Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

We tend not to send shipgirls to fantasy worlds given that it's basically worthy of a Vlad Tepes Award. Sticking the Fubuki sisters atop the walls of Helm's Deep would result in 10,000 deader than dead Uruk-hai. Dumping Sendai into the Northern Water Tribe when the Fire Nation besieged it is just asking for the fleet to be wiped out as Aang scratches his bald head. Sending Ashigara alongside Itami and Company into the Special Reigon would ensure that Bad Thingstm​ happen.
Well you're not wrong but what of an in universe ship nothing wrong with applying shipgirls of in universe ships to that universe. True any modern shipgirl is broken but what of say orgrims hammer from wow actually becomeing an in universe shipgirl. Or that ship that carried all those ghosts in lord of the rings charging alongside them. Are their stories somehow less valid as ideas, both in comedy and as serious stories.
And now I'm wishing I had more images like:

Well you're not wrong but what of an in universe ship nothing wrong with applying shipgirls of in universe ships to that universe. True any modern shipgirl is broken but what of say orgrims hammer from wow actually becomeing an in universe shipgirl. Or that ship that carried all those ghosts in lord of the rings charging alongside them. Are their stories somehow less valid as ideas, both in comedy and as serious stories.
They aren't less valid, but this might not the place for them. If neither the characters nor the setting is kancolle, and you're just reusing the idea of ship-spirits, then it's worth remembering that the idea is older then christianity. Observe:
The fleet's destruction seems inevitable, but an old blessing prevents the ships' incineration. At the fleet's construction, Cybele—mother of the gods and sister of Saturn—requested her son Jupiter to render the vessels immortal because they were built of wood from trees in her sacred forest. As Turnus and his troops watch the ships burn, the vessels suddenly pull loose of their anchors, submerge, and reappear as sea nymphs. This sign vexes the Latins, but Turnus remains confident and determined to complete his annihilation of the Trojans, portents from the gods notwithstanding. Night falls, and the Latins make camp around the Trojan fortress.
That has any basis on this other than just trolling me how?

I stated my opinion on pairings. I didn't say people shouldn't write them or anything like that. I honestly feel that pairings work better when there's an actual connection, not just tossing people together for no reason other than 'hey, one of them sank the other!' or 'hey, they were at this one event in their entire history!'. I prefer building off existing and lasting connections.

...this is why I don't post in this thread much.
I've honestly never much been a fan of making pairings based entirely on one moment in their ship histories. Hood and Bisko is common, but the one time I've written both in a story (Indy) they're just friends. Close friends, but friends. Because one blowing the other up does not a relationship make. I can easily see them bonding over being symbols and their shared history but I just...don't see a love blossoming from it.

Similarly, pairing Enterprise and Yamato makes no sense outside GG and even then...the unevenness of that relationship makes me go eeeeeehhhh.

Or Sara with any Japanese ship really. RJ and Sara never even saw each other. Nagato and her may find something in common, but I don't see it going anywhere remotely romantic. There's just not enough common ground there.

It's reasons like that why I prefer Enterprise and Zuikaku for an example. There's a lot of shared history and experiences between the two 'lucky' carriers.

Or- if you're not someone who ships her with me :V -pairing Sara with Vicky (Victorious). She's an outsider, which lessens the somewhat squicky Sister Sara stuff that prevents me from pairing her with any American carriers. But they have the connection and shared airgroups during the war which is probably a hell of an intimate thing in ship girl terms.
Well... the major issue with pairings is that people often decide that the two will be paired and then have it happen. Usually they'll fall in love at first sight for example. This... causes issues. Personally, I do it differently. For example, in the case of Hood and Bismarck? I usually have it where when, after they both return, Bismarck is often protective of Hood to some extent. Usually it exasperates Hood ("I'm not going to blow up from stubbing my bloody toe, Bissy!"), but she'll also use it as a way to tease Bismarck and might make comments to cause said Battleship to blush. Whether they go further or not? *Shrugs* Nothing more then that might be shown. Stuff like that.
I stated my opinion on pairings. I didn't say people shouldn't write them or anything like that. I honestly feel that pairings work better when there's an actual connection, not just tossing people together for no reason other than 'hey, one of them sank the other!' or 'hey, they were at this one event in their entire history!'. I prefer building off existing and lasting connections.
Well... the major issue with pairings is that people often decide that the two will be paired and then have it happen. Usually they'll fall in love at first sight for example. This... causes issues.
Exactly. A lot of people who write shipping (or any sort of romantic story, fanfic or otherwise) have this unfortunate habit of skipping several steps in the process, and/or mistaking infatuation for actual love. Heck, that's where the whole BS "love at first sight" concept came from in the first place.

