Hidden In the Leaves Redux (Naruto Quest)

Exactly. In fact, let's take a look at his win/loss record (not counting filler because filler sucks):

Chuunin Exams: Loses to Naruto in the prelims. Granted, Naruto wins purely by luck (farting while Kiba is very downwind of him, if you know what I mean), but Naruto was also very tired from a far more eventful 2nd Exam than anyone else had and was affected by the Five Elements Seal Orochimaru stuck on him.
Sasuke Retrieval Mission: Loses to Sakon and Ukon and needs to be bailed out by Kankuro. Now, I actually really liked this fight, so in Kiba's defense: he was fighting two enemies (though Kiba himself would count Akamaru, making it 2v2) whose bullsh*t ability stacked the deck even harder against him than the other Sound Four fights, Sakon & Ukon were probably the strongest members of the Sound Four (Kimimaro doesn't count), and he did cause them both serious damage before needing a save.
Itachi Pursuit Mission: Didn't fight, only contribution was picking up Itachi's trail again (admittedly a very important contribution, but one pretty much any Inuzuka could have done in his place).
Eight Man Squad vs. Tobi: Didn't land a single hit (then again, no one else did and Tobi is bullsh*t).
Pain's Assault: Fights the Preta Path with his mother and chases it off (mostly because it's the Path of Pain they're most suited to fighting), then gets taken out by the same Shinra Tensei that wipes out most of the village, though he survives with heavy injuries.
Five Kage Arc: Easily taken down and knocked out by Sai along with Lee (and it wasn't even a surprise attack).
Fourth Shinobi World War: Beats up a bunch of White Zetsu (just like everyone else with a name) and did nothing else of note despite constantly talking big about how they'd make him Hokage after this.
Obito/Madara Fight: Everyone he does from here on out is pretty much entirely thanks to Naruto jacking him and all the other Konoha 11 up with Kurama's chakra.

So... not a single win against non-mook opponents outside of filler.

Well, yeah. He's meant to be a tracker, not a front-lines fighter, right? That's why he's on an all tracker team in canon?

Anyway, I see lots of people saying that we're going to remove the emo from Sasuke, and it's annoying me a bit. He's not really so much emo as suffering from severe PTSD with likely no therapy, while likely living alone for the past X number of years. He's a bit too fucked up for his problems to be solved by a hug.

I remember posting this is the Sasuke/Pokemon crossover quest, but Sasuke's pretty much hit the ceiling in regards to fucked up shit happening to him, and that's before the entire series even starts. His most trusted person kills his entire family, mind rapes him, then tells him to git gud. He then spends the rest of his time before graduation preparing and hoping to kill the person that he once trusted. He's pretty messed up.
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Well, yeah. He's meant to be a tracker, not a front-lines fighter, right? That's why he's on an all tracker team in canon?

Kiba himself doesn't seem to realize that at all, considering he constantly talks and acts as though he's in the running for best fighter in Konoha and brags about being Naruto's rival for becoming Hokage long after Naruto has completely left him in the dust as a fighter (and once he becomes a sage, as a tracker, too).
Also, have you seen his clan jutsu? Inuzuka are meant to be both trackers and fighters, though they would benefit much more from an ambush predator strategy (which would take advantage of their superior speed and animal-like senses) or guerrilla warfare than full-frontal assault like they (especially Kiba) seem to favor. The genre of the work means that a lot of the ninja are basically crippled in what they're capable of, when you think of it.

Anyway, I see lots of people saying that we're going to remove the emo from Sasuke, and it's annoying me a bit. He's not really so much emo as suffering from severe PTSD with likely no therapy, while likely living alone for the past X number of years. He's a bit too fucked up for his problems to be solved by a hug.

I remember posting this is the Sasuke/Pokemon crossover quest, but Sasuke's pretty much hit the ceiling in regards to fucked up shit happening to him, and that's before the entire series even starts. His most trusted person kills his entire family, mind rapes him, then tells him to git gud. He then spends the rest of his time before graduation preparing and hoping to kill the person that he once trusted. He's pretty messed up.

I agree completely, for all the jokes I've made. Sasuke's personality is entirely reasonable given the circumstances he was in. I don't for one second believe that choosing to become his friend means he'll do a complete 180 and become Mr. Sunshine; I just think that he'd be the one to benefit the most from having a friend (Naruto is a close 2nd, Hinata & Sakura are both tied for 3rd).
Kiba himself doesn't seem to realize that at all, considering he constantly talks and acts as though he's in the running for best fighter in Konoha and brags about being Naruto's rival for becoming Hokage long after Naruto has completely left him in the dust as a fighter (and once he becomes a sage, as a tracker, too).
Also, have you seen his clan jutsu? Inuzuka are meant to be both trackers and fighters, though they would benefit much more from an ambush predator strategy (which would take advantage of their superior speed and animal-like senses) or guerrilla warfare than full-frontal assault like they (especially Kiba) seem to favor. The genre of the work means that a lot of the ninja are basically crippled in what they're capable of, when you think of it.
Eh, while he's definitely way to brash and overconfident, that seems to be some weird psychology thing Kishi was trying to put in where he and his family act similar to dogs. Meaning that it's likely just as much the fault of his instructor for not taking him to heel, and letting him keep his terrible mentality.

Beyond that, the Inuzuka are perfectly suited for tracking, and bringing down enemies with their numbers advantage. They're just a victim of the second part of the series, where you're irrelevant if you can't punch out a Kaiju.
Eh, while he's definitely way to brash and overconfident, that seems to be some weird psychology thing Kishi was trying to put in where he and his family act similar to dogs. Meaning that it's likely just as much the fault of his instructor for not taking him to heel, and letting him keep his terrible mentality.

