Locking up the office behind you, you lope down the hall towards the supplicants' common room, brain still buzzing with names and faces. Despite yourself, you can't help but worry for those you already know: Shannon needs help with her alcoholism, feather girl - Tasha used her name, what was it - Pigeon! Pigeon needs help with navigating relationships, especially after that fiasco with Rose. Speaking of fiascoes, you were going to help Portia learn how to do suspensions safely, weren't you? And - Sofya, Sunshine, Portia, Aura, all of them deserve to have more friends than they do. Cocoa is a bully and a gossipmonger and is going to cause problems long-term, Alice needs help orienting herself in a more human world, Ipsea's doing something weird with her pheromones, Kayla's maybe a bit
too subby for her own good - Agh! Agh, agh, agh!!! There's just too fucking much to do, how does Tasha
stand it?
...well, you do have to admit this is at least partially your own fault, taking on the duty like this, but... How on earth are you supposed to - sort out all the hangups and personality problems of almost two dozen people? You haven't even
touched the issues surrounding Rose -
- you're pacing back and forth in front of the door. Smooth, Elisandra. Smooth. Anyone notice? No? Good. Take a deep breath: you're not going to be of use to anyone all worked up like this. I mean, really, did you have a plan? Were you just going to march in and announce that you're the Rite Leader now? It's not like you - called an assembly or something, they have things of their own to do -
You run your hands through your hair, and straighten your robes. One thing at a damn time, Elisandra, you can't get involved in everyone's personal issues at once, you don't even know a third of them yet. Get the whole picture before you fuck with things, that's always the rule...
Okay. So then... how are you going to approach this? Tell people personally? Get it out through the gossip network? Call an assembly? How would you even call an assembly, is there some - mass communication thing? A P. A. system? You don't
think so, Ishaza would pitch a fit over the implications for the temple atmosphere, but there's got to be
something -
Goddess, you wish Tasha was here.
Still, there's only so much time in the day, so - best to stop dithering and get on with it.
((Pick as many as you want.))
[ ] Get on a table or a chair or something and make the announcement to whoever happens to be in the common room right now.
[ ] Go find Ishaza or Tasha and ask about procedures for this kind of announcement.
[ ] Organize an assembly later tonight so you can tell everyone at once.
[ ] Just go about your business and tell everyone you encounter.
[ ] Tell some of the local gossips and trust they'll get the word out.
[ ] Tell Cocoa.
[ ] Tell Ipsea.
[ ] Tell Sofya.
[ ] Enlist some help spreading the word.
[ ] Get one of your Sisters to help. (Write in a name.)
[ ] Get some of the Supplicants to help. (Write in a name.)
[ ] Write-in.