In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust

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I suspect we have at least two types of player here: those playing for mechanics and those playing for story.

I am 100% story; the Aspect I want above all others is Direct Democracy, followed closely by the triple combo of Curiosity/Adaptive/Problem Solvers. This is not a Warhammer 40,000 quest and I seriously don't want it to turn into one.
I suspect we have at least two types of player here: those playing for mechanics and those playing for story.

I am 100% story; the Aspect I want above all others is Direct Democracy, followed closely by the triple combo of Curiosity/Adaptive/Problem Solvers. This is not a Warhammer 40,000 quest and I seriously don't want it to turn into one.
Ironically, we have more than a few WH40k quests that we don't play as anything but Xenophileslites
I mean srsly. Being anything but Tolerate saints is rare as it is, but we can't even be warlike.
I don't even know how direct democracy would even work since I'd imagine that'd it be pretty much entirely AI dominated since Humans can't do it well at such populations TODAY in RL, let alone in the future.
I don't even know how direct democracy would even work since I'd imagine that'd it be pretty much entirely AI dominated since Humans can't do it well at such populations TODAY in RL, let alone in the future.
why would AI's be at all better?
why "let alone" in the future which would presumably be better than today?
why would AI's be at all better?
why "let alone" in the future which would presumably be better than today?
Because In least humans are given enhancements, Direct Democracy (Which only existed in Greece's time for a limited amount of people, in their citystates) means their voting for every issue, Not only would it be abysmally slow in least the AIs are running the government completely, but in least voting is mandatory then voting would only actually be a very few people (Compared to the actual population) so it'd be Tyranny by the majority (of actual voters I mean) all day every day.
Ais can exempt this depending on how they function, like the Geth who use only logic and do this at rapid speeds that makes the time pretty much instant.
Basically imagine how Governments move at their slowest, then increase the representatives to Billions, and watch the fire.
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I just still need to understand why there's so much focus on Psionically Fertile, to the point it's a deal-maker, since it was stated the humanity has psionics popping up every now and then, and, with the right plan, this frequency can be enhanced through genetic manipulation or technological aides.
I just still need to understand why there's so much focus on Psionically Fertile, to the point it's a deal-maker, since it was stated the humanity has psionics popping up every now and then, and, with the right plan, this frequency can be enhanced through genetic manipulation or technological aides.
Because it means that we get to play with them right off the bat, The effect of them on society will be apparent, I find that far more interesting since it'd be a big thing
Because In least humans are given enhancements, Direct Democracy (Which only existed in Greece's time for a limited amount of people, in their citystates) means their voting for every issue, Not only would it be abysmally slow in least the AIs are running the government completely, but in least voting is mandatory then voting would only actually be a very few people (Compared to the actually population) so it'd be Tyranny by the majority (of actual voters I mean) all day every day.
Ais can exempt this depending on how they function, like the Geth who use only logic and do this at rapid speeds that makes the time pretty much instant.
Basically imagine how Governments move at their slowest, then increase the representatives to Billions, and watch the fire.
afaik our ai's are robots of equivalent intellect
we probably have implants to allow for faster communication, much like how we could be using the internet now but for some reason aren't
democracies are inherently tyrannies of the majority
Because it means that we get to play with them right off the bat, The effect of them on society will be apparent, I find that far more interesting since it'd be a big thing
Actually no matter the case we wouldn't be playing with psionics right of the bat, since psionics didn't exist in the Home Universe. Psionically barren, fertile or in between, we'd first need to research psionics.
**: The benefits and penalties of Psionically Barren and Psionically Fertile will not apply until after Psionics Theory is researched.
afaik our ai's are robots of equivalent intellect
we probably have implants to allow for faster communication, much like how we could be using the internet now but for some reason aren't
democracies are inherently tyrannies of the majority
Ironically despite what People say about Democracy
Every nation today is a Republic or a variation there of (in the west I mean)
Because a DD is inefficient
Implants don't impart understanding or CARE in people. If they did it'd be mind control or so advanced that it doesn't matter anymore.
Actually no matter the case we wouldn't be playing with psionics right of the bat. Psionically barren, fertile or in between, we'd first need to research psionics.
I know, but we'd get a lot more to play with, with the normal amount, they'd be to few to really mean anything; however with the Fertile trait we get enough fast enough that we get to see a major effect in a short amount of time.
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Well we could always be as xenophobic and militaristic as possible in the quest, eventually contradict our original aspects and hopefully replace them, unfortunately the deal breaker of the plan (for me) is something we can't change easily. The Psionic normalness instead of commonality

