Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

Okay I guess that' fine. There just naked pitches I came up with in a moment.
You brush your long blonde hair out of your eyes and stare out of the window of your Southlake home. It isn't much of a view, since you only have a single story home and the most interesting thing outside is a streetlight across the street. It's a quiet night tonight, not even kids shooting off fireworks like they do every damn night...

You sigh and look back at your bed's other occupant. Keller is your best friend, but the person on your bed was the love of your life. The person who you pledge to spend the rest of your life with. You both met in high school and became friends almost immediately. A few years later, you started dating. And soon after, you both ended up marrying. You smile as you remember that day you tied the knot

[] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.

[] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.

But soon, you remember why you're awake at this hour, and your happy nostalgia turns to a worry. Capes with families are a rarity. Spouses usually leave from the stress of never knowing if today is going to be the day their spouse doesn't come home. That they got killed responding to an emergency 3 states away. Despite the stereotypes, a cape's husband or wife is likely to get harassed or intimidated, even kidnapped, but rarely killed. Assuming the criminals have half a brain. Namely because that Cape has at least half a dozen other Capes, plus the government on their side, and they now have a very good reason to see you behind bars. That is, if you don't trip and fall on a gun and get a bullet lodged in your gut first.

That doesn't apply a Vigilante.

Generally Vigilante's operate alone, and they're trying to avoid the law just like the criminals. Because of this the criminals they're safe from retribution.

Of course, if Vigilantes weren't willing to take the law into their own hands, they wouldn't be Vigilantes in the first place.

Some people decide not to tell their spouses about them working as a superhero. Capes just say they work as whatever fake job the government gives them as a cover. You don't know what Vigilante's do, since most of the ones that were unmasked don't exactly talk about their home like.

Other people tell their spouses. When asked, some Capes say that no matter how painful it is to tell them, it'll be even worse if they find out on their own.

You'd put thought into whether to tell your beloved about your choice weeks ago. And ultimately, you decided...

[] not to tell him/her.

[] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.

Your daughter, Gwen is barely six years olds. You still don't know if you're going to tell her about you being a Vigilante in any case. You've read a few too many stories about a person's children bragging about how their parent is totally a superhero.

Still, even if you can't hide your powers, you can at least try to keep your other identity a secret from Gwen. For now anyway. Besides, you've had your powers since you were a kid. You don't think you could keep them a secret.

[] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
- [] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
[] Blaster: I can create and project energy, as well as infuse objects with it, making them more lethal.
[] Shifter: I can shapeshift, both into different people and animals. I can't turn into anything fictional yet, but you're working on it.
[] Psychic: Telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, hypnosis, even a little precognition.
[] Elemental: You have control over an element. Whether it's creation or manipulation, you can control it. And like most elementals, you have flight and enhanced durability.
[] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcerer yet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
[] Time Manipulation: I can stop, and rewind. It's amazing, but I can only rewind or pause time for a few seconds. And using it too much tends to make it... unreliable.
[] Write in.

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[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcereryet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcereryet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
I don't mind magic but can we keep the armor and stuff? Be a magic knight?
[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcereryet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.

This for now.
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[X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
[X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
[X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
- [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcerer yet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcerer yet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
[X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
[X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
[X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
- [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
I don't mind magic but can we keep the armor and stuff? Be a magic knight?


Maybe one of the schools of magic we learn involves creating or summoning medieval weaponry and armor? Could be that whatever books or ancient spirits that we get our magic from primarily deal with medieval era weaponry and armor and alot of their spells or binding magic are tailored to work with it. Presumably there are more modern mages running around with enchanted guns, smart phones, credit cards, and trench coats which lets them blend in with the modern world. We, however, have to work with old-school magic which might be more reliable, durable, and powerful than modern stuff but leaves a bit to be desired in the stealth department.
[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
[X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
- [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
[x] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
[x] not to tell him/her.
[x] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
- [x] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
[X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
[X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
[X] Psychic: Telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, hypnosis, even a little precognition.
[X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
[X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
[X] Psychic: Telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, hypnosis, even a little precognition.
[X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.

[X] Write in. Summoned Armour
- You were always a little tougher, healed slightly faster and were luckier than other children. It seemed nothing too special, until you suffered a major illness at the age of seven. Confined to bed for months, you dreamed and wished and hoped for something to protect you from the illness. One day you felt something deep inside and reached for it, and armour manifested itself around you. You healed instantly, the armour enhancing your healing to superhuman levels. You hid the armour under your bed, and tested it when alone, discovering you could not be harmed while wearing it and healed anything the moment you put it on. Upon returning to school you found out that parting from your armour resulted in an uncomfortable feeling, that grew with the distance and duration of your separation. It took nearly two months, but you learned how to return it within.
Over the years, you decreased the time to the point it only takes hours of focus to call your amour and to return it. You also found out how to summon two swords, one which massively increases your strength, the other grants impossible speed.
Perhaps there are other weapons or armours you can summon, for you have dreamt of armour that let you fly and a spear that let you control mighty storms. Or perhaps they are just dreams.
[X] Write in. Summoned Armour
- You were always a little tougher, healed slightly faster and were luckier than other children. It seemed nothing too special, until you suffered a major illness at the age of seven. Confined to bed for months, you dreamed and wished and hoped for something to protect you from the illness. One day you felt something deep inside and reached for it, and armour manifested itself around you. You healed instantly, the armour enhancing your healing to superhuman levels. You hid the armour under your bed, and tested it when alone, discovering you could not be harmed while wearing it and healed anything the moment you put it on. Upon returning to school you found out that parting from your armour resulted in an uncomfortable feeling, that grew with the distance and duration of your separation. It took nearly two months, but you learned how to return it within.
Over the years, you decreased the time to the point it only takes hours of focus to call your amour and to return it. You also found out how to summon two swords, one which massively increases your strength, the other grants impossible speed.
Perhaps there are other weapons or armours you can summon, for you have dreamt of armour that let you fly and a spear that let you control mighty storms. Or perhaps they are just dreams.

