Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

[X] "Cut the crap. Who, and what are you? Because you aren't cops."
-[X] If/When they try to attack or grab Sonya retreat back into workshop and close/barricade door. Then call 911.
-[X] Bonus if snatch false cop hat/badge.

What I'm more going for about being on record as having magic is that if someone sees us doing something, we can say we're registered as a civilian magic-capable-individual. "Texas is a pretty personal-weapons-friendly self-defense-happy sorta state ain't it? Only, instead of using the gun I don't have, I used the magic I do to protect myself against these guys who were threatening me and posing as police officers."
What I'm more going for about being on record as having magic is that if someone sees us doing something, we can say we're registered as a civilian magic-capable-individual. "Texas is a pretty personal-weapons-friendly self-defense-happy sorta state ain't it? Only, instead of using the gun I don't have, I used the magic I do to protect myself against these guys who were threatening me and posing as police officers."

I think we're concerned about two different groups. I think that the bunch these two are working for will target Sonya directly as opposed to possible armorer if they get knowledge of powers. Especially as one of the theories is super strength via magic
[X] "Cut the crap. Who, and what are you? Because you aren't cops."
-[X] If/When they try to attack or grab Sonya retreat back into workshop and close/barricade door. Then call 911.
-[X] Bonus if snatch false cop hat/badge.
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Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on Mar 31, 2021 at 3:31 PM, finished with 19 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] "Cut the crap. Who, and what are you? Because you aren't cops."
    [X] "Cut the crap. Who, and what are you? Because you aren't cops."
    -[X] If/When they try to attack or grab Sonya retreat back into workshop and close/barricade door. Then call 911.
    -[X] Bonus if snatch false cop hat/badge.
    [X]Armor up
    -[X] Unless these 'cops' say something about the law or draw unusual looking weapons, trash the car with a Lightning bolt, then run.
    -[X] If/When they try to attack or grab Sonya retreat back into workshop and close/barricade door. Then call 911.
    -[X] Bonus if snatch false cop hat/badge.
It looks like we're calling them on their bullshit.

I'd like someone to roll Will for Sonya. You need to beat both Burke and Hare for if you want them to back off. If you lose to one of them, then things will get interesting.
Force of will time I suppose.

Edit: Astoundingly this is a success by one for us
Barondoctor threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Will Total: 12
4 4 4 4 4 4
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Matching wills double or nothing:

Edit: there we go.
Barondoctor threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Extra effort Total: 9
2 2 5 5 2 2
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In some ways I almost wish we had gotten into a fight. If only for the opportunity to snatch a false badge for proof to see what happens if we inform the actual police about things.

Police get really antsy about people pretending to be them.

As it is with only Sonya's word...
Safe. For Now
"Cut the crap. Who, and what are you? Because you aren't cops."

It's almost like the two people were paused for a moment. Like someone had to turn them off and on again as you say those words.

Burke was the first to recover. "You know, that is a very serious-" Burke starts, but you interrupt.

"Look, we both know you aren't who you say you are. So you can either tell me who you really are and you can leave now, or you can take your chances with the real cops." You say, your phone already in your hand.

For the first time, Hare shows an emotion. A look of concern on her face. "Burke?" She says, looking at her partner. But Burke doesn't seem to flinch. You're already getting ready to rush inside your workshop if things seem bad. You don't want to fight, but part of you is thinking preparing for one of the "cops" to draw on you.

But Burke breaks first. "Have a good day. And don't tell anyone about this, or we may have to come back" He said, though you can hear the annoyance in his tone. The two people walk back to the vehicle. You keep your expression, boring a hole in the back of their heads. But as they get in the car, they only linger for a few seconds before driving off.

You let out a breath after they are out of sight. You lean against your wall to keep yourself from falling down. A few seconds later, you go into your workshop and close the door behind you.

You don't know if they are or aren't suspicious, but the fact that they came to you in the first place isn't good.

You start going through your list of contacts, some people you know. Other metalworkers, people who used to work at the factory before it shut down. You want to know if anyone else has had a visit from "Burke" and "Hare". If that was really their names. If other people have been visited by them, then at least you aren't in as much danger. They're just doing a sweep. If you're the only one they've been talking to, then you're in trouble.

