Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Crusaders of Fate Quest

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"It seems that a new destiny is beginning..."

"Wh-what?" How did I get here?

I can't see...
Apostle of Fate
"It seems that a new destiny is beginning..."

"Wh-what?" How did I get here?

I can't see anything. I'm floating in a pitch blac void. I turn to the left, to the right I look up and down, but all I see is a black void. I can barely even tell that you are moving your head. Moving my limbs is just as useless. I can't seem to get anywhere.

But I can't just give up.

I try to think about how I got here. Maybe I can tell how to get out if I knew how I got in.

I remember coming home from school. After that, I did my homework and had dinner. The last thing I remember was playing a video game on the NES.

[] Ninja Giaden. I preferred to get up close and personal with the enemies in the game.
Gains a short range Stand.

[] Contra: Just a little bit of fun.
Gains a mid range Stand.

[] Duck Hunt. I'm still mad that I can't shoot that dog, but making precise shots is satisfying.
Gains a long range Stand.

But after that, I went to bed. But then, how did I get here? Where am I?

Am I... dead?

"That would be your destiny... You nameless one, apostle of fate..." The voice starts up again. But that's not true. I'm not name less. I know I have a name.

I dig deep, trying to piece together my name. I know that I should know it. My family calling me by it, me writing it down at school. The memories are foggy, but it doesn't take me long to piece together my name...

[] (Write in your full name)

After that, I try to piece together who I am. What I look like. As I try to focus, more details about who I am start to come back to me.

[] Male
[] Female


[] Average.
[] Chubby. I'm a little heavier than normal. I won't be sprinting anywhere, but I can still go up the stairs without getting winded.
[] Distinctive. Some might call be a delinquent. And they may be right.
[] Short. I've always been short, but that doesn't mean that I can't fight when I need to.

I take a deep breath. Focusing is a little easier. But before I can remember anything else, the voice keeps talking.

"You about to walk a path full of pain and suffering... However, it is necessary that you continue to fight. Please accept this small offering... Your very own Stand. I hope you will use it well..."

"A... Stand?"

In this quest, you will play as a Stand User that will help Jotaro on his quest to defeat Dio. Your choices will decide the fate of not only yourself, but of everyone in your journey.
Character Sheet
Name: Sone Kugare

Stand: ⌈Napalm Death⌋

Destructive Power: A

Speed: E

Range: D

Durability: D

Precision: A

Development Potential: B

Napalm Death is a calligraphy pen that uses the alphabet as bombs and ink as napalm. The bigger the writing, the bigger the resulting explosion, but the radius of the blast remains consistent. It can set off time bombs with a limit of up to 10 seconds. It's repertoire of words grows as the user gains experience.

"Boom": Writes 'B' for 'Boom' on an enemy to create a weak explosion. A short ranged, fire elemental attack. Has a 15% chance of knocking an opponent down. (Short Range)

Explosion: Inflicts non-elemental damage on a single enemy. (Short Range)

Stab: Stabs an enemy with Napalm Death. (Short Range)

Frenzy: Stabs the enemy multiple times before writing 'B' on them. (Short Range)

Smoke Bomb: Causes a medium sized explosion that produces a large cloud of smoke. Inflicts fire damage.

Item Toss: Throws a rock, brick, or anything else nearby at an enemy.


Health: Healthy
Status: Normal

Minor Scrapes: Just a few scrapes and bruises.
Injured: Bleeding badly b still functional.
Wounded: Broken Bones and heavy bleeding.
Heavily Wounded: Running on adrenaline and the fear of death.
Near Death: Someone... please... Help
Bleeding Out: ...

School Uniform
Delinquent Boss


Stand Info
Steel's Memo

5 Bags of Sweets
1 First Aid Kit
5 Ointment

Money: 2920 G

Personality: "You're not very good with people, but you're very frank and sincere - what you see is what you get. Level-headed and patient, you don't like to boast or put yourself on display. Reserved and temperate, you can restrain yourself under any circumstance. You don't like to waste your breath, so when you do speak up, people usually listen."

