Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

Yeah, shoulda read those in greater detail before I started posting my own story here, which I am now reconsidering.
They're pretty boilerplate, to be honest. This, for example, comes from the TOS of the Xenforo forums themselves:

We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time. Access to the Service is not guaranteed to you and access may be restricted or removed at any time for any reason.

You may not access the Service through automated or programmatic means (such as through a content scraper) without prior permission from us.

You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

Functionally we need the publication rights in order to actually operate as a forum, because by stuff being posted on here we are publishing it. It's irrevocable (and likewise, we won't be forced to remove content on request) because otherwise you're opened up to griefing. Pretty much every forum that cares at all about the legalities is going to have some version of those conditions. (EDIT: Even 4chan does, at least in part)

Also, outside of the actual legalities, we're not unreasonable people. The existence of a deletion button ought to suggest that the "worst case" scenario of "you could construe this like Trace here isn't allowed to remove stuff at PF and co.'s request" is very silly, and, further, this was actually up for discussion earlier in the staff IRC:

[23:11] <Ford_Dylandy> I mean we're pretty easy about this. If the Kant-O-Celle guys want their stuff taken down then, well, okay. No issue.
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Doesn't SB run off of Xenforo as well? So the Same Boiler plate should be there as well.?

SB used to have similar conditions, though they don't seem to have them up any more. Why that is, I can't say; it's their business.


FWIW, here's the default terms XenForo provides, and that SB used when it first swapped over:

The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content ("Content"). Content posted express the views of their author only.

You agree to not use the Service to post or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.

We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content posted for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time.

You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

All Content you submit or upload may be reviewed by staff members. Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.

These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use this Service. If you wish to close your account, please contact us.

It kept those from May 2012 through to July 2014, when their administration changed.
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Hmm they run on Xenforo servers so they should probably an oversight when they moved to Xenforo.

No, it's a deliberate change on their part. When they moved to XF the default XF ToS would've been provided, but SB changed their terms stuff to point to their rules thread (which AFAICT makes no mention of getting publication rights or who has copyrights). Simply using XF doesn't mean you need to clone xenforo.com's legalese (though many do); I was just providing it as an example.
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Information: this is a large modbox to catch your attention please take note kthx
this is a large modbox to catch your attention please take note kthx Aside from drawing more attention to foamy's excellent post above, I'd like to direct everybody's attention to posts which the SV admins made when someone started panicking about the ToS previously:
They are generic boilerplate, they came with XenForo, and I didn't install them, but they'll get changed and replaced by the rules when we set them down.

That said, let me go over them anyway to put your mind at ease.
Default Terms of Service said:
The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts ("Content"). Content submitted express the views of their author only.

Wow, everyone's responsible for what they type.

Default Terms of Service said:
You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.

Holy shit guys you're not allowed to post stuff that breaks the law!

Default Terms of Service said:
All Content you submit or upload may be reviewed by staff members. All Content you submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including, but not limited to, spam prevention services). Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.

Man, is this a public webboard? People might actually look at it? Is that a thing? Really?

Default Terms of Service said:
We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time.

So uh... I paid for it so I get to take down shit I don't like.

Default Terms of Service said:
You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

Holy shitballs, I get a license to post your stuff on my website! Man that comes in handy when I'm hosting your stuff on my website.

Default Terms of Service said:
These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

Which they may, but they're only effective when you're notified of the changes.

Look at the end of the day the boilerplate rules are mostly to cover the site owner's ass (which is in this case Squishy). They exist so you can't sue him for posting your content on this website, and so that he has the ability to say that they the things you post aren't his opinions, and gives him the ability to remove content which is violation of the law (which would get him in trouble). They don't imply that you have signed over ownership of your content to him.

The point of that clause is, as far as my decidedly non-lawyer self can tell, preventing someone from attempting something like "I am revoking my license to you for X content, go through my posts and delete them or I'll sue you." It's not to keep you from deleting things, but to prevent possible legal shenanigans. Sure, I guess someone might be able to abuse it, but this comes down to whether or not you trust the staff of the forum. And if you don't trust the staff, why are you posting on the forum anyway?

This is not uncommon, yeah, for exactly the reason you specified. A revocable license is almost always asking for trouble, unless it's only revocable under specific conditions (you can only use our logo for materials including us as sponsors, or else) sort of thing.

Also, given posts like this I'd like to mention:
My guess:
tl;dr: "If we feel like making money (or literally anything else) off your posts and you don't like it ha ha go get fucked".

They're pretty reasonable on their own, but they nicely round out the "we can do whatever the fuck we want with your posts" package.

Ironically, there's also this:
"We hold all the rights and none of the responsibility."
Now I assume I'm reading this wrong, since I'm no lawyer:
If we are to be assume the worst you could construe this like Trace here isn't allowed to remove stuff at PF and co.'s request.
Rules 11 and 12 are also quite interesting wrt the rights you give up wrt your posts but this post is already long enough.

Since issues like this have cropped up several times before, I'd like to give everyone a little general advice to hopefully head off yet another round of "people yelling at each other that I might have to do something about." (i.e. proactive laziness on my part lol) When you see some scary-sounding lingo or hear something ominous from a site owner, start by asking yourself "does [this thing I'm worried about] sound like something that an average schmuck might do?" Because trust me, SV's owners are waaaay too boring to risk their IRL careers with skeevy shit like "try to exercise control over someone else's copyright with sneaky legal-jitsu." That's the sort of shenanigans which you'd expect from ambulance-chaser lawyers desperate to make a buck, and none of the site owners are anywhere near that financially desperate.

I'm not saying "don't ever assume anything bad about SV's owners," but at the very least, don't start by assuming that it's likely. Start by asking the admins for what their intent was with the ToS (through the Ask A Private Question subforum, PMing a mod or admin, opening a thread in the Forum News subforum, etc.), not by assuming that they're planning to deliberately screw you over, and you'll save everyone a whole lot of unnecessary drama. As someone who's had to clean up a lot of forum drama, I can assure you that the truth is pretty much always waaaaay more boring than you think it is, lol.
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'Why is Nuts! quoting me in this thread,' I wondered as I checked my alerts this morning ...

As has been described, our Terms of Service are pretty ordinary. We don't use the standard that comes with XenForo, but with the exception of some recent updates we made to reflect user subscriptions our ToS does basically the same thing. It was redrafted largely because we thought the boilerplate was kind of ugly. These kinds of provisions aren't usually relevant in the day to day but they underpin our capacity to operate.

There is an unusual situation here in that a great deal of material in this thread is from elsewhere and was written by non-members. My understanding is that Trace only posts things which he has permission to post - an example I wish more people making reposts would follow, honestly - and that is, I think, sufficient to constitute a use of the service under the ToS, even if the original author is not a member here. If you are knowingly using our platform to promote and distribute your material, then somewhat unsurprisingly the material is our concern. It would be a different matter if the original authors didn't know that Kant-O-Celle was being republished here.

I understand that might sound scary, particularly given the strictly legal nature of the Terms of Service, and particularly given the implications of the word 'publish.' At the basic level it's just saying you agree we can host your content, such as your posts, on the forum. At another level is allows us to say no when you ask us to permanently delete content from the forum. There are two levels of deletion available through XF, one of which is reversible and one of which is permanent, and the latter has been described to me as being 'a huge pain in the ass.' And, yes, there is a connection to money. We now sell subscriptions, and the ToS allows us to do so, given that subscribers will be reading your content. It would also allow us to advertise if we wanted to pursue that.

It doesn't go so far as to give us a controlling right over content. I cannot go to an author on this forum and tell them that I'm going to sell their material. Frankly we've tried our best to preserve the capacity of users to financially exploit their works. The Private Fiction forum, for example, is intended to allow a user to post original content without giving away their right of first sale.

Obviously that's getting a little away from Kant-O-Celle, which is a fanwork. What it boils down to is that posting here constitutes an agreement that allows us to host your posting. That agreement is irrevocable. If you ask us to take something down then we don't have to. In the absence of a very compelling reason otherwise we are not likely to say no. If Trace edits things out of his posts then we aren't going to revert them to earlier versions. Every user has access to a delete button on their posts, and in the past we've been pretty relaxed about requests to remove content. We try not to delete too many threads but if that's the best solution to an issue then we'll do it. It's no skin off our nose.

We know that the author is, or perhaps more accurately was, not particularly fond of us, and I'm willing to assume that people who mostly make their main home on 4chan probably think we're kind of ridiculous. I've been personally badmouthed on /tg/ which I consider a high watermark achievement ( :V ). Anyway, we don't really feel any personal enmity towards anyone involved, we're just trying to run our forum according to our standards. We also try to do it in the way which is most legally viable, so we've kept our Terms of Service to best cover our collective asses.

Being concerned about the Terms of Service of any website is perfectly normal. I haven't used Steam for something like ten years because of a fairly minor ToS issue. If you look at our ToS and decide that it makes you uncomfortable to post here then I understand. While I think some of the stuff said about our ToS here is largely alarmist, if that's how you feel about it after reading the document yourself and thinking about it, then that's okay.
foamy, Nuts!, Ford Prefect. Thank you these posts have been very interesting and informative.

This said, I hope this calms down and that people will do the same. That said, I personally feel that those tripping over the ToS are making too much of a fuss about what is needed to run a forum.

Still, life.

Hey, everyone - I'm "planefriend," aka Demetrious, aka Fap Angel, KCQ's author. Thought I should say something, if only to ensure nobody catches undue flak.

The boilerplate legalese is indeed boilerplate - in fact, it's because it's bog-standard boilerplate that it's written so broadly, I suspect. Some lawyer hired by the company that sells this forum software sat down and banged out something to cover every conceivable ass in every conceivable situation, no matter who the customer was. And many of the customers are probably running Naruto fan forums or something, so they're not gonna go hire a lawyer to customize the ToS or write their own - so the boilerplate has to be, well, like boiler plate - boring, dingy, common, large and very very thick and tough. As Ford observes, if you're not familiar with legalese it's perfectly normal to be wary of ToS that looks too broad or questionable, but given that the ToS explicitly keeps its paws off copyright, I don't think that alone would've spooked my friends and participating writers.

Rather, I think it was this:

I'm going to be extremely real here: SV isn't an archive for some quest from 4chan. We've somewhat begrudgingly allowed this thread to continue but like, that's it. We've somewhat begrudgingly allowed this thread to continue but like, that's it.

Now, to be careful, I went and double-checked the rules of SV, checked for any board-specific rules (didn't find any stickied posts to that effect,) and I also read the Terms of Service and the board's mission statement. I couldn't find anything that explicitly or implicitly forbade reposting content to SV (with permission, of course, which I explicitly granted Chains,) or the discussion of fiction from outside the board (which is evident enough from the existence of a few subforums focused on just that, of course.) The use of Sufficient Velocity as an archive (i.e. a resource for many people to view and read who are not SV users) can certainly be seen as an excess not in line with the mission statement (which is focused on serving the boards users, not the whole internet.) That function, however, is already filled by multiple sources - there's an existing board-specific archive maintained at suptg.com, someone has been compiling a running e-book of the threads with just the actual writing content of the main story included, and there are also several auto-archives in existence, several of which archive /tg/, such as the one at desustorage.org. I've taken to linking Chains Spacebattles thread as the go-to archive in my opening posts every time I run a thread, but that's out of recognition of his superb effort: copy-pasting the text is one thing, but he also saves relevant images, fan-art, and even records the more amusing or enlightening conversations that take place during the thread, allowing people catching up to get the full "experience" of a /tg/ quest thread (which moves very fast, and is typically written by the author in "real time" instead of taking a day or a week to produce a long, polished chunk of prose.) This is in addition to cataloging and maintaining links to the side-story work, which would otherwise be lost in a morass of pastebin links buried at the ends of threads somewhere on the suptg archive. Chains work is a great boon to those who want to enjoy the story, and I hope everyone appreciates his efforts as much as I do.

It's possible that Ford Prefect et al. were unaware of the multiple redundant archives, which alone would imply that the content being posted here was primarily a matter of convenience for Sufficient Velocity users and not an exploitation of board resources for a purpose lying outside the mission statement. It is unlikely, however, that they were unaware of the simultaneous existence of an identical thread on SpaceBattles. I am not a "user" on SV, to be sure, but I am a reader. I do lurk here. I am well aware of the history of the two boards and the strong cross-board traffic that exists (which includes some moderators, one of which has actually posted in that SB thread.) I'm also aware of the thoroughness that SV mods tend to apply to their appointed jobs, and given the SB thread was being discussed only two pages back, well, I doubt they languish in ignorance of it.

With that in mind, Ford's post speaking of begrudging tolerance (of something neither in violation of rules or mission statement) carries a strong tone of disdain for the blighted works of the rude barbarians of 4chan. That's nothing new or particularly worrisome - it is 4chan, after all, and those of us who frequent it are well aware of how it's perceived by others, to say nothing of how it's been presented to others in the past. And we don't blame anyone for those impressions, either, or find it particularly surprising when imageboard cultural norms confuse and dismay the uninitiated (for instance, my 4chan "user"name.) When the guardians look down from their walls and see this, it's understandable that they won't immediately appreciate the rich and nuanced culture of the barbarian tribes.


When there's broad legalese involved, and avoidance of potential problems from it depends heavily on the reasonableness and goodwill of the patricians whom you know regard you as barbarians... and you have no interest or investment in the site in question, there's no reason to take the risk, or expend an iota of effort on working it out. Thus, my co-writers pulled up stakes.

For me, it's a little different. My bachelors degree was a double major in Journalism and Political Science, so I naturally have strong opinions on topics like censorship and speech. But as I observed above, SpaceBattles and SufficientVelocity share a significant chunk of their userbases with one another, and many of them are Good Posers whom I like (for instance, they guy who made this thread!) If there was nothing of value here, I doubt they'd be here. And I have a strong personal disinclination to making messes in other people's homes. Thusly I'm tempted to follow my co-writers leads and request that Chains pull my content from this thread as well - it's all archived and available on SB, a single link away, and that would leave this thread as a pure fiction discussion thread, which is squarely inside the intent of the board's mission statement and won't "rustle any jimmies," as they say in the vernacular.


My work is the stuff Chains has expended real effort on "cleaning up," as well as cataloging amusing conversations in the threads themselves. Linking some pastebinned documents is one thing; but the "main story" I've written reflects a lot of Chains work as well. He's put hours into it, many, many hours, and there's only so many hours in a day. Disrespecting his right to agency over the results of that effort would disrespect his labors entire.

Thus, I'm leaving the decision to Chains. He is a regular user here, it is his thread, and it is his work, so I think he should be the one to weigh the value of posting the content in this thread against the apparent needs and desires of the board and its administrators as a whole. I'm in a tight spot here, and this looks like the best solution.
This is why I really respect Demetrious. When there's a point to be made, he explains it thoroughly and rationally.

See you tomorrow, friend.
Good to hear from the man himself. :cool:
Now, for my own two cents on the matter:

Ultimately, I post this archive to both SpaceBattles and SufficientVelocity for two main, interrelated reasons: redundancy, and reaching the maximum possible readership. There have been numerous occasions when one of the two boards has been down for various reasons while the other remained reachable, so having KCQ on both allows people to keep reading during such outages with a minimum of inconvenience. This is not a small issue: even a cursory glance at the Creative Writing/User Fiction boards will tell you that Kantai Collection is a franchise that's exploded in popularity in the last year or so, both with writers and readers. The readership gets strident about getting their fix of fan-fiction whenever they want it, preferably with fresh doses on a routine basis.
Related to this is the fact that many of those readers are catching up with their favourite projects from places whose IT policies block certain sites, including 4chan itself, and sometimes including one of these forums (but not the other). True, there are significant overlaps between the SB and SV memberships, but even so there are people who visit only one on a regular basis. The reader commentary does vary between the two — as I type, the SB thread is some two hundred pages longer than this one — but having the content mirrored between the two allows KCQ the maximum possible exposure to their respective fan-bases, which helps build word-of-mouth about it and its creators. Demetrious has mentioned in at least one KCQ thread that the lessons of writing SWQ and this quest have given him the confidence he needed to try his hand at professional paid writing, and any budding author will tell you that having a pre-existing fanbase is rarely a bad thing.

Still, for all the effort I put into the transcription, ultimately it's done as a service to the readership and the creators. I don't own the creative writing involved in KCQ itself (except for a few scattered comments in the voting periods), nor do I own the write-ups or artworks. Those remain the property of their original creators, and if they ask me to take their content off one or both archive threads, I will do so at first opportunity. A number of them have so asked, and this has been done. Others have asked me to leave pre-existing posts of their material to SV as they are, but to refrain from any further updates; this decision, too, I will abide by. Much as I may hope those folks change their minds and ask me to restore their content/resume updates, ideally some time soon, if and when they ask for that is purely up to them.

