monitoring this from both Yokosuka near Tōkyō and Kitsap near Seattle were aware of the shipgirls' human names, the converted Amagi-class battlecruiser addressed the second of the Iowa-class fast battleships by the intimate form of the middle part of her human name Anne Katharine Hyde, just as New Jersey called the carrier back by her human name Fujita Anna. "There is a combat air patrol, but Kei and I could deal with that." Here, she indicated Kaga - known privately as Fujita Kei - who was being shadowed by Iowa - Minerva Abigail "Gabby" Lewis - as this ad hoc grouping of veterans from the Kidō Butai and Task Force 34 moved to close on Little Diomede.

The second of the Iowa-class fast battleships nodded, bangs of her strawberry blonde hair fluttering over her bridge as she scanned the calm seas while her radar reached out to pick up any returns from the little shit who DARED to invade American territory like she did. "If it's a kid, we'll coax her into switching flags," she said, earning her a nod from the lead ship of Carrier Division One. "Hopefully, there will be no need for the Dragon Killers to put it down with a meson version of a Katie."

That made the line of fast battleships and carriers wince on hearing that dark observation. "That would be dishonourable, even for these creatures," Kaga snarled as she readied her daikyū. "Let us pray it is a child..."

"No such luck," Akagi then warned after getting a message from her scouts.

The other shipgirls' shoulders slumped. "Shit!" Iowa spat out as her blonde hair whipped like a demon around her head.

«Must have been transplanted from elsewhere,» a voice then echoed over secure communications from the support force over two hundred kilometres to the south of the main attack line. «There was no real battle fought over Little Diomede during World War Two and the Coast Guard was able to evacuate the civilians from Ingaliq before the Abyssals closed the strait before your fiancée called you back to duty, Dragon.» As Jersey blushed and the others in the attacking line all giggled on hearing Enterprise address the man she deeply loved, Professor Arthur Crowning, by that term, the former naval intelligence officer and the first true American shipgirl to be summoned added, «How big is the CAP, Anna? Need some help?»

"No, Yvonne-san, we can handle this," Akagi stated as the others of the Kidō Butai prepared their daikyū to launch a first waive. "Has Roberta-san or any of the others sensed out any submarines close to us? Given the seas here..."

«Negatory on sub contacts via CANTASS or SOSUS, Anna-san,» came the curt voice of destroyer Haida, who was leading a small division of Canadian shipgirls up through the strait to scan the Dominion's Arctic islands to ensure none of the Abyssals had gone up and set up new bases well away from even patrols by the native hunters who also wore the red vests of the Canadian Rangers. «The idiots should've done something to blank themselves out from SOSUS. All's quiet there.»

"Let's not call in Master Chief Murphy, T-Bird!" Iowa called back. "You girls ready?!" she called out to the other battleships.

"Always ready to unleash burning love, you foolish Yank!" Kongō asserted from Zuikaku's starboard side, her turrets splaying.

Iowa laughed as Kongō's sisters chimed their affirmatives. "Ready to kick ass and take names, Dragon?" she asked her sister.

"Age before beauty, Stick?"

"Why, you ass...!"


Heads snapped over to Akagi. "What is it, Anna-san?!" Zuikaku called out.

"Recon flight just spotted a massive wave of aircraft approaching the target from the northwest!" the second-oldest of Japan's carriers called out. "All Japanese planes: A6M2s, D3A1s and B5N2s! Over a HUNDRED of them...!"

"We don't have carriers up here!" Hiryū exclaimed. "Who'd be flying all that old stuff?! We've got our Kai-ni upgrades...!"

The others nodded. "Any sign of markings, Anna?" Kaga asked.

"Checking now, Kei-chan," Akagi affirmed as she listened to the excited chatter from her scouts, ignoring her oldest friend's blush at such an intimate form of address. "We should have sent submarines up here to scout ahead...!"

She stopped as a stream of messages came in to her, the information being decoded immediately in her secure communications room to be relayed to her inner mind. A second later, her face turned almost white as a look of total disbelief crossed her face, that mixed with what appeared to be delight and even hope. That look was instantly picked up by her old mission mates from Operation Z and the other ships escorting them. "Anna-san, what is it?! Who's here?!" Sōryū demanded.

Shaking her head, Akagi then blinked as her eyes teared. "An old friend, Sei-san," she hissed out. "A friend that missed out on everything...yet appears quite ready to dive into it even if she hasn't come back through Eta-jima..."


More silence.

Still more silence.


"Yonaga...?!" Hiryū croaked.


"Who or what is Yonaga?" Kirishima demanded from beside Shōkaku.

"Warship No. 797, fifth of the Yamato-class...even if she was the first actually 'commissioned', Isabel-san," Akagi answered before a wry grin crossed her face. "So to speak. She was even more modified than Shizuka-chan was! Made as long as any of the Americans' Forrestal-class carriers; she could carry a whole air flotilla on her with room to spare!" As the two American battleships gaped on hearing that, Akagi smirked. "The man behind the construction of Yonaga - that's her name - was mine and Kei-chan's old division commander, Fujita Hiroshi. He was one of the main planners behind Operation Z even if his name was wiped out from the history books because of what was decided concerning Yonaga."

"How was she made to disappear, Anna-san?" Haruna asked from Sōryū's starboard.

"Unit 731, Harumi-san."

All the Japanese shipgirls winced on hearing the name of THAT particular Imperial Army unit while the two Americans among them shook their head. "Yeah, you guys sure loved to keep your secrets," Jersey wryly noted as her own radar picked up the massive alpha strike now closing in on Little Diomede. "Looks like our princess there just woke up to the Big Yama's dropping the hammer on her! You think you can swing your Jills over to scan where our missing flattop is?!"

"Trying to signal her, Kathy-san," Akagi called out before she concentrated. «Yonaga, this is Akagi!» she transmitted on the special frequency that Yamamoto Isoroku had given to Nagumo Chūichi before the Kidō Butai deployed from Hitokappu-wan off what today was known as Iturúp to communicate to Fujita Hiroshi aboard Yonaga when the seventh carrier of Operation Z joined her mission mates somewhere close to Midway Island on the voyage to launch the Greater East Asia War. «Yonaga, this is Akagi! Please respond! My scouts just picked up your attack force closing in on Little Diomede! Do you need assistance?»


"Is she asleep?" Iowa wondered.

More silence.

"She was under EMCON before the signal to climb Mount Niitaka was to be sent out from Nagato, Gabby," Jersey then warned. "She might still be following those orders. If she's been isolated all this time, she's no different..."

"Then any of the people who refused to heed Shōwa Tennō's call to surrender in 1945," Tenryū affirmed from the head of the formation, guiding the four members of her "kindergarten" to act as forward screen for the whole force.

Still more silence.

"Yonaga-san...!" Kaga hissed out.


When I die,
Above my grave
The fair bird flies.
And with her,
I will soar to Infinity.

All the destroyers looked ready to cry after hearing that lovely poem echo over the radio waves, even the ever-stoic Hibiki. "That's so beautiful!" Fubuki said as she instantly braced herself for whatever might come next.

"Was that Yonaga-sempai?" Mutsuki wondered as her gunners loaded rounds into her four 12.7 centimetre 40 calibre Type 89 naval guns in preparation to defend the carriers and battleships in case the installation princess got off a strike.

"The attack's going in!" Akagi called out...

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So grumbled SP4 one day: "The most annoying thing in the world? That has to be being on fire and about to heel over, and then realising that the Universe is out to embarrass eight bells out of you with something you will never live down."


"Everyone is about to see the godsdamned hatchet job done on your rudder and screws."