Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

For a moment, I thought you were doing a dramatization of Jingles' latest LP of Atlantic Fleet.

Same game, same scenario, different player

Yet another player, luckier scenario?

I got a lucky hit on Bismark's A turret at extreme range, and things went downhill from there, and ended via Norfolk taking Bismark with a point blank torpedo salvo after Rodney and KGV had disabled the remaining turrets.

In the Battle of the Atlantic, I got Scharnhorst and Gneisenau with torpedo task forces.

However, my luck only seems to extend to tin can charges. The UK SZ is a sub with air support magnet.

And that's how I lost my shiny Attacker.

E: Wait, Jingles did a LP of Atlantic Fleet?
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HMS Bismarck

Bismarck was tired. She was tired of fighting, tired of running, and just physically exhausted. Which should have been physically impossible for a warship of the Kreigsmarine, but when you're both ship and girl, weird things happen. Like that time that Prinz Eugen and Blücher had... She was getting distracted. Now was not the time to get distracted.

The distant crackling of eight inch guns reminded Bismarck of her harriers. The cruisers were herding her, and had been all night. Solemnly, Bismarck pondered where she had gone wrong on what she was beginning to suspect would be her only sortie. Had it been during that first engagement, where she and her faithful escort Prinz Eugen had faced off against Hood and Prince of Wales, only to annihilate the battlecruiser, and drive off her wounded companion, with only minor damage taken in return, or when she had sent Eugen off on their original mission, only to end up hounded by the entire British Home Fleet as she tried to make for Brest

And what a chase she had given them. She had driven off those pesky destroyers in the night, sinking the foolish Pole who had stayed around to mock her. Her spotter plane had managed to let her avoid the British fleet until it had had to return at nightfall. Then those biplanes had attacked, and she had been lucky to avoid any major damage...

Another salvo from the trailing heavy cruisers brought the German out of her thoughts. Their guns couldn't hurt her at this range, but she was running dangerously low on fuel and munitions, and wanted to be prepared for whatever attempt came next for her life. Speaking of which...

"Hullo Bismarck. You hurt my sister, and sank my friend. Prepare to die." Came the royal voice of King George V, lead ship of her class.

"We have you outnumbered. If you surrender, we'll make it as painless as possible." Came the lilting brogue of her partner, HMS Rodney.

"Nein! I'll never surrender to the likes of you!" Bismarck snarled defiantly at her opponents. With her part said, the two British battleships, their flag flying proudly overhead, opened fire on the German. Both salvos fell short, but were enough to get Bismarck to turn hard to starboard. With only her fore guns available, Bismarck set her sights on Rodney, the bigger threat of the two. With a prayer and a pull of the trigger, the four fifteen inch guns roared as their payloads slammed into Rodney's bow.

"You bitch!" Cried Rodney as she stumbled back from the impact. Superficial damage, but disheartening nonetheless. George fired her guns again, the shells flying just over Bismarck's stern. Rodney followed up almost immediately after, and her salvo hit amidships. But the angle was bad, and the shells seemed to bounce off with minimal effect.

Both sides seemed to have found their range, and as the two British ships closed the range, their fire became increasingly deadly for Bismarck. At the same time, so did hers. Shell after fifteen inch shell slammed into Rodney. Soon, one of the British battleship's turrets took a critical hit. Her eyes grew wide, and she threw her hands in front of her face in a useless gesture as one final salvo buried itself deep into her magazines. The explosion wracked Rodney's body before it brutally ripped her apart.

Bismarck was surprised when Rodney went up in a massive fireball, in such a similar fashion as Hood had gone up not two days ago. She certainly hadn't expected to sink two British capital ships on her one outing, but that didn't mean she would stop there. She turned her guns upon the elder King George as the latter's fourteen inch shells pulverized her fore turrets, reducing them to nothing more than metal hulks on her hull.

A grim look of determination crossed Bismarck's face as her remaining guns roared her fury. A clean miss, but close enough that her next salvo should be on target. George's next volley hit at the waterline near her stern, and knocked out her engines. But with her next few salvos, Bismarck managed to mangle the two fore turrets on George, at the cost of her rear turrets.

Bismarck knew she wasn't going to return home to Germany. She would never get to properly meet her still incomplete sister, Tirpitz, and should never again see Eugen's cheerful smile or watch the rowdy subgirls party like it was their last night alive. Her engines were shot, and her main battery had been obliterated like Hood and Rodney, but she was still going to fight. Beginning a turn hard to port, Bismarck began opening up on George with her five point nine inch secondaries, even as her target turned to unshaded her rear turret.