The first person is Ernie. Ernest Hunter, worked with you at the old Pipe Factory. Before the boss replaced you all with machines, anyway. Since then, he smoked a lot of weed and decided to become an artist. Generally, he's more the type to try to get his work in the Hartford Museum of Art, he's done a few commissions. A few of those were props, or even pieces of armor for people to cosplay in.

As the phone rings a few times. You wait a few moments before he picks up.

"Sonya? Hey, it's been a while? How've you been?" He asks.

"Pretty good, Ernie. How's business?" You respond.

He sighs. "Well, things could be better" He says. "So, what's up? I doubt that it's a social call"

You rub the back of your head. You're a little guilty since you're asking for something. But this could be about life and death, so you don't feel that guilty. "Sorry, but it isn't. I wanted to know if a couple of people tried asking you about your metalworking…?"


"So, what do you think?" Burke asked as they drove away from the metalworker. He didn't know how, but she made them. Sure, she didn't at first, but she made them. He really hoped that that woman wasn't supplying The Vigil, or they may be "promoted" to "Weapons Testing".

"I don't know. I didn't find anything in the shop." Hare said. She wiped some sweat from her brow. She would've loved to just cave in that Sonya's skull, if only so she wouldn't blab to anyone else. Hare squeezed her hand into a fist, red energy emanating from it. But they weren't supposed to kill anyone unless it was necessary.

"And she didn't seem nervous" Burke said again as he turned onto the highway. "Think maybe she was a psychic? Maybe that's how she found out…"

"If you think everyone's a psychic, then you'll be jumping at shadows 'till the day you die" Hare replies. "Still, we have a few more people we need to talk to let's get it done before we head back to the hotel"

"Yeah… though maybe we should get some other disguises. Maybe only one of us should go in, in case that bitch blabbed." Burke said, talking to himself as much as he was talking to Hare.

Hare opened a notebook with a list of people. Some had been crossed off, some had various umbers of question marks next to them. Two names had been large 'X's through them. She looked through the remaining names. "There's a guy named Zeke off of I-45 on Davis Street. If you wanna skip doing more of the cloak and dagger bullshit, we could be there in ten minutes."

Burke nodded. "Yeah. The longer we do this, the longer we aren't making any real money. Battery better appreciate this."

You hang up your last call about an hour later. A few people you know had, in fact received visits from the two people.

You look at the helmet. If those were real cops, then having that helmet wouldn't have been a big deal. But today, it could've buried you. You wonder how you could've just left it just laying around. But as you look at it, you realize something.

You didn't.

You replay your arrival in your head. You did, in fact, wear it as you came in. You were on your Speed King and you wheeled it into your shop. You took your breakfast taco out of the saddlebag and went over to your desk to check your messages.

Then, you put your helmet in your desk's cabinet.

You check the drawer and you see that's slightly ajar. You pull it out. And while everything is there, some things are out of place. Some spare printer cartridges knocked over that weren't before. Some papers about a job that someone is trying to get out of paying for. a dice bag that Jasmine left over here with its contents spilled.

One of those people had powers. You swear to yourself. It was probably Hare. Makes sense that quiet asshole was doing something! You start tearing through your workshop, looking for any other evidence that she, or hell, even someone else, was looking through your things. It takes about an hour and you find things here and there that could have been out of place. Things that aren't quite where you left them. But all of them were what Hare could've seen from the door. The file cabinet where you keep most of your expenses, which is on the same wall as the door but on the other side of your workshop, is untouched. You also see that most of your equipment is where it was as well.

After sitting down, you hold your head in your hands. Even if your slip up was minor, and wouldn't hold up in any law enforcement investigation, that wouldn't matter for criminals. Even if they weren't going to kill you, even if they were just trying to intimidate you, you don't want to risk ending up being another body dumped in the river.

Glancing at your phone, you have a couple of hours until your hapkido lesson, and you're too wired on adrenaline to hold your drill steady, so for now, you sit down, thinking of what you can do to keep your Vigilante life from getting you killed while in your civilian life.

