Holding the Line (Changing Destiny Spinoff)

How would having a greater metacentric height help with survivability? I am not the greatest expert on ships here.

More metacentric height means the ship can take on more water while maintaining positive overall buoyancy.

All else being equal, the ship with a higher metacentric height will have more reserve buoyancy, basically.
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More metacentric height means the ship can take on more water while maintaining positive overall buoyancy.

All else being equal, the ship with a higher metacentric height will have more reserve buoyancy, basically.
I was fairly sure greater metacentric height means more resistance to off center flooding causing a capsize. I don't think reserve buoyancy is more than peripherally related to that.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Tarakan was far from the largest city that Marblehead had ever seen. Manila was quite a bit bigger, just as one example. But it was the first city she had seen at war. The Dutch, with nowhere else to run and nothing else to lose, seemed to be quite determined to hold Borneo and the rest of the East Indies. What few planes they had were roaring overhead, watching for any Japanese attack. Little boats darted to and fro in the harbor, supplying larger warships and moving troops to defensive positions.

It was a controlled kind of chaos. Marblehead could only be impressed by the resilience of the Dutch, with their backs to the proverbial wall. Of course, if the Japanese had left well enough alone, she wouldn't be here. She'd be in Manila, waiting to see where the government jumped. Instead...she was in Borneo trying to talk to a Dutch cruiser.

"I'm sorry, American, but I truly don't know." HNLMS Java was older than Marblehead, which was truly saying something. The Dutch light cruiser showed her age too. Rust lined her portholes and dripped from her anchor chain. "To my understanding, we are to stay here until the time comes to attack."

"Attack?" Marblehead blinked, slowly, as a hand raised up to rub at her purple eyes. She hadn't misheard...had she?

Somehow, the cruiser had the feeling that Java was glaring at her. Just a feeling!

"Watch your tone, American." Java sounded more annoyed than truly angry. Considering that Marblehead could probably sink her without trying, that was a good thing. "We may be few in number and not as fancy as your navy, but we will fight for our homes."

Marblehead held up her hands in surrender, her long overcoat rustling with the movement. Underneath sandy brown hair, her smile was soothing. "Relax, Java. I didn't mean it like that, mate."

Spend enough time around Australians, and you pick up some bits and pieces. Like that.

"Hmph." Java, if she could, would have crossed her arms and possibly pouted. As it was, the cruiser just sighed and looked out at the distant harbor exit. "Tell me, wouldn't you attack the Japanese, given the chance?"

That was a low blow and both cruisers knew it. Marblehead grumbled and tugged on her coat sleeves, the dark blue fabric thick and heavy on her arms. "Of course I would. So would Houston or anyone else. They started this war by attacking Pearl without so much as a declaration of war."

"Now you know how we felt when the Nazis came around." Java didn't sound smug, even though she could have. The old girl sounded more melancholic than anything else.

Marblehead respected her enough to stay silent at that point, knowing the cruiser needed some time to think about things. It gave her time to report to Houston anyway. Not that there was much to report...

And while that report went through, the harbor continued to bustle. American and Dutch destroyers dodged around one another, while the cruisers waited for something to do. Java seemingly lost in her own thoughts, and Marblehead talking with the distant Houston. Neither Houston in the Philippines or Marblehead in Borneo had any real idea of what to do though. With Cavite hammered and the Japs probably landing in Luzon as they spoke...


"I haven't heard from the Admiral, but ya' think he'll just wait and see what the damn Japs do?" Houston's accented voice rang in Marblehead's head. Frustration quite clear despite the distance.

Actually, it was probably clearer because of that, come to think.

"I don't think he would, but what can we do?" Marblehead was the older cruiser here, even if she wasn't the flagship. And she knew, better than anyone, just what the Asiatic Fleet could do. "Pearl got hammered, so I doubt we can expect any help. And I don't know about you, but I don't want to charge into a Jap fleet alone!"

"That's because you're a light cruiser, dear." Despite the teasing in those words, Houston didn't sound much more confident herself. "But I know what ya mean. Goddamnit, I want to be out there, fightin back. But I can't."

"You aren't the only one, American!" Java chimed in, clearly listening in on the conversation. Somehow.

Marblehead looked over at the Dutch cruiser, raising an eyebrow. "How in the world are you hearing that?"

"You aren't as quiet as you like to think." Java just projected an aura of smugness before going back to whatever she had been doing.

