Where’s Your North?
- Location
- The former Rubber Capital of the World
To hell with Hornet. I want her sister to show up. We need carriers, and one equipped for night fighting is gonna be invaluable. Plus Akagi and Kaga's reactions.
43341816 (Bentus The Great Harbour Ship) -
43341834 -
>>43341816 (Bentus The Great Harbour Ship)
stop getting recycled into spare parts at a ship graveyard then.
43341850 (Bentus The Great Harbour Ship) -
... Okay, I wasn't even RPing, I was quoting Mad Max.
43341869 -
>>43341850 (Bentus The Great Harbour Ship)
As long as you keep the name on, people are going to assume you're RPing.
43341886 -
Fuck off, he can RP if he wants to.
At least he's GOOD at it.
43341898 -
Not saying he shouldn't RP, just saying that people will assume that, if he has the name on, he'll be RPing. It's how it works for the other RPing tripfags in this thread.
43342081 (Death by Chains) -
>That's because the other RPing tripfags are all characters in this quest
Point of order: the only thing I'm RPing as is 'the guy transcribing this quest to other sites for the people whose IT departments block them from reaching 4chan'.
43342107 -
>>43342081 (Death by Chains)
That's not really RPing, it's just something to make you easier to identify to those who have comments or questions regarding your transcriptions.
43342128 -
>>43342081 (Death by Chains)
[Dude] you aren't RP'ing, you're using the feature for what it's intended for: giving someone who has a role or function that requires a psuedo-identity a way to maintain that.
The other [guy] on the other hand, is.
43341930 -
Why has everybody not filtered Bentus yet? The thread is so much nicer without his cancer.
43341972 -
Bentus is alright. The problem are the salty people that charge against him every single thread.
43342001 (demetrious) -
43342020 -
I haven't filtered him because he's been around for so damn long he's almost become an integral part of these threads. Seriously, nobody really complained much until recently. Hell, even planefriend said he was fine.
43342565 -
[X] Office. Paperwork time.
Also find like a sink and some oil or something to clean our sword before shit gets all fucked up by the blood.
43342640 (Death by Chains) -
>[X] Office. Paperwork time.
The job ain't gonna do itself.
>Also find like a sink and some oil or something to clean our sword before shit gets all fucked up by the blood.
A splendid idea. Never know when we might need the thing again.
43342673 (Bentus the Great Harbour Ship) -
... Well, I suppose we best be getting to the paperwork before it gains sentience.
>[x] Office. Paperwork time.
43342665 -
>>43342309 →
Something I've always been wondering as a guy who doesn't know all that much about WWII:
How is it that the Japanese Empire kept making and building poorly designed military hardware that reeked of flaws? Kaga couldn't vent its heat properly. The Nambu pistol was a pile of shit. Japanese carrier design ended up having the worst of both American and British designs (squishy carriers with less efficient damage control).
What gives? Were Japanese engineers and scientists just bad? Were they trained poorly?
43342734 (Ghostdivision) -
the short answer is because they were incredibly smart dumb people. The long answer could eat up a book.
43342768 -
A thousand men could write a million books and maybe cut halfway to the heart of the answer
43342796 (Death by Chains) -
Let's put it this way. IIRC, when designing a particular machine-gun (I want to say it was the 'woodpecker' MMG), Nambu et. al. studied the action of a foreign make of MG, one well-known for its reliability and good rate-of-fire... then deliberately designed *OUT* the portion of the extraction cycle that made it so reliable and fast-firing.
So, yeah. Some of Imperial Japan's engineers were pretty much fail all the way down.
43342847 -
>>43342796 (Death by Chains)
Japan had two LMGs - The old one that was fed by rifle clips in a hopper, and the new one that was a Bren with all the good bits ripped out and a bayonet fixed.
43342880 (demetrious) -
>The old one that was fed by rifle clips in a hopper
why did you fucking remind me that this existed
43342884 -
>>43342796 (Death by Chains) - did this happen? Did Nambu study the western MMG and then just completely fail to understand how it worked?
Maybe it's because we modern folks have the benefit of hindsight while the Imperial Japanese had to make decisions without the benefit of said hindsight, but I keep getting the impression that the people who designed most of Japan's equipment were pants on head retarded at times. I'm well aware that Japan had a huge disadvantage in resources and resource quality (see: pulling around Zeros with oxcarts), but how do you end up designing such a shit gun or shit carrier?
