Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

Oh, and since it looks like voting is unanimous, I'd like everyone to roll Perception with a -2 this time. See if you noticed something you may have missed.
here we go on perception, did we just get ourselves arrested.
EDIT:...I am genuinely unsure what this result means.
Zaealix threw 3 6-faced dice. Total: 8
2 2 3 3 3 3
The Heroes want The Vigil to become a healer. But the regular police may not have gotten a briefing. And the two people here may not care.

I said the vigilantes - it's interesting though that the Heroes have also taken note of the healing possibilities.

It let her see what was already there.

So if we manage to not somehow get arrested - time for a thread meeting on policies and procedures for proper storing/transportation and disposal of vigilante equipment and materials.
here we go on perception, did we just get ourselves arrested.
EDIT:...I am genuinely unsure what this result means.


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The cop that was looking around probably has a power or something.

I'd like to invoke my 5th Amendment rights to protect myself against self incrimination.

I said the vigilantes - it's interesting though that the Heroes have also taken note of the healing possibilities.
On one hand, I thought you meant Heroes, and I'm sorry for misreading. On the other hand, yeah, Heroes are looking for magic users specifically after the Halloween incident and healers are always welcome. The ones already employed are at clinics/safehouses to patch up Heroes between missions, but having someone to patch someone up in the field would be invaluable. It could save the lives of people who could die before they get someplace safe.
So if we manage to not somehow get arrested - time for a thread meeting on policies and procedures for proper storing/transportation and disposal of vigilante equipment and materials.
That may be a good idea.
Alright, I'm working on the next update. I just need someone to roll Will to let Sonya keep her poker face after noticing... several somethings.
"Am I under arrest?" You aren't the most knowledgeable about the law, but at least, you know enough to know that there are only a few circumstances that you can be detained. And right now, as far as you know, they can't force you to go anywhere unless they have a warrant.

"God, are you really gonna do this?" Burke said. You can almost hear him rolling his eyes. "Listen, if you do this, it's only gonna end badly for you.

"Am I under arrest? Yes or no" You're borrowing some advice that you got from a friend back in grade school that her parents told her. At a certain point, don't talk to a police officer more than you had to. Because sometimes, they don't have anything. And talking will just give them the rope to hang you.

You and Burke stare at each other for a few seconds, waiting for the other to break. And when your eyes wander to his cap, you notice something.

Burke and Hare are both wearing medium blue uniforms. Not unusual for a cop in most cities in Hartford County. But here in Hartford proper? The uniforms are so dark blue that you could mistake them for black.

Then, you look past Burke to the patrol vehicle. You missed it the first time you saw it, but now, you see that this is not a cop car. Sure, it's painted like one, it has the lights. And if you were to look at it from a distance, you'd think it was. But it was the wrong model.

You were always into vehicles. You may have been more into bikes while Adrian was into cars, but you've both happily shared your interests with each other. And you've learned to spot different makes and models. In this case, you know that the HPD uses the Ford Escape, the Mercury Cheetah, and the Dodge Chargers and Challengers. This... wasn't either of them. It was a Toyota Echo. You've never seen one of those being used as a police car.

You don't know for sure, but you're pretty sure that whoever these people are, they aren't cops.

"Listen, there are two ways out of this." Burke says, with "Because right now? You know more than you're telling us. And we know you know more than you're telling us. Now, if you tell us everything you know about The Vigil, we leave and you can go about your business. The other option is that we take a ride in the back of the car. That isn't a choice for you. You don't say anything, you're going in the back of that vehicle. And if you don't change your mind by the time we get to where we're going? Well, you're going to like how that ride ends."

You don't let your worry show on your face. You don't know for sure, but these people aren't cops. And so one set of problems is replaced with another. If you're right, who sent them? What do they know? What if they don't believe you? And if you're wrong, then at best, you accused two officers of being fakes, and that won't reflect well on you. At worse, then you get sentenced to life in prison or death for assaulting an officer.

So, no pressure.

