Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

Its a parent who is actively involved i their kids life in what world is that in any way a healthy environment for a person to raise a kid since odds are our person doesnt have a record and can afford an ACTUAL place cause she can get a decent job

Can you rephrase that? The grammar is keeping me from understanding what sort of point you are trying to make? Something about having a kid and job and raising the kid?
Can you rephrase that? The grammar is keeping me from understanding what sort of point you are trying to make?
In what world is having your kid raised in a spooky mansion just so you ca be a vigilante good parenting which would go against her reason for being a vigilante, which is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of her kid.
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In what world is having your kid raised in a spooky mansion just so you ca be a vigilante good parenting which would go against her reason for being a vigilante, which is to ensure the safety of her kid.

I fail to see how the mansion is unsafe for the kid and raising a kid there is a sign of bad parenting. Even then, that is just where we are basing our operations out of. Our civilian identity could easily have a normal house or apartment as part of our day to day life.
Vote hasn't been properly consolidated. The votes for Plan Knight Parent have been split into groups of four and one.

Sorry. I'll try and get that fixed.
Sure it does if you want an isolated hideout for all of your vigilante activities that cannot be easily traced back to your civilian identity.


These hideouts aren't where your character lives. They have a home unrelated to their vigilante activities.
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 10, 2018 at 7:08 PM, finished with 53 posts and 20 votes.

  • [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [X] Plan A Man With A Plan
    -[X] Name: Elias Andross
    -[X] Appearance: A Man With A Plan
    -[X] The government doesn't care about the people. They make sure that their superheroes focus on crimes that affect the rich. People like me are the only ones who are looking out for people who can't defend themselves.
    -[X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    -[X] I… used to be a villain. I'm not proud of the things I did. I've hurt people. Even killed people. I never would have dreamed being on this side of the law. But
    -[X] There's money to me made as a superhero, even a vigilante if I manage this right. Even with my powers, that conviction on my record means most legitimate employers won't touch me.
    -[X] When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    -[X] An abandoned mall near where the ghettos meet the suburbs. It's been closed since the early 1970's, with several attempted remodels that ended in failure. Each time the would-be investors ran out of money, so it stands as a decrepit monument that no one's paid to have torn down. Still, it's still a place that has a lot of room to set up anything you'd need.
    [X] Plan Savior
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Luke Briar
    [X] I've lost a lot throughout my life because of criminals. Scum that would hurt, even kill others for a few dollars. My parents, my home, almost my life on several occasions. But somehow, I've managed to survive. I've managed to bring myself here. And now, I'm going to make every would be villain pay.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X]Maes Hughes
    [X]Best Dad
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Plan Not X Character 2.0
    [X] Liliana Rutherford
    [X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [x] Sonya Northwest
    [x] Appearance:
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [x] When I was just a kid, I used to be a sidekick for a hero, the Solar Shield. He was well known, well liked. But there was… the incident. He didn't make it, and I had to leave the city. But the passion for justice… I couldn't get away from it. So now, in a new city, I'm starting again with a new name, a new identity. And hopefully, none of the old baggage.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Not X Character 2.0
I fail to see how the mansion is unsafe for the kid and raising a kid there is a sign of bad parenting.
Edit: shes leaving her family,Presumably, all hours of the night for Vigilante stuff, and, since being a vigilante is ILLEGAL not telling her family.IF we were government superheroes this would make SLIGHTLY more sense as they receive government protection and funding.Negating the need for a base at all.
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Its an old abandoned mansion and shes leaving her kid at,Presumably, all hours of the night for Vigilante stuff, and, since being a vigilante is ILLEGAL not telling her family.IF we
were government superheroes this would make SLIGHTLY more sense as they receive government protection and funding.Negating the need for a second base at all.

QM has confirmed otherwise.

