Irresistible Force (Naruto/The Gamer SI)

Hey everyone, sorry about the silence on my part but I've been a bit swamped with work from college.

No worries, I've abused the fact that I have syllabus for my courses and done all work two weeks in advance which means I only gotta worry about work and some personal matters now. What this means is that new chapter is coming sometime during the weekend.

I look forward to all of your feedback and comments.
Chapter 9
Chapter 9

I was getting a little desperate, there was no meat… Me, Kakashi and Obito have been making several attempts to find some animals to eat and yet we found nothing. Well we had found something, more specifically I had but I didn't want to touch an Onbaa at all, no thank you. How could a man survive with no meat, meat is the man's romance, it is justice and life! Is what I would be spouting had I a Straw Hat, as it was, however, meat was an integral part of our diet and during this test we needed more food than average

*Rustle* I hope that wasn't the wind again, hearing all those rustling sounds was making me a bit paranoid.

Wait! Could that sound be... A quick check with my eyes confirmed it.

All three of us looked at each other and proceeded to slowly approach the clearing ahead. Obito and I had a very primal hunger in our eyes while Kakashi had his usual deadpan, but even I could see the anticipation in them with the brief glance I caught.

There it was, in the middle of the clearing as I had seen it, our salvation from this vegetarian hell. Trust me, for a carnivorous person like me to become a vegetarian, it was a huge missed-steak. It wasn't as though I was consisted on an entirely carnivorous diet either, but with the work that they made us go through, they had to give us what our muscles needed for development one way or another.

It was a hare, a pretty big one at that, good, more meat for me. Its fur was both white and brown, rather bland all said and done.

As soon as I thought of the delicious and succulent meat that was the hare I could barely restrain myself from just jumping into the clearing and eating it raw, just barely. It probably would've gotten me really sick and possibly even abandoned by Kakashi and Obito so I refrained.

Instead, I had a plan and it was genius!

I slowly stood up and started to walk into the clearing. Kakashi and Obito lurched in place almost jumping to stop me but were afraid the move would scare away the hare so they stayed put.

I came to a stop a couple of meters away from the hare and squatted down. I had some wild vegetables in my hand and slowly shook them in my hand to lure the hare. At first, it was cautious its stance small as though it would dash as soon as possible and it didn't dare to approach. With a bit of coaxing from me, a combination of being as non-threatening as possible, soothing noises and my stance it slowly approached me and started to munch on the vegetables.

After a bit the hare let its guard down slightly as I picked it up with my arms and proceeded to run my hand up and down its head and body, petting it. Suddenly my hand came to a slow stop atop its head and I began to scratch and fondle its ears slightly, all the while it was happily munching on the vegetables I'd offered it. I brought my other hand up to rub its back too and in a flash, I had them around its neck.

An audible crack followed not a second later.

"... the hell…" came from behind me and as I turned coming face to face with Obito and Kakashi, they were standing side by side and both had an odd look in their eyes.

"I got us some meat." I grinned at them. Did they just wince slightly?

"Yeah, we saw." Ah, Kakashi and his deadpan delivery is getting better by the second! I almost felt that one.

Soon we were on our way back to out man cave. It now looked a bit more spruced up with the leaf curtain closing the entrance, a few blankets again hewn from the leaves and other paraphernalia that I'd found and drawings on the walls. Don't ask what they were made from, we'll never tell.

Within a few hours, which felt like an eternity to me, Obito finally finished cooking the hare.

Well, I knew why it'd taken so long, Kakashi and I had been practically attached to his shoulders while he prepared it. Who knew that much work went into preparing food. Well, I knew now, and it was certainly more than turning the oven on to pre-heat to cook some frozen food.

As soon as he had handed it to us we proceeded to rip it to pieces and dig in. As we ate I noticed that both Kakashi and Obito still gave me weird looks whenever they thought I was too distracted to notice them looking. Bitch, I see everything and everyone! Well, my eyes do at any rate.

At the time, I thought nothing about it and soon we were all asleep comfortable off in laa laa land. Well, they were asleep, I was on watch again.

The next morning I was the first to wake up, given the fact that I didn't need to wake up, I was already up. I did, however, deem it a reasonable hour to being and thus I proceeded with my usual morning routine. I cleaned up my hair and made sure that my clothes were impeccable as usual.