And then there's Kancolle, where these past incidents contribute to elements of a shipgirl's personality, but a lot of the fandom, even in the best fics, have a habit of running away with that and making the history overshadow virtually everything about the characters. A relationship needs to be lived in the present, not just based on one single incident from the past.

I like the idea of Hood/Bismarck because their similar roles in formerly opposing nations now at peace, and the previously mentioned battle between them, strike me as an interesting and compelling starting point, but not the complete sum of their relationship, and I definitely don't see them instantly tracking each other down to make out or something the moment they get summoned.
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It's reasons like that why I prefer Enterprise and Zuikaku for an example. There's a lot of shared history and experiences between the two 'lucky' carriers.

"Zui... kaku, is that how you pronounce your name?" The amber-red eyes of the Grey Ghost closed as she called out the slim, bow-wielding ship girl.

Zuikaku shot a quick glare at the offender, a blond haired, curvier young woman, uniformed in a cream-white Navy-collared blouse and matching skirt. Her hair was held in place with a black hairband, a black bow as its sole decoration. In her left hand was her peaked hat, and in her right was her packaged bow.

Enterprise did not need to say her name. Zuikaku's glare gave her all the things the Japanese carrier needs to know. With the memories of her past life swelling up inside her, Zuikaku closed her eyes too.


Zuikaku remembered her first mission, the strike that sparked the war that sealed the fates of everyone she knows and eventually herself. She remembered Kaga and Hiryuu quietly swearing, unable to find any carriers within the harbor. She remembered Coral Sea, when Shouhou was sunk, when Lexington was sunk. When she, depleted of her air wing, carried her battered sister, Shoukaku, back home. When she could, in the corner of her eyes, see the lone remaining American carrier, Yorktown, hobbled away alone.

She remembered hearing about Midway, where a 'rookie carrier' managed to sink Akagi, Kaga, and Hiryuu, almost single-handedly. She was called Enterprise.

She remembered seeing her first-hand in Guadalcanal, when the two Shoukakus dueled with the two remaining Yorktowns while the Japanese and American surface fleets battered each other with gunfire. Ryuujou was gone after a strike from Saratoga. Zuikaku herself mortally wounded Enterprise's younger sister, Hornet. She remembered seeing Enterprise, sobbing and clutching her last of kin, while Hornet, her voice fading, tried to comfort her. She remembered if she would experience the same thing with her sister. Or was it Shoukaku clutching her?

She remembered seeing Enterprise swearing revenge.

She remembered Shoukaku, dying to a devastating submarine strike. What were her last words before she went into the deep abyss? Did Enterprise saw her?

And she remembered Leyte. She remembered the America planes blanketing the air, and, stood in the distance, was Enterprise, along with her Essex pupils. Her eyes were like a hawk's, but Zuikaku swore that a bead of tears was swelling at the corner of her eyes.

The last thing she remembered was her, sinking into the abyss. Zuikaku thought that she had a smug face on her. Enterprise, you dummy, I was the decoy. Yamato will avenge me-

Zuikaku opened her eyes again. There is nothing more to remember. Enterprise is still there, but her right hand, relaxed and open, was reaching towards the surprised. The former occupant, the bow, was slung on her shoulder.

"Zuikaku, I know that we have a lot of history between us." Enterprise began. "But, I've always wondered if we would get along when that war was over. You know, as both the second ship of the class and having a lot of fortune behind us. I still wondered about that when I was heading to the scrap yard."

"I was transferred to Sasebo not just to assist you in the goal of eliminating the Abyssals, but also to make amends. Especially with you."