Considering how many people want to be xenophilic, as the vote tallies, I believe that trying to change the aspects chosen here will be an uphill battle that would only breed divisiveness and resentment from the other players. I would much rather leave and drop a quest where I don't agree with the choices chosen than stay and try to create tension and bitterness. That way I won't grow too invested with something that will most likely let me down, not through the nature of the quest itself but due to the origin chosen.

I also wanted Psionically Fertile to be one of the winning aspects due to the fact that the first voting decision made was to make it so the only macguffin superpower or unobtanium available to us and everyone else was Psionics. The fact that we are not exploiting what is probably going to be a key technology is something I find to be a waste.

Maybe we can edit your plan slightly and compromise with some of the Swiss voters?
That's the only way I can see us winning against the Swiss plan.

I would be willing to edit for a compromise, however I think that the visions from the voters who are voting for my plan and theirs are dramatically different.

If I am going to be honest, my main contentions with the Swiss Equality plan, aside from its weird name, are as follows.

Firstly I don't believe that the Direct Democracy type of government will be a very effective form of government. While in principle a democracy should have a well-informed populace that will make it so any decision chosen by the majority is a wise one, in practicality I think that is easier said than done, especially since the text for the option itself made it clear how broad the powers wielded by the citizenry are. For example one of the things that the vote option said citizens could vote for was not only appointing Officials but also being able to cast ballots to determine foreign policy. I know that this a sci-fi setting where information is likely to be abundant, but that doesn't change the fact that not every citizen will be well informed when it comes to complex issues such as dealing a foreign power, especially when those foreign powers will not be human but will be alien. To me the Direct Democracy Government choice is one that I believe will have many flaws attached to it. The fact that almost every issue can be brought to the ballot by the citizenry is something that suggests to me that this choice of government will be one that deals poorly with strife as almost any issue that comes to the governments attention can be voted on by the entire populace. Politics is a volatile business, and when every citizen can become a player or demagogue in the game, tensions will no doubt flare. The fact that this plan does little to address the initial Strife Threshold, which is determined by SW + PW + Ec, makes me even more leery of it because of the obvious Achilles Heel.

Secondly, the other problem I have with the Swiss Equality Plan is the fact that it has too many holes and weaknesses that cripple it's probable focus and specialties. For example I can understand why Curious and Problem-Solvers was chosen, as they both will likely offer a good boost to the research and development speed. That being said, while being technologically advanced is a great advantage, that does not mean anything if we don't have the industry (Territory stat) or economy (Economy stat) to both utilize as well as fund our research developments. Another thing, while being Xenophilic and Cultured does offer a lot when it comes to diplomacy with any other alien faction, it does nothing to help us when we encounter something that will not come to the diplomatic negotiating table, such as the extra-galactic invaders. The main weakness I see in the Swiss Equality plan were things that made it ironically unlike it's namesake. Unlike the actual Swiss this plan does not give us a good military or a strong economy. None of the traits chosen seem to explicitly benefit either from what I can read from the flavor text. The Swiss in real life were noted for being a very well-armed fighting force that were able to punch above their weight class, while at the same time having powerful financial institutions, on top of their very defensible geographic location. Frankly speaking this plan offers none of that as it seems to focus almost entirely on research and development and diplomacy, while leaving key areas like Economics, Territory, and Warfare weak due to there being no aspects chosen to improve. The fact that the initial Strife Threshold is based off of our Planetary Warfare, Space Warefare, and Economics stats makes me believe that the Swiss Equality option will bring with it internal troubles due to this oversight.

