Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

Eh, the Manga don't have anything to do with the quest I'm following beyond sharing character appearances.
That's one thing, and entirely reasonable. You don't feel like looking them up, fine. But saying 'Kancolle is nothing but flat sex objects and a boring story' is another thing entirely when you've got individually different groups making the game, the anime, and each of the mangas. Don't call something bad if you haven't read it.
Hence why I focused mostly on the game and anime being garbage. The manga could be a heartrending work of staggering genius, it could contain the true answer to the ultimate question...

but it has precisely zero bearing on anything in the quest as it has proceeded thus far, so into the pile it goes. As a whole, Kancolle is intended to take aspects of history, turn them into cute girls with interesting cosplay, and let you pay money to buy blurays of the anime, or marry multiple girls in a browser game.
And something above that bar gets disregarded, because people judge an entire franchise as if its components spanning multiple forms of media posses identical quality and creative staff.
Because 'above the bar' at that stage is vague as hell and not something I'd invest time in. When you start with a steaming pile of dog shit, even the dirt a few inches away will be seen as more appetizing. 'Not bad' isn't a good way to describe something you are recommending to others. If I went by a kebab shop and asked a guy coming out what the food was like and he said "It's not shit, I can tell you that." I'd take my chances with the McDonalds four blocks away, it won't be great and I've tried everything worth noting, but I know it has more going for it than just 'it's not shit'.
Eh, the Manga don't have anything to do with the quest I'm following beyond sharing character appearances.
Like I said before: "blatant disregard for the source material". I know this, I do.

And it's not a bad thing per say. Just getting this straight again.

Just that people are entering the quest expecting a kiddy play-set level of entry (anime fans tend to be the most numerous), or the higher "high jump" set of the various side-media manga (height of the bar depending on which manga both of us are referring to, but some are actually reasonabily high. Don't sell the franchise short just because you disagree)...

... And then they try to make he jump, blindfolded, when the QM has set the bar on a pole-vault set.

Like I've said before, I'll be on the side together with planef*g, munching on popcorn while watching the players fall short...

Edit: also, something to consider: Kancolle is bullshit!! It is!! And I don't care what all the other media is like, it is a pile of excrement!!
You do realize that "other media" includes KoCQ, right?
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Like I said before: "blatant disregard for the source material". I know this, I do.

And it's not a bad thing per say. Just getting this straight again.

Just that people are entering the quest expecting a kiddy play-set level of entry (anime fans tend to be the most numerous), or the higher "high jump" set of the various side-media manga (height of the bar depending on which manga both of us are referring to, but some are actually reasonabily high. Don't sell the franchise short just because you disagree)...

... And then they try to make he jump, blindfolded, when the QM has set the bar on a pole-vault set.

Like I've said before, I'll be on the side together with planef*g, munching on popcorn while watching the players fall short...
Thank you! Finally someone else who can make an informed comment on the mangas. But that's off-topic anyway, pass me some of that popcorn, would you?
Increases the level for "blatant disregard for the source material".
Edit: level "this is as much Kancolle as Warship Girls is Kancolle" set

There. Buffer set. Less butthurt in the future.
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Session #42 pt.1

TWITTER: twitter.com/planefriend
ARCHIVES: sup/tg/ - Archive


You and Harder leap for the door as one, planting your shoulders against the flimsy hollow-core door (nice bid on that contract, assholes,) and lean against it without much hope. The doorknob makes a delicate tinkle as the cheap lock snaps under a shipgirl's grasp before the door opens a full three inches under Kongou's first attempt. You hear a feminine hmph! of frustration, then a deep intake of breath.

"Nooooo," you intone desperately.





"DEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!" she cries, hitting the door with her shoulder. Harder is knocked across the room into a pile of discarded cardboard boxes, and you end up on the floor, back against your desk. Kongou stands triumphant, hand outflung in her characteristic pose, the splintered door hanging in two sad pieces behind her.

"KONGOU! HAS BROUGHT YANKEETOKU TEATIME!" She tugs a small cart in behind her loaded out with a full tea service - it seems to be silver, even. You see another brunette head peeking through the crack in the door, flashes of gold hinting at a similar rangefinder-headband like the one Kongou wears.

"And Haruna," Kongou adds as an afterthought. "Come on, Haruna~"

Haruna comes, carrying a big basket loaded with what look like scones. She gives you an apologetic smile and helps you up as Kongou begins industriously clearing your desk - she's careful with the computer, but she's already shorn it of all its cables and tossed them in a jumble to one side. Before you can spin up your brain to form an objection, Harder rises like a thunderhead, a half-crumpled cardboard box over his head. He tilts it up slowly to reveal a thunderous expression.


"That's my name, don't wear it oooouuuuut~" she sing-songs.

You watch Harder's youthful frame seem to expand with barely constrained rage, his cold eyes clearly calculating the optimum angle to launch his attack.

[ ] Call him off - she means well.
[ ] Let him go - one of them will learn a lesson, even if you're not sure who.
[ ] Give Haruna a pleading look - she might know how to handle Kongou.

[X] Call him off - she means well.

"Harrrdeeeer," you say placatingly.

"She. Started. It," Harder growls, his eyes narrowing on his target.

"Whoooo won the war?" you say soothingly.

Harder pauses.

"WHOOOOOOOO won the waaaaaar?"

"... we did," he grumps, and lets go his wrath with a sigh. "I guess getting my asshole kicked square would make me a bit daffy t-"

"Are you Harder-san!?" Haruna interjects, dropping her basket of scones on the desk and dashing over to the hapless Gato boat. She leans over, hands on her knees to study Harder from disconcertingly close range. "Oh my, you *are* cute!"

"CUTE!" Harder exclaims. His brow furrows in thought. "Who said I was *cute*!?"

Haruna tilts her head. "I think it was Taka-"

"I'm not CUTE," Harder decides vehemently, planting a finger on Haruna's forehead and slowly pushing her away. "Seriously."

