With a broad smile, Shimakaze threw her arms wide in an enthusiastic welcome. "And this is my workshop!" she proclaimed.
Willie looked around curiously. Shimakaze's 'workshop' was an unused corner of one of the warehouses, carefully walled off and filled with an assortment of... everything, really. Carefully polished industrial tools were placed here and there. A series of engineering texts and technical manuals adorned a set of shelves, while a laptop hummed quietly on a desk, surrounded by reams of paper. Devices and half-disassembled mechanisms hung from the ceiling on chains, while bizarre contraptions lay scattered about on worktables.
It was an odd combination of orderly and madhouse, and Willie had to admit that it absolutely screamed Shimakaze.
Wandering around under Shimakaze's proud smile, Willie glanced at the numerous diagrams hung on the walls. They seemed to be blueprints of naval vessels, mostly IJN. A few seemed to be hand-drawn designs of Shimakaze herself, actually. The original ship version, that was.
"Shimakaze, is this, ummm..." Willie gestured at one of said drawings.
"Yep," Shimakaze confirmed. "I can actually bring my full blueprints to mind, if I think about it hard enough. I sketched them out by hand. Technically, this is classified stuff, but eh," she shrugged, "I think we're way past that, you know?"
Willie paused. "I can't write out my own blueprints. Sorry."
"I think I forgive you," Shimakaze responded wryly.
Willie looked at the diagrams a bit more, noticing that a lot of them included idea for possible modifications. Somewhat... extreme modifications. Jet engines? Hydrofoils...? Wings?!
"Um, Shimakaze?" Willie said awkwardly. She gestured at one of the diagrams. "Some of these modifications seem, um..."
"Yeeeaaahhhh, I've been informed that some of these just aren't workable," the blonde destroyer said sheepishly. "I'm trying to focus on other things. Like, rebuilding my engines into gas turbines. It's all about speed, you know?"
The American destroyer cringed. "Wouldn't that, um, require surgery? Or something?" Her voice quavered at the thought of masked men leaning over her with cutting torches, and oh god this mental image was going bad places stop stop stop!
"Well, with what happened with Akagi, there may be a way around that," Shimakaze pointed out. "But even if not, it might be possible to do all of the work on myself as I am..." she trailed off, looking at a relatively new sketch thoughtfully.
Willie froze, mind filling with a horrible mental image of a cackling Shimakaze using a cutting torch to slice herself open, oil and coolant flying as she brought tools to bear on her own innards-
"NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!" the American destroyer wailed, rushing over and seizing her friend. "You can't do that! It's too dangerous, you could hurt yourself and die and oh gosh you can't do that to yourself nnnnoOOOOOOO!!!"
"W-W-W-W-W-Willie, y-y-you're shaking me too hard again," Shimakaze stammered as Willie thrashed her around like a paint mixer. "Ch-chilll out!"
"Eep!" Willie halted and let go of Shimakaze, who looked decidedly bedraggled. "I-I'm so sorry!"
"Heeeeeey, no probleeeem," the Japanese destroyer responded, looking as dazed as she sounded. "I appreciate your conceeeeeeern, and I'm just gonna go sit down now." Shimakaze staggered over to her desk and plopped down in the chair. Nervously, Willie walked over to stand beside her, glancing down at the books and papers scattered over it. More manuals, detailed sketches, some drafting tools, and a lot of papers with red ink marking them as REJECTED.
"Okay, I think I'm okay now." Shimakaze blinked, coming back to herself. "Right, so... making you a turret!" She clapped her hands together, eyes seeming to gleam.
"Um... is that really such a good idea?" Willie asked nervously.
Shimakaze shrugged. "Well, I'm making it from scratch, so it won't hurt you any. Worst that happens is that I manage to make you a spare part. Anyway, why don't I introduce you to my complement?"
"Your complement?" Willie blinked.
"Yeah! Say hello, guys!" A chorus of quiet, muffled squeaks rang out behind the American, and she turned around to
The turrets from before. Three turrets, standing on their own two flipper-feet, smiling up at her (well, one looked like it was scowling). Turrets, with openings in their front forming eyes. Turrets, with creases taking the shape of two smiles and one frown.
The one on the left leapt up excitedly, arms waving enthusiastically, and ...face... scrunched up in what looked like a happy grin. The way the metal seemed to just flow into place almost dizzied Willie.
The second turret simply came to attention, flipper coming up in a salute, its happy smile remaining unchanged. As for the third one, it just seemed to glower at everything and nothing in particular. Willie almost thought she could hear someone grumbling to itself, but that was just background noise from somewhere else. She thought.
"...I still don't think I'm used to these guys," Willie said weakly.
