Heroic Desires (My Hero Academia Quest)

Heroes are littearly paid to be heroes, so bigger heroes get more money. Thus that sentence.

[X] Real Heroes

So it can be secondary.

Please look again at the exact phrasing of what I quoted.

In today's society, the richest people are the biggest heroes

I'm not doubting the fact that they're rich. They'd obviously be at least as rich as successful professional athletes (the richest of which often get more from sponsorships than their normal pay). The richest heroes are the most successful and biggest heroes*. That is a true statement

But professional athletes aren't the richest people in the world. The richest people in the world are people that run/own big companies.

For numbers, Bill Gates** is worth about 99.7 billion USD last time someone bothered running the numbers. The richest athletes are in the realm of about 2 billion if you include the retired ones that now own companies.

Even if you say heroes are worth an order of magnitude more than athletes, that doesn't make them the richest.

Now, if heroes end up being the people that own big companies for some reason that's a different story, but the lines that followed the one I quoted implied that it was only due to their merch sales.

*Excepting for people who are from filthy rich families, but when you get that rich it starts being easier to count it all as family money rather than individual money

**Jeff Bezos might be richer at the moment, but his divorce makes it too annoying to bother accounting for.
I'm not doubting the fact that they're rich. They'd obviously be at least as rich as successful professional athletes (the richest of which often get more from sponsorships than their normal pay). The richest heroes are the most successful and biggest heroes*. That is a true statement

But professional athletes aren't the richest people in the world. The richest people in the world are people that run/own big companies.

To be honest, yes, the way I said it makes it seem like a true statement but was more of a hyperbole. There are some owners of extremelly big companies that are richer, but heroes are also a couple degrees of magnitude richer than athletes because in this world being a hero is basically everything. Being the biggest hero is like being pokemon champion in pokemon. In universe it's a really big deal.

But yes, no the richest of them all.

Also tallying vote. We have a tie for second place so I will roll a dice...

EDIT: Dice talked. Fun wins.

Main desire is to make friends. All the friends. Maybe even try to redeem villains to the side of FRIENDSHIP.
Secondary desire is Fun.

Those desires are an interesting combination. As a base, you are a happy person. Not because everything is going great but because it's not easy to bring you down. You are like the perfect friendship machine and no one will be able to resist being befriended. Even if this makes you slightly naive.
Adhoc vote count started by Luxicato on May 3, 2019 at 6:16 PM, finished with 25 posts and 21 votes.
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I was about to vote! Bummer...

But, Friends won so I am happy!

Also, we're the exact opposite of an edgy teenager... perfect.

I propose that our hero name be "Persona" because that just sounds cool and it's a great reference.
The day everything started
Light. Blinding.

You open your eyes groggily, slowly. The sun shines through your window, warming your bedroom and making you wish some sort of cataclysm destroys it so you can sleep again. You look around your room almost forgetting who you are for a moment. Daiki. Your name is Daiki. Shinso Daiki… Yeah.

Man, your brain is a mess when you wake up. You are NOT a morning person.

Next to you, a textbook. Modern history. Oh, right, you were studying late last night to make sure you don't fail the test… Wait.

Why does this feel so familiar?

Oh, right, you did this exact thing. You woke up, saw the book, remembered the test and… closed your eyes for a second.

That was twenty minutes ago.

You jump from your bed with the speed and agility of a gazelle that knows he is being hunted. You don't even care that your bed and room are a mess. You don't have time for that. You grab clothes from your dresser without even looking at them and go to the bathroom to get ready. You are going to be late! You can't be late! Not for something so important!

Once you are out of the bathroom, you rush downstairs. For a moment you think about just leaving now, breakfast will slow you down too much… But you are hungry and the test it's not going to be easy. You have made good time until now, so you might have a couple of minutes. Food? Being late? Energy for the test? Maybe not even being able to do the test? Aren't you spending precious time trying to decide?

Your train of thought is suddenly rudely interrupted by a soft kick to your calf. Oh, right, you are blocking the kitchen door. You move to the side, and your sister goes inside mumbling something. "You are in the way, Daiki…" She says.

Shinso Katsuki, your little sister. Like you, she spent most of the last year inside her room. Well, she always spent most of her time there. She should go out more and make some friends… Like you are going to do just now.

