"I'm Broken..." [HP/AU]

Poppy sounds good.

[X] Poppy Potter
[X] 8
Strength [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
??? [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Health [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Intelligence [X] [X] [] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Poppy sounds horrible!

But I like the reasoning behind it, and I'll support it if no other alternative is available.

Actually, wouldn't it be flower names for the Evans family?

We don't know whether we'd be lily's kid, or grandkid, or technically unrelated. We could be James' Great aunt.
[X] Alice Potter
[X] 9
Strength [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
??? [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Health [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Intelligence [X] [X] [] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
The first month
You settle in your room, trying to ignore the voices and words spoken by nothing. It's been little over a month since you were brought to Hawthorn, and it was a relatively peaceful time. The doctors were nice, even if they don't usually deal with someone as young as you. From what you heard they are use to having much older patients.

You are going to a new school now, but you haven't made many friends there. Most other kids don't want to be around the "Crazy girl".

It was hard, to try and stay happy and positive. The fact that you lived in a Sanitarium and was the outcast of those that you hoped would be friends didn't help. Some days, like today, were truly hard. With the voices that whisper non-existent words into your ears, you wonder what will ever become of you...

After all, you were the crazy girl, the only people who stayed around you were your doctors. How long would they stay? Untell they gave up? Maybe they would fix you, but then you would have no one! As even they would leave you. There would be no one left, only you...

And if they fixed you, how do you know that you won't break again?

With those thoughts, it was hard to try and stay happy. It was hard to try and be the nice happy normal girl your family always wanted, when you weren't what they wanted.

It took the feeling of wetness on your face to realize that you were once again crying again. You had felt the feeling so many times over the past month, the tears gathering in your eyes, fogging your vision, your body shaking and sobbing.

You tried to stop, forcing you to pull yourself back together.

For a moment you just sat there, letting the world just pass you over. For a moment you let yourself not care, not care for your madness or who would be with you in the future. for a second you decided not to care.

But not forever.

What will you be trying to do for the next month? Pick one
[ ] Try and improve an attribute
- [ ] Strength
- [ ] Intelligence

[ ] Develop a skill
- [ ] Write in

I will admit, I'm trying to think of things to do in tell you get to Hogworts. I've got an idea for an event that could happen, but that is still just a thought and not fully developed.​
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With the voices that whisper non-existent words into your ears

As even they would leave you.

[X] Try and improve an attribute
- [X] Strength

[X] Develop a skill
- [X] Latin

For easier spell-casting, and maybe making up some of our own? I couldn't think of any better skills that would help us at Hogwarts. Researching stuff, maybe? Though that pic in the original post makes me really want a dagger-throwing wizard. I'll vote for it if any of you agree.
For easier spell-casting, and maybe making up some of our own? I couldn't think of any better skills that would help us at Hogwarts. Researching stuff, maybe? Though that pic in the original post makes me really want a dagger-throwing wizard. I'll vote for it if any of you agree.

That would be really awsom skill to lurn, but I can't see doctors of a Sanitarium letting you lurn how to throw knives.
[X] Try and improve an attribute
- [X] Intelligence

[X] Develop a skill
-[X] Running
Are we allowed to improve an attribute as well as developing a skill? As I read it, we're only allowed to do one of the two.
This is a one month time period, you don't have the time to try and do to in one month. Even so you are not assured to get an improvement.
That would be really awsom skill to lurn, but I can't see doctors of a Sanitarium letting you lurn how to throw knives.
Clearly we need to take up something like Juggling, and get good enough we can switch to practising with knives when they aren't around or watching. Later on we can get the hang of actually throwing the knives to hit targets once we have a good grasp of how they tend to move when thrown. I suppose we could also start taking up other things like contortion, tight rope walking, etc. to make it seem we've more become enamoured by circus performer type abilities and disguise the reason for juggling. That could even get us to learn how to throw knives with out feet, and wouldn't that be entertaining.

Cooking might also give us ready access to knives even if it would only help us be used to handling them and not really give us a chance to throw them. Then again we likely did plenty of cooking before coming here so...