Despite being at George's mercy, the British battleship turned and began sailing away from Bismarck. The German was confused, before she turned and noticed the two heavy cruisers had closed to torpedo range.

"Scheisse..." The German girl muttered as the nearer one, almost directly off her starboard beam, dropped a spread of torpedoes. The other seemed to be keeping hers in reserve, probably to make sure Bismarck wouldn't be able to dodge them.

Bismarck limped into a turn, desperately trying to dodge the incoming torpedoes. Those torpedoes were by far the largest threat to her continued existence, and as such took her complete focus in the dodging. However hard she tried, there was no way Bismarck was going to dodge all of the blasted torpedoes, not at this range. And the truth to that statement was revealed when only one torpedo slammed into her TDS amidships, with the minor flooding being enough to counteract the slight list she had acquired from brawling Rodney and King George V.

However impressive the dodge was, it put Bismarck into a different kind of danger. She was by far too close to the heavy cruiser who had dropped the torpedoes. Of course, for a warship, ramming a hostile warship is usually a good way to get oneself killed. And the cruiser was entirely too close for Bismarck to be comfortable.

"Heya, I'm Norfolk!" Cheered the brunette girl whose face was currently stuck in Bismarck's impressive bosom. Bismarck let out an "eep!" of surprise and tried to jump back from the cruiser, but her engines were shot, though the ram had inflicted no damage because of the combined lack of speed. The collision also placed Norfolk squarely below the elevation of Bismarck's damaged secondary battery, letting the cruiser do as she wished, which was to snuggle up to her with a hug.

Bismarck struggled to move, and watched helplessly as the other cruiser launched a spread of torpedoes into her stern, and by extension, Norfolk. Then a long ranged volley came from King George, and Bismarck felt herself finally begin to sink. She patted Norfolk's head, and returned the hug as she felt the waves begin to lap at her feet.

"Dorsey! Help me save her!" Norfolk cried out in a panic, and Bismarck felt the other heavy cruiser slide alongside her and try to help keep her afloat. "George, help!" Norfolk cried again, and that was the last thing Bismarck remembered as the world turned black.

Bismarck awoke with a start, jolting forward in her moorings.
"Easy there. You took a big hit, we've been trying to revive you for almost a year now," spoke an unknown voice. Bismarck turned to see an old battleship, Queen Elizabeth class. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and was sitting in what could be called a wheelchair, had it not been floating on the water. "I'm Warspite, nice to finally meet you, HMS Bismarck."

The captured German took a long look at Warspite. There was a sadness in her eyes that hadn't been present when she had fought. "How many survived?" She asked softly

"I- I'm sorry, can you say that again?" The elder battleship asked.

"From Hood and Rodney. How many survived?"

Warspite seemed to freeze, not expecting the question.

"How many?" Bismarck asked firmly.

"Three from Hood, perhaps a dozen from Rodney."

For the first time in her short life, Bismarck wept freely.

AN: So, this came about while playing a round of Sink the Bismarck in Atlantic Fleet. After the crazy and eventful fight described above, a plot bunny bit me. Well, this is the result.

Wait, competent British fire? Also, poor Rodney, continuing the trend of Brit ships exploding.

Norfolk's greeting to Bisko is hilarious.

  • So, I imagine 2 situation involving Jotaro Kujo. One situation including Jotaro trying to 'talk tough' like usual, but get spritzed by Hoppou. Every time.
  • Situation 2: Adult!Jotaro bonding with Hoppou regarding tuna fish-farming and dolphin.
  • Also, I saw Julian Gollop's Phoenix Point, and my first impression: Julian Gollop is registered here as @ARBITRACOM.

  • So, I imagine 2 situation involving Jotaro Kujo. One situation including Jotaro trying to 'talk tough' like usual, but get spritzed by Hoppou. Every time.
  • Situation 2: Adult!Jotaro bonding with Hoppou regarding tuna fish-farming and dolphin.
  • Also, I saw Julian Gollop's Phoenix Point, and my first impression: Julian Gollop is registered here as @ARBITRACOM.

Ummm... elaborate? Something to do with my fic? Not that I dislike this notion...
Sorry for doubleposting but it's been a while.

Some news roundup from twitter and various pages.