This just seems like a reaaaaallllyyy cool power and I want to back it up.
[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcereryet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcereryet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.

A straight married female PC for a change please
Plus Possibly creating magic artifacts(like swords or sheilds or enchanting armor)Maybe we could take an eventual Psuedonym like Sonya Strange
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I' going with straight female who smashes her husband after a day of crime fighting in a suit of armor.
Thr vote isnt over yet, so if you want to change your vote, or if anyone else wants to vote feel free
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 11, 2018 at 4:04 PM, finished with 123 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
    [X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcereryet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
    [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [X] Plan A Man With A Plan
    -[X] Name: Elias Andross
    -[X] Appearance: A Man With A Plan
    -[X] The government doesn't care about the people. They make sure that their superheroes focus on crimes that affect the rich. People like me are the only ones who are looking out for people who can't defend themselves.
    -[X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    -[X] I… used to be a villain. I'm not proud of the things I did. I've hurt people. Even killed people. I never would have dreamed being on this side of the law. But
    -[X] There's money to me made as a superhero, even a vigilante if I manage this right. Even with my powers, that conviction on my record means most legitimate employers won't touch me.
    -[X] When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    -[X] An abandoned mall near where the ghettos meet the suburbs. It's been closed since the early 1970's, with several attempted remodels that ended in failure. Each time the would-be investors ran out of money, so it stands as a decrepit monument that no one's paid to have torn down. Still, it's still a place that has a lot of room to set up anything you'd need.
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Luke Briar
    [X] I've lost a lot throughout my life because of criminals. Scum that would hurt, even kill others for a few dollars. My parents, my home, almost my life on several occasions. But somehow, I've managed to survive. I've managed to bring myself here. And now, I'm going to make every would be villain pay.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [x] Sonya Northwest
    [x] Appearance:
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Savior
    [x] When I was just a kid, I used to be a sidekick for a hero, the Solar Shield. He was well known, well liked. But there was… the incident. He didn't make it, and I had to leave the city. But the passion for justice… I couldn't get away from it. So now, in a new city, I'm starting again with a new name, a new identity. And hopefully, none of the old baggage.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.

    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.

    [X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcerer yet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [x] not to tell him/her.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Psychic: Telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, hypnosis, even a little precognition.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Write in. Summoned Armour
    [X] Write in. Summoned Armour

Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 11, 2018 at 4:05 PM, finished with 123 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
    [X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcereryet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.

    [X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.

    [X] Magic: You aren't a supreme sorcerer yet, but you have an understanding of the mystical arts.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [x] not to tell him/her.
    [X] Tank: Super strength, durability, and heightened agility. Useful in everyday life. Amazing for heroes, and practically a requirement for at least one person on a team of heroes to have.
    - [X] You've also gotten a sword, a shield, and a full suit of armor. Not a ceremonial pieces or decorative dud among them. These are real.
    [X] Your wife's name Christina Northwest.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Psychic: Telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, hypnosis, even a little precognition.
    [X] to talked about it and make the decision together. About what I'm about to do. It was a long conversation, but eventually, we both agreed that this would be for the best.
    [X] Write in. Summoned Armour
    [X] Write in. Summoned Armour
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[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic Knight - While a bit limited in your spells your Arsenal is usually fire balls, thunderstrikes, magic shield bubbles and more. An unlike other Magic users your not as squishy thanks to your powerful magical armor, shield, and weapons.

Magic Knight is basically armor melee and sorcerer put together. I made it a bit less super magical like Sorcerer because that felt a bit too gamey and mary sue like. Instead I opted for a D&D 5e Eldritch Knight Theme Hero.

Please fellow SV-Senpai consider this vote.


@veekie, @Rossum, @Sirapthy, @Rjrulew, @wingstrike96
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[X] Your husband's name is Adrian Northwest.
[X] to tell him/her about my decision to become a Vigilante. He/she was actually enthusiastic about it, until I mentioned becoming a Vigilante instead of a registered Cape. Still, he/she's being supportive.
[X] Magic Knight - While a bit limited in your spells your Arsenal is usually fire balls, thunderstrikes, magic shield bubbles and more. An unlike other Magic users your not as squishy thanks to your powerful magical armor, shield, and weapons.

While normally I would vote for Bullet Hell Artillery Mage but it doesn't really fit our theme.

But this is perfect.
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