Enterprise, finishing her little speech, gave out a slight smile. "I wish you would give me that chance... Zuikaku."

Zuikaku's mind was racing. Dammit, if she wants to make amends that badly, I'll make sure she'll have to work extra hard for it!...


...everyone in the naval base either looked down on me or placed me on a pedestal. This girl talked to me like I was her equal. Zuikaku, isn't that what you want? Someone that doesn't treat you as either a scum on the floor or a demigod?


Zuikaku turned to face her former rival. Her nervousness of her red face was found to be unwarranted as she found that Enterprise was blushing a little, too.

Zuikaku took Enterprise's hand. "Sure," she responded, with a wider smile of her own. "I'll take up your offer."

Used November's Enterprise, since that's the standard for judging all other fan depictions of Enterprise from other artists. :p
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Since Zui is in the spotlight now I'm digging up this little, very small thing I wrote in the past.

Original post here:
Kantai Collection Picture Thread: I hope Admiral-Kun will notice me!

The picture was originally posted by AnonymousRabbit:

The translated text was Zuikaku shouting at Kaga:

"I really hate liars like you!"

... and I wrote this in response;

I've always thought of a conversation between the two, specifically when Zuikaku confronts Kaga, and Zuikaku says something like this.

"Why are you always like this, Kaga-san?! Why?
Do you really think I want to be Carrier Division One? Is that it? I know the pride that name carries. The last time I did become Carrier Division One, it was because you and the others are already dead."

"... and I don't want that to happen again."

edit: and how coincidentally, War from Michael Bay's Pearl Harbour plays in the background as I wrote this.
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Well... the major issue with pairings is that people often decide that the two will be paired and then have it happen. Usually they'll fall in love at first sight for example. This... causes issues. Personally, I do it differently. For example, in the case of Hood and Bismarck? I usually have it where when, after they both return, Bismarck is often protective of Hood to some extent. Usually it exasperates Hood ("I'm not going to blow up from stubbing my bloody toe, Bissy!"), but she'll also use it as a way to tease Bismarck and might make comments to cause said Battleship to blush. Whether they go further or not? *Shrugs* Nothing more then that might be shown. Stuff like that.


Like I said, the Hood/Bisko example is probably the best for one where a singular event actually gives them reason to get to know each other. At minimum. Because both of them have to know each other and have to work with one another. Everyone is going to know about their duel and everyone is going to expect the most famous British and German ships to make amends and all that. This can lead to what you put above quite easily.

I personally don't see it going beyond that, but that's very much a personal thing. Others could see it differently.

And then there's Kancolle, where these past incidents contribute to elements of a shipgirl's personality, but a lot of the fandom, even in the best fics, have a habit of running away with that and making the history overshadow virtually everything about the characters. A relationship needs to be lived in the present, not just based on one single incident from the past.

I like the idea of Hood/Bismarck because their similar roles in formerly opposing nations now at peace, and the previously mentioned battle between them, strike me as an interesting and compelling starting point, but not the complete sum of their relationship, and I definitely don't see them instantly tracking each other down to make out or something the moment they get summoned.

I'm the one to use history the most of anyone and I don't make it the end-all of the character. That's bad writing. Now, for stuff like Destiny it requires that route. But by the same token, characters can and should develop after their summoning. A fresh summon (Level 1 if you will) ship girl is going to have a personality based entirely on her experiences and history. Because it's like the backstory of any other character. By contrast, one that's been around for some time...won't.

To use my own writing, Indy is still very heavily shaped by her history because she just came back- relatively speaking. Irresistible and Implacable, by contrast, have zero real references to their own history other than when they're talking to someone who brings it up. Because both have been back long enough that they've developed past it.

And yeah. As above, Hood/Bisko at least has good reason for them to track each other down. Not romantically but at least because it's a good starting point.

By contrast...something like...Royal Oak and U-47. There's no reason for either of them to be paired together other than one sinking the other. Or Zuikaku and Hornet being paired. Or...

You know, go all out.

