kind of, Actually a speed specialty grade 3 can achieve that , If I remember the canon correctly...
but yeah, all colors can do that, but they don't do it because they are lazy, The blue reverberation can just take a bullet off the air like nothing, Dodging rain is easy.
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kind of, Actually a grade 3 can achieve that with a speed pacific modification to their body, If I remember the canon correctly...
but yeah, all colors can do that, but they don't do it because they are lazy, The blue reverberation can just take a bullet off the air like nothing, Dodging rain is easy.
Ah, I can now see why Roland said "Guns are not very effective against actually competent opponents. It would be cheaper to outfit an entire office with augmentations than with guns."
Okay, just finished testing out Sieghart. Essentially, he doesnt have an E.G.O.

What Mirrored Light: Steel Will is, is just a light based technique.

I don't know how well it would translate to lore, but it appears that Sieghart can essentially wield the light as some sort of discount's discount's discount Library attack.

Its like comparing a club to a steel sword. Mirrored Light might be something MiniCarmen taught him to do, as some sort of last petty kick she gave to Angela. Its not an E.G.O, the "special copying" part of it might be more attributed to Mini C than Sieghart himself.

By the way, the 30-49 die range is pretty accurate, since Sieghart using this attack is basically him going Atomic Samurai and slicing you into a thousand piece in a blink of an eye.

Second thing. Siehart is an actual armored I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE Tank, Colours are given moniker which fits them best, and Sieg's Steel Determination is a perfect fit. The Fairy while still dangerous might not actually be horrifically crippling. Due to hits=heal and Sieg's natural light aura, the guy is essentially immortal if he can keeps the flow and non stop dicing up of his enemy.

Literally, thats a card of his. Light's Voice. A goddamn 4 cost card with 5 dies and 1 counter die. The card heals you depending on how many bleed there are on the enemy, and basically every single card of sieg do bleed.

Third, Sieg is actually horrifying once he gets his debuff train going. Since every single blows coming from him is imbued with light, he can slam into you with the force of a thousand debuffs. Poor Xiao literally got stacked with so much bleed, paralysis and even the Nauseous Haze (which inflicts EVERY DEBUFFs at once) that she can't do anything to him.

This fits with his deck and how they encourage you to build him. Go all in on attacks, debuff the SHIT out of them, be as aggressive as possible. Take the hits and make them feel the bite of your blade.

This man is a menace, and probably THE strongest colour currently alive. If not for the fact that Kali is even more busted than him during her prime, I would go as far as saying that Sieghart might be able to contend with her.

Generally speaking, Sieg is busted, comparable to prime Kali. Hes basically Metal Gear Revengeance Raiden.
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Well there's that, have to say siegart is powerful which makes sense when cannoically they attack the library when it's been banished, a possible last attempt by angela or D minor, it makes sense she would find someone with geburas or binahs potential power in order to fight them
Mirrored light might allow sieg to pull off a blue mage a mimic things though, something to consider
Another way of putting it
He's Kris or Frisk on fox damned steroids
By the way, does Arknights have good swords? Our resident Colour here would probably love to have one.
From what I know guns and swords and whatever else lies in an armory but I ain't an expert
They have all kinds of materials,I believe we can get what we wanted if we search for it hard enough.
edit: And we will need money, a lot of money.
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I remember hearing Skadi can cut through mountains in half that has to count as something right, so there are some materials that should have bullshit durability at least?
Well that sounds like gebura and binah level of 'physics may go kindly jump off a cliff'
Depends on what you mean by good swords. Because while there is one instance of a sword with notable special properties (Ch'en's Chi Xiao) most are 'just' unnamed weapons and it's the wielder's arts that elevate them.

I remember hearing Skadi can cut through mountains in half that has to count as something right, so there are some materials that should have bullshit durability at least?
I guess there's also this, but Aegirian tech is hyper rare. It's super unlikely he could ever find one.

What. The. Fuck.
Theres someome in Arknights who can do that!? Are they a god like that one kjerg mountain goddess or whoever?
Just a genetically engineered super soldier. And no, she can't cut mountains in half. It's just part of the exaggerated rumors surrounding that particular character because she actually is absurdly strong and largely antisocial so all sorts of stories come up about her and she doesn't care enough to correct them.

