It Belongs to a Museum

Voting will open in 2 hours, 1 minute
[X] Altdorf

Honestly, Warhammer is so chock-full of interesting things that even the 'vanilla' option of the Empire's capital will be fun.
[X] Vampire Coast

Fuck Altdorf, Vampire Pirates! Crazy old man Harkon as boss! Dealing with setting up an honest to gods pirate museum!

Hells yes!
"when I was just a lad!
Looking for my true vocation
My father said
Now son, this choice deserves deliberation!
Now you could be a doctor or perhaps a financier.

Let's be a professional pirate museum curator! Either in life or in death!

[x] Vampire Coast
[x] Sartosa
[X] Sith Rionnasc
[X] Sartosa
[X] Tilea

Pirates, crazy italians or Elves! I really look forward to an elf being very confused by the latest weird mortal thing. Or a pirate. Or... the geniuses of Renaissance Italy.
[X] Tilea
[X] Vampire Coast

I do like collecting mummies in Altdorf, but I'm sure we can get the other cities sacked too with a little bit of elbow grease.
Museums are wonderful. They provoke wonder.
Museums are marvellous. They contain marvels.
Museums are fantastic. They perpetuate fantasies.
Museums are terrific. They beget terror.
Terry Pratchett, a man who truly understood how words work and what can be done with them.

and Bretonnia... invaded the Empire.
Tilea and Estalia were of course busy invading themselves, as per usual.

[X] Sith Rionnasc
[X] Tilea
Empire POV has been done many times. No interest in being part of a pirate faction, undead or otherwise.
[X] Altdorf
[X] Sartosa

Altdorf getting a bonus for things that put the city in deadly peril is hilarious to me. And the idea of a Pirate Museum is also pretty good.
[ ] Tilea
And here we have the famed saddle of the Dammerlitcher…Altdorf? Where do you think we got it from?

[X] Sith Rionnasc
The last great work of Snorri Gift-giver! No, the Winterhearth haven't declared a grudge to retrieve it and enough gold to bankrupt me, don't be rediculous!

[X] Vampire Coast
The Wand of Zagreus…*yaaawn* excuse me, I just get so sleepy when I flourish it like so…Moving on!

[ ] Sartosa
Ahoy matey! Feast yer eyes on this model of the Tor of Dominance! Arrr this scene be of the Hollenzollern himself, charging the Black Ark to wrest it away from Malekith's Iron grasp!

[ ]Altdorf
And last, but not least, we have this picture of the legendary Norscan figure known as the Forge Maiden. Despite the connotations this insignia proves that she was not a divinity nor a Dawi, but Asur in origin! See the Mark of Khaine which I am told has been modified to avoid drawing the gaze of the God of Murder…

Because silly Museums trying to hold treasures that are garunteed to cause problems is quite funny.
Tbh I really want to play a elf cause it be fun to look at human things from their point of view. Struggling a bit here and there to put it together and then finally understanding what something means. That outside perspective will be really cool.
[X] Tilea

Look at all those cool pyramids full of shiny loot unique artifacts just to the south of us! We will surely not regret the temptation from placing ourselves in easy grabbing distance of all these cursed treasures historical relics!

[X] Altdorf
[X] Sith Rionnasc

These are both alright too I guess.
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Tbh I really want to play a elf cause it be fun to look at human things from their point of view. Struggling a bit here and there to put it together and then finally understanding what something means. That outside perspective will be really cool.
The peril of having too many good options and only one pick, yeah.

Altdorf is certainly the most relevant to my interests, (See: Roadtrip comment) but I could be happy with most of them.
Voting will open in 2 hours, 1 minute