Both Marblehead in Borneo and Houston far away shook their heads in unison. And thought, at the same time, that they needed to be more careful. Wouldn't do to have the Japs overhear something important...

"Anyway," the distant flagship continued, "I think we'll probably head out soon enough. If I know the Admiral, he'll want to hit those rat bastards as much as we do!"

Humming in thought, the light cruiser tapped her chin. Her shorts rubbed against her tanned legs, as she walked across her bridge. Sweating men ran around her, preparing her for sortie, while she just...thought. If they weren't sent against the Japs right away...maybe Singapore? There were some plans about helping the Brits out, as a joint operation. Holding the line against any attack until the Pacific Fleet could mobilize. It was what the Asiatic fleet was really for.

Policing American holdings, and keeping them secure. Throwing their own lives away if they must.

I think I understand Java more than she likes to think. Marblehead snorted at that thought, her eyes drifting over to the cruiser. "Oi! Dutch girl!"

Java probably scowled at her, "Yes, noisy American?"

Resisting the urge to snark back- with great difficulty -Marblehead asked a question that had been bugging her. "You know, you're like us...right?"

"Oh?" Java's full attention was on the American now. "In what way, may I ask?"

"Well, we're both probably going to die." It was probably telling that Marblehead didn't even question that fate. Fatalistic wasn't it? "And we're both expected to go out there anyway, until someone can show up to help."

There was silence. No noise but the turbines of various destroyers and the roars of props above the two cruisers. Whatever Java was thinking, she wasn't showing it. And Marblehead could only wait out the Dutch girl, while her own crew waited on orders that weren't exactly forthcoming. Escort missions, attack, retreat back home...she didn't know. That was nearly as annoying as waiting on the nosey Dutch cruiser.

"I have no intention of dying here." Java finally spoke back up. There was more than a little determination in her voice, too! "And neither should you, American. We must see which of is better first!"

Marblehead blinked, again. And a wide grin crossed her pretty and tanned face. "Oh, you want to challenge me?"

"Why not? My nation has been the laughing stock of this war," the cruiser shot back, a hint of pride in her voice when she continued. "And I will make sure that changes!"

Despite her own feelings on their chances of success, Marblehead couldn't help but be sucked in a bit by the other girl's energy. Java was a rusted out old cruiser that would sink if something looked at her funny. But she had a spark in her. Maybe, just maybe, she wanted to see them both survive. Just to see what the Dutch cruiser could actually do.

And who knows, maybe we will survive this. I hear the Brits are sending some ships to Singapore after all....


In the depths of the Indian Ocean, HMS Repulse was avoiding her Captain to the best of her abilities. Now, don't get the wrong idea. She was ecstatic beyond belief that someone could see her. That said, she was also annoyed as all hell that he had waited so long to tell her. Bloody idiot, making her think he couldn't see her. What kind of man did that to a girl?

Her Captain, apparently!

Arsehole. Would it have killed him to tell me before I took off most of my clothes?!

Grumbling under her breath, the overheated battlecruiser stood atop her spotting tower and stared out into the distance. It was still a few days yet before they would reach Malaya, and at that point...well. They would find out just how good Glorious was. As annoyed as she was with her Captain, Repulse had still heard the news.

"The Yanks were attacked, and Japan declared war on us." Repulse repeated the news to herself. She almost didn't believe it, because it was so stupid. "What are they thinking, picking on both of us?!"

To Repulse, who had fought in the Great War, it didn't make any sense. The Yanks had more than enough ships to make things a right nightmare for anyone. So why fight them if you didn't have to?

"Repulse? Is something the matter?" Glorious, steaming in the distance, seemed to have picked up on her mood. Or she was just curious, you know, one of the two.

The brown-haired battlecruiser snorted in response, "We're sailing right into the arms of the Japanese, you know."

"I know." For her part, the Carrier sighed deeply. "But then, I sailed into the arms of the Germans. As have you. Surely the Japanese don't worry you that much?"

"They pulled a Taranto on the Yanks, and you think I'm not worried?" Repulse shot back, even as she fought to hold her skimpy skirt down in a burst of wind.

Considering that Glorious was part of that particular raid, it was a bit of a low blow. But it was the truth! Repulse still considered the Japanese second-tier at best, but they had caught the Americans napping and that had to count for something. If nothing else, it counted for the fact Repulse hadn't gotten the same upgrades her sister did. She could do without the bloody castle, mind you, but the extra guns would have been nice to have right 'bout now.