[] "I don't know anything, so I don't have anything to say."
-[] If they try to force you in the car, attack them
[] "Cut the crap. Who, and what are you? Because you aren't cops."
[] Make up a story to put them on the wrong track.
[] Attack them.
-[] Write in.
Waaait a second.
A Helmet worn on the Kachuusha job.
Cops who are not cops, judging by uniform and vehicle?
I thought their case seemed pretty slim for what they were doing.
But as I recall we didn't exactly do that well in terms of cleaning up ALL the bad guys from that incident, and it seemed to me even if we did we likely only bagged a part of the organization.
If they're not cops, and they're relying on say, the publicized Kachuusha stream for 'evidence'?
I am HIGHLY tempted to simply armour up and thrash these guys, frankly. But I smell Villianous behavior.
Which to me? Says they're going to have a back-up in case we resort to force. What, I don't know, but they will have SOMETHING.
Of course, given the slim case, the not-a cops, and as the known Villianous heat on us?
I'm thinking we armor up as our first move, assuming we can do that quickly versus it being a Magical Girl Transformation where we're totally vulnerable for a period of time.
And then from there...Dunno. I'd say the Car is a good first target- armored up we should be resistant enough to a pair of mooks that we can focus on their ride, so as to make sure they can't take us anywhere easily. From there...I'm not entirely sure, because this is where the backup comes into question.
And I REALLY Hope Hare is not in-fact a speedster and does not get to Blitz us into submission because Speedster. Because that means we should have talked it out.
[X]Armor up
-[X] Unless these 'cops' say something about the law or draw unusual looking weapons, trash the car with a Lightning bolt, then run.
Problem: they came to our civilian identity. If we give them anything that gives away identity, we put everybody we care about in jeopardy.

They aren't cops. Impersonating an officer is (often) a felony. "What happens if I call dispatch and ask them where Officers Burke and Hare are?"

We're garbage at lying or making things up.

I think we call them on not being cops...by calling the cops on them. Can we do that? Is it at all plausible for us to do that?
Problem: they came to our civilian identity. If we give them anything that gives away identity, we put everybody we care about in jeopardy.

They aren't cops. Impersonating an officer is (often) a felony. "What happens if I call dispatch and ask them where Officers Burke and Hare are?"

We're garbage at lying or making things up.

I think we call them on not being cops...by calling the cops on them. Can we do that? Is it at all plausible for us to do that?
Calling the cops isn't bad but how do we do that without the officers opening fire on us?
We need our armor to be really durable...Like at this point either we hope we have the dice to make the bluff check or we pick the fight now. Waiting means getting kidnapped, basically. And that only makes things worse by D&D logic, which feels like it applies here.
And more importantly...
Unless these are cops playing hardball legitimacy means nothing. If they are crooks they can just attack us anyway and leave a blood note on the walls to call out the Vigil.
Problem: they came to our civilian identity. If we give them anything that gives away identity, we put everybody we care about in jeopardy.

This also points to us needing to keep our magic/super strength under lock and key. Us simply being the possibly supplier of armor is worlds better than being identified as Vigil. They think they have an armor maker. They haven't connected it Sonya to Vigil it seems.

The door to our studio is specifically open right now. We could retreat back into it if we need to.

@Agent 99

What is our building/door made out of? Plaster and ply wood or solid brick?
[X] "Cut the crap. Who, and what are you? Because you aren't cops."
I believe we're on record as having some degree of magic. Reflect/Barrier and run for our door before calling the real cops?
[X] "Cut the crap. Who, and what are you? Because you aren't cops."
-[X] If/When they try to attack or grab Sonya retreat back into workshop and close/barricade door. Then call 911.
-[X] Bonus if snatch false cop hat/badge.

I believe we're on record as having some degree of magic. Reflect/Barrier and run for our door before calling the real cops?

No - the group sending someone to kill us specifically hasn't been able to access the power database. They'd have sent people a lot harder to kill if they knew we were magic/strength.