Jotaro: 2
Joseph: 1
Abdul: 1
Kakyoin: 2

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Standing Tall
In the blink of an eye, my surroundings change instantly. I'm sitting what looks like a large tent. There is a table right in front of me with a crystal ball on it. And on the other side of the table, is a large dark skinned man.

"Welcome to mu humble shop. My name is Muhammad Abdul, a fortuneteller." The man says. He flashes you a large smile as he speaks. "I detect the capability to wield a ⌈Stand⌋ within you... If you answer a few easy questions for me, I may be able to determine your Stand's power. Sometimes this gets a little long, but the more questions you answer, the more potent your abilities will be!"

"Before I go any further, I just need to know, what is a Stand?" You ask.

Abdul seems unperturbed by the question. "A Stand is a powerful image, created by your life force. Because it's standing beside you, this image is called a ⌈Stand⌋"

"Well... alright. Go ahead" I say. I still think that I'm either having a lucid dream or I'm being press ganged into joining a cult. But somehow, I know that I should hear him out. For now at least. If I'm asked to sign a thousand year contract or something, then I'm running.

I just hope that this is a dream.

Abdul nods. "All right, now for the questions. First off, picture yourself in everyday surroundings. Where are you standing? Think not about the small details, but just where your position is in relation to the others..."

The questions go on for the next few minutes. Most of the questions are "yes" or "no". He asks about what I'm do in different situations and what I believe, though there aren't any personal questions. I answer the questions honestly.

You breath a sigh of relief as you finally finish the last question.

"Hmm... I think I've got it." Abdul says. "Your Stand is...."

Suddenly, the crystal ball starts glowing. The smoke inside of it starts to take shape, until it looks like...

[] ...a large, muscular being, dressed in red.

[] ...a masked humanoid that's holding a huge axe.

[] ...a humanoid cloud of purple smoke coming out of a skull-faced jar.

[] ...a pen with a horned skull mounted halfway up it.

[] ...a strange, female humanoid that's dressed like a nurse.

[] two... no, six people. All dressed in suits and holding different weapons.
Wake Up
"Your Stand is called ⌈Napalm Death⌋" Abdul says. The final picture of the item, your Stand appears clearly in the crystal ball.

"Napalm Death is a calligraphy pen that uses the alphabet as bombs and ink as napalm. The bigger the writing, the bigger the resulting explosion, but the radius of the blast remains consistent. It can set off time bombs with a limit of up to 10 seconds. It's repertoire of words grows as the user gains experience." He explains. I'll admit, I'm intrigued, assuming that this is true. The man continues, heedless of what you are thinking.

"Your time here is over" Abdul says. "I look forward to meeting you in the real world. But for now, it is time to wake up"

"Wake up? What t-"





My eyes snap open as your alarm starts to go off. I look around my normal room. Computer rests in one corner with last night's homework scattered on the desk. A TV and NES in another. Right next to the TV is my bookcase full of encyclopedias I haven't read in months, comics that I read too much, and a bottle of water I found under my bed a week ago. At the foot of my bed is my backpack, along with my radio.

Everything right where I left it.

"Was I dreaming? Even for a dream, that was strange..." You say.

"Sorry to say, but that was no dream"
A voice says, coming from your computer's speakers.

"What the, where are you?! What are you doing here?" I say. My eyes dart across the room, for something, anything I could use to defend yourself. The closest thing I have is a dictionary.

"The time for introductions has passed, but nevertheless, you may call me Steel. I am the one who granted you your Stand. There's no need for you to be afraid. I've been seeking someone like you. Someone who sought a "Special Power" I have given you what you seek" Steel says.

"Do you really expect me to believe that? Who are you? You know it's not exactly polite to just barge into someone's home and introduce yourself" You respond.

"If you don't believe me, try calling out the name of your Stand from before. It will manifest before your very eyes." Steel says.

"...This is just infantile. I'm calling the police" You say. You have a bad feeling about this. Some crazy guy is talking to you through your speakers. That has to be breaking some law.