[] What can you do to protect yourself? You may not be able to do everything immediately, but it's good to have a list.
Okay so, thought no.1 is that mansion/home base- we can start doing the custom work for the Vigil there, through that strikes me as potentially expensive to manage. Second is using it as an odds&ends locker, of sorts, so potentially condemning items like that helmet aren't actually at our workshop.
Thought no.2 is a sort of ...Subterfuge.
Drive out somewhere, equip Vigil armor, and then ride out, motorcycle and all, in obvious view from various locations. Mix it up, same with 'returning from duty' go somewhere private, remove armor, then head home.
Going along with that might be working out a way to doll up the motorcycle so that it's clearly The Vigil's alongside that Shield Device for making it flashy enough to draw attention to the Vigil instead.
This sort of long-term open-ended planning isn't exactly my strongest suit, but people will have ideas.
Okay so, thought no.1 is that mansion/home base- we can start doing the custom work for the Vigil there, through that strikes me as potentially expensive to manage. Second is using it as an odds&ends locker, of sorts, so potentially condemning items like that helmet aren't actually at our workshop.

That part is actually simple. Sonya has essentially a summon to self spell it just needs an hour prep with each item but there's no other limits to it as I understand it
That's how her summon armor/sword/shield works.

We tag everything that's not bolted down that we need for the work. Leave equipment at the shop. Go to manor. Summon equipment. After equipment is done, clean. Then when return to shop summon the equipment.

And that's a trick we can use liberally. It's just time consuming up front to prep everything. The actual expenses are anything that isn't transportable. And we might need to get some help from other vigilantes in transporting the stuff to the mansion without bringing down the law on us.

Edit: I'll come up with more later but that's a start. But everyone just brainstorm possible problems abd solutions and we'll come up with something. But something for everyone to chew on:

Best idea so far is to keep Sonya separate from the Vigil. (Which we've been apparently extremely good at considering that the imposters never considered the metalworker is the Vigil nor Sonya being powered in her own right)

Which means using the mansion as a base. Which means that the danger becomes someone connecting Sonya to that location. So a whole lot of thinking in securing that location and how to allow Sonya and her mission control access with minimal ability to trace.
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We need the inverse spell of summoning so we can send equipment to storage when not actively in use.