So, here it is:
Main KCQ threads:
I will continue to update this thread with the main KCQ sessions, as I get them ready for transcription. As demetrious has noted, that process is time-consuming and painstaking, not least because it requires balancing preservation of the, erm, original spirit and feel of the session — including the humour, informative asides, random insights and analyses, and sometimes vicious debates of side-posters — against meeting the community standards deemed acceptable here and on SB.
Even so, for all the headaches it causes me, demetrious has put his skills, time, and not some degree of his physical well-being into running these sessions, and in doing so has turned a game of herding anonymous cats on 4chan into one of the benchmarks of the KanColle fandom, one that has received (and is well-worthy to keep and expand!) a wide readership and recognition.
Support material, including write-ups and artwork:
Again, these people are putting their creative works out there for the enjoyment of KCQ readers, who often use the anonymity of 4chan to offer criticism unfettered by the faintest hint of courtesy or any fear of consequences. Whatever the strengths or shortcomings of their work, they deserve some form of recognition for having that creative courage.
(Yes, even fluffbringer. I agree the Native American piece was dire and deserved to be declared non-canon, but goddammit, he wrote something and put it out there on /tg/, and that's more than many others have dared to do. Including me: I tried to do a write-up of my own, but I ran out of steam, and nerve, at the end of the first page.)
I will continue to archive those supporting works to this thread as well, subject to the creators' wishes; if they don't want their material posted here, that's their right.
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Well, I really appreciate the efforts of all involved in this one, and I also really appreciate the heads up as to the changing location of a not insignificant amount of the content. I've marked the SB thread now, so I could catch up on the continuing adventures of the Titanic and the Queen Anne's Revenge, and my goodness, that's certainly a phrase I never thought I'd use ever :)
So I take it that all this take down stuff from the authors was coordinated through the KCQ IRC channel? Honestly doesn't surprise me.
Why does this kind of drama seem to happen every time I try to catch up to PF quests. :p. The Naka archives literally went down when I was flipping back and forth between it and the main story, trying to read them in chronological order, so I was confused as hell when I couldn't find the post after tabbing back to it(Thanks, Android browsers.)

Anyways, I FINALLY have caught up on the main story and Naka, and holy hell has there been some awesome shit since I fell off the quest. I started laughing uncontrollably at the Kongoupocalypse, started having trouble breathing from all the laughter at point where SecNav went 'Fuck China', and ended up laughing loud enough to wake half the the house when I got to the ArmyNurseCorpsAnon transcript.

Someone send help, my sides hurt :V.
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Update cycle in progress. Status:
Back in the Saddle by Central — Part 3 — COMPLETE!
From Akigumo's Sketchbook by LurK — New! — COMPLETE!
Kant-O-Celle Quest by demetrious et. al. — Session #73 pt.1 and pt.2 — COMPLETE!
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Session #73 pt.1

ARCHIVES: Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]


That was lunch.

You and Hate exit the Officer's mess rather chagrin, having just been firmly and conclusively shut down by the least likely of manlets. Dragging yourselves to the parked SUV, you both look at it listlessly, minds still reeling with recent events.

Hate's little pack of corgis are the first to notice the sound; a kind of polite purring that rolls down the sidewalk. They spring to their feet, flipping their muzzles up. Thirty-odd little white caps tumble through the air before landing squarely between sixty pricked ears. Covered and ready to rock, they watch the curve of the road intently as the purr approaches -

- and cock their heads curiously as the riding mower comes around the curve. Usually a destroyer girl on a riding mower would have them barking and farting for all they were worth, but there's something about the rider that gives even canines pause. The big, broad-brimmed Stetson covering Yuudachi's face is the first clue. The big coil of rope wrapped around her is the second. She tilts her head up to scan the sidewalk, squinting her eyes through shutter-shades - then she guns it past you and Hate, intent on her mission.

You're still looking at her retreating ride when you see Shimakaze strut past. She's hugging a big white metal canister to her chest; it looks vaguely like the bastard child of a milk bottle and a propane tank, and has some sort of mounting lugs on it.

Before you can quite finish processing that, you see Willie go past at high speed, her long, loud wail of horror undergoing doppler shift as she zips by on the sidewalk opposite. A few seconds later, you see -

"What the fuck is that?" Hate asks as something metallic, quadrupedal and fast rips by, hot on Willie's tail, its loud rattling racket fading as it turns the corner.

"... Big Dog?" you ask.

"You're a fucking riot. What WAS it?"

[ ] Pursue Yuudachi. She's up to no good.
[ ] Pursue Shimakaze. She's up to worse.
[ ] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.

46573175 -
>[X] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
Gotta protect the clumsy pseudo-daughter.

46573182 -
>[ ] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
What the hell is chasing our littlest DD?

46573183 -
>[ ] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
and send the beleaguered Ensign to deal with
[x] Pursue Yuudachi. She's up to no good.

46573188 -
>[ X ] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
We haven't given her enough attention lately.

46573193 -
>[ ] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
Metallic quadrupedal things are dangerous and hilarious. We can go take a look to give time to Shimakaze to setup the disaster.
Whatever option wins, we all lose.

46573218 -
>[ ] Pursue Yuudachi. She's up to no good.
I get the feeling that, while she's up to no good, it's the kind of no good that spreads quickly.

46573267 -
>[ ] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
And make bets with Hate about which part of the base is going to blow up first.

46573285 -
>[ ] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
OK, this then send Hate to deal with Yuudachi, and the put upon Enisgn to deal with Shimakaze.

46573288 -
>[x] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
shimakaze's got a JATO bottle, but she knows how to go fast. poi isn't going to hurt anyone we actually like.
i think willie's the only one who will actually need saving. bigdog has not been programmed with the concept of mercy.

46573289 -
[x] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
Willie being pursued by a fucking robot demands attention, lest she accidently start a Skynet uprising.

46573305 -
>[X] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
2 shipgirls getting into mischief vs 1 being chased by...something. I'd go for the more immediate threat.

46573310 (kraut) -
>[x] Pursue Yuudachi. She's up to no good.
Gotta stop one mess from happening.
Hate can cover Willie. He and the Corgis should be capable of putting down whatever is after her.

46573322 -
Here's the thing. Willie, bless her boiler, is incapable of not fucking things up. The fact that we haven't heard anything from her lately means that whatever the next fuck-up is, it's going to be BIG.
And being chased by Hellcow 2 sounds like just the kind of thing that could lead to said fuckup.

46573331 -
>[X] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
Crab deserves whatever he gets, the fag.
Besides, I want to know why that crazy fucking robot dog from those videos by that robot lab or whatever it was is chasing Willie.

46573432 -
>[ ] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
I want to see all three, but... I *gotta* see what got an LS3 chasing Willie. I also have a suspicion that Willie will manage to blunder into at least one of the other girls' hijinx...

46573509 -
>[x] Pursue Shimakaze. She's up to worse.
Settle has had less exposure to the local mad scientist.
He needs more.

46573530 -
>[ ] Pursue Yuudachi. She's up to no good.
Last we saw, she was not too happy at Crab. Let's make sure things don't get too out of hand.

46573581 -
How the fuck are Hate and the Corgis going to put THIS down?! Boston Dynamics: Dedicated to the Science and Art of How Things Move.
On another note, Lieutenant, you need to train some of the corgis to play guitars and/or drums. Because "Hate and the Corgis" would be a fucking AWESOME name for a band.

46573607 -
bigdog project was shelved ;_;
the weed whacker engine was way too loud, and the battery version was too weak.

46573660 -
So what I don't get is that the bigdog is like a robotic packmule. Aside from feeding and watering and cleaning up after them in the stables and caring for them, why not just go to the natural version?

46573664 -
Think we just found Naka's new opening act.

46573674 (LT Hate) -
You fucking know I'm more likely to see what the fuck she's up to and then just laugh, right?

46573697 -
>>46573674 (LT Hate)
Yup, and it will be glorious.

46573701 -
>open phone, camera app
>point to yourself
>"My name is Ryan Settle. Moments ago, I saw a destroyer riding a lawn mower with a rope pass by me. Then I saw a destroyer carrying an unidentified canister pass by me. Then I saw a destroyer fleeing from a quadrupedal robot pass by me.
I must now choose to face one of three possible flavors of bullshit, and whatever may happens then, let this be recorded: No matter how hard you try, shipgirls will always have One More Problem for you."
>proceed with winning vote

46573705 -
PETA, plus the fact that if a robotic mule gets a leg blown off by a landmine, you can just bolt a new one on. Harder to do with a natural one.

46573710 -
Ideally, a robot can be armored and treated more dangerously. Also doesn't get scared and can be ordered with precision.

46573723 -
>>46573674 (LT Hate)
you'd probably stop anyone from dying... probably

46573739 -
>>46573674 (LT Hate)
At her, or Crab?

46573742 -
That is exactly why. This is the reason that mechanized armies were hot shit during WW2. You didn't have to rely on unreliable biological instruments that required rest,food and other material that could be put into the War effort. This is why the Germans screwed up Barborossa because they simply worked their logistic arm to exhaustion

46573808 -
Forgot to add
>record whatever happens next
Because at some point you'll need to make an instructional video for How To Deal with Shipgirl Bullshit and this will be your answer.

46573848 -
>[ ] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.
>[] Have Hate check on Shimakaze
Willy is Willy. She needs saving.
Hate can keep Shimakaze from destroying the base. Granted we are doing so by putting a Marine and a Kerbal in the same room, so it will only be a temporary fix.

46573905 -
Suddenly everything makes sense.

46573941 -
>You're still looking at her retreating ride when you see Shimakaze strut past. She's hugging a big white metal canister to her chest; it looks vaguely like the bastard child of a milk bottle and a propane tank, and has some sort of mounting lugs on it.
Can't imagine Shimakaze is up to any good with a RATO bottle.

46574094 -
That's why we should have Hate keep an eye on her. Sure it won't keep her out of trouble, but it would increase the chances of whatever she's up to working. And hopefully reduce the repair bill afterwards.

46574129 -
Seconding, this has to go in the next update

46574205 (demetrious) -
>Suddenly everything makes sense.
I should note that, at the moment, this comparison is *extremely* apt.

46574283 (Shimakaze write-anon) -
>>46574205 (demetrious)
Nonsense! Shimmy is just...
Who the hell am I kidding. She's a slender, blonde Kerbal.

46574301 (demetrious) -
>>46574283 (Shimakaze write-anon)
>Who the hell am I kidding. She's a slender, blonde Kerbal.
And what's the first rule of Kerbal Space Program?

46574316 -
>>46574301 (demetrious)
Add more rockets?
Youtube KSP parody of ISIS propaganda videos

46574333 -
>>46574205 (demetrious)
>>46574283 (Shimakaze write-anon)
Oh God.

46574368 (demetrious) -
>Add more rockets?

46574385 -
>>46574205 (demetrious)
>>46574283 (Shimakaze write-anon)
So does this mean Shimakaze is going to learn rocket science?

46574395 -
>>46574301 (demetrious)
Get Jeb stuck in Eve?

46574402 -
>>46574301 (demetrious)
strut your stuff?

46574408 -
>>46574368 (demetrious)

46574421 -
>>46574205 (demetrious)
If it don't work, add more struts.

46574439 -
>>46574283 (Shimakaze write-anon)
I thought kerbals are just retardedly suicidal
I mean all those failed space launches

46574443 -
>>46574368 (demetrious)
So we shouldn't be asking what Shimakaze is doing with a RATO bottle.
We should be asking what she's doing with all the OTHER RATO bottles.

46574468 (demetrious) -
def. the #2 after add more boosters, I swear to fuck. even after aero. just strut it.

46574493 -
All Kerbals are possessed of a singular need.
A Need... For Speed.
They're goddamn Orks.

46574528 -
They lack a shade of red.
I read that as WE MADE OUT

46574534 -
I thought they were creative gremlins?

46574558 (LT Hate) -
Look, man, it was a fuckin toss up between "FOR THE EMPEROR" and fucking WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH when I was in freefall over sunda, ok? fuckin, orks iz best, you fuckin trackin?

46574605 -
They are green, though.
So yeah, ORKS.
>>46574558 (LT Hate)

46574654 -

46574693 -

46574730 -
There's never enough green for you, [xenoscum]

46574013 (demetrious) -
Sorry for the long delay, everyone. Just got some surprising news that an aunt of mine has died.
Votes called!

46574043 -
>>46574013 (demetrious)
>Just got some surprising news that an aunt of mine has died.
Shit dude, I'm sorry for your loss.

46574054 -
>>46574013 (demetrious)
Shit, my condolences.

46574063 -
>>46574013 (demetrious)
Sorry to hear that, boss.

46574101 (the fluffbringer) -
>>46574013 (demetrious)
Oh man. I'm sorry for your loss [demetrious]

46574106 -
>>46574013 (demetrious)
Damn, that's never pleasant news to receive all of a sudden.

46574244 -
>>46574013 (demetrious)
When it rains, it pours. My sincere condolences, Demetrious.

46574305 -
>>46574013 (demetrious)
Well hell.
If you want to cut things short I think everyone would understand

46574308 -
>>46574013 (demetrious)
Well that sucks. Feel free to tame as long as you need. Family comes first

46574583 (demetrious) -
Some good news, the aunt that died was a crazy bitch who got my uncle and her own husband killed. Unsurprisingly she was a victim of her own batshit insanity as well, so, poetic justice. So I'm not TOO torn up, but there will be Family Talks and shit going on in the background that I will try to ignore.
>everyone votes for Willie
Your deliberate choice to ignore scenarios with a more immediate risk of disaster and property damage in favor of protecting the daughteru has been noted. [demetrious] has judged you, [and found you wise.]

46574607 -
>>46574583 (demetrious)
>Your deliberate choice to ignore scenarios with a more immediate risk of disaster and property damage in favor of protecting the daughteru has been noted. [demetrious] has judged you, and found you wise.
Wait, you mean we did GOOD?

46574633 -
It happens. Sometimes.
... Is there a Blue Moon out?

46574648 -
So nothing much of value was lost? Then keep truckin'.

46574659 -
>>46574583 (demetrious)
Daughterus are important. You don't just leave your daughteru hanging like that.

46574667 -
>>46574583 (demetrious)
>Your deliberate choice to ignore scenarios with a more immediate risk of disaster and property damage in favor of protecting the daughteru has been noted.
To be fair, Hate can handle Shimakaze, Settle can handle the situation with Willie, and Poi... well, Poi is poi.

46574679 -
The other two didn't seem as immediately pressing as much as instances of "I've seen enough around her that I don't find these weird anymore," so it was an easy choice.

46574724 -
>>46574583 (demetrious)
>[demetrious] has judged you, and found you wise.
Them daughterus 'ain't gonna protect themselves.
>the aunt that died was a crazy bitch who got my uncle and her own husband killed. Unsurprisingly she was a victim of her own batshit insanity as well.
Well, you reap what you sow.

46574733 -
>>46574583 (demetrious)
>Some good news, the aunt that died was a crazy bitch who got my uncle and her own husband killed.
wait what
>Unsurprisingly she was a victim of her own batshit insanity as well, so, poetic justice.
...Still a loss of life, so my condolences still stand - as far as words on a screen typed up by some random individual who knows how far away can count for.

46575063 -
>>46574583 (demetrious)
Only speak good of the dead. She's dead. Good.

46575140 -
>Only speak good of the dead. She's dead. Good.

46575163 (demetrious) -
>Only speak good of the dead. She's dead. Good.
True story. My mother's out grocery shopping one day in Dearborn, when some people go by wearing all black, burquas and everything. A little old greek lady leans against my mother, all conspiratorial-like, and she goes, "Huh. Turks. Looks like one of 'em died. GOOD!"
My other one was when my father boarded a bus in dDetroit and listened to two little old Greek ladies ripping into everyone on the bus based on appearances (they took my father for a Jew, because he had a big nose.) When he disembarked, he wished them a good day - in Greek - and strolled off grinning like a lunatic.
Best one had to be my grandmother on my flemish side, though - family wedding, an unrelated friend of the groom's family was standing behind her. She was a very handsome woman, so this guy was going on in great detail about what he'd do to her in bed; all in Flemish, of course. After letting this go on for a long while she turns around with a little smile and says "thank you, kind sir, for your kind comments." He sat across from her at dinner and couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes.
Ethnic families, man. Save me.

