[X] Open fire. It wouldn't need alarms if it could see through the eyes of its monsters. That must mean that it has some sort of perception limits, some sort of command loop that you can exploit. Punch a hole through its pickets and try to hit the mech before it organizes a response.
[X] Affix bayonets, ambush the nearest picket. Try to kill them silently and advance faster than the realization that it's taken losses. It's risky and relies on assumptions, but it'll be quicker than sneaking around.

Open fire seems like a bad idea when we don't know if there are any actual guards around or not.
[X] Open fire. It wouldn't need alarms if it could see through the eyes of its monsters. That must mean that it has some sort of perception limits, some sort of command loop that you can exploit. Punch a hole through its pickets and try to hit the mech before it organizes a response.
[X] Affix bayonets, ambush the nearest picket. Try to kill them silently and advance faster than the realization that it's taken losses. It's risky and relies on assumptions, but it'll be quicker than sneaking around.
[X] Affix bayonets, ambush the nearest picket. Try to kill them silently and advance faster than the realization that it's taken losses. It's risky and relies on assumptions, but it'll be quicker than sneaking around.
[X] Affix bayonets, ambush the nearest picket. Try to kill them silently and advance faster than the realization that it's taken losses. It's risky and relies on assumptions, but it'll be quicker than sneaking around.
End Of Line

While I enjoy writing Incident Eliph, I've become convinced that a Quest is the wrong medium for the piece. I've been having pacing issues as well as trouble managing the tone I want, while the adversarial nature of the genre doesn't mesh well with the collaborative storytelling nature of Questing. As such, I've been writing my other projects while I consider how to handle Incident Eliph.

Unfortunately, I am convinced that the answer to that question is 'write it in another medium'. That does not mean that the story is dead, just that I won't be continuing it as a Quest. Its space in my writing rotation has been replaced with The Mysuran Engine, and once I finish some of my extant projects I am going to return to Eliph. That return is either going to be in the form of an Original Fiction Web Serial, posted in User Fiction, or just in a straight up novel attempt.

Thank you for your patience, I will link the next attempt at the story when it happens.
While I enjoy writing Incident Eliph, I've become convinced that a Quest is the wrong medium for the piece.
While I am sad to see it stop as a Quest, I do want to applaud what you did write so far, and say if I saw this on a bookstore shelf as a published work, I would 100% feel satisfied and happy with paying for this as a novel or such.

While I enjoy writing Incident Eliph, I've become convinced that a Quest is the wrong medium for the piece. I've been having pacing issues as well as trouble managing the tone I want, while the adversarial nature of the genre doesn't mesh well with the collaborative storytelling nature of Questing. As such, I've been writing my other projects while I consider how to handle Incident Eliph.

Unfortunately, I am convinced that the answer to that question is 'write it in another medium'. That does not mean that the story is dead, just that I won't be continuing it as a Quest. Its space in my writing rotation has been replaced with The Mysuran Engine, and once I finish some of my extant projects I am going to return to Eliph. That return is either going to be in the form of an Original Fiction Web Serial, posted in User Fiction, or just in a straight up novel attempt.

Thank you for your patience, I will link the next attempt at the story when it happens.

So I promised to link the next attempt at this story when it happened.

Guess what? It's here!

Incident Eliph at Kianid is becoming Incident Eliph, one of the three starter scenarios for Guns Blazing. This is a full roleplaying game based on the Guns Blazing timeline with some incredible art from the likes of @TheOneMoiderah and others. It'll tell the full story of Incident Eliph and while the narrative focus will obviously focus on player characters, some familiar faces will show up in the full adventure~.