"You aren't wrong. Have you told your Captain about that?"

Repulse twitched. Sharply. "Ha haha...like he could hear me anyway, right?"

"...Repulse, everyone but you knew he could see you." Glorious spoke with such a dry, matter of fact tone, that Repulse wondered if it was her big sister across from her instead.

And she twitched even harder as her smile cracked.



...on second thought, maybe it's better if we don't go to Singapore anyway. Can't really cover things there.

Smiling despite herself, Marblehead shook her head. It was pretty likely she'd end up in Singapore at some point anyway, considering the Brits had a safer base than Cavite. And the Dutch didn't really have a proper fleet base to support her, or the rest of the Fleet, for that matter. That and they would probably take better care of her there.

Still! Singapore was a long way away from any combat she expected to see. More likely to survive, maybe, but less able to help where she wanted to help. It was a trade off.

"Well, for your sake, I hope we do survive this." Marblehead looked over at Java, sending a smirk towards the Dutch girl. "Maybe we can buy each other a beer after everything."

"First, we can't drink beer." Java fired back, though without her characteristic bite. Just a tinge of amusement. "Second, I am Dutch. Not German. I would appreciate it if you didn't make that mistake."

"Easy mistake to make?" The American shrugged, completely unrepentant.

Java just sighed, "Americans. You are all the same."

In spite of herself, Marblehead broke down laughing at that statement. And she liked to believe that maybe, just maybe, Java was smiling at her. It was becoming far too much fun to rile up the Dutch cruiser and...well. Maybe they could be friends, when everything was said and done.

Not horribly long, but hey, two things in one night. Plus Repulse-bully.

(also, I don't know where the tsun-tsuning between Java and Marblehead came from. That came out of nowhere >.>)
Nice Repulse bullying. Because it's wholesome bullying. And nice chapter overall, even if not much happened besides Marblehead and Java going all tsun-tsun on each other.
Java was a rusted out old cruiser that would sink if something looked at her funny. But she had a spark in her. Maybe, just maybe, she wanted to see them both survive. Just to see what the Dutch cruiser could actually do.
Guts and spirit can count for a lot, but even they have their limits. I fear she will be ordered by her Captain to bite off more than she can handle. That said, the tsun-tsun between her and Marblehead is hilarious and I love it.

"...Repulse, everyone but you knew he could see you." Glorious spoke with such a dry, matter of fact tone, that Repulse wondered if it was her big sister across from her instead.

And she twitched even harder as her smile cracked.
Poor Repulse, heh. Such bullying of her, Sky. :p

Great update.
I really do not see the Dutch being anything other then the weak link for the allies. Even if Doorman and those below him are not as bad officers as some make them out to be, the fact that their ships are in the worst shape out of the allies will tell when it comes to battle.
"Now you know how we felt when the Nazis came around." Java didn't sound smug, even though she could have. The old girl sounded more melancholic than anything else.
It might be better to substitute Germans for Nazis here. As far as the Dutch are concerned, it was Germany that attacked them and they have been less than happy with Germany about that ever since. It's one thing that feeds the Dutch-German football rivalry. And not just indirectly, Dutch players at various points said "This game will be/was payback for what Germany did to us in WWII."
"First, we can't drink beer."
A Dutch girl refusing beer? What sorcery is this?
I have just finished a couple of books about HMAS Perth & Canberra so I'm interested in seeing how you handle the absolute mess & chaos that is the ABDA command. Also just really want to see the Aussie ships, heh.
But it was the truth! Repulse still considered the Japanese second-tier at best, but they had caught the Americans napping and that had to count for something.
Lets hope they don't keep the mentality of thinking the japanese are not the best in the sea for long, underestimating them even as daylight surface combatants will be deadly.
Obviously, Marblehead and Java going all tsun-tsun on each other is the sort of good-natured ribbing that's endemic to militaries worldwide. People in the service gleefully give each other a hard time... and then close ranks and go DEFCON 1 when anyone from outside the group does it. ("Group," in this case, can range, depending on situation, from "fire team" all the way up to "international alliance.")

