Voting is open
I'm pretty sure the Head only outlawed sapient machines. A drone is not sapient and thus is not in violation of the Heads laws.
Yeah, is sapient machines and sapient non-human that are outlaw. Non-sapient AI should be fine.
3.13 - Daring Decision
[X] Plan: Get the ball rolling.
-[X] X knows one of the Pinus Sylvestris knights is under Adam's control, The Black Silence specialized in stealth so having Roland tail the guy is probably a good way to track down Adam.
--[X] The Voice said she was working with Adam, if she is listening to our talks then Adam will probably be prepared so be ready yourself.
-[X] We also have a meeting with our bosses about what's going on so having one of you librarians who are better informed than us to explains some stuff would be pretty good.
-[X] Have Beats send our regards to Linette. We should set up an Office wide meeting sometime soon to catch up and for us to explain the mess we're involved in.

3.13 - Daring Decision

Your name is Jamie, and you won yet again.

Yet another victory has been claimed by your blade. It really isn't hard. Not anymore.

Your mind's eye feels clearer than ever. Your body feels lighter, more agile. You just feel so much stronger in every single way. Such was the power of your blessing.

The knight in front of you gasps.

This asshat was looking down on you from the very beginning of the fight. You wish, from the bottom of your heart, that you could have recorded the utterly dumbstruck look in his eyes, when you started winning.

It wasn't difficult. The guy's awfully predictable. You see a lot of yourself on him, actually- it's a mere evolution of what your fighting style was, before all of this. Graceful, powerful, but… tried-and-tested. Everyone and their mother knows that style, and thus, its flaws are completely apparent.

You needed some sort of flair to distinguish yourself. You can't just rely on traditional swordsmanship forever. You need to make something that fits you, something that was made for your body.

Anyway, it's better if you just finish this moron off and be done with it.

You kick your opponent- one Rapier Knight- while he's on the ground, sending him straight to the dreamlands.

Your next opponent is tomorrow. His name is "Tola," if you remember the matchups correctly. Maybe those independent knights will give you a better performance.

"Aaaaand the winner is- Jamie, our underdog of the day! Flagbearer Knight!!!"

You chuckle at your nickname.

It has a good ring to it. You silently thank that Mirrored Knight for handing you that flag.

Flagbearer Knight. You didn't even use that flag. You walked into the ring with it on your back, and buried it on the ground. The audience loved it.

Seems like being Infected is a secondary concern to being amusing.

You take the flag from its chosen place and walk away, while the announcer's head loudly beeps and boops, with talking about the match in between the robotic noises. Interesting gimmick this guy has.

Soon afterwards, you're back on your way to the Infected quarter.

Are you even really Infected by now?

Your lord cured you of all disease, didn't he? You are healed. You are cured.

Untouched by disease, an immortal envoy of His word.

You hope the precepts of your mission will become clearer, soon. You are still not truly aware of your lord's designs. No, all you know is that you must enlighten Sora- for she is worthy, too.

"My lord, are the others- Ashlock, Justyna… are they not worthy as well?" you foolishly asked, yesterday.

Your lord simply chose to gaze upon you, and smiled kindly.

"In time, all shall hear the truth of reality. But Sora is special, Jamie. Rest assured that your friends will have a place in the new world- but Sora will be one of the saviors who will carve the path to that place."

Yes, it seems that- hm?

There's someone- trailing you? Behind you. You look back. Someone in a suit there- wearing black gloves.

They fade away into the crowd- just another bystander. Eh, it's probably nothing.

You hear a polite cough in front of you. When you turn around, there's someone there, holding a piece of paper in their hands.

"Mr. Flagbearer Knight?" says a man in a suit.

You look at the man in front of you.


He adjusts his glasses.

"I'm Alexander, sir. I'm with the Mieszko Group. I have a business proposal for you."

You blink, and take a look at the guy. He doesn't look high-profile. The suit…. It's now new- actually it has some signs of heavy use. He wears it to work, and likely doesn't have a lot of replacements. Probably just some office worker.

"Right here?"

"Well, no, sir. I arranged for a meeting in a restaurant, but we couldn't find your address to send the invitation."

A naked lie, you notice.