The 1:1 Zuiun (634 Air Group) model is nearly completed and due to be displayed on the Naval Base Zuiun Festival on Saturday, June 17th.

Dev's avatar:

Special illustration from ZECO, a Taiwanese artist who has also worked on Battleship Girl, another antrophomorpization series and game, for the recent performance of Kancolle Official Orchestra in Taiwan. Of course it's not a coincidence that Yukikaze was the subject of the image.

"Contact, bearing O-one-four."

She started her dive the moment the radio started crackling, her crew sealing shut the hatch and running out the scope as soon as the waves closed over her head. Her hydrophones were already picking up the minute hiss of escaping air as her partner submerged as well.

Deep inside her hull, her commander swiveled her periscope in the rough direction of the indicated coordinates. I see them, five ships at 3 o'clock, looks like a patrol.

A destroyer group, right in the middle of their path. That was bad.

Pushing on her rudders just a little, she heeled away from her original course with a small amount of regret and began to work her way around the Abyssal ships cruising far off in the horizon. Twin electric motors running her screws at a fraction of their maximum power, her crew held their breaths as she gently glided under the water's surface with painstaking slowness. Abyssal destroyers were absolutely notorious for bloodhound-like watchfulness for any underwater presences, pouncing on many a submarine (and occasionally unlucky subgirls) and tearing their poor hulls open with depth charges.

They'd have to split up for now, she thought with a sigh. Gunning her motors in two quick revs, her hydrophones soon picked up her partner's response and the rumble as she went deeper into the darkened Pacific waters.

She had her navigation officer check the charts. If all went well, they'd link up at Waypoint Three the next night.


"Ahoy, Chikuwa. Food's cooking, come and sit." Her friend was already waiting for her as she cruised into the deserted cove that was Waypoint Three, huddled in front of a small gas stove dug out from the cache stashed in the makeshift island depot. Waving over to her as she slogged her way out of the cold beach waters, the shorter girl patted a foldable chair beside her, a dry towel waiting on it. "Dry up quickly, it is rather cold out tonight. The borscht will be done soon."

"Thanks, Bratwurst. Hot soup sounds wonderful about now." Toweling off her matted black hair, the two subgirls huddled together within the shelter of the natural-formed cave's walls, the merry hiss of the stove mixing in with the bubbling borscht and filling the cove with a gentle atmosphere.

Soon the borscht was done and the two of them were wolfing it down, her friend stifling a giggle at her expense as she cringed from the taste. Say what she might about her Teutonic friend's fetish for strange Russian soups, the meal was filling and warming enough. "Thank you for the food." she murmured as they settled into sleeping bags side-by side, bundling themselves into a little niche in the hard stone walls. "I'll cook for us when we get to Waypoint Two."

"Bah, and stuff my poor gut full of your Japanese flour pig-guts." The German girl's snappy retort was none too gentle, her distaste towards the Oriental cuisine evident in her voice even as she snuggled up to the taller Japanese girl. "What with your people's "ra-men", I'll never understand."

"I think I remember stashing a couple bottles of sake at Waypoint Two, if I'm not wrong? Should go well with the food if we warm them up."

"Oh mein gott ich liebe dich mein Liebling."


"Senho, Milchkuh, welcome home." Commander Sugita of the JMSDF leaned over the railings as he overlooked the enclosed submarine pen, shooting the girls an approving nod as the two girls settled into their moorings. "You're within schedule as usual, good work."

Thick hoses trailed into the water from the heavy-duty pumps alongside the occupied berths and plugged into the subgirls resting inside, greedily siphoning gallons of precious oil from the exhausted forms of I-351 and U-461. As Sugita looked on, the two (and so far, only) transport submarines that comprised the "Merchant Under-Marine" flotilla twitched and fidgeted drowsily in their moorings, struggling to beat off the accumulated wear of a week's hard sailing until the pumps finished their work.

"Commander." Senho waved up at him from below, floating up on her back. In the dimmed lighting (at the subgirls' request), the bags on her eyes were nearly invisible. Emphasis on nearly. "When and where's the debriefing, and how many shore days are we allotted?"

"Debriefing's in six hours, Room 107. Shore leave should be two days as per usual, but I'll have a talk with the Admiral into getting you an extra day." Chuckling softly to himself as Milchkuh proceeded to perform a silent "whoop" gesture, he turned and headed away from the gantry with a wave. "Standard secrecy policies, stay on-base and off-grid on the day before departure. Goodnight, girls."