46575217 -
>>46575163 (demetrious)
You have a very interesting bloodline, boss.

46575276 -
>>46574583 (demetrious)
Ooh, that sounds a bit like my grandma, poisonous evil dragon that she is. All honey and sweet words, just timed to cause pain in the people who hear them. She may been a factor in two of her siblings committing suicide, in one case by telling her sister that her husband had cheated on her for decades. The one relative I have where I wouldn't shed a tear if someone called to tell me she was gone.
(the entire maternal line of my family is nuts in one way or the other. Great grandma was a paranoid delusional, grandma is mastermind type, mom went seriously chuunibuyo after she turned 50, my elder sister manage to convince herself (and a court, fuck them very much) that she had been raped in a bunch of places that were completely impossible (like the top of the steel bunk bed she shared with me...), and my younger sister married a nazi - not a skinhead - twice her own age after a serious of successively older boyfriends that were all disasters. She's apparently very happy though.)

46575336 -
>>46575163 (demetrious)
Meanwhile the most my family has for diversity besides a bunch of white southerners is a Mormon, a bong from Manchester, and a Cuban.
At least the 8 of us that are vets get to swap stories.

[X] Pursue Willie. You just gotta see this shit.

"A robot, you god damn cockgobbling asshole!" you snap as you leap into the SUV. Hate yanks the back door open and slings himself in with his hands gripping the top doorframe, leaving room for the corgis to swarm in beneath his dangling feet. "Just because they put a globe on your goddamn uniform doesn't mean the world revolves around Marines!" Stomping the accelerator, you send the SUV screeching backwards out of its parking spot. You remember to punch the button on the console to disable traction control just in time, then spin the wheel hard left while stomping your foot on the parking break, swinging the nose around in a sharp J-turn.

"WAT," Hate demands from the back seat. You ignore him, as you're busy with all hands and feet; disengaging the brake, shifting into forward drive and flooring the accelerator. Smashing the unfamiliar console beneath your left hand you start trying to lower your driver's side window, succeeding at last in getting it down. Flicking your eyes at the rearview mirrors shows a harried Hate desperately trying to wrap himself in two safety belts while little wagging Corgi ends cram into every window, piling atop one another to get their heads out in the windstream. You take the corner hard, jerking the wheel hard left, then right to powerslide around, keeping your nose lined up with the long downhill straightaway you know's coming up. Sure enough, you spot Willie and her metallic pursuer.

You floor it.

The SUV accelerates like a leaden sled - but now it's a leaden sled on greased rails heading straight downhill. You're gaining on them fast when Willie cuts left, across the road, trying to climb up a brick retaining wall that's holding back the hilly slope the road was cut through. With one foot on the brakes, the other on the e-brake and the third downshifting the engine, you manage to come to a screaming, smoking halt near enough to Willie that she looks up at you with desperate hope.

The robotic dog comes galloping around the end of your SUV, and with a sudden flash of horror -

- you see that it is armed.

RDML Settle: "I'd say 'fuck my life', but that would imply this isn't par for the course by now."


46574967 -

46574972 -
I'm not sure what's the precise difference between flotilla attack and doggy chase the stick but I guess both involve the corgis?

46574978 -

46574979 -

46574980 -

46574984 -
>on a semi-automated drone
Goddamit R&D, what the hell were you thinking?!

46574986 -

46575006 -

46575007 -

46575028 -
[X] Crazy Ivan!

46575079 -
We're not evading, you mongrel! We're engaging!

46574996 -
>With one foot on the brakes, the other on the e-brake and the third downshifting the engine
Does that mean Settle is hung as fuck and harder than diamonds?

46575034 (demetrious) -
He just has three feet. Still only two legs.

46575057 -
>>46575034 (demetrious)
Oh right, forgot the cane.

46575005 (demetrious) -
Another long delay for a short update. I really do apologize. One thing after another tonight, it's made it very hard to focus. Thank Christ it's a Saturday night so I can stay up a bit later and make sure we get through everything.
We WILL be doing the baking/date tonight, all the way through, god damn it! And that write-in!

46575041 -
>>46575005 (demetrious)
>We WILL be doing the baking/date tonight, all the way through
>And that write-in!

46575060 -
>>46575005 (demetrious)
>We WILL be doing the baking/date tonight, all the way through, god damn it!
>And that write-in!
The "Call Mare Island" one?

46575071 (demetrious) -
Mare Island indeed, but also the one about recording a testimonial about shipgirl shenanigans bullshit!

46575114 -
>>46575005 (demetrious)
>nearing the end of the date
>sexual tension between Settle and Arizona at maximum
>suddenly, a phone call
>[Hey there, it's Higgins]

46575124 -
>>46575005 (demetrious)
Don't write checks you might not be able to cash.

46575143 -
[Then Settle has to continue talking while Arizona unzips his fly]

46575148 -
>>suddenly, a phone call
>>Hey there, it's Higgins
If that happens then I vote that we find hate and give him the phone.
Then fuck Arizona up the ass.


Your hand moves of its own accord - there's no time for anything else. One moment the CROWS mount is swiveling its lethal muzzle towards Willie, and the next the whole thing is going down on its "head," skidding along the blacktop on its roll-cage before the muzzle of the machine-gun catches on the curb and tips it over. Your black ebony-wood cane rolls to a sedate stop nearby.

Within seconds Hate has managed to extract himself from the SUV, and his pack of little dogs are surrounding the Big Dog, snarling and foaming at the mouth as they circle like a small furry cyclone. The CROWS mount opens fire -

- *phoot phoot phoot* -

- causing you and Hate to squint as wax bullets smack into the retaining wall wide of Willie. You've got just enough time to contemplate that before Willie herself slaloms into your thigh, hugging it tightly as she buries her face in your pantleg.

"Don't look now, skip," Hate murmurs, "but I think the eggheads are coming to collect their dog."

46576237 -
>Wax bullets

46576260 -
Shouldn't they have painted the muzzle in bright colors or something. That sounds pretty unsafe.



You point at the panting men in white shirts who are jogging down the hill towards you, remote-controls in their hands. "Go fine those fuckers for walking a dog without a leash."

Hate blinks. "I'm not an MP."

You stoop to the pavement, pick up your cane, twist it just-so to unsheathe he blade, and tap Hate on both shoulders. "Rise, Sir Asshole."

Up the hill, the two techie-looking types have paused for some reason. Hate is giving you a rather curious look, but the Corgis, you note, are all up on their feet and quite attentive.


You swish your cane-sword all fancy-like, ending with a pokey thrust up the hill. "CHARGE!"

As one, the Corgis take off uphill, barking like mad. The techies turn and start running like mad bastards - uphill - making very little progress as the pack closes in on them. They barely make it thirty yards before they're penned in by a chaotic circle of overexcited dogs, their frantic barking blending into one long, tinny cacophony.

"... sir?" Hate ventures. "Are you feeling okay?"

"They made my destroyer cry," you grump. Willie hasn't looked up since she latched onto your thigh. As you pat her head, pondering all the awful things those other two girls could be up to at this very moment, and who should be dispatched to stop them, sudden inspiration strikes.

For you have recently discovered the true and terrible power of good PR.

Producing your smartphone from one pocket, you aim it at your face and start recording.

"My name is Ryan Settle. Moments ago, I saw a destroyer riding a lawn mower with a rope pass by me. Then I saw a destroyer carrying something that looked suspiciously like a RATO bottle go past. But then I saw Willie, exiting stage left, pursued by a killer robo-hound. There I stood, facing three different flavors of utter bullshit."

You turn the camera down and tap Willie on the shoulder. She turns her tear-stained face up to you for a moment, lower lip quivering. You turn the camera back to yourself.

"Let no man criticize me," you intone darkly, "until he has stood in my shoes."

You end the recording.

46576307 -
Oh, wee Willy fuckup. Why are you so adorable.

46576312 -
Ahh the magic of social media

46576335 (the fluffbringer) -
>"Let no man criticize me," you intone darkly, "until he has stood in my shoes."
No truer words ever spoken.

You get Willie into the SUV (still clinging to your arm, sitting on the center console to keep close,) and trundle up the hill to collect Hate, who's having a little chat with the harried-looking techs. He sends them on their way as you pull up, then pops open the rear door and starts loading Corgis into the back two at a time - the little animals have worn themselves out so completely, and so fast, that they're just lying on their backs on the hot sidewalk, tongues lolling from their mouths listlessly. They give Hate a weak wag of their tails as he loads them in like cordwood, almost a little listless salute.

"They gonna be okay?"

"They suck diesel like you suck down toast," Hate replies. "They just need to eat, or drink, or rest a little, that's all." He tosses the last two onto the rear seat, then crawls in after. "How's Willie?"

"Still not talking," you say. Willie's got both arms wrapped around yours now, which makes shifting the SUV into drive tricky. She's still shaking a little bit, and she seems incredibly disinclined to detach from you.

You turn over your left wrist and check the time - you need to get ready for your baking session pretty soon.

[ ] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
[ ] Leave Willie with someone else - you doubt Arizona will be happy having her around, even if she *is* quiet. She does tend to be a walking disaster.

46576320 -
>[ ] Leave Willie with someone else - you doubt Arizona will be happy having her around, even if she *is* quiet. She does tend to be a walking disaster.
I'll humor the shippers JUST THIS ONCE.

46576324 -
>[ ] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.

46576334 -
>[ ] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
Arizona has nothing against Willie

46576342 -
>[X] Leave Willie with someone else - you doubt Arizona will be happy having her around, even if she *is* quiet. She does tend to be a walking disaster.
Sendai or Naka, and give her a BIG HUG and kiss on the forehead before we go.

46576349 -
>[ X ] Leave Willie with someone else - you doubt Arizona will be happy having her around, even if she *is* quiet. She does tend to be a walking disaster.
I don't care who it is, just give her somebody to hug really hard.

46576367 -
>[x] Leave Willie with someone else - you doubt Arizona will be happy having her around, even if she *is* quiet. She does tend to be a walking disaster.
The sane and logical answer would, of course, be to ASK Arizona, but that's way too reasonable a response to the situation for somebody in the Navy.

46576390 -
>[ ] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
This can only end in amusement.

46576403 -
>[X] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
Daughters take priority.

46576407 -
>[x] Postpone the baking session until Willie is ok.
Probably pissing into the wind...

46576414 -
>[X] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.


46576447 (demetrious) -
Technically, they're Goto's problem!

46576442 -
>[x ] Leave Willie with someone else - you doubt Arizona will be happy having her around, even if she *is* quiet. She does tend to be a walking disaster.
Leave her with Naka and Harder, have them practice their parenting by cheering up a sad DD.
Because I highly doubt Harder wrapped his torpedo before he exploded.

46576444 -
>[ ] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
It'll just show Arizona how excellent Settles' fatherly instincts are.

46576470 -
[x] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks Ari simply wants to make cupcakes, and not shag Settle via innuendo. Plus, she and Willie have a good rapport as it is, so I don't think she'll raise a fuss.

46576471 -
>[ ] Leave Willie with someone else - you doubt Arizona will be happy having her around, even if she *is* quiet. She does tend to be a walking disaster.
With Harder and Naka.

46576518 -
[ ] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
This will be adorable.

46576522 -
[X] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
Can't leave Willie like this. It'd be cruel.

46576550 -
[x] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
I don't think Arizona will overly mind having another set of hands to help make cupcakes, particularly hands as adorable as Willie's

46576629 -
>[X] Leave Willie with someone else - you doubt Arizona will be happy having her around, even if she *is* quiet. She does tend to be a walking disaster.
Let's not put Willie within twenty feet of a kitchen.

46576633 -
>[ ] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
We did good choosing Willie over the other bullshit. We don't want to throw that away now.

46576673 -
[x] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
Though if we must leave her, drop her with Naka and Harder. Willie already likes Naka, though not so much Harder, and interacting/talking with Willie some more could probably do Naka some good.

46576759 (demetrious) -

46576790 -
>Arizona asks for a private dinner as an apology
>We agree
I'm not even that much of an Arizona[-shipper] and this seems like a jerk move.

46576891 -
Which is the greater jerk move? Bringing Willie along, or ditching the traumatized, trembling little girl for a date?
I'm thinking the second, personally.

46576982 -
Besides, when Ari hears why Willie came along, I don't think she'll be able to stay mad. She's almost as protective and fond of Willie as Settle is.

46576942 -
The way I see it, ditching Willie is the lesser of two evils.

46577085 -
We could have left her with any number of people/shipgirls and she would have been fine. Settle is not the only person on the entire base that has a relationship with Willie.

46577111 -
... While she's clinging to him?!

46577120 -
True, but guess who else has a relationship with Willie.

46577146 -
Guess who has a relationship with Willie already, and happens to be where we're going anyway.

46577149 -
...We need to take Willie.
>[X] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
We're supposed to take care of ALL the girls remember?

46577210 -
You really think Arizona would be happy we ditched Willie when she was traumatized?

46576968 -
>[ ] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.
All of you should be ashamed abandoning poor willie

46577304 -
>[x] Leave Willie with someone else - you doubt Arizona will be happy having her around, even if she *is* quiet. She does tend to be a walking disaster.
Sorry Willie, but the baking thing is personal time.
Let's leave her with Shimakaze.

46577328 -
Or not since I'm terribly late.

46577408 -
>Let's leave her with Shimakaze.
Do you really want to see what happens when Willie gets attached to a JATO unit?

46576394 (demetrious) -
Apropos of nothing, but robots, esp. killer robots really do scare the fuck out of me more than anything else. They are completely impersonal, cold, and methodological. The whole thing in the second Robocop movie with that fucking terrifying thing hunting people through that dark factory? Jesus fug. Even the goddamn ED-209 in the first one was creepy as fuck.
Poor Willie. Poor WILLIE.

46576435 -
>>46576394 (demetrious)
So how did you take watching Terminator?

46576460 -
>>46576394 (demetrious)
Meanwhile I can't find any kind of electronic any remotely threatening. I know how the fuckers work, and I know how the fuckers completely fail to work.
There's no way we're ever getting killer robots.

46576536 (demetrious) -
>There's no way we're ever getting killer robots.

46576613 -
>>46576536 (demetrious)
>remote controlled
Doesn't really count.
But ok, I exaggerated. We MIGHT be getting killer robots at some point, but right now computers have trouble seeing black people in low light for fuck's sake. Terminators are a looooooooooooong way away

46576653 -
>>46576536 (demetrious)
Until that shit's autonomous, I'm disinclined to agree.

46576699 (demetrious) -
See, I don't care much about who or what controls it. A fully automated weapon is creepy precisely because it literally doesn't give a fuck. It's creepier than a Terminator, in fact, because it's not truly intelligent, or self-aware. It's just a ruthless, lifeless automaton.
Much like Predator drones and such - most of the time the operators are just pushing a button to set up a shot. The whole kill-chain exists, yes, but once the decision is made, the robot executes - and it'll become more and more capable of that as time goes on.

46576761 -
>>46576699 (demetrious)
Should watch [Chappie] if you havn't.

46576795 -
>>46576699 (demetrious)
I'll be threatened the moment you have a robot that's capable of matching human traversal capabilities, target recognition, dexterity and such.
Drones don't count as robots, unless you want to count any kind of manned aerial vehicle as such.
>The whole kill-chain exists, yes, but once the decision is made, the robot executes - and it'll become more and more capable of that as time goes on.
And that's different from how it works now how?
On the same token, a robot has no cruelty. It will not main a target just for kicks.

46576796 -
>Entirety of the Human consciousness
>can fit into a flash drive
I just watched it for the funny accents

46576804 (demetrious) -
but that's just Short Circut with pretensions

46576919 -
>>46576394 (demetrious)
I disagree. Sure, there's no emotion, but that includes things like malice and sadism. You'll die, but that's it.
Fuckers like the Joker, that's what's scary. No greed, no cold logical pragmatism, just pure unadulterated malice. No reason for being except to hurt, to spread pain and misery as far and wide as they can, to make the world steadily worse just because.
Richard Pryor once talked about visiting a jail, to study the inmates for an role of his, I forget which. He talked to one inmate who murdered an entire family in their home, asked him why he did it.
"Cuz they was there."
What do you do with something like that? The robot acts as it does because it doesn't understand or care, a monster because it understands AND cares, very much so. So much that it does out of its way to show how much it cares, how strong it's opinions on the matter are. Shame its opinions are the worst possible ones.