"I promise everything will make itself clear if you just give it a try. Go on."
Steel says calmly. He doesn't seem worried about the police.

"...⌈Napalm Death⌋!" One, two, then three seconds go by. And nothing happens. "Nothing. Are you satisfied? If not, you can keep it up in prison."

And then my hand bursts into flames.

"G... Ghaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" I start shaking my hand, trying to put the flame out. It took me a few seconds to realize that the fire wasn't burning my hand. And by that time, the fire had dissipated. As soon as I did, I took a look at the item in my hand. It looked just like the thing in the crystal ball. Right down to the little horns on the skull.

"You can see it, I presume? That is your Stand." Steel says.

"You mean like a spirit?" You say. He's using the same term that the man in your dream used.

"That is correct. In layman's terms, it's a superpower. The apparition standing in front of you is an extension of your body, so to speak. Generally, each Stand has one unique special ability. These abilities can flout the laws of physics and defy the imagination... Your Stand will surely become an indispensable ally."

The pen... no, Napalm Death then fades into nothingness, as if it was never there. But you know that if you need to, you could summon it again.

"But... but why are you doing this? And what exactly are you?"

"I'm simply the remnant of a man who was killed by one of these 'Stands'. Think of me like you would a prerecorded message" Steel explains.

"Th-then what do you want with me?" You ask. There's more to this than a prerecorded message. How would he know what I'm saying otherwise.

"...I want to change this world's future. As a unit, you and I can do that... no, we must do that, at any cost! You, with your newfound Stand, must take out a certain person... That insidious vampire, Dio! It will be dangerous... Dio has assassins everywhere! They don't take well those who defy him... As long as Dio lives, they will continue to hunt you down... Go with caution."
Steel says this in a stern, matter-of-fact tone. Though you think that you can sense some concern in his voice.

"Wait, slow down! You're asking me to put my life on the line! What makes you think I'm going to get involved in something that dangerous?!" I've been in fights before, but that just involved bats, bricks and brass knuckles! He's expecting me to fight a vampire and assassins! What is this guy thinking?!

"Haven't you ever heard 'with great power comes great responsibility'? This is simply a consequences of the thing you yourself withed for. You wished for power... so I granted your wish. However, certain people feel threatened by those whose strength approaches their own..."

"Hey! Don't quote Spiderman at me! You were the one who did this to me, so shouldn't your life be the one on the line here" I can't believe it. Why couldn't I leave this in a dream? Heck, I'd settle for this being a weird cult thing! But this...

"I'll say it one more time... You are the one who wished for a Stand and you are the one who called it forth. If you left Dio to his own devices, your friends and family would be at risk. Even if you weren't aware of it, you knew you needed a protector... This is your destiny. I'm just helping to move it along."
Steel says in a stern voice. "Now... Head to school. Just like you would any other day. And be sure to take your radio before you leave. I can use it to contact you"

I slowly take my radio and take a moment to gather my thoughts. This is... a lot to take in at once.

[] Hm... so this is real, huh. I wonder what my Stand can really do?
[] If I really need to fight a vampire, it's too bad that my Stand doesn't have anything to do with the sun.
[] Well, at least today won't be dull.
[] This Steel guy is full of crap. How could he just spring this all me.
[] I just hope that my family doesn't get hurt because of this.
[] I wonder if it's too late to call the police...
[] I just wanted a quiet life...
[] I just hope that I make it through the day.
[] (Write in)
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Start of the Day
The next thirty minutes, I go through my morning routine. I shower, brush my teeth, do my hair and makeup, and get dressed. But through it all, I keep thinking about what Steel said. I'd like to think that defeating this vampire, Dio, would be to to go his house at noon, blow open a hole in a wall, expose him to sunlight, then go and get a cup of coffee. Maybe stake him through the heart first. But you have a feeling that it's not going to be that simple.

Did sunlight even work on real vampires? Would I turn if I was bitten? Dio I need to get some garlic to ward Dio off? Would blessed silver work?

I turn on the radio.

"Hey, need something" Steel asks from the other end of the radio.