It really, really rang true to me, is what I'm saying--the sort of jibes and jabs that make for routine banter, but with little to no real heat behind it.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3

Singapore, December 7th, 1941

Raising a hand to wipe at his brow, Lieutenant General William Slim stared out at Singapore's harbor. Normally bustling with civilian traffic, the place was barren and empty. Oh, fishing boats went back and forth and trawled for food, certainly. But merchantmen not dedicated to supplying the garrison or ferrying reinforcements from the Empire into Singapore itself and on to Malaya? No, most of those were gone.

His own order there, as he wanted a focus entirely on building up forces as quickly as possible.

"This is a right mess." The General muttered to himself, quiet enough that no one could hear him. "How they expect me to hold this line..."

Slim shook his head lightly, adjusting his hat as he did so. No point in grouching over his lack of resources and the frankly abhorrent condition of his men. Most of those men were Indian Army, and he knew exactly how to work with them. More important than that, was the condition he had been left by his predecessors before someone had suggested him for command, despite how much he had to be promoted to do it. And that condition?


"Remind me again, why we have no defenses covering the strait?" Slim asked a common question, as he looked at his staff. The men he had inherited from the former commander seemed unwilling to look at him, save for one brave soul.

Who simply replied, "It was never really necessary, sir. The shore batteries are capable of covering the straits as needed--"

"And they have how many high explosive shells?" Slim cut the man off, raising a single eyebrow.

"...very few, General. Again, the entire strategy was focused on defense against naval invasion. We never imagined needing to defend against an assault by anyone, especially the Japanese, overland."

And that was that. Slim blew out a deep breath, looked at his inherited staff, and decided there was only one thing to do. The Japanese advance through Malaya was going far, far too fast. They could never hold the mainland, not with the forces he had available. Perhaps they could rally at Johore, assuming that Admiral Phillips arrived soon and was willing to listen to advice. Not a great assumption to make.

Right. If he couldn't rely on the RAF or Royal Navy to keep the Japs from landing behind the lines in Johore, as they had already done before, that left one option.

"I want the Royal Engineers to start constructing fortifications along the Northern coast of the island." Tapping at his chin, the General turned away from the harbor, and looked out at the dense brush covering the western portion of the island. Hm. "Put special attention to the west, please. That's the closest point to the mainland."

'Ignoring' the muttering behind him, General Slim continued to scan the island, looking for good defensible positions. Hm. With enough men and materials, he could make any sort of landing a living hell for the Japs. But for that, he needed to keep his command in good order. Fighting in Malaya was just draining his resources...

"Get me in contact with the divisional commanders in Malaya. I have some work to do, if we're going to salvage this bloody mess."

In hindsight, he may have underestimated the mess he had been left with. The lines in Malaya were falling apart, men falling back in disorder and airbases being overrun. There were more than a few reports about 'Japanese supermen' sneaking through the jungle and ripping men apart with no warning. It was enough to make a man wonder.

And then to make him angry.

"Bloody hell. What have those men been doing?" Slim didn't need, nor expect, an answer to his frustrated exclamation. He actually understood the issues, what with the lack of supply and training. Everything went to Europe, including him, until someone got the bright idea to stick him here.

That did not serve to make him much happier about the situation.​

"Right. Since we need to rebuild everything from scratch, I need to have maps. Intelligence. Whatever aircraft we have left." Listing off what he needed, Slim slapped his hands down on his fancy desk. "Understood?!"

His staff jumped to their jobs, rushing around the veritable mansion that served as his command station. Mahogany planking, an oaken desk that wouldn't look out of place in a castle, fancy rugs that probably came from some Indian sultan...it was ridiculous. Maybe that was the part of him that served in Africa speaking, but the luxury was incongruous with the situation he was in. Even the light from the window somehow seemed a luxury he couldn't afford.

Men were dying in trenches, and he was sitting in some fancy governors mansion.

"Sir?" One of his orderlies walked up to the General, holding a folder in his hands. The man was sunburnt and looked as if he had been running through the entire complex, not just standing around doing nothing.

Good man, that.

"I have some information on the composition and plans of Force Z, General." As he handed the papers over, the orderly grimaced a tad. "If I may speak freely, I wonder if London realizes exactly what we're dealing with out here."

Slim scanned the papers, before grimacing a tad himself. "Our oldest battlecruiser and our oldest carrier that can actually fight?"


With another sigh, Slim set the folder down and rubbed his hand over his brow again. Lovely. Well, it wasn't as if he was actually expecting all that much to begin with. It did still cause a small set of problems when it came time to actually work with Phillips, however. Namely, how he was going to integrate a small taskgroup into a defense that relied a lot on keeping Japanese forces from landing on the island.