46577400 (demetrious) -
righto, start of deito will be in a new thread obviously~

46578237 (demetrious) -
>this fucking update
christ, we will be going till 1:30 or 2 AM tonight, my apologies ahead of time, this is getting long

46578258 -
>>46578237 (demetrious)
I welcome this so much.

46578295 -
>>46578237 (demetrious)
Odd when that happens, eh?
>You sit down to type, and suddenly everything just flows out from your mind, through your fingers, onto the keyboard, and into a text document?

46578468 (demetrious) -
>>46578379 →
Session #73 pt.2

[X] Take Willie with you - she seemed to have quite a fright, and you *are* her Admiral.

The rush-hour traffic is already ebbing by the time you step out of your apartment, freshly attired in some unobtrusive civvies - a navy-blue, short-sleeved polo shirt and dark jeans. The steel-shod end of your cane clicks against the concrete sidewalk with each step; the sound almost lost in the rising and falling thrumming of the cicadas lurking in the landscaping. After going absolutely gibbering nuts during last night's battle, nobody blinked an eye when you "called in sick" and took the rest of the workday off. Now, at 1830 hours, everyone's settling down to dinner or after-work pursuits, and the dormitory area of the base is relatively quiet. Elsewhere, though, you know work continues - at the JMSDF docks, and the commercial shipyards not far away in Tokyo harbor, and elsewhere in Japan, the second shift is just warming up. And for the intel analysts buried deep in their bulletproof cubicles and cramped little offices, stale coffee and dry donuts fuel the upteenth hour of strained, driven data crunching, sifting and sifting for the little golden speck that might finally turn the tide of war.

You stumble as your toe slips into a hole in the sidewalk you hadn't noticed, bringing your attention back to Earth. Shaking your head to clear the cobwebs, you sigh - maybe you *do* need a break.

46578386 -
first for Hate should fuck Yamato already

46578592 (LT Hate) -
go fuck yourself

46578619 -
>>46578592 (LT Hate)
Fuck Yamato first ya pansy.

46578621 -
>>46578592 (LT Hate)
Like clockwork.

46578934 -
>>46578592 (LT Hate)
Go fuck Yamato

46578936 (Hamp) -
>>46578592 (LT Hate)
So, what's the excuse gonna be when she falls asleep all over you while you're hanging out?
It's gonna happen eventually, best start planning on how to explain it away now.

46578994 -
>>46578936 (Hamp)
In his lap even.
I bet yams is the little spoon when they play games.

46579003 -
>>46578980 (LT Hate)
You think Yamato doesn't want to fuck you, and WE'RE the stupid fucking dildos?

46579022 (LT Hate) -
You know as long as she doesn't have her rig out, I can lift her pretty fucking easily, right? I'd just put her on the fucking bed and go sleep on one of those fucking bean bag chairs I got. No big thing, shit's happened before.

46579046 -
>>46579022 (LT Hate)
How soft is yams?

46579047 -
>>46578980 (LT Hate)
LT, you are so far in denial you exited Egypt and entered the Sudan.

46579081 -
>>46579022 (LT Hate)
>shit's happened before
And here we have the Marine deep within the folds of self-delusion, not cluing into the very obvious battleship-sized hints being dropped directly on him.

46579211 (LT Hate) -
Eh. She's kinda like a track and field fucker or one of those swim team fucks. There's some soft, but it's over hard, know what the fuck I mean?
What, that she's comfortable and at ease in my fucking presence? No, I'd say I got that fucking hint.

46579229 (Hamp) -
>>46579022 (LT Hate)
So, she's falling asleep in your lap...
Y'know, I'm gonna need a refill for this next sip.

46579288 -
>>46579211 (LT Hate)
>What, that she's comfortable and at ease in my fucking presence? No, I'd say I got that fucking hint.
She's sleeping on top of you, Hate. That's either romantic in nature, or there's something fucking disturbing her at night and she's cuddling up to you to keep her safe from it.

46579304 -
>>46579211 (LT Hate)
OK, then fucking test it, if you are so sure.
Tell her about your interest in the chuuni's, maybe ask for a little advice even if you don't need to.
How she reacts will tell you exactly how what level you two are on.

46579338 (LT Hate) -
>there's something fucking disturbing her at night and she's cuddling up to you to keep her safe from it.
... You don't fucking think that-
fuck. fuck fuckity- god FUCK. Alright, I gotta boogie. Someone fucking yell if Naka pops by, I gotta ask 'handlebuns' something. Actually need to fuckin chat with her.

46579342 (Hamp) -
>>46579211 (LT Hate)
>>46579229 (Hamp)
Alright, got my fill up...
So, she's falling asleep in your lap and you're able to, with a good amount of specifics, describe exactly how soft she is.
Aw fuck. Out of coffee again.

46579352 -
>>46579211 (LT Hate)
So what does she smell like

46579369 -
>>46579338 (LT Hate)
And the circle of life continues.

46579380 -
>>46579338 (LT Hate)
>Actually need to fuckin chat with her.
Wanting her to direct you to a good love hotel?

46580328 (LT Hate) -
Ok, she says it's nothing keeping her up or anything, she's just more comfortable or something.
I think she's afraid of something. Fuck.

46580376 -
>>46580328 (LT Hate)
You know, it's simply fascinating to watch this happen in person.

46580401 -
>>46580328 (LT Hate)
... She really is a pure soul.

46580403 -
>>46580328 (LT Hate)
Maybe she's afraid of how her own country might react if her presence was ever revealed to the public?

46580420 -
Maybe it's nightmares of Operations Sho-Go and Ten-Go.

46580460 -
>>46580328 (LT Hate)
The denial is strong with this one.

46580516 -
>>46580328 (LT Hate)
The fear of how she will perform in battle? She never got the chance to really prove herself during the war.

46580567 (LT Hate) -
You fucking think she's hiding something, too?
Shit, who the fuck would know? Who the fuck does she even talk to besides me?
FUCK. This ain't gonna be easy.

46580595 -
>>46580567 (LT Hate)
As long as she doesn't break out the destroyer pills, you should be good.

46580630 -
>>46580567 (LT Hate)
... Well, there are a few options left for you, Lieutenant.
I suggest a careful and subtle surveillance.

46580766 (LT Hate) -
It's not good if somethings fucking with her sleep, fucker. She don't need that fucking shit too.
Fuck where's Naka when you actually need her.

46580787 -
>>46580567 (LT Hate)
Fuck, she practically sleeps on your lap; should be damn easy to spot if she's having nightmares. Just keep yourself awake in the meantime.
Actually... that weird headpiece she has. does that thing come off at all or do the girls sleep with those things on? If it's supposed to be antennas and such, removing them might help prevent the Abyssals from screwing with their heads while they're asleep.

46580821 -
[demetrious] mentioned they can take the headpieces off yeah

46580841 -
>>46580766 (LT Hate)
So... what are you going to do if Terry is mindfucking her in her sleep? Keep her awake?

46580879 -
>>46580766 (LT Hate)
If she's having trouble sleeping, just observe her for a bit. If she's sleeping fine, but likes to be near you anyway, not much to worry on.
Now if she's tossing and turning, crying in her sleep, or seemingly unsettled while sleeping, then worry.
But till then, don't borrow trouble.

46581018 (LT Hate) -
Aight. Aight. I'll fucking do that.

46581048 -
>>46581018 (LT Hate)
Try giving her the dick.
I hear that does wonders for sleeping.

46581059 -
>>46581018 (LT Hate)
Huh, I woulda thought you'd have some experience with that. But yeah, just keep an eye out, you'll know it if you see it. You won't be able to miss it.

At your side is Willie, one hand twisted into your pantleg for guidance, the other clutched defensively over her chest. She hasn't said a single word since you tossed your cane in-between the robo-dogs legs to save her, though she did stop bawling a few hours ago. Now it's just intermittent sniffles. You tried to get someone to stay with her for a while, but she spurned every candidate, opting to stay on your couch, wrapped up in a blanket under the AC vent.

You haven't thought about Willie for several days - just too much going on, too fast. As usual. Naka's words about crumbling mountains come back to you. Grinding your molars, you push them away. Willie's made tremendous progress, thanks in large part to Hate's shenanigans. Naka didn't get her instant fix either. Real life's not like the movies; things don't all sort out nice and neat after the big climax. It's a long, slow slog, and *that* is where real Duty lies. Someone once said that a hero is no braver than an ordinary man; he's simply braver for a few seconds longer. You've always thought that much the same could be said of duty - except it's measured in months and years.

You drop your big hand onto Willie's hat and roll it around a little, letting her know you're paying attention as she limps along with you towards Arizona's apartment. It describes the battleship perfectly - that quiet, composed dignity, always ready, always willing, and possessed of seemingly infinite endurance for any sort of toil or trial. It goes unremarked and unappreciated, and yet it's what truly underpins the safety of the millions that depend on military force for protection. For all the ads showing men stabbing CGI dragons with NCO swords, it's the guys that spend twelve hours a day fixing turbine gears and helicopter engines that really keep a Navy in fighting trim.

46579275 -
>For all the ads showing men stabbing CGI dragons with NCO swords
I'm suddenly reminded of a bad old machinima series by the name of Hey Shipwreck, and its episode about military recruiting ads.

46579398 -
Eh, I know it's an USMC recruitment video, but it's the closest I can find to the description given.
US Marines TV Recruitment Spot

46579489 -
I remember this one and the cliff climbing one being on like every commercial break during Digimon on Saturday mornings on Fox kids

46579608 -
How many Marines joined the Corps in the early '90s just to slay that fucking Balrog?

46579622 -
At least one in every three.

46579664 -
Is that the officer's dress uniform or is it the same for every marine enlisted?

46579673 -
>cliff climbing one
which one is this? Can't find it. Found a compilation though.
The fuck is that a Balrog? More like a low-tier fire elemental if anything.
U.S. Marine Corps Commercials

46579680 -
Who wouldn't want to slay a Balrog? That's really fucking Metal.

46579727 -
Marine Corps "The Climb"

46579838 -
thanks. Wow, the Marine recruitment videos were... inventive. Any videos from the USAF or US Army to counter this?

46579872 -
"Now how do I get down?"

Or for that matter, little destroyers. Coastal patrol, anti-submarine warfare, convoy escort, et cetera - the smallest, cheapest and most overlooked units are often the ones you find yourself needing the most desperately. Those are the day-to-day operations you've had little time to concern yourself with; especially with the war kicking into high gear almost the instant you touched down in Japan. Willie's certainly gained confidence in her inherent fighting prowess, but you've no idea what her life is like amongst the other ships - she's the lone American of her class on this base; Sammy nonwithstanding. And Sammy isn't the best wingman in the world - she's more of a tank, with a cautious Willie crouching behind it as it snorts and roars its way through an urban area.

You wonder if the cliques and camaraderie that form amongst combat units in high-stress situations have already crystallized long ago with the Japanese DDs, leaving Willie a newcomer, an unwelcome interloper, an outsider. You wonder if it's just plain, old-fashioned grade-school bullying. You wonder if Willie's channeling her past experience, or if she was just scared shitless because she's a little girl that was chased down by a fucking killer robot. You think and think and think, trying to untangle the child from the combat ship right up till you knock on Arizona's apartment door.

Or try to. Before your knuckles make contact, the door springs open to reveal Arizona. Her usual small smile is smiled, but her blue eyes are dazzlingly bright. She's wearing a dark t-shirt and shorts - and her duster, tied around her waist like one might tie a sweatshirt. You haven't seen her wearing it since you landed two weeks ago; but given the heat of a southern Japanese summer, that's no big mystery.

She fixes you with that blazingly happy expression for a moment, then notices Willie. Willie might be a walking disaster zone, but it doesn't make her stupid - the way she turns her face downwards tells you she knows exactly what she's interrupting. Shame seems to radiate off the girl like waste heat.

[ ] You know Arizona might hate you forever for this, but you couldn't abandon her. You could *not.*
[ ] She just had the ever-loving shit scared out of her, and you know there's nowhere she'll feel as safe as here, under the protection of the big guns.
[ ] Just pat Willie on the head and smile politely - take us both, or take nobody. If "personal time" with any one person is going to require you shirk your duty towards another, you may as well cut it off right here.

46578479 -
>[ ] She just had the ever-loving shit scared out of her, and you know there's nowhere she'll feel as safe as here, under the protection of the big guns.
Encourage those mother instincts in Arizona.

46578497 -
>[ ] She just had the ever-loving shit scared out of her, and you know there's nowhere she'll feel as safe as here, under the protection of the big guns.
I know it's dangerous, but it's time for me to DIVE INTO THE FIREWORKS!
>She's wearing a dark t-shirt and shorts - and her duster, tied around her waist like one might tie a sweatshirt

46578502 -
>[x] She just had the ever-loving shit scared out of her, and you know there's nowhere she'll feel as safe as here, under the protection of the big guns.
Nicest option, and ultimatiums are a grade SSS dick move.

46578543 -
>She's wearing a dark t-shirt and shorts - and her duster, tied around her waist like one might tie a sweatshirt
holy shit cute
>[ ] She just had the ever-loving shit scared out of her, and you know there's nowhere she'll feel as safe as here, under the protection of the big guns.
Also, apologize, no matter what we do. Shit just comes up

46578555 -
>[X] She just had the ever-loving shit scared out of her, and you know there's nowhere she'll feel as safe as here, under the protection of the big guns.
keep Willie out of the kitchen and give Ari an apologetic kiss on the cheek as we go by

46578595 -
>[ ] You know Arizona might hate you forever for this, but you couldn't abandon her. You could *not.*
Just seems the most right.

46578716 (demetrious) -
>Also, apologize, no matter what we do. Shit just comes up
That's for AFTER marriage, anon!
>keep Willie out of the kitchen and give Ari an apologetic kiss on the cheek as we go by
Do you know what "pistol whipping" is? Do you know what "pegging" is? Do you want to know what these things combined look like?

46578799 -
>Do you want to know what these things combined look like?
>asking this on 4chan
Answer's obvious, isn't it?

[X] You know Arizona might hate you forever for this, but you couldn't abandon her. You could *not.*
[X] She just had the ever-loving shit scared out of her, and you know there's nowhere she'll feel as safe as here, under the protection of the big guns.

"She was chased down by some damn killer robot-dog... thing some geeks were trying to test," you explain. "It had a remote weapons station on it - machine gun, and everything. It was loaded with simunitions, but she didn't know that." You silently mouth "scared shitless" to Arizona. "She's a bit spooked..." you shrug. "And you *are* a battleship, so-"

"N-no," Willie mutters, reluctantly loosening her death-grip on your pantleg. "I'm-" a sniffle - "fine. I can p-p-protect m-myself." She shies away from you and turns to slink down the hall. "Gun go t'my room-"

46579038 -
Dammit Willy is doing funny things to my heart.

She yelps with surprise as Arizona just grabs her by the waist and lifts her airborne. Turning, she walks back past you into her apartment, holding Willie in front of her like she might bear a flowerpot towards the windowsill. You let yourself in, closing the door and locking it behind you. Arizona deposits Willie on the couch - a carbon copy of your own, naturally - and steps into the kitchen. She returns a few seconds later with a glass of milk and a few donuts on a plate. Setting the plate on the Ikea end-table, she sits next to Willie on the couch and coaxes the milk into her hand. The small girl sips at it slowly, her miserable eyes on the carpet straight ahead. She seems to have no appetite for the donuts.

Arizona quirks her mouth, looking concerned, and gives you a glance.

You lean forward, hands on knees, to intercept Willie's LOS. "Hey. Willie. You ever bake anything?"

"B-b-bread...." she confirms with a little nod. "S-s-store bread r-ran out after a f-few d-days, I mean-"

Arizona smiles again, standing and tugging at Willie's sleeve till she rises and follows. Leading you both into the kitchen, Arizona picks up a big plastic bowl and hands it down to Willie. The girl looks down and wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand - but she knows what to do with a bunch of dough. Standing on tiptoe to wash her hands in the sink, she sits indian-style with her back against the counter and starts to knead it industriously, mouth pursing as she focuses on her task.

Arizona nods, satisfied, then turns to you. Picking up a recipe book, she flips between a few pages, offering you a selection of choices.

[ ] Donuts look good.
[ ] Cupcakes.
[ ] Sweet bread.

46579069 -
>[ ] Donuts look good.
We know how much she likes them after all.

46579073 -
>[ ] Sweet bread.

46579074 -
[x] Cupcakes.
We already have a steady supply of donuts around, cupcakes would be more unique.

46579086 -
>[ ] Sweet bread.

46579092 -
>Standing on tiptoe to wash her hands in the sink
My God, Willie, she is too cute.
[x] Cupcakes. Donut Cupcakes.

