Bring the CAR along please in this fic it would bring more chaos and I love it also I want everyone to be so scared by the Nazis they rather have the UAR around and allow communist to exist
Now I kinda wanna do a CAR ISOT for the sheer chaos it would bring.
Thanos appearing in the MCU vibes here. Excellent story though, it's about time HSB got its own omakes.
Wouldn't that genocide the civilians?For one thing the UAR would immediately nuke the everloving hell out of them on principle. Because you know they've been waiting to do that.
*Funny Clock Man pokes his head out of the mass grave he got tossed in after lighting himself on fire*a not so subtle pro-monarchy theme (the MC turns out to be a lost Romanov princess and the only one that can save Europe),
Interestingly in Malay it's used to mean council and so is a very common word in Malaysia on anything that would be 'council' e.g. town council and religious council buildings. Does explain why some restaurants here have it in their names.Majles or Majlis is an Arabic/Persian term for "Sitting Room" and can roughly translate into "Council" or more generally "Legislature". It's in fact the name of Iranian parliament both before and after the 1979 Revolution.
The idea is that it can replace "Arab" as an identifier the same way the USSR promoted an All-Union "Soviet" identity. Since while the word Arab has dropped its ethno-nationalist connotations in TLMTL upon the Pan-Arab state becoming the champion of socialist internationalism (for the most part), it hasn't OTL.
How'd this end up happening?7. The Libyan City of Derna now has the honor of being the only Buddhist majority city in Africa.
In the OG TLM world, the city became home to the majority of the UAR's Korean diaspora thanks to a mix of Ghaddafi's interference and the growing city needing more labor than what its arab/Berber population could supply at the time (the Christianity's spread in TLM Korea was seen as a threat by the Japanese who moved quickly to halt or reverse this trend and encouraged Buddhism instead), when Korea was liberated, those inhabitants who came to the UAR naturally ended up in the city, pushing the city's now 300,000 pop into a rough parity only for the Wamda to add all the displaced Koreans and East Asians into the mix, pushing it towards a majority Buddhist city.
oh my god, did they...did they actually create the Zensunni?Ofc as with many things, the Buddhist sects practiced are divergent and syncretic and whether they could be classified as such is hotly debated.
Let's be honest, turning a fictional belief system into a religion isn't the weirdest thing we've seen IRL. Hell, people can put Jedi for their official religion.
There are already certain sects that convergently developed the same ideas, its simply used as more evidence that Republic Judaism is "fake"Will eastern Judaism try to incorporate various new age branches of Judaism aka jubu vedantic Judaism etc?
Turns out when you're in an open ended death-struggle with another state, especially for ideological reasons, one of the bedrocks of democracy decays and dies.Man, seems the UAR suddenly appearing made almost everyone else swing hard to the right in terms of political views
Pope Fight
(Flag of the long march TL's Catholic Church by @Raiho-kun )
"Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought."- Pope John Paul II
History is always twisting and turning, patterns shifting and rhyming while nations and persons rise and fall only to be forgotten by the inevitable march of entropy, even as their actions and deeds reverberate across the worlds of future generations.
Things of the utmost importance yesterday could very well be reduced to irrelevance today, only to regain their prominence tomorrow. And such was the case with the question of who was at the head of the Catholic Church.
In the immediate Pre-Wamda world, the answer was simple, there was the pope who presided over the church from his seat in the microstate of the Vatican, chosen by conclave as had been for centuries by that point, and by the time of the Wamda said pope was one John Paul II, credited with playing an instrumental role in accelerating the collapse of communism only for the red specter to return more powerful than ever as if in act of spite by the very god his institution claimed to represent.
Amid all the tribulations of the early 2000s, the Vatican at first was content to simply lay and wait for an opportunity to play a role in the new Cold War; they had dealt with godless Soviets before, and for all its flaws the Holy See was one of the few organizations at the time to remember that Arab Catholics existed, and these no doubt oppressed and tortured soul would surely secretly flock to a church uncorrupted by socialist satanism or headed by a puppet toady of a pope who was no longer there (the Church of the Long March World had chosen newly liberated Warsaw as its center for the coming seven years at the Wamda's Eve).
This delusion would hold on for two years, as the socialist and capitalist worlds were too busy adjusting to the new material reality to focus on spiritual affairs; but once things settled down news would arrive from the Arab world that would reportedly give the Polish pope a stroke (that he survived); news of the Arab bishoprics not only refusing to acknowledge the authority of this Vatican but also announcing that a people's conclave will be held for the Republic's (and Comintern's) Catholics to elect their new pope.
The very notion of the pope being elected as if he were no different than any other head of state was immediately blasted as heretical, blasphemous, heathenous and a multitude of other religiously charged terms by all manner of Catholic and even non-Catholic devotees across the world; the latter of whom seemed to oscillate between denouncing the papal elections as just another form of communism "vulgarizing and mocking" tradition and the whole election being just another farcical way of the republic to distract their citizens from the tyranny they lived under.
Underneath the condemnations, however, was an element of fear in higher places; in the original Cold War the capitalist powers could always easily fall back on having the legitimacy of nominally backing traditional religious beliefs and institutions; a card that the staunchly atheistic USSR and its proxies could never play thus giving an edge to the Western powers in the struggle for humanity's future.
Now however it was abundantly clear that the UAR and the various revolutionary theological projects that flourished under its aegis would be a much more difficult rival on that front; Cairo did not hesitate to encourage their spread outside its borders to gain influence and leverage in the Cold War; as events in the Catholic world were mirrored in the Oriental Orthodox one; as the Ethiopian and Armenian Churches now grappled with the question of whether to remain under the nominal authority of decidedly socialistic Baba* in Alexandria, their stances being equally determined by political expediency as much as it was by theological debate.
As for the Catholic elections, which largely took place in the UAR, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam and would see one Mun Du-Ho elevated to the exalted position of Pope (or anti-pope depending on which side you were on) and taking the papal name of Sylvester, becoming fifth of that name and the first pope of East Asian descent (yet another point of attack for his detractors)
The new pope would quickly prove to be a headache to his Vatican counterpart, and later his successor, beginning with his official inauguration ceremony in which the Korean-born Catholic would not only inadvertently cast light on the Catholic Church's deep ties with fascism in both timelines, but also the fact of the current pope's counterpart being a one time Nazi collaborator**.
For now, however, Pope Sylvester's influence was much smaller in scope than his rival's, limited only to the Catholic population of the UAR, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam (and in the latter's case, not all bishoprics recognized his authority). However, later events would soon conspire…..
| to expand his flock's size |