These hideouts aren't where your character lives. They have a home unrelated to their vigilante activities.
QM has confirmed otherwise.
Just found that out AND adjusted the point of it still stands as the person having NO reason not to go government with her current backstory which would in fact do MUCH more towards her goal of protecting her family but She has no reason not to have gone to be a government funded superhero who would have top-notch protection and no reason to doubt that they would keep people safe
Man with a plan gives justifiable reason for not going government due to our backgrouind being based around knowing how truly useless they are for the people who REALLY need heroes
Also with the stuff below taken together WHY would she NOT be a government employee (remember we voted Vigilante which means we arent government superheroes)

When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.

[] Superhero – Heroes are people, both superpowered or not, who act with the Governments of their respective countries in order to enforce the law. They cooperate with Law Enforcement and are tasked with handling situations that conventional Law Enforcement can't handle or would carry a high risk to innocents. They are required to register with the government with their real identities, though these identities are kept Classified to the public. They also receive a stipend for living expenses and a bonus for every major crime stopped, free medical care, and access to exclusive gear and technology. However, they are government employees and are ultimately beholden to the government.
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The funny thing is, I origionally had an option to just have your base be at your house. But then, I thought that it wouldn't exactly be a smart thing to do, unless you were Bruce Wayne rich and could afford to have tunnels dug under your home.



Well, time for the final vote tally
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Apr 10, 2018 at 9:16 PM, finished with 62 posts and 20 votes.

  • [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [X] Plan A Man With A Plan
    -[X] Name: Elias Andross
    -[X] Appearance: A Man With A Plan
    -[X] The government doesn't care about the people. They make sure that their superheroes focus on crimes that affect the rich. People like me are the only ones who are looking out for people who can't defend themselves.
    -[X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    -[X] I… used to be a villain. I'm not proud of the things I did. I've hurt people. Even killed people. I never would have dreamed being on this side of the law. But
    -[X] There's money to me made as a superhero, even a vigilante if I manage this right. Even with my powers, that conviction on my record means most legitimate employers won't touch me.
    -[X] When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    -[X] An abandoned mall near where the ghettos meet the suburbs. It's been closed since the early 1970's, with several attempted remodels that ended in failure. Each time the would-be investors ran out of money, so it stands as a decrepit monument that no one's paid to have torn down. Still, it's still a place that has a lot of room to set up anything you'd need.
    [X] Plan Savior
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Luke Briar
    [X] I've lost a lot throughout my life because of criminals. Scum that would hurt, even kill others for a few dollars. My parents, my home, almost my life on several occasions. But somehow, I've managed to survive. I've managed to bring myself here. And now, I'm going to make every would be villain pay.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X]Maes Hughes
    [X]Best Dad
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Plan Not X Character 2.0
    [X] Liliana Rutherford
    [X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [x] Sonya Northwest
    [x] Appearance:
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [x] When I was just a kid, I used to be a sidekick for a hero, the Solar Shield. He was well known, well liked. But there was… the incident. He didn't make it, and I had to leave the city. But the passion for justice… I couldn't get away from it. So now, in a new city, I'm starting again with a new name, a new identity. And hopefully, none of the old baggage.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
Inserted I hope you all appreciate the fact tthat our charecter has no real reason in her backstory to have not gone superhero and worked for the government.
Adhoc vote count started by Ave Anathema on Apr 10, 2018 at 9:16 PM, finished with 62 posts and 20 votes.

