Jace911 "Reviews" Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Oh yeah, here's the kicker cat bunny. Those countless time loops that Homura lived and suffered through? They also are what allowed Madoka to accumulate karmic weight and made her wish possible.

Homura, o7.

It was close enough that I was extremely disturbed by it.
The earlier episodes were tasteful enough to that it didn't trigger any reaction from me.
But we see what we see.
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Yes, keeping the conversation going Mado was....not exactly that good mentally, and she wasted all her magic in one shot so maybe the effects were just starting, even then when she started to witch out she was suffering a lot.

Homura proposed to witch out and destroy the world toguether so there is that about Mental Pollution.
But the end scene is a similar situation, in which a massive fight brings down her reserves over a short period rather than Sayaka, in which she lost power over the course of a few days.
Wouldn't Sayaka be Raiden? Which makes Kyoko Sam. Which actually kinda works because like Kyoko, Sam used to be a hero of justice who grew jaded and decides to try to educate someone going through that same 'Hero of Justice' stage but because that person, Sayaka/Raiden, were so stubborn in trying to justify their actions that the two got into a conflict wherein one sick punks the other. The difference is Raiden is a fucking psychopath who accepted his love of killing which parallels the player learning to not put so much stock into narrative justification for the gameplay and to just enjoy the gameplay for what it is, while Sayaka just kinda broke down as she realized that she wasn't selfless enough to not regret her wish when Kyosuke didn't return her affection. I guess what I'm trying to say is source?
Sayaka does a neat bit of iaido.
Also if you go to the concept art she has a sheath which actually looks remarkably similar to Sam's.
I am seriously getting feels poisoning from all the bittersweet happiness this show is injecting into my veins




I didn't dislike that actually, in that Madoka's wish solved the greatest tragedy but it doesn't mean that everything is rosy afterwards.

The girls still have their own struggles fight and their obstacles to overcome, but Madoka erased the greatest injustice of all and the playing field was levelled.

As a metaphor, that works surprisingly well.
I didn't dislike that actually, in that Madoka's wish solved the greatest tragedy but it doesn't mean that everything is rosy afterwards.

The girls still have their own struggles fight and their obstacles to overcome, but Madoka erased the greatest injustice of all and the playing field was levelled.

As a metaphor, that works surprisingly well.
I always thought that the reason that she did't get rid of the furry white bastard was that he was responsible for human advancement, and she only had one wish. After all, uplifting humans and stopping entropy are both worthy goals, even if QB is a dick.
It's pretty clear that Madoka can do what she wants at the end of Episode 12, to most extents. She basically rebuilt the universe from the ground up and was willing to change history for Sayaka's sake if that was what she had wanted.

Kyubey's there because it serves a purpose: to give wishes meaning, and to prevent the end of the world. She had it entirely under control.
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I always thought that the reason that she did't get rid of the furry white bastard was that he was responsible for human advancement, and she only had one wish. After all, uplifting humans and stopping entropy are both worthy goals, even if QB is a dick.
Yeah, the quote could have been chosen better, I was more thinking about the fact that they still have to fight wraiths and that magical girls can still die, QB still existing is secondary to that.

Also, the Watsonian reasoning doesn't matter that much for the metaphor about feminism Jace saw. I pointed out that it could be extended further, it's about erasing structural unfairness so that you could fight your own battles on a levelled field.
Madoka probably doesn't actually have the power to write the Incubators out of reality; she doesn't use her powers to do change anything not related to magical girls and witches. Also, if she really had that level of reality warping power.

Also, simply being "written out of the universe" is rather anticlimatic, out of all the available ways to punish a villain.

Plus, Kyubey's much less dickish with this new system in place.
Hahaha what am I even saying. Even rewriting the universe cannot stop Kyubey from being a dick.
But the show itself treats it as true, so it doesn't matter.

Actually, it doesn't. Kyubey says he believes it to be the case, but he doesn't know that for a fact, and obviously he can't test it.

The existence of Mitakihara, which in real life burned down in the 17th century and never got rebuilt, implies the Puellaverse is an alternate history of our own.
The thing with Incubators is, they aren't that bad in Madoka's new world. In the version with witches, Incubators had a huge incentive to be dicks, because they were rewarded if they made magical girls suffer, so that's what they did. In Madoka's world, Incubators only get paid when magical girls wipe out a Wraith, and they get absolutely nothing when a magical girl dies.

So suddenly, Kyubey has to work to ensure that magical girls have long and productive lives. Which changes his modus operandi.
The thing with Incubators is, they aren't that bad in Madoka's new world. In the version with witches, Incubators had a huge incentive to be dicks, because they were rewarded if they made magical girls suffer, so that's what they did. In Madoka's world, Incubators only get paid when magical girls wipe out a Wraith, and they get absolutely nothing when a magical girl dies.

So suddenly, Kyubey has to work to ensure that magical girls have long and productive lives. Which changes his modus operandi.
Rebellion says hello.

There's only one immutable constant (yes, the pleonasm is needed): Bunny-cat is a dick.
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Symbolism; their nudity represents a represents a return to innocence and rebirth.

I was beaten to the punch, but I'll say it anyway. The final episodes aired on Good Friday; Madoka Kaname died for your sins.

And the Universe acknowledges that. Check the picture; the bright blue star on Madoka's right? That's Sayaka.

Madokaism is the one true religion. Embrace it!
Okay, so in case size 4 - the standard size - is too small for people to read.


Quoting myself, because Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, people.

We're reacting to Jace's reactions, here, not discussing Madoka in general. And we're most certainly not discussing general Rebellion stuff here. If you put anything under a spoiler tag that doesn't relate to Jace's reactions, or you looking forward to Jace's reaction to this or that, then it belongs in Madoka General Discussion.
Symbolism; their nudity represents a represents a return to innocence and rebirth.

I was beaten to the punch, but I'll say it anyway. The final episodes aired on Good Friday; Madoka Kaname died for your sins.

And the Universe acknowledges that. Check the picture; the bright blue star on Madoka's right? That's Sayaka.

Madokaism is the one true religion. Embrace it!

Madoka is the only god worthy of veneration.

maybe i should change my avatar/user title if i'm going to be posting in here

edit: done, back to sinon for now

the homuface will be restored once jace has come under the wings of the Ascended One

soon he shall know truth
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Congrats on finishing the show. And, as mentioned above the nudity is about innocence and perhaps rebirth as well. I didn't see it as sexualized. In the recap movie they did gain long flowing robes if I remember right.

Anyways, you know when you'll be doing Rebellion?