Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

And now, here is the list of America's heavy cruisers and the one class of large cruisers who were involved in WW2. Again, if there is no name in quotes, the family name is the ship's name. For the names of ships that were taken from lost tonnage, hull numbers are provided:

Jessica Catharine Davis "Alaska"
Marian Christine Gadao "Guam"
Lu'ukia Mana Wailani Kawānanakoa "Hawai'i"

Amber Joy Seligman "Pensacola"
Helen Julia Budge "Salt Lake City"

Grace Anna Goodhue "Northampton" (CA-26)
Finlandia Hannah Chester
Jane Lucy Kennedy "Louisville"
Ella Margaret Britten "Chicago" (CA-29)
Mary Elizabeth Houston
Augustina Evelyn McDaniel "Augusta"

Cora Sandra Jahncke "New Orleans"
Jane Leila Astor "Astoria"
Grace Lynn Newton "Minneapolis"
Jeannette Wendy McCann "Tuscaloosa"
Michiko Francine Norton "San Francisco"
Catharine Jane Quincy (CA-39)
Harriet Virginia Riefkohl "Vincennes"

Mary Emma Sedgwick "Wichita"

Anne Frances Arundel "Baltimore"
Helen Thomasine Winthrop "Boston"
Michelle Flora Dundee "Canberra"
Heather Sierra Quincy (CA-71)
Hester Harriet Pitt "Pittsburgh"
Clarissa Paula Pike "Saint Paul"
María Filipa Colón "Columbus"
Helen Jane Haytin "Helena"
Elizabeth Jane McGowan "Bremerton"
Brenda Francine Church "Fall River"
Caroline Marcia Bowden "Macon" (CA-132)
Thérèse Charlene Brûlé "Toledo"
Margarita Rosa Serra "Los Angeles"
Mary Margaret Kelly "Chicago" (CA-136)

Janet Valerie McLoughlin "Oregon City"
Anna Maria Christiaensen "Albany"
Sophia Carol Rochester
Florence Lucy Lampron "Northampton" (CA-125)

Jane Mary Meredith "Des Moines"
Dorothy Abigail Coffey "Salem"
Melanie Dorothy Ferguson "Newport News"

To explain some of the names: I based San Francisco on her BelBat interpretation, which I love a lot. I included Macon's hull code as USS Macon ZRS-5 is also around, so I needed to differentiate between the two. And the second Northampton could possibly come back as CLC-1, but I'll leave that to writer's interpretation. As for Hawai'i, since she was launched and nearly complete, she's in the list here.
And a little short to go with this list:


A Girl's Name: By The Emperor's Command
by Fred Herriot

Based on Kantai Collection, developed by Kadokawa Games; and Urusei Yatsura, created by Takahashi Rumiko

Including characters and situations from Belated Battleships, created by theJMPer; Greatest Generation, created by sasahara17; and Urusei Yatsura: The Senior Year, created by Mike Smith and Fred Herriot


United States Fleet Activities Sasebo, one late spring afternoon...

"Hey, Teitoku!"

Hearing that cheerful greeting from the slender carrier with the silver hair in side pigtails, the young man now in a white gakuran uniform paused before he gave the newcomer a smile. "Konnichi wa, Zuikaku-san," Moroboshi Ataru said with a slight twist of his lips on addressing the second of the Shōkaku-class armoured carriers by her ship name in lieu of the name he had personally suggested for her when he wrote a letter the Yomiuri Shinbun two years before, Matsubara Suzue.

The reason for that still honestly didn't many any sense to him, Ataru mused as he opened the locked door to his private office, which was located in one quiet corner of the large building that overlooked the basin where American warships had docked whenever they visited the port in more peaceful times. Waving his current guest inside the space, he headed over to the desk set off to one corner of the room. The space had been set aside for some senior officer under the command of Rear Admiral John Richardson before the Abyssals launched their general offensive on humanity ages before; said fellow had been killed in the Battle of Iō-tō four years ago and no replacement had been provided by Washington.

Ataru shook his head in amusement as Zuikaku moved to sit down in front of his desk while he moved to pull out his homework from his bookbag; even if the staff at Sasebo North High School were aware of his duties as a "volunteer boatswain's mate" for the shipgirls based out of the port, they still wanted him to pass out of the second year of high school and move on to prepare himself for the Centre Test. Fortunately, unlike his time at Tomobiki High, the teachers there were more caring about their students, gladly going out of their way to help with academic issues when required.

Taking a deep breath, he then concentrated on the very beautiful girl now seated before him. "Suzue-chan, why is it you guys always don't like the idea of people addressing you with your human names in public?" he teasingly asked.

She shrugged as she gave him a wanting look. "Because they're special," she said as she arched one leg up to allow him a clear view of the black lace panties she had on underneath her pleated skirt. As he slightly blushed at such a provocative show of barely covered skin masking her very human nexus, she added, "You're the first normal person who ever screamed out to the whole world that we're more than just warships brought back in human form. Sure, there are relationships now developing between shipgirls and normal people, but you were the first one to really make our situation public even if you were still in middle school at the time." A smile crossed her face. "We all love you for that, Ataru-kun."

He gazed at her, then looked down at the homework he was supposed to do. A glance back at her, then he smirked as he stood up. "Ready for our date tonight?" he asked. The homework could wait.

"Just need to get changed," she purred.

"I better make sure you dress ship properly."

Hearing that made her squeal in delight as she rose up and walked into his arms, their lips seeking out the other person's...


Downtown Sasebo, after supper...

To the normal passer-by, the cute couple now relaxing themselves at a rāmen restaurant across the river from Nimitz Park were just a normal pair of high school students enjoying time away from regular classes or after-school juken. The man was a slender track-runner type with shaggy brown hair in an off-the-collar style with bangs combed over his forehead, dark brown eyes peeking out of a rather normal face. His date had long slate-grate hair done in cute side pigtails over her ears, eyes the shade of pure jade peeking out of a slender yet very cute face. They were dressed in somewhat stylish civilian clothing as they enjoyed the hearty noodle broth that had just been served by one of the waitresses.

To the dark brown, almost all-seeing eyes of the fifth of the New Orleans-class heavy cruisers, both of those people were as different from normal humans as day was from night.