My hair was easy enough actually, given its nature or some wired branch of the gamer it was perpetually clean almost. My clothes, on the other hand, I spend fifteen minutes picking clean.

Obito and Kakashi soon showed up and they looked like an utter mess, I wonder why. They also looked tired and a bit groggy so being the kind and courteous teammate that I was, I decided to help them wake up.

"Bad hare day?"

"Oh for the love of god, dammit Hiroshi it's too early for your horrible puns!" Moaned Obito as he drove his forehead into his open palm thrice over.

"Hnnn." grunted Kakashi in an entirely approving tone, the traitor.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. By the way, does my hare look good?" I punctuated this statement by swinging my hair along with it.

"ARGHHH! That's it Imma kill you!" Obito made an entirely animalistic noise as he charged at me but my good friend Kakashi held him back by the back of his shirt.

"Obito, I've got something to tell you, but you're not going to want to hare it." Obito froze in his struggles to get free from Kakashi and jump me. HIs face going pale as the fire in his eyes dimmed slightly. "I swear, sometimes it's like you don't carr-ot all." No pity, no mercy, no remorse!

"Kakashi…" Obito's voice leaked from his throat, hoarse and dry, begging for salvation or help. The fire in his eyes was growing again, at an exponential rate.

"I'm with you." Responded Kakashi as he let go of Obito. They both proceeded to walk towards me with an entirely strange look in their eyes. I decided that after looking them in the eyes and their eerily synchronized movements that discretion is the better part of valor in this case and fled.

Before I fled, however, just had to get one last pun in, I couldn't resist it at this stage, their reactions were just golden, "Hey now, don't hop to conclusions!"

I then proceeded to be the rabbit and made my getaway on fleet foot.

"Come back you bastard!" Obito screamed as he and Kakashi chased after me.

Sorry about this late post, but I overestimated the amount of free time I had last week. Hope you enjoy it as this is the last chapter of the academy test. Next chapter we are moving to the actual academy and it will be a bit of a time skip. No worries, interludes and flashbacks will be present though we do accept bribes in the forms of omake.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'm looking forward to your feedback.
No shit mate, we had a literal list of puns that we wanted to include. Some of them were too unwieldy though, so we left em out.

I guess you could say this this chapter was a cracking success? :D
"... the hell…" came from behind me and as I turned coming face to face with Obito and Kakashi, they were standing side by side and both had an odd look in their eyes.

"I got us some meat." I grinned at them. Did they just wince slightly?

"Yeah, we saw." Ah, Kakashi and his deadpan delivery is getting better by the second! I almost felt that one.

In Kakashi and Obito minds.

*note to self. If this Hyuuga getting unnaturally kinds towards us, RUN AWAY.*
Great chapter! I love how you're reinforcing Hiroshi as 'that creepy yet amazingly talented kid with the perfect hair.'
Watch as the rabbit was part of a summon clan and you will now have a 100 foot tall hare boss demolish your compound.

It was too friendly to be a normal hare.
Watch as the rabbit was part of a summon clan and you will now have a 100 foot tall hare boss demolish your compound.

It was too friendly to be a normal hare.

After Hiroshi's rather brutal takedown, I'd find this understandable. After the puns, I think I'd be rooting for the rabbit.
Hey everyone here is a new story that @The Uninspired and I worked on.

No worries, it will not affect the update schedule of this story. We will still upload new chapter once a week.

The next chapter for this story will be uploaded on Sunday.
I really like this story, especially after I found out sometime ago that I really hate the Gamer concept. The original manhwa didn't really capture my attention either.

IMO usually the writers using this concept put too much stock in explaining the Gamer stats and what not, putting the MC's personality off to the way side. This may be alright in a game, but when you're writing a story personality buildup came not just from internal monologue, but also interaction with other characters. Thus, when you are too focused on explaining the MC's progress, grinding etc, at the same time you lost the same amount of words you can use to expand your character's personality through social interactions. Which made the MC feels disconnected from the world, especially for OC characters.

The unfortunate snarky attitude that somehow cropped up because of the Gamer's Mind and maybe high-level Observe Skill made the entire reading experience worse. Most of the time, snarky attitude does not endear you to new people. They'll just find you rude.

Hiroshi however, does not feel like that. He talks, he interacts, he has a personality. Being in a clan like the Hyuuga made his punny sense of humor really fun to read, especially since he does rock the uppity-Hyuuga schtick when he's in the vicinity of his clan. Lacking the melodrama of an SI also helped, I guess. Setting himself up as a prodigy is also a good move to justify his BS level of skills for someone his age.

