Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

part 2 Queen, Gold, and Dutches Excellent Adventure!

Somewhere South of Aisa.

Dutch rubbed the bridge of his nose once more, feeling the strange but fitting piercings that stretched from mouth to ear shift as he frowned, trying his very best not to-



-Not to Murder his companions.

They were resting on the Captains deck of the Phantom of Queen's Ship, and looking over a map, well, the two of them were looking over a map. Dutch had spent time keeping watch for more for the weird black monster wenches that were floating around her somewhere.

Finally fed up with the yelling, Dutch calmly reached into his belt behind is coat and pulled out a pair of long flintlock pistols. And pulled back the hammers.

Then he turned and slammed both pistol barrels into the heads of the two taller ships, then leveled the guns at them threateningly.

"Both of you SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I SWEAR I"LL [CENSORED] YOU BOTH [CENSEORED] SO FAR UP YOUR ASS IT"LL [SO CENSORED..... SO VERY CENSORED]!" He roared at them, the voice surprising coming from the slight five foot three teen.

""UNDERSTOOD!"" both ships snapped a quick salute, sweat breaking out as the red eyed teen glared at them.

"Fine, Now if you Numbskulls hadn't noticed. We have company." With a pistol, Dutch gestured across the railing of the ship at the half dozen abyssal ship girls, all noting more than patrol boats in rank, that were coming in fast.

"Heh. I got this." Queen said, grinning like a maniac. he pulled a blunderbuss from his belt and aimed out at the incoming girls. "Full Broadside, Aim, FFIREEE!!!!" As Queen pulled the trigger, all the cannons on the side of the ship launched their own cannon shots, the balls moving at a far faster rate than they would have back when the ship used to sail. benefits of accumulated essence from years of pirating. Then they fired again. and again.

The abyssal girls were not prepared fro this. the first four got slammed full stop by a half dozen metal balls each, and the last one only barely managed to use another as a human shield.

However, by the time that one was getting ready to fight back, a dark haired green eyes figure was at her side, a long cutlass snapping up, and the weapons and engines of the ship girls rig were eviscerated.

As one of the last of the Ship girls, the only one still alive from the volley staggered up, a solid leather boot with the shape of a skull engraved on the sole slammed in her face, sending her skipping across the water for a few hundred meters.

Dutch rushed after that one. He had some steam to let off. That releasing that steam involved his boot and the girl's face and ass. He wanted to kick her hard enough to see if she could achieve low orbit.

The other two looked after the pint-sized leader of their group of pirates with sweat drops running down their brow.

both simultaneously reached under their coats, pulled out flasks of the nastiest rotgut they could fine, and took deep swigs of it.

"So we're past india.?" Queen asked.

"Yep." Gold Nodded, taking another swig. "I guess maybe 2 days to Japan. that's where we're going, right?"

Why are they male?
Because they can get Abyssal Wenches and possibly seduce shipgirls?
Fun fact, the most successful pirate in history was a Chinese woman, who commanded a fleet larger than the Chinese Navy at the time. Hsi Kai commanded 50,000 men and women, and had a fleet of over a thousand ships. She had more ships than the Spanish Armada. Her empire was so pervasive in the South China Sea, that China, Portugal, and England mobilized against her in 1810. The Emperor of China offered her amnesty before the fleets could clash. She took it, retired with all of her money, and lived to old age.

In review, women pirates do it better. :V
Because they can get Abyssal Wenches and possibly seduce shipgirls?
Yeah. That. And for the LOLZ of the ship girl dealing with these rogue jackasses.

Also, they are not quite the same metaphysically as the ship girls.

They are more like F/S night servants then the incarnations of their ships, they are the personification of a legacy and myth then the soul of a ship.
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Yeah. That. And for the LOLZ of the ship girl dealing with these rogue jackasses.

Also, they are not quite the same metaphysically as the ship girls.

They are more like F/S night servants then the incarnations of their ships, they are the personification of a legacy and myth then the soul of a ship.
Ships are always female, even in Russia. Just look at Gangut.
And while if they were ship girls they would be girls, there not. They're the personification of the golden age of piracy, they go by the names of the ships who's crew and history they represent.

For instance, Queen is the myth of his crew. Aggressive, Chaotic, a flair for dramatics and a leave no survivors mentality. He is willing and able to fight anything.

Gold is the same. Sir Francis Drake was considered a pirate, even though he proclaimed himself a privateer. So that manifests as a facade of civility over a cote of aggression and greed.

Dutchman is just... weird. For he is a ship of the dead, and people always die. It's why he looks far more modern, he technically was both always sunk, and never sunk. It's weird like that. He is most current, representing those lost and claimed by the unforgiving sea. He is also Davy Jones own ship. And that has... Connotations
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They're the personification of the golden age of piracy, they go by the names of the ships who's crew and history they represent.

So they're shipgirls you decided not to make girls because that's exactly what shipgirls are under several interpretations.

...also their interactions with actual shipgirls are more likely to be hostile than amusing, since arguably the first purpose of a navy ever was to suppress piracy.
I'll admit, my first thought- especially with the seduce ship girls and Abyssals bit -was 'oh god, it's the Girls und Panzer fandom all over again.