She had the ghostly echo of a Shōkaku-class aircraft carrier cloaking her like a shroud even if she was in civilian garb, the power, knowledge and experience of the most successful of Imperial Japan's wartime flattops bleeding from every pore of her body even if no normal human could perceive such.

He had a strange aura around him that was burned with a zest for life and love that was quite intoxicating for the namesake of the City by the Bay to gaze upon. And given his obvious desire to be the right sort of person to make his current companion a happy girl, that made the reborn nisei's heart ache.

Grunting, San Francisco nodded before she crossed the street, then stepped into the restaurant. Nodding her thanks as the owner ritually called out "Irasshaimase!", the pretty woman with the straight black hair in a ponytail and the dark brown almond-shaped eyes moved to sit at the bar where Zuikaku and Moroboshi Ataru were now relaxing.

"'Evening," she called out in English to the other two.

Ataru gazed upon her, then smiled. "Konban wa, Michiko-san."

"Hey, Michi," Zuikaku greeted as her communications suite sent a message to the just-arrived cruiser. «Want in on the fun?»

«Would he mind?» San Francisco signalled back.

«Not at all. He's actually wanted to meet you for some time.»

That made one of the most successful ships in the American Navy blink before she blushed, then she called out for an order...


Nimitz Park, nightfall...

"Michiko-chan, you're as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs," Ataru gently scolded. "What's wrong?"

Hearing that from the young man, San Francisco sighed before she leaned against him, allowing his arm to gently wrap around her shoulders. As Zuikaku warmly hugged him from the other side, he leaned over to kiss her forehead, making the carrier blush. "Well..." the reborn nisei breathed out before she shook her head. "I mean, don't get me wrong. That you went out of your way to tell people to treat us nice and all that because we're human even if we're shipgirls as well..."

He pulled his arm away from Zuikaku so he could gently touch the American's lips, making her stop as she gazed like a lost child at him. Noting that look, Ataru tried not to give in to an understandable urge to scream out in outrage over this whole mad situation. Forcing the living kami of warships from a very dark time in history to live again as human girls with all the emotional capabilities of normal humans their physical age, yet to not help these girls properly adjust to being human. Yes, there was the horrid necessity to fight the Abyssals - which shipgirls as a whole were more than well-equipped to deal with - but what happened to them when they weren't out on the high seas performing their duties?

Much less when the war was won and they're be allowed to live their lives...?

Seeing the concern flash in his eyes, San Francisco closed hers as she tilted her head. He leaned in to gently kiss her, making the cruiser swoon in delight at such a warm contact, then she allowed him to pull her even closer to him. Much to the American's surprise, Zuikaku moved to wrap her arms around them both, leaning her chin on Ataru's shoulder as she reached over to gently thread San Francisco's sable hair with her fingers. Shuddering at that warm contact from the carrier, the treaty cruiser could only groan in delight as she allowed his tongue to gently probe into her mouth and play with her own. The two went at it for what seemed an eternity until they gently pulled apart, then he rubbed his forehead on hers.

"Wow...!" San Francisco moaned out.

"It's nice when he does that, isn't it?" Zuikaku wondered.


"What's wrong, Michiko?" Ataru gently probed.

The cruiser blinked, then she sighed. "How'd you know?"

"Know what?"

"That I'd be nisei? 'Michiko Francine Norton'. That list was made over a year before I was called back to duty again! How...?"

Ataru stared at her, then he laughed. "Oh!"

"How did you know?" Zuikaku then asked.

He winked. "When I was making the list for girls like Michiko, Suzue, I got a letter from someone..." He turned back to gaze knowingly into the cruiser's eyes. "Who claims to be your namesake city's most well-known resident!"


More silence.

Still more silence.


"The Emperor...?!" San Francisco squawked.

"Hai!" Ataru affirmed before he drew out his iPhone. After flipping into his notes app, he scrolled down the entries there, then he smiled as he pulled up one particular file before he held out the phone for San Francisco to see:

To Our Honoured Friend, Lord Moroboshi Ataru of the Clan Moroboshi of the Imperial Province of Mutsu, 57th Host of the Angel of Terra, the Lady Moroboshi Negako, Grandmaster of the Imperial Martial Arts School of Saikō Jinseijutsu,
In note of your actions on the 11th of March this year within the pages of The Japan News in support of the current war effort, We call upon you to heed Our Proclamation so that Our Will may be done.
With eternal thanks and with greatest respect to your noble sister,
We remain,

in this dark time for humanity, the noble and living spirits of the great warships of the many nations of the world have been summoned back to fight against dark and devilish creatures seeking humanity's total destruction,
WHEREAS it is noted that the greatest of efforts is now being made within Our United States to call forth the warships of Our Navy to fight the foe,
WHEREAS a cruiser that was constructed at Our Naval Shipyard at Mare Island, launched on the Ninth day of March in the Year of Our Lord Nineteen-Thirty-three and commissioned in Our Navy on the Tenth day of February the following year, was named in honour and tribute to Our Beloved Capital City,
WHEREAS We viewed with great anguish and outrage the actions of the illegal government in the city of Washington when it came to Our Citizens born or descent of the Islands of Japan in the wake of the attack on Our Naval Base at Pearl Harbour on the Seventh day of December in the Year of Our Lord Nineteen-Forty-one, unleashing terrible depravations upon them due only to their ancestry,
AND WHEREAS the Lord Moroboshi Ataru of the Imperial Japanese Province of Mutsu, fifty-seventh host of the Angel of Terra, the Lady Moroboshi Negako, has called upon all the military leaders worldwide to better treat the reborn warriors of the seven seas as the human beings they have become by Divine Providence,
THEREFORE We, Norton I, Emperor of These United States and Protector of Mexico, do proclaim that upon her recall to duty whenever Divine Providence does permit such, that Our Warship San Francisco be adopted into Our Family and Clan, christened under the name Michiko Francine Norton, to be treated and honoured for her noble deeds in Our Service against the foes of Our Nation both past and present.
Given under Our Hand and Seal in Our City of San Francisco,

"An emperor...?!"

As San Francisco tried not to break down and weep at what had just been shown to her, Zuikaku looked confused. "You don't have an emperor, Michiko! All you have is a president! Who's this Norton guy, anyway...?!"

Ataru gazed at her, then looked at the cruiser. Both then broke down and laughed, making the carrier blink in confusion...

