When talking about Spaarti clones you have to remember that they need special Spaarti clone cylinders to grow to full maturity within a year. That were produced by Spaarti Creations on the planet Cartao until the unique factory that could create them was destroyed in 21BBY by a remote controlled Republic Gunship during the Clone Wars. What Spaarti clone cylinders are out there are the only ones. And the only store of them from Legends that I know of is the 20000 in a secret Palpatine storehouse on Wayland which were discovered by Thrawn in 9ABY in the Legends timeline. Unless Palpy stored some of them on Exegol we can forget about using the shortcut of Spaarti cloning.
When talking about Spaarti clones you have to remember that they need special Spaarti clone cylinders to grow to full maturity within a year. That were produced by Spaarti Creations on the planet Cartao until the unique factory that could create them was destroyed in 21BBY by a remote controlled Republic Gunship during the Clone Wars. What Spaarti clone cylinders are out there are the only ones. And the only store of them from Legends that I know of is the 20000 in a secret Palpatine storehouse on Wayland which were discovered by Thrawn in 9ABY in the Legends timeline. Unless Palpy stored some of them on Exegol we can forget about using the shortcut of Spaarti cloning.
Keep in mind this quote from the disclaimer: I only really know surface level Star Wars, so trying to metagame will probably fail due to me having never heard of it. Also it would be pretty bold of me to give you the Super Secret Imperial Cloning Research team and not have them have blueprints for some version of the Spaari clone cylinders.
And the Spaarti are probably more akin to Droid doctrine droids than any actually capable unit of infantry as a result of that.

Oi, that's rude.

Droids are perfectly serviceable in every role they are designed and programmed for. The Separatist inspired doctrine just focuses on throwing as much cheap force at an objective until it's taken. It's not the 'droid doctrine', it's the 'we have more reserves than you have bullets' doctrine, but droids are an easy way to get those reserves which is why they get used.

It's absolutely possible to pull off the Chrhod doctrine with droids. It just means that even your cheapest and least capable droid is an HK-47, and cost and capabilities escalate rapidly from there. You'd probably have wanted droid specialists if you wanted to pull this off.
Keep in mind this quote from the disclaimer: I only really know surface level Star Wars, so trying to metagame will probably fail due to me having never heard of it. Also it would be pretty bold of me to give you the Super Secret Imperial Cloning Research team and not have them have blueprints for some version of the Spaari clone cylinders.
Ok, so in this quest we will be able to recreate them then. I only remembered that fact because that was one of the cases of Palpy screwing others over to get an unique advantage for himself (that Republic gunship destroying the factory was due to Palpy plans). Because that factory could produce any product that was almost always superior to other versions on the market but due to being a single factory there was always a limited supply.
Basically the Spaarti clones could be produced because the clone cylinders that grew them were produced by a "magical" factory.
A year with high risk of clone madness unless you are using Thrawn's work around, which we cannot, then it takes about a month.
According to the article on clone madness, 3-5 years is considered a sufficient growing time to avoid clone madness.

But as I see the methods;

Spaarti cloning is for building a large army as quickly as absolutely possible, damn the consequences. It won't be a very good army and they'll all go mad in a few years but hey, it's there. Great for swamping your enemy in bodies.

Standard cloning takes a little longer to grow an army, isn't as flexible, requires 3-5 years of advanced planning to account for changes or losses but avoids clone madness and gives you a higher quality clone soldier. Great for building a fairly average force that needs to be replaced regularly.

Kaminoan cloning is the benchmark of quality cloning, allowing scientists to tweak, perfect and train said clones over the course of a decade while completely negating clone madness. It does, however, require a decade of lead time to enact any major changes like changing templates or to produce replacement soldiers and may or may not of required techniques known only to the Kaminoans. But it does give you probably the finest military in the galaxy. Would actually work for the Chrhod doctrine since it lets you manufacture top-tier special forces with a limited ability to replace huge losses quickly.

Things like knowing any super-secret Kaninoan techniques depends on whether the Kaminoans still exist and whether Nala-Se actually shared her knowledge with the Imperial cloners she was taken to at the end of Bad Batch.
Imperial Year 25 (6 ABY) BM2 Results
Imperial Year 25 (6 ABY) BM2 Results

Imperial Factions:
Kuat: Unknown
Corellia: Unknown
Fondor: Unknown
Scarif: Unknown
Eriadu: Unknown
Kessel: Unknown
Ord Mantell: Unknown
Mustafar: Unknown
Bastion: Unknown
Anaxes: Unknown
Imperial Insurgents: Unknown

Neutral Parties:
Hutts: Unknown
Mandalorians: Unknown
Hapan: Unknown
Criminal Syndicates: Unknown
Megacorporations: Unknown

Republic: WAR!