Should Kaga and Arizona be paired together? Because a plane from the former sank the latter? IMO, no they shouldn't. That's putting everything into that one moment and a moment that is so very traumatic I just don't see how it could lead anywhere beyond a grudging respect or friendship. I get that I'm human not a ship but I just don't see someone getting blown up by the other as reason to get together with them.

On the same level, pairing a character that has only the sinking or damage with one who has a lot of other history strikes me as lazy. Pairing Sara with RJ is ignoring the potential non-romantic interactions of the characters in favor of LOL easy pairing. Especially since even if RJ wants to seek out Sara because of the sinking...Sara has much, much more going on with others than with RJ.

I guess my thing is simple in this regard. I personally don't like taking one single event and trying to use it to justify a pairing. I find it lazy. It's someone wanting to use the history, but being unwilling to look for ones that have more history together in favor of taking the easy and often memetic way out.

(also, thank you two for actually discussing this instead of just trolling)

Used November's Enterprise, since that's the standard for judging all other fan depictions of Enterprise from other artists. :p

Good 'ole Little E.

My Big E is admittedly different though.
I'm the one to use history the most of anyone and I don't make it the end-all of the character. That's bad writing. Now, for stuff like Destiny it requires that route. But by the same token, characters can and should develop after their summoning. A fresh summon (Level 1 if you will) ship girl is going to have a personality based entirely on her experiences and history. Because it's like the backstory of any other character. By contrast, one that's been around for some time...won't.

To use my own writing, Indy is still very heavily shaped by her history because she just came back- relatively speaking. Irresistible and Implacable, by contrast, have zero real references to their own history other than when they're talking to someone who brings it up. Because both have been back long enough that they've developed past it.
I was thinking about Belated Battleships (which I am admittedly not that far into) as well, but that's good to hear. :)

And yeah. As above, Hood/Bisko at least has good reason for them to track each other down. Not romantically but at least because it's a good starting point.

By contrast...something like...Royal Oak and U-47. There's no reason for either of them to be paired together other than one sinking the other. Or Zuikaku and Hornet being paired. Or...

You know, go all out.

Should Kaga and Arizona be paired together? Because a plane from the former sank the latter? IMO, no they shouldn't. That's putting everything into that one moment and a moment that is so very traumatic I just don't see how it could lead anywhere beyond a grudging respect or friendship. I get that I'm human not a ship but I just don't see someone getting blown up by the other as reason to get together with them.

On the same level, pairing a character that has only the sinking or damage with one who has a lot of other history strikes me as lazy. Pairing Sara with RJ is ignoring the potential non-romantic interactions of the characters in favor of LOL easy pairing. Especially since even if RJ wants to seek out Sara because of the sinking...Sara has much, much more going on with others than with RJ.

I guess my thing is simple in this regard. I personally don't like taking one single event and trying to use it to justify a pairing. I find it lazy. It's someone wanting to use the history, but being unwilling to look for ones that have more history together in favor of taking the easy and often memetic way out.
Agreed! I imagine different shipgirls would have a variety of reactions to the one responsible for sinking them, and becoming infatuated isn't exactly the most likely or sensible reaction. In most cases, it might provoke some discussion that could wind up a variety of different ways, but even then.

(also, thank you two for actually discussing this instead of just trolling)
Certainly. As the one who inadvertently kicked off this whole discussion, I felt the need to explain my position a little better. ^_^;
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Or Zuikaku and Hornet being paired. Or...
I've always imagined Hornet to be very cold to Zuikaku, refusing to forgive her for Guadalcanal, and very disapproving of Enterprise's blossoming friendship with her. Even when she finally accepted that, Hornet would still be clingy to Enterprise, in a "if you do something weird to my onee-san, I'll Doolittle Raid your ass! You got that?!"-kinda way.
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Like I said, the Hood/Bisko example is probably the best for one where a singular event actually gives them reason to get to know each other. At minimum. Because both of them have to know each other and have to work with one another. Everyone is going to know about their duel and everyone is going to expect the most famous British and German ships to make amends and all that. This can lead to what you put above quite easily.

I personally don't see it going beyond that, but that's very much a personal thing. Others could see it differently.
True enough. Though to build on it for example, maybe Hood takes Bismarck to go and get one of Unsinkable Sam's descendants seeing as he was originally her cat, which would mean a lot to the German Battleship. But yeah, it can be written along how one thinks personally, though it needs to make sense.

