Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

[X] Say in your real voice
-[X] "First things first, let's make sure this guy doesn't escape."
[X] Then using the altered voice
-[X] "Then I'll check the crash for civilians."

[X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
- [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.
Theres such a thing as being too clever. We aren't looking to fool people about which voice is real. We're trying to avoid "hey that woman sounds like one of the weird vigilante's two voices".

Please don't fuck it up by forgetting the point.

[X] "There's a lot of burnt up cars, but I don't think anyone was hurt out there."
-[X] Disguise your voice.
[X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
- [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.
[X] "There's a lot of burnt up cars, but I don't think anyone was hurt out there."
-[X] Disguise your voice.
[X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
- [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.

Revealing our identity is a major concern and no leads should be given away without need.
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[X] "There's a lot of burnt up cars, but I don't think anyone was hurt out there."
-[X] Disguise your voice.
[X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
- [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.
[X] "There's a lot of burnt up cars, but I don't think anyone was hurt out there."
-[X] Disguise your voice.
[X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
- [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.

I thought his name was Profligate, but apparently he's going in for some reptilian iconography. =P
Vote Tally
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jan 27, 2019 at 1:41 PM, finished with 1456 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
    - [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.
    [X] "There's a lot of burnt up cars, but I don't think anyone was hurt out there."
    -[X] Disguise your voice.
    [X] Then using the altered voice
    -[X] "Then I'll check the crash for civilians."
    [X] Say in your real voice
    -[X] "First things first, let's make sure this guy doesn't escape."
    [X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
    - [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.

Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jan 27, 2019 at 1:42 PM, finished with 1456 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
    - [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.
    [X] "There's a lot of burnt up cars, but I don't think anyone was hurt out there."
    -[X] Disguise your voice.
    [X] Then using the altered voice
    -[X] "Then I'll check the crash for civilians."
    [X] Say in your real voice
    -[X] "First things first, let's make sure this guy doesn't escape."
    [X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
    - [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.

Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Jan 27, 2019 at 1:42 PM, finished with 1456 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] "There's a lot of burnt up cars, but I don't think anyone was hurt out there."
    -[X] Disguise your voice.
    [X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
    - [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.
    [X] Say in your real voice
    -[X] "First things first, let's make sure this guy doesn't escape."
    [X] Then using the altered voice
    -[X] "Then I'll check the crash for civilians."
    [X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
    - [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.
    [X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
    - [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.
[X] "There's a lot of burnt up cars, but I don't think anyone was hurt out there."
-[X] Disguise your voice.
[X] Bind Profilgatr and Check the Helicopter crash.
- [X] If they need help then help. Otherwise, leave.
So in the case of Vigil are they assuming magic + additional magic to enhance physicality or magic + super strength and complementary abilities of the suite?

If you don't mind me asking

Right now, the leading theory is using magic to enhance physical abilities.

Though depending on what happens on this last turn, one of the Capes will privately think that there's more than one person under the armor. One woman with magical abilities, and a man with super strength.
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You quickly cast a spell to disguise your voice. It's... a little shaky, but worst case scenario, you sound like a guy with a cold.

"There's a lot of burnt up cars, but I don't think anyone was hurt out there." You say. "Still, that fire is spreading." Your voice sounds, well, like a normal, deep male voice.

"Got it. You go first I'll restrain this guy, and I'll be right behind you" She says.

"Sure. Oh, and his suit is strong. If it still works, you'll need something strong to restrain him."

Majra nods. "I'll figure something out." She says. She starts to look around for something to bind him. You run back out, and this time there are much fewer people in the store. The few people there are starting to come out of their hiding places, some gawking at you. Some wanting to look at the unconscious Profligate or at Majra.

"Jesus, I think I have a few more gray hairs..." Jasmine says through your earpiece. "Nice work out there." She says in a jovial tone.

"I'll tell you all about it later" You say, satisfied with your work. "But yeah, I did."

"Anyway, I'm packing up. I'm sure my boss'll probably want to know where I was, so here's hoping she doesn't tear me a new one" She says, content and resigned to whatever her boss has in store for her.

"Here's hoping Kells." You get back outside and you see that the fire was spreading. More and more cars were catching on fire. One of them, an old beater, exploded as the fire caught it's gas tank. A few civilians run from a hair salon, one woman with a curler still in her hair before the flames can get to the storefront. You quickly look inside, and see that it's empty. You look at the other cars in and near the fire. Thankfully, none of them were occupied. Several have their doors open

At this time, Majra runs out of the store and heads towards you. "I tied him up the best I could. The rope in there isn't the best, but it should hole for a few minutes when he wakes up"

"Well, good news is that no one was hurt" You say. "Though a lot of people just lost their cars."

With that, Majra visibly sags in relief. "Oh, thank Allah..." She says. "At least no one died..."

"Vigil, bad news. Jetstream is 20 seconds away and SWAT is getting close. You need to go now!" You can hear Jasmine's car engine start up over the radio, and you see her drive off. "Jetstream's coming from the east and SWAT's coming from the west and north. Head south down Elara road and double back" You nod and turn to Majra.

"The Law's coming We need to get out of here. Now" You say to Majra. She nods and turns to start running.

"Alright. Good luck!" She shouts before running. Not as fast as your top speed, but definitely faster than a normal human. She runs northeast behind the buildings of the strip mall towards a residential area and disappears. You grab your motorcycle and ride off. As you speed off, you hear sirens in the distance, both from police and fire trucks. As the sounds fade in the distance, you feel...

[] Happy. I caught a bad guy, saved the people being held hostage, and got out with all my limbs.
[] Depressed. I may have caught the bad guy, but a lot of people could lose their livelihoods because they lost their cars, even if it wasn't my fault.
[] Disappointed that I didn't get to talk with a fellow Vigilante more.
[] Curious as to just what Profligate was trying to do. It couldn't have been about profit.
[] Hopeful that Profligate will stay in jail.
[] Tired and hurt. I just want to cast Heal on myself and sleep for 11 hours.
[] Write in.
[X] Happy. I caught a bad guy, saved the people being held hostage, and got out with all my limbs.
We're doing good! Not much but some good!
[X] Happy. I caught a bad guy, saved the people being held hostage, and got out with all my limbs.

It was not perfectly clean. But fuck it, this is an almost unambiguous win for good.

Hopefully those people had "act of super" insurance.

Or just regular insurance.
[X] Happy. I caught a bad guy, saved the people being held hostage, and got out with all my limbs.

That actually went spectacularly well. Sure, a bunch of people lost their cars, but quite frankly that's something they can cope with. Nobody was hurt, the bad guy's arrested, this was an unequivocal success in my books.
[X] Happy. I caught a bad guy, saved the people being held hostage, and got out with all my limbs.

Also cars weren'r our fault or preventable!

And Michalee Warman will surely have a thing or two to say about Metahuman villains and out of control vigilantees.

@Agent 99

1. How much do we know of Jetstream again? Is he a registered Hero? FBI? Local Police?

2. How angry do people get about vigilantees usually?
[X] Curious as to just what Profligate was trying to do. It couldn't have been about profit.
[X] Happy. I caught a bad guy, saved the people being held hostage, and got out with all my limbs.
[x] Happy. I caught a bad guy, saved the people being held hostage, and got out with all my limbs.

I don't understand why this quest doesn't have more readers/likes - it's awesome. Maybe it's because the MC is happily married rather than a teenage boy...