She starts to pour herself a glass of milk and grabs some toasts. Oh, there is breakfast already made. Your big sister probably left already. Maybe she had another meeting… Who knew heroes have so many of those.

You follow your sister, grabbing a toast for yourself. There is something bugging you about the situation but you are not sure of what. Maybe it's the fact that she is awake before eleven? "What are you doing so early in the morning? Finally decided to stop being nocturnal?" You ask, sitting down at the table next to her. She seems sleepy and shakes her head, taking her time to answer.

"I haven't gone to sleep yet. They released a new update in a game I'm playing, so I've been doing that." She says calmly, drinking from her glass pretty quickly. "I was going to sleep now." She devours her toast before standing up, not even looking at you as she walks away. Something is wrong here…

"Wait…" You say, realizing exactly what was wrong. "Didn't you start class yesterday? Shouldn't you be at school right now?" You ask slightly concerned. Is she just going to stay at home? You are her big brother you should do something. Maybe talk to her. You are not good at this stuff, where is Tatsuko? Your big sister is the one who usually manages to get her to go outside.

When you focus again on the world around you, Katsuki is gone. You can hear the door to her room closing. Standing up you shout up the stairs "You are never going to be a hero if you skip school!" You know she wanted to be a hero… At least she wanted some time ago, now you are not even sure. You hear her door open. It worked?

"You aren't going to be one either if you don't leave for your test now!" She replies. Not angry but pretty matter-of-factly. That makes you stop for a second before jumping off from your chair. This time like a slightly less graceful gazelle that hits his knee against the table. That was not smart. From the floor you grab your phone from your pocket. It was vibrating, so someone is sending you a text. You decide to read it as you move outside.

Oh… oooh, yeah, it's pretty late. She just sent you that last message. Luckily, you are already opening the door while she was debating between ringing the doorbell or just climbing to your window. You fumble with your phone trying to make an excuse as for why did you sleep so much. As you do that, your body decides that it's a great moment to trip and to fall face first on the ground. Yeah, the day isn't starting great… or at least that's what you think, until you hear her laugh.

You guess the fall was worth it after all. You look up and she is just in front of you, smiling.

Her vertical pupils were focused on your face, like a predator deciding what to do with her prey. At least her smile was still there, so she wasn't mad at you for being late. That's good. You don't want to anger your best friend.

"Well, I guess I can forgive you. You don't need to grovel before me like this." She says teasing you. Her tail moving slowly from one side to another almost hypnotically.You stand up quickly and dust your clothes off. "Aw, but doesn't mean you have to stop." She whines, standing up too.

"Shiro, it's late, we have to go." You say urgently, ignoring her words. No time to play right now… Well, there is always time to goof around but you should at least do it on your way to the test.

Her gaze sharpens slightly when you say that. "Now you are in a hurry? I've been here for almost half an hour!" She moves her arm and grabs your hand, tightly. Green scales covering her wrist now, her quirk always more active when excited or nervous. Her pupils more thin and reptile-like. "But if you want to go fast… Then we have to run!"

Then you realize the mistake you made, letting her take charge of the situation.

As she starts running, you are dragged along for the ride. It's not as fast as she could go, thank god, but she is still tugging your arm to go faster. This girl doesn't understand that other people don't have as much stamina as her. Halfway to your destination you are already tired and have to take a rest, but she keeps dragging you along. She smiles at you. Not sure if it's a happy smile because she is having fun or because she is getting her revenge for leaving her waiting.


(-2 EP; 8/10)

You survived and the test hasn't started yet. That's good.

You are sitting under a tree, panting. It feels like your lungs are trying to escape your body. That's not that good.

"We need to start training your stamina" Says the girl standing next to you, looking slightly concerned. "I thought you would have a bit more." She seems almost disappointed. "At least we made it in time. I will not be so rough with you next time. But someday I want you to keep up with me. I can't let the guy using my powers to make me look bad." She says with a smile, deciding to sit next to you. Twenty minutes until the test start. Enough time to relax for a bit and try to keep your heart under control.

"Yeah, well… I'm not using only your powers. Also my sister's." You answer and, to prove a point, you levitate a bottle of water from her bag, make it float to you and grab it. You really need to drink something. "Some quirks are more useful than others." You smirk. She crosses her arms over her chest, not amused.