Though strangely enough, I have also seen a number where people will pair off Prinz Eugen and Prince of Wales due to the same Battle and how both were escorting the two major warships involved.
I'm the one to use history the most of anyone and I don't make it the end-all of the character. That's bad writing. Now, for stuff like Destiny it requires that route. But by the same token, characters can and should develop after their summoning. A fresh summon (Level 1 if you will) ship girl is going to have a personality based entirely on her experiences and history. Because it's like the backstory of any other character. By contrast, one that's been around for some time...won't.

To use my own writing, Indy is still very heavily shaped by her history because she just came back- relatively speaking. Irresistible and Implacable, by contrast, have zero real references to their own history other than when they're talking to someone who brings it up. Because both have been back long enough that they've developed past it.

And yeah. As above, Hood/Bisko at least has good reason for them to track each other down. Not romantically but at least because it's a good starting point.
Agreed, using history as a starting point and then building on it would be the best idea as going too far along either road wouldn't work.
By contrast...something like...Royal Oak and U-47. There's no reason for either of them to be paired together other than one sinking the other. Or Zuikaku and Hornet being paired. Or...
Funny thing about Royal Oak and U-47 is that the way I see it is that when the two are on the same base, U-47 ends up being used as Royal Oak's teddy bear. Not because of romance or anything like that, but rather due to the fact that Royal Oak will sleep better when she knows exactly where U-47 is. And U-47 doesn't really mind it as she both understands and, being a U-Boat who is used to be docked with sisters, it's not exactly uncomfortable to her.
You know, go all out.

Should Kaga and Arizona be paired together? Because a plane from the former sank the latter? IMO, no they shouldn't. That's putting everything into that one moment and a moment that is so very traumatic I just don't see how it could lead anywhere beyond a grudging respect or friendship. I get that I'm human not a ship but I just don't see someone getting blown up by the other as reason to get together with them.
Yeah, Kaga and Arizona work best as probably good friends at most. You could have an incident where one saves the other from Abyssals to solidify that friendship. Or perhaps do something where Kaga is pushing for, say, the route to Hawaii to be opened in order to "Cleanse" herself by saving Arizona/the other Pearl Harbor ships.
On the same level, pairing a character that has only the sinking or damage with one who has a lot of other history strikes me as lazy. Pairing Sara with RJ is ignoring the potential non-romantic interactions of the characters in favor of LOL easy pairing. Especially since even if RJ wants to seek out Sara because of the sinking...Sara has much, much more going on with others than with RJ.

I guess my thing is simple in this regard. I personally don't like taking one single event and trying to use it to justify a pairing. I find it lazy. It's someone wanting to use the history, but being unwilling to look for ones that have more history together in favor of taking the easy and often memetic way out.
Agreed fully actually, then again I'm more a guy who is interested in character interactions and heavily dislikes the idea of taking two people, and pairing them up by them just looking at each other. Strangely enough, I think that I got the oddest pairing in the fandom on either SB or SV with Haruna slowly building a relationship with a tea set tsukumogami. It just sort of happened out of nowhere, but it works because the two have had a lot of interaction with each other in the fic and by this point, two years on, they are still only very good friends and have only just crossed the line of kissing each other on the cheek once in a while (they both have realized that they got romantic feelings for the other, but aren't going to push either).

Then again, it does tie in to Haruna's history strangely because it can be summed up as "Haruna, endures" and being as the tea set has been faithfully serving her family for a hundred years, dedicated to giving them tea and her family, that sort of dedication would be something that Haruna would find attractive I think.
(also, thank you two for actually discussing this instead of just trolling)
I got far too much respect for you to troll you in a discussion like this.
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Strangely enough, I think that I got the oddest pairing in the fandom on either SB or SV with Haruna slowly building a relationship with a tea set tsukumogami. It just sort of happened out of nowhere, but it works because the two have had a lot of interaction with each other in the fic and by this point, two years on, they are still only very good friends and have only just crossed the line of kissing each other on the cheek once in a while (they both have realized that they got romantic feelings for the other, but aren't going to push either).