Finally, the other reason I don't like the Swiss Equality Plan is one I have mentioned briefly before, it seems to be too focused and not very versatile. With its emphasis seeming to be on research and diplomacy, I feel that in the event that the players are confronted with a dilemma where neither of those work, such as a militant civilization, a not too uncommon sci fi trope, the players will struggle to adapt due to having a not very strong military or economy. While our Mastery of the End Tech Tree will be a great boon to us, it may not be as strong as we think it is due to the fact that certain techs work better during certain eras due to the conditions of the universe at that time.

Altogether aside from the story elements that I feel would make me drop the quest, my main contentions with the Swiss Equality Plan are that I don't like its government type, and I don't like the way it works mechanically.

To be honest, the mix of Vindictive, Paranoid, and Manifest Destiny rings warning bells for me mentally.

If you want to see my reasoning for why I chose those aspects, just look at the quote below where I wrote paragraphs explaining things.

Anywho, might as well explain the reasoning behind my plan based on what I know of the mechanics.

[ ] Plan Terran Federation:
-[ ] Military Republic
-[ ] Vindictive (-1)
-[ ] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
-[ ] Curious (1)
-[ ] Traders (1)
-[ ] Paranoid (1)
-[ ] Ugly (-1)
-[ ] Manifest Destiny (1)

The reason I chose Military Republic for the government type was because of the fact that it first and foremost offers a bonus to our planetary and naval warfare stats even at the expense of any strife generated. Speaking out of character for a moment, seeing as how the quest by Kaelor already dealt with some of the potential internal issues concerned with such a government type, I believe that the players would be much more able to construct suitable solutions to any internal problems that crop up due to some of them having already been solved.

When it comes to choosing Vindictive as a trait, I felt that the benefit of gaining an additional trait option was worth the potential diplomatic malus that it would incur. Sure, being vindictive would probably hamper our diplomatic efforts somewhat in that our agenda would partially be based around settling our debts and grudges, however if we make sure that we have the military and economic might to back up our threats and grudges, we should be able to avoid some of the potential downsides of things. Due to how the trait was worded and phrased, it makes sense to me that vindictive would make it so that we would incur strife penalties for any slights or grudges left unanswered. Problematic in that it might constrain our relations with other polities, but also something that we can work with. So long as we make an example out of any faction that earns our ire, we should be able to use that example as a warning to others, something that they will hopefully take into account when it comes to our interactions with them. Also, seeing as we will already be dealing with the militant trait due to the government type chosen, being vindictive on top of that doesn't really change much as diplomacy will likely the dump stat in this build. Again, while this malus may be somewhat constrictive when it comes to our options, I believe that so long as we can back up our threats, and be predictable to other factions, we should be able to deal with this trait since we are cognizant of it.

Psionically Fertile was chosen because I felt that the benefits of it were worth the high cost. While one of the downsides of it is that its effects won't be available until Psionic Theory is researched, I feel that we have either a good chance to get the tech outright at the beginning of the game, or at the very least have a bonus to researching it due to how the increased availability of the trait in the population would allow for easier research and access. As for the benefits it offers, having more psionics is always a benefit. When it comes to the military applications, its potential use as a force modifier for both naval and planetary warfare are obvious, whether military psionics are using their abilities to improve force cohesiveness or simply using it to blow stuff up. When it comes to the other aspects of psionics, unlike with biotics in Mass Effect, psionic powers do seem to have utility off the battlefield as well. Espionage for example becomes much more easy when you can use psionic agents to potentially read or control minds, while counter espionge is easier when you have psionics who can detect potential enemy spies. Economics will probably benefit from it as well seeing as psionics are common enough that some psionics are spared from military service enough to pursue a career in the private sector, where their numerous abilities no doubt allow them to gain an edge on the competition. Diplomatically of course, psionics would probably be very helpful. While we don't know exactly how psionic powers work in this setting, I don't think it would be a stretch to assume that a psionic can use their powers to understand others better, whether it be mind reading or simple empathic perception, both would be helpful when it comes to dealing with the envoys of other factions. All in all, while being psionically fertile may have a great cost, I believe that in the end said cost is worth it.

When it comes to the Curious trait, it's benefits are obvious. Curious is something that will no doubt enhance our technological research speeds, something that I am sure our AI companions will no doubt help with. Being able to out-tech our potential rivals and opponents is something that will always be useful, plus I feel that it fits somewhat thematically with the origin we have chosen. It makes sense that a polity like humanity to be curious, for that curiosity likely influenced humanity to create the AIs, as well as indulging that curiosity enough to follow through with the idea that the AI synthetics we created were not just servants but companions and sentients that deserved the same rights as us.