Fin...For Now!

Ok a while ago i did a little snippet on the most potentially weird admirals that could exist. That first snip used preston garvey. However a recent idea came to me for another one.

Admiral Johnny Bravo. Now there is some reason as to why this idea came to mind. See Johnny Bravo did indeed have someone that wanted a stable relationship with him and for a while had some success. The woman in question was a highly dangerous spy/secret agent woman. Making me think that very very VERY dangerous women are Johnnys type.

So who could potentially fall for this rather strange admiral.... i have no idea ive narrowed it down to 4 options and want your opinions on them.

Tatsuta, Ooyodo(seriously it explains why she barely reacts to kongo), nagato and Ooi
This is a snip from a work-in-progress of mine. Any and all feedback is appreciated.

Because Hibiki lost all her sisters in WW2, and was alone. I doubt she ever grew particularly close to any of the other ships in Soviet service. So I figure her biggest fear by far would be being all alone again. This is me exploring how she and her sisters deal with it.

Hibiki's Worst Fear

Hibiki's slender hull slipped through the comforting blanket of night with hardly a whisper, her eyes locked onto Hatsuzuki, as the larger, newer destroyer's Type 22 radar tracked the Abyssal cruisers. And, somewhere in the gloom, Akatsuki was also searching for the enemy.

It was only chance that she was looking in the right direction, as suddenly, searchlight beams stabbed out of the darkness, lighting Akatsuki up like a beacon.

Hibiki froze. Nononono. Not again. Not again!

"Chou-10cm-Hou Chan! Fire!". Hatsuzuki's eight hypervelocity guns cracked as one, desperately seeking to knock out the searchlights, and blind the Abyssals before they could shoot back.

But it was too late. The backwash of the searchlights perfectly silhouetted the Abyssals, their unmistakable profile practically shouting their identity. Atlantas, they had to be. Nothing else had that many guns. And all of them spun directly at her sister, before twenty-eight guns cracked, sending a hurricane of five-inch shells shrieking towards her sister.

"Hibiki!" Akatsuki screamed, as five-inch blasts began smashing into her desperately twisting hull.

"Akatsuki!" Belatedly, her own guns began to fire, as her boilers screamed to full power, and she surged towards her stricken sister, arm outstretched. But the Atlanta's armor, light as it was, brushed aside her featherweight shells as the demonic cruisers sent salvo after salvo smashing into her sister.

Akatsuki groaned pathetically as another salvo smashed into her hull and she began to slip beneath the waves. "Hibiki!"

Distantly, she felt someone grab her shoulder, and shake her, and she writhed, slipping out of their grasp. Her world narrowed, and all that mattered was reaching Akatsuki's shattered hull before she lost her sister again.

"Akatsuki!", she screamed, lunging desperately as her hand smashed into something solid, and her eyes snapped open.

She lay in her bed, her bedding violently tossed aside, Akatsuki's tiny hands on her shoulders… and a slowly purpling bruise on her cheekbone. And as Hibiki's eyes widened in horror, Akatsuki wrapped her in an embrace.

"It's okay, Hibiki. None of us are going to leave you again."
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Continuing my list of ship names for the A Girl's Name storyline, which includes all the "what could have been" in battleships with some cruisers and carriers. Again, as before, if the family name (for Western ships) or given name (for Japanese ships) is not in quotes, that is the ship's name. For certain ships, I gave them names (especially the German ones, plus a couple French and British ones); they're marked with asterisks. The three battlecruisers from Japan listed here had their names recycled into new ships for World War Two, so they were renamed and are indicated by dual asterisks.


Nicole Josephine Baert "Océan" (ex-Jean Bart)
Adelaide Adele Capet "France"

Françoise Anna d'Artagnan "Gascogne"
Maria Elisabeth Clemenceau

Isabelle Eva d'Angoulême "Normandie"
Margaret Maria de Bourgogne "Flandre"
Michelle Isabella de Bourgogne
Jeanette Lucie Dreyfus "Alsace"
Diana Judith Duquesne *
Anna Françoise de Tourville *


Agnes Hilda von Anhalt "Sachsen" (Schlachtschiff "K") *
Charlotte Jeanne von Kleve "Westphalia" (Schlachtschiff "L") *
Elisabeth Beatrix von Meißen "Brandenburg" (Schlachtschiff "J") *
Christine Margarethe von der Salle "Hessen" (Schlachtschiff "H") *
Anastasia Cecile von Schwerin "Mecklenburg" (Schlachtschiff "M") *
Margaret Mathilde von Wettin "Thüringen" (Schlachtschiff "N") *

Gisela Jessica von Derfflinger (Schlachtkreuzer "P") *
Katharina Hildegard von Moltke (Schlachtkreuzer "Q") *
Lisa Sara Heike von der Tann (Schlachtkreuzer "O") *

Frida Ursula von Seydlitz

Lili Bockholt "Ludwig Boickholt" (Flugzeugträger "C") *
Monika Löwe "Odo Löwe" (Flugzeugträger "D") *


Caterina da Vinci "Leonardo da Vinci"

Maria Caracciolo "Francesco Caracciolo"
Susanna Colombo "Cristoforo Colombo"
Felice Colonna "Marcantonio Colonna"
Dana Morosini "Francesco Morosini"

Irene Ansaldo "Imperio"


Fujita Tomomi "Tosa"

Hiraga Kiko "Kii"
Hiraga Otome "Owari"
Hiraga Haruka "Harima" (No. 11) *
Hiraga Hisae "Buzen" (No. 12) *

Hiraga Isako "Iga" (No. 13) *
Hiraga Saori "Shima" (No. 14) *
Hiraga Mizuki "Mikawa" (No. 15) *
Hiraga Toshie "Tōtōmi" (No. 16) *

Itō Izumi (No. 111) *

Itō Otsune "Ōmi" (No. 798) *
Itō Minako "Mino" (No. 799) *

Fujita Tokiko "Tōgasa" (ex-Amagi) **
Fujita Minako (ex-Atago) **
Fujita Akemi "Ashitaka" (ex-Takao) **


Evgenija Janovna Gamarnik "Sovétskaja Belorússija"
Valérija Oleksḯjovna Kiričénko "Sovétskaja Ukraína"
Raísa Vladímirovna Orlóva "Sovétskaja Rossíja"
Sofíja Vladímirovna Orlóva "Sovétskij Sojúz"