"Yeah, some people act funny around them. Not really sure why. I mean, a couple other girls have them too." Shimakaze frowned. "Though number three has a bit of an attitude problem that needs adjusting. Hint hint, number three." The other two turrets gave Three a stern look, while the turret in question seemed to heave a long-suffering sigh.
"Anyway, introductions!" Shimakaze sprang to her feet, all enthusiasm again. "First, on the left, we have Number One! He's such a cutie." One seemed to bounce in place, reminding Willie of the PT corgis. A blocky, metal corgi. "And in the middle is Number Two, ever the perfect soldier." Two straightened, seeming to gleam with pride at Shimakaze's words. "And finally we have Number Three. He's solid, reliable, but a bit grumpy I'm afraid." Three just glowered up at the two Destroyers.
After a moment's pause, Shimakaze leaned over to whisper in Willie's ear. "Honestly? Three's kind of a jerk, but he really is reliable. Try not to let him get to you."
"O...kay?" Willie said uncertainly, not really used to the idea of ship components being ambulatory and self-willed.
"Anyway!" Shimakaze clapped her hands together. "Time for ENGINEERING!" Willie, I'd like you to summon your outfit, please. You guys, please go grab me some materials."
"Um, if you say so," Willie said nervously, her fitout manifesting around her in a blue glow. The three turrets rushed off to gather tools and supplies. Well, except for Three, who shambled along looking grouchy. Meanwhile, Shimakaze had pulled out a tape measure and a clipboard.
"Right! First things first, we need to get some measurements! Oh, and do you mind telling me about..."
Things went surprisingly quickly. Once on the job, Shimakaze was extremely efficient and professional as she went about her work. She was the absolute model of an upstanding officer and ship, albeit one clad in a thong and micro-miniskirt, which Willie felt she would never get used to, no matter Shimakaze's reasoning on the matter.
First came a series of measurements. A bit of consultation with Willie about her internal compartments. Some consultation of a variety of manuals, and then careful sketching on sheets of paper which grew into schematics. Then the sounds of machining filled the air as Shimakaze went to work transforming a variety of materials she had gotten from... somewhere... into something that perfectly resembled one of Willie's turrets.
Except with flippers. And grooves for eyes and a smiley-face.
And now two shipgirls and three turrets stood around a workbench where a brand-new turret stood, silent and unmoving.
"What happens now?" Willie asks quietly.
Shimakaze looked up at her. "I have no idea whatsoever."
The blonde destroyer coughed awkwardly. "Well... I mean, maintenance aside, I've never actually built a turret from scratch before. And you know, my turrets came with me like this, it's not like I built them or anything." She scratched her head. "Um... I guess I assumed something would just happen?"
Willie stared down at the new turret, which had yet to do anything. Shimakaze started to fidget, while her three turrets had somehow gotten up on the bench, surveying the new creation curiously. Turret One looked up at Willie and tilted its head, gesturing at the construction. After a moment's hesitation, she reached out and picked it up.
Well... it certainly had heft to it. And it was well-made! She still wondered where Shimakaze had managed to get such tiny tools with which to craft it. However, nothing seemed to be happening.
"Try... hugging it maybe?" Shimakaze suggested hopefully. Willie complied. It wasn't very cuddly.
"Set it on your rig?" Shimakaze suggested next, looking like she was starting to sweat. Willie complied once more, setting the turret on her rigging. Nothing happened.
"Uh... maybe kiss it?" Shimakaze said, a note of desperation in her voice.
"Wh-what?!" Willie squeaked, flushing red.
"I dunno!" Shimakaze wailed. "Maybe your breath will breathe life into it and awaken it or something?! I just thought it would be obvious at this point!"
Groaning with hesitation, Willie hesitantly brought the immobile turret closer to her mouth before awkwardly pecking it on the 'forehead.' Turrets One and Two's flippers rushed to their mouths while they seemed to wobble in embarrassment, while Three... tilted its head in apparent interest. For good measure, Willie took a deep breath and breathed over the turrets structure before setting it down.
Nothing happened.
For five full minutes, nothing continued to happen.
"...I don't think it's gonna work," Shimakaze admitted quietly.
"Me neither," Willie admitted, taking the turret up again. It really was surprisingly well-made. "I mean, I don't feel anything from it, like I do the rest of my equipment."
"Oh." Shimakaze stared blearily at the tiny machine for a moment before slowly leaning forward until her face planted itself on the bench. "In other words: another failure." She sighed wearily.
"U-um!" Willie jumped and quickly rushed over to her friend's side. "I-I mean, it's not necessarily a failure!" The other turrets crowded around their mistress, looking worried. Even Number Three.
"It's not like it works properly," Shimakaze mumbled.
"Well, not like these guys do," Willie admitted, looking at the three living turrets. "But this thing... kinda feels right in my hand, you know? Like, maybe if you took away the flippers and stuff, I could use it as a spare... or even a main weapon! I mean it does feel pretty nice..."