46579093 -
Everyone likes donuts.

46579099 -
>[X] Cupcakes.
You can never go wrong with cupcakes, especially if they're red velvet. Plus I've never seen a kid who didn't get cheered up by cupcakes

46579137 -
>Ops shit up IRC by arguing with each other incessantly
>Gets all of the normal users silenced
Great going guys.

46579147 -
>[ ] Cupcakes.
Arizona wanted to bake cupcakes, so we bake cupcakes. It seems a little more of an opportunity for playing around and being creative without being too demanding. Donuts seem rather impersonal by comparison.

46579177 (demetrious) -
Now. I must admit. There's no real point or purpose to this vote. But sometimes anon makes the point for me.
Will they go for cupcakes, because they're cute, and innocent-looking, and they'll make the big rough Admiral look cute? Or will they go for bread, so they can knead the dough alongside Arizona, and possibly accidentally touch hands as they do? Or will they go for donuts, because they know she likes them?

46579200 -
>[X] Cupcakes.

46579208 -
>>46579177 (demetrious)
What says we won't innocently hold her hands when we are icing the cupcakes? To help direct her?

46579209 -
>>46579177 (demetrious)
Pfft, simple.
Make Donut Cupcakes with sweet bread filling.

46579223 -
This is an excellent point

46579245 -
>>46579177 (demetrious)
>Will they go for cupcakes, because they're cute, and innocent-looking, and they'll make the big rough Admiral look cute?
get out of my goddam head!

46579250 -
>>46579177 (demetrious)
Willie is in close proximity.
Production of sweet bread is the safest option.

46579254 -
>>46579177 (demetrious)
>knead the dough alongside Arizona, and possibly accidentally touch hands as they do?
That's just lewd...
>innocently hold her hands when we are icing the cupcakes?
Dude, blue board.

46579344 (Starshadow) -
>>46579177 (demetrious)
Cupcakes are the superior choice because no other option allows Arizona to write cute [LEWD] things in the icing.

46579347 (demetrious) -
and now to spring the surprise consequences that nobody could have forseen oooooooh

46579361 -
>>46579177 (demetrious)

46579363 -
>[x] Cupcakes.
There are opportunities for some cute frosting shenanigans with this.

46579401 (/k/ripple) -
>>46579347 (demetrious)

46579418 -
>>46579347 (demetrious)
>the surprise consequences that nobody could have forseen
The consequence is [choosing cupcakes instead of donuts is going to make Shokaku go abyssal.]

46579599 -
Hey [demetrious],
As a genuine New England asshole, I take offense with your portrayal of Hamp as a sarcastic Starbucks-chugging prick.
Massholes subsist on Dunkin Donuts garbage coffee, only women drink Starbucks. Please correct this oversight.

[X] Cupcakes.

"Cupcakes look good," you offer. "Donuts require - do you even have-"

She points over your shoulder at a small deep fryer on the counter - from the shape of the plug, it seems to be a rather antiquated one. "I'm afraid I'm all thumbs in the kitchen; we might want to stay away from that." You twitch your eyes towards Willie.

Arizona's smile slides to one side of her face - almost like a smirk. She opens up a cupboard and produces a box of pink sprinkles; then a pack of cupcake... liners? Wrappers? The paper. She makes a point of showing you the pattern on them - little hearts on a pink background. Flourishing her hand foppishly, she caresses her own cheek and bats her eyes at you.

"Oops, should've remembered my cookie pan with the missile-shapes on it," you retort dryly.

Arizona blinks. Then she tilts her head, one eyebrow just barley twitching higher, as if to say... *missiles?*

"I've also got one with battle-axes," you return smoothly. There. Go ahead and imply a phallic shape from THAT, sweetheart.

Arizona purses her lips thoughtfully. Then she takes your hand, pulling it in front of you and turning it palm-up. She plucks a pastry thing (you're sure the huge syringe-looking thing has a proper name, but you'll be damned if you can remember,) and, with a squint, she starts drawing a battle-axe on your palm in pink frosting. First one side of the axe-head... then the other... and then, extending from their middle, the long, rather thick-looking shaft.

She analyzes this for a moment, eyes focused in serious study - then she gives you another searching look.

[ ] Surrender.
[ ] Lick it off your hand.
[ ] Take the pasty "thing" and modify the drawing (suggestions welcome.)

46579745 -
>[ ] Lick it off your hand.

46579750 -
>bats her eyes at you.
Is Ari even capable of doing that? I am having a hard time imagining it.

46579751 -
> [ ] Surrender
She's got us beat. Dammit Ari.

46579773 -
>[x] Take the pasty "thing" and modify the drawing (suggestions welcome.)
FLAMING BATTLEAXE (completely ignore the lewd connotations)

46579775 -
[ ] Take the pasty "thing" and modify the drawing (suggestions welcome.)
Draw "battle axes" on AZ

46579777 -
[X] Take the pasty "thing" and modify the drawing (suggestions welcome.)
Change it into an ax guitar

46579783 -
>[ ] Take the pasty "thing" and modify the drawing (suggestions welcome.)
Battleship silhouette

46579784 (demetrious) -
>Is Ari even capable of doing that? I am having a hard time imagining it.
Mockingly, of course. Oh look at the Big Ruff Admiral making cute little cupcakes.

46579786 -
[x] Feed the icing drawing to her. Shaft first.

46579788 -
>[ ]Surrender.
We never win this game.

46579798 -
>[X] Lick it off your hand.
Gettin' all hot and bothered already.

46579803 -
>>46579784 (demetrious)
Well, damn her opinion. Cupcakes are tasty.

46579805 -
>Feed it to her

46579814 -
>[X ] Lick it off your hand.

46579817 -
On the other hand, their other name is fairy cakes.

46579819 -
>[ ] Take the pasty "thing" and modify the drawing (suggestions welcome.)
repeat on her hand

46579828 (Starshadow) -
Add two more bigger half circle shapes to the shaft and turn the axe into a butterfly.
[Because that's not gay at all.]

46579840 -
She's also wearing shorts and a tshirt, so this night is just full of wonderful new experiences

46579850 -
>[ ] Lick it off your hand.
Just to mess with her.

46579863 -
>[x] Lick it off your hand.
Surrendering this earlier is just poor form.

46579888 -
Well there is precedent for this sort of thing: For instance, the Vikings had what were seen as very effeminate practices such as washing their faces every day and taking a bath once every week and doing their hair before battle. This of course made them popular with the ladies considering that they didn't smell like turds.

46579869 (the fluffbringer) -
>[ ] Surrender.
>Ari uses 'Eye bat'
>It's super effective!

46579870 -
So anons, what does surrender look like?
Falling into her arms?

46579874 -
>[X] Surrender.
We should learn when to pick our battles. Another chance will open come.

46579885 -
>[X] Lick it off your hand

46579896 -
Us deciding not to fight this battle, and letting her win. Because she's kind of right.

46579920 -
The battle isn't over until we're dead, anon.
A captain(or an admiral) damn well better not give up until he loses his last breath to the unforgiving seas.

46579926 -
>[ ] Surrender.
She can keep it up all night. This isn't a battle Settle's gonna win.

46579932 -
>[ ] Lick it off your hand.
Plead the Fifth

46579942 -
[x] Lick it off your hand.

46579967 -
[x] Draw the BB-39 Arizona in icing.

46579982 (demetrious) -

46580007 -
Well, that would be quite an accomplishment
>and then Willie eats it

46580020 -
Draw the Arizona and lick it off

46580021 -
Arizona got characteristic masts. It will be easy.

46580026 (Cessna-bomber) -
Cessna of Doom Mk.I
<<It's Time>>

46580068 -
>>46580026 (Cessna-bomber)
>Cessna 152
>Mk7 triple

46580071 -
>>46580026 (Cessna-bomber)
40cm triple naval rifle on a Cessna
what the fuck

46580094 (Cessna-bomber) -
Command: Modern Air and Naval operations lets you do some fun FUN things.

46580098 -
>>46580026 (Cessna-bomber)
Jesus what

46580141 -
>>46580094 (Cessna-bomber)
That's taking it too far, mate. The Cessna could probably fly on JUST the mk7's if it had unlimited ammo.

46580174 (Cessna-bomber) -
I tried to see if I could launch nuclear missiles with it too.
[I couldn't figure out how. And I started out seeing if I could make one of those Bafta's from the Nigerian Civil War]

46580195 -
I think the volley weight is an appreciable fraction of the weight of the plane. It could probably recoil itself into orbit.

46580230 -
Literally Orion Drive without the nukes.

46580499 -
The turret is approximately a thousand times the Cessna's maximum gross weight.
Hell, *each shell* from a Mark 7 is heavier than the max gross weight of a 152--the 152's max gross is 1670 pounds; an HC shell for the Mark 7 is 1900 pounds, and an AP shell is 2700 pounds.


46580770 (Cessna-bomber) -
Sadly, I cannot fire the guns as they require to be on a ship. Such is the fault of the programmers.
In other news, what sort of crazy shit do you want on the Cessna anyway. If I recall correctly, I can mount a Leopard 2 MBT onto it.

46580792 -
>>46580770 (Cessna-bomber)
>what sort of crazy shit do you want on the Cessna anyway
Atomic Annie nuclear artillery gun.
Go big or go home.

46580796 -
>>46580770 (Cessna-bomber)
You CAN put the guns on a submarine, for the record.

46580839 (Cessna-bomber) -
A submarine can surface, which is what is required to fire them.
I don't think nuclear artillery has been implemented. It is Modern Air and Naval operations after all.

46580854 -
>>46580839 (Cessna-bomber)
>I don't think nuclear artillery has been implemented
well cock
Can we launch an trident missile from it?

46580875 -
>>46580839 (Cessna-bomber)
>Sir, I think we just nuked a whale.

46580877 (Cessna-bomber) -
No, but hold on. I'm wondering if I can launch Nuclear Cruise Missiles from it.

46580885 (Cessna-bomber) -
>>46580839 (Cessna-bomber)
It has got suitcase nukes, actually. Not sure about the katie shells

46581169 (Cessna-bomber) -
>>46580885 (Cessna-bomber)
No Katie shells. Suitcase nukes are for certain nuclear terrorism scenarios. But right, I did find out you can put 4 unguided 340kt Nuclear warheads in the Cessna.
Now it's time to destroy an oil platform.

46581204 (demetrious) -
Apropos of nothing, but to those people who were tut-tutting at my description of the airforce academy last session:
>"My plebe was knocked unconscious and immediately began fighting when he came to," an unnamed upperclassman, who was apparently observing from the sidelines, wrote on the social media forum Yik Yak. "I was so proud I could cry."
Yes, shit has changed a lot from the days when naval cadets were made to stand in the pouring rain outside the mess hall for their turn at the tables, and the Navy would just yawn when a few would die of pneumonia. But it hasn't changed as much as you might think, not by a damn sight, and esp. in certain circles. Bureaucracy, tradition, etc. These things have inertia, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse!

46581206 -
>>46581169 (Cessna-bomber)
You know what you must do.

46581253 -
>>46581204 (demetrious)
Is this like that one story about a dorm fight that included de-nerfed nerf guns?

46581294 (Cessna-bomber) -
It's happening. The Cessna is dropping the bombs from 15000 feet. ALOHA SNACKBAR

46581315 -
>>46581294 (Cessna-bomber)
>Nuke bomber cessna
Holy mother of NEETs.jpg

46581321 -
>>46581204 (demetrious)
>the military and tradition
"Yeah, we're going to waste the entire crew's time with this ceremony. It's TRADITIONAL. But fuck the tradition of understanding that we hired a bunch of high school kids and they're gonna fuck up sometimes. Man, what was the Old Navy THINKING?"
I may not have done stupid shit, but I knew several competent and hardworking guys who did and got fucked for it while do-nothings who were good at staying out of trouble [(like myself after my habit of finding problems led to me not getting maintenance)] advanced past them as fast as the Navy would allow.
Fuck. The. Navy.

46581336 (Cessna-bomber) -
>>46581294 (Cessna-bomber)
Cessna of Doom Mk.II

46581346 (demetrious) -
So now. Let's combine all discussion threads in this thread into one unholy abomination of wonder.
1. Civil Air Patrol (pic related.)
2. Recoilless rifles mounted on light planes, ala that one crazy fucker in WWII that attacked tanks with an L-5 + bazookas.

46581365 -
No, pillow fight with helmets stuffed into the bottom of the pillows

46581406 -
>>46581346 (demetrious)
>cessna carrying six 102mm Davy Crocketts
I see nothing that could go wrong here.

46581415 -
>>46581346 (demetrious)
Can we put a shipgirl into the co-pilot's seat of a light aircraft and have her shoot out of the window?
Can we do the same with Hate and Fenrir?

46581458 (Cessna-bomber) -
>>46581336 (Cessna-bomber)
>>46581346 (demetrious)
Peace of Blake be upon you.jpg
The first bomb didn't detonate.
Then the second one hit, and did.
And it detonated the third and fourth. That's 1050 kilotons of explosive sunshine.
The Cessna was still in the blast zone apparently.

46581482 -
Even with a not-so-light aircraft, it'd make one hell of an upgrade for an AC-130s' 105mm howitzer.

46581484 -
>>46581458 (Cessna-bomber)
This is madness!

46581520 -
I thought you were talking about tacnukes and was about to reply snidely.
Well this is still a "no shit" moment, I suppose.

46581538 -
>>46581458 (Cessna-bomber)
Sabaton - Nuclear Attack

46581561 (Cessna-bomber)

46581587 -
>>46581561 (Cessna-bomber)
Bull. Shit.

46581593 -
>>46581561 (Cessna-bomber)

46581594 -
>>46581561 (Cessna-bomber)

46581596 -
>>46581561 (Cessna-bomber)
Seriously, how in the fuck. What altitude was it launching the bombs from again?

46581604 -
>>46581561 (Cessna-bomber)

46581608 -
>>46581561 (Cessna-bomber)
then the crew died due to horrible cancers

46581609 -
Those little fuckers can take an absolute beating and still fly. There's a reason they're used for basic pilot training at any number of flight schools.

46581622 -
15,000 ft, which I seriously doubt a fully loaded Cessna would be able to reach.

46581637 (Cessna-bomber) -
I just nuked myself? Ask me if I give a fuck.jpg
Apparently, EMP waves don't do jack shit to an aircraft made in 1957. He's still flying.
15000 feet.

46581643 -
>>46581561 (Cessna-bomber)
He can only die if he is killed.

46581652 -
>>46581637 (Cessna-bomber)

46581675 -
>>46581561 (Cessna-bomber)

46581678 -
>>46581561 (Cessna-bomber)
No. No, he did not. Even assuming he wasn't caught in the fireball, there is no fucking way that a 152 wouldn't literally fall apart in mid-air from that blast...

46581694 -
See: >>46581637
He's still flying.

46581715 -
...you know what? I'mma fuckin' work this out and see if it would overstress the airframe. And if he'd be caught in the fireball. Back in a few.

46581894 -
>>46581561 (Cessna-bomber)
That pilot must have a hell of a tan right now!

46581822 -
>>46581346 (demetrious)
>So now. Let's combine all discussion threads in this thread into one unholy abomination of wonder.
And the aviation battlecruiser idea that an anon presented from the previous thread to truck these aircraft around.
And now I am remembering my crazy ideas for integrating shipgirl-based weapons into conventional military forces after the reveal of Fenrir.
Pro-tip: They won't work.
>Can we put a shipgirl into the co-pilot's seat of a light aircraft and have her shoot out of the window?
That would involve her summoning her rigging, which immediately fucks the plane because it likely can't haul around several thousand tons of destroyer...
Remember how we're exceedingly leery of just hauling shipgirls around in aircraft in the first place?
>Can we do the same with Hate and Fenrir?
This, OTOH, is not much of a problem.
>>46581458 (Cessna-bomber)
>The Cessna was still in the blast zone apparently.
>>46581561 (Cessna-bomber)
...what the absolute flying fuck.
Still, WITNESSED. Just like Hate, apparently.
>>46581637 (Cessna-bomber)
This pilot shall fly eternal.

46581919 (demetrious) -
>Apparently, EMP waves don't do jack shit to an aircraft made in 1957. He's still flying.
... you know, I'm pretty sure the engine magnetos would not be affected by even strong EMP. It's more robust than an alternator, and not as complex.

46581948 -
>>46581919 (demetrious)
You'd be right. So long as that engine was running when the EMP hit, it will continue to run on the spark generated by said magnetos. Half the gauges will be fucked to hell, though.