[X] Distance your vigilante life from your civilian life.
-[X] No equipment used in both lives. The bike is a possible tell.
-[X] Learn how to do the reverse of summoning equipment to yourself so you can send equipment to a prepared storage location. Your Vigil gear should not be in your workshop at all except when you are actively working on them.
-[X] Prepare a storage pit once you have the spell down. Nothing much, just a waterproofed pit you could dig out in the middle of nowhere to stash your equipment.
[x] Sonya's Five Year Plan for Hero Work
-[x] Equipment
---[x] Equipment purchases for Vigil occurs as illusioned Vigil.
---[x] Experiment to see if able to make a tag, even if only one use for large objects to be prepped for summon without spending time with the object itself.
---[x] Experiment to see if able to tag a box for summoning and objects inside come with.
---[x] Experiement to summon away from self in a controlled manner.
---[x] Use mansion internet access and either the already present setup or specific Vigil laptop. Sonya life does not go on it.
--[x] Metalworking
---[x] Tag Metal Working Equipment for summon to self. Do this regardless if box summon works.
---[x] Work on Armor and other such occurs at Mansion or other secured location.
----[x] Summon Equipment to self, do work, clean equipment as necessary, then either summon back to self when home/workshop. Or reverse summon.
---[x] Five Years Later Type Goal: Two sets of metalwork equipment for Vigil and Sonya.
--[x] Clothing
---[x] Keep Clothing worn as Illusion masked Vigil separate from Sonya.
---[x] Try to go for different styles of clothing. Men's shirts/ different patterns.
--[x] Motorcycle Related
---[x] Can you put the bike under an illusion? How about the motorcycle gear?
----[x] If so use that for occasions where Vigil can't be tracked. Extra sensitive equipment buys. Or places where Vigil is going to be I.D'd such as when working with a live-streaming vigilante.
---[x] Maintenance of Bike is to be done either at mansion or if husband needs to be involved summoning to work garage after closing.
---[x] Vigil has different bike gear than Sonya. The two sets stay in the respective locations of the two identies.
--[x] Mansion Upkeep/Repair/Maintenance
---[x] Money used to buy stuff for upkeep/repair is to be taken from the Vigil funds. See Finance tab.
---[x] Transportation is to be through summoning.
-[x] Finances
--[x] Golden Rule - Treat the two as separate accounts.
--[x] Account Transfers
---[x] Vigilante to Civilian
---[x] "Sales" - specifically calculated to buy metal (which will go into general stock) with "payment" for work done.
---[x] Civilian to Vigilante
---[x] Lost "Sales" - like already doing with armor.
--[x] Vigilante
---[x] Cash payments for equipment.
---[x] If other vigilantes want to help/repay quality metal, mansion improvement supplies and some such are to be encouraged.
-[x] Defenses
--[x] Obscurity
---[x] Find and memorize all the ways to and from the mansion where cameras can't track.
---[x] Mission control needs to learn this too.
---[x] Is it possible to find a way to teleport to Mansion and away again? (Five Years Pie in the Sky thing)
--[x] Learn how to make/use wards.
---[x] Ward Selection
----[x] See if there are defenses you can put up on the house, workshop and mansion for security. Warnings and stronger walls. Possible enhance/magic channels. Or - Magic users gets bonus on prepared ground.
----[x] With mansion - any "There's nothing this way" type thing turning back guests.
--[x]Wards Other
---[x] Use different language/style of wards as Sonya and Vigil. If Sonya uses French, Vigil uses Japanese. Aim for something with different symbols, grammar structure.
[x] Sonya's Five Year Plan for Hero Work
-[x] Equipment
---[x] Equipment purchases for Vigil occurs as illusioned Vigil.
---[x] Experiment to see if able to make a tag, even if only one use for large objects to be prepped for summon without spending time with the object itself.
---[x] Experiment to see if able to tag a box for summoning and objects inside come with.
---[x] Experiement to summon away from self in a controlled manner.
---[x] Use mansion internet access and either the already present setup or specific Vigil laptop. Sonya life does not go on it.
--[x] Metalworking
---[x] Tag Metal Working Equipment for summon to self. Do this regardless if box summon works.
---[x] Work on Armor and other such occurs at Mansion or other secured location.
----[x] Summon Equipment to self, do work, clean equipment as necessary, then either summon back to self when home/workshop. Or reverse summon.
---[x] Five Years Later Type Goal: Two sets of metalwork equipment for Vigil and Sonya.
--[x] Clothing
---[x] Keep Clothing worn as Illusion masked Vigil separate from Sonya.
---[x] Try to go for different styles of clothing. Men's shirts/ different patterns.
--[x] Motorcycle Related
---[x] Can you put the bike under an illusion? How about the motorcycle gear?
----[x] If so use that for occasions where Vigil can't be tracked. Extra sensitive equipment buys. Or places where Vigil is going to be I.D'd such as when working with a live-streaming vigilante.
---[x] Maintenance of Bike is to be done either at mansion or if husband needs to be involved summoning to work garage after closing.
---[x] Vigil has different bike gear than Sonya. The two sets stay in the respective locations of the two identies.
--[x] Mansion Upkeep/Repair/Maintenance
---[x] Money used to buy stuff for upkeep/repair is to be taken from the Vigil funds. See Finance tab.
---[x] Transportation is to be through summoning.
-[x] Finances
--[x] Golden Rule - Treat the two as separate accounts.
--[x] Account Transfers
---[x] Vigilante to Civilian
---[x] "Sales" - specifically calculated to buy metal (which will go into general stock) with "payment" for work done.
---[x] Civilian to Vigilante
---[x] Lost "Sales" - like already doing with armor.
--[x] Vigilante
---[x] Cash payments for equipment.
---[x] If other vigilantes want to help/repay quality metal, mansion improvement supplies and some such are to be encouraged.
-[x] Defenses
--[x] Obscurity
---[x] Find and memorize all the ways to and from the mansion where cameras can't track.
---[x] Mission control needs to learn this too.
---[x] Is it possible to find a way to teleport to Mansion and away again? (Five Years Pie in the Sky thing)
--[x] Learn how to make/use wards.
---[x] Ward Selection
----[x] See if there are defenses you can put up on the house, workshop and mansion for security. Warnings and stronger walls. Possible enhance/magic channels. Or - Magic users gets bonus on prepared ground.
----[x] With mansion - any "There's nothing this way" type thing turning back guests.
--[x]Wards Other
---[x] Use different language/style of wards as Sonya and Vigil. If Sonya uses French, Vigil uses Japanese. Aim for something with different symbols, grammar structure.