Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

I could change it and make it a pernament flying station that shoots drop pods or has it's people HALO jump down? I also had an idea of a Captain within the Iron Vigil who's called the Valkyire. Cause Valhalla and Norse themes. She'd be ex-military and a Bronze Star recipient fighitng the good fight now to clean up her home town. Possibly a foil to our PC in that instead of doing things part time or as a vigilantee she's a by the book person and a (dangerous) workaholic.
Sorry for the double post but please feel free to rename the thing from Iron Vigil to something else.
Highway Star: Part 0
It's 5 in the afternoon and everyone in your family is at home, relaxing in the living room. The television is on, playing some commercial for the Ford Gauntlet, but none of you are paying attention to it. Gwen isn't because she's drawing something on her iPad. You and Adrian aren't paying attention because you're engaged in a very important conversation.

"I wonder if Cindy's is still there." You say, referring to the diner in Breaker's Flats. "They had the best omelets."

"I don't know, it's been, what, two years since we've been down that way?" Adrian said. "Back at the family reunion, at least."

"Yeah..." You say, racking your brain about when the last time you went to Adrian's family's family reunion. You think it was in 2011? Maybe 2012. It was basically 3 days of drinking and fried fish, with maybe a raffle? And a bingo tournament? Or maybe you came to at one on day 2. You don't remember. Which is part of the reason why you didn't go this year. "I think it was 2012? Anyway..." you say, waving off the topic. "I'm thinking about getting an omlett from Cindy's if they're still there." You smile, you can already taste the tomatoes and bacon.

"Isn't it a little late to for breakfast?" Adrian says, playfully poking you in the side.

"Hey, don't you know? I'm a rebel who plays by her own rules!" You say in an exaggerated tough gal voice.

"Right, you're a rebel" Adrian says, chuckling. "Assuming that Cindy's actually serves breakfast at 6:30 at night."

"Hey, there's probably a dozen truckers there every day. I bet they have all day breakfast" You say.

At this point, Gwen interjects. "Hey mom, if you can have breakfast for dinner, can I take some Fruity Pebbles for lunch tomorrow?" Gwen asks, looking up from her tablet.

"Sorry, but no." You say. "You can't eat that sugary stuff for every meal"

Gwen looks disappointed for a moment before turning to Adrian. "Hey dad, can I have Fruity Pebbles for lunch tomorrow?"

"Now, if Mom said no, then why did you think I'll say 'yes?" Adrian says in his 'dad' voice.

"Because mom isn't the boss of you, isn't she?" Gwen says, smiling, clearly hoping that this will sway Adrian.

"Sorry, Kiddo, but your mom and I are a united front." He says, putting his arm around your shoulder.

"That's right." You say, putting your own arm around Adrian's shoulder. "If one of us says no, then both of us say no"

"Oh, aalll riiight" Gwen says, milking her disappointment for all it's worth.

"Hey, cheer up. When you're grown up, you can make all kinds of bad decisions on your own." Adrian says.

"But that's soo far away!" Gwen says. "It's like... 9 years!" Gwen huffs, and you chuckle. She doesn't stay mad for long.

Suddenly, you hear your doorbell ringing. Pulling up your phone, you look through the camera that's in your doorbell. On camera, and in front of your door, you see the babysitter, a teenager from down the street named Felicia Butler, who's here to watch Gwen. "Sweetie, the sitter's here" You say. "We should get ready to leave. Could you let Felicia in? I'll go get our jackets"

"Sure thing, Sweetie" He says. He gets up to let the babysitter in and you head to your bedroom closet and grab your and Adrian's leather jackets. They're both from when you both were in the same motorcycle club. They weren't one of the 1%ers. It was strictly for riding motorcycles. You both left the club after Gwen was born, but you still have your jackets.

The name of your club was...
[] Iron Riders
[] Devil Dogs
[] Urban Dragoons
[] Stealer's Wheels
[] The Riding Legion
[] Bikes Errent
[] Write in

Like most biker jackets, it has a "Top Rocker" The name of the club across the top of the back of the jacket, and the club's logo below it.

[] Write in your club's logo.

You put on your jacket and grab Adrian's and head towards the garage. By the time you get to the living room, you see Adrian finishing explaining the rules to the Felicia.

"...and we should be back by 8 at the latest. You got that?" He asks.

"Yeah, sure thing" The she says, nodding her head.

"Be sure to call us if you need anything." You say to her. "I'll see you later Gwen." You say to your daughter before pulling her in for a hug. Gwen simply crosses her arms and goes "Hmph" When you release her, but she doesn't quite manage to hide her smile. It looks like she's still acting outraged at not having cereal for lunch. You'll let her get it out of her system.

"I'll see you when we get back" Adrian says as he tussle's Gwen's hair. This time, she chuckles, but quickly gets back in character, and you and Adrian head for the garage.