Definitely watched.
Chapter 10 - Eye got you
Chapter 10

Time had passed, a couple of months if I think about it since academy entrance exam, so far the academy has been a… interesting experience. I tried to befriend all of the people that were relevant to the plot, of course, them being kids made things extremely easy for me. A smile here, a sweet treat there, some well-timed help with academy material made me extremely popular among my classmates and even teachers.

On the flip side, however, it also made it extremely easy to offend and distance myself from them. I mean, of course Tommy didn't like Andy and how could I have known that Andy didn't like Mandy? I mean honestly, common sense, right?

Perhaps luckily, it was only the minority that I was unable to form connections with due to traveling through so many other social cliques. In time, they would fall in line.

Did I feel guilty about manipulating kids like that? Somewhere deep inside, maybe, but Gamer's Mind made the 'maybe guilt' go away real fast by rationalizing it. It was a way of ensuring my future survival. But the skills I got really helped to sooth my mind too, even if they weren't the most 'Righteous' sounding, they got the job done.
Liar (Passive)
LVL: 10
+10 INT
+10 WIS
"You are good at making others believe whatever you say."
Manipulator (Passive)
LVL: 15
+15 WIS
+15 INT
"You are good at making other do whatever you want without them suspecting a thing."
Charisma (Passive)
LVL: 12
+12% increase effectiveness to social skills by The Gamer.
"You are a very likable individual who inspires devotion in those who surround you."
Leadership (AoE Aura, Active/Passive)
LVL: 16
+16 WIS
+32% chance that allies can resist negative mind stat
+16% more damage dealt by allies
-8% damage taken by allies

Kakashi and Obito became a sort of like little brothers that I never had during the past couple of months, despite and by despite, I do mean ignoring the fact that Obito was older than both Kakashi and me. Of course, both of them were a pain in the ass but I felt that it was a good investment for the future. Besides, weren't all brothers literal pain in the ass?

Kakashi did not get along well with most of our classmates due to his cold or sometimes sarcastic attitude, so Obito and I were his only friends. Personally, however, I think the rest of the class didn't like the idea that two young 'upstarts' could rock on in and do better than them at something they should be better at.

Nobody likes the young prodigy.

The three of us hung out a lot after classes, it was mostly training but sometimes we just talked about things. Most of the time we did both, trading barbs and inspiration between each other as we trained. Obito was getting surprisingly good with his barbs actually. His punches could still use a little work.

We talked about the academy, our classmates and our training. All three of us had a silent agreement to not ask each other about our personal lives, but due to my knowledge, I didn't have to be a genius to see Kakashi and Obito for what they were.

Kakashi was a traumatized kid that walked in on his father's still warm body after his father had taken his own life to atone for his perceived sin. The sin of saving a comrade's life over completing a mission.

He was left living by himself with no one to take care of him and with no one to help him with getting over his trauma. Most probably didn't even realize that he was traumatized, thinking him a cold little bastard for showing no emotion at his father's death. The truth was, however, that he really didn't know how to show his pain.

It's no wonder he saw being a shinobi as the only way to redeem the Hatake name and prove himself in eyes of other people. He probably believed the only way to atone for that was to be a hardass shinobi who followed the 'rules' to the letter. I kinda hope I can change that mindset before we are fielded in this war. Nothing gets you killed faster than being unbending and inflexible.

Obito was a child who grew up being ostracized by his clan. While he was not the brightest bulb in the room and he wasn't what you would call strong, but he had sharp wits and a strength of will comparable to a certain blonde Uzumaki, stronger in a sense since Obito knew that it was his own kin who were ostracizing him.

Obito lived with his sickly grandmother who was barely able to make ends meet by working several jobs. This left Obito starved for attention that he tried to earn whatever way he could, I was more worried about him ending up in an abusive relationship clinging onto the abuser simply because they gave him attention.

Apparently the senile elders had heard of my friendship with Kakashi and Obito. Instead of telling me to stop it, they encouraged me to continue my friendship with Hatake and Uchiha, not using their first names. This further reinforced my thought that they were going senile.

I was a bit suspicious when they did not demand me to cease my friendship with them, I also felt a bit cheated since I had essentially prepared what was a whole essay which contained the reasons why I should befriend them.

