It seems like we are being shoulder-checked. Small wonder, really. We are an unknown variable on a social ladder - not a guard, not a sailor, and seemingly not a paying passenger (Reik is) - so people want to know what we are doing among them. If we were a guy, we'd likely get a similar initial treatment.
Now, if we were to part ways with these guys tomorrow, I'd probably be able to make an argument for keeping our head low and accepting a subservient position they expect from someone they do not consider their equal. The benefits of trying to go against it and establishing ourselves would hardly be worth the trouble or the risks. However, we've got about a month worth of travel alongside these guys, and it is far easier to plummet down the bottom of the hierarchy than it is to climb back up. If we are beaten into submission here, then it won't be a week before our livelihood and safety stop bein a concern.
If we were a guy, I'd probably reach for the spear. Skill and strength matter less than a certain ferocity and fighting spirit - and that gives one some respect and recognition regardless of the outcome. However, not only do we lack the ability to defend ourselves, but unlike a guy, we are not
supposed to be taking arms. It is a challenge to them all, in a way, and one who throws it better have something to back it up. It's a high-risk unknown-rewards play, and I can only guess how they'll take it.
So that leaves our current approach as the 'safer' one, I guess. But we will have to find a rationale for why we deserve our place here, and soon.
[x] ...did not obey him, and stayed where you were.
Hm. One thing that sailors have in common is their weakness to superstition. The waters are unpredictable and treacherous, be it open seas or a 'mere' river. Omens are always treated more seriously by people in a dangerous line of work, and even though the river route is considered a safe one, the rumors attribute it to supernatural origins. Even though these guys don't give a damn about their own souls and hate preachers, they like running afoul of Lady Luck even less. We probably could use this to our benefit if we figure out how. We have the book full of exotic knowledge that most of them probably won't be able to read or interpret, so maybe we could become a seer or a fortune teller - or a charm against misfortune at the very least - for the duration of the journey...
...if we aren't sold off before we raise the subject, that is.

It is still a river that is blessed by the Saints they are traveling through, though, so I would expect some more hesitation and doubt before they do anything drastic.