Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

[X] I have my own reasons for not going official, but I don't have a problem with Capes in general. They're just doing a job.
[X] They're trying to keep the city safe. I have to respect them for that, at least.

I think this is the biggest problem people have with Not!Protectorate capes - they're people doing a job. Really more like police with superpowers than what people think of traditional 'heroes', and so when a glamorized fiction meets mundane reality disappointment and bitterness are inevitable. Plus, there are some bad eggs who tarnish the whole affair, and general unhappiness at the government tends to be targeted at them as well. Ultimately, these people are choosing to use their powers to help people instead of making money or whatever they want, so you have respect them for that much.

Let's hope the Armsmaster expie is a little less 'special' than the original, by the way.
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[X] A few of them are alright, but there are a few Capes that can be real jackasses.
[X] A few of them are alright, but there are a few Capes that can be real jackasses.
[X] With the rules they have to abide, the red tape, and only allowed to stop the crimes they're assigned, I don't even know if they even make a difference in this city.
[x] They aren't bad people, but the five seconds that Corporal Steel just spent flying over my neighborhood was more time than any Capes spend down here in the last month.
Vote Tally

I'm keeping the voting open for another 24 hours If anyone wants to change their votes or vote for something else, feel free
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on May 24, 2018 at 7:00 PM, finished with 285 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] A few of them are alright, but there are a few Capes that can be real jackasses.
    [X] They're trying to keep the city safe. I have to respect them for that, at least.
    [X] A few of them are alright, but there are a few Capes that can be real jackasses.
    [X] I have my own reasons for not going official, but I don't have a problem with Capes in general. They're just doing a job.
    [X] They're trying to keep the city safe. I have to respect them for that, at least.
    [X] A few of them are alright, but there are a few Capes that can be real jackasses.
    [X] With the rules they have to abide, the red tape, and only allowed to stop the crimes they're assigned, I don't even know if they even make a difference in this city.
    [x] They aren't bad people, but the five seconds that Corporal Steel just spent flying over my neighborhood was more time than any Capes spend down here in the last month.
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[X] They're trying to keep the city safe. I have to respect them for that, at least.
[X] They're trying to keep the city safe. I have to respect them for that, at least.
Alright, One more vote tally

So, we have a tie between thinking that some of them are jackasses and respecting them.

...Those two aren't mutually exclusive. Sonya will probably have both opinions. Superheroes have a tough job and do a lot of good, but some of them are real pricks.
Adhoc vote count started by Agent 99 on May 25, 2018 at 6:55 PM, finished with 288 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] They're trying to keep the city safe. I have to respect them for that, at least.
    [X] A few of them are alright, but there are a few Capes that can be real jackasses.
    [X] A few of them are alright, but there are a few Capes that can be real jackasses.
    [X] I have my own reasons for not going official, but I don't have a problem with Capes in general. They're just doing a job.
    [X] They're trying to keep the city safe. I have to respect them for that, at least.
    [X] A few of them are alright, but there are a few Capes that can be real jackasses.
    [X] With the rules they have to abide, the red tape, and only allowed to stop the crimes they're assigned, I don't even know if they even make a difference in this city.
    [x] They aren't bad people, but the five seconds that Corporal Steel just spent flying over my neighborhood was more time than any Capes spend down here in the last month.
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Which makes sense. People are going to have different opinions about (for example) Captain America as compared with Wolverine or the Punisher, or Black Widow, or Black Panther, or Black Bolt.
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Which makes sense. People are going to have different opinions about (for example) Captain America as compared with Wolverine or the Punisher, or Black Widow, or Black Panther, or Black Bolt.
The punisher is evrything wrong with being edgy for the sake of being edgy
Wolverine is Edgy done right hes willing to do the dark things but he isnt defined by it and tries to be a better person for the sake of the ones around him
Captain America is an Old school try to make everyone happy if he can Hero who has to learn how to exist in an era when the sorts of Moral compromises that are anathema to his era become a very large necessity
The punisher is evrything wrong with being edgy for the sake of being edgy
Wolverine is Edgy done right hes willing to do the dark things but he isnt defined by it and tries to be a better person for the sake of the ones around him
Captain America is an Old school try to make everyone happy if he can Hero who has to learn how to exist in an era when the sorts of Moral compromises that are anathema to his era become a very large necessity
Case in point for how someone can have different opinions about different ones but still respect them for trying.
Just to be clear is that Positive or Negative in regards to mu post
I provided a list of potential heroes and you provided some reactions. In short, you provided the example that my statement suggested would exist, that people could have different opinions about different capes.