Basing: +30
Labor: +5
Logistics: +1
Capital Goods: +13
Strategic Goods: +2
Consumer Goods: -4
Food: +16
Health: -6

Imperial Support: 50

Unrest: 17
Corruption: 6

Resources: 1160 (+14 Resources per Turn)(+15 before corruption)

Maglev Line Expansion (Phase 1) 305/200 105/200
The first regular goods and passenger trains have begun driving over the storm-ravaged surface of Exegol after completion of the first lines, decreasing the pressure on shuttles and other types of transport and connecting the planet-wide distributed facilities.

Water Treatment Plants (Phase 1 of 2) 58/150
Water treatment is a surprisingly complex science that is often overlooked in modern galactic society. Larger dirt and pollution particles are first removed with screens and clarification tanks, before the rest is slowly removed with microorganisms and more technical filters. The final product is at significantly lesser risk of spreading diseases and plagues. The creation of the new plants has resulted in some criticism from some of your colleagues, who don't have to directly deal with the wider implications of insufficient supplies of clean water for the working population you very much depend upon.

Perform Space Prospecting 130/100
Exploration of Exegol and nearby star systems has now been completed and the best sites for void mining efforts have been determined. Creation of such facilities in the airless vacuum of space will be very resource and material intensive, but also highly lucrative once up and running.

Medical Droid Factory 73/150
With the supply of advanced parts and resources still very barebones, the setup of the medical droid factory has experienced slowdowns. Especially the cracking of the corporate copy protection for the medical data banks has caused issues for your technical specialists, but the official line is these are only temporary.

Industrial Droid Assembly Plant (Subordinate) Autopass
Putting your trust in one of your Imperial colleagues for the Industrial droid assembly plant seems to have worked well this time. The project seems to go ahead with minimal embezzlement of resources and funds and is due to be completed on schedule.

Food Industry
Orbital Farms (Phase 2) 392/100 (Phase 3) 292/100 (Phase 4) 192/100 (Phase 5) 92/100 - Critical Success
Work on the first complete orbital farming station continues at a rapid pace, the second, third and fourth segments completing in rapid succession, and the fifth of this station's six segments nearing completion. During construction some of the botanists had a suggestion for an alternate stacking system of farming modules that could increase the grain yields per station module by as much as 15 percent. The person with the idea has thus been promoted and is now in charge of the refitting efforts, which should hopefully ease the ever strained food situation somewhat.

Set up local informant networks 47/100
Setting up informants is a delicate work. The intelligence agents have to find individuals at key positions that are willing to be bribed, coerced or convinced to supply the agents with sensitive information. Such work cannot be done overnight and even after two months your agents still have not completed their assignment, pitiful behavior that would have them replaced if staff was not one of the current shortages.

Set up Propaganda Bureau 107/100
Official propaganda in forms of big speeches, declarations and other visible actions is only half the story of Imperial information warfare. The spreading of doctored information in secret has become more and more important over the years to keep the unaware populace in line and to hinder the Rebellion's intelligence efforts. Without agents inside the populace however, such false information plantation is only of limited effect and right now the propaganda bureau is advocating for a more public display of unity and generosity and also for the creation of a parade plaza for military demonstrations.

Childcare Services 64/100
Work on the official childcare services continues. The work is as much organizational as it is political. Private, under the table arrangements have existed in lower and middle class families even without Imperial influence and it is the goal now to give these people the resources needed to organize more efficiently and to free up more parents for the Exegol workforce.

Imperial Clone Research Program Laboratories 111/100
The cloning research program you managed to salvage from the remains of the Empire finally has its laboratories set up and is ready to get to work. From what they told you, they were working directly under Emperor Palpatine on various projects to make him immortal, projects that never, ever quite worked but produced various other experimental advances based on Kaminoan cloning technology the Empire took great care in to extract from the alien scientists responsible. The creation of Kaminoan clone cylinders is a simple, but resource intensive affair that could produce tens of thousands of additional workers and soldiers in three to five years thanks to flash training. If a quicker and less reliable method is needed, Spaarti tanks are a possible solution, which can produce adult clones in less than a year, though the scientists are warning these clones only have a very limited active life span before they become unusable, something they have so far been unable to fix. In terms of less spectacular advances they have several half finished projects they'd gladly continue, from cloning animals for food to advanced regenerative medical procedures to replace lost limbs.