Honestly, people really need to be more careful about the shit they say here considering a lot of the readers don't know Arknights and can easily come off with wrong impressions about the setting.
Well that sounds like gebura and binah level of 'physics may go kindly jump off a cliff'
Definitely even more insane than those two. Binah doesnt have enough Fairy juice to make a mountain "open up" nor is her lock powerful enough to be applicable over a large area.

Gebura can at best slice an apartment building in half with great split horizontal.

Dicing up a mountain is shonen level of op.
The Abyssal Hunters are the premiere supersoldiers on Terra. Luckily or unluckily for everyone else, they're a dying breed and there's only a handful of them left. Skadi in particular, while unable to actually cut a mountain in half, can tunnel through it with sheer strength alone. It'll just take her time since it'll require multiple swings of her sword. If she has to cut a building with it, chances are she can since Ch'en can do the same and Skadi's her equal if not her superior when it comes to sheer destructiveness.

Aegir weapons are also renowned for being near indestructible. Skadi has enough strength to break another operator's bones by lightly tapping her weapon against theirs (Grani was superhuman herself, and her spear hits like a .50 cal) and Specter can turn reinforced glass into sand with grip strength alone. All this and neither of them were particularly trying.

The best weapons are Aegir weapons since they can withstand the abuse that the Abyssal Hunters put them through, but the only way Sieg can get one is if he kills an Abyssal Hunter. Not happening in his wounded state at least. Can't buy these either since the nation that makes them, Aegir, is a underwater civilization that's cut off from the rest of the world and they hate sharing their tech.

The only other weapons better than that would be something that's forged by Nian since she's a deity focused on blacksmithing and metallurgy. She doesn't like making weapons for people nowadays though, so that's a no go.

That leaves commercial grade weaponry from the companies that do sell them. Raythean is the best weapons manufacturer in the world so probably would be the best bet for a mundane sword. The only ones better would probably belong to a nation's elite soldiers, or would be custom-forged by a Blacksmith from the countries of Minos or Higashi.
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Thanks for the heads up there friend
Something to look into
So the abyssal hunters are at a level between gebura and binah then in terms of sheer power
So they aren't gods got it. Probably around grade 3-1 level to low color.

Aegir weapons are basically discount E.G.O weapons then, since those haven't ever been broken either and probably are all indestructible themselves.

So mundane weaponries for now then. This is big sad, since workshop weapons from the City are supremely varied in what they could do, and Colors weapons are usually extremely overpowered. They can all do something special and have special properties to them.

I don't think a mundane sword is gonna be able to handle Sieghart's swinging speed, but this would depends on how the QM want to handle it.
1.2 - Festivals and Fire
[X]Ask the gang to tell you which district you are currently located, and just get out of here once you know.
-[X] If they don't want to tell you and is choosing the hostile approach, try to escape from the alleyways and into the open streets. Focus on dodging, and avoid fighting if you can.
-[X]If they answered your question, ask which direction is the nearest hospital, at least you can get some stitch work done over there, If they have K corp stuff then even better.

1.2 - Festivals and Fire

These thugs think they can knock you down. Heh. Honestly, what's with kids those days.

You cough into your hand.

"Could you please inform me what District is this? I need to get on the train back home, you know."

The guy blinks. For a second, he looks kind of confused, but quickly shrugs it off.

"You're in the southwest. The Lungmen Ring Expressway is a mile or so behind me."

Time slows down while you think. Well, metaphorically. You're just thinking very fast right now. Time manipulation is Lech's deal. Southwest? You like to think you're pretty good with locations. But you don't know where these places are supposed to be. Lungmen... that name is likely important.

The southwest region of the City encompasses around nine of the Districts. District 19 is your home. If you're in that region, going back, even if you theoretically couldn't take a Warp train, would be simple. You know your way.

But there's something amiss here. The way that he said "district" and "this city." Hmm. Not to mention...

The exact time it's now. It's night. You can see the moon in the sky. You've been feeling out of place since you ended up in this alley. Right now, it should be the Night of the Backstreets. No Syndicates should be out- the streets should be dominated with Sweepers. You didn't give that a second thought, at first. Sweepers are easy opponents. Their blades are extremely short-ranged, and there isn't a more glaring weakspot then their fuel tanks.

Not to mention that you're a Color. Contrary to popular belief, Sweepers aren't mindless monsters. You don't recall where you read that, but the average Sweeper is five times as educated as the average "base" human. They should know better then to fight you.

"That statistic is kinda misleading, don't you think? The average human can't find enough food to eat, nevermind an education. Meanwhile, pretty much every Sweeper at least has their family to support them."