Since when did you- since when did you notice this? Your vision has grown so, so precise. You can notice each individual drop of sweat on his head. You hear his heartbeat, his agitation. He thinks you're dangerous- he's scared of you.

Likely because he thinks you're an Infected. You've dealt with fear and derision before.

But why would he lie about this.

Is this some sort of trap?

"What restaurant?"

"Ostro's, sir. We have a cab ready for you."

You vaguely recognize that one. It's a classy restaurant in the rich part of the city. This can't be a trap.

…if they did want you dead, they have the Armorless for that. This is… a real meeting? They want something from you.

You'd refuse.


You do want to see where this goes.

…time has passed.

A tombstone cracks.

"Eh?" mutters the gravekeeper, holding an icepack to the back of his head. Something hit him in the head last night, and knocked him out. He assumed theft, but there wasn't anything stolen.

Probably just an accident- or so he thought.

The stone breaks open, and a bloodied hand bursts out. The man screams. The sound of splintering wood and shattering marble resounds- and soon after, a red blur can be seen.

And then, silence.

No one will ever believe the man when he tells his story.

As you walk back to Rhodes Island's building, you hear that familiar ally chime inside your head.

"I have an urgent matter to discuss."

Well, can Abel talk about it in the way back? You've got some time.

"Yes." he lets out an exhausted breath. "I… I had to confront Carmen."


"She was… attempting to listen in to our meeting- I suspect she's trying to tell Adam about everything we are doing. I cannot allow her to obtain such an advantage over us. So I attempted to block her from hearing."


That's incredible of his part. Pushing past his trauma to help you.

You smile.

Thanks, Abel.

"...It… it was nothing." he says, taking a breath between each word. "She is… formidable, but I believe I can block her presence from now on."

How does… that sort of thing work, anyway.

"Combat within the Light is… diffuse, to say the least. It is not a place that makes much sense by my standards. But I have some practice, at least, in instituting a sense of order within a diffuse psychic space. I cannot harm her, but… I hope I can do enough."

It's okay.

"I will… perhaps rest for a while. If anything occurs… I will warn you."

"See ya." you mutter at an imperceptible volume.

Soon, there is silence. You're once again alone with your thoughts.

Oh. Here it is. The building.



"Thank you."

Roland is trailing the mysterious servant of your former- and you? You're here for the meeting with Sieghart's bosses, alongside your own.

You sigh.

Really, things have gotten much stranger.

You were expecting something much less complicated. You'd walk in, go on an adventure to find the Abnormalities, maybe duke it out with them, go back home. And now you're here. Lost in this place.

The base of your horns is itching.

Chesed is talking with the horned woman, Sieghart is explaining something you already heard- apparently, one of Adam's Apostles attacked this place early.

The woman doesn't seem too pleased that Mr. Color over there didn't tell them he knew who the guy was.

Okay, then.

Goddamn do those horns itch.

You wish BongBong was here. She'd navigate this situation better, you think.

…the girl who can't speak would navigate better.

That's… that's sad on your part.

You feel out of place.

You're still in your armor- it's really become an habit to walk with it around. It's almost like… a second skin, by now. It's just a thing knights often end up doing- living and breathing inside their armor.

Sometimes you wonder if there's anything below that armor. If that role has not consumed their identity whole.

But it makes you feel… unwelcome here. Everyone is dressed in suits, in dresses, in coats. The air of luxury is palpable. And you're in your armor, eating this stuff you don't even know the name of. You probably look like a savage to these people.

All of this… came out of nowhere.

The suited man in front of you has an unnervingly fake grin.

No. It's not just the grin.

Your lord is divine, he is cryptic at times- confusing, mysterious. But his emotions are visible. He mutters to himself, stews silently in rage at things that displease him.

Everyone has those things. With your new eyes, it's easy to notice.

This person feels fake to you. You're not sure if what you're reading is their real face, or a simple facade intended to mislead you.

They sigh, and clean their mouth with a napkin. An expensive dinner, all expenses paid.

"...well, this was pretty good." you say, narrowing your eyes. "But you didn't bring me here to give me food."

An eyebrow rises in the Miezko businessman's face.

"To business, then?"

"To business."

He smiles. It seems kind, at a first glance.