Beyond that, the Inuzuka are perfectly suited for tracking, and bringing down enemies with their numbers advantage. They're just a victim of the second part of the series, where you're irrelevant if you can't punch out a Kaiju.

Fair enough. For what it's worth, I don't hate Kiba at all. Much like... well, just about every single character in the series I don't despise, he's kind of wasted potential to my mind. Not just in how they fight, but also in their role and actions in the story.
If I had written Naruto, this is how the Konoha 12 would fight (note that I consider not just - and in fact not primarily - what would be most effective, but what also fits with their personality, background, and demonstrated skills/preferences. I'm a roleplayer at heart, not a power gamer):
Naruto Uzumaki: Would put his years of practice as a prankster to work, using misdirection and Shadow Clones to lay clever traps that he thinks up on the fly as circumstances change (to contrast him with Shikamaru, who plans everything out far in advance). More than one or two of his wins would come from using comical or basic techniques in unexpected ways (in canon he did stuff like using Thousand Years of Death to stick an exploding tag on Gaara and distracting Kagura with Reverse Harem no Jutsu. So like that, but more than once a story arc). Also, someone teach this kid a justu that isn't Shadow Clone or Rasengan! And no, summoning, kyuubi chakra and derivatives of the above don't count. And if he's going to use a weapon, my preference is for a Chakra Knife like Asuma had: he's already got the wind nature to use it, the chakra to abuse it, and it suits him much more than Zabuza's big honking Buster Sword, which bad fanfics seem to revel in giving him. As a fighter, Naruto should always be moving, always be agile, and when he's on the offense he should be in really close hand to hand. If he's inherited the Uzumaki knack for seals, he should add that to his repertoire and use that to support his other skills (like finding a way to seal natural energy so he's always got reserves of Sage Chakra to whip out, or to lay much better and more powerful traps).

Sasuke Uchiha: Honestly not that many improvements to make, though that's largely because Kishimoto wanked him so hard I'm surprised his dick didn't fall off. Aside from making more use of genjutsu (but he would have a thing about ever using Tsukuyomi on someone) and maybe using a sword more often and from an earlier point (it really suits him, and goes well with his Lightning nature), he's pretty much set.

Sakura Haruno: Supposedly she's got a lot of talent with ninja arts that require precise control like genjutsu. By the Sage, use it girl! Sakura should basically fight like Shikamaru, but much more hands-on. She's got a lot of potential (taijutsu, medical ninjutsu, genjutsu, strategy/tactics) that she never fully utilized. So where Shikamaru wrings every bit of us out of his rather limited (but endlessly versatile) bag of clan-art tricks in canon, Sakura would be a jack of all trades (though she'd still specialize as a medic) who may not have a jutsu that's exactly the right thing for the situation, but always has something that will work, given a little bit of thought. She'd be in-between Naruto and Shikamaru in terms of tactics: she always has a plan going in, but improvises as the circumstances change. By the end she'll have really surpassed Tsunade, becoming not just the best medic-nin, but would also be somewhere in the Top 3 or 5 at everything else.

Hinata Hyuuga: That technique she created for Juuken was pretty cool; more of that, to make her an absolute demon in close-quarters while still keeping her distinct from Neji (probably have her concentrate on overwhelming defense to wear them down and then capitalize on an opportunity, where Neji is all about using pinpoint precision to break through their guard like it isn't there) Those all-seeing eyes of her would make her a fantastic ranged combatant (she'd be an absolute beast of an archer, especially if it was some kind of special bow that made arrows out of chakra so she didn't need to reload). Combine that with learning genjutsu (come on girl, Kurenai's your sensei and you're her favorite student, don't let her down!) and she'd be set for most of the series. I suppose if you really wanted to buff her up into a powerhouse you could change the Tenseigan so that it's more like the Mangekyo and have her unlock that when she stands up against Pain or Obito, but I'm ambivalent about it.

Kiba Inuzuka: Like I said, he needs to stop broadcasting all his attacks by making loud full-frontal assaults and fight like a real predator. He and Akamaru should fight like a wolf pack: surround the enemy (well, not surround in this case, but force him to split his attention between two targets), strike when he turns his back, wear him down until you can go for the kill. He also needs to use hit and run and ambush tactics: strike when they don't expect it, disappear, then do it again when they're not looking in the right direction, again with Akamaru further splitting their attention. He could also stand to learn some extra ninjutsu, maybe fire nature, to give his attacks more oomph (Fiery Fang Over Fang!). In the endgame he could also build enough chakra to use more than a single shadow clone (speaking of those, BTW: cleanly dividing your chakra evenly between them is bullsh*t and so is you getting all their memories. Seriously, f*ck both of those, they're retarded considering the number of them Naruto and other ninja pump out and they make Naruto a complete and utter retard for needing to be told to use them to train, plus the latter makes Naruto utterly, absurdly broken unless you make him a complete and utter retard).

Shino Aburame: Pretty much the only one I think doesn't have much of a pressing need to change, though some diversification would do him all kinds of favors. His best bet would be to add some genjutsu to his repertoire to camouflage his bugs and the like, and maybe some earth nature ninjutsu to make him less squishy and give him some offensive options if he ends up getting hit or can't use his bugs in time. Hell, imagine if his bugs could burrow. They'd burrow under the ground and then come spraying out in a wave at you, or sneak up your feet to inject crap into you.