You and Adrian are straddling your respective motorcycles. You're riding a Harley Davidson Road King. Unlike your "work" bike, this one is painted a bright cherry red. It's sporting two exhaust pipes along the right side, as well as a pair of saddlebags on either side of the rear tire. Adrian is riding a Road Glider. His bike is a dull green with an exhaust pipe on either side on the It's slightly heavier, slightly lower to the ground, and slightly shorter than your Road King. His bike is better at taking corners, but yours is slightly faster.

You both take off headed to the highway to begin your race in earnest.

You both pull out of the alleyway, to begin your journey.
Alright, looks like we have a winner. Now, I'm going to need someone to roll Pursuit Rider: Motorcycle. It is going to default to a 55 for you and 45 for Adrian, but that number could go up or down depending on the choices you make during the race. This roll will just determine who takes the lead at first.

And don't worry if you fail a roll. It doesn't necessarily mean that Sonya or Adrian will crash out.
Highway Star Part 1
You both ride through the city. First on the streets, then on the highways, with the sunset tinting the world a vibrant red. As you ride, you see other motorists pass by on their way home, to shop, or a hundred different destinations. You both ride not saying anything, as the wind would tune out most of your words, so you just enjoy each other's presence. The knowledge that the other is there.

As you both head further west, you pass the Hartford city limits, into the adjacent Santa Monte. The buildings get smaller and appear on the sides of the highway less frequently. The cars start to thin out. Eventually, you both take an exit leading to Breaker's Flats. As you ride on the curving section of highway, you look at him, and he looks at you. You don't say anything, but you both understand the meaning.

As soon as you're off the exit, gun it.

And as soon as you're off the exit and on the Interstate, you do.

You're nearly pushed back in your seat as your bike accelerates, and you grip the reinforced handles as your bike picks up speed. Your surroundings start to blue together as you and Adrian take off like rockets. Sixty, seventy, eighty, you push your bike hard, s there aren't many other cars on the road to slow you down. The few cars there are, you can bank to the left or right and go around them. But no matter how fast you go but Adrian is leaving you in the dust.

But you don't see the car speed onto the on-ramp and right towards you.

If you could see it from above, and if you weren't on the bike, you'd note that the car was speeding as well, and that the driver didn't slow down even though you were right there. But you just heard the honking of the sedan's horn and see the car in your rearview window, about six inches from your rear tire.

You swerve left to avoid the car, but that sends you hurtling towards the concrete divider at 80 miles per hour. You swerve right again and slow down to avoid the divider, but then, your front wheel starts to go out from under you. You try your best to rebalance, or at least to slow down and get off the highway, just in case you wipe out. And you do. You tumble off of your bike on the side of the road, and you hit the concrete with a loud thud.

Slowly, you get up. Your jacket is scratched in several places, as is your helmet when it hit the ground, but you're fine. You've taken worse hits in your short career as a Vigilante, though you're probably going to be sore in the morning.

As you inspect your bike, it looks like it's... okay. You're going to need to get some paint to cover the scratches, but it looks fine. As you are carrying your bike onto the shoulder, you see Adrian pull up on his bike on the shoulder.

"Sonya, are you alright?" Adrian asks, clearly worried. "I saw you fall and-"

"Hey, I'm indestructible. Of course I'm fine" You say with an air of confidence, flexing a little. "I think my helmet got it worse than me, though"

He sighs in relief. "I shoulda known. Even without the powers you were always tough..." He gives you a smile. "But... if you wanna head back, I mean, that looked like a pretty nasty fall..." He says.

[] "I don't want to push by luck. Let's call it a day. We can come back tomorrow"
- [] You know, we don't have to head back yet. I know a place in Santa Monte where we could have some dinner, get a few drinks.
[] "Thanks, but really, I'm fine. It'd be a shame to turn back now"

[X] "I don't want to push by luck. Let's call it a day. We can come back tomorrow"
- [X] You know, we don't have to head back yet. I know a place in Santa Monte where we could have some dinner, get a few drinks.
[X] "I don't want to push by luck. Let's call it a day. We can come back tomorrow"
- [X] You know, we don't have to head back yet. I know a place in Santa Monte where we could have some dinner, get a few drinks.
[X] "Thanks, but really, I'm fine. It'd be a shame to turn back now"
One bad roll! We've got to learn when and where to take risks and now is the time to give it another go!
Besides I bet if we chicken out we'll just miss out.
[X] "I don't want to push by luck. Let's call it a day. We can come back tomorrow"
- [X] You know, we don't have to head back yet. I know a place in Santa Monte where we could have some dinner, get a few drinks.
Hang on, I thought we only lost access to our magic and still had our regular superpowers. Did I miss something or is Adrian just getting something wrong?
Reading it again, I can see how I should've made some things clearer.

He's referring to before her powers activated. Sonya had a bit of a reputation for taking hits that kids, and for a few years, teenagers couldn't normally take and keep going. From slamming into a pole while rollerblading downhill, to falling off of a water slide and landing in a tree unharmed during a field trip.

Scientists in-universe believe that some people can express characteristics of their powers before they completely activate. From someone with Super Intelligence having a better memory to someone with psychic powers being able to pick up on emotions more easily.