Jace911 "Reviews" Puella Magi Madoka Magica

(Also, one thing I really like about the ending is that it respects Kyubey, too. He has a point: the universe will end without magical girls. So keeping the system around and inventing wraiths... is kind of a nod to that.)
Speaking of all this, where can one legally (I'm on a college network where I have to log in with a student account to use, I don't know if torrenting would draw the powers that be down upon my sorry ass) acquire subbed PMMM movies?

Lets go at it then, the AI YO! cannot be stopped!
Wouldn't Sayaka be Raiden? Which makes Kyoko Sam. Which actually kinda works because like Kyoko, Sam used to be a hero of justice who grew jaded and decides to try to educate someone going through that same 'Hero of Justice' stage but because that person, Sayaka/Raiden, were so stubborn in trying to justify their actions that the two got into a conflict wherein one sick punks the other. The difference is Raiden is a fucking psychopath who accepted his love of killing which parallels the player learning to not put so much stock into narrative justification for the gameplay and to just enjoy the gameplay for what it is, while Sayaka just kinda broke down as she realized that she wasn't selfless enough to not regret her wish when Kyosuke didn't return her affection. I guess what I'm trying to say is source?
Did you watch the ending?

Seriously, I feel like you didn't watch the ending. Wait for after the credits. There's one last scene.

(And yeah. Madoka not only got her wish, she got the raw power to bring it about. There is, quite literally, an afterlife for magical girls created by Madoka. And the girls get to die with dignity, at least. Madoka's world is definitely a happier one, if bittersweet.)

Post-Credits Reaction:

Speaking of all this, where can one legally (I'm on a college network where I have to log in with a student account to use, I don't know if torrenting would draw the powers that be down upon my sorry ass) acquire subbed PMMM movies?
You cannot. And the discs cost something like $70, for a japan only imported blu-ray. Yay.
Wouldn't Sayaka be Raiden? Which makes Kyoko Sam. Which actually kinda works because like Kyoko, Sam used to be a hero of justice who grew jaded and decides to try to educate someone going through that same 'Hero of Justice' stage but because that person, Sayaka/Raiden, were so stubborn in trying to justify their actions that the two got into a conflict wherein one sick punks the other. The difference is Raiden is a fucking psychopath who accepted his love of killing which parallels the player learning to not put so much stock into narrative justification for the gameplay and to just enjoy the gameplay for what it is, while Sayaka just kinda broke down as she realized that she wasn't selfless enough to not regret her wish when Kyosuke didn't return her affection. I guess what I'm trying to say is source?
Magical Girl Noir Quest.
I don't know what reaction I'm the most excited for. The cake? The break dancing? But that's just the tip of the ice burg! Oh god oh man, this is going to be a review to behold.
Except that the mood of the scene doesn't match Homura giving into despair, there's no set-up for why the area's a barren desert there and in Rebellion...You can argue there's a link but it feels awkward at best.
That's because she doesn't need to fall into despair, only expend so much power that her soul gem becomes black. The tone of the scene is Homura resolutely refusing to give into despair, even though it's difficult, like when fighting more Wraiths than she can handle.
"I wish you weren't such an asshole, Kyubey."
I point you to
Magical Girl Noir Quest.
At least in my humble opinion.
That's because she doesn't need to fall into despair, only expend so much power that her soul gem becomes black. The tone of the scene is Homura resolutely refusing to give into despair, even though it's difficult, like when fighting more Wraiths than she can handle.
I dunno, it is presumed that the when the soulgem darkens it also has mental effects on the MG anyway, it is obviously correlated seeing how Sayaka became when she didnt clean her soulgem.
I dunno, it is presumed that the when the soulgem darkens it also has mental effects on the MG anyway, it is obviously correlated seeing how Sayaka became when she didnt clean her soulgem.
Sayaka was a mess of issues even without cleaning the soul gem. When Madoka was facing a black soul gem after a Walpurgisnacht fight (timeline 2 I think). She was acting normally, and pretty happy, considering that she was dying.
We started with some spoilery stuff, and now I'm just in the habit.
Yes, keeping the conversation going Mado was....not exactly that good mentally, and she wasted all her magic in one shot so maybe the effects were just starting, even then when she started to witch out she was suffering a lot.

Homura proposed to witch out and destroy the world toguether so there is that about Mental Pollution.