  • [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [X] Plan A Man With A Plan
    -[X] Name: Elias Andross
    -[X] Appearance: A Man With A Plan
    -[X] The government doesn't care about the people. They make sure that their superheroes focus on crimes that affect the rich. People like me are the only ones who are looking out for people who can't defend themselves.
    -[X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    -[X] I… used to be a villain. I'm not proud of the things I did. I've hurt people. Even killed people. I never would have dreamed being on this side of the law. But
    -[X] There's money to me made as a superhero, even a vigilante if I manage this right. Even with my powers, that conviction on my record means most legitimate employers won't touch me.
    -[X] When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    -[X] An abandoned mall near where the ghettos meet the suburbs. It's been closed since the early 1970's, with several attempted remodels that ended in failure. Each time the would-be investors ran out of money, so it stands as a decrepit monument that no one's paid to have torn down. Still, it's still a place that has a lot of room to set up anything you'd need.
    [X] Plan Savior
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Luke Briar
    [X] I've lost a lot throughout my life because of criminals. Scum that would hurt, even kill others for a few dollars. My parents, my home, almost my life on several occasions. But somehow, I've managed to survive. I've managed to bring myself here. And now, I'm going to make every would be villain pay.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X]Maes Hughes
    [X]Best Dad
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [X] Plan Not X Character 2.0
    [X] Liliana Rutherford
    [X] I've lost a lot in my life. My parents, my home, my childhood. I've suffered. The reason I'm choosing this life is to do my part to make sure that no one else has to go through what I've gone through.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [X] Plan Generic Name
    [x] Plan Knight Parent
    [x] Sonya Northwest
    [x] Appearance:
    [X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
    [x] When I was just a kid, I used to be a sidekick for a hero, the Solar Shield. He was well known, well liked. But there was… the incident. He didn't make it, and I had to leave the city. But the passion for justice… I couldn't get away from it. So now, in a new city, I'm starting again with a new name, a new identity. And hopefully, none of the old baggage.
    [X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
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Damn, right when I was about to insert it.

Anyway, it looks like Knight Parent wins with 6 votes.

[x] Plan Knight Parent
[x] Sonya Northwest
[x] Appearance:
[X]When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.
[X] An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make it practically invisible to anyone not looking for it.
Number of voters: 1

I'll admit, I liked Elias. The backstory that Average Guy had come up with. Still, Knight Parent has won the day vote.

I'll start typing up a post in a bit.
[x] Plan Knight Parent

[x] Sonya Northwest

[x] Appearance:


[X] When it was just me, I wouldn't have dreamed of donning a suit and risking my life. But after my first child, something clicked in me. A parent provides. And I'm doing this to help provide a future for my family.

[X]An old mansion near the edge of town. It's previous owner was a reclusive, man. A recent recession wiped out the man's fortune, and shortly after that, he disappeared. No one has claimed this mansion, nor has anyone purchased the land it was on, so it was left abandoned. The mansion is surrounded by a 10 foot stone wall, and that's surrounded by high trees. That, plus it's isolated location make itpractically invisible to anyone not looking for it.

Basic concept is a mother with powers being a superhero. For powers, the obvious ones would be something like super strength, metal manipulation (allowing her to easily create objects out of metal or manipulate modern tech), or perhaps magic that would fit with a more medieval themed hero.

One power that I think would be cool to have (even if we don't ultimately get it) would be the ability to grant powers to other people. Like, we personally get some generic boost to strength and durability, so we're not a squishy wizard, but we can grant a variety of flashier powers to other people. Even if there is some drawback on things like duration, how many people we can empower at once, or something like us having trouble removing the powers we grant and there's a real possibility that someone could betray us with the very powers we gave them.

It could become a reason for our wanting to be a vigiliante, since a person who can grant powers to others would be a massive asset to governments or shady organizations, if we came forward with our power we would become the target of alot of powerful people. However, as a vigilante we could have better control of what we can do with it. Another reason for keeping it from our children would be that we couldn't expect them to stay silent about something like that, they might inherit our powers and be targeted by those same organizations, or we don't want them even thinking about becoming heroes yet (even though we could potentially give them powers to do so). We might even have the ability to grant powers to Keller, which helps out our operation by giving him something to work with and we could potentially share the single superhero identity.

Our superhero costume would be a big suit of armor that effectively hides our identity to the point they can't tell our gender. Also, armor still provides plenty of mobility.

Above is our HEROINE!