Shikamaru Nara: Give him a lot more team battles to actually make use of the vaunted Ino-Shika-Cho teamwork, and his vaunted potential as a commander. He doesn't have to master it, but he should definitely pick up some genjutsu to round out his clan art-heavy loadout and give him more options to outwit and mess with opponents. It's especially fitting since Shikamaru's ideal fight isn't just one he's won before it starts, but one that he doesn't have to move around much to actually win. Most of his genjutsu would just be ways of misdirecting and maneuvering opponents so that he can more easily grab their shadows. Like, say, make them think a light source that doesn't exist is there, or make them not see one that is there, and also change the shadows so they don't notice until he's got them. Towards the endgame he'll take the support role, almost exclusively using his abilities and brain to set other people up for the finishing blow.

Ino Yamanaka: As with Shikamaru, she'd fight in far more team battles to make better use of her support-type skills. Make her the information expert: she's got the brains, the social skills and the jutsu to be an absolutely terrifying intelligence agent. If all goes well, she should never fight alone, and if she does she'll prefer to get away or fend them off until help arrives. Not that she'll be helpless in a brawl: making her Tsunade/Sakura-lite with medical ninjutsu and taijutsu like in canon is a good way to up her effectiveness. Even better is for her to also use a lot of genjutsu, which she'd use in extremely subtle ways, preferably by messing with enemies' senses (I'd probably make her the best at genjutsu in the Konoha 12, since Sasuke prefers non-genjutsu Mangekyo powers for obvious personal reasons). And not something obvious like "I can't see!" More like things like messing with their equilibrium so they overbalance at a critical moment. She'd be tactical, but not like the other tactical fighters: rather than playing games with the terrain, misdirecting their attention, or using jutsu in really clever ways, she'd get in her enemy's head and mindf*ck them (both with words and jutsu).

Chouji Akimichi: Like the rest of his team, he'd get more team battles to make up for his shortcomings (relatively slow, most of his moves are very linear in their attack patterns, etc.). Most of his fights would involve others pinning an enemy in place so Chouji can whale on them hard. He would also master that jutsu his dad used to turn himself kaiju-sized, and hopefully combine it with something that can increase his toughness (probably some kind of earth ninjutsu to give him rock armor or something). Also, probably have him learn some earth ninjutsu to give him more defensive capabilities to make up for his lack of speed; basically turn him into a tank instead of the glass canon he was in, uh, canon.

Rock Lee: Not really much room for improvement, since he's taijutsu-only. Except maybe have him learn more styles so he's not stuck fighting with a Hard style against an opponent it's not as useful against, I guess, to give him more flexibility in a fight. He definitely needs to unlock the 7th Gate, instead of being stuck at the 6th like in canon. Now, if someone can actually beat into him the value of fighting with actual tactics and strategy in mind, that would be fantastic. I'm not saying he needs to be any kind of tactical genius, he just needs something in his playbook other than "Unlock first few Gates, rush forward and hit with Flashy Technique A. If this does not work, unlock more Gates, rush forward and hit with Flashy Technique B." At least throw in a feint every now and again, kid!

Neji Hyuuga: At the beginning, he'd be just like he is in canon. After getting Therapy no Jutsu'd, though, I think he'd diversify his skillset rather than continuing to rely almost solely on the Byakugan and Juuken-style taijutsu as a way of trying to find his own destiny outside of being "just" a Hyuuga from the Branch House. His drive and natural talent means he'd become above-average in pretty much everything (except taijutsu, obviously), making him an above-average jack of all trades (though not quite as much as Sakura, and more heavily geared towards frontline combat). He'd use those other skills when appropriate, but fighting like a Hyuuga would always be his go-to and feel the most "right" to him, to fit with his eventual acceptance of the Hyuuga name and his loyalty towards his clan, particularly Hinata.