"That's cool but..." Shimakaze looked up blearily. "I wanted to give you a nice present, you know? You always look so depressed, and I wanted to do something nice for you."
Willie blinked. "Really?"
"Yeah," the blonde destroyer sighed, standing straight. "I mean, you're always creeping around base like that. I get why, but I just wish you'd stop doing that. The past is past, you know?"
"I-I get that, but..." Willie considered the handcrafted turret carefully. Comments about the IJN's craftmanship aside, it was very well made. Maybe with some modifications she could actually use it? Made by a shipgirl... "You really just wanted to give me a present?"
"That's what friends do, right?" Shimakaze looked at her innocently.
Willie blushed, feeling like she was going to tear up. All that effort, and just so Shimakaze could do something nice for her? That... that was just so-
And that was when the door got kicked open. "SLUUUUUUUTAAAAAAKAAAAAZEEEEE!!!"
Sammy stomped in, eyes wild.
Willie paled, freezing in terror. The three turrets whipped around, pointing their barrels at the intruder while still managing to look very nervous. It was Shimakaze, standing very still, who voiced what they all were thinking. "Uh oh."
Samuel B. Roberts smiled her manic smile, breathing heavily, some odd sort of contraption on her shoulders. "Finally found you, you annoying, half-naked nipboat! I've been looking all over for you! Boy, you're hard to catch up to, you know that?"
"...I am built for speed," Shimakaze admitted, eyes flitting around nervously. Willie noted with a sinking feeling that there was no other exit.
"Yeah, you're one hell of a slippery Jap, now aren't ya?" Sammy went on with an increasingly cheerful tone of voice. The kind of cheerful that terrified. "But this time, I'm gonna use your own tricks against you!"
That brought Willie up short. "...You are?" The American destroyer didn't like the mad look in her fellow's eyes.
"That's right!" Sammy chirped, smile getting even broader. "I slipped in here and looked through some of your work! Sure is some weird stuff in here!" She giggled manically. "Buuuuuut I found something that's sure to let me stay caught up to you! Use the enemy's tricks against them, you know?"
Shimakaze blinked. "You did?" she asked blankly.
"You did...?" Willie echoed skeptically. Shimakaze was a dear friend, but some of the diagrams on the wall were less 'brilliantly inspired' and more 'drug-inspired'...
"That's right!" Sammy crowed. "So there's no getting away this time!" Her eyes gleamed with blood-madness and dark cheer. "So let's see what this fancy shit can do, huh?!" With a quick gesture, Sammy hit some sort of switch on the contraption and-
Two miniature rockets roared to life.
For a minute, the workshop was filled with the sound of two small propane tanks firing tiny jets of flame. That was about it.
Sammy's smile slowly turned brittle and then into dawning horror, like she was waking up from a terrible dream. The three turrets took in the scene before turning to one another and, as one, leapt off the table to scuttle solemnly away. Willie stared on with a strange feeling of pity in her heart. Shimakaze was completely unreadable.
After a long minute, the flames died away, and Sammy stood there in the workshop, a numb expression on her features. She looked at the odd rig on her shoulders as if seeing it for the first time.
"...That's one of my earliest proof-of-concept experiments," Shimakaze said quietly. "You read my notes and took it for yourself."
"...I did," Sammy said quietly, her voice stunned. "I..." she rubbed her forehead and leaned against a table. "I don't know what came over me. I don't know what I was thinking. I mean, I just got so mad, all I could think about was getting my hands on you and around your throat..."
"You used my notes," Shimakaze pressed her.
"Yeah." Sammy shrugged the apparatus off, gazing down at it, and then herself, in slowly increasing horror. "I have no idea what I was thinking. Why I thought that was a good idea. I mean... goddamn, what was the matter with me?" With every moment, the DE was coming back to herself, looking a bit green around the gills.
"Um, are you okay?" Wilie asked nervously.
Sammy shuddered. "No. No, I don't think I am." She stared down at the bizarre creation in her hands, face crinkling with revulsion, before hurling it at the far wall. The Destroyer Escort choked a bit, like she was holding back vomit. Sammy wiped at her shoulders hurriedly. "Oh god. Oh dear god. I... touched JAP ENGINEERING. I was USING JAPANESE ENGINEERING. Oh sweet lord." She took a deep, steadying breath. "Okay. I don't think it got on me permanently. Okay."
Willie hesitated. "So... do you feel better now?"
Sammy rubbed her head. "I think so. Wow. Going off the edge like that makes you do some crazy shit, doesn't it?" Willie chose not to respond. The DE glanced down at her hands. "Though maybe I should get a bone saw, or maybe a cutting torch..." she murmured, filling Willie with panic.