"I just have some questions about vampires..."
"Thanks, Steel" I say to him.

"Call again anytime"
Steel responds as the radio shuts off.

I'm still not sure how I feel about Steel, but at least he's trying to help me out. And at least I know about vampires. Garlic and silver were useless, but at least I won't turn into a vampire if I get bitten. And at least the sun will work against them.

Too bad my Stand doesn't use the sun.

When I walk out of your room, it's almost like the last few minutes didn't happen. Mom and dad are in the kitchen eating breakfast. Amai has probably already finished her's and will probably end up watching TV until mom makes her go to school.

It's almost like it's a normal day.

Even as I start walking, I feel like I'm in a daze.

"Hey Sis, you're up early!" Amai shouts from the couch. She's already in her school uniform, lying on the couch and watching some anime about traveling monsters. "Do you have a daaate?"She asks.

"I just... I don't think I can sleep right now" I tell her. What am I supposed to say? That I was talking to a voice on a computer? That I have superpowers? I'd look crazy.

Amai shrugged. "Well, alright. I'll see you when we get home, alright?" She went back to watching TV.

"No problem Amai. I'll see you later" I say before I head o the kitchen.

Maybe I'll tell my my family later. If what Steel said is true, then they're in almost as much danger as I am. But I'd need to calm down first. Think of a rational explanation. Or at least, make sure that I don't come across as a babbling psychopath.

I walk into the kitchen and sure enough, my parents are still at the table eating breakfast, with by breakfast still on the oven.

"Sone! You're up early. What's the special occasion?" Dad asks.

"I... couldn't sleep" I say.

"I'm sure you're just excited. Today's the last day of school! After that, you have the while summer ahead of you!" Mom says, with the same smile on her face that she always has. She puts my breakfast down on the table and invites me to sit down.

Huh... I'd almost forgotten about that. An entire day of sitting around, watching movies, and getting ready for the summer. I just wish that I could actually enjoy it.

"Thanks mom" I say. The rest of breakfast is spent making small talk. Or, to be more accurate, mom and dad talking while I alternated between saying "Huh?" "A-huh" "Oh, that's interesting", "Really?", and "Wow". It's about all I usually said in the morning anyway, so no one really noticed the difference.

"Have a great last day at school!" Mom says. She gives me a quick hug.

"I'll see you when I get back from work" Dad says.

You glance at the clock on the kitchen wall. You have about an hour before school starts. It isn't that far of a walk, so I still have some time to kill before I need to show up.

[] Go to the arcade. I need to blow off some steam.
[] Go to the local restaurant. I could get something to eat for lunch while I'm there.
[] A few of my friends are gonna be hanging out by the bike sheds behind the school. I could go over there before classes start.
[] I should go straight to school.
Vs. Delinquents
The walk to school was short, but it felt like it took hours. Every time I someone so much as glances at me, it could be a Stand User scoping me out, trying to kill me. A random businessman, the bald man in sunglasses, a short, fat nerdy looking guy, a guy smoking on a street corner. Heck, even a little girl might try to kill me. But somehow, no one attacked me on my way to school.

Eventually, I got to the chainlink fence behind the school. Someone had cut a hole in it a few years ago and no one had gotten around to fixing it. I duck down to climb through, like any other day.

You make the short walk to the bike shed to meet up with Akinaka, Mito and Shiori. The four of you had planned to fake being sick so you could skip school. Akinaka and Mito were going to say they had colds in the morning, you'd do it after second period, and Shiori would do it in the middle of the fourth period. You'd all be out by lunch.

But with what happened this morning, maybe you should lay low. At least for a little while.

But before you can decide, you see a group of unfriendly faces wandering around the bike shed. You don't know the names of four of the boys there, but you recognize their leader instantly.

Shiro Kawachi was another delinquent around the school, but he wasn't one of your friends. In fact, ever since he lost his shirt to you in a poker game, he's hated you.

Shiro is easily over seven feet tall and built like a truck. He could knock out anyone in school besides Jotaro in one punch. Unfortunately for him, he can't take a punch to save his life, so he always has a few people around him as backup.