Tenten: I typically like jack of all trades characters, but she really needs to specialize as well as diversify. Step One: Get a weapon that isn't mook tier, preferably one with a name (the Raijin no Ken from that filler arc would be ideal, but you'll probably have to settle for less). Step Two: Learn some nature manipulation and associated ninjutsu to use with it, preferably lightning nature. Step Three: Combine what you've gained from Steps One & Two, but also spam craploads of other weapons with your nature manipulation (start small with that until you build your reserves though, obviously; maybe one or two lightning weapons hidden in a barrage of easily-parried lesser ones). If there was an excuse for her to be able to learn some samurai arts that wasn't cringe-inducingly stupid, that would be fantastic. More likely though, her higher-tier stuff would involve becoming more skilled with seals and combining that with her weapons (if Naruto succeeds Jiraiya as a seal master, she'd be the 2nd best, but would probably be better than him in some areas). If she became a master blacksmith who is also a master of seals then she might be able to make a weapon on par with the Raijin no Ken and the Seven Swords of Mist.
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Fair enough. For what it's worth, I don't hate Kiba at all. Much like... well, just about every single character in the series I don't despise, he's kind of wasted potential to my mind. Not just in how they fight, but also in their role and actions in the story.
If I had written Naruto, this is how the Konoha 12 would fight (note that I consider not just - and in fact not primarily - what would be most effective, but what also fits with their personality, background, and demonstrated skills/preferences. I'm a roleplayer at heart, not a power gamer):
Naruto Uzumaki: Would put his years of practice as a prankster to work, using misdirection and Shadow Clones to lay clever traps that he thinks up on the fly as circumstances change (to contrast him with Shikamaru, who plans everything out far in advance). More than one or two of his wins would come from using comical or basic techniques in unexpected ways (in canon he did stuff like using Thousand Years of Death to stick an exploding tag on Gaara and distracting Kagura with Reverse Harem no Jutsu. So like that, but more than once a story arc). Also, someone teach this kid a justu that isn't Shadow Clone or Rasengan! And no, summoning, kyuubi chakra and derivatives of the above don't count. And if he's going to use a weapon, my preference is for a Chakra Knife like Asuma had: he's already got the wind nature to use it, the chakra to abuse it, and it suits him much more than Zabuza's big honking Buster Sword, which bad fanfics seem to revel in giving him. As a fighter, Naruto should always be moving, always be agile, and when he's on the offense he should be in really close hand to hand. If he's inherited the Uzumaki knack for seals, he should add that to his repertoire and use that to support his other skills (like finding a way to seal natural energy so he's always got reserves of Sage Chakra to whip out, or to lay much better and more powerful traps).
Sasuke Uchiha: Honestly not that many improvements to make, though that's largely because Kishimoto wanked him so hard I'm surprised his dick didn't fall off. Aside from making more use of genjutsu (but he would have a thing about ever using Tsukuyomi on someone) and maybe using a sword more often and from an earlier point (it really suits him, and goes well with his Lightning nature), he's pretty much set.
Sakura Haruno: Supposedly she's got a lot of talent with ninja arts that require precise control like genjutsu. By the Sage, use it girl! Sakura should basically fight like Shikamaru, but much more hands-on. She's got a lot of potential (taijutsu, medical ninjutsu, genjutsu, strategy/tactics) that she never fully utilized. So where Shikamaru wrings every bit of us out of his rather limited (but endlessly versatile) bag of clan-art tricks in canon, Sakura would be a jack of all trades (though she'd still specialize as a medic) who may not have a jutsu that's exactly the right thing for the situation, but always has something that will work, given a little bit of thought. She'd be in-between Naruto and Shikamaru in terms of tactics: she always has a plan going in, but improvises as the circumstances change. By the end she'll have really surpassed Tsunade, becoming not just the best medic-nin, but would also be somewhere in the Top 3 or 5 at everything else.
Hinata Hyuuga: That technique she created for Juuken was pretty cool; more of that, to make her an absolute demon in close-quarters while still keeping her distinct from Neji (probably have her concentrate on overwhelming defense to wear them down and then capitalize on an opportunity, where Neji is all about using pinpoint precision to break through their guard like it isn't there) Those all-seeing eyes of her would make her a fantastic ranged combatant (she'd be an absolute beast of an archer, especially if it was some kind of special bow that made arrows out of chakra so she didn't need to reload). Combine that with learning genjutsu (come on girl, Kurenai's your sensei and you're her favorite student, don't let her down!) and she'd be set for most of the series. I suppose if you really wanted to buff her up into a powerhouse you could change the Tenseigan so that it's more like the Mangekyo and have her unlock that when she stands up against Pain or Obito, but I'm ambivalent about it.
Kiba Inuzuka: Like I said, he needs to stop broadcasting all his attacks by making loud full-frontal assaults and fight like a real predator. He and Akamaru should fight like a wolf pack: surround the enemy (well, not surround in this case, but force him to split his attention between two targets), strike when he turns his back, wear him down until you can go for the kill. He also needs to use hit and run and ambush tactics: strike when they don't expect it, disappear, then do it again when they're not looking in the right direction, again with Akamaru further splitting their attention. He could also stand to learn some extra ninjutsu, maybe fire nature, to give his attacks more oomph (Fiery Fang Over Fang!). In the endgame he could also build enough chakra to use more than a single shadow clone (speaking of those, BTW: cleanly dividing your chakra evenly between them is bullsh*t and so is you getting all their memories. Seriously, f*ck both of those, they're retarded considering the number of them Naruto and other ninja pump out and they make Naruto a complete and utter retard for needing to be told to use them to train, plus the latter makes Naruto utterly, absurdly broken unless you make him a complete and utter retard).