"Well. You've been having an excellent performance in the Majors recently, and with your recent recovery from your condition…" he says. "We'd like to make you an offer, Mr. Flagbearer Knight."

You tap your fingers over the table.

"What offer?"

"It has recently come to our attention that you support an orphanage. We would like to make an investment on it. A small stipend, you see, to make the lives of these children better."

…Is… is this man serious?

"...I know there's something you want from me."

But… the kids.

"What is it?"

He sighs.

"We've seen your recent hospital transcripts, Flagbearer Knight. We know you've had an unprecedented recovery from your Oripathy- something which is simply not possible."

…hospital transcripts? But-

"Your Infection monitor."

You grit your teeth. This- this- why does he know that? How does he know that? The infection monitor- damn it! You should have taken it off, but…

You did take it off. But Iwona caught you without it, and she forced it back into you- damn it! The rest of Pinus Sylvestris even lectured you on taking care of yourself. The monitor's reported information- of course they would have access to that!

But how does it… how does it relate to the orphanage?

"It would be scandalous if the most shining example of Infected knights was victim to such a leak of information. If it came out to light that you've been faking Oripathy for fame, or some other reason."

It takes all your strength to not reach out of wring this man's neck with your bare hands.

"So- let's make a deal. If you disconnect yourself from Pinus Sylvestris- we'll provide an alternative knightclub, obviously- we'll reframe the information as a malicious attempt at defamation by a spurned rival. You did dismantle Ingra quite magnificently- we could choose him as our target, and present all this as a long-running feud between you. He won't question anything, I assure you. He's well-trained in such matters."

Your rage- you need to control it.

They can't- they can't keep doing this! It's absurd.

Was this what occurred to the Blood Knight? Was he inevitably pulled into the system, regardless of his wishes? Is anything you know about him, about his glory and his story, even real?? If they can promise you this… if they can just reframe the past and lie in such, in such a blatant and ridiculous manner, then- then what even was true??

"We'll provide for the children you take care of, and we'll give them a home immediately if you wish for it. All we ask for in exchange, is a public denouncement of Pinus Sylvestris, who took advantage of your defamation to add a new trooper to their ranks, regardless of their supposed rules on "only Infected being allowed." What do you say?"

The waiter passes next to you, throwing you a scornful look. The businessman- you don't even know his name- takes a sip from the wine.

"You won't be the first Knight to fake Oripathy, mind you." he smiles again. "You're not in a position to refuse my offer- and it would be a shame if what little funding you manage to gather just… stopped coming. It would be a shame if those children just, well, if something happened to them, it would be terrible, no?"

You should not attack this man. It would only make things worse. And your lord would not allow such things.

You should not kill him. It wouldn't fix anything. Your lord would not allow such things.

Your lord… would not allow you to-

"I'll let you into a little secret." he says, before he moves in closer.

"The Radiant Knight was the same as you. Only her grandfather took the offer, you see. Will you be the same?"

Your armored hands crack. The metal twists and crumples under your strength.

"…I see." you say. "Let me… let me have some time to think, okay?"

"It is no issue. Here- have my business card. When you come to the correct decision, you can call me." says the businessman. "Goodbye for now, mister Flagbearer Knight."

He gives you a card. You don't even read it. He stands up from his chair, and walks away- but not before handing the waiter a check from his pocket.

You try to focus on anything else, before your vision goes red. On the lights, on the people eating, on the empty plate, on the Feline on the black suit watching you. On the Armorless Union assassins in the shadows, away, outside the building.

You're almost sure nobody heard you talking. He did all of this in such a public place- and you don't think there was anyone spying on you.

He holds all the cards in his hands. They hold all the power. You can't tell truth from lies. There's no such thing as inspiration.

The Blood Knight formed his own knightclub after winning. Was- was he given a similar deal? You don't know. You can't know.

This place won't change.

This place can't change.

It's just how people are. Nobody can truly hold their ideals, as long as they are people. You- you'll accept this deal too, if it means the kids stay well..

When push comes to shove, people give their ideals up for their own survival. They can wish for a better world, but does it matter if those wishes will be smashed to pieces by the powers from above them? What do ideals even mean, if they'll be discarded whenever hunger strikes, whenever a child becomes sick?

Ideals don't put food on the table.