A bit salty but not as much as @Rjrulew :p

Let's make this the best quest we can folks and stick with it for awhile :)
Above is our HEROINE!

A bit salty but not as much as @Rjrulew :p

Let's make this the best quest we can folks and stick with it for awhile :)
dont get me wrong the concept is good BUT our quest has State sponsored heroes with a benefits package and our goal is to give our child a better future and if we went superhero during part one of charecter creation this would fit perfectly and Ild be fine But were vigilante which means for SOME reason we need to not trust the governemtn enough to Ignore the benefits towards our child(the reason we do this) and our abilities to help.If there was a reason in the backstory that soured us in thar area Ild be fine but there isnt
dont get me wrong the concept is good BUT our quest has State sponsored heroes with a benefits package and our goal is to give our child a better future and if we went superhero during part one of charecter creation this would fit perfectly and Ild be fine But were vigilante which means for SOME reason we need to not trust the governemtn enough to Ignore the benefits towards our child(the reason we do this) and our abilities to help.If there was a reason in the backstory that soured us in thar area Ild be fine but there isnt
Keep in mind, Sonya doesn't have to be a Vigilante forever. She could decide to be a fully licensed Cape later if the voters choose.

Though transitioning will depend on just who you can get to vouch for you. And what exactly you do as a Vigilante.
Keep in mind, Sonya doesn't have to be a Vigilante forever. She could decide to be a fully licensed Cape later if the voters choose.
OK*resigned sigh* SO now we choose what category our powers are then decide what we want them to be specifically Cause I'm thinking Psionics(like psylock or Grifter(wildstorm(currently DC) hes a psychic with telekenises and light telepathy) Maybe Backlash(Marc Slayton type powers and backstory(were an aincient Human Alien Hybrid) Maybe Gen Factor Like (Grifter in Wildstorm)Or Caitlyn Fairchilde, Grunge, Sarah Rainmaker, Hotspot, The members of DV8, Jhon Lynch
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OK*resigned sigh* SO now we choose what category our powers are then decide what we want them to be specifically Cause I'm thinking Psionics(like psylock or Grifter(wildstorm(currently DC) hes a psychic with telekenises and light telepathy) Maybe Backlash(Marc Slayton type powers and backstory(were an aincient Human Alien Hybrid) Maybe Gen Factor Like (Grifter in Wildstorm)Or Caitlyn Fairchilde, Grunge, Sarah Rainmaker, Hotspot, The members of DV8

Let the GM get to it. Let's quietly wait while he writes...and talk about all the awesome stud men we can pick up as a Knight.

Lol jk
Let the GM get to it. Let's quietly wait while he writes...and talk about all the awesome stud men we can pick up as a Knight.

Lol jk
No wait I can see a dead Hubby as reason for being a Vigilante and maybe later a super hero PLUS no superheroes are ever happily married. Except Apollo and Midnighter because theyre badass.
Author of post: I am being completely serious.
Hmmm ideas for archnemesis.

Arch-Nemesis: Techno-sorcerer. A man who cheats on his wife the Techno-Sorceress and aims to violently change the world by destroying everything considered old like chivalry and horses.

Another could be White Mask. A criminal Mastermind that uses kids to sell drugs in order to use his other guys as protection and gang battles.

Also white mask from Ranbow six not Black Masks less talented cousin.


The Bandit. A mysterious man who robs banks. Likes making a show of it and kills cops.
White Mask. A criminal Mastermind that uses kids to sell drugs in order to use his other guys as protection and gang battles.

Also white mask from Ranbow six not Black Masks less talented cousin.


The Bandit. A mysterious man who robs banks. Likes making a show of it and kills cops.
I like the first and last of these three Plus junkie brainwashed Kids are a pretty effective form of meatshield and the Bandit MAYBE as a one off villain
Wait what? First was techno sorcerer. You like?

Second was Criminal Mastermind White Mask. You called effective but not good?

Third was The Bandit.