I first decided to look in the Hyuga library on Hatake family and I found out just what was so great about the Hatake 'clan'. There was actually a significant difference between a family and a clan some small and some mind boggling. Apparently, the Hatake were still considered a clan so long as they had one male offspring capable of reproducing their line. No mention of a female offspring?

I flip through a few more pages and find out why. They followed the rule of the strongest on top, and that was usually the males.

More general information about the Hatake clan abounded in the books pages.

The Hatake were a shinobi clan, not a family, big difference. The main difference is the number of people they have. The second difference, the sheer economic and political influence that a shinobi clan has is incomparable to that of the family.

The last and most crucial, a bloodline or special technique. A shinobi family does not need them to function but it is crucial for forming a clan. As a matter of fact, the Hatake clan was summoned into clanhood because of their hereditary dog summons. Rather hypocritical actually considering they made and trained their own summons.

The Hatake were always small in size, the largest the clan ever having been recorded was five members strong. They usually hover around two and three members. It was never really uncommon for their family to only have two or one members for years at a time but the line just never seemed to really sputter out and die. Tenacious, I had to give them that.

That was probably helped along by the fact that every shinobi reared from the Hatake line was an exceptional shinobi, no questions about it. Every single one. The Hatake clan seemed to favor the adage of quality over quantity.

During the clan wars era, the Hatake family worked as mercenaries, sell blades. They worked for the highest bidder. Once paid, they completed their mission no matter what, no questions asked either. This tenant probably made them as popular as they were.

Because they were not restricted to any clan, the Hatake's were able to travel all over Elemental Nations and gather a huge collection of weapons and jutsu that they took from their dead opponents.

One of the more frightening things mentioned about the Hatake clan was that even the Kaguya clan respected them as worthy opponents. Hatake family are mentioned in the Hyuga archives as a clan that had both been allies and enemies through history, owing to their nature as mercenaries.

The Hatake name was both feared and respected throughout the Elemental Nations as a strong ally and a fearsome enemy. A lot of people were rattled when the Hatake declared their allegiance to Konoha. The reputation of Hatake clan was taken to new heights with Hatake Sakumo, The White Fang.

That reputation was then destroyed by him during a fateful mission where he chose the lives of his comrades over completing the mission, which started tensions which culminated in the form of the Third Shinobi World War.

I suppose their family adage of quality over quantity followed them here too, they may not fuck up often, but when they did, they did so spectacularly.

After digesting the information about Kakashi, I could not wait to learn why they encouraged my friendship with Obito. I made a few subtle inquiries to branch family members that were my servants since I was a baby, they explained why Uchiha were especially tough on Obito. Turns out he was a direct descendant of Kagami Uchiha.

Now, some might ask why would that be a reason for Uchiha to dislike a little kid? In fact, they should support him since he is a descendant of such a powerful shinobi. Well, the reason is because Kagami was in full support of the limits that the second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, put into place for Uchiha clan.

This created a conflict between him and his clan but also involved anyone who is directly related to him within two generations. Politics, or in this case anyone whom his proclivities could've had a direct impact on. That means anyone from his grandparents to his grandkids was included in the embargo placed against him, which sadly involved Obito, as he was Kagami's grandson.

His family was also really poor as a result of the conflict and resulting embargo as the clan refused to give them the stipend that all other family members receive as members of Uchiha clan.

This stipend was drawn from the numerous businesses that Uchiha clan owes all over the village to help their members to live up to a certain standard that is expected for Uchihas. A clan tax if you would. I guess only two things are certain in this world, death and taxes.

Obito and his grandmother did not enjoy the benefits that were given to the rest of their clan falling inside the preview of the ban placed upon their family. Even ignoring the fact that Kagami was already six feet under and full of worms, the embargo stuck.

They were left to fend for themselves in this big scary world. The reason those old bastards wanted me to lure Obito to my side is because having Uchiha as my quote on quote lackey would both increase the prestige of Hyuga clan and serve as a slap to the face of the Uchiha clan. Politics, need I say more? I could, but I won't.

Senile old codgers.

I could really make use of this to bind Kakashi and Obito closer to me. In fact, I did make use of it. Before I came along both Obito and Kakashi used to eat instant noodles or conserved food during lunch and probably for all other meals.