Exegol Hyperlane Route Beacons 283/200
After four months of work, beacons have been placed in a large radius on the navigation junctions along the Exegol corridor. No hyperspace capable vessel can enter the corridor without the Exegol Imperial Remnant being made aware of it, giving them ample warning time if an enemy force should try to get to them, no matter how unlikely at the current time.

Re-equip Ground Forces 30/100
Re-equipping of the ground forces has started up slowly, mostly due to administrative difficulties. Tens of thousands of pieces of equipment have to be accounted for, delivered out and arrive at the right units. Scheduling and bad reporting have resulted in some units not getting their new equipment and others getting multiple.

Re-equip TIE squadrons 45/70
The re-equipment of the TIE squadrons with TIE interceptors has progressed better, but not without its own difficulties. The Interceptor is a deceptively fast and agile machine compared to the LN model and veteran and rookie pilots alike likely require some time to train in the new machines.

Exegol Inventory (Stage 5) 163/50 (Stage 6) 113/50 (Stage 7) 63/50 (Stage 8) 13/50
Exegols treasure troves continue to be raided and emptied at a rapid pace. Your staff prognoses that at the current speed the depots will be empty and accounted for in two months.

Thanks to Oshha for giving me access to some of his SW quest notes.
Imperial Year 25 (6 ABY) BM3
Imperial Year 25 (6 ABY) BM3

Imperial Factions:
Kuat: Unknown
Corellia: Unknown
Fondor: Unknown
Scarif: Unknown
Eriadu: Unknown
Kessel: Unknown
Ord Mantell: Unknown
Mustafar: Unknown
Bastion: Unknown
Anaxes: Unknown
Imperial Insurgents: Unknown

Neutral Parties:
Hutts: Unknown
Mandalorians: Unknown
Hapan: Unknown
Criminal Syndicates: Unknown
Megacorporations: Unknown

Republic: WAR!

Basing: +30
Labor: +5
Logistics: +1
Capital Goods: +13
Strategic Goods: +2
Consumer Goods: -4
Food: +16
Health: -6

Imperial Support: 50

Unrest: 17
Corruption: 6

Resources: 1174 (+14 Resources per Turn)(+15 before corruption)

Free Dice: 1

Infrastructure (3 Dice): +1
[]Planetside Facility Construction (Phase 1)
As the Exogol Remnant expands operations, more grounside facilities to house people, industry and civilian infrastructure are required.
(0/100 10 Resources per Die)(+3 Basing)

[]Space Facility Construction (Phase 1)
As the Exogol Remnant expands operations, more void facilities to house people, industry and civilian infrastructure are required.
(0/150 15 Resources per Die)(+5 Basing)

[]Imperial Monuments
Monuments in the form of statues and other expansive projects are a good reminder of the Empire's supremacy.
-[]Personally(0/200 5 Resources per Die)(+5 IS)(Basing -1)
-[]Subordinate(20 Resources)(+6 IS)(Basing -1)(small rise in corruption)

[]Luxury Residences
The officials in charge of the Exegol Remnant are dissatisfied with the current state of their residences. Constructing ones more befitting of their status will hopefully satisfy them.
-[]Personally(0/100 20 Resources per Die)(+2 Consumer Goods, -3 Basing)(+5 IS)
-[]Subordinate(40 Resources)(-3 Basing, +2 Consumer Goods)(+6 IS)(moderate rise in corruption)

[]Maglev Line Expansion (Phase 2)
Maglev lines and trains to transport goods and people are one of the cheapest and easiest methods of transportation.
(105/200 10 Resources per Die)(Logistics +3)

[]Surface Spaceports
Currently Exegol only has facilities to allow smaller shuttles and freighters to be serviced. Larger spaceport facilities would allow capital grade ships to be loaded and unloaded.
(0/400 15 Resources per Die)(Basing -4, Logistics +10)