"TAKEASEATTEITOKU~" Kongou trills, seizing your arm and slinging you in an arc around the desk before you can squawk. You land in your chair, spinning three times before Kongou seizes the armrest and stops your motion facing your desk - now sporting a lacy tablecloth, with a full English... whatever they call it spread out before you.

"Ready to eat, yankeetoku?" She's leaning over the desk, hands still on your chair-arms, giving you a great view down her blouse, if you were inclined to look. You recline in the chair, springs creaking slowly as you retreat to a safer distance and give her a halfhearted nod.

"Good!" She plops down onto a makeshift chair made of two stacked boxes jam-packed with books. Haruna pulls up her own pile of boxes and joins her, graciously accepting a tiny teacup as Kongou pours one for you.

"Aren't you going to sit down?" Haruna asks Harder curiously.

Harder glances down at the desk from its left side, glowering over the everything, arms crossed... well, crossly. He cuts his eyes at you, silently asking if he should give these two battleship's the bum's rush. You tilt your head slightly, and he pulls up his own stack of boxes with a grump. Haruna places a teacup upon his lacy placemat and he flicks his eyes down his nose at it. Haruna tries to hand you yours over the desk, but you're too busy scanning the room. At last, you think to bend over and check the knee-hole of the desk, where you find Willie curled into a tiny ball, a terrified look on her face.

"C'mere, kiddo," you say, holding a hand out to her. She gingerly slips her tiny hand into your big paw and you tug her out. When she catches sight of Kongou and Haruna over the desk she scampers about to hide behind your chair, peeking over your shoulder.

"So, ladies," you say, steepling your hands in front of you. "To what do I owe the honor of this visit?"

"Goto blew her out th-"

"TEITOKU IS VERY BUSY TODAY SO I DECIDED TO SHARE THE JOY OF TEATIME WITH YANKEETOKU~" Kongou cuts her sister off brightly. You take a tentative sip of your tea and find it's the black kind; a nice strong flavor that always struck you as Coffee Lite. At least Kongou has good taste. Kongou matches your sip, and Haruna follows hers. You all turn to see Harder holding the tiny teacup at eye level and scrutinizing it suspiciously. He lifts his dubious gaze over the porcelain to the two smiling battleships.

He cuts his eyes sidelong at you and raises an eyebrow. You lift your shoulders in a tiny shrug and take a careful sip of tea.

[ ] So, Kongou, how's life been lately?

43472399 (RADM. Settle) -
>>43472279 (Naka-chan)
Why are you ducking me.
Why are you ducking me every time I try to talk to you.

43472437 (Naka-chan) -
>>43472399 (RADM. Settle)
I guess being a secretary isn't really all it's quacked up to be!
I've got a folder full of replacement candidates to go over with you. I'll just leave it on your desk...

43472582 (RADM. Settle) -
>>43472437 (Naka-chan)
Hey, Naka.
Wanna know a secret?

43472609 (Naka-chan) -
>>43472582 (RADM. Settle)
Is it that you're not left-handed?

43472845 (RADM. Settle) -
>>43472609 (Naka-chan)
I know what you're up to.
You won't succeed.

43473008 (Naka-chan) -
>>43472845 (RADM. Settle)
I have no idea what you're talking about, teitoku~

43473073 (RADM. Settle) -
>>43473008 (Naka-chan)
>I have no idea what you're talking about, teitoku~
Time for the secret: you really don't.
But you will.

[X] So, Kongou, how's life been lately?

You're sorely tempted to inquire after Goto's method of removing Kongou from his office - it sounds amusingly pyrotechnic - but given recent events, it'd be wise to take the pulse of the base, as it were - get an idea where morale stands among the shipgirls.

"So... Kongou. How's life been, lately?"

"Really boring!" Kongou objects. "I didn't get into that big battle because I was still being fixed." She pouts cutely over her teacup and sips at it with agitation. "Carriers hog all the big fights. I'm a fast battleship! I can keep up with the fleet! At least when Kaga's with them!" She hmphs and sips at her tea nosily, then snatches a scone out of the basket. Instead of eating it, she brandishes it at you. "And someone was playing music way too loud in the dorms this morning! It woke me up, dess!"

"I thought it was a nice song," Haruna giggles. "I even looked it up." She produces a slim smartphone from her pocket and taps the screen a few times. After a few seconds, the phone's tiny speaker begins producing tinny sounds.

Green Day - Scattered
(Archivist's note: remember the Battle of LA? Settle and Hate ain't fans of these guys.)

"Thatsverynice," you grumble as soon as you recognize the band, snatching up your khaki cap and smacking it down over Haruna's phone to muffle the blasted noise. "So, everyone's feeling okay?"

"FANTASTICO, DESS~" Kongou exclaims brightly, winking and giving you a big thumbs-up. "When Kongou's on duty, no imouto goes unloved!"

You slide your gaze over to Haruna, who's looking down at her tea, her smile quickly fading.

"Well... that's nice," you decide.

"Yankeetoku need not worry about us shipgirls!" Kongou declares, thumping her chest proudly. She pours you some more tea and sips her own contentedly. "So, Yankeetokou and Teitokou are getting along really good?"

"Yaoi," Harder adds dourly from his end of the desk, still nursing his tea with a grimace. Haruna blushes and claps a hand over her mouth, and Kongou slides him a flinty glare before turning her sunbeam smile up to 200%.

"Yes," you offer carefully.

"Aaah, of couse, Teitokou is such a wonderful Admiral, who wouldn't like him?" Kongou declares. "It's so great that you're getting along!"

Kongou might be... Kongou, but that repartee with Tatsuta the other day showed you she's not as oblivious as she seems. Even she can read the atmosphere a bit. She's angling for something.

[ ] Ask Haruna what's really going on with shipgirl morale - this is important.
[ ] Let Kongou lead on - you're sure she's got a goal, here. Fixing something for a shipgirl might balance the scales against your prior fuckups today.

[X] Let Kongou lead on - you're sure she's got a goal, here. Fixing something for a shipgirl might balance the scales against your prior fuckups today.

"True," you say carefully, sampling a scone. You demolish it pretty fast - it's good - and take another to pass back to Willie. "He's been under a lot of stress, lately."