Klementína Sergéevna Kóstrikova "Kronštádt"
Vládlena Sergéevna Kóstrikova "Sevastópol'"

Dóroti Pétrovna Vrángel' "Petropávlovsk" (ex-Lützow)


Anna Marian Servaes "Agincourt" *
Christine Rhoda Servaes "Conqueror"
Hilda Edith Servaes "Erin" *
Linda Frances Servaes "Lion"
Patricia Roberta Servaes "Thunderer"
Tracey Regina Servaes "Temeraire"


Jean Elaine Summers "Washington" (BB-47)

Mildred Helena Crook "South Dakota" (BB-49)
Virginia Eleanor Dare "North Carolina" (BB-52)
Josie Sarah Jones "Massachusetts" (BB-54)
Ashley Elizabeth Lucas "Iowa" (BB-53)
Caroline Alberta Stokes "Montana" (BB-51)
Anna Lucy Symmes "Indiana" (BB-50)

Anne Mary Atkinson "Illinois"
Josephine Claudia Sanders "Kentucky"

Renée Madeleine Cavalier "Louisiana"
Frances Caroline Chamberlain "Maine"
Eliza Arabella Garfield "Ohio"
Jane Brenda Mason "New Hampshire"
Frances Marianne Schultz "Montana" (BB-67)

Also, given a prior complaint, please note that for Russian and Ukrainian names, I use the Scholarly Romanization systems to transcribe Cyrillic letters to the Latin alphabet. Go here to see what I mean:

Romanization of Russian - Wikipedia
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Another little add-on to A Girl's Name:


A Girl's Name: Ataru Does A Summons
by Fred Herriot

Yuki no Shingun (1895), composed by Nagai Kenshi.

Based on Kantai Collection, developed by Kadokawa Games; The Seventh Carrier, created by Peter Albano; Koihime Musō, created by BaseSon; and Urusei Yatsura, created by Takahashi Rumiko

Including characters and situations from Belated Battleships, created by theJMPer; Greatest Generation, created by sasahara17; Urusei Yatsura: The Senior Year, created by Mike Smith and Fred Herriot; and Phoenix From the Ashes and Shipgirl Samurai and Super-Ninjas, created by Fred Herriot


United States Fleet Activities Sasebo, a day in mid-April...

"...whole of Tomobiki-chō is in shock today after the incredible sight of a building being launched like an intercontinental ballistic missile through a SPACE WARP into the midst of a large number of alien warships akin to the Kashin, the flagship of Redet Invader, the Oni warlord who led the 'invasion' on Earth a year ago that was averted virtually at the last minute by Moroboshi Ataru. While many of Ataru-san's former peers from Tomobiki Senior High School here in town are adamant in declaring what happened here to be his fault — though again, as has happened many times before, such accusations are without any sort of concrete evidence to support such claims — the older generations are all now confronting Invader-san's daughter Redet Lum on the front lawn of the school demanding answers. Given the size of the explosion as filmed by local residents during that event, experts from the Self-Defence Forces declare that whatever was inside that building concluded that it had an explosive power many times greater than the Soviet Union's Car'-bómba from 1961..."

The mute was tapped. "Way to go, Onē-san!" the so-called "cancer of Tomobiki" mused as he sat back in his chair in his private office, shaking his head. "Poor Lum. Can't run away from all the garbage that you ultimately caused..."

He then smirked as a warm arm wrapped around his shoulders to allow him to receive a hot kiss from his current companion. "You must be pleased at THAT particular birthday present, Teitoku," Kirishima mused as she snuggled against him.

"Of course!" he said as he warmly squeezed her waist. "Anything that makes people realize how single-minded folks in Tomobiki can be at times, the better. I'd swear, if they keep charging flank speed ahead like they've done before, somebody from the Middle East or some loon elsewhere will go over there with a bomb-vest to make them ashes in their family crypts!" He shook his head. "I can't protect them, Isabel. I don't WANT to protect them anymore! My responsibility for protecting those idiots came to an end at the Tag Race when I tagged Lum's horns!" A lethal smile then crossed his face. "Now it's time for Lum and all her friends to realize that they're not as wanted here on Earth as they've been led to believe before..."

"About time," she noted, nodding in agreement as she watched the muted wall-mounted television, displaying a scene at Tomobiki High School, where a certain Oni warlord's daughter was being scolded by dozens of older people.

Smirking on seeing her host's mother standing near her would-be daughter-in-law screaming — the fourth of the Kongō-class battleships could lip-read; she knew Ataru's mother was trying to make people realize that everything was Ataru's fault, that Lum didn't deserve that abuse and that Moroboshi Kinshō again wished she never had Ataru in the first place — Kirishima smiled as she embraced her "special boatswain's mate" around the waist. Much that Ataru hadn't allowed the emotional pain from the abuse he had suffered because of Lum's declaring that they were married at the end of the Tag Race a year ago, the woman known better to Ataru as "Chihaya Isabel" knew deep down how much he still hurt. Uncaring parents, a would-be girlfriend who had literally abandoned him when he needed a friend the most, other "friends" who would stab him in the back if it gave them a chance with Ataru's so-called "wife", said "wife's" many friends from other planets with all their problems...!

Kirishima shuddered with delight as Ataru tilted her head up so they could kiss...

...just as his iPhone rang.

Moaning, he gazed on the caller ID there, then he sighed. "Great timing, Onē-san!" he hissed before he tapped the button to answer the call. "What is it, Onē-san?! I'm a little busy with Isabel here!"

"It is time, Ataru," a cold woman's voice called back.

Hearing that made both of them blink...


Far eastern Siberia, an hour later...

"...much better than flying..."

Ataru chuckled as he walked hand-in-hand with a slightly shuddering Kirishima towards the ice-clogged entrance of a small cove located on the Arctic shoreline just to the east of the local village of Neškán, over 150 kilometres from the eastern end of Eurasia; they had been teleported up from Sasebo thanks to a cloaked starship holding polar orbit over Earth. Fortunately, even if the sky was still dark because this was some distance above the Arctic Circle and it was early spring, the weather wasn't too cold; Ataru felt quite warm wearing a parka and fur-lined boots over his track suit. "Amazing that even after all the interest our galactic neighbours show in our planet, they don't bother scanning around for other ships parked in orbit."