Humans cannot follow ideals, cannot truly manifest their convictions, as long as they are human. As long as they are bound…

…by flesh.

"...hello, Jamie!" whispers a voice inside your head.

It sounds warm. Like the sun.

A lot has happened.

Kal'tsit is looking at you.

"... you've decided to reveal the information you've been hiding." she says.

It's better if you get started. You nod.

"Is this a matter pertaining to the City?"

You blink.

"You know about…"

"The City, yes. Lech told me much about it. A place dominated by the Wings, under the rule of the Head- the place of your origin. Amiya was also informed about it."

You adjust your hat on your head. You were not expecting this.

"...I presume you agree to the debriefing I proposed, then?"

"Yes. However, we should have this conversation between the two of us first. Then, your ally from the Library- the group that killed you, I presume?"

So she knows you- and by extension, the rest of your Office- died fighting the Library. What a troublesome woman, this Kal'tsit is.

Well, there's little use in hiding it.


"And you don't seem to have any issues with working alongside them."

You chuckle.

"I was trying to kill them too. It was strictly business. I don't feel a lot of resentment for this specific part of the Library. The only person I really hold a grudge for is the Arbiter, who killed me- and was responsible for the Fairy you removed."

"It was an interesting case. Working with an organism as enhanced and modified as yours was remarkably easy, in fact. It cooperated in a manner a human body does not tend to do."

Yes, that's a big positive of your implants. This one is important- it's a central node, some sort of complicated threat recognition organ fused to your brainstem that you don't really understand, but it seems to actively recognize attempts at healing and release the right sort of orders that will assist the healing actor. It does the opposite for poisons, and will selectively harden, disable or stimulate certain parts of your body in order to ensure maximum performance and coordination between all other implants. It's incredibly complex, and was worth an entire year of Nightmare-ranked cases, back when you were a Grade 1. Every upgrade you've had since then has been exponentially more expensive, as you got more and more implants of varying complexity.

That was so long ago.

Kal'tsit stares into your hidden eyes.

"What sort of person do you believe I am?"

You think for a second.

"Someone I might be able to trust."

It seems to throw her very slightly off balance at first. But then she's back- those green eyes return to being… that way. This woman reminds you a lot of Iori, in fact. You're not sure why, though. Perhaps it's that incessant aura of scheming.


You look back into her eyes, and you speak your mind.

"As long as Lech trusted you, so do I. I can tell he did- he wouldn't have said anything about the City, otherwise."

"I could have obtained it through other means."

"You don't seem like the sort to torture Lech for vague stories on the City, no. And if you knew the secret of T-Corp's Singularity, I would have sensed it."

That telling feel of distorted space, of bending time, or causality being broken in some manner. When T-Corp's technology gathers time, spends time, consumes, modifies time- you know it. You have practice, you feel that sensation that something, somewhere, is terribly wrong. That sensation… of being watched. A line in the sand almost crossed, a rule on the cusp of being broken.

TimeTrack does not violate time.

But it is close. One more step, and a rule will be broken.

And there is something- something that is paying attention.

"You place a surprising amount of trust on me for someone who has only recently arrived in this world. But I suppose Lech was very much the same."

"Where is he?" you ask.

"...I do not know. He vanished years ago, when we fell to an enemy assault. From time to time, I hear rumors. A wanderer in Gaul, a mysterious backer to ninja on Higashi, construction crews hired on Columbia, mercenaries moving towards some sort of project. All I know is that he is constructing something."

Constructing something…

You see.

It's much like him. The first opportunity he got, he launched himself into some sort of massive project.

In T-Corp, it was something relating to their time supply- he never exactly told you what exactly it was, but he said he'd worked with W-Corp, leading the team that developed what he called the "Time-Gatherer Array," the network that supplied T-Corp with raw time and drastically cut down on costs of the WARP train transportation system.

When he got out, he hopped into the next project- the development of an object that would "exist simultaneously in all points of time," whatever that meant.

And when he got to your Office? First thing he did was signing up to the hunt for the Dissolution Pursuers, a Star of the City-classed Syndicate, to prove himself. A massive undertaking where you and the rest of your Office collaborated with Seven Association, Blackguard Office, the Searing Knights, and even the damn Pinky, to smoke out every last remnant of that damn group and destroy every last trace of their acidic weaponry, which even Tres Association had deemed too dangerous and psychotic to be allowed.