Still, with five people, it's no wonder that your friends aren't here.

But something about them seems... off. He's walking like he's in a daze.

You are about to turn back when one of them spots you. His eyes are glazed over and his mouth is hanging open, almost like he was a a zombie.

He charges at me like a man possessed. After that, the others follow suit until all five people are charging me. They didn't say anything. They didn't taunt or threaten me. They just started running.

This isn't normal. Were they on some new drug? Was this because of another person with a Stand? I don't have time to think about it. I have three or four seconds before they were on top of me.

[] I'm not going to kill them, but this fight is gonna be tough if I don't use my Stand.
- [] Write in strategy.
[] I don't want to risk killing them. I'll fight them without my Stand.
- [] (Delinquent) I hid a baseball bat behind the shed. If I can get past these guys, I could get it.
[] I'm getting out of here. Five on one doesn't seem like good odds.

"Boom": Writes 'B' for 'Boom' on an enemy to create a weak explosion. A short ranged, fire elemental attack. Has a 15% chance of knocking an opponent down. (Short Range)

Explosion: Inflicts non-elemental damage on a single enemy. (Short Range)

Item Toss: Throws a rock, brick, or anything else nearby at an enemy.
Five on One
I dash for the shed, narrowly avoiding one of the thugs. I may not be the best student, but I knew enough about anatomy that there were a lot of ways to kill someone with explosions. I don't mind beating them up, but killing them...

I run behind the shed and see where I hid the bat with a delinquent on my heels. From here, I can see the tall patch of grass growing on it. The bat's handle is barely viable, but it's there. I try to sprint to it. Five feet, four, three, two feet away...

And one of the delinquents tackles me. We both slam to the ground. Before I can get back up he punches me in the face.

I push the boy off and quickly crawl the rest of the way and grab the bat, but then another one grabs my leg. He dives forward, intent on beating my head in with his bare hands.

I swing the bat around as hard as I can, cracking it across his face. I can hear a loud crunch as a tooth falls out. He drops to the ground, clutching his head and yelling in pain. I scramble to my feet. Even if he stays down, it's still four against one.

Two more of the delinquents are charging at me with the one I pushed over getting up and Shiro in the back. I jump to the left, dodging the pair, before swinging at the closest boy's knee. He stumbles and falls over, gripping his knee. If he gets up, he won't be moving as fast.

The boy I pushed over before jumps to my left and slugs me in the chin. I respond by swinging the bat at him, hitting him in the chest. When he's still on the ground, I hit him there again. But in the split second Shiro's right next to me.

I try to jump backwards, he brings his fist down. My head snaps back but by some miracle, I'm still conscious. But Shiro isn't planning on letting up. He punches me right in the stomach, knocking all of the air out of my lungs.

A wave of pain passes through my body. When I try to inhale, all I hear is a raspy noise. I'm barely getting any air in. I don't have much time to act. Shiro is pulling out his fist again and there are two delinquents coming from the left.

Injured: A few scrapes, cuts and bruises.

Can't Breath: Breathing is difficult for now. You'll move slower and physical attacks will do less damage.

[] Take a bat to Shiro's kneecaps.
[] I swing for Shiro's face.
[] I may need to start to using my Stand.
[] I don't think I can win this. I'm out of here.
[] Keep my distance and take a second to catch my breath.
[] (Write In)
Ending with a Boom
I move back, barely avoiding a fist from Shiro. I swing at his knee with the bat then run backwards, dropping the bat in the process. When I get some distance between us, I summon Napalm Death in my right hand. If they noticed the burst of flames in my hand, they didn't show it. I still don't want to kill them, so I'll just try to knock them out.

I take a deep breath. Shiro is about three seconds is behind me and the two others around five. I take into account how long it takes me to write and set the timer for three seconds...

I write 'スタングレネード' on the ground, faster than I ever thought that I could. The ink from Napalm Death is a bright, glowing red. Mentally, I put a three second timer on it. It almost feels like something clicking in my mind.