"Yes!" Kongou says eagerly. "And you have Arizona at your side, staltwart and true, and Shoukaku to socialize with when you need to undwind, but Goto-sama has nobody to turn to!" Kongou clutches her teacup in both hands and stares into space over your head, her eyes sparkling. "Goto-sama is so devoted to his duty, he won't turn aside for anything!"

"Of course he won't," you say placidly.

"Even if it burdens him!"


"Even if it *tortures* him!"


"Even if it makes him miserable!"


"Even if Yankeetokou has what he should have even though Yankeetokou's only been here a week and he's been here for over a year suffering and bleeding and keeping the kanmusu safe and-"


She retreats a little, tucking her elbows to her belly as she lifts her teacup in both hands for a timid sip, giving you a wide-eyed look of innocence. "Yes, Admiral Settle?"

"Are you asking for relationship advice with Go-"

"YESOHMYGODYESOHGODYANKEETOKOUHELPME-" she exclaims, her empty teacup rolling across the desk as she grabs your hand in both of hers, flinging her forehead against the tablecloth with a hollow "doonk" of skull-on-wood. "Pleasepleasepleasepleasehelpmedessitstruelovedessuhewon'tevenlookatmeistheresomethingwrongwithmetellmewhattodoI'lldoanythingIlovehimsomuchpleaseohgodI'llgivemylifetoservehimI'lldiewithouthimjustdiepleasepleasewhatdoiDO!?"

She remains like that, long brown hair splayed over the desk as she kowtows to you, hands gripping yours beseechingly. Haruna is staring at her tea, a faint pink blush of embarrassment coloring her cheeks.

[ ] Tell her the truth - Goto can't reciprocate her feelings in good conscience right now. It might take some of the daijobu out of her dess and some of the pep out of her step, but it'll make Goto's life a lot easier - and he needs that right now.
[ ] You think Naka was right last night - if Goto tries to weather that storm, he'll just crack, like you're already beginning to. Her endeavor is noble. Advise her to take Arizona's approach. Just... be there for him, with him, without saying anything, as much as that's possible for her. Devote herself to him.
[ ] You think Naka was right last night - if Goto tries to weather that storm, he'll just crack, like you're already beginning to. Her endeavor is noble. Advise her to cry in front of him, if she can get him alone for just a second. Show vulnerability. He won't be able to resist comforting her.

43474242 -
And then /tg/ shipped more vigorously than it ever had before.
Seriously, why do you think Goto hasn't done anything until now? Does he just need encouragement, or maybe, just maybe, is there a reason for it all?

43474356 (Death by Chains) -
Because it is MAJORLY AGAINST REGULATIONS to shag a subordinate. It raises all kinds of issues about compromised judgement and preferential treatment, perceived or real. 'Fraternisation' gets you court-martialled and shitcanned, for perfectly sound reasons.

43474430 -
>>43474356 (Death by Chains)
Yes, my point exactly: there are reasons, and good ones, for Goto not railing Kongou. Now we just need these anons to realize it >>43474350

43474464 -
>>43474356 (Death by Chains)
Aren't the shipgirls considered assets rather than personnel? If they don't have rank, then the frat rules wouldn't seem to apply. There's nothing in the UCMJ about fraternizing with your ship as far as I'm aware ... So I assume the JMSDF rules are the same.
That doesn't mean it's a great idea, but I think it's a personal choice rather than a rule.
Unless the CNO decides to make 'don't fuck your ship' a standing order...

43474569 -
Pretty sure there's something in the regs about not sticking your dick in bits of your vehicle. Assuming the guys maintaining the equipment you just clogged with spooge don't go all vigilante justice on your pathetic ass.

43474377 -
>[X] Tell her the truth
She deserves to know.
Then add something like "I saw you with him after that phone call. I saw you after you visited Naka at the hospital. You've got more emotional range and more discretion than you pretend to. So just... ease off on the physicality a little. You know better than I do where the line is between "Goto grumbles but it makes his day brighter" and "Goto is genuinely uncomfortable"; stop telling yourself you don't, and stop worrying that if you let up on the effusive public displays of affection you'll miss your chance. Trust me, you won't."
Only, you know, rephrased to sound good.

43474445 -
That is actually really good. i mean damn. backing

43474571 (Death by Chains) -
>That is actually really good. i mean damn. backing
Yeah, a little amplification like >>43474377 suggests might soften the blow. Kongo can never be Goto's lover, but she can be his friend.

43474681 -
>>43474571 (Death by Chains)
Well, no, she could be his lover.
Just not when she's his direct subordinate, and not when he's the lone man responsible for dealing with the care and feeding of the better part of a hundred traumatized war machines who also happen to be all that's preventing the collapse of human civilization.

43474905 (demetrious) -

43476105 (/k/ripple) -
>>43476029 →
new thread.
Session #42 pt.2

[X] You think Naka was right last night - if Goto tries to weather that storm, he'll just crack, like you're already beginning to. Her endeavor is noble. Advise her to take Arizona's approach. Just... be there for him, with him, without saying anything, as much as that's possible for her. Devote herself to him.

You swallow awkwardly as you analyze the situation. Goto was crystal clear in that broom closet the other day - reciprocating Kongou's feelings wouldn't just be unprofessional, it'd be unfair to all the shipgirls relying on his guidance, advice and support. Kongou might be a ditz, but from what you've seen of her - and Goto's own reminiscing in his office a few days back - her emotions are genuine. If you told her the true score, she'd play along and make Goto's life easier...

... but it'd take the pep out of her step, for sure. Suck the daijobu right out of her dess. And as much as Goto bitches about it, you suspect seeing Kongou's bright bubbly spirit be crushed would weigh on him heavier than anything else.

You suppress a chuckle and squeeze Kongou's hand back - sorry, Goto, but this is for your own good.

"Kongou, what do you think of Arizona?"

Kongou lifts her head just enough to peek up at you. "Arizona?"