[]Water Treatment Plants (Phase 1 of 2)
While the Exegol facilities are expansive, the current water treatment facilities are insufficient to provide enough clean water for the Remnant population.
(58/150 15 Resources per Die)(Basing -2, Health +1)(-2 Imperial Support)

[]Kaminoan Cloning Facility (Phase 1)
Kaminoan tanks for comparatively slow, industrial production of labourers.
-[]Personally(0/200 15 Resources per Die)(-1 Strategic Goods, -1 Capital Goods, -3 Food, -1 Health, -1 Logistics)(Each phase produces +18 labor every 18 turns)
-[]Subordinate(60 Resources)(-2 Capital Goods, -3 Food, -1 Health, -1 Logistics)(Each phase produces +18 labor every 18 turns)(minor rise in corruption)

Industry (3 Dice): +1
[]Novator Station Automation Refit Development
The Novator alone has a crew of roughly fifty-thousand. The engineers claim it should be possible to replace a large percentage of that with droid systems, a proper refit just has to be developed.
(0/100 20 Resources per Die)

[]Perform Surface Prospecting
Survey Exegol and nearby planets for resource deposits.
(16/100 5 Resources per Die)

[]Space Mining
Asteroids are an investment intensive and highly productive source of valuable ores.
-[]Personally(0/200 20 Resources per Die)(+30 Resources per turn)(-1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor, -1 Logistics)
-[]Subordinate(80 Resources)(+30 Resources per turn)(-1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor, -1 Logistics)(moderate rise in corruption)

[]Auxiliary Droid Factory
Factory to produce droids that can serve in auxiliary roles to assist the human workforce.
-[]Personally(Progress 0/300: 20 resources per die)(+10 Resources per turn)(+2 Capital Goods, +12 Labor, -3 Basing)
-[]Subordinate(120 Resources)(+10 Resources per turn)(+2 Capital Goods, +12 Labor, -3 Basing)(moderate rise in corruption)

[]Medical Droid Factory
Medical Droids are high tech-devices with medical data banks to assist in health related matters.
(Progress 73/150: 25 resources per die)(+10 Resources per Turn)(-1 Capital Goods, -2 Basing, +3 Health)

[]Computer Assembly Plant (Stage 1)
Computers are ubiquitous pieces of hardware utilized in a multitude of applications throughout the galaxy, from droids to starfighters to datapads. As such a steady supply of them is always needed.
-[]Personally(Progress 0/100 20 resources per die)(+5 Resources per Turn)(+1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor)
-[]Subordinate(40 Resources)((+5 Resources per Turn)(+1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor)
(small rise in corruption)

[]Durasteel Foundry
A massive assembly of forges, annealers, and smoking pits of molten metal, durasteel foundries are a beating heart of the galactic economy.
-[]Personally(Progress 0/450: 20 resources per Die)(+15 Resources per Turn)(+3 Strategic Goods, +3 Capital Goods, -6 Labor, -4 Basing)
-[]Subordinate(225 Resources)(+20 Resources per Turn)(+3 Strategic Goods, +3 Capital Goods, -6 Labor, -4 Basing)(Massive rise in Corruption)

[]Hyperdrive Manufacturing Facility
Hyperdrives are the core asset needed for the operation of an intergalactic navy and logistical network.
-[]Personally(Progress 0/450: 20 resources per die)(+20 Resources per Turn)(+6 Strategic Goods, -4 Capital Goods, -5 Labor, -4 Basing)
-[]Subordinate(180 Resources)(+20 Resources per Turn)(+6 Strategic Goods, -4 Capital Goods, -5 Labor, -4 Basing) (major rise in corruption)

[]Shuttle Assembly Hangars
Sentinel- and Lambda-class are important for the transport of smaller amounts of cargo and personnel between planets.
(Progress 0/150: 20 resources per die)(+6 Logistics, -2 Capital Goods, -2 Labor, -2 Basing)

Food Industry (3 Dice): +1
[]Bacta Farms
Bacta is a mixture of kavam and alazhi bacteria combined with ambori fluid and a type of barley known as Vratixia renanicus. Bacta production is an expensive and highly technical process, but a diluted mixture of bacta is important for industrial clone production.
-[]Personally(Progress 0/400 25 resources per Die)(+3 Strategic Goods, -3 Capital Goods, -3 Labor, -4 Basing, +6 Health)
-[]Subordinate(200 Resources)(+20 Resources per Turn)(+3 Strategic Goods, -3 Capital Goods, -3 Labor, -4 Basing, +6 Health)(Massive rise in Corruption)