"They're arriving later today, aren't they?" It wasn't really a question. A General should know something like that, and Slim was hardly an exception to that rule, no matter how much work he had to do.

With an answering nod, the General stood up from his desk, and made to stand by the window. The view of the harbor was- as yet -unspoiled by battle. But...

Who knows how long that will last.

As amusing as it may be to see his battlecruiser sulk, Captain Tennant did know when to do his job. A job that had him standing on the bridge wing, staring out at the harbor of Singapore's naval base. A depressingly empty naval base, save for the hulking form of Prince of Wales and the leaner Glorious. At least there was the distant roar of Hurricanes from the carrier over them.

He never did feel quite secure, relying entirely on anti-air guns.

"So, Repulse, are you done sulking yet?" Tennant asked seemingly thin air around him, content to keep his eyes on the path ahead of him.

"I was not sulking!"

That familiar voice certainly sounded unhappy, as the battlecruiser perched herself atop her bridge. Her cape billowed in the breeze, her hull gently bobbing in the waves while it approached the designated dock. Her pretty face was in a light frown, blue eyes staring at her captain in an almost accusatory way. It was amusing, wasn't it?

Allowing himself a small smile, Tennant continued, "As you say, Repulse. Tell me, have you learned anything from the others yet?"

"Goddamn tease..." Repulse grumbled, completely without realizing how hypocritical it was for her to say that. Jumping to her feet, the battlecruiser spun in place, with her skirt fluttering around her wide hips. "I haven't heard anything important in weeks. Not since the Yanks were attacked." Here, Repulse frowned. If only a little. "Goddamn Japs."

Tennant couldn't exactly disagree with her. No one quite expected what the Japanese had done, and with good reason. A lot of people thought they were simple and weak people who could barely make a ship work without outside aid. No one imagined they had such excellent aircraft or the ability to sneak up on the United States fleet like that.

They'd paid dearly for that assumption.

"I want you to keep an eye on things for me, Repulse." The Captain shrugged minutely, his eyes looking at the distant form of General Slim waiting at the docks. His hat was rather distinctive.

"Captain?" Repulse actually stopped spinning for a second, her blue eyes staring down on him.

She was like an excitable child, sometimes. Hard to believe she was as old as she was, for a ship. "I need you to let me know if anything changes. I'll be ashore with the Admiral, while we figure out what the next actions should be."

What Tennant didn't tell the girl, as her mouth opened into an 'O' of understanding, was that he already had a pretty good idea of what Admiral Phillips would do. Sortie to try and hit the Japanese landing craft or their supply ships, to halt the advance in Malaya. A smart plan...if you assumed that the enemy wouldn't have a way to counter it.

With the way they were running rampant in Malaya and what happened to the Americans?

I wouldn't trust that, not at all. But I'm not the one in command here, am I?

"I can do that, Captain!" Repulse, meanwhile, snapped off a salute. Her wide grin was completely at odds with her earlier sulking. Yup, an excitable child.

Tennant smiled back, returning her salute. "Thank you for that, Repulse."

Nothing more needed to be said or was said, as he walked inside Repulse's bridge to prepare for heading ashore. Her lean, camouflaged hull sliced through the dirty waters of Singapore's naval base. Reflections off the water shined through the eyes of the battlecruiser, and upon her crew. Reflections of a tired old warhorse, sent into a battle for her life.

The distant thumps of artillery were probably imagined.

But no one aboard HMS Repulse could ignore what they were going to be expected to do...​
Damn it, I'm supposed to be asleep....
Well, aside from the fact that I don't know anything about the SEA Theater during WW2 so I can't comment on what changed from OTL, this is a good chapter. Glad to see you continue this.
Damn it, I'm supposed to be asleep....
Well, aside from the fact that I don't know anything about the SEA Theater during WW2 so I can't comment on what changed from OTL, this is a good chapter. Glad to see you continue this.
check out Pacific Crucible by Ian Toll, Battleship at War by Musicant, Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors by James Hornfischer. there are a thousand more books out ther,e but those three are the ones i have read and recommend. The Pacific Theater is a laregly forgotten theater of war by most people, which is terribly sad.
I'm particularly waiting for the Aussie boats to show up but there is actual competent leadership here this time! Looking forward to seeing what comes of it!