Shino Aburame: Pretty much the only one I think doesn't have much of a pressing need to change, though some diversification would do him all kinds of favors. His best bet would be to add some genjutsu to his repertoire to camouflage his bugs and the like, and maybe some earth nature ninjutsu to make him less squishy and give him some offensive options if he ends up getting hit or can't use his bugs in time. Hell, imagine if his bugs could burrow. They'd burrow under the ground and then come spraying out in a wave at you, or sneak up your feet to inject crap into you.
Shikamaru Nara: Give him a lot more team battles to actually make use of the vaunted Ino-Shika-Cho teamwork, and his vaunted potential as a commander. He doesn't have to master it, but he should definitely pick up some genjutsu to round out his clan art-heavy loadout and give him more options to outwit and mess with opponents. It's especially fitting since Shikamaru's ideal fight isn't just one he's won before it starts, but one that he doesn't have to move around much to actually win. Most of his genjutsu would just be ways of misdirecting and maneuvering opponents so that he can more easily grab their shadows. Like, say, make them think a light source that doesn't exist is there, or make them not see one that is there, and also change the shadows so they don't notice until he's got them. Towards the endgame he'll take the support role, almost exclusively using his abilities and brain to set other people up for the finishing blow.
Ino Yamanaka: As with Shikamaru, she'd fight in far more team battles to make better use of her support-type skills. Make her the information expert: she's got the brains, the social skills and the jutsu to be an absolutely terrifying intelligence agent. If all goes well, she should never fight alone, and if she does she'll prefer to get away or fend them off until help arrives. Not that she'll be helpless in a brawl: making her Tsunade/Sakura-lite with medical ninjutsu and taijutsu like in canon is a good way to up her effectiveness. Even better is for her to also use a lot of genjutsu, which she'd use in extremely subtle ways, preferably by messing with enemies' senses (I'd probably make her the best at genjutsu in the Konoha 12, since Sasuke prefers non-genjutsu Mangekyo powers for obvious personal reasons). And not something obvious like "I can't see!" More like things like messing with their equilibrium so they overbalance at a critical moment. She'd be tactical, but not like the other tactical fighters: rather than playing games with the terrain, misdirecting their attention, or using jutsu in really clever ways, she'd get in her enemy's head and mindf*ck them (both with words and jutsu).
Chouji Akimichi: Like the rest of his team, he'd get more team battles to make up for his shortcomings (relatively slow, most of his moves are very linear in their attack patterns, etc.). Most of his fights would involve others pinning an enemy in place so Chouji can whale on them hard. He would also master that jutsu his dad used to turn himself kaiju-sized, and hopefully combine it with something that can increase his toughness (probably some kind of earth ninjutsu to give him rock armor or something). Also, probably have him learn some earth ninjutsu to give him more defensive capabilities to make up for his lack of speed; basically turn him into a tank instead of the glass canon he was in, uh, canon.
Rock Lee: Not really much room for improvement, since he's taijutsu-only. Except maybe have him learn more styles so he's not stuck fighting with a Hard style against an opponent it's not as useful against, I guess, to give him more flexibility in a fight. He definitely needs to unlock the 7th Gate, instead of being stuck at the 6th like in canon. Now, if someone can actually beat into him the value of fighting with actual tactics and strategy in mind, that would be fantastic. I'm not saying he needs to be any kind of tactical genius, he just needs something in his playbook other than "Unlock first few Gates, rush forward and hit with Flashy Technique A. If this does not work, unlock more Gates, rush forward and hit with Flashy Technique B." At least throw in a feint every now and again, kid!
Neji Hyuuga: At the beginning, he'd be just like he is in canon. After getting Therapy no Jutsu'd, though, I think he'd diversify his skillset rather than continuing to rely almost solely on the Byakugan and Juuken-style taijutsu as a way of trying to find his own destiny outside of being "just" a Hyuuga from the Branch House. His drive and natural talent means he'd become above-average in pretty much everything (except taijutsu, obviously), making him an above-average jack of all trades (though not quite as much as Sakura, and more heavily geared towards frontline combat). He'd use those other skills when appropriate, but fighting like a Hyuuga would always be his go-to and feel the most "right" to him, to fit with his eventual acceptance of the Hyuuga name and his loyalty towards his clan, particularly Hinata.
Tenten: I typically like jack of all trades characters, but she really needs to specialize as well as diversify. Step One: Get a weapon that isn't mook tier, preferably one with a name (the Raijin no Ken from that filler arc would be ideal, but you'll probably have to settle for less). Step Two: Learn some nature manipulation and associated ninjutsu to use with it, preferably lightning nature. Step Three: Combine what you've gained from Steps One & Two, but also spam craploads of other weapons with your nature manipulation (start small with that until you build your reserves though, obviously; maybe one or two lightning weapons hidden in a barrage of easily-parried lesser ones). If there was an excuse for her to be able to learn some samurai arts that wasn't cringe-inducingly stupid, that would be fantastic. More likely though, her higher-tier stuff would involve becoming seals and combining that with her weapons (if Naruto succeeds Jiraiya as a seal master, she'd be the 2nd best, but would probably be better than him in some areas). If she became a master blacksmith who is also a master of seals then she might be able to make a weapon on par with the Raijin no Ken and the Seven Swords of Mist.
*In NicoB's Running Moshirige Voice* So...much...food for thought...my brains stuuuuuuuuuuuuffed!!!

