Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Crusaders of Fate Quest

If you had a Stand with a healing power, you'd have still gone there to fake being sick, so there's that.

He means Cardigans would come in handy for healing the delinquent who got his eye stabbed, the nurse who got injured by Heirophant Green, Jotaro and (especially) Kakyoin.
[X] Take the wallet.
[X] Alibi or not, I got beat up really bad. I need to go to the nurse's office.
[X] Take half the cash, leave the wallet.
[X] Alibi or not, I got beat up really bad. I need to go to the nurse's office.
[X] Take the wallet.

[X] Alibi or not, I got beat up really bad. I need to go to the nurse's office.
Well, it looks like the voting is unanimous.

I need to update my other quest, but have the update for this one already planned out. I'll start writing soon.
[X] Take the wallet.

[X] Alibi or not, I got beat up really bad. I need to go to the nurse'soffice.

We're delinquents, stealing from people that are worse than us is our right.

[X] Leave it.
[X] Alibi or not, I got beat up really bad. I need to go to the nurse's office.

Why touch the mind control card thing?
[X] Take the wallet.

[X] Alibi or not, I got beat up really bad. I need to go to the nurse's office.
Doctor's Appointment

Errie Tarot Card: A Tarot Card with a bloody symbol drawn in it.
120 G.

I grab the wallet before you bolt. Most of the money is in '1's, but at least it's more than I have now. By the time people show up to investigate, I'm already inside.

The halls Grape Heights Academy are packed with loitering students. Everyone is either talking with their friends or trying desperately to finish their homework before class starts. I've gotten into enough fights through the year that no one gives me more than a second glance despite the fact that I most likely have a black eye and more than a few bruises. But while I'm walking, I examine the tarot card that I found sticking out of Shiro's wallet.

From the looks of it, it's from the minor arcania, an Ace of Wands. I don't know what it's supposed to mean, but what really catches my attention of the symbol drawn on it. At first, I thought that the blood had come from someone that Shiro had beaten up, but from what you can see, the blood has been used to etch a complex symbol into the card.

Just where did he even get this?

I stuff the card back into my own wallet along with the money.


As I approach the nurse's office, I hear some voices coming from it.

"Now then, while Jojo is taking off his pants, I'll take your temperatures to prove you're faking ill." The nurse say. Looks like Akinaka and Mito are already at the nurse's office. When I glance inside, I see Aki and Mito in beds near the window. With the huge grins they're sporting, I highly doubt that they're going to be fooling the nurse. She's at the foot of the bed, about to take their temperatures. Jotaro is in there as well, with a huge cut on his leg. Looks like he's not too happy about having to take his pants off to get treated.

"We really have colds" I hear Aki say.

"Yeah. Let us go early" I'd recognize Mito's voice anywhere.

On one hand, it isn't part of the plan for me to show up now. On the other hand, I really am hurt. I'm going in.

"Excuse me-" I say.

"Hey Sensei!" Aki says. There's something wrong. "What are you doing."

When I look inside, I see the nurse swinging around a pen like a mad woman.

"What does it look like?! I'm shaking the thermometer to reset it!" The nurse says. Or more accurately screams. I don't even notice as I summon Napalm Death. Something's going on. It may be related to the guys from outside, how they attacked me on sight. But they at least moved like normal people. The nurse's motions are jerky, like she's a puppet being controlled by a mediocre puppeteer.

"Th- thermometer? Sensei..." Akinaka says.

"Sensei, that's a pen!" Mito finishes. By now, they are backing up in their beds, keeping as much distance as they can between themselves and the nurse.

"A pen? It looks like a pen, you say?" By now, I see foam coming from the nurse's mouth. Does this look like a pen to you?!"

"HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE!?!" The nurse yells. By now, I notice something new. a green and white tentacle slithering into the nurse. That settles it. A Stand is behind this. From the looks of it, a Stand that can control people. Hopefully, that means the User is nearby. With my eyes, I follow the tentacle from the nurse's office, down the hall, and right to the source. The Stand User.

It's a boy with red hair wearing a green school uniform, not like the black and purple we wear. He's also wearing a long white scarf draped on his shoulders. And he's carrying a marionette. He's walking right for the nurse's office and his eyes are right on me. But he might now know that I know about him yet.

"THIS THERMOMETER LOOKS LIKE A PEN TO YOU?!" The nurse yells a final time. That's it, something bad is about to happen, and there's no way I can leave my friends in the middle of this without trying to help. I could go in the nurse's office ad try to stop the nurse, or maybe, I could stop it, but then I'd be trapped in there with whatever that Stand User has in store for me.

[] Attack the red headed Stand User.
- [] Charge at him to get in range.
- [] Walk towards him as if you aren't on to him, then stab him with Napalm Death when his back is to you.
- [] Write "Bomb" on the wall and walk away. If you time it right, it'll blow up when he gets close enough to notice it.
- [] Write in.

[] Tackle the nurse to keep her from hurting anyone.
[] Write in.
[X] Attack the red headed Stand User.
- [X] Write "Bomb" on the wall and walk away. If you time it right, it'll blow up when he gets close enough to notice it.

"I prepared Explosive Runes this morning."
[X] Attack the red headed Stand User.
- [X] Write "Bomb" on the wall and walk away. If you time it right, it'll blow up when he gets close enough to notice it.
[X] Attack the red headed Stand User.
- [X] Write "Bomb" on the wall and walk away. If you time it right, it'll blow up when he gets close enough to notice it.
[X] Attack the red headed Stand User.
- [X] Write "Bomb" on the wall and walk away. If you time it right, it'll blow up when he gets close enough to notice it.

Aw man this is gonna be great.
[X] Attack the red headed Stand User.
- [X] Write bomb on one of the bills you have, crumble it up with some others so it has some weight and throw it at the guy.

Who avoids free money? Plus, this eliminates the delay between writing the word and having to wait for the guy to pass by it, hopefully stopping the nurse earlier.
[X] Attack the red headed Stand User.
- [X] Write "Bomb" on the wall and walk away. If you time it right, it'll blow up when he gets close enough to notice it.