43342895 (Ghostdivision) -
Honestly? I don't think there is any one book that really gets into it, at least not helps paint a comprehensive theory, which is what I've been working at.
Basically, Personally, I think it's a combination of how their culture was shaped for a bazillion years, their relative lack of resources, cherry-picking, and a healthy dose of master race complex. If I could suggest any three books, they'd be Kaigun, which is incredibly dry but covers the IJN's rise and fall- that is, from around 1900 or so to 1945, Shattered sword, about Midway, and Samurai Revolution, which kinda digs into that whole Samurai mindset and mythology.
But there's a whole lot of reading you'd need to do to really get at it beyond an incredibly simple single answer.
43343620 -
What is this?
43343634 (demetrious) -
THAT'S IT FOR TODAY BECAUSE IT'S 12PM AND I'M TIRED AND SHIT! Standby for more writeups, including one from one of THP's primer writefags, returned to the /t/ouhou/g/ames board of his forefathers to shitpost in harmony with us!
"After Action Report."
43343674 (Death by Chains) -
After-Action Report. AKA "WTF happened? Who did what, when, how, and why? IN MAXIMUM POSSIBLE DETAIL for best understanding of how to make sure nothing goes this wrong EVER AGAIN."
43345619 -
>Have a brain hemorrhage and subsequent surgery
>Report for duty the next day, in command for the Bonin Islands
>Kill two men while drunk with a sword
>Stroll into the mess the next day, converse calmly with a marine covered in spiders
There are gonna be so many strange anecdotes about Settle in the books about this war.
43345958 -
Yeah, Settle is going to be a legend in the Navy for decades, if not a century or two.
Assuming Humanity doesn't get graped to death by Abyssals
I'd go with the latter.Tempted to draw up a Kant-O-Celle bingo card, wondering is "SWQ continuation when" or "Fucking Tripfags" should be the free slot
Fanart of Willie in that Playboy Bunny outfit would be hilarious.Shimakaze smiled back, seemingly satisfied. "Great. I'll get you one of my outfits. We can race... tomorrow, say?"
Seven of those words pounded into Willie's brain, striking her numb. "What."
"Yeah, I have obligations today," Shimakaze said apologetically, "Tomorrow would be better-"
"One of your outfits?!" Willie all but shrieked.
"Yeah, they'll make you go faster, like me," the Japanese destroyer said, oblivious to Willie's sudden discomfort. "Every drop of speed helps, you know?"
"I DON'T WANNA WEAR ONE OF THOSE OUTFITS!!!" the American destroyer wailed, hiding her face behind her hands.
<- Has only ever gotten two Naka in his playthrough. And that's after getting to 2-3, then proceeding to grind around World 1 for a week to finally get the first one. To put it into my perspective - at that point I've gotten Fusou, Yamashiro, Ise, Hyuuga, Hiei, and Haruna. I actually got Jintsuu a whole load more - she's actually the one I got the most.Nah. LSC doesn't drop Naka. LSC drops Maruyu. Who is...well maruyu. Now, if I had a dime for every Naka I got with a BB recipe for normal construction? yeah. I'd be a pretty rich dude.
I say Nay! The only kind of bunny outfit Willie should ever be seen in is that of a soft and fuzzy bunny style footed pajamas with a hood that she can pull over her head to hide in!Fanart of Willie in that Playboy Bunny outfit would be hilarious.
It's Big E and Big Y or nothing. Plus Hornet and Hamp.Hmm, Saratoga and Big E make for a natural couple too. This leaves Hornet as the only one without a Lexington though...![]()
And yet everyone on this board wants YamaPrise.
So make it Yormatoprise. THAT is an odd word, by the way.
I was talking about Yamato.While CV-5 and CV-6 were partners in crime, I don't think it was that kind of partnership.
Unless you were talking about CV-10 of course.![]()
Well, since you failed to specify, people can now have a new OT3/4, depending upon how far they want to take things.
Destroyers are not for lewd?I say Nay! The only kind of bunny outfit Willie should ever be seen in is that of a soft and fuzzy bunny style footed pajamas with a hood that she can pull over her head to hide in!
Kisaragi says hi.
Adorable Destroyers are not for lewds.
What are 'words' going to do against one of the Big Seven?Tenryuu would have WORDS with anyone who thinks any of her Destroyers are for lewds.