But in all, seriously, that's some pretty good shit and some of those I've even thought about. And giving Naruto the giant buster sword would be retarded.
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Fair enough. For what it's worth, I don't hate Kiba at all. Much like... well, just about every single character in the series I don't despise, he's kind of wasted potential to my mind. Not just in how they fight, but also in their role and actions in the story.
If I had written Naruto, this is how the Konoha 12 would fight (note that I consider not just - and in fact not primarily - what would be most effective, but what also fits with their personality, background, and demonstrated skills/preferences. I'm a roleplayer at heart, not a power gamer):
Naruto Uzumaki: Would put his years of practice as a prankster to work, using misdirection and Shadow Clones to lay clever traps that he thinks up on the fly as circumstances change (to contrast him with Shikamaru, who plans everything out far in advance). More than one or two of his wins would come from using comical or basic techniques in unexpected ways (in canon he did stuff like using Thousand Years of Death to stick an exploding tag on Gaara and distracting Kagura with Reverse Harem no Jutsu. So like that, but more than once a story arc). Also, someone teach this kid a justu that isn't Shadow Clone or Rasengan! And no, summoning, kyuubi chakra and derivatives of the above don't count. And if he's going to use a weapon, my preference is for a Chakra Knife like Asuma had: he's already got the wind nature to use it, the chakra to abuse it, and it suits him much more than Zabuza's big honking Buster Sword, which bad fanfics seem to revel in giving him. As a fighter, Naruto should always be moving, always be agile, and when he's on the offense he should be in really close hand to hand. If he's inherited the Uzumaki knack for seals, he should add that to his repertoire and use that to support his other skills (like finding a way to seal natural energy so he's always got reserves of Sage Chakra to whip out, or to lay much better and more powerful traps).
Sasuke Uchiha: Honestly not that many improvements to make, though that's largely because Kishimoto wanked him so hard I'm surprised his dick didn't fall off. Aside from making more use of genjutsu (but he would have a thing about ever using Tsukuyomi on someone) and maybe using a sword more often and from an earlier point (it really suits him, and goes well with his Lightning nature), he's pretty much set.
Sakura Haruno: Supposedly she's got a lot of talent with ninja arts that require precise control like genjutsu. By the Sage, use it girl! Sakura should basically fight like Shikamaru, but much more hands-on. She's got a lot of potential (taijutsu, medical ninjutsu, genjutsu, strategy/tactics) that she never fully utilized. So where Shikamaru wrings every bit of us out of his rather limited (but endlessly versatile) bag of clan-art tricks in canon, Sakura would be a jack of all trades (though she'd still specialize as a medic) who may not have a jutsu that's exactly the right thing for the situation, but always has something that will work, given a little bit of thought. She'd be in-between Naruto and Shikamaru in terms of tactics: she always has a plan going in, but improvises as the circumstances change. By the end she'll have really surpassed Tsunade, becoming not just the best medic-nin, but would also be somewhere in the Top 3 or 5 at everything else.
Hinata Hyuuga: That technique she created for Juuken was pretty cool; more of that, to make her an absolute demon in close-quarters while still keeping her distinct from Neji (probably have her concentrate on overwhelming defense to wear them down and then capitalize on an opportunity, where Neji is all about using pinpoint precision to break through their guard like it isn't there) Those all-seeing eyes of her would make her a fantastic ranged combatant (she'd be an absolute beast of an archer, especially if it was some kind of special bow that made arrows out of chakra so she didn't need to reload). Combine that with learning genjutsu (come on girl, Kurenai's your sensei and you're her favorite student, don't let her down!) and she'd be set for most of the series. I suppose if you really wanted to buff her up into a powerhouse you could change the Tenseigan so that it's more like the Mangekyo and have her unlock that when she stands up against Pain or Obito, but I'm ambivalent about it.
Kiba Inuzuka: Like I said, he needs to stop broadcasting all his attacks by making loud full-frontal assaults and fight like a real predator. He and Akamaru should fight like a wolf pack: surround the enemy (well, not surround in this case, but force him to split his attention between two targets), strike when he turns his back, wear him down until you can go for the kill. He also needs to use hit and run and ambush tactics: strike when they don't expect it, disappear, then do it again when they're not looking in the right direction, again with Akamaru further splitting their attention. He could also stand to learn some extra ninjutsu, maybe fire nature, to give his attacks more oomph (Fiery Fang Over Fang!). In the endgame he could also build enough chakra to use more than a single shadow clone (speaking of those, BTW: cleanly dividing your chakra evenly between them is bullsh*t and so is you getting all their memories. Seriously, f*ck both of those, they're retarded considering the number of them Naruto and other ninja pump out and they make Naruto a complete and utter retard for needing to be told to use them to train, plus the latter makes Naruto utterly, absurdly broken unless you make him a complete and utter retard).
Shino Aburame: Pretty much the only one I think doesn't have much of a pressing need to change, though some diversification would do him all kinds of favors. His best bet would be to add some genjutsu to his repertoire to camouflage his bugs and the like, and maybe some earth nature ninjutsu to make him less squishy and give him some offensive options if he ends up getting hit or can't use his bugs in time. Hell, imagine if his bugs could burrow. They'd burrow under the ground and then come spraying out in a wave at you, or sneak up your feet to inject crap into you.
Shikamaru Nara: Give him a lot more team battles to actually make use of the vaunted Ino-Shika-Cho teamwork, and his vaunted potential as a commander. He doesn't have to master it, but he should definitely pick up some genjutsu to round out his clan art-heavy loadout and give him more options to outwit and mess with opponents. It's especially fitting since Shikamaru's ideal fight isn't just one he's won before it starts, but one that he doesn't have to move around much to actually win. Most of his genjutsu would just be ways of misdirecting and maneuvering opponents so that he can more easily grab their shadows. Like, say, make them think a light source that doesn't exist is there, or make them not see one that is there, and also change the shadows so they don't notice until he's got them. Towards the endgame he'll take the support role, almost exclusively using his abilities and brain to set other people up for the finishing blow.
Ino Yamanaka: As with Shikamaru, she'd fight in far more team battles to make better use of her support-type skills. Make her the information expert: she's got the brains, the social skills and the jutsu to be an absolutely terrifying intelligence agent. If all goes well, she should never fight alone, and if she does she'll prefer to get away or fend them off until help arrives. Not that she'll be helpless in a brawl: making her Tsunade/Sakura-lite with medical ninjutsu and taijutsu like in canon is a good way to up her effectiveness. Even better is for her to also use a lot of genjutsu, which she'd use in extremely subtle ways, preferably by messing with enemies' senses (I'd probably make her the best at genjutsu in the Konoha 12, since Sasuke prefers non-genjutsu Mangekyo powers for obvious personal reasons). And not something obvious like "I can't see!" More like things like messing with their equilibrium so they overbalance at a critical moment. She'd be tactical, but not like the other tactical fighters: rather than playing games with the terrain, misdirecting their attention, or using jutsu in really clever ways, she'd get in her enemy's head and mindf*ck them (both with words and jutsu).
Chouji Akimichi: Like the rest of his team, he'd get more team battles to make up for his shortcomings (relatively slow, most of his moves are very linear in their attack patterns, etc.). Most of his fights would involve others pinning an enemy in place so Chouji can whale on them hard. He would also master that jutsu his dad used to turn himself kaiju-sized, and hopefully combine it with something that can increase his toughness (probably some kind of earth ninjutsu to give him rock armor or something). Also, probably have him learn some earth ninjutsu to give him more defensive capabilities to make up for his lack of speed; basically turn him into a tank instead of the glass canon he was in, uh, canon.
Rock Lee: Not really much room for improvement, since he's taijutsu-only. Except maybe have him learn more styles so he's not stuck fighting with a Hard style against an opponent it's not as useful against, I guess, to give him more flexibility in a fight. He definitely needs to unlock the 7th Gate, instead of being stuck at the 6th like in canon. Now, if someone can actually beat into him the value of fighting with actual tactics and strategy in mind, that would be fantastic. I'm not saying he needs to be any kind of tactical genius, he just needs something in his playbook other than "Unlock first few Gates, rush forward and hit with Flashy Technique A. If this does not work, unlock more Gates, rush forward and hit with Flashy Technique B." At least throw in a feint every now and again, kid!
Neji Hyuuga: At the beginning, he'd be just like he is in canon. After getting Therapy no Jutsu'd, though, I think he'd diversify his skillset rather than continuing to rely almost solely on the Byakugan and Juuken-style taijutsu as a way of trying to find his own destiny outside of being "just" a Hyuuga from the Branch House. His drive and natural talent means he'd become above-average in pretty much everything (except taijutsu, obviously), making him an above-average jack of all trades (though not quite as much as Sakura, and more heavily geared towards frontline combat). He'd use those other skills when appropriate, but fighting like a Hyuuga would always be his go-to and feel the most "right" to him, to fit with his eventual acceptance of the Hyuuga name and his loyalty towards his clan, particularly Hinata.
Tenten: I typically like jack of all trades characters, but she really needs to specialize as well as diversify. Step One: Get a weapon that isn't mook tier, preferably one with a name (the Raijin no Ken from that filler arc would be ideal, but you'll probably have to settle for less). Step Two: Learn some nature manipulation and associated ninjutsu to use with it, preferably lightning nature. Step Three: Combine what you've gained from Steps One & Two, but also spam craploads of other weapons with your nature manipulation (start small with that until you build your reserves though, obviously; maybe one or two lightning weapons hidden in a barrage of easily-parried lesser ones). If there was an excuse for her to be able to learn some samurai arts that wasn't cringe-inducingly stupid, that would be fantastic. More likely though, her higher-tier stuff would involve becoming seals and combining that with her weapons (if Naruto succeeds Jiraiya as a seal master, she'd be the 2nd best, but would probably be better than him in some areas). If she became a master blacksmith who is also a master of seals then she might be able to make a weapon on par with the Raijin no Ken and the Seven Swords of Mist.