[]Revert Rationing Measures
The current rationing measures are harsh and we should move forward to revert them bit by bit.
(Requires one Die)(-18 Food)

[]Moisture Farms (Phase 1)
A moisture farm is an area of land devoted to the production of food, irrigated by wringing what little moisture can be found in the arid air.
(0/150 10 Resources per Die)(Food +4, Consumer Goods+1, Labor -1)

[]Orbital Farms (Phase 5)
Orbital farms are environmentally closed-off and automated greenhouses to maximize production of crops.
(92/100 20 Resources per Die)(Food +7, Consumer Goods +2, Capital Goods -1, Labor -1)

[]Food Processing Facility
Raw food alone can feed people, but many crops require processing into other forms to improve their nutritional value.
-[]Personally(0/200 20 Resources per Die)(Food +4, Consumer Goods +4, Capital Goods -2, Labor -1, -2 Basing)
-[]Subordinate(80 Resources)(Food +4, Consumer Goods +4, Capital Goods -2, Labor -1, -2 Basing)(moderate rise in corruption)

[]Crab Farms
Crabs and hummers are a common delicacy in Imperial high society. While relatively calorie efficient, the ponds require a lot of work, human and droid, to maintain.
-[]Personally(0/200 10 Resources per Die)(Consumer Goods +3, Capital Goods -2, Labor -2, -2 Basing)(+5 IS)
-[]Subordinate(80 Resources)(0/200 10 Resources per Die)(Consumer Goods +3, Capital Goods -2, Labor -2, -2 Basing)(+6 IS)(moderate rise in corruption)

Without access to the galactic market, luxury foods are in short supply. Giving the bickering Imperial officials access to wine again should stop them from complaining, for a while.
-[]Personally(0/100 15 Resources per Die)(Food -4, Consumer Goods +2, Capital Goods -1, Labor -1, -2 Basing)(+5 IS)
-[]Subordinate(30 Resources)(Food -4, Consumer Goods +2, Capital Goods -1, Labor -1, -2 Basing)(+6 IS)(Moderate rise in corruption)

[]Industrial Cattle Farms
Without access to grassland for cattle to graze on, industrial indoor farming is the most efficient way to supplement the food supply with meat and milk.
-[]Personally(0/300 15 Resources per Die)(Food -6, Consumer Goods +8, Capital Goods -2, Labor -3, -4 Basing, -2 Health)(+3 IS)
-[]Subordinate(90 Resources per Die)(Food -6, Consumer Goods +8, Capital Goods -2, Labor -3, -4 Basing, -2 Health )(+4 IS)(Small rise in corruption)

[]Cattle Clone Tank Refinement
Conventional cattle raising is crude and inefficient, even on industrial scales. Cloning these animals could produce high quality meat with much less caloric intake and supervision.
(0/100 25 Resources per Die)

Intelligence and Subversion (3 Dice): +1
[]Set up local informant networks
Have the intelligence staff set up a network of informants in the local Imperial population.
(47/100 5 Resources per Die)(Minor rise in corruption)

[]Insert local double agents
Have the intelligence staff plant double agents at key positions in the structure of the Exegol remnant.
(0/200 5 Resources per Die)(Minor rise in corruption)

Services (3 Dice): +0
[]Luxury Venues
Current establishments are inadequate for the Imperial Elite. Providing them with the venues and resources should create the social spaces they need and make them happy.
-[]Personally(0/150 15 Resources per Die)(-4 Food, +2 Consumer Goods, -3 Basing)(+4 IS)
-[]Subordinate(45 Resources)(-4 Food, +2 Consumer Goods, -3 Basing)(+5 IS)(moderate rise in corruption)

[]Childcare Services
By providing the people of the Exegol remnant with state childcare, we can increase the amount of workers we can gain from our small population, but it is unpopular with some of the Imperial officials.
(77/100 5 Resources per Die)(+2 Labor)(-2 IS)

[]Clone Tissue Medical Procedure Development
Part of the tasks of the clone program group was developing mechanisms to keep the emperor eternally young through clone organ and tissue replacements. The notes should now be useful for more general applications.
(0/150 25 Resources per Die)

