Is Randgriz Burning? (Valkyria Chronicles)

No, no, no, no. I wasn't being serious about the bunny thing. Was just having fun with Hadou. If you actually did what I, I really don't know how to go on from there. My apology for the misunderstanding.
No, I understood the rabbit and bird thing was a joke, I did take you at your word on wanting a prod though, which you've got. :p
Holy hell, why are there so many of those heavy armor soldiers in VC3? They're practically mechs for the mess they can inflict on your tank :S

Imca killed SIX of these.
Someone managed to sneak Heavy Armor behind Imca? That would take some kind of Tactical Ge-


(Sorry, after seeing that screenshot I couldn't help myself. :p)
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Holy hell, why are there so many of those heavy armor soldiers in VC3? They're practically mechs for the mess they can inflict on your tank :S
Ah yes, the Heavy. One of the few enemies I've truly despised in VC3 with a passion like no other. I remember these assholes real well, because they're usually the ones responsible for blowing my tank apart. :mad:

If we happen to meet one in battle, Vincent's calling dibs on their armor.'m not familiar with Warhammer.
(Everybody is british in Warhammer so that's why lieutenant is leftenant.) XD

Holy hell, why are there so many of those heavy armor soldiers in VC3? They're practically mechs for the mess they can inflict on your tank :S

Imca killed SIX of these.
Also got me thinking...What about a Valkyria Chronicles RP wherein its Fantasy? Like Warhammer Fantasy with Ragnaid Muskets, swords, bow's, shields and don't forget magic!
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Okay so something curious I noticed the other day

So according to the cutscene maps the Empire used three divisions to invade Gallia: the 14th, 102nd, and 205th. But it also says that each division is subdivided into two corps apiece. The thing is usually a corps sized force is one tier above a divisional sized one. So now I'm wondering if the unit size of Corps and Division is switched around in the Empire, or if it's simply that a Corps is actually a Brigade level force.

Or if I'm wondering about unit sizes and other military facts (la la la!) should I repeat to myself it's just a game I should really just relax?
Okay so something curious I noticed the other day

So according to the cutscene maps the Empire used three divisions to invade Gallia: the 14th, 102nd, and 205th. But it also says that each division is subdivided into two corps apiece. The thing is usually a corps sized force is one tier above a divisional sized one. So now I'm wondering if the unit size of Corps and Division is switched around in the Empire, or if it's simply that a Corps is actually a Brigade level force.

Or if I'm wondering about unit sizes and other military facts (la la la!) should I repeat to myself it's just a game I should really just relax?

It appears to be a common mistake where all the troop names are for a size smaller then its actual size.
Okay so something curious I noticed the other day.

So according to the cutscene maps the Empire used three divisions to invade Gallia: the 14th, 102nd, and 205th. But it also says that each division is subdivided into two corps apiece. The thing is usually a corps sized force is one tier above a divisional sized one. So now I'm wondering if the unit size of Corps and Division is switched around in the Empire, or if it's simply that a Corps is actually a Brigade level force.

Or if I'm wondering about unit sizes and other military facts (la la la!) should I repeat to myself it's just a game I should really just relax?
The last part should be the most prudent advice, given Valkyria Chronicles' track record with consistency. :p

If it were up to me, I'd just use what's feasible IRL and chalk up that little inconsistency to either mistranslation or error on part of the game devs.