Some of that is really well thought out, and I've seen some of those things done in fanfiction before, but I really disagree about Naruto.
Spoiler because it's kind of off topic.
Being a Prankster doesn't really translate to being able to fuck up ninja with traps, disregarding how difficult that would be when Ninja are massively super human, with massively super human reactions. Beyond that, his only real advantage in canon is his massive reserves. He's pretty much retarded for a large section of the series, disregarding plot armor, so relying on him to make plans of any kind is rather questionable.

Does he ever run out of Chakra, at any point in the entire series? The best thing to do with him is to just load him down with explosive seals, and teach him a shit ton of Ninjutsu, then let him be a human artillery. A couple hundred clones spamming A-B rank ninjutstu until they're almost out of chakra, then charging and detonating all the Explosive seals that were copied is pretty much Kage level damage, and Naruto could manage that in about a month of training.
huh good points but I didn't think about tactics but who I would want as a friend so they won't change my vote.
Some of that is really well thought out, and I've seen some of those things done in fanfiction before, but I really disagree about Naruto.
Spoiler because it's kind of off topic.
Being a Prankster doesn't really translate to being able to fuck up ninja with traps, disregarding how difficult that would be when Ninja are massively super human, with massively super human reactions. Beyond that, his only real advantage in canon is his massive reserves. He's pretty much retarded for a large section of the series, disregarding plot armor, so relying on him to make plans of any kind is rather questionable.

Does he ever run out of Chakra, at any point in the entire series? The best thing to do with him is to just load him down with explosive seals, and teach him a shit ton of Ninjutsu, then let him be a human artillery. A couple hundred clones spamming A-B rank ninjutstu until they're almost out of chakra, then charging and detonating all the Explosive seals that were copied is pretty much Kage level damage, and Naruto could manage that in about a month of training.

Like I said, I wasn't trying to minmax it. I hate "retarded Naruto who wins all his fights despite being a moron who can't tie his shoelaces properly because he's got more chakra than (Ninja) Jesus and can spam hax jutsu like nobody's business." It's just not what I think his character was supposed to be.
I prefer "book-dumb but cunning Naruto who wins his fights despite being kind of an idiot with a very unbalanced skillset because he's got more chakra than (Ninja) Jesus, can spam hax jutsu like nobody's business, and has a talent for thinking outside the box."
You can see in canon that he's supposed to be the latter; Kishi just f*cked up the execution like always. You see it in a lot of his early fights, back when tactics actually mattered in the fights and it wasn't a big chakra-powered slugfest. His plan to free Kakashi from Zabuza's jutsu and almost all of his fights in the Chuunin Exams are prime examples of it. As far along as the fight with One-Tail Gaara his fighting is incorporating a lot of surprise and misdirection; he always resorted to it back before Kishi handed him the Rasengan and he decided that it was the hammer with which he would pound every single nail in the world into submission.

huh good points but I didn't think about tactics but who I would want as a friend so they won't change my vote.