And these guys allow Smoke, allow Dilaceration and all sorts of fucked up stuff you're not in the mood to talk about.

In hindsight, you really should have anticipated this- it's just like Lech to find the biggest, most absurd megaproject he can attach himself to and immediately try to join it. And if he can't, he'll just make one. It isn't really a fame thing, and it isn't like… he wants to leave a mark, you know. A legacy. That isn't his jam.

It's just something he does- it's a way for him to feel useful, to feel like he truly is contributing.

Well, anyway.

That's for another time. You'll ask more about those rumors later- and about Lech's stay in Rhodes Island.

The girl is here. Amiya, huh? She doesn't look like much to the untrained eye. But you see determination in those eyes. An a vague sense of recognition?

The Doctor is also here. A mystery as always. You just can't get a read on the guy, beyond the fact that he just seems lost, but that's the guy at all times.

Kal'tsit is waiting for you on the other side of the table. The two Librarians are waiting for you to speak.

What will you speak of?

(You may pick any amount of topics to speak of. Some options have requirements.)

First of all, the thing your meeting was founded on.

On "Adam." You'll start there, and move downwards from that. If there's any other topics, you'll connect them to Adam. He's the priority, now.

[ ] [Disclosure] - You will reveal Adam's existence and his full powers. The existence of Apostles will be disclosed. Andoain's nature as one will be revealed. You may include the following additional pieces of information if you want to. (Keep in mind that the Library, too, will know anything you say.)
-[ ] (Requires Abnormality Disclosure) Explain that he is the current host of WhiteNight and exactly what will occur if he gathers twelve Apostles.
-[ ] (Requires Carmen Disclosure) Explain that Adam is directly in league with Carmen.
-[ ] (Requires Library Disclosure) Explain that Adam is after one of the Library's books that you carry with you, alongside, apparently, Hibiscus. (You do not know why Hibiscus was a target.)
-[ ] Write-in (Other details about Adam that might be relevant.)
[ ] [Partial Disclosure] - You will explain that Adam is the master of Andoain and working with malicious intent. Nothing else.
[ ] [No Disclosure] - Keep your mouth shut about Adam. This meeting was founded on the basis of talking about Adam, what is even the point of it if you don't talk about him?

On Abnormalities.

[ ] [Disclosure] - Reveal the existence and nature of Abnormalities, alongside all the specific information you have on their abilities. You may include the following additional pieces of information if you want to. (Keep in mind that the Library, too, will know anything you say.)
-[ ] The man who you faced in Sal Viento was utilizing the powers of one such entity- the "Dreaming Current."
-[ ] X is holding the power of one such entity- "[CENSORED]."
-[ ] You have one of them. Right in this book.
-[ ] Write-in (Other details about Abnormalities that might be relevant.)
[ ] [Partial Disclosure] - Reveal that there are creatures that were released when you were scattered through Terra. Do not reveal their nature.
[ ] [No Disclosure] - Abnormality? What Abnormality? You're the picture of normality. You're so fucking normal right now.

On "Abel."

[ ] [Disclosure] - Reveal Abel's existence. (This will also be revealed to the Library.)
-[ ] Allow him to manifest during the meeting.
-[ ] Write-in (Other details about Abel that might be relevant.)
[ ] [No Disclosure] - Do not reveal the existance of Abel.

On "Carmen."

[ ] [Disclosure] - Reveal Carmen, and the Distortion Phenomenon that she entices and supports. (You have a witness- due to pure coincidence, Mostima is, too, here, and she saw the Eternal Persistence form.)
-[ ] Reveal the fact that you, too, can hear her voice.
-[ ] (Requires Adam Disclosure) - She is actively working alongside Adam. You do not know to what extent, but she might be supplying him with information. Assume she is always listening.
-[ ] (Requires Abel Disclosure) - Abel has recently managed to block her presence. He'll be very busy fighting her off, soon enough.
-[ ] Write-in (Other details about Carmen that might be relevant.)
[ ] [No Disclosure] - Do not reveal Carmen.
-[ ] Write-in (You might provide an alternative explanation, if you want to hide Carmen but still present the existance of the Distortion Phenomenon.)

