Is Randgriz Burning? (Valkyria Chronicles)

The trick to programming is Comment every single fucking thing you do. However smart you think you are, you're gunna forget something when you go to do something else, and then spend hours trying to figure out what the fuck you were thinking.

Comment chillins, always comment
You should. It could be fun. Now, where-- *gaze at Salbazier's signature*
Actually if you read through the article I linked(more importantly an article linked from it, which I can't get to right now because the server is down), it turns out that a significant portion of the population is simply incapable of learning to program(and a fairly simple test can be used to determine which group one belongs in). Those people should not force themselves. If programming isn't your cup of tea, find something you are good at, and be great at that.
I thought it was like, "Programming. Either you hate it. Or you hate it and make money." v:
Depending on the precise challenge, programming is one of the most fun things I do. I've been known to choose it over anime, gaming, hanging out with friends, and periodically, food.
I'm think I'm pretty good at it actually, at least I got quite high on the programming/computation courses that I took, and I like it. When It's not giving me headache at least. :p It was image processing I have problem with.
Pre-Vasel Timeskip and Squad Building
Yes indeed!

You've got two weeks roughly to get ready before the militia is sent out in to the field. There's a laundry list of things to do, some of which would benefit the squad as a whole, and some which would just be personal. In these extended-type circumstances prior to battle I'm going to give you guys a shot at doing something mechanical that will carry over in to the engagement (Creating an Advantage or participating in a challenge/contest). These might be group tests to secure additional/special equipment, training your marksmanship, PT, socializing to boost morale, or anything you can think of that would benefit the cause. There are a few ready to go:

  • Trudy's tank upgrades (You're frozen out of official channels, but have a lead on the ringleader of the pipeline for off the books materiel, challenge)
  • Linn and Crow's general concern over the squad's readiness (Contest with prizes in the form of aspects and boosts)
  • Any vignette you or I care to come up with that gives you a chance to mess around IC and develop things.
This starts to tie in to how I'm going to handle portions of combat to make things less unwieldy. Squad Skills. You guys can assign your +2, +1, and +1, across Operations, Recon, and Logistics, hash out your Squad Concept and stunt, while I'll handle the trouble. Any questions, comments, concerns, I'm all ears. I apologize for letting things bog down there, but I'm still in this for the long haul, just a bit guilty I've been dragging my feet.

Edit: Tracking development here.

Squad 4
Concept: Ragtag bunch of misfits,
Trouble: Doting, Divisive Patron
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Alright then about that concept...I think something to do with the "Ragtag bunch of misfits" thing we have going here would be appropriate.
Yes indeed!

You've got two weeks roughly to get ready before the militia is sent out in to the field. There's a laundry list of things to do, some of which would benefit the squad as a whole, and some which would just be personal. In these extended-type circumstances prior to battle I'm going to give you guys a shot at doing something mechanical that will carry over in to the engagement (Creating an Advantage or participating in a challenge/contest). These might be group tests to secure additional/special equipment, training your marksmanship, PT, socializing to boost morale, or anything you can think of that would benefit the cause. There are a few ready to go:

  • Trudy's tank upgrades (You're frozen out of official channels, but have a lead on the ringleader of the pipeline for off the books materiel, challenge)
  • Linn and Crow's general concern over the squad's readiness (Contest with prizes in the form of aspects and boosts)
  • Any vignette you or I care to come up with that gives you a chance to mess around IC and develop things.
This starts to tie in to how I'm going to handle portions of combat to make things less unwieldy. Squad Skills. You guys can assign your +2, +1, and +1, across Operations, Recon, and Logistics, hash out your Squad Concept and stunt, while I'll handle the trouble. Any questions, comments, concerns, I'm all ears. I apologize for letting things bog down there, but I'm still in this for the long haul, just a bit guilty I've been dragging my feet.

What would it take to secure additional medical supplies, and for Charissa to get permission into the surgery room? You know, just in case something like what happened before won't happen again.
What would it take to secure additional medical supplies, and for Charissa to get permission into the surgery room? You know, just in case something like what happened before won't happen again.
Additional medical supplies for the squad would be a Logistics test to secure sufficient quantities, for just yourself it'd be a social skill of your choice (depending on approach) to get a bit of extra gear from the dispensary, and getting permission to access the hospital's surgeries would take clearance from your CO (ie. Compton) and a demonstration of Medical ability.

The first two would confer a direct benefit in the coming fight, so you'd need to pick one to focus on in addition to getting surgery privileges.
Alright, going to hit the IC with a time skip to day one of the first week when I get home from work tonight. Once again, sorry for the delay, just working out the whole GM thing here.