46581950 -
>>46581919 (demetrious)
Ding ding ding. There's your answer.

46582019 (demetrious)
>Half the gauges will be fucked to hell, though.
If you can't find your way with just a good compass and the navigation radios, you shouldn't be in a light plane anyhow. I saw some documentary about a 16 year old girl soloing on a three-leg flight up in Alaska, and she ended up crashing high in the mountains when she ran out of fuel because she flew the wrong fucking way, after transposing a digit in her GPS unit.
To re-iterate:
1. She's soloing,
2. In a light aircraft, and
3. She flew SOUTH instead of NORTH for like TWO FUCKING HOURS without noticing this.
If she never once looked at her FUCKING compass, (EITHER of them,) then she can't even be said to be doing a basic instrument scan, which means she should not be flying.
Someone got on my case for this once and said that, hey, she's only 16. My opinion is, that means that 16 year old shouldn't have been soloing. Am I wrong in this?

46582059 -
OK, so the time for a bomb to fall 15,000 feet is about 30 seconds (neglecting air resistance), and for the sake of argument, let's say he can do an instantaneous 180 after bomb release to flee. So that's 90 knots times sixty seconds horizontal distance (30 for the bomb and 30 for the plane going the opposite way), or about 1.5 miles standoff, and a slant range of 17,552 feet.
Based on the structural strength of a Cessna 172, its maximum gross weight, and the wing area, an overpressure load of about 0.9 psi should be enough to break the wings off the airplane.
Using publicly-available software the DOD developed in the 80s to calculate the blast effects of nuclear weapons shows that the blast wave overpressure at that altitude and slant range would be about 4.6 psi.
So no, that Cessna isn't flying, it's had its wings ripped off by the blast and is *falling* out of the sky.

46582065 -
>>46582019 (demetrious)
16s can. Seen my local youth flying club do that with piper warriors.
The problem is that SHE IS INCOMPETENT and whoever signed off and test her for her license should be fired.

46582083 -
Well, here's something to tell the Devs then : model pressure waves in the aftermath of a nuclear weapon.

46582092 (demetrious) -
>The problem is that SHE IS INCOMPETENT and whoever signed off and test her for her license should be fired.
A-FUCKING-MEN. I was regularly re-calibrating my gyrocompass with the magnetic one in Flight Simulator 3.0 on my family's old goddamned 486 taking off from Meigs Field (RIP) I mean, come the fuck on.
What's the DNE speed of a Cessna? Care to work out the range of a lofting maneuver/idiot's loop?

46582108 -
>>46582019 (demetrious)
Using GPS in Alaska was her first mistake; most of the state is so far north the GPS sats aren't able to even give even a basic reading. There are no GPS sats in polar geo-sync, so the Arctic and Antarctic regions have almost no GPS reception as is.
Still, 16 isn't that young to solo, especially in Alaska, but relying on GPS instead of a compass and hard copy map is just plain stupid.

46582112 -
>>46582019 (demetrious)
I'm not worried about the GPS. Hell, pilots should be trained on aircraft without a glass cockpit first, just so they don't learn to rely on all the fancy gadgets. Everything else might get slightly problematic, depending on if you still have vacuum running or not, and what conditions you end up in.

46582175 (demetrious) -
the [moron] was supposed to be following a river
she looks out the window, sees no river, KEEPS FLYING

46582200 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>>46582019 (demetrious)
Please tell me she got Darwined.

46582208 -
>>46582175 (demetrious)
I have no words.
DNE on a 172, by the way, is 163 knots. I'd expect it to be slightly lower for the 152.

46582242 -
>>46582092 (demetrious)
I'm sure I could find a 172's Vne and work it out, but that would involve more math than I feel competent to do at this time of night. And besides, I was releasing the weapons from the conditions shown in the sim there--straight and level, 15,000 feet, 90 knots groundspeed.
Besides, I doubt it'd make that much of a difference, given the lower release altitude involved.

46582248 (demetrious) -
>>46582200 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
>Please tell me she got Darwined.
Sadly, no. She crashed right in front of two dude rancher cowboys by some stroke of luck.

46582275 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>>46582248 (demetrious)
Mother of FUCK! Why can't the idiots just die already! It'd make my life so much easier if they'd all just go walk off a fucking cliff or something.

46582287 -
>>46582275 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
because then you have to do more risk assessments and risk reduction briefs and no one wants that

46582298 -
>>46582248 (demetrious)
Not surprising in hindsight. God looks after children and fools, and she was both.

46582311 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -

46580349 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
LATE AS FUCK! BUT I AM HERE! Synopsis please someone?

46580360 -
>>46580349 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Ari a cute. There's the Synopsis.

46580368 -
>>46580349 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Willie was chased by a Dog drone, and now she's clinging to us while we bake with Ari. Ari played a prank on us and we are waiting on the written response.

46580373 (the fluffbringer) -
>>46580349 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
We're making cupcakes with Ari and Willie. So far it's not bad.

46580378 -
>>46580349 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Baking with Ari and Willie (after saving her from a robo dog run amok) basically

46580382 (Starshadow) -
>>46580349 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)

46580407 -
>>46580349 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
>Settle and Hate exit mess
>Yuubari goes past on a riding mower, carrying a rope
>Shimakaze goes past, carrying a RATO bottle
>Willie goes past, being chased by a BigDog
>Settle rescues Willie
>Takes her on baking date with Arizona

46580413 -
>>46580349 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Willie cute, Arizona also cute.

46580422 (/k/ripple) -
Yuudachi, you nerd.

46580426 -
>>46580349 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Family time.

46580428 -
Point of order, it was Yuudachi with the rope, but otherwise

46580446 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
I love how almost all of the responses are some form of "Arizona a cute"

46580457 -
>>46580422 (/k/ripple)
It's 12 at night, cut me some slack!
I got the first part right!

46580461 -
>>46580382 (Starshadow)
Why did I laugh.
Also it should be BB don't bake me

46580492 -
>>46580446 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Because Arizona is best girl, and she's the winner of the Settlebowl.
Well, primary winner anyway, once [demetrious] goes full [harem-end].

46580524 -
>>46580446 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Speaking as a Shoukaku fan, it's pretty true.
She's not really a winner if the writer designates it.

46580528 -
Actually, [demetrious] outright said that route locking now would be drastically limiting the amount of Salt he'd get out of it.
I expect an interruption now. A very loud, moment breaking interruption.

46580536 -
She hasn't won till Settle summons her missing turret, though she is currently in the lead.

46580573 (Starshadow) -
Amusingly, CV and DD rhyme just as well as BB.

[X] Lick it off your hand.

You smirk at Arizona knowingly. "I see you've been paying attention to Hate. But you've got a lot to learn about playing gay chicken." Lifting your hand to your mouth, you lick the suggestively-drawn axe off your palm with relish - no matter who you are, frosting is frosting is frosting. Arizona gives you that little lopsided smile that says she doesn't believe you.

You chuckle. "Yeah, ask Hamp about that."

A raised eyebrow.

"Kissed 'im."

Arizona draws herself up to her full height (still a few inches below yours) and crosses her arms, fixing you with a firm expression that says Repeat Signal.

"Kissed Hamp. Yep."

"H-he did," Willie volunteers quietly from the corner of the room. "E-e-everyone w-w-was talking a-a-bout it..."

Arizona squints at Willie, as if trying to read a lie in the little destroyer's face, but she's studiously kneading away at her bread dough, expression set with concentration. Then she turns back to you, openly suspicious.

You grin. "You should've seen Kirishima's face. It was *sublime.*"

Arizona raises her hands, closes her eyes and shakes her head in surrender - you are indeed too gay for her to best. Handing you the recipe book, she motions at the counter, then around the room.

"Collect ingredients?"

46580564 -
>we gave Ari a 1-2 lesson in Gay Chicken
Oh glorious

46580590 -
>you are indeed too gay for her to best
We're navy, what did she expect?

46580602 -
>Arizona raises her hands, closes her eyes and shakes her head in surrender

She nods, then crouches to pluck a muffin pan from beneath the sink. As you search around collecting what's needed, she retrieves two more and starts greasing the cups one-by-one with deft little dabs of a rubber spatula, tucking paper liners into them as she goes. Eyeballing the pans, you do some quick mental multiplication and fish out the measuring cups you'll need, and a large bowl. The default accouterments of the apartment is just as sparse as yours - aside from a microwave and that awful goddamned percolator, there's almost nothing you need in a well-appointed kitchen, not even a blender - or, for that matter, an electric mixer. Arizona is unfazed; she simply takes the measured (and carefully leveled) measuring cups with butter, sugar and brown sugar from you, dumps them into a metal bowl and tucks it under her arm. Taking up a spatula with the other, she begins to mix steadily, whipping it around in small, fast, and very precise circles.

You watch her curiously. "You get tired?"

She shakes her head, and rolls her shoulders a little as if shrugging. She nods towards the egg carton meaningfully.

"Sure." You pluck out four eggs, two in each hand and squeeze them gently till you feel the shells crack. Flexing your hands just so, you let the yolks run into a measuring cup and toss the shells into the sink. Rising your left off as you pluck the last two eggs out and crack them with your right. you feel a sudden sense of foreboding - like a man who's just heard the forest go silent around him. Glancing over your shoulder, you find Arizona staring at you like you've just grown horns, her spatula stilled.

"... what?"

She nods towards you.

You look down at yourself.


She pokes at your right hand, where the last two eggs are still draining.

"What, this? My father owned a restaurant." You toss the empty shells into the sink and finish washing up. Arizona points at a drawer to one side, but you go right for the one where you found the scant silverware allotment in your own apartment. "Fork works better than a whisk, I've found, if you know how. Too much egg gets caught on the whisk."

Arizona nods - her old "affirmative" gesture - and goes back to stirring silently as you beat the eggs into a nice uniform slurry. You can feel her eyes on your back. For some reason the silence is grating on you, as if...

[ ] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
[ ] Leave it be, for now. You're facing over the sink, through the little cut-out window to the main living area - study the room!
[ ] Ask Arizona something generic - how's she liking Yokosuka so far? How's she liking Japan?

46580601 -
>[x] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
cant' resist a look into our hero, though I'm sure Ari'd agree.

46580605 -
>[ ] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
I'm freaking curious.

46580606 -
>[ ] Ask Arizona something generic - how's she liking Yokosuka so far? How's she liking Japan?

46580612 -
>[ ] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
Time for Settle to be cute too

46580627 -
>[x] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
This feels right; talking about cooking while cooking.

46580628 -
>[X] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
Mmmm, delicious character interaction quiet scenes.

46580630 -
Huh. Settle once again surprises. Son of a restaurant owner/chef.

46580632 -
>[ ] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
I am actually burning with curiosity.

46580639 -
>[x] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
If this is the "restaurant" we took shoukaku too, then it certainly isn't a restaraunt.
It was a glorified wendys.

46580652 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>[x] Leave it be, for now. You're facing over the sink, through the little cut-out window to the main living area - study the room!
The fucking Jaws theme feels appropriate here, doesn't? Guess we're gonna see if my guess is right.

46580654 -
>[X] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
We rarely talk about us.

46580657 -

46580663 -
Dude, Settle was talking about HIS FATHER'S RESTAURANT. Did you even READ the update?

46580676 -
We took Shoukaku to the fucking Gundam Cafe.
Settle did not grow up in Japan.

46580704 -
>[ ] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
We've already noticed on other occasions that her apartment is rather bare. We don't need to ask a generic question to dodge the topic (I hope).
Also, WTF at that picture...

46580705 -
[x] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
Hmm, Settle backstory we haven't heard before, intriguing.

46580722 -
[X] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
We know everything about Arizona that csn be learned secondhand, it'd be nice for Settle to open up a little.

46580725 -
You know what Willie and Settle needs to do.
Decorate Ari's apartment date!

46580761 -
Sounds like a plan to me!

46580793 -
>We've already noticed on other occasions that her apartment is rather bare.
we have?

46581648 -
Page 8 and past bump limit. Hurry up [deme], unless you want some third thread bullshit.

46581656 -
And you promised Mare Island, so yeah.

46581696 (demetrious) -
>Page 8 and past bump limit. Hurry up [deme], unless you want some third thread bullshit.
Actually we probably will! Update incoming.

[ ] Tell her more about the restaurant. It's not like she can ask, or anything.
[ ] Leave it be, for now. You're facing over the sink, through the little cut-out window to the main living area - study the room!
[ ] Ask Arizona something generic - how's she liking Yokosuka so far? How's she liking Japan?

With the measuring cup in hand, you turn towards the corner all casual-like, overtly checking on Willie's progress, but covertly watching Arizona from the corner of your eye. You catch her gaze flitting away from you as you turn, and feel rotten almost instantly.

It's strange how Arizona's muteness never seems noticeable to you - every time you need to communicate, you seem to do so naturally and without hesitation. It almost never takes you two tries to guess her meaning. For the first time you wonder how much of that is due to her own restraint - it'd be just like a quiet, dutiful servant of the nation to stifle the questions not easily reduced to pantomime or yes/no queries. You remember the realization that overtook you yesterday, just after you'd fired off that question to Mare Island's PR department - how Arizona had become a comfortable presence in the background; always there, always with you, a constant.

Just like your own warship had been.

But Arizona's not a warship, not solely - she's also a human, now. A woman. And people, they want to talk, and be talked to. You wonder if she's some sort of Dark Naka; bearing her burdens in silence as Naka bore hers beneath a loud, spun-sugar shell-

- Arizona looks up and you flick your gaze away from *her,* feeling foolish - when did you just start staring? She's still watching you watch her in your peripheral vision with *her* peripheral-

"Yeah, I started cracking eggs at home for practice, because my father had me washing dishes, and that's the worst damn job anyone can ask for," you tell her. She blanches and nods in agreement. "So I spent my own allowance - well, pay, I guess - and practiced till I could crack eggs good and fast. Negotiated my way onto the morning shift, just making eggs for all the breakfast orders. Getting up early wasn't fun, but god did it beat dishwashing." You raise the glass measuring cup to eye level. Arizona nods at you through it, and you bring it to her, pouring the whipped egg into the mixing bowl slowly as she continues to stir, letting it mix thoroughly. "When I found out that they had people hand-washing dishes in the Navy I decided that Annapolis couldn't possibly be worse than that."

Arizona tilts her head, looking curious.

You chuckle. "Yeah, I was wrong. I mean, Annapolis doesn't have windows on the second story that don't open, like the ChairFarce academy, and we don't have cadets packing helmets into their pillowcases like West Point's last annual pillowfight-" you catch her expression - "yeah, that happened. It's nothing like your day, sure, but don't think it's just up and vanished entirely, either." Arizona nods thoughtfully as she continues mixing steadily, her small hand never seeming to tire. "Hell, we even have women at sea n-"

Arizona's spatula clanks against the bowl's side suddenly. You turn in surprise; so steady and regular has her motions been till now that the sudden sound seems like a purring engine suddenly coughing. A bit of batter has splattered all over; some on Arizona's shirt, and some on her folded duster - which she seems to be using as an apron, now that you think of it.

"You okay?"

She blinks, then nods hastily.

"Guess the whole women aboard thing-"

- the spatula rattles a tiny bit -

"-really surprised you-?"

46581751 -

46581770 -
>some on Arizona's shirt, and some on her folded duster
Time to lick the batter off! No food gone to waste!

46581825 (demetrious) -
ahaha you got it!

46581879 -
>>46581825 (demetrious)
Is that about the stowaway girl?

46581885 -

46581898 -
The literal ship's slut, yes

She stares straight ahead, a little too composed, before nodding almost mechanically. You hand her some paper towel to clean up with.

"I can finish that, if you want."

She nods, handing you the bowl and spatula. Your efforts are far less efficient and co-ordinates, but there's not much beating left to do. Arizona wets the paper towel at the sink, wipes off her plain dark t-shirt, then pops the oven open. As she leans over to adjust the rack spacing inside, you take the opportunity to study her stern. She's wearing plain khaki shorts, nothing fancy - but her small rear fills them out surprisingly nicely anyways. You think back to the glimpse of her underwear you caught a few days ago -

- well, that was more than a glimpse, wasn't it? That was an all-out stare. You turn away swallowing quickly, because the last thing you need is Arizona straightening up to catch you blushing like a schoolboy at the memory. It wasn't your most chivalrous moment, was it? Looking out over the sink, you study Arizona's small apartment for something to do... except there's not much to study. Yours is no mansion; it's still filled with boxes and boxes of stuff you've never had time to unpack, but this room is literally empty. There's not so much as a dog-eared Reader's Digest discarded on an end-table, or a forgotten glass of dusty water on a coaster. For that matter...