Hey, odd pairings can work well enough. I mean, if they're properly developed they can be some of the best. While 'crack' pairing is often used as a derogative, some of the very best pairings can be ones where there is no pre-existing connection. Often because it's an even playing field. Neither side has any baggage and both can develop with each other naturally as a result.

Even one of the most popular pairings in this fandom fits that. Kaga/Zuikaku.

While both were members of the Kido Butai, that is about the only connection either has. If you tried to pair Akagi and Soryu, you would probably get many strange looks. What do they have in common other than both being Kido Butai carriers, one could say. Why bother pairing them?

Fundamentally though, Kaga and ZuiZui are the same. There may be some historical basis in their rivalry, but otherwise they're just two carriers that served in the same formation. Logically, Kaga fits better with Akagi if one builds off the historical interactions.

But Kaga and Zuikaku is popular because they bounce off each other so very well. Part of it is the anime's influence I'm sure, but that doesn't change the fact that both of them interact very well with each other. And that it is very easy to pair them together, in a tsun-tsun way. That's the type of crack pairing that works.

(it's also why I prefer stuff like that to trying to build off one single thing)
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Hey, odd pairings can work well enough. I mean, if they're properly developed they can be some of the best. While 'crack' pairing is often used as a derogative, some of the very best pairings can be ones where there is no pre-existing connection. Often because it's an even playing field. Neither side has any baggage and both can develop with each other naturally as a result.

Even one of the most popular pairings in this fandom fits that. Kaga/Zuikaku.

While both were members of the Kido Butai, that is about the only connection either has. If you tried to pair Akagi and Soryu, you would probably get many strange looks. What do they have in common other than both being Kido Butai carriers, one could say. Why bother pairing them?

Fundamentally though, Kaga and ZuiZui are the same. There may be some historical basis in their rivalry, but otherwise they're just two carriers that served in the same formation. Logically, Kaga fits better with Akagi if one builds off the historical interactions.

But Kaga and Zuikaku is popular because they bounce off each other so very well. Part of it is the anime's influence I'm sure, but that doesn't change the fact that both of them interact very well with each other. And that it is very easy to pair them together, in a tsun-tsun way. That's the type of crack pairing that works.

(it's also why I prefer stuff like that to trying to build off one single thing)
Well, the issue with such things is, as you said, there's no real connection there which makes it harder. Mainly because one actually needs to work at it to have it make sense in-universe. And pairings are an issue that people often have problems writing and is, in my mind anyways, one of the harder things to get right. Part of it is the unfortunate tendency for some writers to want the pairing in place right now so that they can use it, usually by saying "These two characters have met, feel a connection and now love each other".

As you mentioned though, it can work out though. And Zuikaku/Kaga (Zuiga?) is a perfect example. The two of them did not have much interaction with each other in real life, however they can play off each other very well. Whether this is in a tsuntsun way or the two having a mutual relationship of needling/trolling each other can be up to the author in question. For example, I've had it where Kaga bought herself a pet turkey she takes out for walks she's named "Zui". In retaliation, Zuikaku bought herself a snapping turtle as a pet which she has named "Kashu". Of course, Kashu is another name for Kaga Province and it being a snapping turtle is both poking fun at Kaga's attitude of, well, sometimes being snappish towards people as well as her Battleship heritage.

Neither really are mad or pissed off at each other, but rather enjoy needling/trolling the other. They give as good as they get. Something like that works out well.
Wasn't the Kaga/Zuikaku interaction based off their crew's rivaling opinions of each other at the time?

As a rabid shipper, I usually like ships based mostly on potential, aka how well they play off each other as their relationships develop, basically if they have chemistry. However, as far as romance goes I do long-lasting relationships where the two parties get to know each other through a long time (one of my favorite romance titles in that regard is the manga Last Game, where the guy was chasing after the girl he liked since grade school all the way to college, and the complication comes from the fact that he's tsundere and she's blind to romance). Like all things though, romance is something that sinks or swims by execution - a sloppily done long-term romance is much worse than a well-done love-at-first-sight story.