It was a good and helpful thing, yes.
You hadn't heard anything bad about Corporal Steel. Same with Sunspot or Saber. But Starhammer, well he doesn't really care about collateral damage. And Jetstream is just a dick in general. But as you continue your drive home, you put your thoughts on Capes by the wayside.

Minutes pass as you finally get back to Southlake, your neighborhood. It's one of the southmost neighborhoods in Hartford, named for a large lake that dried up decades ago. A mix of lower and middle class homes, it's the safest neighborhood you could afford. Though in this city safety can be a relative term.

You drive up the street, your stomping grounds, passing dozens of stores, ranging from family owned clothing stores, to fast food places, gas stations, tax and payday loan offices, liquor stores, and about a hundred others that you haven't given a second thought. Occasionally, you see a superstore, or line of houses. Most of the buildings are in, if not good, passible condition, though some of the fast food places haven't updated their signs, or their buildings since the 1970's.

Eventually, you finally get home, and as you pull into your driveway, you think about how you're going to spend your weekend. There's no doubt that you're going to see Black Serpent with Gwen, but besides that. You need to decide whether or not you're going to spend time with your family, train, or go out and fight more crime. Because come Monday, you have to go back to your actual job.

[] I'm co-owner of an auto body in the neighborhood with Adrian. We both like working on cars, bikes, anything with a motor, so we started working at one. We took over when our old boss, Red, retired. We do everything from changing oil to customization to bringing totaled cars back to life.
- [] Write in what you and Adrian named it.

[] I work as a writer for the Hartford Pulse, one of the newspapers. It's a bit of a cliché, knowing about the news and acting on it before it goes to the papers, but it doesn't work like that. The hours are long and the pay isn't much. Still, I get a chance to constantly know what's going on around the city.

[] I work as a bouncer at the Lucky 7s, a nightclub, with gambling in the VIP section. Having someone with super strength helps with throwing people out on their asses, and you can always overhear something interesting. Especially from the club's… less than legitimate clientele. Club's closed for renovations after some guy through a car threw the front door yesterday, but it'll be open again on Monday.

[] I work part time at a warehouse, sorting and loading packages so they can be shipped. It isn't hard work, I work four hour days. Mostly because between my speed and strength, I do the work of at least half a dozen people. If only paid me the same as those half a dozen people...

[] I sell metal sculptures online. It isn't a job with consistent hours, but the money's good when I sell, and I use the equipment in my workshop to create my weapons and armor. While I could go there over the weekend, the building is being fumigated, so no one is going in until Monday.

[] Write in.
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Club's closed for renovations after some guy through a car through the front door yesterday
He did what?

[x] I sell metal sculptures online. It isn't a job with consistent hours, but the money's good when I sell, and I use the equipment in my workshop to create my weapons and armor. While I could go there over the weekend, the building is being fumigated, so no one is going in until Monday.
[x] I sell metal sculptures online. It isn't a job with consistent hours, but the money's good when I sell, and I use the equipment in my workshop to create my weapons and armor. While I could go there over the weekend, the building is being fumigated, so no one is going in until Monday.

It makes sense pays good and gives us easy access/alibi for having tools and the like
[X] I sell metal sculptures online. It isn't a job with consistent hours, but the money's good when I sell, and I use the equipment in my workshop to create my weapons and armor. While I could go there over the weekend, the building is being fumigated, so no one is going in until Monday.
[X] I work as a bouncer at the Lucky 7s, a nightclub, with gambling in the VIP section. Having someone with super strength helps with throwing people out on their asses, and you can always overhear something interesting. Especially from the club's… less than legitimate clientele. Club's closed for renovations after some guy through a car threw the front door yesterday, but it'll be open again on Monday.