I.e. making dudes in a fandom of females just to pair them with the girls. And that's the charitable interpretation.
If it's being done just do it well and with a reason and nobody'll care.

However you will have to really justify it -- and more than just 'the language states that they're masculine' -- or else it just looks like you are placing male shipforms into the story for the sake of having the male factor to interact with the female.

Which you can easily do, even if you are leery of using admirals. There are plenty of other positions in the navy and elsewhere where you can have males interact with them.
The idea of having male kamusu sounds like an interesting what if story. But like any story, it would require an amount of tact, especially give that cannon seems pretty intent on having it just be shipgirls. Having one just so he can pair up a shipgirl seems pretty shallow.
The idea of having male kamusu sounds like an interesting what if story. But like any story, it would require an amount of tact, especially give that cannon seems pretty intent on having it just be shipgirls. Having one just so he can pair up a shipgirl seems pretty shallow.
True i always thought that shipguys were a thing its just that no one wants shipgirls pregnant so they keep them seperate.

But on a similar thread yes shipguys would require alot of tact you should not just make it for shipping...pun not intended. That said much like on that other forum that we do not speak about another guy and i had a talk about tactfully placed shipguys.

Ideas like a male fubuki who has to deal with two female roommates who dont even see him as male.

A male hosho trying to raise all the carrier girls.

Or even just a tale of brotherhood between a few shipguys of varying classes as a means to get away from the insanity of say 174 sisters and a showboat of a sister.

It could work but yeah you have to be careful on how they are implemented.
However you will have to really justify it -- and more than just 'the language states that they're masculine' -- or else it just looks like you are placing male shipforms into the story for the sake of having the male factor to interact with the female.

Which you can easily do, even if you are leery of using admirals. There are plenty of other positions in the navy and elsewhere where you can have males interact with them.

It seems as if Shipgirls are the spirits of ships, empowered by those who once served aboard them (fairies.)

The males in these snippets seem to be the spirits of the crews of ships, embellished by the legends of their ships.

I can deal with that. And since the Devil raised them, I very much doubt they are going to get along well with Shipgirls.

In fact, I could see them attacking Shipgirls as well as Abyssals if the Admiralty of the nations fighting the Abyssals don't give them letters of marque.
It seems as if Shipgirls are the spirits of ships, empowered by those who once served aboard them (fairies.)

The males in these snippets seem to be the spirits of the crews of ships, embellished by the legends of their ships.

I can deal with that. And since the Devil raised them, I very much doubt they are going to get along well with Shipgirls.

In fact, I could see them attacking Shipgirls as well as Abyssals if the Admiralty of the nations fighting the Abyssals don't give them letters of marque.
that sounds like a very short fight.
I would like to point out that in the case of the Golden Hind she was considered a pirate ship by the Spanish but was never considered one by the English.
HMS Bismarck

Bismarck was tired. She was tired of fighting, tired of running, and just physically exhausted. Which should have been impossible for a warship of the Kriegsmarine, but when you're both ship and girl, weird things happen. Like that time that Prinz Eugen and Blücher had... She was getting distracted. Now was not the time to get distracted.

The distant crackling of eight inch guns reminded Bismarck of her harriers. The cruisers were herding her, and had been all night. Solemnly, Bismarck pondered where she had gone wrong on what she was beginning to suspect would be her only sortie. Had it been during that first engagement, where she and her faithful escort Prinz Eugen had faced off against Hood and Prince of Wales, only to annihilate the battlecruiser and drive off her wounded companion? Or had it been when she had sent Eugen off on their original mission, only to end up hounded by the entire British Home Fleet as she tried to make for Brest?

And what a chase she had given them. She had driven off those pesky destroyers in the night, sinking the foolish Pole who had stayed around to mock her. During the day, her spotter plane had managed to let her avoid the British fleet, but it had had to return at nightfall. Then those biplanes had attacked under cover of night, and she had been lucky to avoid any major damage.

Another salvo from the trailing heavy cruisers brought the German out of her thoughts. Thankfully, their guns couldn't hurt her at this range, but she was running dangerously low on fuel and munitions, and wanted to be prepared for whatever attempt came next for her life. Speaking of which...

"Hullo Bismarck. You hurt my sister, and sank my friend. Prepare to die." Came the royal voice of King George V, lead ship of her class.

"We have you outnumbered. If you surrender, we'll make it as painless as possible." Came the lilting brogue of her partner, HMS Rodney.

"Nein! I'll never surrender to the likes of you!" Bismarck snarled defiantly at her opponents. With her part said the two British battleships opened fire on the German. Both salvos fell short as Bismarck pulled a hard to starboard.

With only her fore guns available, Bismarck set her sights on Rodney, the bigger threat of the two. With a prayer and a pull of the trigger, the four fifteen inch guns roared as their payloads crossed the range and slammed into Rodney's bow.

