Kaleidoscope Swordswoman, Sasaki Koujirou Quest (Nasuverse/Yuki Yuna is a Hero Crossover)

Should Koujirou retain his Drying Pole?

  • Yes, but Koujirou should be able to astralize it and resummon it at will.

    Votes: 36 73.5%
  • Yes, but it has to be permanently physical.

    Votes: 9 18.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 4 8.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I just have the feeling that somewhere zelretch must be laughing his ass of us and thinking 'just as keikaku!'. It would not suprise me if the standard thing the grail would give is magical girls powers.
[X] Accept the offer of lodging.
Wins by a landslide vote!
To be fair, this is the option I was hoping for. While living alone makes experimentation easier, living with others allows for ease of SOCIAL LINKS!

Pic related, it's a rare shot of me updating.

Story Post 2
[X] Accept the offer of lodging.

Running through some basic exercises on the hotel grounds, you reflect upon the answer you gave Dr. Tanigawa the day before.

Picking up a fallen tree branch, you wince, the weight of the branch a bit too much for your petite new body.

Swinging it tentatively, you ask yourself what possessed you to agree to live with one of Ayase Yue's schoolmates.

The novelty of it? That may very well be your reason. For as long as can remember, you were always alone. After your master's death, you were a wandering nomad. You lived for your sword, for honing your skills. Until that fateful duel with Musash-

You stall your exercise, shaking your head to clear your thoughts. No, you remind yourself, you never fought Musashi Miyamoto. Nor were you killed by an oar. You died by... how did you die?

In the bright, sunlight hospital grounds, you realize you can't remember.

"Oi, you don't have to stop just cause I'm here. You were doing great!" a cheery voice pipes in from behind you, shaking you out of your morbid thoughts.

Turning on the newcomer, you behold a young beauty of roughly the same age as your current body. Blonde hair tied back in twin-tails, she smiles at you enthusiastically.

You smirk in response. "Hrm? Out to steal the secrets of my martial technique? I'm afraid your efforts will be fruitless, young flower."

The girl cocks an eyebrow, amused grin on her face. "I like you already!" she chuckles.

Holding out her hand, her smile grows a bit more subdued. "Inubozaki Fu. A pleasure to meet you."

You take the hand tentatively, your own smirk disappearing. "Ayase Yue. Please take care of me."

Inubozaki clears her throat. "Well then, now that that's out of the way... WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!"

You blink in confusion. "I'm sorry?"

Blushing a bit in embarrassment, Inubozaki waves her hand dismissively. "Sorry, sorry. I should have explained more in depth first." Taking a second to calm down, Inubozaki continues. "Did that Tanigawa really not mention us by name? Grr, that kinda irks me. Anyways, my sister Itsuki and I are looking forward to living with you!

Enlightenment graces you. "Hoh, so it was your parents who offered to let me stay with you?"

Although subtle, you notice Inubozaki wince.

"I'm sorry, Inubozaki-san. If it's a sour topic I'll be sure to steer clear of it in the fu-"

Throwing an arm around your shoulder, another wide grin spreads across Inubozaki's face. "Oh, don't worry so much Ayase-chan. It's Fu, by the way. You don't have to be so formal with me!"

You hesitate a bit at the informality, before nodding, sporting your own good-natured smirk.

"Of course Fu-san. But I can't leave a lady like yourself out to dry. You may feel free to call me Yue."

Fu giggles. "Lay it on thick, why dontcha? If you were a guy, I might have fallen for you by now."

The two of you banter for a while longer, before Fu bids farewell, assuring you multiple times that she'll be back tomorrow to help you move to the Inubozaki residence.

And that brings you to another issue. Ayase Yue's worldly possessions.

As she had no other direct relatives, all of her parents' worldly goods are now yours. While the apartment has been released, your life insurance checks are paying for storage space in a local self-storage facility.

Remembering Fu commenting that her apartment would be big enought for the three of them, but not many more people, you resolve to bring as little as possible. Going over the list of your belongings, when one of the hospital staff asks what you would like brought to you, you answer...


[ ] Statue of Buddha
[ ] A laptop computer
[ ] an encyclopedia on the history of Shikoku Island
[ ] a collection of old western literature from before the "virus," whatever that is.
[ ] a cook book on modern Shikoku cuisine.
[ ] two antique ornamental swords, only really useful for display
[ ] an old camera
[ ] a book on the cult of the Shinju-sama.
[X] Statue of Buddha
[X] an encyclopedia on the history of Shikoku Island
[X] two antique ornamental swords, only really useful for display
[X] a collection of old western literature from before the "virus," whatever that is.
[X] two antique ornamental swords, only really useful for display
[X] a book on the cult of the Shinju-sama.

Background knowledge and swords we could at least swing around with.
[X] Statue of Buddha
[X] A laptop computer
[X] an encyclopedia on the history of Shikoku Island
[X] a collection of old western literature from before the "virus," whatever that is.
[X] two antique ornamental swords, only really useful for display
[X] a book on the cult of the Shinju-sama.

I also want the camera, I mean who knows it might be something like Camera Obscura from Fatal Frame series, but the shinies compels me to pick the sword.
[X] Statue of Buddha
[X] an encyclopedia on the history of Shikoku Island
[X] a book on the cult of the Shinju-sama.
[X] Statue ofBuddha
[X] an encyclopedia on the history of Shikoku Island
[X] a book on the cult of the Shinju-sama.
[X] a collection of old western literature from before the "virus," whatever that is.
[X] two antique ornamental swords, only really useful for display
[X] a book on the cult of the Shinju-sama.
[X] a collection of old western literature from before the "virus," whatever that is.
[X] two antique ornamental swords, only really useful for display
[X] a book on the cult of the Shinju-sama.
[X] Statue ofBuddha
[X] an encyclopedia on the history of Shikoku Island
[X] a book on the cult of the Shinju-sama.
So i've been thinking about what might be going on in this crossover and a thought occurred.
So the hero system is designed to fend off the Vertex from taking out the amalgamation of gods that is protecting what is left of the world.

But something hit me when I looked at the number of Heroes present in the show (The 5 main cast and that one girl in the hospital), specifically the fact that if you add us that makes a full 7 heroes. Now on it's own that wouldn't be too significant until you factor in one particular mechanic, the super mode which costs you a part of yourself as an 'offering' to the gods.

Now tell me Nasuverse veterans what other mystical system has a grand total of 7 heroes and requires them to be sacrificed to work? Why the Holy Grail system of course!! Now this is mostly baseless speculation formed from some minor details but something tells me that the gods realize that merely beating back the Vertex is a losing battle so they have another plan.

Create 7 heroes, have them sacrifice themselves piece by piece and once you have enough activate some sort of pseudo-holy grail to restore the world.
HAH! I totally called it being Fu and Itsuki!

[x] A laptop computer
[x] two antique ornamental swords, only really useful for display
[x] a book on the cult of the Shinju-sama.
[X] a collection of old western literature from before the "virus," whatever that is.
[X] two antique ornamental swords, only really useful for display
[X] a book on the cult of the Shinju-sama.
[X] a collection of old western literature from before the "virus," whatever that is.
[X] two antique ornamental swords, only really useful for display
[X] a book on the cult of the Shinju-sama.