After the three of us became more comfortable with each other I asked the family cooks to prepare two more lunch boxes for me, when they asked why I responded that I was growing boy and I needed my lunch. I brought both lunch boxes to the academy to share with Kakashi and Obito. Both of them grumbled at first and refused the lunch boxes, but after a few tries, they both gave in. I swear I saw tears in their eyes when they ate it the first time, they probably didn't eat anything fresh for a while.

I distinctly remember having sniffed the air twice, actually no. I had realized then that they were probably crying because of how spicy the food was, the wimps. I let them know as much too.

But those things are not currently relevant, what's relevant is my conversation with Obito. We were currently sitting in our assigned classroom, the sound of muffled and hushed conversations surrounding us.

"Why Hiroshi? Why is it that my clan members nod when you walk by? They never do it for anyone else bar the clan head so why did the guards nod at you? Huh, Why?! TELL ME YOUR SECRET!!!"" Obito demanded as he shook me back and forth.

He was starting to sound a bit hysterical. Childhood trauma? Probably. I should interrupt him and get his train of thoughts going another way, a hilarious way.

I pretended to be embarrassed and scratched the back of my head my whole countenance screaming embarrassment, I hate to toot my own horn but I'm a decent actor. Pfft, who am I kidding, I love to toot my own horn.

"It's probably because I look damn fine, not to mention the hair, I mean have you seen this hair?" I punctuate this statement by doing a model hair flip, "and you, well, you look like you crawled out of the wrong side of the bed!"

A silence descended all around us as Obito's mouth dropped open. That was soon replaced with laughter and a scream of rage, too bad for Obito that I got Byakugan. Just as he was about to lunge at me teacher Jibei walked into the classroom. Perfectly timed, Byakugan OP.

"Obito, sit down, the lesson is starting," Jibei commanded as soon as he entered the room. He made an immediate line for the board and began writing on it.

Obito obviously obeyed but the stink eye he gave me the whole lesson, well let's just say that if looks could kill I'd be dead. I also caught him fussing over his hair a few times.

It was all resolved the next lesson when we were sparring. I obviously kicked Obito's teeth in but he got to vent and everything was just fine. He even managed to get some sand on my white clothes. I'll have to remind him later on that nobody gets my clothes dirty, nobody. I think a broken bone or two should suffice, it'll be a start at least.

As Kakashi, Obito and I were exiting the academy we were interrupted by a call from behind us. Less a call and more a yell honestly, someone sounded out of breath.

"Oi, Hiroshi, wait a moment" Asuma yelled as he and Kurenai tried to catch up to us. A task they completed only when we stopped and turned to greet them. "Phew, I'm glad we caught you before you left. Hiroshi, could you help us out with our hand-to-hand? Kurenai and I are a bit worried about the upcoming tests."

"Yeah, come on Hiroshi, please?" pleaded Kurenai while making puppy eyes at me.

I paused in my response to them, and looked them both up and down obviously my eyes probing, a small smirk grew on my face as Asuma realized his mistake, "I guess you two need it huh?"

I made sure to pump as much snooty sarcasm in it as possible. Asuma groaned as it hit.

"As for some training, I don't see why not. I was planning to go to a training field anyway." I answered. I could train at the clan compound but from time to time I just needed some freedom. To feel the air in my hair and the grass beneath my feet. I said my quick goodbyes to both Obito and Kakashi.

I proceeded to guide Kurenai and Asuma to the training field that was available for all academy students. I slowly sped up along the way until I was flat out sprinting, leaving both of them in the dust as they tried to keep up. It wasn't too far from the academy and it was nothing fancy. A few thick logs for academy students to practice their hand-to-hand combat and harden their bones. A large clearing to run a few laps and some targets for training ranged skills.

Fan fact, heh, apparently Kurenai and Asuma were friends since entrance exam. I had kinda thought that they had met during the exams or became friends during the academy, nope, they had known each other long beforehand.

We soon reached the field, well I arrived first by a good margin actually which gave me plenty of time to set up the field the way I wanted. I gave a nod when they arrived, sweating and panting, clapping my hands and informing them that that I wanted to see their stances.

The look I received again would've sent me straight to hell but the best way to find faults is to do something you're meant to know when the circumstances aren't normal or 'standard'.

Since I was feeling a little vindictive at them for interrupting my Obito and Kakashi-TM time, I felt a little punishment was in order. To that extent, when they screwed up a kata I had them repeat the stance they screwed up or did wrong five times before they were then forced to start the entire kata again.