Fair enough. Anyway, you've come to a conclusion. Either you're in a section of a Nest, or you're outside the City itself.

Nest... you don't know that yet. Looks way too crammed, and Syndicates and Wings generally prefer staying away from each other. So maybe you could have been moved to somewhere way too far from where you're supposed to be.

You're pretty much sure this is somehow Iori's fault. It was probably some sort of weird interaction between your light-based techniques and that librarian who was copying the Purple Tear's powers.

You might be in another reality entirely, who knows. No, that sounds kind of dumb.

Oh well, you just have to find your way back. Maybe you can just wait for the real Iori to pick you up. You still owe her a teriyaki sandwich at HamHamPangPang. You're sure she'll eventually come to collect.

Your thought speed returns to its regular pace.

"Could you tell me where the nearest hospital is? I am in need of medical attention."

The thug smiles. Now that you think of it, this might not be as easy of a fight as you were thinking. There are so many possibilities. Perhaps you're in some kind of world where everyone is a godlike figure. Perhaps, you have made a terrible mistake and are facing a Star of the City-level threat.

"Well, if you need a doctor that much, maybe I could give you some surgery."

They lunge for you.

Yeah, no.

One of their knuckle-knife wielders gets close to you, and you spin in their direction. This one has wolf ears, too. They have a few scars, so that's a combatant with some experience. You grab their weaponless hand and toss them aside with ease. Then, with a swift kick to the jaw, you dispatch this first offender. Now, all you have to do is- oh.

The intensity of the Fairy wounds in your torso increases. It's a slight increase- not enough to cause considerable damage- but had you moved a tiny bit faster, there would be a trickle of blood dripping from your left side.

This is not good at all. Hm. The voice looks slightly worried.

"Maybe you should try to move less? That looks bad."

Yes, the Voice's suggestion seems reasonable. Go for singular, powerful disabling hits instead of the flurry of strikes you typically prefer. Or better yet...

You could just not fight these guys. There's pretty much nothing to gain. Information isn't worth additional damage to your organs. So, you think about one of your friends.

Many Colors have a "trick," per se. Iori had his dimensional jumping, the Vermillion Cross had that, well, giant flaming cross of his. Sure, there's exceptions- Kali was just flat-out the strongest person you've ever seen in your entire life, and her "trick" was just to change wardrobe for a while and get even stronger. Argalia was an asshole, but you can't deny that the man gets in your head faster then a Rat gets inside a coffin. There's others, with their own tricks. The Ultramarine Escape's freezing aura, the Indigo Intervention and that weird briefcase filled with blue tentacles.

Your trick is simple. Your trick is Turbulence Office. You are at your peak when you are at your friends' side. You enhance them, you inspire them to move forward. You do not fully understand where this power came from, but you've tested it extensively. For some reason, you bring out the best on them.

You're nowhere as fast as Alvar is, but a jump isn't that hard to do. He'd already be at the top of these buildings, but you don't need to be there right now. You just have to be out of here.

As the Syndicate goons, seemingly discouraged by the loss of their ally but not enough to retreat, close on you... you just hop right above them.

Judging by the higher then baseline strength of the grip of that one guy, and the speeds that they are moving at, you'd place them in Grade 7. Not bad, but you're above their paygrade. Either they took some implants, or people in this world are just built different.

No matter. You can just buy a biology textbook somewhere and check that out.

The thugs are stunned at your speedy retreat, but it no longer has any importance- they're far behind you now. You're moving at an okayish speed of 30 meters per second. If you don't mantain this speed for too long, you're sure that the Fairy won't act up too much.

Oh, there's a trail of blood right behind you. Maybe you should slow down a little.

After hitting the metaphorical brakes on your enhanced body, you stop for a while and clean your chest with what's left of your cloak. Then, you cover yourself with it. Yes, you probably look less terrible right now.

You've now left those mazelike alleys and stepped into the wider city. The Voice says something about you, something about trying to look strong. It's just a matter of pretending she is not talking. This city is... yeah, you think it looks better then the average Backstreets, at least. You take a look at... everything. It's certainly different.

There are stalls ranging from improvised to professionally made, selling stuff from toys, to candy, to various kinds of food and drink. There are children wandering around with their parents, and candles everywhere. The night is buzzing with excitement.

