I guess the question is how the hell we happen to have an enclave of honesty, in the corrupt snake den as intended Empire?
During the evacuation the more corrupt officers were trying to gather their riches and missed the secret evacuation shuttles so had to take the more public evacuation shuttles to other remnant strongholds. Or were caught by rebel forces.
Being attached to your possessions is bad according to Jedi teachings. Especially when you try to run with your golden toilet.
The real question I have is how much embezzlement could realistically be possible building statues? The cost of materials for that alone shouldn't be that much.

The other stuff is more realistic though.
The real question I have is how much embezzlement could realistically be possible building statues? The cost of materials for that alone shouldn't be that much.

The other stuff is more realistic though.
"The central victory plaza project needs more budget again?"

"Delays and weather interruptions, general. Nothing I can influence."
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We got the competent goons. The incompetent ones are off getting murdered by Rogue Squadron in a spinoff novel somewhere.
No, it is that we got the lowest amount of corruption possible on our rolls so far, which admittedly is only two turns at the moment.

As long as the next corruption rolls don't end up getting max numbers instead. That would be embarrassing if the next plan has a bunch of subordinates causing high levels of corruption and Game Over us.

I don't mind the minor corruption rolls, but I put my feet down on anything high or massive.
Because they're going to defect to the New Republic in the next book dealing with us?
Hm. Now I'm imagining a quest where this is actually a mechanic. Your nation is one of the antagonists in a novel series and every so often the book turns to you and the protagonist faction inflicts some huge reverse on you in a miniturn where you can only really limit the scale of their victory. Presumably with the same happening to other people, largely those surrounding it but sometimes also just the Warring States China equivalent halfway across the world because the author wanted to vary the setting.

But uh, that just kind of jumped wildly off-topic, so I'll shut up now before I veer even further away.
As long as the next corruption rolls don't end up getting max numbers instead. That would be embarrassing if the next plan has a bunch of subordinates causing high levels of corruption and Game Over us.

I don't mind the minor corruption rolls, but I put my feet down on anything high or massive.
We won't get game over from corruption. Low Imperial Support could see us getting couped or high Unrest could see us getting over thrown, but high corruption just means reduced income and an inefficient government. Also we are not going to be able to avoid the corruption. We are playing as the Galactic Empire where corruption is a feature not a bug. If we want to get things done, we will need to accept some corruption and not be afraid of taking actions that increase corruption.
That is what I said? Why are you saying I am wrong when that is what I said?
I'm just pointing out that we got the lowest results across both turns. It isn't so much that we got the lowest results this turn, but we got them both this turn and last turn.
We are playing as the Galactic Empire where corruption is a feature not a bug. If we want to get things done, we will need to accept some corruption and not be afraid of taking actions that increase corruption.
Corruption will always be a thing, it's just that Palpatine actively encouraged it at the expense of an actual working government so unless we do some major reforms and keep using the Palpatine system it will be a bigger problem than it would in a government designed to actually work instead of being a giant Dark Side dust refinery.
Yes, which is what I said.
No? We're had four corruption rolls so far while your post only mentioned the three from last turn.

Anyway, this isn't really important. I'm more interested in figuring out the best way to raise our Income before the resources from Exegol Inventory run out. Ideally I would like to get an Income of at least 100 Resources per turn before getting into the shinies like cloning. Which I would like to do sooner rather than later, but I want an functional economy to support any cloning endeavours.

Right now, we are looking at an effective Income of 60 once corruption is applied. I'm leaning towards doing Bacta Farms to resolve the Health crisis and get more resources, but I don't like the look of that "Massive rise in Corruption". I am interested in doing Luxury Venues to trade Basing and Food for Consumer Goods and IS because it is a cheap while Wineries is another cheap option to improve our IS and Consumer Goods at the expense of Food and Basing though that Cap Good cost is unpleasant. Food Processing Facility is something I feel should be done sooner rather than latter because the narrative consequences of being forced to feed raw food to our people.

In other areas, I want to finish the second stage of Water Treatment Plants even if it costs us more IS while I also want to get more Logistics. I am not sure if returning to Maglev Line Expansion is the better option or if we should bite the bullet and go for the more costly, but more rewarding Surface Spaceports for the narrative benefits of having some spaceports. In Industry, I want to do Hyperdrive Manufacturing Facility because it is the project that gives 20 Income, but only Major Corruption.

Speaking of corruption, I think that with their low progress cost, we can afford to do Luxury Residences, Computer Assembly Plant and Wineries personally because we might be able to get them with one die and putting two dice on them puts on par with the Subordinate option if we are willing to choose time over corruption. Saving that corruption means we can afford to do some of the more rewarding projects that have high progress and high corruption.

Corruption will always be a thing, it's just that Palpatine actively encouraged it at the expense of an actual working government so unless we do some major reforms and keep using the Palpatine system it will be a bigger problem than it would in a government designed to actually work instead of being a giant Dark Side dust refinery.
Which we cannot afford to do until we got a stable position. I would like to do some reforms at somepoint, but we need to get into a position to afford those reforms and to get into that position, we will need to embrace some corruption in the short term.
No? We're had four corruption rolls so far while your post only mentioned the three from last turn.

Saying we rolled 3 ones on 3d6 is the same as saying we rolled the lowest possible results for corruption, which was your original point of calling me wrong. That we actually rolled four times and got 4 ones is splitting hairs over a joke about our good luck. Yes the chance of that happening is even lower. It does not change the meaning of what I was saying. It does not mean I did not get the joke.

Anyway, this isn't really important.

If it is so unimportant you should not have spent three posts to tell me I am wrong. If it is so unimportant you would let it be instead of trying to get the last word.

Clones need childcare too I think. We saw child clones in episode 2.

Would they keep aging after reaching maturity?
Corruption will always be a thing, it's just that Palpatine actively encouraged it at the expense of an actual working government so unless we do some major reforms and keep using the Palpatine system it will be a bigger problem than it would in a government designed to actually work instead of being a giant Dark Side dust refinery.

As always be careful assuming if stuff like this Canon in BOT's vison of the universe.
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Is there a way to stop the accelerated aging? From a moral perspective, it is wrong to vat grow clones for war and worse to give them a lifespan that is a fraction as long as a natural lifespan. If clones are granted healthcare, that can also be expensive.

All that being said, this is a game where we play the bad guys. If it is not unpleasant for BOTCommander for write, we can take the evil option of treating them as disposable cannon fodder. It should be okay for us to do evil actions in a quest so long as we are aware it is evil and do not make any "out of character" posts where we justify it as being moral.

If we can stop it, we should. Not only for moral issues. It also lets us keep veteran clone soldiers and officers in the military for longer. I know my points are basic and have probably been discussed to death by fans but there is some demand in the thread to start taking advantage of our cloning specialty.