And then slowly, carefully, Shimakaze made her way over to Sammy. She looked the confused DE in the eyes. And then threw her arms around the redhead in a tight hug.
"I have an apprentice!" Shimakaze squealed happily. "Oh, you adorable little thing! Now I know that I can't give up! Ever!"
Sammy went very still. Sammy went very rigid. Sammy's eyes got very, very wide. Slowly but steadily, a palpable aura of malice began to suffuse the room.
Shimakaze let go of the little girl and looked down at her. Sammy was still standing rigidly, but was beginning to tremble all over, face going from red to purple as an eyelid twitched and a vein began to stand out on her forehead. A sound came from her throat, like a kettle starting to boil. That sense of malice continued to escalate.
Seemingly nonchalantly, Shimakaze turned to look at Willie, eyes wide with restrained panic. "Willie?" she asked with tight calm. "Would you like to go somewhere else? Right now?"
"Yes!" Willie squeaked, power walking for the door. Shimakaze joined her, leaving Sammy behind to her steadily escalating rage.
As the two left the workshop and hurried away, Shimakaze turned her eyes skyward. "You know, it's such a nice day for a good jog." Woodenly, Willie nodded her agreement.
Behind them, a scream of bloodcurdling rage spilled forth from the workshop, and the two decided to make it an impromptu sprint, instead.
"How long until she calms down do you think?" Shimakaze asked some time later, as the two looked at store displays.
"Um... give her some time to work it out of her system, and then to eat some ice cream..." the American destroyer mulled it over. "Just... don't go back to your shop tonight, okay?"
"Sound tactic," Shimakaze nodded, looking thoughtfully at some sweaters. "Those look so cuddly, but they'd add so much weight..."
Willie sighed, looking around some of the displays. A bit away, she recognized the Destroyer Yuudachi, the one who'd picked out that thing Willie refused to let herself think about moving on nevermind. Yuudachi appeared to be looking at-
The American destroyer blinked. "Hey, Shimakaze?"
"About your outfit."
"I'm not changing it," the blonde grumbled. "I don't care what people think I look like, I'm not sacrificing performance for fashion mores."
"Just come over here," Willie insisted, taking her friend by the hand and pulling her over to Yuudachi.
The black-clad destroyer looked up in surprise as the two of them walked over. "Oh! Good evening, poi!"
Willie walked up to her before releasing Shimakaze. "Hi. Um, those are sarongs, right?"
"Yeah, I always thought hey looked kinda nice... poi..." Yuudachi trailed off, looking Willie deep in the eyes. As one, they turned to stare at Shimakaze, who stared back.
"What?" the bethonged one asked.
Willie and Yuudachi turned to look at one another, understanding glimmering in Yuudachi's eyes. "Hey, Shimakaze," Willie said slowly, "What color do you like wearing?"
"They say red makes you go faster, poi!" Yuudachi said brightly.
Shimakaze frowned. "That's silly. I think you read the wrong internet sites, Yuudachi. I like blue, since you're asking."
Silently, Willie looked through the sarongs on display before reaching out and picking up a plain one about the same color as Shimakaze's skirt. She handed it to Yuudachi, who took the cloth and walked over to said Destroyer. Carefully folding the cloth, Yuudachi wrapped it around Shimakaze's waist, making sure to tug it above the thong straps before tying it off to one side. When the black-dressed destroyer finally stepped back, Shimakaze had a gauzy layer of material wrapped loosely around her, going down almost to her knees.
It concealed a lot more, which made all the difference to Willie.
Shimakaze stared down at it, then looked up at the other two. "Will this get everyone off my back, then?"
Yuudachi smiled. "It's lightweight, I can show you how to tie it on, and it's easy to pull off when you go out on maneuvers, poi!" she said enthusiastically.
"Y-yeah!" Willie said urgently. "I mean, um, I'm a friend, and this is a gift from a friend, so..." she hesitated a long moment before blurting everything out in a rush. "I really like you but that outfit is really bothering a lot of people so P-P-PLEASE JUST WEAR A LITTLE BIT MORE!"
"What she said, poi," Yuudachi nodded.
Shimakaze heaved a sigh. Then she chuckled. "Well, fine. I can live with this. After all, can't say no to a gift from a friend, now can I?" She winked at Willie, who giggled, blushing.
And that was how Willie got Shimakaze to wear more clothing. Marginally.
44906642 -
>the bethonged one
[Draw-anons], Shimakaze in a sarong when!?
44909896 -
Now I'm hoping the [turret] comes to life at some point.
That'd screw with everyone.
44909997 -
re: upgrades, because missed it a few threads ago.
Pure top speed isn't any good if you can't take a turn or it takes you ages to get up to speed. Time to look into controllable-pitch propellers. SORCERY it is.
Controllable pitch propellers (CPP) for marine propulsion systems