I joined in on the exercise too running through the kata's in front of them so they had a point of reference.

Being from a clan that specializes in hand-to-hand together with being a "prodigy" ensured that I was undefeated in taijutsu. I was untouchable even, nobody in the class bar Kakashi and Gai could actually touch me, or get my clothes dirty as the case may be, even as kids they were still badass. I was also on top of the class in all other subjects with Kakashi and Anko, of all people, coming close second and third respectively.

"Asuma, your stance is too wide. Kurenai, your hand is in the wrong position, it needs to be on level with your shoulder." I calmly corrected their stances, continuing on with the kata myself.

Despite the belief of some people about the futility of katas, they are there to help develop muscle memory through continuous repetition. During combat you don't have time to think of how you are going to block that kick and then counter, you just have to do it. To us, future shinobi, especially during war time, a millisecond was a difference between life and death. It also helped remove thought from the equation in combat, our bodies would naturally fall into patterns allowing us to think on other things.

"Thanks for the help Hiroshi, guess we'll see you tomorrow." Kurenai huffed at me, Asuma had apparently given up on trying to stand and instead was lying on the ground heaving for breath. I hadn't worked them that hard had I?

"Yeah, thanks for the help Hiroshi, we owe you one." Asuma managed to wheeze out. I think more physical training will be on their schedule in future actually. I also noted that one, I planned to collect later on.

I gave them both a nod as I exited the training ground. They were probably going to be a little longer before they left. I think they might need to catch their breath again. After I parted with Asuma and Kurenai I proceeded to walk down the street. Kakashi soon joined me. He simply walked from an alley that he had been watching me from and started to walk beside me as if he had been there all along, with that same bored look that he always has on his face.

He might think I didn't know but I did, I had gotten used to him and he stuck out like a sore thumb to me when I flashed my Byakugan.

"I don't understand why you waste time training them when you could spend it training yourself." Kakashi kinda said and observed at the same time, if you're asking me a question Kakashi, ask me a question damn it!

"Kakashi, they are our future comrades. Think of it this way, would you entrust them to watch your back more securely before or after I trained them? No, scratch that, would you prefer the person watching your back be well trained and competent, or would you prefer them to be okay and maybe competent in a combat situation?" I shot back, well more observed his observation. Talking with Kakashi was weird at times.

"Hn, I guess I see your point. Anyway, are you going to take the early graduation option that they offered to us to take at the end of the year?" I've noticed that about Kakashi if he sees your point or you get something across to him he won't really argue it if it makes sense or is beneficial to him. He'll just go along with the flow.

"Of course, besides, elders will kill me if I refused the chance to add another achievement to my already crammed list of achievements." Old bastards, not that I wasn't going to do it anyway. Getting out of the boring and slow academy early? Yes, please.

"I guess I'm going to take it too, can't let you go on frontlines without someone there to watch your back," Kakashi said while looking to the side, it was kind of endearing honestly.

"Ha, make sure you watch your own back first, unlike me you don't have magical eyes of bullshit to help you. But… eye'll allow it."

"Sigh, Iris my case. Guess we're graduating early, but what is going to be done about our team. Are there going to be only two of us? And really, magical eyes?" Kakashi asked with a raised eyebrow.

A vicious burst of joy bashed itself against the Gamer's Mind and found itself wanting, that didn't stop me from latching myself onto Kakashi with tears in my eyes. "I've finally converted you, brother, let me embrace you!" I was shoved off him a moment later, his sigh somehow heard over the racket that I'd made.

Not that I know what is going to happen myself. We could both end up on the same team or we could both be under Minato which would FUBAR canon far too early for my taste. I would probably end up under another Jounin though, apprentices were a very rare thing in this village according to my memory.

"I guess for a while, they'll probably assign us to a Jonin, pseudo~apprenticeships I think. Later on, they will probably put us on teams when they need some slots filled up. Until then it's just you and me partner." I answered as honestly as I could, I really wasn't sure what was going to happen.

"Whatever. So what are we doing today?" inquired Kakashi sliding two questioning eyes my direction. Well, such a simple questions deserve an equally simple response.

"Training, what else my youthful friend?" I responded with a smile that threatened to split my face in two as I saw a hint of fear in Kakashi's eyes. My hand lashed out and grabbed him as he made a run for it.
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