The benefit that come from the Trader trait are fairly obvious as well. This trait will likely give us an increase to our Economics stat as well as Territory. We will need to have a strong economy to support any of our endeavors, after all, researchers need to be paid, and colonies needed to be funded, and traders will give us a boost to our economic power by allowing us to be natural merchants.

When it came to Paranoid, it was honestly a toss up for me, in that I was juggling whether Paranoid would fit this build better or whether Adaptive would. At the moment I have chosen Paranoid, firstly because I wasn't sure if Adaptive was available at the time of creation, and secondly because I believed it fit the build plan I had in mind already. Paranoid from the text given to us is clearly a trait that will increase our military related stats though likely at the cost of our Territory or Economics stat. Seeing how I am still open to changing this out with Adaptive, I may as well speak about that as well. Seeing as I am the author of said trait, I believe that this trait has a lot of potential benefits. First and foremost adaptive will probably give us a bonus to our territory stat, due to humans being much more adept at surviving hostile planetary conditions. Secondly adaptive will also likely benefit our military due to how adept our soldiers are. For those who have an interest for my plan, feel free to chime in on whether I should switch Paranoid out for Adaptive.

The reason I chose ugly is not because I want our species to be reviled across the galaxy, but because it fit in with all of the other choices made so far. If it hasn't become clear yet, this build will likely have our diplomacy stat be our dump stat. With that being the case, I see no reason to try to make us more attractive to other potential species since we will likely suck at talking to them in the first place early on. Rather than trying to improve a stat that isn't likely to be a priority of ours, I thought it would be more useful to use the point garnered for taking this trait so as to use it gain another beneficial trait that will hopefully help us enough in the early game.

Finally the last trait I chose was Manifest Destiny. One of the reasons this trait appealed to me was because it felt like something that would fit us thematically. With the New Eden origin chosen it makes sense to me that the humanity from the other universe would want to expand, having already lost one homeworld and galaxy, they would probably wish to make sure to avoid such a fate again by spreading outwards and claiming the stars for themselves. Going from a galaxy spanning faction to a single world would no doubt be jarring for many of them, and it would make sense to me if some of them still felt like it was their birth right or mission to claim the galaxy for themselves. After all, they are the survivors of the ones who discovered how the universe will end. That fact alone would probably motivate them to believe that it is their duty to stop the end from occurring again, and to do that many will likely see that to do that they will need the resources of a galaxy. In terms of mechanics I believe that this trait will give us a bonus when it comes to our territory stat, since we are ever expanding, as well as our economics stat because with a boost to territory at the beginning of the game, that likely will also include a boost to developed territories and industry giving way to a powerful economy with many markets.

Altogether, I feel that my plan is one that will allow us to have a strong start at the beginning of the game. Considering how many of the points in the timeline seemed to have conflicts or potential conflicts raging, I felt it was necessary to choose a build that would give us a fighting chance of surviving it by both giving us an edge in research, as well as in pure military power through the many traits chosen. With our creation and coexistence with AI's I believed we would probably have a penalty when it came to diplomacy due to the many stigmas associated with AIs in science fiction, which is why I had diplomacy be our dump stat. When it came to the strife mechanic, due to how the initial rating was determined (PW + SW + Ec), I made a build to optimize our faction so as to have both strong scores in PW and SW, but also Ec as well. While our Economics score will likely not be too high initially, the territory focus will likely help with that in the long run due to how much industry and infrastructure we will have available to build on that. All in all, I feel like this build is something that will give us a strong start.

I suspect we have at least two types of player here: those playing for mechanics and those playing for story.

I am 100% story; the Aspect I want above all others is Direct Democracy, followed closely by the triple combo of Curiosity/Adaptive/Problem Solvers. This is not a Warhammer 40,000 quest and I seriously don't want it to turn into one.