... you use your toe to hook the underside of the under-counter trash-can slider, and pull it out a quarter-inch. Sure enough the bag is filled with cellophane packaging. The muffin pans cost 15.95 each at the PX, it seems -

46581812 -
>She's wearing plain khaki shorts, nothing fancy - but her small rear fills them out surprisingly nicely anyways

46581836 -
Awww Ari bought the baking gear just for this.

- a smaller foot hoves into view, pushing the trash can shut with its toe. You follow it up to find Arizona beckoning you towards the counter opposite, where the pans are waiting. She has you pour half the batter into another bowl, and then you both start carefully filling the waiting cups, half pouring, half scraping.

Glancing aside, you see Willie's finished one loaf - she rolled it into two long pieces and neatly braided them together to make a pretty pattern. She's carefully making more dough from scratch, using a thick cutting board in her lap as a surface to work upon.

[ ] Ask about the empty apartment. No room-mate? No decorations? Nothing?
[ ] Ask about the activity. Is this... this really what she wanted? Just you standing around, whipping batter... doing nothing? You're starting to feel guilty - not just for taking her for granted, but for how she's done nothing for herself that might counterbalance it.
[ ] Just stay quiet. If she wants something, she'll tell you.

46581796 -
>[x] Just stay quiet. If she wants something, she'll tell you.
I may be a social hand-grenade. But even I know when to shut the fuck up.

46581798 -
>[ ] Just stay quiet. If she wants something, she'll tell you.
This is extremely comfy, slight room worries aside. No need to push it.

46581803 -
>[x] Ask about the activity. Is this... this really what she wanted? Just you standing around, whipping batter... doing nothing? You're starting to feel guilty - not just for taking her for granted, but for how she's done nothing for herself that might counterbalance it.

46581824 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>[x] Ask about the empty apartment. No room-mate? No decorations? Nothing?

46581841 -
>[ ] Ask about the empty apartment. No room-mate? No decorations? Nothing?
But frame it more delicately, because jesus fuck Settle have some tact.
Just ask if she'd like a roommate, maybe they can arrange something.

46582007 -
>[ ] Ask about the activity. Is this... this really what she wanted? Just you standing around, whipping batter... doing nothing? You're starting to feel guilty - not just for taking her for granted, but for how she's done nothing for herself that might counterbalance it.
Her happiness is our direct concern now, and this apartment doesn't speak of a happy or content person.

46582050 -
Balance short and long-term. She's already on-edge enough to splatter herself over a small shock like learning women are on ships - she needs to relax a bit before we press anything.
If we go for it now, it'll probably be counterproductive.

46582092 (demetrious) -
>he doesn't know about blackie
[nobody fucking tell him]

46582136 -
>>46582092 (demetrious)
>nobody fucking tell him
But it's such a fascinating story! It even features Arleigh Burke!

46582291 -
>>46582092 (demetrious)
Oh, smuggling, okay. I'd go deeper than that trying to find where you're going with this, but upon seeing the following in a discussion of how some stowaways were eligible for medals as a result:
>There was also a baby born on a British ship DURING the fighting at Trafalgar. When the medals were struck, he was awarded one with his name (he was named for the ship) and his rank was engraved on the medal as "baby."
...I just couldn't bring myself to continue. I'm just going to trust that you have something amazing in mind.

46582111 (demetrious) -

[X] Just stay quiet. If she wants something, she'll tell you.

A lifetime in the Navy has not well-equipped you for peaceful social encounters, so you follow what you know, and one of the prime maxims is - when you find yourself in a hole, *stop digging.* You keep your mouth shut and let Arizona steer the evening - she's not stupid, and she's probably got a plan.

And maybe she really does like baking.

With the cups all filled, the time has come to bake. The oven's already making that discreet little "boomp" sound as the auto-igniter kicks in to maintain temperature. The door opens to flood the room with warm, dry heat. You hand the muffin pans to Arizona one at a time as she stoops to slide them in carefully. As she crouches, her duster falls away from her legs. A flash of flourescent light on blued steel draws your eye to her revolver, pushed far forward of its usual spot just behind her hip, to conceal it behind the duster. It's also riding high in a belt holster, not the usual drop-leg rig that straps to her thigh when she's in regular uniform.

The sight sobers you for a moment; and for the first time you really *look* at Arizona. Absent the clean, crisp lines of the uniform that usually frame her blank, serious expression... she just looks like a girl. And not a big one, even - unlike Yamato's amazon-like build, or Kongou's rather boxuom one, Arizona is downright petite. Taller than most, but "most" are mostly Japanese - Naka doesn't even stand five feet, she's practically a dwarf. She looks like a young coed in her dorm - which makes the heavy revolver on her hip all the more incongruous.

Incongruous. On a girl who can be wielding twelve fourteen-inch guns within a few seconds, each one hurling a shell that weighs more than half of Willie's full displacement - fourteen hundred tons a shot. You pinch the bridge of your nose. It's just you, getting all starry-eyed because she looks delicate and -

- except it *is* incongruous on a girl who's literally bulletproof. The revolver isn't a manifestation or anything; it's just a gun she purchased on her own, after some pantomime was exchanged and a government ID and credit card were flashed at a confused young funstore clerk in Hawaii. It's utterly superfluous - but you have never, ever, once seen her without it; even when she apparently wished you would.

It comes down on you all at once - the small, delicate girl in front of you, and the heavy burden she is most certainly carrying. You almost chuckle at your theoretical wandering of a half-hour prior - the girl does not *speak,* and there you were, pondering the possibility of her Hidden Issues. For all the armor, all the firepower, at the end of the day, she's still alone with herself when she pulls the covers over her head - just like you are.

No wonder, you think. No wonder Naka focuses outward, on helping everyone but herself...

... hell, isn't that what you do?

46582808 -
Pretty sure a 14-inch shell doesn't weigh over a thousand tons, [deme]

46582818 -
>it's just a gun she purchased on her own, after some pantomime was exchanged and a government ID and credit card were flashed at a confused young funstore clerk in Hawaii.
>funstore clerk
Typo, or commentary on the joy of firing firearms?

46582825 (demetrious) -
whoops, meant to say her turret weight or something like that
the latter.

You don't like this, this standing about in a kitchen in your civvies like a geek. You feel like a crab sans shell, exposed and clumsy as you scuttle sideways over the beach. Arizona slams the oven door shut and straightens up, unconsciously tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear again - and some wild impulse makes you want to reach out and pluck it out of place again.

You turn towards the counter and start mopping it clean with a spare tablecloth, even though your careful efforts have left it perfectly clean anyway. A familiar feeling is creeping over you; one you haven't felt since your cadet days - the awful, brooding suspicion that despite doing everything right and by-the-numbers, you're glowing like the dumb halfwit asshole you are, not even knowing what you missed. Any minute now the bark of an upperclassmen will -

- when the sound comes you actually twitch, you were so primed for it. But it's just a yelp of surprise from Willie. She's sitting on her butt, looking completely stunned; the better part of a package of flour completely covering her. Her lower lip begins to tremble as she feels everyone's eyes on her - despite her best efforts, she's become a problem again.

Arizona stares at the little destroyer girl, eyes squinched shut, completely covered in white powder, a little pyramid of it piled atop her bare head...

... and then she begins to giggle.

46582826 -
>... and then she begins to giggle.
>Arizona giggling
holy shit
holy SHIT

It's silent - for the most part. She's doing her damnedest to stifle it, but they come anyway, a quiet, muffled sound that slips out from between her slender fingers as she clamps them tighter over her mouth. When Willie blinks, the flour sticking to her eyelids makes her eyes vanish completely, like some sort of cartoon of a polar bear hiding in a blizzard. This just sets Arizona off worse. She leans against the counter with one hip, her sides visibly shaking as the laughter creeps deeper into her diaphragm. Watching her laugh makes *you* start to laugh. Willie turns an utterly perplexed look upon you, and that knocks you down as well, your Sensible Chuckle rising into mad girly giggles as you wipe your eyes dry of mirth. Arizona tries to curl around it, still trying to smother any audible sounds as you pick Willie up and help dust her off, ruffling her hair affectionately and laughing at the cloud of flour dust that floats into the air.

You can't say why, exactly - but somehow you just feel better, and the heavy thoughts more distant than they were heartbeats ago. Willie plays with the end of her braid nervously as you dust off her shoulders and back, expecting some sort of commentary, but you just nod at her two finished loaves on the countertop.

"I like how you braided those. Looks neat."

"... you like it?" she asks shyly.

"Yeah. Learn that from braiding your hair?"

She looks down at her thick, tightly-woven braid. "Yuh."

Arizona's wetting a washcloth to finish cleaning off the hapless destroyer when your cell phone rings. You shrug apologetically as you reach to silence it, but when you glance at the screen, your heartbeat beings to race.

Mare Island.

Tenryuu. Tatsuta.

A solution.

"I've got to take this!" you exclaim, pressing it to your ear and stalking into the living area to avoid being too obnoxious.

46582829 -
Arizona... just talked.

46582843 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -

46582844 -
No, she just giggled. It was Willie who talked.

46582845 -
Sort of. But hey, baby steps

46582899 -
Pf you glorious bastard. I am heavily intoxicated and I'm ready for your wild ride

46582917 -
>Arizona giggling at Willie
Jesus that's adorable
>Mare island calling
AWH SHIT here we go


"Admiral Settle?"

"That's me. Mister Baker?"


"Excellent, excellent - can you handle my two ships?"

"We've got the room, if the Navy pays the contract penalties for bumping some civilian sh-"

"We will," you reply hastily, excitement filling your chest. "We can have them over there inside of 24 hours, give-or-take. We'll need on-site security of our own and such; you'll need my secretary's number, I-"


"Time is of the essence," you say quickly, excitement flooding through your veins. You've done it. You've saved them! "Arizona, bring me a notepad, please!" You begin fishing through your pockets for a pen.

"Admiral!" Baker objects. "I called to tell you something very important-"

"Nothing more important than this."

"It's about Higgins."

You take a quick breath, steeling yourself - and then you shoulder those old emotions aside. They'll be back, later tonight, when you lie alone in bed, as always - but for now, the fate of two loyal shipgirls lies on your hands. "Higgins had her day, sir, but these girls-"

"No!" Baker says. "That's just the thing. She hasn't."

You chuff disbelievingly. "I was on her when she was opened up like a tin can, sir. She's had it."

"It's... we're not used to dealing with government contracts, you see," Baker apologizes, suddenly abandoning his rush to testament. "We bought the facilities when the government closed the base; we've been strictly commercial, never taken a military contract, not that we could compete with Bath or anyone anyways, we didn't- anyways-"

You feel your eyebrows warping in that kind of edged amusement that can quickly cross the line into flat-out anger - the kind of expression that scares the spines clear out of shivering seamen during Captain's Mast. "Are you going to tell me the Higgins just grew legs and walked away on her own?"

"All that coy bullshit!" Baker confesses with a cry. "You just can't use certain words in e-mails unless you're in the secure server chain or something, I don't understand it, I follow the rules I'm told to follow. We're a good, honest company. I used to work for a newspaper. I'm not used to talking around the truth!"

A cold, knowing chill floods through your body, damping your emotions and focusing your thoughts - something is Happening. "I'm listening, Mister Baker."

"You e-mailed to ask about Higgins museum berth. Where she'll be sent, after we're done stripping her for spares for the rest of the fleet and patching the holes to make her pretty."


A miserable sigh. "We're not doing that."

Your heart sinks. "... the breakers?"


"Saving a chunk of superstructure?"

"Admiral Settle," Baker says. "Mare Island Drydock accepted a *refit* contract."

"... what."

"Latest standard. COTS systems, SEARam mounts and integration, structural reinforcements, powerplant overhaul, the works. And we're almost done."

A soft flappy sound draws your eyes to your side, where Arizona's just dropped a memo pad on your toes. Her wide blue eyes are staring at you in complete shock as Baker's strong, confident voice rings through the cell phone's little speaker.

"Higgins is coming back, sir."

46583102 (demetrious) -
Now. NOW we are done for the night!
See!? All those people talking about OMG HIGGINS were, well... HALF right! HAHA!

46583105 -

46583108 -
>"Latest standard. COTS systems, SEARam mounts and integration, structural reinforcements, powerplant overhaul, the works. And we're almost done."
>A soft flappy sound draws your eyes to your side, where Arizona's just dropped a memo pad on your toes. Her wide blue eyes are staring at you in complete shock as Baker's strong, confident voice rings through the cell phone's little speaker.
>"Higgins is coming back, sir."
AH Shit. Flight III Higgins.

46583110 (/k/ripple) -
inb4 Higgins gets refit to serve as a kanmusu support carrier.

46583117 -
>"Higgins is coming back, sir."

46583121 -
Well Higgins is coming back, but as a ship again. And we won't have command over it since we are an admiral now. Which sucks, but not a super big deal right?

46583127 -
oh jeeze

46583133 -
>>46583110 (/k/ripple)
Sadly not a full shipgirl carrier.

46583134 -

46583140 -
If she can get back to sea and worked up in time? I think >>46583117 and >>46583110 might be on the right track.

46583150 -
>implying it won't somehow get assigned to our fleet
You know nothing of proper drama.

46583151 -
So what, we're gonna give her next skipper the stinkeye like how a father would give a boy trying to ask his daughter out for a date?

46583153 (LurK) -
>>46583102 (demetrious)
And with that done and over with, let me share y'all a piece I managed to churn out this weekend: From Akigumo's Sketchbook!
From Akigumo's Sketchbook - Pastebin.com
As always, old pastes here:
LurKCoulDWurK's Pastebin - Pastebin.com
Thank you for your patronage!

46583156 (demetrious) -
Not really; you can't just slap two hangars onto a ship that easy. What's going on is this:
Navy Again Reduces Scope of Destroyer Modernization, 5 Ships Won't Receive Any Ballistic Missile Defense Upgrades - USNI News
Which IRL we're not doing for these (at least for now.) The majority of this seems to boil down to ripping out the 90s era mainframes and replacing them with Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS,) basically installing server racks so they can utilize the modern, rapidly changing tech with linux-based code, instead of specialized mainframes that required their own custom code as in the past (when that was the best, nay the only way to really get the computing horsepower needed, and such.) That computer upgrade is the big thing underlying the BMD ability (amongst other things.)

46583178 (demetrious) -
>And we won't have command over it since we are an admiral now
An Admiral puts his flag where he damn well pleases. And a heavy cruiser (which is what a Burke is, let no man meme you different) was the typical flagship of a one-star Admiral in WWII, from everything I've read.
The next battle?
Settle leads from the front.

46583193 -
can you really daughteru an actual steel ship and not a shipgirl? Especially when Settle is likely not going to be in command of it anymore as he's an Admiral now and not a Captain?

46583198 (Central) -
Now that that's all done, time for writeups.
I've finished up the last part of BitS, you can find it here:
Back in the saddle (part 3) - Pastebin.com
Additionally, I've made an archive of all of my stuff, find it here:
Archives - Pastebin.com
Thunderchild part 2 should be finished soon, but remember that I'm slow so be patient.

46583199 -
>>46583178 (demetrious)
>An Admiral puts his flag where he damn well pleases. And a heavy cruiser (which is what a Burke is, let no man meme you different) was the typical flagship of a one-star Admiral in WWII, from everything I've read.
>The next battle?
>Settle leads from the front.
Ohhhhhhhhh this is gonna be good. Thanks for the run, pf!

46583205 (LurK) -
>>46583178 (demetrious)
>Settle leads from the front.

46583214 (/k/ripple) -
>>46583178 (demetrious)
>Settle leads from the front.

46583223 -
>Higgins comes to our fleet.
>Giving the Dad Evil Eye to her new skipper and to Thomas simultaneously.
>Walking her halls one last time, with Hate and maybe Arizona, showing her what used to be our whole world.
I'm not crying, you're crying.

46583226 (LurK) -
>>46583198 (Central)
Glad to have you back with us, mate!

46583228 -
She's....she's alive though, right? If that one Iowa piece was anything to go by there's a shipgirl in there, willing and waiting to get back out into the fight.
I think she'll be glad to see her old captain after so long.

46583235 -
>>46583178 (demetrious)
>Settle leads from the front.
Now all we need is a way to deploy corgi hordes from it and we're set.

46583248 (Central) -
>>46583226 (LurK)
It's good to be back LurK!

