Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

planefriend is not running tonight, because Halloween is his mother's favorite holiday apparently. He's taking his mother to see a movie.

Also, his life is apparently filled with angry women wielding swords recently. Strange.
I'll see if I can get Arizona's morse code texts from when Settle was drunk off his ass translated and transcribed. Hopefully that should hold this thread over. Now, which session was that, again?
"Ohhhh, my baby boy's baby boy! And you've grown up so handsome! And you have so many of these ships all your own now! Are we expecting grandships? You know, I don't want to rush anything, but I think you and that battleship would make some very nice destroyers together!"
"Ohhhh, my baby boy's baby boy! And you've grown up so handsome! And you have so many of these ships all your own now! Are we expecting grandships? You know, I don't want to rush anything, but I think you and that battleship would make some very nice destroyers together!"
Arizona: *gives Portland a death-glare*
Arizona: *turns death-glare on a furiously blushing Yamato and a spluttering RADM. Settle*
Hate, Sammy, and Harder: *popcorn-munching intensifies*
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I'd guess Willy already counts as a "daughter" of sorts to Settle.

A problem child, but not entirely by her own fault and intention.
come in just in time to see PF's announcement on worst option winning overwhelmingly

I look forward to the shitstorm
Anons being idiots then complaining about it totally being PF's fault? In other news, water is wet, Congress can't balance a budget, and popcorn tastes best when salted with the tears of the impotently enraged.
So, the only write-in was a new installment of Naka-chan. Also, Harder hits a nail on the head when it comes to Kongou (and somebody is going to win that betting pool at this rate).