On "The Library."

[ ] [Disclosure] - Give a short explanation on what the Library is, and why you went off to fight them.
-[ ] (Requires Abnormality Disclosure) Reveal that the Library was containing the Abnormalities.
-[ ] Write-in (Other details about the Library that might be relevant.)

On other topics-

[ ] Write-in. (Think of something else to say.)
Oh man, that's a lot of decisions to be making for the next update. I do think we should be relatively clear, though definitely not spill the beans on literally everything.

Also hey, Arabella's little Seaborn pogchamp is coming home!

Tears up

They grow up so fast...!
I'm a bit confused about the format votes are supposed to be in for this update. But on the topic on what we should disclose i'll say this.
  1. We should disclose all information about Adam. This is obvious and the most needed, he is a gigantic threat and everybody needs to know how dangerous he is.
  2. On Abnos revealing the existence of the Dreaming Current, X having CENSORED, and we should return the book to the library immediately. I'd like the libraries trust and I don't really care about the book, plus keeping it could leave to conflict we don't want later.
  3. We should tell people about Abel and allow him to manifest. I want to be on the same page with these people and to give Roland an aneurysm.
  4. On Carmen, reveal she's working with Adam, and that Abel is fighting her, do not reveal we can hear her voice.
  5. On the library A short summary should suffice, I don't think we need to go into more detail.
[X] Plan: Just tell them already!
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I don't think we have anything to gain by keeping some things hidden. This alliance is founded on the idea that we really need to address the distortions and WhiteNight as quickly as possible, and hiding things hurt that.
The only thing I'm worried about revealing is X having CENSORED. That I think has the chance of turning the Library hostile since we plan to keep him around. Hopefully we can negotiate that by giving them DC.
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I'm all for just telling them everything. It's just gonna be a pain in the ass if we hide anything

[X] Plan: Just tell them already!
-[X] [Disclosure] - You will reveal Adam's existence and his full powers. The existence of Apostles will be disclosed. Andoain's nature as one will be revealed. You may include the following additional pieces of information if you want to. (Keep in mind that the Library, too, will know anything you say.)
--[X] (Requires Abnormality Disclosure) Explain that he is the current host of WhiteNight and exactly what will occur if he gathers twelve Apostles.
--[X] (Requires Carmen Disclosure) Explain that Adam is directly in league with Carmen.
--[X] (Requires Library Disclosure) Explain that Adam is after one of the Library's books that you carry with you, alongside, apparently, Hibiscus. (You do not know why Hibiscus was a target.)
-[X] [Disclosure] - Reveal the existence and nature of Abnormalities, alongside all the specific information you have on their abilities. You may include the following additional pieces of information if you want to. (Keep in mind that the Library, too, will know anything you say.)
--[X] The man who you faced in Sal Viento was utilizing the powers of one such entity- the "Dreaming Current."
--[X] X is holding the power of one such entity- "[CENSORED]."
--[X] You have one of them. Right in this book.
-[X] [Disclosure] - Reveal Abel's existence. (This will also be revealed to the Library.)
--[X] Allow him to manifest during the meeting.
-[X] [Disclosure] - Reveal Carmen, and the Distortion Phenomenon that she entices and supports. (You have a witness- due to pure coincidence, Mostima is, too, here, and she saw the Eternal Persistence form.)
--[X] Reveal the fact that you, too, can hear her voice.
--[X] (Requires Adam Disclosure) - She is actively working alongside Adam. You do not know to what extent, but she might be supplying him with information. Assume she is always listening.
--[X] (Requires Abel Disclosure) - Abel has recently managed to block her presence. He'll be very busy fighting her off, soon enough.
-[X] [Disclosure] - Give a short explanation on what the Library is, and why you went off to fight them.
But it is close. One more step, and a rule will be broken.

And there is something- something that is paying attention.

Oh hey there Price of Silence. Looks like T Corp keeps you busy.

[X] Plan: Just tell them already!

