So, some more silly writes for FGO- ooops, I mean, ICO.
Kotomine Kirei, in a way or another, is a man of Faith, his natural disposition to enjoy evil notwithstanding. He understand, and to some extent, believed in the Teaching, that Evil will not Triumph, not for indefinite time. He believes, kind of, maybe in the past at least, that his action, his betrayal, will be haunting back someday. He didn't regret it. What comes around, comes around.
He didn't expect it will goes like this.
"Kotomine Kirei, by the mandate given by The Church, Magus Association of Asian Branch, and Order of The Eight Sacrament, I, Father Auditore Benvenuto, had relieve you from your duty as Overseer of Heavens Feel Ritual, and to put you into custody until the investigation completed. For the moment, your position will be delegated to Assigned Member of Eight Sacrament."
"...I believe that, the Second Owner-"
"We know. We know your position, but I suggested, as fellow Man of Faith, to let the investigation run course. I heard rumours of some people ready to use Enforcers to clean the slate quickly. Also, hopefully you find the Caretaker is to your satisfaction."
"...Who the Careta-"
"Hello, Papa."
Deep inside all his feelings, Kirei begin to wondering if he should done more of his fatherly duty. Oh well.
"Fujimura-san, Jason being chuuni again."
"Fujimura-san, Arjuna being chuuni again."
"Fujimura-san, Medea was being moe-afflicted again."
"Fujimura-san, Gilgamesh being super-chuuni again."
"Fujimura-san, Kiyo-chan was going into her Anchin-week phase."
"Fujimura-san, Heroine X was being nuisance against Saberfaces. Again."
"Fujimura-san, Jackie-chan was looking for her mama. Again."
"Fujimura-san, Nobu start making and stashing bombs. Again."