Not trying to; that was more an aside than anything.
Some of that is really well thought out, and I've seen some of those things done in fanfiction before, but I really disagree about Naruto.
Spoiler because it's kind of off topic.
Being a Prankster doesn't really translate to being able to fuck up ninja with traps, disregarding how difficult that would be when Ninja are massively super human, with massively super human reactions. Beyond that, his only real advantage in canon is his massive reserves. He's pretty much retarded for a large section of the series, disregarding plot armor, so relying on him to make plans of any kind is rather questionable.

Does he ever run out of Chakra, at any point in the entire series? The best thing to do with him is to just load him down with explosive seals, and teach him a shit ton of Ninjutsu, then let him be a human artillery. A couple hundred clones spamming A-B rank ninjutstu until they're almost out of chakra, then charging and detonating all the Explosive seals that were copied is pretty much Kage level damage, and Naruto could manage that in about a month of training.
Like I said, I wasn't trying to minmax it. I hate "retarded Naruto who wins all his fights despite being a moron who can't tie his shoelaces properly because he's got more chakra than (Ninja) Jesus and can spam hax jutsu like nobody's business." It's just not what I think his character was supposed to be.
I prefer "book-dumb but cunning Naruto who wins his fights despite being kind of an idiot with a very unbalanced skillset because he's got more chakra than (Ninja) Jesus, can spam hax jutsu like nobody's business, and has a talent for thinking outside the box."
You can see in canon that he's supposed to be the latter; Kishi just f*cked up the execution like always. You see it in a lot of his early fights, back when tactics actually mattered in the fights and it wasn't a big chakra-powered slugfest. His plan to free Kakashi from Zabuza's jutsu and almost all of his fights in the Chuunin Exams are prime examples of it. As far along as the fight with One-Tail Gaara his fighting is incorporating a lot of surprise and misdirection; he always resorted to it back before Kishi handed him the Rasengan and he decided that it was the hammer with which he would pound every single nail in the world into submission.

Not trying to; that was more an aside than anything.
Yeah, notmi I'd prefer the type of Naruto that Leingod is talking about as well. And he's kinda right about Kishi fucking up the execution because it really seemed like it was what everything was building up to...


I just remembered a fanfic in which at some point Shikamaru plays Naruto in Shogi but can't beat him much to everyone's shock.

After a while Shika' gives before everyone takes Naruto to get his IQ tested. Then everyone is shocked to find out that he has an IQ of only 79.

This leaves everyone scratching their heads trying to process wtf is going on.
Oh, it also makes more sense for Naruto fight smart in a meta way, too. One of the big "things" about Naruto is that he disagrees violently with the common conceptions of both ninja and jinchuriki: the system sees ninja as weapons, disposable tools to be used in whatever way their village sees fit and discarded once they break. It sees jinchuriki as unstable, dangerous weapons to be pointed in the general direction of the enemy and held as far away from the operator (i.e. the village) as possible with as many safeguards as can be managed in case they backfire.
So for Naruto to fight like he's some unthinking artillery piece, mindlessly burying his enemies in dakka... it just kind of undercuts the whole message.
On the 'fix Sasuke' argument.

Isn't the issue more with making sure some villain doesn't just wander in and then simply shatter the house of cards that he finally reassembled?

Every time he got better some asshole just comes in and shatters it all, so...the problem isn't making him into a stable person, but keeping some ridiculously overpowered people from kicking humpty dumpty off the wall again.

So he's bad not because he lacks friends, but because of a fundamental insecurity that yet another person befriending him would not really solve.
Part of the reason I want to befriend Kiba is because in canon he doesn't get to live up to his potential. He doesn't have the same issues as Naruto (which frankly are giant time sinks to fix) but still provides motivation and rivalry.
[X] Kiba Inuzuka

Simply because Sasuke and Naruto have been done to death, and I don't see how our personalities could work together to reach 'best friend' level.

Sasuke is silent, anti-social and dead serious. That shouldn't work very well with our sarcasm.

As for Naruto, he'd be too stupid to get our sarcasm, resulting in both of us talking past each other and many facepalms.
[X] Kiba Inuzuka

Simply because Sasuke and Naruto have been done to death, and I don't see how our personalities could work together to reach 'best friend' level.

Sasuke is silent, anti-social and dead serious. That shouldn't work very well with our sarcasm.

As for Naruto, he'd be too stupid to get our sarcasm, resulting in both of us talking past each other and many facepalms.

Naruto's actually pretty quick to pick up when someone's making fun of him, usually. Trust me, when you're ostracized as much as he is, you get a sense for that kind of thing.
Naruto's actually pretty quick to pick up when someone's making fun of him, usually. Trust me, when you're ostracized as much as he is, you get a sense for that kind of thing.
*Frown* Isn't there a part in the manga where Naruto is being made fun of and he doesn't understand the 'big words' being used but still understands they're making fun of him in part 1?
[X] Uchiha Sasuke

Eh, I've been convinced on having our character's main friend be Sasuke Uchiha.