The average citizen doesn't look as stressed as they should look in a Nest- not to mention this city isn't prim and proper enough to be one- and there are not enough Sweepers wandering around being annoying murderhobos to be the Backstreets. You take

People look at you with surprise and amusement. Kids are pointing at you. There is no recognition, like there normally should be. The "outside of the City" theory is starting to get more plausible. You sigh and keep walking. You're seeing that place that the thugs referred to. The expressway. It does look like a ring.

Welp, it's not like you have any places to be right now. There's some cars he, maybe you can get a taxi and get to a hospital. You're pretty sure you're fast enough to not have to pay for the fare.

And maybe you're fast enough to avoid having to pay the medical bills. Or you could sneak in and nick some medical supplies. If this is a Nest, there's definitely going to be K-Corp material to keep your wounds from worsening, and if this isn't, well, tough luck for you.

Alright then. You'll find a way home somehow. You're sure of it.

You continue walking, holding out a thumb whenever a car passes. Nobody stops. It takes almost twenty minutes for somebody to be willing to take you. In this case, the exact kind of person you wanted to find- a taxi driver.

It's a man with an even more impressive body modification. He doesn't look human at all- instead, you see some weird cross between one and a snake. There are white scales covering his body, and his pupils are reptilian. It's either a complete job, or something like a Tailor.

"Heya, boss. Where we goin'?"

You enter the car, land comfortably on the backseat and adjust your hat again.

"What's the closest hospital you know?"

The guy blinks. You're pretty sure snakes don't have eyelids, so the modification wasn't as through as you thought. He doesn't seem to be hostile. You slash "gruesomely made mad scientist lab rat" off your list of explanations.

"Well, there's the Tsan Yuk hospital. It's not that far. Twenty-five minute ride."

You can afford twenty-five minutes.

"How much will that go for?"

"What do you think of fifty LMD, samurai?"

...LMD? Another point for the "outside the City" theory. But everyone knows there's nothing beyond the city but the half-dead remnants of the Outskirts and the horrors of the Ruins. The people who live in there aren't in the state to stablish new currencies. But the city runs on Ahn. Trying to make another currency to compete with the one the Head created would be akin to suicide-by-Claw.

"I'll pay."

The taxi drives off, moving towards the highway above. The taxi driver tries to make small talk with you, asking questions. You wonder if you should answer, or just stay silent through the entire trip.

"So, why are ya wearing a costume in Sauin night?"

No, that sounds boring.

"I don't know what Sauin is. I just got here, to be frank."

He laughs.

"Sauin's supposed to be about the spirits, you know. Those who left us behind. On the day of Sauin, they come back to see us. All these candles, all these events are our way of welcoming them back. We celebrate these dead, so when they go back to the world of the dead, they're in peace." he turns his head towards you. "You picked up a good time to come here to Lungmen, you know. When you do whatever you're come to do here, maybe check out the festivals. Sauin's no time to be worried about business."

You chuckle. You're going to be worrying about business for a long time. You can't allow yourself to rest until the situation gets solved. But it's good advice. For someone else, it absolutely would. Also, Lungmen. This city is called Lungmen.

The Voice sighs.

"You've always worked yourself so hard, Sieg. Do you even know why?"

Nonsense. If anything you've not worked hard enough.

"What's your name, by the way?"'s no harm giving it out to this driver. Everyone knows it already.

"It's Sieghart."

"Mighty impressive name, samurai. I'm Lin."

The highway shakes, minutely. The driver does not notice the variation. You do.

"Oh dear."

A significant chunk of the freeway explodes. Before your driver can react, his car comes spiraling out of control. Ahead of you, a limousine is caught far closer to the epicenter of the blast. Two people- you can't identify them more precisely- jump out of it through the front doors and fail to land on two feet.

The car is going to crash. It's spinning towards the railings of the highway and will collide in around 30 seconds. Lin will very likely not survive. You were never going to pay him, and now you've directly contributed to his car being destroyed. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You'll repay what you owe to this man a little bit.

Before the taxi driver splatters himself all over the broken remains of his car, you act quickly. Bringing out the broken remains of your blade, tucked away safely in your waist, and hold tightly onto it.

Then, you leap into the passenger seat, and toss your blade's hilt towards the driver door, opening by force. Lin curses.

"What the fuck-"

Before he can even finish the sentence, you yank him out of his seat. He lets out a panicked yelp, and then a scream as both you and him fly out of the doomed vehicle.

You keep hold of him in a bridal carry, and land gracefully atop the highway. You place him on the floor.

