Drifts wherever the wind may take me.
- Location
- USA, up in the air.
In process of writing a plan, just finished weapons.
This is the original plan with extra torture. Remember the issues are -"We need him alive to unlock the door to the Chief's office, he also needs to be conscious as it reads brain wave activity. if they know we were doing something in his office, and likely scrap everything.."-[X][Greg's Plan]
--[X] Advice: You notice that Greg is reasonably fit, and that he's proably done esoniage before. Suggest to him that he should consider getting the drop on an officer and knock them out using a small amount of chloroform, before blindfolding and gagging them. Drag him to the locker, and wakehim up. Force his arm to do the DNA scanner, and for everytime he refuses, break a finger, and if all of them are broken, cut each one off.
Nice to know that a part of my plan isn't stupid. Saving money is one of the smartest things we can do, especially since all the good gear is going to be very costly, and our only stable way of making money although does give alot, will only give a set amount to us, barring the chance that we roll incredibly well on a job like last time. Might I ask, is investing in stocks or opening up a savings account possible, preferably one with a high interest rate? Or would the amount of money we get each month look too suspicious for a bank account?Firstly I do suggest saving some cash for some defensive gear or something to increase your survivability because you are very very squishy and your next official job will have you dealing with potential fighting.
Are the traits always set in stone, or can they change and vary depending on what we do and try in-game?2nd, when a skill reaches 25/50/75/100 you gain a trait, or at 50 and 100, a choice of two traits and you have to select one of them.
To spoil one as you are getting close, this is the 25 point in weapon and something Slasher had, he had "Knife/Dagger" for his Preferred Weapon
How much does it take to heal a person? Like with abilities, a first-aid kit, being in the hopital, maybe auto-regenerating implants, or something that pushes you into conciousness?If you fall to 0 HP, you are not "Dead" but only "Knocked out", if your HP rises to at least 1 you wake up, if you fall to twice your total HP [Example -600/600.] You are considered Dead. And the quest will end. If an attack is made on a knocked-out opponent, any damage dealt is double, and auto crits making it x4 damage.
I don't feel like dealing with that in this quest, so I am saying no on all of it.Might I ask, is investing in stocks or opening up a savings account possible, preferably one with a high interest rate? Or would the amount of money we get each month look too suspicious for a bank account?
They are set in stone.Are the traits always set in stone, or can they change and vary depending on what we do and try in-game?
Each restorative item heals a set amount of HP, or increases the rate of regeneration up to a certain amount, or just eliminates some debuffs such as bleeding and stuff.How much does it take to heal a person? Like with abilities, a first-aid kit, being in the hopital, maybe auto-regenerating implants, or something that pushes you into conciousness?
FIrst of all, he will be alive, by the simple fact that he won't be able to take that kind of torture. Only those specially trained or with defects that don't feel sensations can withstand it, and his persuading skill is above 30, so coupled iwth that it's only a matter of time. If you look at my plan, you can see I say -"knock them out using a small amount of chloroform...........Drag him to the locker, and wakehim up..." Greg's a professional, and so is Vincent, so he'll know the correct amount to use. "...he also needs to be conscious as it reads brain wave activity, they know we were doing something in his office, and likely scrap everything including his terminal meaning that the job would have been useless.." implies that if he's not concious, they'll know the jig is up, in which he will be concious, because a minimal amount is to be used and once he's at the entrance he's to be woken up. I'm assuming there's some sort of alarm that triggers if the brain waves aren't there, and if there are any strange descrepancies on that, then perhaps Gatling will clear that up for us.This is the original plan with extra torture. Remember the issues are -"We need him alive to unlock the door to the Chief's office, he also needs to be conscious as it reads brain wave activity. if they know we were doing something in his office, and likely scrap everything.."
All firearms presumably use the same stat with eachother, and barring the cheapness it's a valid means of attacking someone from aa distance. Being a sniper isn't 'a jump into a skillset' but rather something to help with versatility, because there'll be jobs where it's nto safe for us to be in the middle of the fray, or where we're only focused on a single target. We've been training in stealth and even though it's not as high as other skills, it's reasonable for how much effort has been put into it.Powder Firearms, besides how cheep it is why go for it? especially for something as jump into the skillset as a sniper.
Most gas masks have a filteration system that eventually has to be replaced or it loses effectivness, while Electrical gasmasks have built-in motors that filter air. The gas mask does require power, but it's long lasting and we can use the magic-charger for it, not to mention that any gas mask that includes technology in this world will probably be superior to any technological gas mask we have in ours. Gatling45 has not said no to the capacitor, so I assume we can buy it or there's a chance of it. Even just buying a regular defribilator and taking out the capacitor would be fine.Electric Gas Mask (1) do gas mask require power?