"She's amazing," Kongou says flatly. "She stood up against TWO battleships that drove me off..." she lets her head donk against the desk again. "And she stays by your side quietly... always with you... never annoys teitoku, never gets scolded, is always a good girl..." Kongou's hands slip from yours and flop on the desk limply. "...operated on by teitoku personally, helps teitoku with paperwork in his office, rescues teitoku from Kongou sisters-"

"Uh, Kongou-"

"-rides in a nice boat with teitoku, watches teitoku sleep and he doesn't even scream when he wakes up and sees her and she gets to sleep on teitoku's chest without giving him a special drink first-"


Kongou covers the back of her head with her hands, her back shaking slightly as she sniffles. Haruna strokes her hair gently, giving you a sad smile of apology.

"Is... that what a teitoku wants?" Kongou asks quietly. "A g-good girl? A quiet girl?"

You feel your heart sink as Kongou's bubbly presence pops before your careless question. "You really love him, don't you?"

Kongou sniffles louder and scrunches up a bit more. Haruna gives you an even sadder smile and nods affirmation, a tear trickling down her cheek.

You sigh, then lean forward, bracing on your elbows, picking your words carefully. "Kongou, my first thought was to tell you not to come in so hot-"

"BURNING! LOVE!" Kongou exclaims, sitting bolt upright so fast that her long hair whips you in the face. She slams her fists into the desk, making the tea service rattle. Her eyes are red and puffy, tears streaming down her face. "MY LOVE IS BURNING. LOVE! WHY CAN'T HE SEE THAT?"

You hold up a palm for calm, no stranger to impassioned pleas from young ensigns who discovered their True Love at the last port call. "So are you trying to win his heart every time you kick down his door?"

Kongou crosses her arms, her mouth curled downward in a miserably sad little quavery frown. "M-m-my e-endless d-d-evotion w-w-ill-"

"Kongou," you cut her off. "Why can't you leave him alo-"

"BURNING LOVE!" she roars, beating the desk again. "BURNING. LOVE. BURNING. LOVE. BURNING. LOVE-" she begins alternating fists, tears streaming down her face as the tea service rattles dangerously.

You feel your heart sinking again - you have always, *always* been terrible with women, never knowing what to say to keep it light, and when you need to say it straight you always end up too blunt, too raw. "Kongou, please stop-"

"I C-CAN'T S-STOP, Y-Y-YANKEETOKU M-M-MADE M-M-ME C-C-RY," she sobs. Haruna holds out a teacup and Kongou accepts it automatically, but only manages to sob into it. "YANKEETOKU M-M-MAKES ALL THE G-"

"Kongou if Goto sees you crying it'll break his heart," you say.

Kongou shuts off the waterworks so abruptly you wonder if she shut her seacocks. She stares at you, her mouth hanging open in surprise.

"Seriously, Kongou. Has he ever called you out on the carpet and dessed you down good and fucking proper for all the shit you pull, or does he just bitch and moan every time you kick his door down, knowing damn well it won't stop you from doing the exact same thing tomorrow?"

Kongou emits a tiny, startled hiccup.

"Sure, you're a real pain in his ass-" you rub your hair with a sigh, thinking of Sammy and all the shit SHE'S pulled - "-but that doesn't mean he doesn't like you. I can't betray his confidence, but he speaks pretty highly of you when you're not in the room."

She makes a squeak so high you're scarce sure you heard it.

43476133 -
>dessed you down good
I'm on to you.

"If you went around dead silent trying not to show emotion, he'd think he made a mistake, or did something to hurt you, and that'd just kill him, Kongou. It'd kill him. Trust me. But if you just want to spend more time with him-"

Kongou nods so vigorously her tea sloshes to and fro in the tiny cup.

"-just find something he needs done. You know his secretary?"

She nods.

"Is she pulling for you?"

She nods quickly.

"Have her assign some paperwork for you to do, something just important enough that if Goto knows about it he won't dare let you out of his sight."

Kongou looks a bit uncertain. "B-but he'd just s-s-cold me and-"

"Tell him you're going to help him no matter what. Then ask him if the PX sells crayons."

She looks at you blankly. "That works, desu?"

You try not to snigger. "Oh, yeah. That'll work. I swear upon my honor as Yankeetoku."

Kongou sets her tea down in shaking hands. "I- I have to go. I have to go!" She springs off her boxes and dashes out the door, only to dash back in before anyone can take a breath. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she squeals, leaning over the table and hugging your head against her chest excitedly before dashing out in a blaze of white streamers.

"... what the hell was that?" you marvel.

"Free food," Harder mumbles, helping himself to a scone.

"Thank you, yan- Admiral Settle," Haruna says with another smile (she hardly ever seems to stop smiling, in fact.) "We've been trying her to take a... a quieter approach for a while now, but she just starts in with that Burning Love stuff every time."

"What's up with that?" you ask.

"The Kongou is bongos," Harder opines as he washes down his scone.

"Kongou..." Haruna brushes her hair back over her shoulder. "You... you all promise not to repeat this?"

"I swear," you say solemnly. Willie just vibrates a bit behind your back, but Harder returns Haruna's impassive gaze solemnly. You give him a Look, and he rolls his eyes and raises his right hand. "I hereby swear upon my stack of imaginary bibles-" he holds out his flattened hand in midair- "not to repeat a word of what makes Kongou so fucking bongou."

Haruna deems this acceptable with a cool nod, and continues. "Sister isn't very confident," Haruna confides. "She's the oldest of all the kanmusu - shipgirls, I'm sorry - and after Arizona-san saved her in that last battle she's been almost in a panic, thinking Admiral Goto will retire her from front-line combat. She... she thinks if she shows him how burning her love is, he'll forgive her lackluster armor belt..."

Well. That sure is something. You file that away for later - honor as a teitoku is one thing, but there is also honor *among* teitokus - you can't wait to see Goto's face when you relay that gem. "Well, hopefully we can break her of that impression."

Haruna avoids your eyes. "I hope so, yank- Admiral Settle."

"So, that's why she's upset over Arizona?"

"Oh no, no!" Haruna says, clutching her hands to her breast in alarm. "She loves Arizona-san! She's just, I mean, everyone's off-balance after you and her showed up, it's nothing, it'll pass!"

