- Excerpt from The Greats of the World, 1936
"Now, we have arrived to the land of the Hellenes, or the still standing Byzantine Empire that entrenches themselves in the Hellenic Mainland region. Stretching from the Northern Macedonia Region, Albania, Bulgarian Thracia up to the islands of Crete, Rhodes, and Cyprus.
It is a wonder on how on Earth an ageing empire hasn't collapsed yet..well in truth it is commonly attributed (especially when you meet with Hellenes themselves) that the core values of Neopotelemus I, Brother of Alexander and the first Emperor of Byzantium, are still in effect and practised to this day.
Who is he, you may ask? I'm quite surprised you're asking that question. While he isn't a great conqueror like his brother Alexander, he was well loved by his people, A Great Administrator, Logistician, Innovator, Developer, and Philodopher that sought to save what is left of his brother's Empire. He is also considered by Historians as the Fiirst patron of the Arts, Sciences, and Ideas, on a scale that some estimates sqy outpaces even that of current Western Society. (Hellenes consider themselves seperate from Western and Eastern Societies.)
A Legend has it that Neoptolemue, getting lost from his Brother and friend, somehow winds up in the City of Byzantium: Neostantinople, the future capital of the Byzantine Empire (During the Reign of Neoptolemus I after Iskandr's death by a stray arrow.) He was treated kindly like a child, even managed to help him out during these times.
Neoptolemus I ordered the formation of the Alexander Walls by the greatest siege and fortification experts in the Hellenic World, (added in by future generations and adoptation of new techniques and weapons.)
Another Great Work made by Neoptolemus I was the creation of the First Modern University and Major Public Library that still stands to this day thanks to Renovations, Maintenance, and Patriots of Byzantium.
The University of Hellas (renamed to University of Neoptolemus after his death, scribes noted he was against naming it after himself.) Contains the first Documented Education System made by different Scholars across the Hellenic World, Ptolemy (Who established a long standing alliance between Egypt and Byzantium that is still holds to this day), and Neopotelemus himself.
One of the conditions in this written document was the establishment of rooms dedicated towards a single subject, with Mathematics agreed to not have any chairs, but 4 Podiums in a crosd shape near to the walls, a new innovation called the "Blackboard" placed on all of the walls except the door and windows, and a lecture circle in the middle of the room where the Professor teaches his students. This method has been noted by teachers once they tried this teaching style, has increased learning productivity in students and made them focused on the subject.
Another key idea to note in this document is the encouragements of connecting with the students, and the idea of creating a mental map where the teachere guide the students rather than telling them immidietly. This has been used in the rather new "PtoleTalk", where visitors from the west were able to learn new concepts and ideas under a semester.
Another Great Work we shall go on is the Library of Ptolemy, which still holds its ancient records to this day in a different room for archives. It is expansive and across the street from The University of Neopotelemus and holds lecfure halls that are still used to this day for experts to provide teachings to different scholars. It also held the First Chess Tournament where Neopotelemus joined in and only received 3rd place. Since then, the city and Library holds a patriotic pride towards Chess and Chess Tournaments of any kind.
(Fun Fact: The Hellenes implement Chess as an Olympic Sport in the past, calling it a praise to both Lord Ares and Lady Athena.)"