"This next move will leave you st-"


I cover my ears as the ink explodes. It sounded like loud fireworks. For a few seconds, there's a loud ringing in my ears.

I open my eyes and see the three students on the ground. They aren't bleeding. There aren't any burns or cuts on them. Whatever that blast was, it looks like it was a concussive blast.

"...Well then"

I take a few seconds to catch my breath. The good news is that I won the fight.

The bad news is that there's an explosion. I should probably get out of here.

But then I see Shiro's wallet. It must have fallen out of his pocket in the explosion. It's thick with money. Money he's probably stolen from other people. There's also a bloody card hanging out of it, even though he isn't bleeding.

Well... he does owe me some money. I could just take it. It's not like he deserves it and it would only take a second to pick it up.

[] Take the wallet.
[] Leave it.

[] I just need to get out of here.
- [] Go to the school and work on my alibi.
- [] Head back into town and work on my alibi
[] Alibi or not, I got beat up really bad. I need to go to the nurse's office.
[] Go to a payphone, call an ambulance, then sneak back into school.
Doctor's Appointment

Errie Tarot Card: A Tarot Card with a bloody symbol drawn in it.
120 G.

I grab the wallet before you bolt. Most of the money is in '1's, but at least it's more than I have now. By the time people show up to investigate, I'm already inside.

The halls Grape Heights Academy are packed with loitering students. Everyone is either talking with their friends or trying desperately to finish their homework before class starts. I've gotten into enough fights through the year that no one gives me more than a second glance despite the fact that I most likely have a black eye and more than a few bruises. But while I'm walking, I examine the tarot card that I found sticking out of Shiro's wallet.

From the looks of it, it's from the minor arcania, an Ace of Wands. I don't know what it's supposed to mean, but what really catches my attention of the symbol drawn on it. At first, I thought that the blood had come from someone that Shiro had beaten up, but from what you can see, the blood has been used to etch a complex symbol into the card.

Just where did he even get this?

I stuff the card back into my own wallet along with the money.


As I approach the nurse's office, I hear some voices coming from it.

"Now then, while Jojo is taking off his pants, I'll take your temperatures to prove you're faking ill." The nurse say. Looks like Akinaka and Mito are already at the nurse's office. When I glance inside, I see Aki and Mito in beds near the window. With the huge grins they're sporting, I highly doubt that they're going to be fooling the nurse. She's at the foot of the bed, about to take their temperatures. Jotaro is in there as well, with a huge cut on his leg. Looks like he's not too happy about having to take his pants off to get treated.

"We really have colds" I hear Aki say.

"Yeah. Let us go early" I'd recognize Mito's voice anywhere.

On one hand, it isn't part of the plan for me to show up now. On the other hand, I really am hurt. I'm going in.

"Excuse me-" I say.

"Hey Sensei!" Aki says. There's something wrong. "What are you doing."

When I look inside, I see the nurse swinging around a pen like a mad woman.

"What does it look like?! I'm shaking the thermometer to reset it!" The nurse says. Or more accurately screams. I don't even notice as I summon Napalm Death. Something's going on. It may be related to the guys from outside, how they attacked me on sight. But they at least moved like normal people. The nurse's motions are jerky, like she's a puppet being controlled by a mediocre puppeteer.

"Th- thermometer? Sensei..." Akinaka says.

"Sensei, that's a pen!" Mito finishes. By now, they are backing up in their beds, keeping as much distance as they can between themselves and the nurse.

"A pen? It looks like a pen, you say?" By now, I see foam coming from the nurse's mouth. Does this look like a pen to you?!"

"HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE!?!" The nurse yells. By now, I notice something new. a green and white tentacle slithering into the nurse. That settles it. A Stand is behind this. From the looks of it, a Stand that can control people. Hopefully, that means the User is nearby. With my eyes, I follow the tentacle from the nurse's office, down the hall, and right to the source. The Stand User.

It's a boy with red hair wearing a green school uniform, not like the black and purple we wear. He's also wearing a long white scarf draped on his shoulders. And he's carrying a marionette. He's walking right for the nurse's office and his eyes are right on me. But he might now know that I know about him yet.