[ ] Off-balance? Just what do you mean by that? Pursue that line of conversation while you can.
[ ] Ask her about the shipgirls in general - anyone having particular problems, what's the general atmosphere like, etc.

43476342 (Death by Chains) -
>[X] Off-balance? Just what do you mean by that? Pursue that line of conversation while you can.
We can only do so much - let's try to manage one problem at a time.
(And yes, I know that's a vote to not find out about a dozen other looming problems. But if we're stuck playing fucking Whack-A-Mole and we only have one hammer....)

43476253 (starshadow) -
>This option won
>This result

43476321 (demetrious) -
nobody will get this

43476352 -
>>43476321 (demetrious)
I did. Battle of Hampton Roads during the American Civil War. It's a paraphrase of a quote from Admiral Farragut as he urged the Union fleet to sail through a minefield (mines and torpedoes were interchangeable at the time).

43476378 -
>>43476321 (demetrious) -
I did.

43476503 (demetrious) -
Kongou kept up full speed after taking multiple torpedo hits from Sealion, desperate to clear the area and avoid any follow-up torpedoes. The high speed forced a lot of water into her and battered down multiple bulkheads.
So much for all you people placing the original quote and feeling superior. HAH!

43476429 -
>Hampton Roads
Mobile Bay, you ignorant [knucklehead]. Hampton Roads was the Monitor and Merrimack's unresolved sexual tension. Mobile Bay is Farragut not giving a fuck.

43476478 -
New Orleans was Farragut not giving a fuck. Mobile Bay was more dramatic, but not as important as cutting the Confederates off from the Mississippi delta.

43476475 (demetrious) -
Correct. There's a special reason why Kongou would never use that phrase, though!

43476529 (Bentus the Great Harbour Ship) -
>>43476503 (demetrious)
Oh, a second level of abstraction! Well played.

43476532 -
ss195 sealion.jpg
Because she already learned what happened when you ignore the torpedoes.

43476593 (demetrious) -
VOTES CALLED! one more update for the night, coming up, then we have AN EXTRA-SPECIAL NAKATIME TO POST!

43476732 -
What in the world won here

43476779 -
Nothing won.
We all lost.

43476793 -
Self-destruction, the end of several friendships, and at least several other key characters doomed to either imminent death or mental breakdown.
Well, maybe not...

43476878 (Bentus the Great Harbour Ship) -
I just recounted everything manually. According to my count, discounting the one double vote.
It's 36 Off-balance to 37 Ask her about, before PF called the vote. I think. With the vote that followed, it's 37 to 37.
I have no goddamn clue what's going on or where the determining votes came from.

43476892 (demetrious) -
At times like this I'm tempted to post and explain that it's not like skipping a question in one conversation will result in a total inability to ask anyone else the same damn question ever, but the salt, tears, panic and general hilarity are just too divine to staunch prematurely.

[X] Ask her about the shipgirls in general - anyone having particular problems, what's the general atmosphere like, etc.

"I'm sure, I'm sure," you say gently. "So Haruna, how've you been?"

"Haruna is okay!" she says with another sunny smile.

"And how's everyone else?"

"Well..." She looks down at her tea again, which must be getting cold by now. "Yuudachi is really upset - she found out about Shigure last night and she went right to the brig this morning to try and see her. She hasn't poi'd in almost twelve hours. Kitakami and Ooi seem to have broken up - Nui threatened to beat her up if she was mean to Ooi again. Jintsuu was so upset this morning she didn't even look when Kongou dessed at her. And Kongou desses really loud! Akagi seems to be calling an American pilot a lot, and Zuikaku keeps needling Kaga with it and Kaga's close to snapping and starting another fistfight and Sendai keeps hiding in the bathroom between our rooms to cry because she doesn't know the doors are hollow. But the Iku situation is better-"

"-there's an Iku situation?"

"-hasn't been seen off-base without permission for almost three weeks and we've checked her usual spots and didn't find anyone chained up so maybe she's getting it under control and..."

"... there's *more?*"

Haruna looks extremely uncomfortable, but can't quite bring herself to shake her head negative.


"... everyone's scared," Haruna says quietly. She meets your eyes hesitantly, but holds your gaze. "When we first started, we thought, if only we had more ships... if only we had all our sisters with us, things wouldn't be so desperate..." she looks down at her tea again. "But now we're just trying to cover the whole ocean, and we didn't have enough ships for that job the first time around."

"That's why we're here," you remind her.

Haruna bites her lip and squeezes her teacup in her hands - apparently this doesn't comfort her much. "There's... never been a battle like the Bonin Islands, either. The battleships are all excited, and the carriers - you know, decisive battle? But most of the destroyers and cruisers were lost in skirmishes, and it's been nothing but till now, and now the big fights are starting, just like last time, and they're thinking - I think they're thinking this is it, you know?" Haruna sips at her cooling tea for something to do - her perennial smile is faltering fast. "But there's nothing they can do about it, and if you cry you just scare your friends."

She seems to shrink before you.

"It's... just like last time."

You absorb that for a long, painful moment.

"Does Goto know?"

She thinks quietly, then nods. "He always knows."

Leaning back in your chair, you close your eyes for a moment - and *think.*

43477318 (demetrious) -
THAT'S IT FOR TONIGHT'S SHIPSLUTS! I should have that FUCKING porch fully painted on Thursday, so I'll be able to beat my writefag cabal until they shake out some extra content for Saturday and run a bit later than usual, ha ha!

43478330 (the fluff bringer) -
Truth be told, I have never written up a smut fic yet. I might try it one of these days. But likely not any time soon unless something way out of ordinary happens.
Thank you. I know I am a slow ass writer compared to all the fic writers here. The ones I made here for KCQ is a side project that interested me enough to post them. But I have learned a bit more now then before.
one last thing you all might not know about me and my work. I am doing all of this in my ongoing battle with Dyslexia. I got it when I was a young kid and back then. I completely lost my ability to read and write, and I have been pushing it back ever since. I feel what I have been doing with my writings thus far might help me over come it. I hope it can.