That's somewhat disingenuous to suggest that those who want to be of a more militaristic bent are doing it plainly for mechanics and are not at all interested in the story. Frankly speaking I am very interested in the story, and some of the reasoning behind my choices illustrated above can give you my perspective for why I felt some of the choices made fit thematically. While the analysis I did for my own plan does go into detail as to why my plan is advantageous mechanically, that should be something that is expected considering how you have to use logos as well as pathos to make a convincing argument.
it isn't fast
but it tends to get to the best answer more reliably than, say, an authoritarian regime

Frankly speaking, we don't really know if that is true in the case of this quest.
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Aug 27, 2017 at 12:12 PM, finished with 140 posts and 52 votes.

  • [x] Plan Swiss Equality:
    - [x] Direct Democracy
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Plan Terran Federation:
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    -[X] Paranoid (1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[x] Spiritual (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
    [X] Plan Best Humans
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[X] Psionically Fertile
    -[X] Adaptive
    -[X] Problen-Solvers
    [X] The Flower of the One
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    -[X] Pacifistic (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    [X] Plan no stone unturned.
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [x] Plan Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[x] Attractive
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[x] Xenophobic
    -[x] Cultured
    -[x] Weird
    [x] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    [x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[x] Militant (1)
    -[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[x] Attractive (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    [X] Plan no stone unturned with guns
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Plan Scared Survivors.
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Blunt
    -[x] Weird
    -[X] Ruthless
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[X] Problem Solvers
    [X] Plan: Space Puritans
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] Blunt (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [X] Duty's Burden (1)
Considering how many people want to be xenophilic, as the vote tallies, I believe that trying to change the aspects chosen here will be an uphill battle that would only breed divisiveness and resentment from the other players. I would much rather leave and drop a quest where I don't agree with the choices chosen than stay and try to create tension and bitterness. That way I won't grow too invested with something that will most likely let me down, not through the nature of the quest itself but due to the origin chosen.

I also wanted Psionically Fertile to be one of the winning aspects due to the fact that the first voting decision made was to make it so the only macguffin superpower or unobtanium available to us and everyone else was Psionics. The fact that we are not exploiting what is probably going to be a key technology is something I find to be a waste.
Understandable, but the premise of this quest is to good, I want to at least try for a little bit before giving up, I did it with Kaelor's quest before I ending up hating how it went. I'll try it here, I am stubborn like that.
Frankly speaking, we don't really know if that is true in the case of this quest.
It might be more fast than generally conceived to be relative to an authoritarian regime, but the inherent traits of a democracy and an authoritarian regime mean that the former makes slower decisions while the latter tends to make biased and incompletely explored ones. This is likely to hold true regardless of how fast, informative, and encompassing our IT becomes.
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If you want to see my reasoning for why I chose those aspects, just look at the quote below where I wrote paragraphs explaining things.
Firstly, thank you for writing that out.

Sadly, I still don't agree with the plan in general, particularly Vindictive, but I now understand and appreciate several key points on it (Edit: which are similar to mine now that I think about it). Thanks for sharing.
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Y'all do realize that Universal Psionics are a thing, and a thing that will eventually invalidate the benefits of being Psionically Fertile, right? So you just want the short term benefits and potentially increased research speed?
@Japanime I did say "at least" two. I was trying to be succinct, but for my own part I cannot understand the mechanical side unless I have the explanations in front of me and read them closely; apparently that's just not how my brain works. And, well, I guess part of it was hoping that interest in mechanics was all that was driving some of the... intense interest in creepy military dictatorship that was happening earlier.

You can clearly retain and juggle mechanics better than I can, and that's great, but I can't, even if it would be helpful. Also, torrmercury has not actually told us exactly how government and aspects affect our stats, so I'm trying not to make assumptions about that.

And I don't actually care about Xenophilia or Cultured, I'm just sufficiently invested in the other factors to sacrifice my lesser interests.
Edit 2:
For that matter, for others, why the overwhelming focus on Psionic Powers?
I just still need to understand why there's so much focus on Psionically Fertile, to the point it's a deal-maker, since it was stated the humanity has psionics popping up every now and then, and, with the right plan, this frequency can be enhanced through genetic manipulation or technological aides.