"THIS THERMOMETER LOOKS LIKE A PEN TO YOU?!" The nurse yells a final time. That's it, something bad is about to happen, and there's no way I can leave my friends in the middle of this without trying to help. I could go in the nurse's office ad try to stop the nurse, or maybe, I could stop it, but then I'd be trapped in there with whatever that Stand User has in store for me.

[] Attack the red headed Stand User.
- [] Charge at him to get in range.
- [] Walk towards him as if you aren't on to him, then stab him with Napalm Death when his back is to you.
- [] Write "Bomb" on the wall and walk away. If you time it right, it'll blow up when he gets close enough to notice it.
- [] Write in.

[] Tackle the nurse to keep her from hurting anyone.
[] Write in.
I take a moment to be thankful that I had already summoned Napalm Death. From a distance, it looks like a normal pen. I write "Bomb" on the wall, trying to play it off like I'm putting graffiti on the wall.


I hear the nurse in the office and a sense of dread. Something is going to happen soon.


I 'm almost done writing. Against my better judgement, I glance at the Stand User. Thankfully, his eyes are straight ahead. He just keeps walking, still holding that marionette.


I finish writing bomb and keep it to the site opposite of the Stand User. I set the timer for two seconds, It should be enough time.

I hope.


I start walking past him. The... tentacle is still there. I glance at him, but I try to . I don't want to give him a reason to think that I'm on to him.


I start to get into a tempo, walking, slumping just enough so I don't look like I'm suspicious, and making damn sure that he doesn't get a look at my Stand.

And then, we pass each other, he takes a moment to look at me but I do my best not to do the same.

And then when he's about two feet away, I look back at him.


Then, the Stand User looks at the writing on the wall, then he looks directly at me. I feel a lump in my heart. The word I wrote is glowing bright red. Now that he's seen it, there's no way he's confusing the word for normal graffiti. I tighten the grip on Napalm Death.


The Stand User looks right at me and opens his mouth to say something. "Y-"

The explosion throws the boy like a rag doll.


"WHY! DON'T! YOU! TAKE! A! CLOSER! LOOK?!" The nurse yells.

The nurse thrusts the pen into Akinaka intent on stabbing his eye out.


Less than a fraction of an inch from Akinaka's eye, the nurse jerks, as if she's been shocked. The pen jerks downward, cutting Akinaka right below his left eye.

The nurse twitches for a second before she collapses, as if someone had cut her strings.

I hear screaming from somewhere in the school, along with the footsteps of people running out of the building. Though that isn't a surprise. It sounded like a bomb just went off.

"So... you're a Stand User as well..." The red-haired boy says as he picks himself up. Despite the fact that he was three feet from the explosion, he doesn't seem to be that hurt. Just some cuts and bruises.

Just what is this guy made of?

He tosses the marionette to the side and glares right at me. "I don't know who you are, but you're going to regret that."

By now, the tentacle slips back to him. But now, at the end of it, I see a humanoid shape. It then detaches itself from him, and transforms into a humanoid shape.

It's entirely green and white, with yellow eyes. It's head looks like a cantaloupe. Though the joints in it's knees are decidedly robotic. Overall, it looks very strange.

Behind him, I see Jotaro running out of the nurse's office, summing his own Stand.

"So, your Noriaki Kakyoin..." He says to the Stand User. Jotaro summons his own Stand. This one looks more human. It has purple skin and long, black hair, with huge muscles. From the looks of it, this Stand is all about physical force.

"I just came here to kill Jotaro" Kakyoin says. He looks back and forth between Jotaro and I. "But since you insist on interfering, I'll have to kill you too"

[] "If all your Stand can do is control people, I'd suggest you walk away."
[] "After what you did to that nurse, I'm going to punish you, Kakyoin"
[] *Mutter* "And my Stand is just a pen."
[] "If you take a step closer, I'll blow you away"
[] Don't say anything. You're going to fight.
[] Write in.