"For a future hero you are pretty quick to resort to theft." She says, snatching her bottle from your hands before you are done and drinking the rest. She then stands up, stretching her body lazily. "I'm going to check out the competition. Try to find a weakness just in case… We don't know what the physical exam will be. They might make us fight each other…" She seems thoughtful, looking around. "You should try to make friends or something. Who knows. You might get a cool power."

You sigh, you both love and hate your power. "I told you already. I don't make friends to get power. I make friends because I like it and the powers are just an extra benefit." You answer, standing up too. Your legs work again at least.

"Whatever you say, emotional vampire." She says, slapping your back to make you move forward. "Now go, meet people, make friends, start a bromance or something. It's been hard enough to make you leave your hikikomori ways behind. I won't be there to drag you by the hand all the time. Go find a new caretaker." She keeps pushing you until you start to walk on your own. She sometimes tries to get on your nerves… But you can't say she isn't doing it for your own good.

"Okay, okay. See you before the test. And don't go around spying on people, grab a book and make sure you pass the written test!" You say looking behind you. She looks at her bag. On top of it, your history textbook, floating to her encased in a green aura. She grabs it from the air with a pout.

You also do things for her own good.

Now… To make friends. It's been a long time. You've been hiding in your room away from society. Some time ago you were capable of making friends with anyone. Now… You are a bit nervous. What if they don't like you? What if they know about your power and think you just want to steal their quirks?

No, no. That line of thinking is what kept you in your room for so long. Just… Pick someone, approach and talk. Yes. That could work.

[] A boy with messy indigo hair and tired eyes. It seems familiar.
[] A girl with long blue hair and a white dress. Her hair... wait... Why is it moving like tentacles?
[] Floating gym clothes. Maybe someone you can't see is wearing them or maybe the person is made of sentient clothes.
[] A guy with spiky red hair doing push ups. Isn't too cold to go around without a shirt?
[] Someone with green messy hair. He looks even more nervous and excited than you do.

You can always add a write in. In this case the write in would be to add things to say to the person you talk to.
[X] Floating gym clothes. Maybe someone you can't see is wearing them or maybe the person is made of sentient clothes.
[X] A boy with messy indigo hair and tired eyes. It seems familiar.

Admittedly I wanna talk to invisible girl, but family is important peeps. I know I don't get along with or interact with everyone in my family but we could at least extend a hand in welcome.
[X] A boy with messy indigo hair and tired eyes. It seems familiar.

Is this Shinso? Are we related to Shinso?
[X] Someone with green messy hair. He looks even more nervous and excited than you do.

Do we have a character sheet yet? It'd be nice to see our full list of powers.
[X] A boy with messy indigo hair and tired eyes. It seems familiar.
[X] A guy with spiky red hair doing push ups. Isn't too cold to go around without a shirt?

Bromance? Then we need Kirishima!
I want us to help get Shinso in. The guy has ludicrously high potential if he gets a chance to use it.
[X] A boy with messy indigo hair and tired eyes. It seems familiar.

"Did you overslept too or are those bags under your eyes from something else?"
[X] A guy with spiky red hair doing push ups. Isn't too cold to go around without a shirt?

Seconded, we need someone outgoing to get us out of our shell, so that's either Kirishima or Hagakure.

Deku's probably stuck in his own head right about now, he's been training for (months?) so long leading up to this day. I'm pretty sure he's not going to be good for small talk until his arm is healed up. *

Shinso's not the most chipper guy around, he might just blow us off. "Oh we're cousins, huh? Neat, you want a cookie?"

Blue Hair's an OC as far as I can tell, that means an unknown.

*When the mega robot shows up, maybe we could maneuver ourselves to get the save catching Deku. That's good points and so long as we keep our stamina up we can use Shiro's quirk to swoop in.
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[X] A girl with long blue hair and a white dress. Her hair... wait... Why is it moving like tentacles?

Won't fit the crowd, but I want to see just who this OC or Expy is, maybe a combination of both.
[X] Floating gym clothes. Maybe someone you can't see is wearing them or maybe the person is made of sentient clothes.

Shinso's overdone, Invisigirl is where at.