43478355 (demetrious) -
>>43478330 (the fluff bringer)
>dyslexic smut

43478420 (the fluff bringer) -
>>43478355 (demetrious)
You sure you want a smut fic from me planefriend? If you ask one from me as a request. I will take a shot at it. NO Guarantee on it however!

43478463 (Merc Command) -
>Fluff smut
[popcorn intensifies]

43478549 (the fluff bringer) -
I HAD, I repeat, HAD an idea of what would could have happened if Goto did bend Kongo over a Dess and the chain reaction from that could result. besides all the broken pelvis that is.

43478621 (ShipBellsAnon) -
>Feelthy missed a golden opportunity to drop several stern euphemisms. Hack I say.
I never did finish reading his Arizona smut. I stopped when it got to the actual lewds. It's strange. I ship Ari and Settle (and Shoukaku and Higgins) but I cannot read porn about Ari.
I don't think I'd mind Goto bending Kongou over a dess, though.
I am morbidly curious about Kongou-Goto smut. The same way I was eager to find out just how much salt was in the Naka Time. Right before I drowned in the Dead Sea.

43478652 (the fluff bringer) -
>>43478621 (ShipBellsAnon)
>I am morbidly curious about Kongou-Goto smut.
..........................Fuck it all. I might make one after all. I'm starting to become curious too about how a smut fic from me would end up as. No idea how soon I can make one.
Naka-chan! has also been updated through Thread #80. Wherein she seems to have reached the key moment of her crisis....

@MissingJimbo : the in-thread ID of that incident was 'Vegeta Settle', FWIW.
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"Nooooo," you intone desperately.




Goto: "FEEL MY PAIN MOTHERFUCKER! *Insert Maniacal Laughter*"

You watch Harder's youthful frame seem to expand with barely constrained rage, his cold eyes clearly calculating the optimum angle to launch his attack.
Don't even try Harder. You have no chance of victory here.

where you find Willie curled into a tiny ball, a terrified look on her face.
:sad: Oh, that's right. I don't think Willie has even been around Kongou before.

"YESOHMYGODYESOHGODYANKEETOKOUHELPME-" she exclaims, her empty teacup rolling across the desk as she grabs your hand in both of hers, flinging her forehead against the tablecloth with a hollow "doonk" of skull-on-wood. "Pleasepleasepleasepleasehelpmedessitstruelovedessuhewon'tevenlookatmeistheresomethingwrongwithmetellmewhattodoI'lldoanythingIlovehimsomuchpleaseohgodI'llgivemylifetoservehimI'lldiewithouthimjustdiepleasepleasewhatdoiDO!?"
:sad: Yeah, Kongou's starting to crack too. I suppose 16+ months of no joy in her attempts to woo Goto are taking their toll. I'm not sure Settle's the right person to ask though.


"Sure, you're a real pain in his ass-" you rub your hair with a sigh, thinking of Sammy and all the shit SHE'S pulled - "-but that doesn't mean he doesn't like you. I can't betray his confidence, but he speaks pretty highly of you when you're not in the room."

She makes a squeak so high you're scarce sure you heard it.
Well, that went better than I hoped, really.
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with Kongou be among the first if not the first kanmusu the Japanese summoned, I'd imagine her brand of insanity is pretty much the only constant in Goto's life

As a sidenote, I truly feel for fluffbringer. He's like the little writefriend that could, but between the quality of his writeup and the actual dressing down pf gave it in more than one occasion, I really think he ought to stop trying instead of going for the lowest form of literature that is smutfics
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"You've stopped trying to avoid my blows, sister," Sendai murmurs quietly, adjusting her gloves.

You laugh--through the taste of copper and your lungs screaming their displeasure, you laugh. "Aha, you saw right through me," you lilt playfully, pulling yourself back upright, ignoring the grind of your bones as they crack back in line. "I just can't dodge Sendai-chan, so I thought I would stop trying."
So the dream repeats itself in reality.
She shoots you an unusually sharp look--which deflects off the side of your mask and flies right past as you smile. "We are light cruisers, Naka. Those who seek injury in combat will surely find it. Having the heart of a lion does not excuse having a head full of straw."

"Ahahaha," you laugh, punching yourself in the side of the head again. "Guilty as charged, guilty as charged~"

"Why can I not reach you, Naka?" she asks, more to herself than you, eyes cast down to the padded floor. "I don't understand. Your scores on the range are better than mine. You've stopped registering any signs of pain. But you're getting slower. Performing worse." Her gaze snaps back up to you. "Again."
Naka's given up.
...And you come up with a flourish, all smiles, ignoring the warm trickle of what feels like blood down your front.

"What... ARE you...?" Sendai murmurs, her normally placid expression clouding over at your grin.

"It's just me," you reassure her, flourishing grandly. "Naka-chan. I just decided I should... stop trying to fight it, that's all."
All that's left is the habits drilled into her by the idol training.
"You dishonor your crew with this--display, Naka!" she roars, her voice like thunder. Your vision clears just in time to see her palm lash out, snapping your head up with a sharp blow to the chin before an unseen double kidney punch drives you double around her fists.

"Stop LYING to yourself, Naka!" Sendai howls into your ringing ears. "Stop lying to ME! I know it hurts! Show me that it hurts!" You stumble backwards as she throws you off, tumbling back as your feet fail to hold your weight for a few steps before your heel finally catches. You look up at her, your hands shaking.

You grin.

She fills your vision in an eyeblink, a second before twin explosions around your head as she claps your ears, dazzling you. Your brain thrums with the ringing until it fades enough to hear her screams. "--ILING STOP SMILING STOP SMILING STOP SMILING STOP STOP STOP--"
And it's tearing Sendai apart.
"Please stop," she whispers, sweat beads rolling down her face.

"I--" Your voice almost falters--your lungs have no air, even trying to draw a breath sending ripples of agony through your whole body. "I thought this was what you wanted."

Silence. For almost thirty seconds, silence, broken only by Sendai panting for breath, as the ache claws its way up your ankles and calves, your whole body trying to fall to the floor like a puppet with broken strings.