Defribrilator Capacitor, probably not sold to public more dangerous than tasers.
Look for a master of polearms, How, Why polearms, and sounds like something that can get mistaken looking for innuendo.
Mmm, I think the design is just for the memes really, and references. Plus a polearm in all respects is usually superior to any shorter weapon like a dagger or spear, as shown by real life combat.If we are playing with AU Frank Adams i think a sword/raiper would be his preferred wapeon.
I mean glaives specifically are similar to sword si nthe sense they have a long blade, but it has the handle and reach of a polearm. And anyway, there are several knives ordered as well as a pair of gauntletss that we can use mid-fight, correct?I am just going over the most common weapon types, nothing uncommon or stuff like that.
Somewhat, you don't have infinite pockets.And anyway, there are several knives ordered as well as a pair of gauntletss that we can use mid-fight, correct?
True, but it could be a collapsible glaive. Some chinese variation of something llike that exists, and I woldn't think it too far off for something like that to exist, especially in a city where weapons are probably watched closely (and I think guns are allowed.)The problem it would be hell to keep a glaive inconspicuous.
Frank real options are knifes, knuckledusters and a gun (assuming pepole can cary those in public)
Mhm alright, that's good that's good. I mean a knife or two could be put inside a ut- oh crap, we don't have a utility belt.
I see I see. Well they're not meant to be permenant additions to our arsenal, just temporary ones until we can save up enough money for good armor and get our affair in order. They're not one use things, so it's fine for now. Once we get better and have the money to spare, we can look into some really good knives, like that invisble one. (Also, do you make disparities between throwing knives and regular knives? And what stat controls how we use guns?)Main issue with regular knives, they are super fragile, they won't last as long as the special ones you can get from Mister V.
Mostly no, might be some rare exceptions but most of it is tech/magic/qi related.(Also, do you make disparities between throwing knives and regular knives?
Oh yeah, is it possible to like...I dunno, adopt an oprhan?Mostly no, might be some rare exceptions but most of it is tech/magic/qi related.
In theory yes, in practice is debatable.
Vehicle supplier.If we were to purchase a vehicle, is there anyway to do so discreetly?
Not saying as you are neither going into Science or Mechanics so far.
Magic does not affect technology usually, people have and were successful with fusing them together before.Does magic affect technology, and has someone ever tried fusing one of the three power systemts together?
Main hero organization you are currently on is called "Clockwork", has over 100k heroes on board, and is 1/4th of the International Board of Heroes. [IBH].There's obviosly some kind of organization for heroes, right? If there is, what do we know about them that the general public (and someone who has been looking at profiles of heroes for awhile, as Fred did) would know?
Depends on a lot of other factors such as who fails and why.Let's say somehow the rolls absolutely hate us for some reason, and we fail a job. If we escape, will Calculator let us back on ( assuming that this job is a mandatory one), or if we go to jail, can we expect someone to tap into our funds and pay bail to let us out?
You go back to Henchman for Hire, and sign up with a different Supervillain, people always need extra henchmen/grunts.Assuming the second absolute-worst thing happens and we get fired, what happens then?
So magical modifications aren't a thing then? Or let me guess, it's probably labeled differently because of the nature of it.Not saying as you are neither going into Science or Mechanics so far.
The most famous and powerful in this continent specifically, or in the entire world? And are any of his weaknesses known? If we were to try and join the organization later to infiltrate it and gather information, would our superiors allow that?Most famous Hero and most powerful is "Superstar", a Hero who uses flying armor, and all sorts of technology, light manipulation, micro missiles, fast enough to outpace missiles, an advanced algorithm that predicts attacks from others, etc
Alright alrght, it sounds like a pretty fair justice system in the world of villiany. The trick is to always have a scapegoat who you can dump your problems on essnetially, and then proceed to further your own innocence. But it'd be neat to imagine one of the top heroes in the continent just out for a morning stroll dressed as a civillian and having to fight like that when a crime's commited.Like Clockwork can't blame you if Superstar happens to find you doing a job and solos everyone and arrests you.
If it is someone else's fault the job fails, it would not be held against you, but them.
Continent.The most famous and powerful in this continent specifically, or in the entire world?
None are known, even out of armor he is highly dangerous due to all of his other gear and implants.
They would not, as they have other ways to do that and by the time that is even a thing, you are likely high ranking.If we were to try and join the organization later to infiltrate it and gather information, would our superiors allow that?