As far as ZuiKaga (the accepted term for that pairing) goes, I like it because they're rivals who begrudgingly respect each other yet won't admit it.

Of the various pairings portrayed in Kancolle fandom though, my favorite one has to be the one where only one shipgirl is involved, namely the Ashigara and transport captain Yonehara Sousuke pair from the Shiba Dog Admiral doujin. It may have started out as love-at-first-sight for the man, but he had to work very, very hard to finally win Ashigara over, not helped by the fact that Ashigara was initially blind to most other things except battle. The conclusion of that particular romance is so satisfyingly good, the type that makes you go "FINALLY!!!!" ;-;
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And all this is why I avoid shipping outside of playing it for laughs in Things Not Allowed. Unless, of course, I'm writing a story and I'm eight chapters in and suddenly I'm shipping two characters.

That has happened to me before, and I suspect it'll happen again.
Wasn't the Kaga/Zuikaku interaction based off their crew's rivaling opinions of each other at the time?

To a large degree. The prevalent attitude before Midway can be summed up by reaction to Carrier Div 5's 'Victory' at Coral Sea. "If the sons of the concubines could win the victory , then the sons of legal wives should find no rival in the world." And yet it was the Crane sisters who had to shoulder the burden after Japan's fortunes had waned and carried on determinedly for the next two years. To Kaga, Zuikaku IS the rookie. Only commissioned in Sept. 1941, She's a newb and not entitled to consider herself equal to Kaga with many years of training and experience. To Zui, all of Kaga's experience means nothing compared to the fact that Zuikaku fought in four of the five carrier battles of the war and only by overwhelming force and the nature of her mission did Zuikaku fall, as opposed to Kaga who had one straight up fight with an equal opponent and lost.

At least that's the start of this relationship.
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*Enterprise meets Kaga*

Kaga: "...using your torpedo bombers as a distraction while sneaking in your dive bombers. Creative tactic, if I must say so myself."

Enterprise: "...it was you that blindly walked into that-"

Kaga: "However, as the pride of the Ikkosen, I will not be defeated again by such underhanded tactics. By a rookie foreigner of a carrier, no less."

Enterprise: "..."

*Insert more derogatory comments from Kaga, like 'Zuikaku is the daughter of concubines, you're the daughter of slave-girls', which Enterprise responded that she has 'put down a converted battleship once', and she's willing to do it again*

*Akagi intervenes with a bucket of KFC chicken under one arm, a bucket of cooked rice under another, and a fried drumstick in her mouth. All carriers have one constant, and it's that they eat a lot.*
Can I say that I love the image of Akagi popping up between to arguing shipgirls and then shoving food into their mouths before sneaking away as they just chew and forget that they were arguing?
Honestly I like the concepts of mentor/student and bash siblings better. It just seams more natural and easier to write.
Funny thing about Royal Oak and U-47 is that the way I see it is that when the two are on the same base, U-47 ends up being used as Royal Oak's teddy bear. Not because of romance or anything like that, but rather due to the fact that Royal Oak will sleep better when she knows exactly where U-47 is. And U-47 doesn't really mind it as she both understands and, being a U-Boat who is used to be docked with sisters, it's not exactly uncomfortable to her.
IIRC U-Boats were docked in solitary docks, no cuddle piles there.
Can I say that I love the image of Akagi popping up between to arguing shipgirls and then shoving food into their mouths before sneaking away as they just chew and forget that they were arguing?

Nah, it'll just change what they argue about.

Kaga: "Original Recipe."
Enterprise: "Hot and Spicy."
Kaga: "As expected, the rookie knows nothing about taste."
Enteprise: "And the shoddy conversion proves her taste is bad."

*both glare at each other while wolfing down their KFC*
On a tangential note... I hope that if they add more USN ships to the game, they won't all be blonde and busty and white. (Saratoga is fine by me, but Iowa is one of my least favorite ship designs in the game) I get why that's the stereotype, but I still hope for some more variety. (Without going to extremes, like that one fan-made artbook for USN ships did) I for one would love to see USS Nevada or someone as looking native american, and dressing like a hell's angel/motorcyclist.