"Naka... " Sendai finally pants, defeated, "I can't save you."
Naka knows what comes next, or does she?
Your eyes widen in recognition--your dream. She grew despondent, then angry, then...

You covertly tilt your chin up, providing better access to your throat.
She's ready to die.
... only to feel something warm and wet splash across your collar. You blink until your eyes focus... looking up as another tear drips down onto your shoulder.


"Please stop," she repeats miserably, tears rolling.
The dream is broken, and Sendai's facade breaks.
>You did save me, Sendai. I know what I have to do now.
> Wow, it only took three days to make you sick of me.
Five bucks says option 1 won.
"Are you Harder-san!?" Haruna interjects, dropping her basket of scones on the desk and dashing over to the hapless Gato boat. She leans over, hands on her knees to study Harder from disconcertingly close range. "Oh my, you *are* cute!"

"CUTE!" Harder exclaims. His brow furrows in thought. "Who said I was *cute*!?"

Haruna tilts her head. "I think it was Taka-"

"I'm not CUTE," Harder decides vehemently, planting a finger on Haruna's forehead and slowly pushing her away. "Seriously."
Harder? Just accept that you're a shota and let the IJN harem form. Also, go help your girlfriend before she commits suicide by Abyssal.
"Really boring!" Kongou objects. "I didn't get into that big battle because I was still being fixed." She pouts cutely over her teacup and sips at it with agitation. "Carriers hog all the big fights. I'm a fast battleship! I can keep up with the fleet! At least when Kaga's with them!"
Nice subtle dig at Kaga.
"FANTASTICO, DESS~" Kongou exclaims brightly, winking and giving you a big thumbs-up. "When Kongou's on duty, no imouto goes unloved!"
Except for the one girl who nearly blew her and Settle's brains out.
Goto-sama has nobody to turn to!" Kongou clutches her teacup in both hands and stares into space over your head, her eyes sparkling. "Goto-sama is so devoted to his duty, he won't turn aside for anything!"

"Of course he won't," you say placidly.

"Even if it burdens him!"


"Even if it *tortures* him!"


"Even if it makes him miserable!"


"Even if Yankeetokou has what he should have even though Yankeetokou's only been here a week and he's been here for over a year suffering and bleeding and keeping the kanmusu safe and-"


She retreats a little, tucking her elbows to her belly as she lifts her teacup in both hands for a timid sip, giving you a wide-eyed look of innocence. "Yes, Admiral Settle?"

"Are you asking for relationship advice with Go-"

"YESOHMYGODYESOHGODYANKEETOKOUHELPME-" she exclaims, her empty teacup rolling across the desk as she grabs your hand in both of hers, flinging her forehead against the tablecloth with a hollow "doonk" of skull-on-wood.
Every shipgirl in Yokosuka is losing their social facades.
[X] You think Naka was right last night - if Goto tries to weather that storm, he'll just crack, like you're already beginning to. Her endeavor is noble. Advise her to take Arizona's approach. Just... be there for him, with him, without saying anything, as much as that's possible for her. Devote herself to him.
Looking at this again, I see how this will screw things up long-term.
You suppress a chuckle and squeeze Kongou's hand back - sorry, Goto, but this is for your own good.
And Goto's going to punch your lights out, no matter what Ari does to him.
"She's amazing," Kongou says flatly. "She stood up against TWO battleships that drove me off..." she lets her head donk against the desk again. "And she stays by your side quietly... always with you... never annoys teitoku, never gets scolded, is always a good girl..." Kongou's hands slip from yours and flop on the desk limply. "...operated on by teitoku personally, helps teitoku with paperwork in his office, rescues teitoku from Kongou sisters-"

"Uh, Kongou-"

"-rides in a nice boat with teitoku, watches teitoku sleep and he doesn't even scream when he wakes up and sees her and she gets to sleep on teitoku's chest without giving him a special drink first-"

I still don't know which is more head-spinning, Ari's already sleeping in Settle's bed, or Kongou trying to spike Goto's drinks.
Kongou crosses her arms, her mouth curled downward in a miserably sad little quavery frown. "M-m-my e-endless d-d-evotion w-w-ill-"

"Kongou," you cut her off. "Why can't you leave him alo-"

"BURNING LOVE!" she roars, beating the desk again. "BURNING. LOVE. BURNING. LOVE. BURNING. LOVE-" she begins alternating fists, tears streaming down her face as the tea service rattles dangerously.

You feel your heart sinking again - you have always, *always* been terrible with women, never knowing what to say to keep it light, and when you need to say it straight you always end up too blunt, too raw. "Kongou, please stop-"
So Kongou can't be anything but over the top and extroverted to uncomfortable levels? Interesting.
"I C-CAN'T S-STOP, Y-Y-YANKEETOKU M-M-MADE M-M-ME C-C-RY," she sobs. Haruna holds out a teacup and Kongou accepts it automatically, but only manages to sob into it. "YANKEETOKU M-M-MAKES ALL THE G-"

"Kongou if Goto sees you crying it'll break his heart," you say.
Yes, anon Settle makes all the girls cry. and I've voted for every single decision that's resulted in it.
"Seriously, Kongou. Has he ever called you out on the carpet and dessed you down good and fucking proper for all the shit you pull, or does he just bitch and moan every time you kick his door down, knowing damn well it won't stop you from doing the exact same thing tomorrow?"
Heh. 'dessed you down good'. I'll remember that.
"Sure, you're a real pain in his ass-" you rub your hair with a sigh, thinking of Sammy and all the shit SHE'S pulled - "-but that doesn't mean he doesn't like you. I can't betray his confidence, but he speaks pretty highly of you when you're not in the room."

She makes a squeak so high you're scarce sure you heard it.
Meanwhile, the Corgies all start howling in pain.
"If you went around dead silent trying not to show emotion, he'd think he made a mistake, or did something to hurt you, and that'd just kill him, Kongou. It'd kill him. Trust me. But if you just want to spend more time with him-"

Kongou nods so vigorously her tea sloshes to and fro in the tiny cup.