I don't really think we have much reason to keep things secret anymore. Not like Rhodes Island is going to keep us from finding the others like the Iberian Inquisition would have.
.... I believe angela won't have any reasons To get X back.
He and she is the same.
They are both tools abandoned by their creator, One demanding revenge and the other giving up on it and decided to move on.
If Angela decides to take CENSORED back, she is directly killing off basically herself.
She has decided to no longer continue for revenge. She won't have any reason to take Abram and X back now she knows the powers at play, she has priorities and she is intelligent, so is Roland and everyone here.
...but Abel.
... I hope she can forgive him.
Anyway... Thank you, Abel.
sorry for being hard on you, thank you for putting your spine back in place.
[X] Plan: Just tell them already!
As for X having [CENSORED], I'm pretty sure that's not much of a secret anyway. The Library knows that the As had checked out the Abnormalities. They signed their names on the Invitation and everything.

It wouldn't take long for the Library to figure out X has [CENSORED] with him, especially since Chesed is some kind of prodigy and Roland is an Information Specialist.
[X] Plan: Just tell them already!
Honestly I think Angela is just going to let X be, the others maybe not as much. But X is well X.
[X] [Disclosure] - You will reveal Adam's existence and his full powers. The existence of Apostles will be disclosed. Andoain's nature as one will be revealed. You may include the following additional pieces of information if you want to. (Keep in mind that the Library, too, will know anything you say.)
-[X] (Requires Abnormality Disclosure) Explain that he is the current host of WhiteNight and exactly what will occur if he gathers twelve Apostles.
-[X] (Requires Carmen Disclosure) Explain that Adam is directly in league with Carmen.
-[X] (Requires Library Disclosure) Explain that Adam is after one of the Library's books that you carry with you, alongside, apparently, Hibiscus. (You do not know why Hibiscus was a target.)

On Abnormalities.

[X] [Disclosure] - Reveal the existence and nature of Abnormalities, alongside all the specific information you have on their abilities. You may include the following additional pieces of information if you want to. (Keep in mind that the Library, too, will know anything you say.)
-[X] The man who you faced in Sal Viento was utilizing the powers of one such entity- the "Dreaming Current."
-[X] X is holding the power of one such entity- "[CENSORED]."
-[X] You have one of them. Right in this book.
-[X] Write-in Ursus is currently being attacked by one.

On "Abel."

[X] [Disclosure] - Reveal Abel's existence. (This will also be revealed to the Library.)
-[X] Allow him to manifest during the meeting.

On "Carmen."

[X] [Disclosure] - Reveal Carmen, and the Distortion Phenomenon that she entices and supports. (You have a witness- due to pure coincidence, Mostima is, too, here, and she saw the Eternal Persistence form.)
-[X] Reveal the fact that you, too, can hear her voice.
-[X] (Requires Adam Disclosure) - She is actively working alongside Adam. You do not know to what extent, but she might be supplying him with information. Assume she is always listening.
-[X] (Requires Abel Disclosure) - Abel has recently managed to block her presence. He'll be very busy fighting her off, soon enough.

On "The Library."

[X] [Disclosure] - Give a short explanation on what the Library is, and why you went off to fight them.
-[X] (Requires Abnormality Disclosure) Reveal that the Library was containing the Abnormalities.

Given what's going on nothing short of a full disclosure is acceptable here, withholding information will lead to a case of "crap goes in crap goes out" as far as knowledge and how the various groups gathered will be able to act.
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Honestly, Jamie awakening an EGO unintentionally making Adam's plan go awry is funny to me.
I don't think Jamie manifesting EGO would impact Adam's plans in the slightest. He would still spread Light like a Distortion and he would still presumably be loyal to Adam. At this point I don't think Jamie's loyalty to Adam is solely based on mind control and Jamie is now fully on board.
[X] Plan: Just tell them already!

Honestly don't mind that the details of the library is left up to the library crew here, if they want to provide it.
At this point I think the only way to convince Jamie is Pinus Sylvestris or a display of true knighthood defeat corporate greed from Pinus or it is why Adam is looking to complete the set to remove Jamie's only human doubts.

Otherwise Adam's hooks or speech is too effective and real against Jamie Kazimiera Late stage capitalism is too soul crushing Even if he developed some form of EGO.

Kal'tsit herself will try her best to stop Adam. The last thing she wants is another world ending monster being born. Amiya vs Adam has some interesting connotations or interactions between Amiya empathy and certain similarities between their end states.
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