Military (4 Dice): +11
[]Turbolaser Ground Network (Phase 1)
Constructing a series of turbolasers on Exegol would greatly improve its defensive capabilities in the event of a planetary invasion. While unable to engage targets in space, the turbolasers can support ground forces or engage hostile craft that enter the atmosphere.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die)

[]Orbital Defenses (Phase 1)
While not as good as warships, armed space stations can be constructed in orbit around Exegol to repel enemy warships. Armed with a mixture of anti-warship and anti-starfighter weaponry, these space stations are capable of fighting space battles whilst their lack of mobility reduces their strategic useability.
(0/200, 20 Resources per Die)

[]Spaarti Clone Cylinder Refinement
The Spaarti template can theoretically mass produce clones three times faster than Kaminoan ones, the downside being that these clones have relatively low mental capacity and problem solving skills and can thus be used only for low level tasks almost akin to droids. With some adjustment of the process that should be more than enough for Spaarti to serve as mass produced cannon fodder.
(0/200 25 Resources per Die)(Can use Service dice)

Imperial Army
[]Infantry Soldier Engrams
Allows basic combat training for Kamino and Spaarti clones during the growth phase.
(0/100 30 Resources per Die)

[]Re-equip Ground Forces
Exegol has vast armories of high-quality infantry equipment. Re–equipping our current forces with those weapons should boost their capabilities.
(30/100 5 Resources per Die)

[]Reverse-engineer Exegol Equipment
The blasters, body armor and support equipment we found on Exegol is clearly of high quality and of Imperial production, but we don't have the production templates. Sacrificing some of the units to reverse engineer the templates would enable us to produce it in the future.
(0/100 20 Resources per Die)

[]Imperial Army Training Facilities
Facilities, shooting ranges, drill grounds and practice areas to train the Imperial army.
(0/100 10 Resources per Die)(Basing -3)

[]Stormtrooper Training Facilities
Facilities, shooting ranges, drill grounds and practice areas to train the Stormtrooper Corps.
(0/75 15 Resources per Die)(Basing -2)

[]Demobilize Ground Forces
At the moment the large ground army is only an unproductive appendage. With the threat from the New Republic limited, we can demobilize some of them to add to our workforce.
-[]Small Percentage (Requires one Die)(+6 Labor)
-[]Moderate Percentage (Requires one Die)(+12 Labor)(-5 IS)
-[]Large Percentage (Requires one Die)(+24 Labor)(-10 IS)

Imperial Navy
[]TIE Pilot Engrams
Allows basic combat training for Kamino and Spaarti clones during the growth phase.
(0/100 30 Resources per Die)

[]Re-equip TIE squadrons
Our current fighter squadrons fly a mix of TIE Fighters and TIE Interceptors. With the Interceptor being better in many regards, equipping and allowing all our fighter pilots to become familiar with the Interceptor would boost their capabilities.
(45/70 5 Resources per Die)

[]Mothball ISDs
The ISDs contain tens of thousands of men with minimal use at the moment. Mothballing them would free them up for the workforce for building up an industry.
-[]Keep the ISD-II (Requires one Die)(+12 Labor)(-2 IS)
-[]All of them (Requires one Die)(+16 Labor)(-5 IS)

[]Partly automate Star Destroyers
Most of the tasks on Star Destroyers are uncomplicated and can be replaced with some common droid models, even if it will be expensive.
(0/250 15 Resources per Die)(-5 Capital Goods, +5 Labor)

[]Expansive ISD-I Automation Refit Development
Automating with auxiliary droids only goes so far. The whole ISD-I system needs a rework of its systems to reduce the crew needs.
(0/125 20 Resources per Die)

[]Expansive ISD-II Automation Refit Development
Automating with auxiliary droids only goes so far. The whole ISD-II system needs a rework of its systems to reduce the crew needs.
(0/150 20 Resources per Die)

[]Crew stored ISD-IIs
The ISD-IIs in storage at Exegol are in good condition, only manpower, droids and some weeks of initial training left to actually use them.
(0/100 5 Resources per Die)(-30 Labor, -10 Capital Goods)

Bureaucracy (3 Dice): +1
[]Exegol Inventory (Stage 8)
While Project First Order remains incomplete, the Exegol depots had already been filled with useful resources, droids, equipment and more. We will need to utilize these resources wisely, with no access to a regular resource income.
(13/50 5 Resources per Die)(200-300 Resources)(1-2 Capital Goods)

[ ]Establish Patrols
To prevent over-ambitious officers from acting against protocol, all deployments of Imperial Navy assets larger than a starfighter patrol must be reviewed and authorized by high command. Without this constant work, entire fleets sit idle in the slips, allowing raiders to act with impunity.
DC: 40/80/110/130 (If not done, then Rebel raiding units and pirates can operate without response. Anything lower than passing the highest DC creates gaps that can be exploited.)