I think, in part, because the players [subconsciously] think that w/o Psionically Fertile we'll be, in effect, Psionically Barren... and, since Psionic Universe won last round, that not taking Psionically Fertile would be "wasting" the opportunity/vote.

It's all speculation, to be sure, but It explains why so many plans have it.

Hmm, I'd like to vote for something that has weird in it and a winning chance as well. Probably too much to ask there at this point. :p

LOL -- I know what you mean there.

To be honest, the mix of Vindictive, Paranoid, and Manifest Destiny rings warning bells for me mentally.
I mean yea it slates us to war, but that's kinda the point, We don't do something like that ever in quests like this.

I would have liked to do a more militaristic faction, as both my plans attest... but I honestly would be fine w/o it. More that I don't really want to play the "typical" Xenophilic, Trade and/or Democracy setting -- and while I won't just quit because things don't go my way [I already lost on Democracy (oh well)] it is a bit irksome that so many people are rather deadset on more typical builds.

I suspect we have at least two types of player here: those playing for mechanics and those playing for story.

I am 100% story; the Aspect I want above all others is Direct Democracy, followed closely by the triple combo of Curiosity/Adaptive/Problem Solvers. This is not a Warhammer 40,000 quest and I seriously don't want it to turn into one.

LOL -- You're kinda right, at least in my case. I built Ball of Contradictions mainly for story and Humans: Do NOT Fight for the mechanics, though I 'm sure Torr will make whatever's chosen interesting and enjoyable, I would have really enjoyed seeing him write those.

Actually no matter the case we wouldn't be playing with psionics right of the bat, since psionics didn't exist in the Home Universe. Psionically barren, fertile or in between, we'd first need to research psionics.

*nod* -- I thought people remembered/were-mindful-of that, but maybe they needed the reminder.

Ironically despite what People say about Democracy
Every nation today is a Republic or a variation there of (in the west I mean)
Because a DD is inefficient
Implants don't impart understanding or CARE in people. If they did it'd be mind control or so advanced that it doesn't matter anymore.

This is true, and one of the reasons I wanted something besides Democracy: if it's something substantially different, like 'Theocracy' or 'Tribal', it is easier to distinguish in the average person's mind than the muddle that is "Democracy" (which, as you point out in modernity is really "Republic")... though, to be fair, I imagine there's a fair bit more civ-builder game-players in the SV population and that would help raise the general level of nuance that would be recognized.
a) Not doubtful, its a mid tech at the EARLIEST, since psionics is our setting specific magic, and it'd be ridiculous if it was an early game tech
And B) Its obvious why it doesn't invalidate the fertile trait.
so it can be mid-tech? fascinating. Why would it be ridiculous? All it does is make everyone psionic, it doesn't give us any obvious solutions to anything.
How does having literally everyone psionic not render the fertile trait pointless? I already talked about how it offers short-term benefits and potentially increased research speed in regards to psionics, but that's all it offers.

The other traits offer a better grounding for our culture and things which it would be harder for us to acquire through actions.
so it can be mid-tech? fascinating. Why would it be ridiculous? All it does is make everyone psionic, it doesn't give us any obvious solutions to anything.
How does having literally everyone psionic not render the fertile trait pointless? I already talked about how it offers short-term benefits and potentially increased research speed in regards to psionics, but that's all it offers.

The other traits offer a better grounding for our culture and things which it would be harder for us to acquire through actions.
*sigh* I said mid game at the Absolute earliest, and considering the typical length of these, and the time span, that could be months worth of updates.
Psionics is our space magic, it is NEVER easy to just make everyone have it. Its the End game thing for B5, Mass Effect *End game tech where you can artificially make people biotic* and any other setting you can think of.
Fertile bypasses going through that need by making it Near universal as soon as we unlock it,
Unlocking it is going to require ALOT of research and at that point it won't matter, because the rest of our tech would be so advanced that we could probably simulate Psionics anyways
Fertile bypasses going through that need by making it Near universal as soon as we unlock it,
if you read the description, it doesn't sound like it's near-universal but rather like it's 1/10 rather than 1/1000
Unlocking it is going to require ALOT of research and at that point it won't matter, because the rest of our tech would be so advanced that we could probably simulate Psionics anyways
then why bother with psionics