"Go. I'll handle this." you say, as the absolutely gobsmacked man stares at the wreckage of his car. He nods, and quickly makes his exit from this scene. Hmm. A bombing attempt. Targeted at you? Does someone know you're here? Points towards the "place in the City you simply never were in before" theory.

The aforementioned scene is particularly strange. There's more of these Syndicate thugs right there. It seems that they've armed the bombs, and are swooping in to take care of any survivors. You notice one that seems to be like a leader. Suit jacket draped over his shoulders, black sweater, yellow glasses, and similar animal traits as the rest of his gang. In his hands, a crossbow.

There's a kid on the floor. He has horns protruding from the top of his head, a backpack, and in his hands, you see a circular shield. Looks kinda like a hatch door. At his side, there's a redhead with... a halo? And angel wings.

Submachine gun in her hands, though. These are expensive as all hell. You'll need to stay in your toes. You can't really afford trying to deflect a hundred bullets in your current condition.

And here's the thing:

After this little stunt you just pulled? They're all staring at you.

[ ] Write-in.

Status of Self and Allies:

Sieghart's Current Condition:
Minor blood loss from exertion.

A/N: Oh boy, this exploded. I really was not expecting this. Okay, so I'll talk a little.
About Sieghart's keypage:
  • Not all of these game mechanics are canon. As an example, Sieg isn't spreading actual Seed of Light around. He's restoring Light in the gameplay sense, and improving everybody's capacity to keep fighting by inspiring and driving them to continue. Otherwise you run into the absurdity of Irina, (who can also restore the entire team's Light) somehow manipulating Light by writing insurance contracts and then discarding them.
  • He is connected to the Light, though. He doesn't know, but you sort of need to be to hear the Voice.
  • Sieghart's ability to inflict status effects so easily came from his sword. It's busted now. The bleed and disarm in his combat pages is just him knowing exactly how to cut someone up, though.
  • Sieghart is, according to the creators, not stronger then Kali. Kali was The Strongest for a reason. While it would be a fun fight for both, Sieg would get smashed to bits by Kali's overwhelming strength once she got her E.G.O going.
  • His ability to pull the pages of his Turbulence Office operators is going to be attributed to him just, like, having learned from all of them and knowing a bit of their techniques. Thanks to former construction worker Alvar, I can safely say that Sieghart is Forklift Certified.
  • Steel Will isn't going to be relevant until you heal, since it's an absolutely all-out move that Sieg can't afford to use when he's got Fairy running through his torso. When it is relevant it'll get explained in-story.
The idea of having a really strong character like Sieg and starting with a debuff was actually my original core idea for the quest. It was originally going to be about Argalia, and you'd get to choose who walloped his team during the Distorted Ensemble fight. Then I ran into the issue that I wasn't going to have fun writing him, and eventually decided for the more comedic Turbulence. Doesn't help that I've been obsessed with Ruina modding as of recently.

Also, do you guys have any issue with using two Write-ins in a row? The last time I ran a quest was before the pandemic, on Spacebattles.
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Sieg isn't going to be swinging anything at full strength anytime soon since he's got a fairy in him, so a mundane sword will do him just fine.

That aside, hey, it's Bison and Exusiai. She isn't using live ammo since that's against the rules of Lungmen's underground, but you don't want to fight a Sankta with a gun anyways. If we can help them out, then that's a ticket into Penguin Logistics.
...damn it I didn't get updates for this Quest for some reason so this whole thing is a surprise for me.

I have no clue what's going on or who these people are. So, I won't vote yet.
I will wait for the experts on this one. Because that whole gaggle of weirdoes is outside of my knowledge of LoR.

One thing is for sure. Fuck Fairy. It sucks. And yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Sieg ain't stronger than Kali. Shes the Strongest for a reason.

He definitely is stronger than Gebura's Red Mist Key page tho. Put him on a team with a decent deck and he'll sweep everything.

Fuckin shit. Do you guys think there's anyone around who can repair Sieghart's broken weapon? It is crucial to his fighting capabilities.

Edit: Thanks god we didn't have a quest with Argalia though. That guy is the blue sicko for a reason.
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[X] ask for where the nearest hospital is and get there on foot, do your best not to aggravate your injuries, mayhaps ask the voice for some advice on how to best deal with the situation without combat
-[X] try to be neutral and unprovocative, if either side attacks you, side with group that didn't attack to defeat the opposition before asking your allies where the hospital is

-[] complain about their rudeness under your breath