That made the fourth of the Kongō-class battleships giggle in delight. As Ataru's primary shipgirl "adjutant" at Sasebo, Kirishima was aware of what he and his adopted sister Negako had been doing behind everyone's backs in Tomobiki. In response to the National Diet and the United Nations declaring Nishitōkyō a "special exclusion zone" akin to Dejima in Nagasaki years before — where alien visitors were allowed free reign without any sort of legal controls over anyone who came to visit Earth — the Imperial Palace had Negako move to forge alliances with those powers that opposed the Urusians and their allies. Primary among them were the Noukiites, who controlled one of the largest known star kingdoms in the local cluster. That act had paid handsome dividends, especially when it came to the shipgirls and their war against the Abyssals.

"Venerable Ataru! Revered Lady Kirishima!"

Kirishima blushed as Ataru smiled, then he pulled his hand away from her to render a left fist-in-right open palm salute to the smiling Noukiite major approaching him, appearing like a fair-skinned Klingon from Star Trek in more flowing robes than body armour. "Heaven's most sincere blessings to you, Lord Major," the Terran tag race champion said. "Where is my sister?"

"The Most Venerable Negako is currently with the Revered Ladies Yamato, Musashi, Shinano, New Jersey, Enterprise and Gángut beyond the barrier to view the wreckage of the Yonaga," the major stated as he waved them to accompany him to a large tunnel drilled into a solid sheet of ice many metres high. "The preparations for the summoning ceremony to call upon the spirit of Yonaga's house angel is ready to commence. It requires your presence as you are of the blood of one of her crew."

"Moroboshi Kyōsuke, my great-grand-uncle. He was a navigation officer. His older brother was Onē-san's host at the time."

The major nodded as the three made their way through the tunnel to the other side, then they stopped on seeing an ice-caked mass of rusting steel secured in the cove, listing slightly to starboard and slowly settling by the stern into the deep lagoon it had been hidden in for over seven decades. Seeing the unmistakable shape of the hull which indicated this great vessel had been a Yamato-class battleship before it was converted into the largest aircraft carrier conceived during World War Two, Kirishima bowed her head as her eyes teared in horrified sympathy while she recalled what Negako had told her about what had befallen the Yonaga prior to the start of Operation Z, depriving the Kidō Butai of a seventh landing deck and a whole air flotilla of fighters and bombers that could have unleashed a greater level of impact on the Greater East Asia War.

As the Noukiite officer formally saluted the wreck of the great carrier, Ataru sighed as he walked over to where a small group of people were standing close to a hemp rope gangway that led to Yonaga's old weather deck below the overhang of the flight deck. As his feet echoed on the crushed ice and bare soil, people's heads turned around. "Hey, Ataru!" New Jersey called out with a jaunty salute as Gángut grinned in delight, Yamato and Enterprise demurely smiled, Musashi gave a wolfish smile and Shinano shuddered in anticipation of having the fifth of her class brought back as a kanmusu. "Caught you in the barracks?"

"Funny, Kathy! Real funny!" Ataru teased back as he walked over to embrace the older female version of himself in the black martial artist's gi with pleated hakama trousers. "Hey, Onē-san! Is Yoiko-chan still being a sleepyhead?!"

"She is worried," Negako stated in her normal toneless voice. "Kyōsuke was the last of the crew to fall, about a decade ago. Since the Abyssals are trying to draw in the spirits of slain sailors to power their campaign, Yoiko has concentrated all her efforts to ensure the spirits of her crew were not seduced by the power of the Abyssals." Here, Earth's first true artificial intelligence addressed the long-missing and totally unknown fifth member of the Yamato-class warships by the human name Ataru chose for her, "Itō Yoiko". "Even if she has no physical body now, she has earned a very ugly reputation among them." As the others gazed upon the ninjutsu grandmaster, a ghost of a smile appeared on Negako's face. "The Angry One."

The other shipgirls gaped on hearing that. "That's the one shipgirl even the most powerful installation types, such as what Hoppō could have become, fear above all others," Enterprise noted. In her human identity as Lieutenant Commander Yvonne Swanson of the United States Navy's Office of Naval Intelligence, America's most successful warship had led the mission that had rescued the child-like Abyssal that had arisen on the island of Unalaska from being forcibly transformed into monsters like the one destroyed at Midway by Japan's shipgirls two years ago. Yamato — to Ataru, Itō Yasuko — had been involved in that mission while Musashi and Shinano — Itō Mutsuko and Itō Shimizu respectively — had helped keep the supplies flowing into Japan from North America, normally alongside New Jersey. The second of the Iowa-class battleships had been given the human name "Katherine Hyde" by Ataru...though, hopefully soon, that would change to "Katherine Crowling" once a certain English literature professor finally got off his duff and proposed to her. "Given the capabilities you learned she has from the Yonaga no Tenshi and the blueprints they held onto all these years, she'll probably be the best carrier Japan's ever fielded."

"Even better than you, Swanson!" Musashi sniped.

The pin-up model American blonde, blue-eyed carrier stuck her tongue out at the ash-haired super-battleship with the brown eyes behind reading glasses. Seeing they were about to launch into another insult session — one that had been ongoing since Yamato and Enterprise had shocked the world by announcing they were dating after they had successfully rescued Hoppō from Unalaska and the Grey Ghost's existence was finally revealed to the world — Shinano shuddered. "Onē-san! Yvonne-san! Stop that! That's not the proper impression to make before Onē-sama! You should be ashamed of yourselves!"

Gazing upon the tall and curvy carrier with the pony-tailed black hair and the dark eyes behind glasses on a very childlike face, both Musashi and Enterprise blushed as they looked away from the other. As Jersey whooped in laughter and Gángut snickered at the continued comedy of errors that seemed to always haunt the most legendary warships of two nations, Negako sighed. "You best go aboard," she then bade her brother and last host, holding out a beautiful tantō.