[ ]Prepare Reserves
In the event of a major operation, only the direct oversight of one of the Empire's most-trusted can cut through protocol and allow speedy reinforcement. If the rebels attack, you must be personally prepared to lead the counter-charge.
DC: 50 (Allows deployment of reinforcements against major enemy attacks, otherwise expect major time delays.)

[]Allow undercover agents to act outside the Unknown Regions
The current choice is complete isolation. While hiding us from hostile rebel elements, it also stops us from contacting or supporting the other Remnants. The first step would be to allow our agents to operate outside the UR undercover to interact with the wider galaxy.
(Requires one Die)(Raises Chance to be found)(Unlocks more []Intelligence and Subversion and []Recruitment Drives)

[]Public Service Bureau
At the moment you have little idea of what the civilian population of Exegol wants. By setting up a bureau to inquire about this you could serve their needs better, but the idea that the lowly civilian population has its own desires is ludicrous to much of the Imperial upper class.
(0/100 5 Resources per Die)(-5 Imperial Support)

[]Political Bonus Payments
The easiest way to gather support is still "bonus payments" in the right places.
(Requires one Die)(100R)(+5 IS)(Large rise in corruption)

[]Organisational Reorganisation
After the more than hasty retreat, the Exegol Remnant Government isn't in good shape. Take the time to reorganize the organization so it is able to work better with you at its head.
(0/120, 5 Resources per Die) (-5 Political Support) (+1 to All Dice)

[]Strategic Planning
While the current situation is acceptable it could be better, especially if you want to start making long term plans instead of just reacting to the latest issues. By setting up a department to properly track your various projects, you can predict the future costs of each project to some degree.
(0/200, 5 Resources per Die) (+1 to All Dice) (-1 Basing, -3 Capital Goods)

[]Fight Corruption
By going through the Imperial organizational machine yourself in the hunt for people misappropriating funds and punishing them you can reduce corruption.
(DC 90)(3 IS per Die)(moderate reduction in corruption)

Vote by plan. Thanks to Oshha for giving me access to some of his SW quest notes.
Set up local informant networks and Public Service Bureau are needed. If we do not know what our people want, how are we going to keep them content? Water Treatment and Public Service would give -7 Imperial Support so we will need to raise it. Imperial Monuments and Luxury Residences are the two best choices.

-[]Personally(0/200 5 Resources per Die)(+5 IS)(Basing -1)
-[]Subordinate(20 Resources)(+6 IS)(Basing -1)(small rise in corruption)

Giving it to a subordinate is meant to give a higher amount of IS? Is it because we are making someone influential happy by putting them in charge of it?
My friends a clone army is all well and good but it separates the People from their duty and patriotism. We must instead turn this technology to creating a massive, docile unskilled labour force and use this to channel our actual citizens into more productive rolls.

Every citizen an elite!
If we establish patrols we will at least give those unused ships something to do. And we might get something out if the captured pirates and rebels and their ships?
If we establish patrols we will at least give those unused ships something to do. And we might get something out if the captured pirates and rebels and their ships?

Yes. Officially, there has been no Rebel or Pirates incursion into our region yet. Unofficially, they might wander in our realm by accidents or from whistle-blowers which we haven't seeded the populace with spies yet.
What pirates and rebels? We are in the middle of nowhere. Keeping drill up isn't a bad point though.
This wouldn't exist if there wasn't an issue.
[ ]Establish Patrols
To prevent over-ambitious officers from acting against protocol, all deployments of Imperial Navy assets larger than a starfighter patrol must be reviewed and authorized by high command. Without this constant work, entire fleets sit idle in the slips, allowing raiders to act with impunity.
DC: 40/80/110/130 (If not done, then Rebel raiding units and pirates can operate without response. Anything lower than passing the highest DC creates gaps that can be exploited.)