Now the question is if we actually want to bother trying to do any of that nonsense or just become better in skill and ability in general. For instance our low strength means we are unlikely to be that good with a knife on account of weakness.

[X] Develop a skill
-[X] Juggling

Hmm... not that many people voted this time. I'll start the update when I get up tomorrow. I'll also do some rolls then. I should have the update done before the end of the day.
Ahh. Sorry, I've got the stuff in my head and forgot that everyone else doesn't. This is a crazy female Harry, I have some plans on where to take this but not all of them are developed. Most things are going to start happening once you know about magic, as otherwise your just a normal crazy girl.
WastingPixies threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: roll Total: 1
1 1
WastingPixies threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: stuff Total: 1
1 1
WastingPixies threw 1 12-faced dice. Reason: stuff Total: 6
6 6
WastingPixies threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Lets see Total: 6
6 6
WastingPixies threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: More rolls Total: 1
1 1
WastingPixies threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: More rolls Total: 1
1 1
Reading books
As the days and nights pass by into the past, and the weeks change time and time again, it's soon that you mark the end of the second month of your stay in the house of the mad. You have started to try and grow more comfortable in your new home, looking for ways you can pass the time and perhaps get small moments of enjoyment and escape. While time has passed, you have had little success in gaining happiness the happiness that you seek.

"Do something for fun, play with other children, read books, even run if you find it fun. Just do something you want to do for enjoyment."

The words of your therapist ring through your head, some of the few words that you hear that truly had a source. You had tried to do as he said, hoping to gain the happiness that you had once felt, in a time that seemed so long ago. While he told to try and play with some of your piers, you had never really fit in with other kids beforehand. So it was hard to consider actually fitting in with them now, so you moved on to other ideas. At one point you did briefly consider juggling, a suggestion from one of the voices in your head, you dismissed the idea and you eventually settled on the idea of reading. So you read and you read, even trying to read some of the more advanced and higher grade books from time to time. You still got lost in some of the larger, more esoteric words.

Even though you had been reading for most of the month you weren't bothered all that much by your inability to grasp some of the words and concepts in the books that you read. It was, after all, only a single month of trying to dig into the books, not nearly enough time to try and digest some of the information you were reading. Perhaps if you concentrated on it over the next couple of months you would be able to learn more, perhaps not. It all ended up depending on what happens, and if you have any troubles from the voices in your head.

Thought while the books you dug through didn't let you learn as much as you would have liked, you did feel a small light of happiness at times, when some of the books were enjoyable. It seemed that your therapist actually new what he was talking about. Walking over to your bookshelf, you ran a finger over the books, looking for one to read. A small thought courses through your body, as you find a common theme throughout all of your selections. You shake your head as you pull out your book, it was one that you had not yet read. Settling down in your bed you start to prepare for the night.

Who knows, maybe the next few months would be better.

You could only hope. As hard as that was to do at times.

To speed things up, as I realized this is going to be boring as all hell waiting for hogworts or an event to happen. So instead of just a single month passing I'm moving it to half a year.

What will you be trying to do for the time period? Pick as many things as you wan't, but the more that you do the harder it will be to actually succeed.

[ ] Try and improve an attribute
- [ ] Strength
- [ ] Intelligence

[ ] Develop a skill
- [ ] Running
- [ ] Juggling
- [ ] Latin
- [ ] Write in

What was the common theme throughout your books?

[ ] Horror
[ ] Mystery
[ ] Write in

My mind went blank on the book part, just wasn't able to think of different genres. The book thing is to try and get a handle on some smaller details of your personality.
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[X] Develop a skill
- [X] Running

[X] Horror

I believe in you Alice! You don't need to outrun the monster, you only need to outrun your companions!
[X] Try and improve an attribute
- [X] Intelligence

[X] Develop a skill
- [X] Running

What was the common theme throughout your books?

[X] Write in
-[X] Power of Love
[X] Try and improve an attribute
- [X] Intelligence

[X] Develop a skill
- [X] Running
- [X] Latin

Latin gives us an in into spellcraft. Although they are terrible, horribly butchered, HP spells are based on it, mostly.

[X] Non-fiction. Especially Historical Warfare and Drama and such.