*Pokes thread*
Weren't we meant to be moved on?
Weren't we meant to be moved on?
Puppy! Your a puppy!*rolling on floor to the left*
*rolling on floor to the right*
*keeps rolling left and right*
*stop rolling*
*puff puff puff*
*sniff sniff sniff*
*continues rolling*
Just finished that important exam, now Im free for like five months~
... I has spring before christmas. Southern hemisphere ahoy!
My spring break is around the same time as my weekend.
I periodically forget that not everyone on the internet is a software engineering genius...Already graduated a month ago (Feb 7) and have been relaxing ever since. Starting my review for my Board Exam this coming April 20.
I'm an Electronics Engineer, which deals more with the hardware side of things. Especially the infrastructure which makes Telecommunications a reality.I periodically forget that not everyone on the internet is a software engineering genius...
Unfortunately, because I have most of a IT degree everyone thinks I am... and given some of what I've seen in the last few years, I'm actually better then the average by a fair margin...I periodically forget that not everyone on the internet is a software engineering genius...
Now see, I somehow assumed that was a medical board exam, so for half a moment I thought you were an expert in two very disparate fields.I'm an Electronics Engineer, which deals more with the hardware side of things. Especially the infrastructure which makes Telecommunications a reality.
I suck balls at Programming, I swear. I don't want to touch that shit again after my Thesis. *Shivers*
That is unsettlingly not difficult to do. It took me a little over 4 minutes to write a FizzBuzz program like the one described, and I'm one of the slower programmers I've met. It was also not my best work.Unfortunately, because I have most of a IT degree everyone thinks I am... and given some of what I've seen in the last few years, I'm actually better then the average by a fair margin...
Now see, I somehow assumed that was a medical board exam, so for half a moment I thought you were an expert in two fields.
Admittedly, I find the hardware side of CE more fun, but I'm better at the software side...
That is unsettlingly not difficult to do. It took me a little over 4 minutes to write a FizzBuzz program like the one described, and I'm one of the slower programmers I've met. It was also not my best work.
Though based on your comments about my procedural file system, you're probably not half bad as far as programming goes.
I wasn't able to learn a language without hand-holding until around 6 or 7 years of experience. After I'd already learned half of the languages I would say I can program in now.(almost all of them Imperitive. Declarative languages are actually part of the reason I'm not at that job anymore.)I'm not bad, per say, but I'm not excellent, either. My poor memory makes it take longer for me to learn a language fully then my peers, which... proved a issue in my second programming course, as I'd never done Java before that. Every course since then, though, its been a non-issue.
I like OpenGL. I have manged to eradicate GLU and GLUT from my project.Taking about programming, I'm on a topic of OpenGl at the moment. We are GLUT~
*keep seeing progamming talk*
*really should have been picking up studying programming again*