He nodded as he effortlessly drew the beautifully-crafted dagger from its sheath, then effortlessly bounded up the rotting rope gangway to the deck of the wrecked carrier, uncaring that he might actually snap the lines and go for an icy swim. Once he was on the slightly listing weather deck, Ataru took a deep breath, then he relaxed himself as he allowed recently-awoken ki senses to reach out and scan the intact parts of the ship. He was quick to feel a powerful nexus of ki aft, thus making him turn and walk down to an open hatchway that led into the vast hangar deck of the Yonaga. Peering inside, he felt grateful at the fact that the ice that had amassed on the flight deck over the years had collapsed most of the structure, allowing the evening twilight to shine into the space. Noting there were many parked aircraft stowed perfectly there, Ataru then blinked on seeing what appeared to be a Shintō temple of some sort nestled at the forward starboard end of the large space.

Walking towards it, he stopped before slipping the tantō into the belt of his parka. He then clapped his hands to announce to the kami contained within this shrine that he had come in peace, then he stepped inside.

Shed the blood...!

Ataru jerked on hearing that voice echo from all over, then he crouched slightly.

Shed the blood, nephew...free her...!

"Do as Kyōsuke just bade, Ataru!" Negako's voice echoed from outside.

Realizing that he was within a hair's breadth of finally freeing the spirit of the seventh carrier of Operation Z, Ataru drew the tantō out, then allowed it to make a slight cut in the palm of his left hand, the blood dripping to the deck...

"Yuki no shingun, kōri o fun de.
Dore ga kawa yara, michi sae shirezu.
Uma wa taoreru sutete mo okezu.
Koko wa izukuzo? Mina teki no kuni...

He then jolted as he felt something slowly form behind him...

"Mama no daitan ippuku yareba,
Tanomisekuna ya tabako ga nihon.
Yaka nu himo no hi han hi e meshini,
Namaji inochi no aru sono uchi wa...

Turning around, he looked...

...then smiled. "Welcome back, Yoiko-san."

The exceptionally tall woman dressed in the dark green kimono and grey hakama trousers that had not been standing there mere seconds before lightly smiled. "Teitoku," Yonaga breathed out...


Tomobiki, the Moroboshi home, nightfall...

"...dare he abandon his poor wife in her time of need?! I wish I never had him!"

"Bastard! Once we find him, we'll torture him for hours...!"

Shuddering as he tried to tune out the screaming people now crowding his living room, Moroboshi Muchi could only shake his head as he tried to concentrate on the evening edition of the Yomiuri Shinbun. As the members of Lum's Stormtroopers and Mendō Shūtarō continued to conspire with each other as to what would happen when they got their hands on Lum's errant "husband" and finally drag him back to Tomobiki, the salaryman could only shake his head. While he had done his best to ignore the insane antics that seemed to cloak his last surviving child, he couldn't ignore what had happened when he and his wife were transported back to Earth a month ago after a forced stay in a hospital on planet Uru after SOMEONE had blasted the roof of the Onishuto Cathedral onto everyone's heads just as Ataru had managed to escape the building.

As to the "who" and "why", no one had any idea...

With Ataru currently missing and no one having idea where he was, the people who had nearly died that day — all the alien guests to the wedding as well as Ataru's parents — had no chance to really learn what had happened save for the fact that all of Ataru's classmates and whatever school staff had been there had been safely teleported back to Earth within a day.

Again, as to the "who" and "why", no one had any idea...


People screamed out as the front door was blasted in with the force of a cannon shot, then heads snapped over...

...before howls of mortal terror escaped all the people there save Muchi as a terror in white and black walked into the room, stopping to look into the living room with eyes that glowed crimson. "IT'S AN ABYSSAL!" Miyake Shinobu shrieked.

The others screamed just as a whole squadron's worth of bombers and fighters raced in after their princess, weapons blazing...


Downtown Tomobiki, minutes later...

Ataru smiled in contentment as he heard the distant thunder of bombs and machine guns go off from the direction of his old family home. As people nearby all whispered in terror as they looked towards the Moroboshi home, then gazed upon the man now surrounded by what had to be a small fleet of shipgirls, he could only shake his head.

"A most interesting tactic, Teitoku. My compliments."

Ataru gazed up at Yonaga's slender yet well-shaped face, which reminded him a little of Kaga in a way. Given that the seventh carrier of Operation Z and the fifth (by builder's number) of the Yamato-class warships — Yonaga was, by service length, the eldest of the group as she had been "commissioned" as a naval auxiliary to the infamous Unit 731 over six months before Yamato had been commissioned in the wake of Pearl Harbour — had been effectively manned by her crew until the last of them had died a decade before, she seemed as aged and wise as the older battleships such as Warspite, Gángut or Kongō.

"It was necessary," he said with a sad sigh. "Because the people who had to react to the Urusians' 'invasion' wanted to keep the aliens from interfering with the war against the Abyssals, a news blackout backed by magical 'notice-me-not' fields was set up around Tomobiki. Atop that, since the Men in Black weren't available to help keep things under some sort of control, people like Lum thought they could do anything they wanted to do here. After Onē-san made Kaep' understand what was really going on here, the Noukiites rescued me from my 'wedding' and moved to close off the planet to aliens. Lum managed to get back there thanks to Oyuki-sama's damned warp chamber, but after Hoppō-chan gets through with her..."

The other shipgirls chuckled as the people around them gaped in disbelief and mute horror on sensing how far Ataru was willing to go to forever get rid of his "wife". An amused chuckle then escaped the demure young woman seated nearby, two of her Kuroko bodyguards kneeling nearby as their mistress enjoyed some late evening tea. "Oh, Ryōko-chan," he called out to the younger sister of his chief "rival". "I've got a message to pass on to your grandfather."

"What is that, Moroboshi-sama?" Mendō Ryōko asked.

"Tell him the Promise of Bunka-gonen is fulfilled. Onē-san is her own person."

Ryōko's eyes went wide, then she smiled. "I'll do that..."

Fin...For Now


As for Yuki no Shingun, here's a link to a video with the translation:
/me Googles Urusei Yatsura
I should've guessed sooner: all the characters mentioned are completely detestable and delusional fucking lunatics, everybody misunderstands everything and massively overreacts, and everyone dumps every last skerrick of blame for their own insanities and idiocies on a single person whose personality flaws don't merit the over-the-top and potentially fatal violence they routinely try to inflict on him to 'punish' him for the result of their delusions and misdeeds. Of course it's a Takahashi Rumiko production. :rolleyes:

That said, I did like the use of Emperor Norton I in the previous segment. His insanity, at least, was focused on the good of San Francisco and its residents, and his proclamation in-story did much to redress an injustice.
And I'm imagining Muchi as grumbling: "Can't a bloke read his paper in peace and quiet anymore?"