"Ja, ja."


Author's Note: A flash-forward snippet of my ultra-slow-burn story revolving around the lead (and only) ship of the IJN Sen-Ho class of tanker submarines, I-351. Just a look into the lives of a possible long-range underwater transport flotilla during the Abyssal War, I do hope I've managed to get a readable amount of everything right.

If all goes well and my muse (and stamina) permits, I may work on producing a full story chronicling I-351's exploits in the future. Thank you for reading.

-Addendum: At the current time, I-351 and U-461 are the only "true" (not counting little Maru-yu) transport submarines to have manifested.
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I was encouraged by @Darth Thanatos to post this here. Just a small idea that came up while seeing the screen name of an artist, who goes by Tachikoma.

Some weird kind of GiTS/kancolle crossover, with OldMonkey Aramaki finding himself saddled with the role of Admiral? (The Kongous are as headache inducing as always)

The blue spidertanks interacting with DesDiv6. There may be an unspoken contest between them as to which can be more adorable.

Makoto and Nagato as serious leadership-role badasses (the former has waaaay too much fun when she finds out about the latter's weakness to cute things)

Batou spoiling the DesLolis every bit as much as 'his' Tachikomas. The girls basically take him as a spear counterpart to Tenryuu, adopting him as a 'big brother/adoptive dad', much to the chuunis' aggravation.

Saito offering long range gunnery / sniping tutoring. Tenryuu most certainly does not have a bit of a crush on him, what with eyepatched badasses and all.

Togusa... maybe takes the Duckies under his wing, because of how much they remind him of his kids and he can't take their habit of eating less than the bare minimum?
Incidentally, yesterday (Sunday) was Sailors' Day here in Iceland. It falls on either the first or second Sunday in June, depending on White Sunday.
I was encouraged by @Darth Thanatos to post this here. Just a small idea that came up while seeing the screen name of an artist, who goes by Tachikoma.
Well, to be honest, I liked the barebones idea, but I also felt that that KC Images thread was not the best place to post it. So I commented about posting the idea here.
I was encouraged by @Darth Thanatos to post this here. Just a small idea that came up while seeing the screen name of an artist, who goes by Tachikoma.

Some weird kind of GiTS/kancolle crossover, with OldMonkey Aramaki finding himself saddled with the role of Admiral? (The Kongous are as headache inducing as always)

The blue spidertanks interacting with DesDiv6. There may be an unspoken contest between them as to which can be more adorable.

Makoto and Nagato as serious leadership-role badasses (the former has waaaay too much fun when she finds out about the latter's weakness to cute things)

Batou spoiling the DesLolis every bit as much as 'his' Tachikomas. The girls basically take him as a spear counterpart to Tenryuu, adopting him as a 'big brother/adoptive dad', much to the chuunis' aggravation.

Saito offering long range gunnery / sniping tutoring. Tenryuu most certainly does not have a bit of a crush on him, what with eyepatched badasses and all.

Togusa... maybe takes the Duckies under his wing, because of how much they remind him of his kids and he can't take their habit of eating less than the bare minimum?
I'm a sucker for good GitS so I would read the shit out of this.
you know this picture actually gave me an idea.

Now i don't know if it is worth spoilering but I'll do it anyway just to be safe.

now this gave me an idea.

Taihou is oddly alone among the shipgirls, yes she has a sort of adopted sibling relationship with the crane sisters but she still feels left out sometimes.

so one night she goes out into the civilian part of the naval district wearing a coat or a civilian outfit to hide her nature as a shipgirl. and she runs into a bar or perhaps a restaurant with live entertainment, and she sees a lone violinist playing.

enjoying it she actually returns frequently to that place to hear more presentations. and eventually she makes a decision to start playing. sneaking out to get more practice just to keep herself occupied when she does feel rather alone. eventually though she starts attracting an audience and even other shipgirls that want to learn instruments start practicing and before long she is making her own sisterhood of the band playing shipgirls.

its a little simplistic right now but the idea struck me when i saw this picture so i thought i would share it with you guys.
Meanwhile somewhere in the background of every scene, Ishikawa and Ooyodo are bonding over being "the support character".
I would like to see a scene in a kantai fan fiction where a group of retired military pilots intercept an Abyssal attack and then organize a counter strike using only F-86 Sabers and A-1 Sky raiders.