"-just find something he needs done. You know his secretary?"

She nods.

"Is she pulling for you?"

She nods quickly.

"Have her assign some paperwork for you to do, something just important enough that if Goto knows about it he won't dare let you out of his sight."

Kongou looks a bit uncertain. "B-but he'd just s-s-cold me and-"

"Tell him you're going to help him no matter what. Then ask him if the PX sells crayons."

She looks at you blankly. "That works, desu?"

You try not to snigger. "Oh, yeah. That'll work. I swear upon my honor as Yankeetoku."
I think this is Deme foreshadowing what's eventually going to go wrong.
Kongou sets her tea down in shaking hands. "I- I have to go. I have to go!" She springs off her boxes and dashes out the door, only to dash back in before anyone can take a breath. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she squeals, leaning over the table and hugging your head against her chest excitedly before dashing out in a blaze of white streamers.

"... what the hell was that?" you marvel.
Old Bones.
"Thank you, yan- Admiral Settle," Haruna says with another smile (she hardly ever seems to stop smiling, in fact.) "We've been trying her to take a... a quieter approach for a while now, but she just starts in with that Burning Love stuff every time."

"What's up with that?" you ask.

"The Kongou is bongos," Harder opines as he washes down his scone.

"Kongou..." Haruna brushes her hair back over her shoulder. "You... you all promise not to repeat this?"
Hell no, Goto's getting a memo on this so he can dess down both Settle and Kongou.
Haruna deems this acceptable with a cool nod, and continues. "Sister isn't very confident," Haruna confides. "She's the oldest of all the kanmusu - shipgirls, I'm sorry - and after Arizona-san saved her in that last battle she's been almost in a panic, thinking Admiral Goto will retire her from front-line combat. She... she thinks if she shows him how burning her love is, he'll forgive her lackluster armor belt..."
Performance anxiety. I'm not even going to joke about that.
"Well..." She looks down at her tea again, which must be getting cold by now. "Yuudachi is really upset - she found out about Shigure last night and she went right to the brig this morning to try and see her. She hasn't poi'd in almost twelve hours. Kitakami and Ooi seem to have broken up - Nui threatened to beat her up if she was mean to Ooi again. Jintsuu was so upset this morning she didn't even look when Kongou dessed at her. And Kongou desses really loud! Akagi seems to be calling an American pilot a lot, and Zuikaku keeps needling Kaga with it and Kaga's close to snapping and starting another fistfight and Sendai keeps hiding in the bathroom between our rooms to cry because she doesn't know the doors are hollow. But the Iku situation is better-"
And here are all the situations that are never going to be resolved by Settle. Only by other writers.
"-there's an Iku situation?"

"-hasn't been seen off-base without permission for almost three weeks and we've checked her usual spots and didn't find anyone chained up so maybe she's getting it under control and..."

"... there's *more?*"
Figures there's are multiple sex dungeons. I only hope they were consensual.
"... everyone's scared," Haruna says quietly. She meets your eyes hesitantly, but holds your gaze. "When we first started, we thought, if only we had more ships... if only we had all our sisters with us, things wouldn't be so desperate..." she looks down at her tea again. "But now we're just trying to cover the whole ocean, and we didn't have enough ships for that job the first time around."
Haruna bites her lip and squeezes her teacup in her hands - apparently this doesn't comfort her much. "There's... never been a battle like the Bonin Islands, either. The battleships are all excited, and the carriers - you know, decisive battle? But most of the destroyers and cruisers were lost in skirmishes, and it's been nothing but till now, and now the big fights are starting, just like last time, and they're thinking - I think they're thinking this is it, you know?" Haruna sips at her cooling tea for something to do - her perennial smile is faltering fast. "But there's nothing they can do about it, and if you cry you just scare your friends."
This is more than pre-battle jitters. This is the fear of a reversal leading to prolonged, pointless fights to stave off defeat. A fear of thing going-
"It's... just like last time."

You absorb that for a long, painful moment.

"Does Goto know?"

She thinks quietly, then nods. "He always knows."
-like they did after Midway.
Well, that went better than I hoped, really.
Wait until it drops. Then ask the guy on the nuke how he's enjoying the ride.

Ice appears! Wat do?

[] Throw Bismarck at Ice
[] Throw Hood at Ice
[] Obtain Yamaprise from Ice!
[] Other (Write In!)
[X] Throw Bismarck, Hood, and Yamaprise at Ice.
with Kongou be among the first if not the first kanmusu the Japanese summoned, I'd imagine her brand of insanity is pretty much the only constant in Goto's life
Goto outright said once that Kongō was the first kanmusu he ever met or commanded. He does like her, probably more than he should — God love her, she's hard not to like! — but as I noted in the thread itself, however deeply tempted he may be, the simple fact is he can't get involved with her, for all manner of very, very good reasons. She can never be his lover while she's under his command, but that doesn't mean she can't be an aide and friend.

As a sidenote, I truly feel for fluffbringer. He's like the little writefriend that could, but between the quality of his writeup and the actual dressing down pf gave it in more than one occasion, I really think he ought to stop trying instead of going for the lowest form of literature that is smutfics
In my early years on the Internet I read a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic, including a fair few by a Swedish joker who went by hatten_jc who was dyslexic and ESL. I made allowances for both going in, and once I broke the code I found his stuff ranged from 'fair' to 'pretty good' — and he kept improving as he got more practiced. Though he's not ESL (I don't think), fluff is in the same position, and if smutfic is how he practices and improves his craft, I shan't hold that against him. Lord knows porn is how almost every other creative mind in the digital age hones their skills and pays their bills. :rolleyes:
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Five bucks says option 1 won.

That's 5 bucks you're never gonna see again

I still don't know which is more head-spinning, Ari's already sleeping in Settle's bed, or Kongou trying to spike Goto's drinks.

Refers to that time she slept on Settle after he stroked out from the internal bleeding in his brain, the one they'd ended up having to grab Yamato to pry her off

And here are all the situations that are never going to be resolved by Settle. Only by other writers.