Yeah, that's Muchi's only known redeeming quality...or can it be called "redeeming"? :confused:

/me Googles Urusei Yatsura
I should've guessed sooner: all the characters mentioned are completely detestable and delusional fucking lunatics, everybody misunderstands everything and massively overreacts, and everyone dumps every last skerrick of blame for their own insanities and idiocies on a single person whose personality flaws don't merit the over-the-top and potentially fatal violence they routinely try to inflict on him to 'punish' him for the result of their delusions and misdeeds. Of course it's a Takahashi Rumiko production. :rolleyes:

This is the prototype of what eventually came along in Ranma 1/2 and Inuyasha, so don't be surprised. What's worse in my eyes, because that formula worked so well in the latter series, any move to make the Yatsura gang evolve beyond what was depicted of them in the manga or anime would instantly earn writers accusations of making them OOC. I got it a lot with The Senior Year and all I did was force Ataru through a very torturous maturity that made him realize that living in Tomobiki in the situation he found himself forced into thanks to Lum's interest in him was not the healthy thing for him to do.

That said, I did like the use of Emperor Norton I in the previous segment. His insanity, at least, was focused on the good of San Francisco and its residents, and his proclamation in-story did much to redress an injustice.

Glad you like it.
I don't think i posted this here as i tried digging up the post but found nothing as such here we go

I recently stopped by my local museum and decided to do some research on some of the ships that were mentioned in there.

beginning with the flower class corvette HMCS Calgary. The Calgary is unique among the flower class corvettes, see he was the only flower class corvette to have attained a full submarine kill to his name more accurately he had 1 and one third of a kill the one third came first, the sub U-536 was sunk by the corvettes HMCS Calgary and HMCS Snowberry alongside British cruiser HMS Nene. the full credited kill would come a year later in 1944 where U-322 would be sunk by Calgary himself.

the second interesting bit of information is in regards to HMCS Haida see one of her crewmen had made contact with a russian sailor. Why is this significant because of what was traded between the two of them. the crewman in question had traded a Pussar dirk for an ocarina. something that could be written about is an exchange between Hibiki and Haida involving a small concert of Ocarinas.

i have a few more ideas but ill need a moment to get them down on paper first.
The Calgary is unique among the flower class corvettes, see he was the only flower class corvette to have attained a full submarine kill to his name more accurately he had 1 and one third of a kill the one third came first, the sub U-536 was sunk by the corvettes HMCS Calgary and HMCS Snowberry alongside British cruiser HMS Nene. the full credited kill would come a year later in 1944 where U-322 would be sunk by Calgary himself.

Maybe in the RCN but I can name several RN Flowers that got full-credit kills off the top of my head. (Loosestrife, Orchis, Dianthus for starters.)
And yet I can't help but think that if the ruckus around him ever hits a limit, the sky over Tomobiki will look like a coupla Ticonderogas emptied every launch cell.

No, not really. He'll probably yell at them, but the people his son's age in Tomobiki honestly don't give a damn about the older generation whatsoever. All his words would be is a lot of useless air.
Alright finally got the next story idea on the Royal Canadian Navy ready to go

today i speak about the Royal Canadian Navy's Unlucky lady HMCS Athabaskan.

like her sister Haida she was a tribal class destroyer who was assigned to the Murmansk run. however she would only have a career that lasted fifteen months.

see on her last mission it was a mission that she had with with Haida. unfortunately a night attack had come and after being lit up by german star shells she was sunk. Haida tried to rescue as many of her crewmembers but dawn had prevented a full rescue the remainder spent their time in a pow camp. Athabaskan was a ship in the canadian navy that never got a chance to see a Canadian shore.

so perhaps in the context of Kancolle a tearful reunion with Haida would be a nice start a sort of thank you for saving as many as you could. but I think the biggest moment for her would be to finally see Canada itself. perhaps she is one of the more social ship-girls towards civilians as she really wants to get to know the nation she serves. and considering that she was also with Haida during those russian transport missions she could be a regular attendant of Haida's ocarina concerts.
M90A4 on SB said:
Came across this- another clone of Kancolle, or rather Warship Girls.


Here's some artwork from it, the Yorktown sisters. I rather like this version of Enterprise, a bit like Gangut but her eyes are much more crimson and she gives off vibes of Selvaria from Valkyria Chronciles, this Enterprise is much closer to the one I envision in my head everytime I write stories involving her.

Original post was by @M90A4 on SB.

Just a quick heads up: If anyone is interested in finding fanarts for this game, you can find it within the "bilan hangxian" tag on Danbooru.

Some examples.

Their Fusou and Yamashiro.



Vestal repairing Enterprise.
Last edited:
I've started watching Kancolle, and a plot bunny decided to surprise me. tell me what you think.

Port Royal, Jamaica.

"Fifteen men on a dead man's chest"

The sound of a low and smoky voice echoed over the still water of the bay. Around it, the ruins of Port Royal, ravaged by the abyssal's, stood silent. Aside from the lonely singer, the only sound came from the slow and regular crash of the waves against the beach.

"Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum"

The singer sat on a half splinter post, driven into the bay to act as part of a now wrecked pier.

"Drink and the devil had done for the rest"

He was dressed in fine clothes and jewelry, his hair and clothes a deep fine wine color, darker than blood, and loose. His neck was marked by tattoos, and the shirt and vest combo seemed to bleed together. His demonic looking eyes of black and red simply added to his look of dark and sinful bent.

"Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum."

He let his voice fade away, and looked out across the bay, before chucking.

"These… These foolish beasts… these desperate ships they call back from the graves, guardians, and patrols. They need something different, they need the marauders and hunters... "

He paused and seemed to steel himself.

"I feel it's time to remind the world of the golden age."

He pulled out a half empty bottle of rum and looked at it.

"I feel like they should be enough, to travel these shifting tides."

He slowly tipped the rum to the side, and let the dark amber liquid drip onto the sea beneath him.

"Come forth, come forth,
let your flags fly once more,
set sails for travel,
brace for war.