"You bitch!" Cried Rodney as she stumbled back from the impact. Superficial damage, but first blood went to the German. George fired her guns again, the shells flying just over Bismarck's stern. Rodney followed up almost immediately after, and her salvo hit amidships. Thankfully, the shells failed to penetrate Bismarck's belt.

Both sides seemed to have found their range, and as the two British ships closed in, their fire became increasingly deadly for Bismarck. At the same time, so did hers. Shell after fifteen inch shell slammed into Rodney.

Soon, the German scored a lucky hit. Rodney's eyes grew wide, and she threw her hands before her face in a useless gesture as that final salvo buried itself deep in her magazines. The explosion wracked Rodney's body before it brutally ripped her apart.

Bismarck was surprised when Rodney went up in a massive fireball, in such a similar fashion as Hood had gone up not two days ago. She certainly hadn't expected to sink two British capital ships on her one outing, but that didn't mean she would stop there. She turned her guns upon George as the latter's fourteen inch shells pulverized turret Bruno, with the concussion momentarily silencing Anton. Moments later, a second salvo ensured Anton would never speak again.

A look of grim determination replaced the pain on Bismarck's face as she clutched her wounded arm. Caesar and Dora roared her fury for her. A clean miss, but close enough that her next salvo should be on target. Another volley from George struck Bismarck's belt armor, and two of the shells punched through.

The German stumbled as her exhausted machinery was finally put out of its misery by the shells. Her mighty rifles took their revenge by slamming into George's own fore battery. An explosion rocked the battleship's quad turret, but her armor held, and George continued to thunder defiance back at her. Mere moments later, Caesar and Dora fell silent as British shells smashed through the turret faces and laid waste to the delicate machinery within.

Bismarck knew she wasn't going to return home to Germany. She would never meet her unfinished sister, see Prinz Eugen's infectious smile, or watch the rowdy submarines party like every night was their last. Her engines were shot, and her main battery had been obliterated like Hood and Rodney, but she was still going to fight. Bismarck tried to fire on George with her secondary battery, but the Englishwoman was directly astern, and Bismarck had no line of fire.

Despite having Bismark at her mercy, the British battleship turned away from her. The German was confused, before she turned and noticed the two heavy cruisers had closed to torpedo range.

"Scheisse..." The German girl muttered as the nearer one dropped a spread of torpedoes off her starboard bow. The other seemed to be keeping hers in reserve, probably to make sure Bismarck wouldn't be able to evade them.

Bismarck limped into a turn, desperately trying to avoid the incoming torpedoes. Those torpedoes were by far the largest threat to her continued survival, and as such took her complete focus to dodge. Running solely on momentum, there was no way Bismarck would be able to dodge the entire spread. Thankfully, only one torpedo actually hit, slamming into the thickest part of her defenses. Only a few compartments flooded, according to Damage Control.

However impressive the dodge was, it put Bismarck into a different kind of danger. She was far too close to the heavy cruiser who had dropped the torpedoes. Of course, for a warship, ramming a hostile warship is usually a good way to get oneself killed. And the cruiser was entirely too close for Bismarck to be comfortable.

"Heya, I'm Norfolk!" Cheered the brunette girl whose face was currently stuck in Bismarck's impressive bosom. Bismarck let out an "eep!" of surprise and tried to jump back from the cruiser, but her engines were dead. She had finally run out of momentum.

"Get off me!" Growled Bismarck as she tried to level her secondaries at the cruiser. But, the collision had placed Norfolk squarely below the minimum elevation of Bismarck's damaged secondary battery, letting the cruiser do as she wished, which was to snuggle up to her with a hug.

Bismarck struggled to move, and watched helplessly as the other cruiser launched a spread of torpedoes into her stern, and by extension, Norfolk. Then a long ranged volley came from King George V, and Bismarck felt herself finally begin to sink. She patted Norfolk's head, and returned the hug as she felt the waves begin to lap at her feet.

"Dorsey! Help me save her!" Norfolk cried out in a panic, and Bismarck felt the other heavy cruiser slide alongside her and try to help keep her afloat. "George, help!" Norfolk cried again, and that was the last thing Bismarck remembered as the world turned black.

Bismarck awoke with a start, jolting forward in her moorings.
"Easy there. You took a big hit, we've been trying to revive you for almost a year now," spoke an unknown voice. Bismarck turned to see an old battleship, Queen Elizabeth class. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and was sitting in what could be called a wheelchair, had it not been floating on the water. "I'm Warspite, nice to finally meet you, HMS Bismarck."

The captured German took a long look at Warspite. There was a sadness in her eyes that hadn't been present when she had fought. "How many survived?" She asked softly

"I- I'm sorry, can you say that again?" The elder battleship asked.

"From Hood and Rodney. How many survived?"

Warspite seemed to freeze, not expecting the question.

"How many?" Bismarck asked firmly.

"Three from Hood, perhaps a dozen from Rodney."

For the first time in her short life, Bismarck wept freely.

AN: So, this came about while playing a round of Sink the Bismarck in Atlantic Fleet. After the crazy and eventful fight described above, a plot bunny bit me. Well, this is the result.
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For a moment, I thought you were doing a dramatization of Jingles' latest LP of Atlantic Fleet.