Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Crusaders of Fate Quest

[X] If I really need to fight a vampire, it's too bad that my Stand doesn't have anything to do with the sun.
[X] If I really need to fight a vampire, it's too bad that my Stand doesn't have anything to do with the sun.

The PoV screw, it burns! Pick a PoV and stick with it dammit!
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[X] Hm... so this is real, huh. I wonder what my Stand can really do?
[X] If I really need to fight a vampire, it's too bad that my Stand doesn't have anything to do with the sun.
[X] If I really need to fight a vampire, it's too bad that my Stand doesn't have anything to do with the sun.
[X] If I really need to fight a vampire, it's too bad that my Stand doesn't have anything to do with the sun.

Let's start writing UV Flashbang on rocks for practice!
[X] If I really need to fight a vampire, it's too bad that my Stand doesn't have anything to do with the sun.

Maybe in the future we could make hamon-infused explosions?
[X] If I really need to fight a vampire, it's too bad that my Stand doesn't have anything to do with the sun.

please let us somehow learn ripple gale early that'd be fucking hilarious
Start of the Day
The next thirty minutes, I go through my morning routine. I shower, brush my teeth, do my hair and makeup, and get dressed. But through it all, I keep thinking about what Steel said. I'd like to think that defeating this vampire, Dio, would be to to go his house at noon, blow open a hole in a wall, expose him to sunlight, then go and get a cup of coffee. Maybe stake him through the heart first. But you have a feeling that it's not going to be that simple.

Did sunlight even work on real vampires? Would I turn if I was bitten? Dio I need to get some garlic to ward Dio off? Would blessed silver work?

I turn on the radio.

"Hey, need something" Steel asks from the other end of the radio.

"I just have some questions about vampires..."
"Thanks, Steel" I say to him.

"Call again anytime"
Steel responds as the radio shuts off.

I'm still not sure how I feel about Steel, but at least he's trying to help me out. And at least I know about vampires. Garlic and silver were useless, but at least I won't turn into a vampire if I get bitten. And at least the sun will work against them.

Too bad my Stand doesn't use the sun.

When I walk out of your room, it's almost like the last few minutes didn't happen. Mom and dad are in the kitchen eating breakfast. Amai has probably already finished her's and will probably end up watching TV until mom makes her go to school.

It's almost like it's a normal day.

Even as I start walking, I feel like I'm in a daze.

"Hey Sis, you're up early!" Amai shouts from the couch. She's already in her school uniform, lying on the couch and watching some anime about traveling monsters. "Do you have a daaate?"She asks.

"I just... I don't think I can sleep right now" I tell her. What am I supposed to say? That I was talking to a voice on a computer? That I have superpowers? I'd look crazy.

Amai shrugged. "Well, alright. I'll see you when we get home, alright?" She went back to watching TV.

"No problem Amai. I'll see you later" I say before I head o the kitchen.

Maybe I'll tell my my family later. If what Steel said is true, then they're in almost as much danger as I am. But I'd need to calm down first. Think of a rational explanation. Or at least, make sure that I don't come across as a babbling psychopath.

I walk into the kitchen and sure enough, my parents are still at the table eating breakfast, with by breakfast still on the oven.

"Sone! You're up early. What's the special occasion?" Dad asks.

"I... couldn't sleep" I say.

"I'm sure you're just excited. Today's the last day of school! After that, you have the while summer ahead of you!" Mom says, with the same smile on her face that she always has. She puts my breakfast down on the table and invites me to sit down.

Huh... I'd almost forgotten about that. An entire day of sitting around, watching movies, and getting ready for the summer. I just wish that I could actually enjoy it.

"Thanks mom" I say. The rest of breakfast is spent making small talk. Or, to be more accurate, mom and dad talking while I alternated between saying "Huh?" "A-huh" "Oh, that's interesting", "Really?", and "Wow". It's about all I usually said in the morning anyway, so no one really noticed the difference.

"Have a great last day at school!" Mom says. She gives me a quick hug.

"I'll see you when I get back from work" Dad says.

You glance at the clock on the kitchen wall. You have about an hour before school starts. It isn't that far of a walk, so I still have some time to kill before I need to show up.

[] Go to the arcade. I need to blow off some steam.
[] Go to the local restaurant. I could get something to eat for lunch while I'm there.
[] A few of my friends are gonna be hanging out by the bike sheds behind the school. I could go over there before classes start.
[] I should go straight to school.
[X] A few of my friends are gonna be hanging out by the bike sheds behind the school. I could go over there before classes start.
[X] A few of my friends are gonna be hanging out by the bike sheds behind the school. I could go over there before classes start.

We are a delinquent
[X] Go to the arcade. I need to blow off some steam.
[X] A few of my friends are gonna be hanging out by the bike sheds behind the school. I could go over there before classes start.
[X] A few of my friends are gonna be hanging out by the bike sheds behind the school. I could go over there before classes start.
[X] A few of my friends are gonna be hanging out by the bike sheds behind the school. I could go over there before classes start.
[X] A few of my friends are gonna be hanging out by the bike sheds behind the school. I could go over there before classes start.
We must smoke behind the bike shed
[X] I should go straight to school.

We need to meet up with Jotaro if we're gonna do anything more than stay in Japan while canon unfolds. That means heading straight to school and waiting for him and Kakyoin to blow up the nurse's office.