Come forth, Come forth,
draw blades and steel,
Set sail for shore
bare fangs and keels,

Raise red flags and black.
The Sea calls you back."

The surf around him bubbled and the man, once called Davy Jones, chuckled.

"Come forth, and remind the seas of the true kings of my waves…"

The Devil sat and watched as the fourteen of his most feared and renowned ships crawled from the sea, gripping onto the ruined pier around him, eyes glowing green and blue and red. They stood and came forth, standing beside their king. They came forth and answered his call, standing as young and beautiful men of many races and creeds.

The Queen Anne's Revenge, the Fancy, The Whydah, The Adventure Galley, The Revenge, The Royal Fortune, the Happy Delivery and the Golden Hind. The Rising Sun and The Speaker, The Mary Anne, The Scowerer, The Morning star, and The Prosperous.

Finally, the fifteenth pulled himself ashore, bright of hair and wearing scars and an eyepatch proudly, his other eye a bloody red that matched the devil's own outfit.

His own ship, The Flying Dutchman.

They wore jackets of the most vibrant colors and swords and guns adorned them. They took cues from their long lost captains, appearing as kin to their crew. But the Devil knew, that behind them, was not just their strength, but that of every ship they had sunk and claimed. They were not just a single ship, no, each of the fifteen men before him represented a fleet of the damned. Hundreds of ships, once sunk by the guns and crews of these fifteen ships, now gave their power to them.

Let these modern ships, these battles ships and destroyers, fight with shining steel.

These fifteen shall accomplish all that and more with less.

As they gathered on the remains of the pier, they looked at him. Unbowed, Fearless, each with a steady gaze and relaxed posture. they were pirates, just like their crews once were. they would bow only to the devil and the deep blue sea.

The devil in red spoke soft and clear. "Monsters have taken to roaming the seas, to claiming the ocean of theirs. Hunt them down, and show them who the sea truly belongs to."

And with a splash of seawater, the man in red vanished, leaving the ships turned men alone on the beach.

Slowly, Grins spread amongst the pirate ships standing on the wrecked pier.

"Yo Ho... Yo Ho... Fifteen Deadmen on a Deadman's Chest..."
"Um, Sir?"

"...Yes? Oh fer Davy Jones sake, here we go again-"

"How, exactly, we are gonna paid?"

"...Don't you have any shame, you-"

"Pirates, Dear Sir. We are not in this just for some silly notion like 'duty', 'adventure', 'justice', or things like that. We're not those 'Imperial Gentle'-"


"Pearly had a point, y'know."

"Hey, thanks, Annie!"

"That's Queen Anne's Revenge, you dimwit-"

"-I don't want to fight Spaniards-"

"-This 'Joint Admirality' sounds great-"



"And WHAT?!"

"...Safe port? Supplies? R&R Priviliges?"

*Poor Davy Jones began to cry*
part 2 Queen, Gold, and Dutches Excellent Adventure!

Somewhere South of Aisa.

Dutch rubbed the bridge of his nose once more, feeling the strange but fitting piercings that stretched from mouth to ear shift as he frowned, trying his very best not to-



-Not to Murder his companions.

They were resting on the Captains deck of the Phantom of Queen's Ship, and looking over a map, well, the two of them were looking over a map. Dutch had spent time keeping watch for more for the weird black monster wenches that were floating around her somewhere.

Finally fed up with the yelling, Dutch calmly reached into his belt behind is coat and pulled out a pair of long flintlock pistols. And pulled back the hammers.

Then he turned and slammed both pistol barrels into the heads of the two taller ships, then leveled the guns at them threateningly.

"Both of you SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I SWEAR I"LL [CENSORED] YOU BOTH [CENSEORED] SO FAR UP YOUR ASS IT"LL [SO CENSORED..... SO VERY CENSORED]!" He roared at them, the voice surprising coming from the slight five foot three teen.

""UNDERSTOOD!"" both ships snapped a quick salute, sweat breaking out as the red eyed teen glared at them.

"Fine, Now if you Numbskulls hadn't noticed. We have company." With a pistol, Dutch gestured across the railing of the ship at the half dozen abyssal ship girls, all noting more than patrol boats in rank, that were coming in fast.

"Heh. I got this." Queen said, grinning like a maniac. he pulled a blunderbuss from his belt and aimed out at the incoming girls. "Full Broadside, Aim, FFIREEE!!!!" As Queen pulled the trigger, all the cannons on the side of the ship launched their own cannon shots, the balls moving at a far faster rate than they would have back when the ship used to sail. benefits of accumulated essence from years of pirating. Then they fired again. and again.

The abyssal girls were not prepared fro this. the first four got slammed full stop by a half dozen metal balls each, and the last one only barely managed to use another as a human shield.

However, by the time that one was getting ready to fight back, a dark haired green eyes figure was at her side, a long cutlass snapping up, and the weapons and engines of the ship girls rig were eviscerated.

As one of the last of the Ship girls, the only one still alive from the volley staggered up, a solid leather boot with the shape of a skull engraved on the sole slammed in her face, sending her skipping across the water for a few hundred meters.

Dutch rushed after that one. He had some steam to let off. That releasing that steam involved his boot and the girl's face and ass. He wanted to kick her hard enough to see if she could achieve low orbit.

The other two looked after the pint-sized leader of their group of pirates with sweat drops running down their brow.

both simultaneously reached under their coats, pulled out flasks of the nastiest rotgut they could fine, and took deep swigs of it.

"So we're past india.?" Queen asked.

"Yep." Gold Nodded, taking another swig. "I guess maybe 2 days to Japan. that's where we're going, right?"

"Um, Sir?"

"...Yes? Oh fer Davy Jones sake, here we go again-"

"How, exactly, we are gonna paid?"

"...Don't you have any shame, you-"

"Pirates, Dear Sir. We are not in this just for some silly notion like 'duty', 'adventure', 'justice', or things like that. We're not those 'Imperial Gentle'-"


"Pearly had a point, y'know."

"Hey, thanks, Annie!"

"That's Queen Anne's Revenge, you dimwit-"

"-I don't want to fight Spaniards-"

"-This 'Joint Admirality' sounds great-"



"And WHAT?!"

"...Safe port? Supplies? R&R Priviliges?"

*Poor Davy Jones began to cry*

Ah, pirates! Most sensible sailors ever to work on the high seas!