46583254 -
>>46583178 (demetrious)
>The next battle?
>Settle leads from the front.
On the one hand, holy shit.
On the other hand, at least half a dozen people would bodily restrain us to keep us from putting ourselves into that much danger.
...And I'm not sure I trust Settle to stand by on Higgins while someone else captains her.

46583255 -
Yeah, this was worth my staying up for.
Thanks, [deme]. Now go get some goddamned sleep!

46583264 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>restrain Settle
That man will probably let nothing stop him when she pulls into port.

46583281 (LurK) -
Nonsense, I've seen admirals stay on the bridge of their flagships, along with the ship's current skipper.
>>46583248 (Central)
I look forward to more Para/SBS shenanigans, yo.

46583287 -
But... it sort of can. As long as they don't summon their rigging while on board...
Wow. Settle has a flagship to go into combat alongside his forces now. Just what he inwardly wanted all along.

46583292 -
Who wants to bet that the refit goes faster than it normally would. Every time the crews encounter something that looks like a delay, it turns out to be something less worrisome than they thought.
Almost like the old girl *wants* to come back.

46583296 -
>We managed to admit to Arizona that part of the tension between us and her had to do with us craving a ship as much as she was craving an admiral.
>Our ship is coming back.
This'll be interesting to navigate.

46583299 -
Y'all motherfuckers do realize she's still a steel ship, yes? There's no girl in this Higgins aside from the ones that serve aboard her?

46583302 (demetrious) -
>Now all we need is a way to deploy corgi hordes from it and we're set.
Did you know that ship's pinnances (powered by small steam engines) were often deployed as small gunboats during the 1880s-ish era? And some pre-dreads even had their pinnances classified as "Second-rate torpedo boats."
So yes. Yes, they can indeed deploy corgis. In fact, an LCS, with the well deck, would be *perfect* for that!

46583314 (Central)
>>46583281 (LurK)
>I look forward to more Para/SBS shenanigans, yo.
That isn't my stuff. I think that's FrostyZippo's work.

46583315 (LurK) -
>>46583302 (demetrious)
>Corgi assault from a DDG

46583325 -
>>46583302 (demetrious)
And Higgins has a well deck too!

46583331 (LurK) -
>>46583314 (Central)
Oh, well. It's great either way.

46583333 -
What are the odds Higgins gets torpedoed on the way over?

46583338 (demetrious) -
>...And I'm not sure I trust Settle to stand by on Higgins while someone else captains her.
He's used to it. "XO, you have the ship for the next hour."
"... hour, sir?"
"Seaman Childs, I presume?"
"How did you guess?"
"He came back from Liberty with three new tattoos and a talking parrot named Tire Iron."
"And half a handcuff on his wrist."
"Yes, how could I forget. Wasn't hard to guess."

46583339 -
>Y'all motherfuckers do realize she's still a steel ship, yes? There's no girl in this Higgins aside from the ones that serve aboard her?
When Iowa was engaging the Abyssals, she saw a girl. It sounds like the girl was there all along.

46583345 -
No, I distinctly remember at least one, maybe two, updates that ain't there.

46583353 (demetrious) -
>And Higgins has a well deck too!

46583368 -
Question, will some of her former crews enlist to serve aboard her again, if given the chance?

46583381 -
>>46583302 (demetrious)
Hold on, the type 23 has these little stern boat deployment things (not sure how boats launch from there), could corgi's launch from there?

46583382 -
>>46583353 (demetrious)
She has the RHIGS and those little drone boats, right? Or am I completely misunderstanding how flight I burkes deploy those?

46583407 (demetrious) -
They'd be hard-pressed to crew her otherwise. I rather imagine that, even after attrition from wounds, and experienced crew being plucked to replace combat losses on other ships, the Navy's kept most of the Higgins crew intact for a reason. Crews sometimes perform "hull swaps," where two crews trade ships - the important thing is to keep a crew together, more than anything else. They'd make an effort to do that. Might not be Settle's "old crew" at all, but they'll already know how to work together.

46583439 (demetrious) -
>She has the RHIGS and those little drone boats, right? Or am I completely misunderstanding how flight I burkes deploy those?
They have a recess in the side that contains the boats. You lower them on davits like a normal lifeboat.
>image limit

46583440 (LurK) -
>>46583407 (demetrious)
>tfw I wrote about some of her vet crews getting killed

46583447 -
Probably going to be running with a heavy escort, though.
If not, I suspect Erebus may try something. It would certainly be an effective way of striking at Settle - sinking Higgins for good.
BB-4 could have done so as well, but she's currently not feeling all that well at the moment.

46583452 -
>>46583407 (demetrious)
Also probably since, you know, the Navy itself totally knew that they were sending Higgins to be refit and not graved.
Ah, learn something new every day

46583453 -
Do not remember what thread this was from, but I still had it open somewhere in my 1k+ tabs
Shimakazed8 - Pastebin.com

46583465 (Starshadow) -
Is Higgins going to get any anti-abyssal upgrades in lights of our combat experience? Or is she just going to be a "stock" gen 3 Burke?

46583492 (demetrious) -
>Is Higgins going to get any anti-abyssal upgrades in lights of our combat experience? Or is she just going to be a "stock" gen 3 Burke?
She's still a Flight IIA. Just with all the computer upgrades other Flight IIAs have received.

46583535 (Starshadow) -
>>46583492 (demetrious)
I was thinking more like adding more armour to the bridge. Considering how badly it got BTFO last time.

46583537 -
>>46583492 (demetrious)
So she still has the Harpoons, right?
I know she probably has LRASM too but the Harpoons are importan

46583579 (demetrious) -
Fun fact: bridges were never armored. The conning tower was. But not the bridge. You can't really armor something that has big-ass fucking windows covering a 180 degree arc.
A lot of Captains would just agree to stay on the bridge, because chances of taking a direct hit there were pretty damn low, and the visibility was important. The ship's main fire control systems and such would be in the conning tower, as well as a backup steering/nav position, backup radio set (if aerials still existed for it) and other shit, behind the thickest armor on the whole ship - even thicker than the turret faces. Even if the bridge crew ate it, the ship could keep fighting from there.

46583580 -
>>46583535 (Starshadow)
Now, I know next to nothing about ship design, but why not move the bridge to someplace within the actual hull of the ship, not on the superstructure proper?
Convert the old bridge into an observation post, and have the lookouts radio the information down into the reinforced command section?

46583594 -
>>46583579 (demetrious)
What if you armour it up and put high performance cameras to simulate the view with large screens.

46583609 -
They do, its called the CiC

46583617 -
Then they'd go outside for a better view

46583624 -
>>46583579 (demetrious)
Pearl Harbor: The blast that cracks Arizona in half completely disintegrates everybody on the bridge.
Los Angeles: Two direct hits to the Higgins' bridge kill everybody except for Settle.
First battle of this quest: Arizona takes a shell from Iowa directly to the bridge, any survivors unknown.
>chances of taking a direct hit there were pretty damn low

46583635 (demetrious) -
>What if you armour it up and put high performance cameras to simulate the view with large screens.
Then you'd be standing in the CIC, which is where most Captains command their ships in battles today anyway - much less the Admiral on his flagship.

46583660 -
>>46583635 (demetrious)
Then why the fuck even bother with building in a bridge in the first place?

46583675 (demetrious) -
>forward magazine detonates
>night battle at point-blank range
>short-range slugfest and faces are bridges now because I said so
If you ever play a fighter plane game where you don't fly 6 hours and dogfight for 5 minutes, then that's unrealistic and you should feel bad.
[wait that's just EVE isn't it]

46583688 -
>>46583675 (demetrious)
Hey man I'm just sayin' there is a definite pattern in Settle and Arizona's combat experiences.

46583719 (demetrious) -
>Then why the fuck even bother with building in a bridge in the first place?
Sometimes people ask "why do we still put see-through canopies or windows on planes, especially commercial jets? Can't we get rid of them and make planes stronger?" And the pilots, they stand up, clear their throats, and then they say "SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE GET THE FUCK OUT!"
Mercury-Atlas 9 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note that the engineers had been in favor of omitting a window on the Mercury capsules entirely.

46583752 -
>>46583719 (demetrious)
>Sometimes people ask "why do we still put see-through canopies or windows on planes, especially commercial jets? Can't we get rid of them and make planes stronger?"
And then if you suggest NOT punching massive holes in the fuselage that you have to reinforce out the ass and with incredibly heavy materials besides, then your passengers emit a collective REEEEEEEEEEEEEE and fly on a plane with windows.

46583797 (Starshadow) -
>>46583579 (demetrious)
>>46583719 (demetrious)
Man this levelling effect is tricky as fuck. We could easily just beef up the bridge on the Higgins by tripling the window thickness and spall liner protection at the cost of some weight. But we don't know what effect this would have and there is no way to scientifically test this short of a captive abyssal. It could do jack squat because muh levelling, or it could perform better like you expect it would because it's considered "top of the line" and performs as such.

46583870 -
>Implying Hate won't shoot his comped Yam gun from the deck.

46583903 (Starshadow) -
That would require Yams to be part of our crew because the gun won't work without her nearby.
Nationalists BTFO!

46583283 -
Where da [shimakaze] pastebin at

46583318 -

46583345 -
No, I distinctly remember at least one, maybe two, updates that ain't there.

46583453 -
Do not remember what thread this was from, but I still had it open somewhere in my 1k+ tabs
[Pastebin link for Shimakaze pt.8]

46583684 (Death by Chains) -
Because I haven't managed to transcribe them yet. I'm trying to catch up with the late-March threads, but that process had to go on hold yesterday while I was out of town at my nephew's fifth birthday party.
Any and all persons who give me shit over that WILL be cheerfully thrown to the Fat-Greek for ceremonial skull-fucking.

46583711 (LurK) -
>>46583684 (Death by Chains)
Do your best DbC!

46583714 -
>>46583684 (Death by Chains)
You're almost begging for it with those statements.

46583743 (demetrious) -
>>46583684 (Death by Chains)
I will be quoted on this post years from now and have to sigh as I look foolish at a party

Battle of LA Remastered, by Just Another Art-anon.​

46581457 -
>>46581418 (Just Another Art-anon)
Nice, you can even see a tiny Hate many the gun on the bow.

46581462 -
>>46581418 (Just Another Art-anon)
Do you think you could get 61 on Iowa's bow? Other than that it looks spectacular.

46581470 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>>46581418 (Just Another Art-anon)
Hot damn! That looks fucking cool!

46581506 (the fluff bringer) -
>>46581418 (Just Another Art-anon)
It's much clearer this time. A rather wide one too. kinda hard to make a wall paper of it.
It's awesome Artfag!

46581822 -
>>46581418 (Just Another Art-anon)
Once again, another amazing piece of art.
From Akigumo’s Sketchbook: Brave New World (by LurK)
Clannad OST ~ Shining in the Sky
Alternatively, Clannad - Town, Flow of Time, People

I love this naval base.

I remember when I first came here after I returned. The old crane gantries, sentry outposts, flak pits and administration buildings that I know from back then were gone. So much has changed over the years; at first I didn't recognize that this was, in fact, my old home. But as soon as I went into the docks, the old familiar memories started rushing back: the light waves washing against my hull while I was docked, the hum and bustle of dock workers doing maintenance on me and my sisters, the flurry of supply trucks ferrying fuel and provisions across the base's paved roads, and the measured steps of the officers and enlisted men that went about their way across the base. Suddenly I was back in 1941, back when things were so simple, and the war was a fire in the distance that I didn't care about.

I hated going back. It reminded me of my humiliating defeat at the hands of a submarine. I dreaded thinking how my countrymen would judge me as a failure. I was a Kagerou-class, one of the finest destroyers ever made for His Imperial Majesty's navy. I helped sink the Hornet, the carrier that dared to strike our home at a time when we ruled the Pacific waves. I was certain that I wasn't really welcome at Yokosuka anymore, but what I saw caught me by surprise.

Admiral Goto was there at the docks. He was the first to greet me as I anchored. He was a really big guy, and very intimidating to boot; I was certain that he would give me a thorough dressing down. Oddly though, he sounded very relieved to see me, like a father waiting for his daughter who was late in coming home from school. He was patient enough in listening to the circumstances of my return, and instead of giving me a disciplinary action he gave me my new orders as a member of the modern Maritime Defense Forces. Throughout the whole debriefing, he had this tired but content smile on his face.

Everything about the new Yokosuka was alien to me. I was shocked to find that the Americans now share the port with us, and what's more, Japan is relying heavily on the United States for defense assistance. The Old and Proud Navy is gone, I remember telling myself so many times on my first few weeks here. I felt so detached from everyone here, and I spent most of the time outside sorties to myself. I didn't feel like I belong at the base anymore.

It's funny when you realize that wallowing in your own self-pity keeps you from seeing the people who are worried about your well-being. The Admiral has been very professional with me, but I can feel his concern. Kongou and her sisters always invite me for tea, and it's only recently that I've actually come to enjoy those small breaks. I get words of encouragement from Akagi whenever she passes me in the cafeteria, and her sister Kaga does so too, in her roundabout way. The other destroyer girls have been helping me to adapt to the changing times, and now I fully appreciate the help they've extended to me.

I guess I managed to make a full recovery after being able to meet up with the girls of Carrier Division 5 again. Shoukaku was warm all around, and even after how many times I brushed her off with my gloom-and-doom attitude, she would still be there with that warm smile of hers. Her sister, meanwhile, tended to pick on me good-naturedly, and was actually the one who suggested I pick up a hobby to help me get along. I then remembered when my crew drew sketches of Hornet's demise, and suddenly, inspiration struck.

I started out sketching the dockside to get a feel of it. Before long, I moved on to adding more detail to my work, accentuating colors, adjusting shadings, even personally applying beta inking. Eventually, I leveled up to adding people in my drawings, and slowly but surely I started to do my own coloring as well. I saw Yokosuka in a whole new light thanks to this, and the people in it are no longer just 'people' to me. They've become my family, and I've learned to appreciate their company more. Little by little, I've come to appreciate their company, and now I feel much closer to everyone here.

It's always refreshing to go home from a successful escort mission and be able to spend time alone at my desk, scribbling away something interesting that caught my eye during the day. Like a pod of dolphins racing and jumping across the water, the short-lived dusk of a January day at sea, or people waving at us while we pass by a fishing boat or a beach. At times, people would catch me while I'm still sketching, and I'd feel pretty embarrassed whenever they praise me for what I'm doing. I've actually received a couple of compliments from the local SDF sailors who suggest I should get into the doujin manga business when I can. Following that, I've actually managed to score a spot as an artist for a small circle that does shoujo manga. Maybe I can go do that full-time when the war is over?

Being able to immortalize these memories with my drawings helps me appreciate the value of being able to return to Yokosuka after any sortie. I'm glad that I have a place to call home. The times may have changed, the old Yokosuka may have come and gone, and the people that I used to know may no longer be here, but it is still my homeport all the same. The docks, the facilities, the ships, and most importantly, the people, make it beautiful. I will fight tooth and nail to make sure it stays that way. After all, I can't leave this place until I've completed my greatest masterpiece, right?

46583102 (demetrious) -
Now. NOW we are done for the night!
See!? All those people talking about OMG HIGGINS were, well... HALF right! HAHA!

46583153 (LurK) -
>>46583102 (demetrious)
And with that done and over with, let me share y'all a piece I managed to churn out this weekend: From Akigumo's Sketchbook!
From Akigumo's Sketchbook - Pastebin.com
As always, old pastes here:
LurKCoulDWurK's Pastebin - Pastebin.com
Thank you for your patronage!

46583365 -
>>46583153 (LurK)
Adorably cute... but what's this?
> He was patient enough in listening to the circumstances of my return, and instead of giving me a disciplinary action he gave me my new orders as a member of the modern Maritime Defense Forces.
Why would she be expecting a punishment? What did she do when she returned?

46583393 (LurK) -
The way I saw it, she still has memories of her sinking at the hands of Redfin.
She's still inclined to think that it's still '44, at least at the time of her return.

46583517 -
>>46583393 (LurK)
>She's still inclined to think that it's still '44, at least at the time of her return.
Well, then. Probably a good thing that she wasn't intercepted by any USN ships on approach to the naval base, as that could have had unfortunate consequences.
(Was partially expecting something grimdark like Akigumo accidentally sinking an allied warship/merchant craft because of thinking that she's still in WWII, at least until informed otherwise... but that wouldn't make sense given the following context.)

46583547 (LurK) -
Let's just say the fisherfolk that saw her were kind enough to tell her NOT to shoot at anything with the Stars and Stripes on them!
You guys wanna bet that one of the actions/choices in the next naval battle would be:


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